My Adventures with Superman (2023) s02e09 Episode Script

Pierce the Heavens, Superman

Good morning, little guy.
You ready to make friends yet?
[orb warbling]
No aggressive behaviors.
Focus is on the reward.
[Lara] Kal-El!
[Kal-El yelps]
[laser fires]
My son, what on Rao were you doing?
Mother. I was trying
to communicate with the sun eater.
- Kal-El, why would you do that?
- Well, he's the last of his kind.
If we could speak, I'm sure there's
more we could learn from him.
Or at least let him know
he's not alone.
[Lara] Oh, my son.
That kindness of yours.
[Brainiac] It is a weakness.
I'm sorry, Mother.
[Lois coughing]
What are you doing here?
Who are you, trespasser?
I don't know.
I I can't remember.
[opening music playing]
Lois? Lois!
Her mind has been trapped
inside the Black Mercy,
just like Kal-El.
[hesitates] So what?
They're stuck in there?
How do we get them out?
No one but Brainiac
can free them now.
The Black Mercy is his world.
Then we have
to stop Brainiac in ours.
You do not understand.
Now that Brainiac has Kal-El's body,
he is unstoppable.
- This is hopeless.
- [Jimmy] Hey.
I've done hopeless before,
and we came out on top.
Okay, I just need a signal.
[device beeping]
I'm live above Metropolis,
and I need your help again.
An alien invader is on his way.
[loud thudding]
[metal clanking]
[Jimmy yelps]
Get out of here!
[tense music playing]
[Jimmy breathing heavily]
Are you all right, Jimmy?
[both gasping]
[Supergirl groans]
- [grunts]
- Kara!
[Waller] James Olsen, Lois Lane.
As known accomplices of Superman
and traitors to the human race,
you are under arrest.
General Waller, there is an alien invader
on his way here to Earth.
Then we'll give Superman
the same warm welcome we gave you.
No, it's not Superman. It's
[Jor-El] Why are you here?
- I don't know.
- Who sent you?
I don't know!
Please, can you just
tell me where I am?
That is the mind
of human female Lois Lane.
That is not a memory of Kal-El's.
- It is her.
- How? The Black Mercy was not designed
- to house multiple minds.
- I do not know.
We need to ascertain how she got in.
Then erase her.
We require more data.
I will find Kal-El
and ensure he is occupied.
We cannot let this
this glitch derail the simulation.
[power shuts down]
Wait. You can't
just leave me here.
[breathing heavily]
[sighing] Oh.
- Who's there?
- Please, don't be afraid.
I won't harm you.
I wasn't sure if you had eaten,
so I brought this.
[Lois] Cake?
How do you know I like cake?
Did you poison it?
- Is this some kind of alien trick?
- No, no. It's cake.
I thought everybody likes cake.
[muffled] See?
It's just cake.
[Lois chuckles]
You aren't used
to interrogations, are you?
[in normal voice] I'm not.
I mean, I'm not interrogating you,
but it's why
I'm in the Hall of Science
and not a warrior.
I've always been different.
I don't know.
You seem fine to me. [chuckles]
I mean [clears throat]
not fine-fine.
- [chuckles] I'm Kal-El.
- I have no idea who I am.
But it's a pleasure
to meet you. [gasps]
[uplifting music playing]
- Oh, it's actually, Kal-El.
- No, you're Clark Kent.
You are the reason I came here.
Brainiac trapped your mind
in this machine.
[scoffs] Brainiac?
Our computer system?
You've forgotten who you are.
And so did I.
But it's coming back to me, okay?
You're Clark, and you're Superman
[doors opening]
- Get away from her, Kal-El.
- She's dangerous.
Clark, you have to believe me.
Please, just remember!
- Wait, you You're
- Destabilization in progress.
- Delete the invading mind.
- Mortigi Kodon!
[Louis gasps]
No. I'm not leaving
without Clark!
I'm back where I started?
- I'm back when I started?
- What?
I am so sorry, Kara.
I I thought we could help.
I just, I don't
I don't know what to do.
[tires screeching]
[dramatic music playing]
What is going on here?
We are on a military mission
under my authority.
Oh, we know,
because one of my journalists
- just livestreamed his entire arrest.
- Tsk-tsk-tsk.
Arresting a journalist is a violation
of the Fourth Amendment.
- What the
- The Wolf Pack rides again!
Steve? Uh, how?
- What? Steve?!
- We're bustin' you outta here, Wolf cub.
[wolf howling]
[Steve] Us Flamebros have your back.
We saw your get arrested and said,
- "Nah."
- That's great!
But what's your plan
to deal with Amanda Waller?
Steve, out!
[tires screeching]
[wolf howling]
This was a distraction.
Get them!
[loud rumbling]
[menacing music playing]
So, according to you,
I live on a planet called Earth
as an alien in disguise.
My name is Clark Kent,
and we already had
this conversation yesterday.
Today. But your evil
robot parents reset time.
Right, and my whole life
here on Krypton?
- Is a hateful lie!
- Made up by my dad's computer?
See, you get it.
Now wake up, and let's go home.
So let's say all of this is true.
- Which it is.
- Why are you here?
Why would you come
all the way from Earth
and and risk your life
to find me?
I, uh Well
- It's, um Clark, I
- [Jor-El] Kal-El!
I told you to keep away
from the invader.
She's dangerous.
- Mother, Father, I
- Clark, don't
[doors clanking]
[Lara] I thought we erased her.
We tried, but that only
reset our simulation
- to the moment the glitch arrived.
- The glitch has a name, you know.
Then we reset to before she entered
the Black Mercy.
We can barely maintain
the simulation as is.
We cannot afford destabilization.
Wait, you can't
get rid of me, can you?
She's more annoying
than Kal-El's memories indicate.
Oh, I can be so much worse.
- And once I get to Clark again
- I know you guys told me to leave,
but I thought
the alien might be hungry.
- So
- Clark! This isn't real!
- That guy is not your dad
- Mortigi Kodon!
Okay, I just have to get in that lab,
wake up, Clark,
and we all go home.
The glitch has escaped.
Find her!
[energetic music playing]
[Lois panting]
Hey, you're name is Clark
and you're my boyfriend.
- What?
- Mortigi Kodon!
Okay, I'll just wait here
outside the lab.
Mortigi Kodon!
[Lois] Clark!
- I
- [Jor-El] Mortigi Kodon!
[Lois] No.
Clark, please.
You have to remember.
It's me.
It's it's Lois Lane
[Jor-El grunts]
[Lara] Where is the glitch?
[Jor-El] We have searched all day.
We cannot find her.
[sighs] If she reaches Kal-El,
she will destroy the simulation.
The lab!
You have to remember,
Clark, please.
This is not your home.
You belong on Earth.
With Ma, and Pa,
and Jimmy, and me.
[doors clanking]
If I am this Clark,
why is he so important to you?
Why are you doing all of this?
Because I
[dramatic music playing]
Where are they?
I came here because I'm
desperately in love with you.
So please, Clark.
- Remember.
- [Kal-El] Lois.
Your name is Lois.
Okay, okay.
Things look, uh, real bad,
but we can turn this around.
We just need
to come up with a plan.
Lois is gone.
Brainiac has stolen Kal-El's body.
- We have nothing.
- We've got me and Steve and you.
I am no use to anyone.
I spent my whole life
as Brainiac's puppet.
When I tried to stop him,
he crushed me.
He threw me away.
I am not a warrior.
I am a failure.
Aren't you Superman's cousin?
'Cause that guy gets beat up,
like, all the time.
That doesn't make you a failure.
It's just part of being a hero.
Right, Jimbo? Ay!
You think I am a hero?
I was born for war,
created for destruction.
So was Superman.
But you get to decide
what you want to be, no one else.
So what do you want, Kara?
I remember Earth
and my life on Krypton,
but they're all jumbled.
I don't know what's real anymore.
- I'm real, Clark. We are real.
- But you're not.
Because the real Lois
wouldn't come for me!
[Lois grunts]
I broke into S.T.A.R. Labs
to find you.
I worked with Livewire
to find you.
I stole a whole dang spaceship
to find you!
So don't tell me
I'm not real, Smallville.
Stole a spaceship?
Lois, that's insane.
It is you.
You're really here.
- [Jor-El grunts]
- [Lois] No!
[Jor-El] Enough.
I am to regain control.
[Lois grunts]
[Jor-El grunts]
People of Earth.
Reckoning is upon you.
Surrender, and I will make
your world the jewel
of the Kryptonian Empire.
and I burn your planet to ash.
What shall it be?
Light him up.
[dramatic music playing]
- [Wilson grunts]
- [Atomic Skull grunts]
[Damage grunts]
[all grunting]
Ah! It is to be fire, then.
- [grunts]
- [Supergirl grunts]
You survived
to disappoint me once again.
Do you hope these people
will think you a hero,
when you die defending them?
It does not matter what they think.
You force me to destroy worlds,
but I will fight for this one!
[glass shattering]
- Lex. You're up.
- Bringing the Metallos online
and activating their new,
Kryptonite power cores.
[dramatic music playing]
[Supergirl groans]
[yells, grunts]
How did I do that?
- I'm only human.
- [Kal-El] On Earth, sure.
But this is
all happening in my mind.
And I don't think
of you as only human, Lois.
You're the strongest person I know.
Clark, I am so sorry.
I was scared, so I pushed you away.
But love is not for cowards.
You're kind and sweet and strong
not because of your powers,
but because of your heart.
I didn't name you Superman
because of what you could do.
I called you that
because it's who you are.
[triumphant music playing]
I love you, Clark Kent.
I will always love you, Lois Lane.
[Brainiac] You will never be free.
There is no escape, Kal-El.
[energetic music playing]
[both grunting]
- I told you it is useless to
- [Lois grunting]
You really don't know
anything about us, do you?
[Superman grunts]
You thought if you put me
in a cage,
everyone else would just roll over.
You thought we'd just
let you hurt our friends,
our family, our world?
Stop them!
You thought we were alone,
just like you.
- But we have
- And will always have
[both] each other!
- Lois!
- Where is he? [weapons firing]
[Brainiac] Ahh!
For this insult,
for this defiance,
I will take everything
from you, Kal-El.
And your Earth.
Kryptonite Shielding.
[Waller] What's happening?
Why isn't
the kryptonite working?
I I don't know.
Give me a second.
[Brainiac] Prime the Archer beam.
Full output.
[Archer beam whirring]
[people screaming]
[Brainiac] Fire.
[beam whooshing]
[Supergirl grunting]
[breathing heavily]
[Brainiac] Foolish to the end.
[Supergirl panting]
[Brainiac] Fire.
[beam trilling]
[uplifting music playing]
- But but you're
- I'm back.
It seems like a whole lot happened
while I was gone.
You were right, Kal-El.
- He must be stopped.
- Then let's go stop him.
[Lex grunting]
Luthor, what are you doing?
Bring them back down!
General Waller, it's not me.
They aren't responding
to my commands.
They've been hacked!
[Supergirl groans]
[Brainiac] Do you see?
You cannot defy me.
[Superman groaning]
You cannot defeat me.
I have turned
your weapons against you.
I have felled your champion.
I am Krypton.
And I judge this planet to be
[beam trilling]
where are you?
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