Taxi Driver (2021) s02e09 Episode Script

The Surgery Malpractice

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
- Let's drink.
- It's been so long.
(Episode 9)
Nothing pairs well like
makgeolli and grilled eel.
How's the job?
You fired your employees
and have been taking on retrials.
What can I do
when I can't handle their pay?
I'm trying to hang on
until things get better for me.
You should've taken up on that offer
to become special prosecutor.
It'd be nice for people
to know your pretty face.
You wanted me to be a puppet
in a play that was already designed?
I guess you're right.
You're ballsy, I give you that.
I can't believe you had this sent
to the deputy prosecutor's office.
Him being my junior
is why he didn't throw it away.
That's why I sent it there.
I knew your junior
would deliver this to you.
What's that next to my name?
Detective Jang. Is that you?
Thanks for getting me this.
The meal will be on me today.
- The Kang Pil Seung case.
- Yes?
It seemed peculiar
just like you said.
A real estate broker
donated his entire savings
only to be found dead in the woods
after living on the streets.
I can guess
who made him donate
his entire savings.
But who could've fabricated
the death of a homeless person
as suicide
is beyond my apprehension.
By the looks of it,
someone cut their loose ends.
The fact that it was closed
as a suicide case
tells me that whoever it is
has the police on their payroll.
The one who cut their losses
could be a big organization.
It's why I say this.
Isn't it about time you stopped?
What do you mean?
I don't want to see you get hurt.
What are you saying?
Have your eel while it's warm.
Take me seriously, will you?
It's nice that
you're helping people,
but only because
you remain unharmed.
What good will it do
if you get hurt in the process?
I'm not helping people.
Consider it
my ventilator.
I won't be able to breathe
without it.
It's not others I'm helping.
I do it to keep breathing.
I'm helping myself.
Stay off the streets alone at night.
I'm worried about
someone coming after you.
Let them.
We won't go down without a fight.
It was delivered from overseas.
They're the materials
sent from Cotaya.
I thought you should
go through them first
since you were there.
(Detective Jang)
Detective Jang?
That's the name
of a very sharp investigator.
Do Ki.
I brought some coffee.
I need your advice.
I have lots of younger brothers.
they've been getting beaten up.
And a lot.
But I just couldn't figure out
why he beat up my brothers.
It's not like they have a grudge.
So I'll befriend him.
Maybe I can figure them out
that way.
What do you think?
Could he and I be friends?
- No.
- Why not?
Won't it be enough
if I ask to be his friend?
That guy will go on
beating up your brothers.
That really won't do.
Do Ki. Can I use your toilet?
Do Ki crossed the line way too far.
It's taking you a while
to find the toilet.
Do Ki, what's wrong with me today?
I had an important appointment,
but I only just remembered.
And our conversation
was just getting interesting.
It's all right.
We'll find the time some other day.
I'm sorry about this, Do Ki.
(Taxi Driver 2)
Hop in. I'll drive you.
I also have something to say.
What is it that you needed to say?
An official document
was sent by the Cotaya police.
Of course, you were aware of it.
Why didn't you tell me though?
Until when are you going
to keep up this childish act?
Don't you get
what they're trying to find
in Cotaya?
It's me they're looking for.
And you probably knew that,
Mr. Hyun Jo.
So let me ask again.
Why didn't you inform me?
Did it trigger
your inferiority complex?
You've lost it, haven't you?
The director being fond of you
must've gone to your head,
but you're nothing but a guard dog.
I didn't think people actually
said such things out loud.
I'm warning you.
Tread lightly.
I will.
(Seoul Metropolitan Police)
(Warmhearted and Trustworthy
Seoul Police)
Not so fast.
You should pay the fare.
You crazy mutt.
Manager On, be safe on the road.
- Sir!
- Good morning,
Senior Superintendent Park.
But I was taught
not to give free taxi rides.
(Seoul Metropolitan Police)
Have the report made by today.
Go on.
- Invite him in.
- Sir?
Manager On, you
You were just bitten
by the guard dog,
so call it in already.
Are you all right?
Don't come in.
I'm fine. Get back to work.
Yes, sir.
(The Police of the People,
a Just South Korea)
You have so much to protect.
All around you are things
that could easily shatter.
So here's my warning.
Tread lightly.
Why aren't you saying it back?
I said it earlier, didn't I?
Tread lightly.
I will.
If you come across
any intel about me,
let me know immediately.
Don't make judgment calls yourself.
Got it?
The current wind speed is 2m/s.
The 500 won coin weighs 7.7g.
The target is about 3.5m away.
Calculating that with gravity
as well as the force of my arm
Throw it at a 35-degree angle.
- My gosh.
- No way.
You're a professional at this.
How can one be this good
at coin-tossing?
As you know, I have nimble hands.
Kyung Gu, you're the only one left.
I'd rather sit this round out.
You can't.
- Right?
- Toss it already.
Mr. Kim, are you good
at coin-tossing?
- No.
- But you'll do better than me.
It's my last coin.
I have to get to work though.
Just toss it in the circle for me.
What the
No way. That's cheating.
What do you mean?
But that wasn't your coin.
It was Mr. Kim's.
I gave him that coin
which makes it mine.
If that were true,
these wouldn't be our coins
since we got them
from our passengers.
They still belong to them.
Look at you
raising your voice at me.
That is not the same thing!
Either way, that coin is mine.
No, it's not yours.
What are you doing out here?
Good. Go Eun can be the referee.
- You can't complain.
- Tell that to yourself.
Go Eun, tell us who's right.
Were you loafing around
during working hours?
No, of course not.
We had time on our hands, so
You're the worst, you know.
- Me?
- You're
Get to work already!
- Thank you.
- Have a good day.
Gosh, I'm late.
- Welcome.
- Jeil Chakhan Hospital, please.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
(Stop the operations
that kill people!)
(Murderer An Young Sook)
(Bring my daughter back!)
(Punish the murderer.)
Here you go.
- I received your credit card.
- Yes.
Thank you.
Director An Young Sook,
the murderer.
Reveal the truth.
Bring my daughter back!
- He's ruining our quiet mornings.
- Director An Young Sook.
- Should I tell him to stop?
- Take responsibility
- and resign.
- No, don't.
- They say he's harboring weapons.
- Director An Young Sook.
I don't mind the noise,
- but he stinks.
- Stop the operations
- It's driving me crazy.
- that kill people.
Director An Young Sook
shouldn't be a doctor!
What is this?
It seems like you haven't eaten.
Why don't you grab a meal
and head to a sauna?
Do you see me as a beggar?
I don't need this.
What was that?
That is not how you respond
to people's kindness.
When she murdered a person?
The court already found her
to be innocent.
That's because you people lied!
What do you mean we lied?
Show us proof
if you want to accuse us.
You can protest all you want,
but many people
walk past this place.
Couldn't you perhaps refrain
from using the megaphone?
For whose benefit?
What happened to Ms. Han Su Ryeon
was also an unfortunate case for me.
But there are some things in life
that happen unexpectedly.
That's nonsense! You did this.
I'm not saying I didn't, but
Director, you should head inside.
Take this with you!
"Director An Young Sook,"
"stop the operations
that kill people!"
Who will be at loss
if Director An
quits her surgeries?
Do you know how many people
she operates a day?
As if I don't know
that you're all in on it.
The truth will eventually come out.
The truth? The court
already ruled in our favor!
No doctor operates on people
to kill them.
They do it to save lives!
If Dr. An is guilty,
it'll be for trying her best
to save people like you.
Let me tell you this once again.
We didn't fabricate any evidence,
and we have nothing to hide!
You fabricated nothing,
and you have nothing to hide?
As if!
This qualifies as an assault,
and I heard you were on probation.
Hit me, then.
Darn it!
No one on the force
requested the material from Cotaya.
But someone must've received it.
It was sent
to the prosecutors' office,
but the recipient
doesn't work there.
So let me get this straight.
This Detective Jang
who isn't on the police force
requested material to be sent
to someone who doesn't work
at the prosecutors' office,
and now a taxi driver has it.
You're right about
me quitting these childish games.
The trail ends there,
so there's no way of knowing
We'll know once we bait them
to come up to the surface.
(Senior Superintendent Park Hyun Jo)
How would you do that?
There's no excuse
to open an investigation.
I didn't mean we'd do it your way.
- I want pork cutlet.
- I want jjamppong and rice.
I already ate, and I'm full.
- He must've eaten.
- He already ate?
I see he doesn't skip meals.
- What should we have?
- Stir-fried pork and wrap.
We'll do it their way.
- Let's go to the restroom.
- The restroom?
- What the
- Shoot.
You should apologize
after bumping into someone.
Why won't you apologize?
Darn it.
Why do I even bother?
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
(Tell us your stories of injustice.)
(Tell us your stories of injustice.)
Where are you right now?
Please tell me
your story.
A medical malpractice case?
To be honest, I'm slightly confused.
What's confusing about this?
It's true that she was operated on.
I guess, but
(1 year ago)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
Thankfully, the director
will be doing your surgery.
She has been on TV a lot
and is famous,
so there's no need
for you to be worried.
They say
it's not even a major surgery.
It'll be over in a few hours,
and you can go home today.
So don't worry about a thing.
- But Dad
- What is it? Tell me.
I want fish-shaped buns.
Once you're out of surgery,
I'll buy you a whole bucket of them.
- Got it.
- Good.
Su Ryeon, how are you feeling today?
I'm good.
The surgery will take
about three hours.
Don't worry too much, Mr. Han.
What's wrong?
- It's nothing. I hope it goes well.
- Sure thing.
Let us head inside, then.
Good luck!
- I'll be back.
- Sure thing.
Good luck!
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Operating Room Status:
Han Su Ryeon, In surgery)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
(Blood bags in transit)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Operating Room Status:
Han Su Ryeon, In surgery)
(Operating Room Status:
Han Su Ryeon, Out of surgery)
Su Ryeon.
My gosh. Su Ryeon
Su Ryeon's surgery was successful.
Thank you.
When she wakes up
in the recovery room,
she'll be moved to the general ward.
- Thank you so much, doctor.
- My pleasure.
Su Ryeon.
- But
- Gosh, you startled me.
Han Su Ryeon never woke up.
His one and only daughter
is in a coma,
so how could he not be furious?
- Director An!
- Director An already left.
She's not inside.
I know she's here,
and I must see her.
Mr. Han, I'm the one
you need to talk to.
I'm in charge
of settling the compensation.
Director An took out
a liability insurance,
so you will be compensated!
This isn't about the compensation.
What on earth did you do
to my daughter?
Look here. If you keep this up,
I will have you arrested
for disrupting our work.
Go ahead. Call the police!
I want to know
what happened in the OR that day.
- Move, you punks!
- Sir, please.
- Director An!
- Hey!
- You can't do this.
- Let go of me.
(Rainbow Transport)
But it was concluded that there was
no foul play in the trial.
Come on. Are you taking turns?
Why are you two bothering me?
Based on
the anesthesiologist's notes,
the surgery records,
and the nursing chart,
one can confirm that
all of the medical activities
during the surgery were carried out
with legitimate reasons.
I swear
I smelled alcohol
from Director An Young Sook.
Do you have proof?
I smelled it myself.
I'm telling the truth.
According to the statements
of your acquaintances,
you were the one
with the drinking problem.
As you can see
in the evidence we submitted,
the surgery had gone well.
But given that the patient
didn't wake up from anesthesia,
one could easily deduce that
the cause
of the patient's unconsciousness
must be the side effect
of the anesthesia,
which must be relevant
to her constitution.
And 1 out of 10,000 patients suffer
from the side effect of anesthesia.
Given the progress of medicine,
this is considered
an uncontrollable variable.
It's one of the unfortunate causes
that lead to medical accidents.
That is all.
The court is ready to make a ruling.
The plaintiff requested to see
the security footage
of the operating room.
But unfortunately,
the computer was formatted,
so no security footage
could be retrieved.
However, hospitals are not obligated
to keep such footage.
And seeing how the computer has been
formatted on a regular basis
for several years,
the absence of security footage
cannot be considered as grounds
for concealment or manipulation.
the case has been dismissed.
Good work.
There's a victim,
but no one is responsible.
Gosh. This is an odd case.
There are victims,
but no one is held responsible
especially at these two places.
Military and hospitals.
It must mean it's that much harder
to uncover the truth there.
The client is obligated
to prove malpractice.
But all the evidence
is at the hospital.
He probably couldn't have done much
without their cooperation.
What do we know
about Director An Young Sook?
"A picture
is worth a thousand words."
Would you like to go see her?
She's not that far from here.
Did you find her?
She must be in your vicinity.
(GPS Tracker)
(Beware of dogs)
Please make sure
to take them regularly.
That's great. Bye.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
Please take good care
of your health.
Thank you.
She's been treating senior citizens
who live alone in that area
every weekend
as a part of her major project.
Gosh. Not just that area.
She's covering the entire district.
That's amazing, right?
What else?
(Director An Young Sook Performs
the Most Surgeries This Year)
She's famous
for performing a lot of surgery.
they are uncomfortable
by your presence.
Could you not take pictures here?
Thank you for your cooperation.
She has a business agreement
with each borough office.
And she's listed as the doctor
at the local welfare center.
Other than these activities,
she's a professor at a med school.
She's also a consultant
with an insurance company
for traffic accidents.
She's on the committee that handles
medical disputes and so on.
She's on a lot of projects.
We're about done here.
Let's go to the next neighborhood.
- Okay.
- Let's go.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
I see. Yes. Was that today?
I forgot.
Yes. I'll call you back right away.
I feel awful.
I forgot that I had
an interview scheduled today.
I see.
- Use this for your meal
- Gosh, that's all right.
We can pay for our own meals.
You are doing this for free too.
This isn't a lot.
Please use it for your meal.
- Gosh.
- Thank you for your help.
- Sure. Bye.
- Bye.
It's just as you said.
"A picture
is worth a thousand words."
Listen to me,
and you'll never be disappointed.
- To Jeil Chakhan Hospital, please.
- Sure.
Can you turn on the radio?
The senior citizens from that area
have a special nickname for you.
You're known
as the Schweitzer of Shanty Towns.
Do you like your nickname?
Gosh, I'm not the only one
helping the senior citizens.
There are also other volunteers.
All of us are working together
to help them.
They deserve all the credit, not me.
You see patients, perform surgery,
star on TV, and do volunteer work.
You couldn't have done all of these
unless you were in good shape.
How much longer do you plan
to volunteer at the shanty towns?
I don't plan such things.
I just want to help them
as long as my strength allows me.
You can trust her just
by listening to her voice, right?
This was an interview
with Schweitzer of Shanty Towns,
Director An Young Sook
of Jeil Chakhan Hospital.
Thank you for joining us
despite your busy schedule.
Thank you for having me.
I didn't mean to eavesdrop,
but I listened to your conversation.
You do a lot of good deeds.
It's an honor
to have you in my taxi.
By the way, I recently dropped off
a customer at your hospital.
But a man was protesting alone
in front of the hospital.
He was demanding
to know the truth
and screaming. He was pretty loud.
I'm sorry,
but I would appreciate a quiet ride.
I see. I'm sorry.
I was inconsiderate.
I'll be quiet now.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
I'll run your card.
(In process)
(Payment complete)
(Credit card statement)
If what our client said was true,
and if he really smelled alcohol
from her in front of the OR,
it must mean that
she loves drinking.
Go on.
But she mostly goes
to coffee shops and restaurants.
She doesn't go to bars at all.
- Here.
- How's the surgical wound?
Gosh. Does it hurt?
You operated on me.
It shouldn't hurt.
I have no family.
But you still fixed me up for free.
Don't skip your meals.
And you cannot drink alcohol.
I have only been receiving help
from you without giving back.
This is all I could offer.
I apologize.
Gosh, it's all right.
You should drink it.
Don't leave me hanging.
Please accept this.
- Then I'll gladly accept it.
- Okay.
Thank you. I'll enjoy it.
I set up all the medical equipment
you requested.
I see. Thank you.
Shall we get going now?
- Okay. Rest up, sir.
- Bye.
Get well soon.
- Okay.
- Get well soon.
He's such a kindhearted man.
I heard you recently
bought a new car.
Gosh. It's a tiny car.
Well, I have Director An to thank.
She's been so good to me.
Gosh. I didn't do anything.
You could buy a new car
because you had been frugal.
Gosh, no.
Then I'll buy coffee
for everyone today!
- Gosh.
- Let's go.
Everyone speaks so highly of her,
and she's well-respected.
This is such a heartwarming scene.
What's this about?
Did our client lie?
(Han Jae Duk, Han Su Ryeon,
An Young Sook)
I knew it. It's still confusing.
Do you think
our client is lying to us?
That's not what I said.
It's not, right?
But to be honest,
I'm not sure either.
Here's a thing about surgery.
When a patient is
between life and death,
at times, doctors must risk it
and take the dangerous path
to save the patient's life.
What do you think, Kim?
I'm not sure if this is an accident
caused by a mistake
or if this is a case
of medical malpractice.
I can't be certain either.
If her death was accidental
or just bad luck,
is it right to accept this case?
I don't think
we should take this case.
What do you think?
- Okay.
- Sure.
(Insert coin)
Excuse me. May I borrow a coin?
I don't have any change on me.
- Do you want this coffee?
- Is that for me?
Sure. Thanks.
This coffee has
a lot of cream and sugar.
It means I like it.
That's the document from a lawsuit.
Was that your case?
Do you want me to take a look?
Right. I should introduce myself.
Take it. That's my business card.
Since you gave me a cup of coffee,
as a way to thank you
for the coffee,
I can take a look.
You're looking for answers too.
So it won't hurt.
Why do you think
I'm looking for answers?
I didn't have to think.
I could see it
It was written all over your face.
"I'm looking for answers."
That's what it said.
What brings you here?
I came to find my belonging.
I forgot my bag inside a taxi.
I got here faster than my belonging.
So I'm waiting for it now.
I see.
Come on. Don't be shy.
Give that to me.
- I
- I'll take a look.
The ruling. And there's
This was a tough case.
The plaintiff had to prove that
the defendant was guilty
in the trial.
But the defendant
had all the records.
And the defendant
wouldn't hand over any files
that would put the defendant
in jeopardy.
The defendant had an upper hand
from the get-go.
Thank you for the advice.
Hold on. The defendant had
one more advantage from the get-go.
Gosh. This guy
probably didn't have anyone
on his side from the get-go.
That's what crossed my mind.
Working at the noisy
construction site for years
must have caused his voice
to get louder and hoarse too.
Regular people like us
might find his voice
rather aggressive.
Unlike the briefcases
office workers carry,
his workbag
must have been filled with tools
that may have looked like weapons.
So people must have found him
even more violent.
People seem nice when they're clean,
but not so nice when they're dirty.
But you see,
people like him must carry out
physically exhausting tasks
in hazardous environments.
Just because they can't articulate
in a sophisticated tone,
diminishing their value
is wrong. Don't you agree?
I noticed something about you.
You're quite reserved.
Have you noticed that
I'm the only one talking here?
You were giving me valuable advice.
So I was listening to you intently.
I see.
You have a great voice.
And you're handsome.
By the way, I have a question.
When you operate taxis,
you and your customers
must talk about
the hardships of their lives.
Well, it comes with the job.
Then among your customers,
there must be people
who need legal advice.
Or there must be people
with problems law cannot resolve.
What do you think about talking
about such customers in depth?
It sounds like you want me
to introduce them to you.
Oh, my. You catch on fast.
But if you do introduce me
to your customers,
I will give you half of my fee.
(Chun Ji Hoon Law Firm,
Fee: One dollar)
It says your fee is only a dollar.
It's easy to be generous
when you're wealthy.
But giving away half of my fee
when it's only a mere dollar
is a difficult thing.
And that's the offer I'm making.
I'll think about it.
Think about that case of yours too.
Have a good day. You're handsome.
Gosh. But where's the taxi?
(Traffic camera for traffic
violations and overspeeding)
(Tell the truth behind your lies
and manipulation!)
(Bring my daughter back!)
(Punish the murderer.)
(We will take care of you
like family.)
(How dare she treat patients
after ruining my daughter's life?)
(Taxi Stop)
I don't want the old ones.
Give me the ones that
just came out of the pan.
You told me that a few times.
So I'm only giving you fresh ones.
(Fish-shaped Buns)
(Intensive Care Unit)
(Bukbu University Hospital)
(Bukbu University Hospital)
On your marks.
(Han Su Ryeon)
- Dad.
- Are you all right?
- When did you get here?
- Just now.
What's that?
- The fish-shaped buns.
- Are you done?
Yes. What is this?
You said you couldn't make it today.
I canceled work.
I wanted to see you.
I'm sure
it was the other way around.
- Let's go. Give me your bag.
- Okay.
- No way. This looks so good.
- Eat up.
(Carpentry, plasterwork,
finishing work, plumbing, repairs)
I looked into it.
But if you take good care
of yourself,
you can finish physical rehab
in six months.
I'm fine, Dad.
No. You're not fine.
You should get the surgery.
I'll probably be okay
with more physical therapy.
The doctor said delaying it
would only worsen your condition.
And I saw you run earlier.
You've delayed it
as much as you could.
I'm scared of getting the surgery.
You can get the driver's license
during rehab.
Once you get the license,
I can buy you a used car.
We can go on a trip together too.
Once I get my driver's license,
we can go to the east coast
just like old times
and go to the silver grass field.
What do you think?
I can drive us there.
Just the thought of that
makes me happy.
Su Ryeon.
This guy
probably didn't have anyone
on his side from the get-go.
That crossed my mind.
(Bukbu University Hospital)
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
(Murderer An Young Sook)
(How dare she treat patients
after ruining my daughter's life?)
Right. It makes sense that
we can't be certain.
That's only natural.
Hey, Go Eun.
I'll give you a surprise present.
A present? What is it?
If I tell you now,
it's not a surprise.
All right. Let's wipe the stairs.
What's going on? Hurry up!
(Control Room, Restricted Area)
Right. Everyone
doesn't feel right about this case.
I can solve that.
That wasn't hard.
What are you doing here, Go Eun?
Darn it. You scared me.
Why are you here?
For the same reason you're here.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
(Squeaky Clean Brothers)
- This definitely woke me up.
- I told you.
This is nice.
Anyway, our client is so caught up
in this incident and can't move on.
Wouldn't whatever we find
be useful somehow?
That's what I thought too.
It's not polite
to just sit and watch.
Look at that.
Her fingers are a blur.
If everyone
wants something concrete,
it's only right to find it for you.
- Isn't it?
- It is.
We want it!
Find it for us!
(Smart Viewer: Admin)
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital
Integrated Management System)
If we find just one hint
that they faked their evidence,
- it's game over.
- Game over!
Right. How dare they try to dupe us?
Our Go Eun can't be duped.
An Young Sook.
I'll find proof you faked
the evidence and expose you.
- Expose you.
- Expose you.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital
Integrated Management System)
(This folder is empty.)
(No information)
(No information)
No. It was all in vain.
There's nothing at all.
What is this? It's pointless.
What on earth is this?
(Mr. Kim)
Didn't you say
you'd give me a surprise gift?
There's nothing.
How's that for a surprise?
I was surprised myself
to find nothing.
Everyone seemed to
feel bad about it,
so I looked everywhere
to find some kind of proof,
but I failed.
I just wasted my time.
Bear with me. I'll be there soon.
Where are you right now?
(Away for a short while)
(Out of the Office)
Oh, dear. We'd agreed
not to take this case.
They really don't listen.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
I came to find out if it was
an accident or an incident.
We got Han Su Ryeon's chart
from the data server.
Yes, but An Young Sook
filled in a chart by hand
when she saw a patient.
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
They transferred that
to the server later.
Oh, so you want to check
if they left something out
in the transfer?
(Medical records
to be kept on site.)
(March and April, 2021)
If they'd faked
their records that way,
would they have kept
the handwritten charts?
I'd have destroyed them.
Medical records
must be kept for ten years by law.
She couldn't destroy them easily.
(Medical records
to be kept on site.)
(Medical Records)
(Medical Records: Han Su Ryeon)
(Medical Records: Han Su Ryeon)
I found Han Su Ryeon's file.
You found it?
You were right, Go Eun.
(Medical Records)
(From 2 years ago)
Now that I saw this,
I have to look into it.
What do you mean?
There's a saying.
The scene
holds the truth.
(Restricted Visitation)
(Operation Room)
(Operation Room)
(Card reader)
The scene you talked about
is the operating room?
If you can't find anything,
it doesn't hurt to check out
where it all began.
You'll go in there?
There are no cameras inside,
so I have no choice.
I must go inside and look.
How did you know
there are no cameras in the OR?
We'd have seen them
if there were any.
There's no camera
you can't get into.
How will you get inside?
They won't let outsiders in.
That works just fine.
I wasn't thinking of ringing a bell.
(Operation Room)
(Night Duty Office)
Let's head to the OR.
Did you not eat as told?
Oh, dear.
Are you all right?
Are you headed to the OR?
Yes, we are.
But we can handle it just fine.
I was on my way there.
I see
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
You must be new here, doctor.
You haven't seen me before?
I saw you a few times.
You have?
I don't really remember.
Which department are you in?
I'm disappointed.
I'm upset. I won't tell.
Here we go.
(Surgery Waiting Room)
(Operation Room)
(Card reader)
(Cleaning Supplies)
We'll take it from here. Thank you.
- Take care.
- Bye.
(Operation Room)
Oh, I remember.
NS. You're a neurosurgeon,
aren't you?
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Cleaning Supplies)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
Mr. Kim, get out of there.
Did I set off this alarm?
I think there's a radio detector.
Get out right now.
What's going on?
Is it a camera?
Open the door.
Here you go.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
You two, stand guard outside
and don't let anyone in.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
Gather around, everyone.
I told you all many times.
Who brought a camera in here?
What if you were a patient here?
Would you want someone
to have a video of your surgery?
Step forward.
Who brought a camera in?
The alarm shut down.
I guess it was a sensor malfunction.
- Check their belongings.
- Okay.
Show me what's in your pockets.
Check the lockers too.
- Okay.
- Nevermind.
I'll do that.
(Cleaning Supplies)
Darn it.
Why did the alarm go off again?
I guess the sensor really is broken.
Let's wrap this up
and prepare for surgery.
Go on inside
and set things up in the OR.
(Cleaning Supplies)
It's all fine.
Why do they have a camera detector?
I bet they set it up because of me.
I pestered the detective
in charge of the case
every single day.
He told me that
words would get me nowhere.
That I'd need at least a video
to do something.
So I took a camera into the OR.
They caught me
before I could do anything.
Forced entry and trespassing?
They took me to court
and I got probation.
Still, the sensor caught your camera
from quite a distance.
High-end equipment like that
is really, crazy expensive.
Don't you get a strong sense
she really does not want anyone
to film anything in there?
(Incident? Accident? An Young Sook)
(Medical Records)
What is this?
It's not English or Korean.
I can't read a thing.
Is this Han Su Ryeon's chart?
I doubt even she can read
what she wrote.
She was operated on
her left femur and pelvis.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Mr. Choi.
I heard you did well in school.
Did you study medicine?
Kyung Gu.
How did you read this?
Did you really study medicine?
I think you're weirder.
There's a shape of a person.
There's an X right here.
That has to be the problem area.
- You're all so silly.
- Of course, we are.
Hey, I got it.
Did you find something?
Come and take a look at this.
This is Han Su Ryeon's medical bill.
(Charged Amount: 51,059 dollars)
My gosh. That's crazy expensive.
You can tell just how serious
our client is, right?
All I can tell
is that he paid a lot.
According to law,
if there's an assailant,
insurance won't subsidize
the medical bill.
As you know,
in our country, whether or not
you have health insurance
makes a huge difference in the bill.
If this were a mere accident
where no one is responsible,
he could've made an insurance claim.
But our client refused to do so.
At the expense of taking out a loan.
To him, there was something
more important than money.
The truth.
I think I have to get back in there.
The scene? The OR?
Yes, to check something.
You tried getting in there.
You had nowhere to hide.
I won't hide.
Then what?
I'll just
lie down.
We'll take you into surgery.
(Park Dong Sung)
Did you not eat?
Make it look like I have
what Han Su Ryeon had.
What if you get operated on
by mistake?
You'll get anesthetized.
If that happens,
you can figure it out for me.
See if it's an accident
or an incident.
I'll be gentle. Don't worry.
- I'll be right behind you.
- I'll be there waiting.
It's a lovely day.
I hope it goes by
without any incidents
Oh, dear.
- What
- Oh, my goodness.
Oh, dear.
My gosh. Are you okay?
It's a super-wide angle lens
with no blind spots.
The camera sensor
will be up and running.
Turn it on three minutes after
I go inside.
If the alarm goes off then,
they'll think it's a malfunction.
You'll make them turn it off?
Our first try
wasn't entirely in vain, then.
(Operation Room)
(Operation Room)
(No signal)
(Operating Room Status:
Park Dong Sung, Awaiting surgery)
Well, I'm sure
nothing will go wrong.
(No signal)
(No signal)
Relax, sir.
This might smell odd.
(No signal)
Open your eyes, sir.
He's ready.
Didn't anyone check
why he came in wearing glasses?
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
I don't care. I waited long enough.
Why did that go off now?
I almost died.
I told them to buy
an expensive system.
Let's begin, Dr. Gong.
"Dr. Gong?"
Wait. Where did he come from?
He's doing the operation?
(Taxi Driver 2)
Dr. Gong. Don't you want to know
if the person who does
the most operations
is Director An
or Chief Gong Soo Ho?
Have a drink.
You can find surgery kits online
to practice with.
Why are this person's veins so ugly?
How can she be so calm
after what she did
to a powerless old man?
You know Han Su Ryeon, don't you?
You saw him protest for over a year,
and yet you kept quiet.
When you knew everything.
It was a side effect
of the anesthesia.
It won't happen to me anyway.
It's an unfortunate event
that could happen to anyone.
I want to make
the sweet Director An famous.
Do you need a helping hand?
I hope Director An
Save me.
Save me!
Loves this special day of hers.
Mr. Kim, do you hear me?
Go Eun?
I told you. I'd take care of them
in their own way.
I know Kim Do Ki the best.
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