The A-Team (1983) s02e09 Episode Script

There's Always a Catch

NARRATOR: In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a miIitary court for a crime they didn't commit.
These men promptIy escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los AngeIes underground.
Today, stiII wanted by the government, they survive as soIdiers of fortune.
If you have a probIem, if no one eIse can heIp and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.
[Theme music.]
[Light, flute-based instrumental music.]
[Boat chugging.]
CAL: Okay, Shana, shut her down.
DOUG: l'll get the camera and the charts.
CAL: Move it.
l want to make the Maritime Office and the Fish and Game by 5:00.
Those pictures we took of Garber catching lobster outside the restricted area CAL: should open somebody's eyes.
DOUG: Yeah.
Garber, you're on my dock.
lt's private property.
Get off! l don't like it when people try to sabotage my boats, Mayer.
Sabotage? We didn't come within 500 yards.
We took pictures, we checked the lobster beds underneath.
Now, we've been watching you.
We have evidence to prove you're destroying the future of this bay.
But we wouldn't touch your boats.
When we stop you, Garber, we're gonna do it legal.
You got a big mouth, kid.
But l'll give you a break.
l'll let you stay in business, provided you accept my deal.
Give you half of the profits from our catch like everyone else around here? Pay protection? Listen, Garber, we work hard for our money, so why don't you take a walk? [Dramatic instrumental music.]
No! [Grunts.]
Your dad and your brother are stupid men, Shana.
Now, you better talk some sense into them before somebody finds them washed up on one of these beaches down here.
l run this town.
The sooner they accept that, the longer they're gonna live.
[Sighs loudly.]
[Sinister instrumental music.]
Why don't we see if we can help these folks out with their boat, boys.
See it's running all right.
Okay? [Soft instrumental music.]
[Glass shattering.]
[Tense instrumental music.]
[Tyres screeching.]
: Hey, be careful with my foot.
lt ain't no packing crate.
Don't you just love it? FACE: We have six near misses with Col.
Decker avoid half his platoon back there on that bridge and then you go and step on a rusty nail.
HANNlBAL: Some guys got all the luck.
That nail sure didn't.
He was screaming in pain under your foot.
All scrunched up on that board like that.
Poor little fellow probably had a family and everything.
Don't worry, B.
, we'll take care of everything.
We'll get you a tetanus shot and leave before Decker knows where we are.
Face, handle the red tape.
l want to stick out here.
FACE: My pleasure.
: That's easy for you to say.
[Face chuckling.]
Murdock, why are you eating a sandwich that's frozen? l have to.
l'm allergic to microwaves.
lt releases space hamsters into my blood stream.
Have you gotten any word on my father and brother yet? Excuse me.
How's our friend doing? Cheery fellow with the cut foot.
l'm afraid that your father's in critical condition.
The doctor's gonna suggest that we move him to Los Angeles Memorial Hospital.
He'll get better treatment there.
We don't have the equipment here.
Los Angeles? NURSE: With all his internal injuries, he'll have a better chance there.
We'll be releasing your brother in just a little while.
He's pretty banged up, but he's gonna be all right.
NURSE: What'd you say your friend's name was again, please? Lothar Quint.
With a ''Q.
'' You've probabIy seen him on daytime soap operas.
Had a big guest role on Search for Tomorrow.
Played a pro quarterback who turned psychic.
Yeah, he was just marvellous.
Lothar? [Murmuring agreement.]
[Door shuts.]
Cool it, gang.
The sheriff just pulled up.
What's going on? Somebody get hurt? Yeah, Garber and his animals came out to our boat and tore it all up.
Beat up my dad real bad.
Doug, too.
You sure your dad didn't push him to it? CaI can be awfuI hard to take.
Your whoIe famiIy's been stirring things up around here for some time.
Should have known better than to come to you for help.
You're afraid of Garber.
But even more, you're afraid that he's gonna take away all that money he's waving in front of your face.
[Newman sighs.]
Give my best to Doug and Cal.
Nice quiet little seaside town, huh? [Door closes.]
, how you feeling, guy? Lockjaw set in yet? Get out of here, sucker! At least l don't have lock-brain! And don't forget, l still got two feet, so kicking you ain't gonna be no problem.
Could l help you, ma'am? l guess this just isn't my day.
[Coin clinking.]
You know, we couldn't help but overhear, and if you feel like blowing off a little steam we'd be glad to listen.
Leader to Hook.
Come in, Colonel.
This is Decker.
No dice at Seaside Memorial or Coastline Hospital, sir.
That means they got to be at Lobster Bay Hospital.
lt's the only other one in the area.
And that blood we found didn't come from their flat tyre.
Rendezvous there, ASAP.
You obey the speed signs, Captain, and l'll bust you down to your socks.
We're moving out now.
Let's hit it.
[Suspenseful instrumental music.]
[Police sirens blaring.]
[Tyres screeching.]
And as soon as Garber's done ripping off this place he'll just slither up the coast in his fancy boats and wreck someplace else where people have fished for a generation.
All he cares about is profits.
And once he's wiped out the lobster beds there's no way they'll be able to replenish themselves, right? That's right.
But l thought nature always replenished itself.
lt does.
l mean, look at me.
A few years ago, l was a basket case.
lt depends on how much you take from nature, Amy.
And how much you leave behind.
DOUG: Garber isn't gonna leave anything.
lf it was just he and his men there couldn't be too much damage.
Yeah, but he makes the fishermen give him half their profits.
So they have to fish twice as much just to stay alive.
Straight extortion.
lf the working people don't pay Garber, he breaks their arms.
l wouldn't be surprised if next time he tries to kill us.
l'm not so sure he hasn't already killed our father.
Maybe he's gonna beat us this time after all.
l don't know.
l think you need some help.
Are you volunteering? Yes, ma'am.
You're serious.
Yes, sir.
l'm really glad we're here.
That lady just walked into a whole lot of help.
Except for old Mr.
Unipod, here.
Speaking of walked into.
Decker! [Police sirens wailing.]
[Tyres squealing.]
DECKER: There they are.
HANNlBAL: We're joining the medical profession.
[Sirens blaring.]
[Tyres screeching.]
All right.
l want a clean sweep.
All of them.
You two, around the back.
Let's go, men.
You two, take that hall.
SURGEON: What the hell is this? This is a sterile operating room! Out! Not here.
Are you people insane? We're supposed to operate here! Will someone kindly tell me what this is all about? Give it to me straight, Doc.
Will l ever play the violin again? [Rapid, suspenseful drumbeat.]
Be careful, sucker.
This ain't no funny car race.
MURDOCK: Leave the driving to us.
[Drumbeat continues.]
[Fast-paced instrumental music.]
MAN: They're getting away! [Truck starting.]
[Adventurous instrumental music.]
[Police siren blaring.]
[Machine gun firing.]
[Tense instrumental music.]
Hannibal's on the serious jazz.
Well, maybe we'll get lucky and one day modern medicine will find a cure.
[Cheerful instrumental music.]
[Murdock humming comically.]
Murdock, this looks crazy even for you.
, it's just animal vibe therapy.
l do it all the time back at the V.
to relax.
Thermador here is helping me to cool out! AMY: Have you been doing this all your life? Yeah, we started helping Dad as soon as we were old enough to wrestle a lobster from a trap.
HANNlBAL: How is your father? l don't know.
Shana's with him at a hospital in L.
Said she'd call if she found out anything.
l can't figure out why some of the people around here don't help you take the bend out of Garber's hook a little.
FACE: Stand up to him.
DOUG: They're scared.
Anybody who's tried to fight him got hurt bad and gave up.
And those who went along with him they stayed in business, but they had to give him a cut.
Half the profits.
Pretty deep cut.
DOUG: Yeah.
How do you deal with a man like this? l mean, my father's in the hospital, hanging on by a thread.
l want to stop Garber but l don't want to lose my family in the process.
We're sorry about your father.
We can't do anything about that.
But we can do the next best thing.
And we'll do it to Garber.
Thanks, but l couldn't ask you to do that.
lt's too risky.
You don't have to ask us.
Guys like Garber attract us.
MURDOCK: Hannibal little Thermador here wants to know what are we gonna do? l think it's time for Mr.
Garber to learn a lesson in the survival of the toughest.
, what do the repairs on this boat look like? lt won't be easy, man.
l checked the engine.
lt looked pretty bad.
Doug, is there a marine supply house around here? Hagopian's Boat Yard's half a mile down by the wharf.
DOUG: But he won't sell us anything.
He's in Garber's back pocket.
Pockets are made to be reached into.
Let's go, gang.
[Dog growling.]
[Dog barks.]
Cutter, shut up! lt's all right, fellows.
lt's gonna be no problem at all.
l'm vibing even as l speak.
[Barking continues.]
[Murdock hissing.]
Bad vibes.
That's very bad vibes.
Nice dog.
What breed is he, piranha? Say, Mr.
Hagopian we need some fibreglass for a busted hull resin, brushes, instruments, engine parts, that's for an inboard, not an outboard fuel tanks, fuel line.
lt's all on this list.
Look, pal, this is a real small town.
Only one boat around here needs the kind of stuff you're talking about.
And the feIIow I work for says that boat stays just the way it is.
So it looks like l'm all out of everything.
Hey, jack, l see the stuff we need right over there.
-And you're saying it's gone? -l'm saying l sell to who l want to.
Now, you better get off my property before l turn Cutter loose on you.
You should learn to use your anger more constructively.
You ever try meditating? Hey, Hannibal, l think we ought to bust this guy's rudder.
Easy, B.
l'm sure Mr.
Hagopian's just a little cranky because he got tired polishing all these nifty boats.
l'm sure he'll give us just what we want at the price we want.
[Gun clicking.]
You're never gonna pull this off.
l don't mean to be a know-it-all, but we already have.
Fill it! l'll go see what l got back here.
You know, of course, he'll go inside and call Garber.
l certainly hope so.
l hate to go looking for a sleaze like that when we can have him delivered to us.
[Cars approaching.]
[Tyres screeching.]
Anybody we know, Thermy? You wouldn't be a suckfish named Garber, would you? Now, what would you boys be wanting with all this equipment? There's a message in that for you.
Your little protection racket is over.
And if you lean on the Mayers once more you're gonna be shopping for some new kneecaps.
Face, read this guy what he owes up to date.
My pleasure.
For extorted profits from fishermen, damaged properties, and for duress we figure you owe the people of Lobster Bay $300,000.
That's a tentative figure, of course.
Probably a lot larger.
You people are real funny.
We supposed to be scared of you guys? That's up to you.
We'd like it if you and your sisters would grow some brains and get out of town.
For good.
l suppose you want your answer now.
Well, you got it.
[Tense instrumental music.]
You're gonna be sorry you did that! [Screaming.]
: Murdock, you fool! [Groans.]
You've been warned, Garber.
Let's go.
Look what they did to Thermy, Hannibal.
-Maybe l could put some water on him and-- -No.
But his spirit lives, Captain.
Thermy will get another chance, Murdock.
Garber isn't half done, if l read him right.
[Dramatic instrumental music.]
Yeah? DECKER: Miss Mayer? SHANA: Yes.
DECKER: l'm Col.
Decker, Military Police.
This is Capt.
You guys recruiting? Sorry to trouble you, but we have information that you were seen at the emergency hospital yesterday talking to people that Col.
Decker's looking for.
They're escaped military prisoners.
Extremely dangerous.
Who? Those folks just passing through? We bareIy spoke.
And if you're asking if l know where they might be, l have no idea.
Ma'am, l'm not calling you a liar but regulations require that we check the premises of any person who's reported to have been seen with these individuals.
How do we know they're not holding a gun on you right now? You got a search warrant? Son, when you can get a warrant as quick as l can, you don't need one.
Now, you want to step aside? This'II onIy take a minute.
[Slow instrumental music.]
[Lightly suspenseful instrumental music.]
One van, well hidden, hold the mayo.
[Doorbell ringing.]
[Suspenseful music intensifies.]
SHANA: The Army was here looking for you.
Don't tell me Col.
Decker came by here? You didn't say the Army was after you.
What did you do? That's a long story.
, you better keep a lookout.
All l can say is we're right, they're wrong and hope you believe us.
They forced their way inside, checked the house from top to bottom.
They're awful anxious to get you.
AMY: Getting a little cosy.
We'll speed it up.
Take care of Garber and get out of town.
DOUG: Don't know how you can do that.
Garber has so many of the local fishermen under his thumb that they're out 24 hours a day depleting the beds.
Maybe it's just not realistic that you can take care of Garber and get away from this Col.
Decker at the same time.
We enjoy a challenge.
We need a couple of hours.
We'll have this onion peeled.
HANNlBAL: Let's get going.
ln the meantime, Face, you might renew your acquaintance with your old friend, Magnificent Templeton.
[Humming cheerfully.]
[Face clears throat.]
[Speaking French.]
Allow me to introduce myself.
[French accent.]
l am The Magnificent Templeton.
Prestidigitator extraordinaire.
-Magnificent Templeton? -Oui.
A magician? l prefer to think of myself more as a man possessed of the fantastic powers.
You have perhaps seen me on the American TV program, Merv Griffin? No? A sense of humour.
l like this.
VoilĂ .
Wowee! BETTY: That is.
FACE: Yeah.
Maybe l have seen you on TV.
But of course.
Now, to business.
You are Freddy, oui? No.
Freddy's is up the street.
But he's on vacation.
Anyway, that's Freddy's Scuba.
This is Betty's Scuba.
Wrong shop.
Betty, Freddy.
lt's a very similar sound, is it not? Betty, Freddy, Freddy, Betty, Betty, Freddy.
What kind of an accent is that? Because I've never exactIy heard one just Iike that before.
Where are you from? l'll bet you're from Switzerland or somewhere like that, right? Not Switzerland.
[Without French accent.]
Look, you seem like a nice girl, Betty.
l can't just stand here and lie to you like this.
Fact is, l only do the accent to make my manager happy.
You know, he swears that if l don't do the accent all the time The Magnificent Templeton will lose credibility, see.
Well, it's amazing the way you do it.
l was fooled.
Really! Well, Betty, it's all part of the game of magic.
Fantasy is my middle name.
Anyway, getting back to magic.
lf Freddy is out of town, l definitely have a problem.
ls there anything l could do? No.
l don't want to trouble you.
You see, it's just that l've got to do this benefit show up north l was robbed this morning at my motel, at gunpoint.
-They even took my air tanks.
-Air tanks? That's for the Tank of Doom illusion.
-Tank of Doom? -lt's unbelievable.
l've got this large water tank that's divided into two chambers by a glass partition.
Now, on one side, all bound up and tied-- -You? -Moi.
And on the other side is a shark.
-A great white.
-You got it.
There's an hourglass timer full of sand, see.
And when the sand runs out, that releases a lever that raises the partition.
-What if you're not out of there? -Jaws 4.
No, but without the air tanks, see, l can't even attempt it.
And now that Freddy's out of town-- He'll be gone for a month, at least.
-When did you need the tanks? -Tonight.
lt's for a TV special.
lt's being picked up by satellite, shown all over the world.
All the networks are bidding for it.
lt's gonna be shown in London, France, Paris, Uruguay-- Well, you have to have air tanks.
Betty, no, no.
You're suggesting that you loan me.
No, no.
-We hardly know each other.
l mean, l don't want to see you get eaten up.
Betty, you are wonderful.
The whole thing will be in the can by tonight.
l'll bring the stuff back and you and l will go out and find ourselves a little maison let the wine flow, the candles flicker.
l'll start filling the tanks.
Boy, l sure am glad l met you.
Me, too.
FACE: Oh, come on.
Hi, there.
Boy, is it stuffy in here.
By the way, these are very good.
l loved the Danish, but you know, they could use just a pinch more cinnamon.
FACE: All right, Hannibal.
[French accent.]
Here's your aquaman costume, right down to the flippers.
Now, what do you expect to do with it? What do you mean, me? Come on, l got the stuff.
Let somebody else get wet in it.
lt's time for you and Murdock to explore the murky depths.
Hannibal, you know l have a sinus problem.
l go down there, l'm clog-city for weeks.
l'll sound like a bus.
Come on, Face.
We could have lots of fun.
l mean, fish are tons of fun.
Lots of them have a great sense of humour.
Some watch TV and everything.
The two of you could really have a ball.
AMY: l didn't know you were a diver, Face.
FACE: l'm not.
Hannibal and B.
are the guys with the experience below the water line mining bridges in Nam.
Hannibal, why don't you do it? You know he's got a point there, Hannibal.
's got an excuse because of his foot, but what about you? Well, it's simple.
l'm the planner.
l plan better in dry air.
Besides, B.
and l have been working out.
You two look a little flabby.
Flabby? Just exactly what are we supposed to do down there, Hannibal other than not drink the water? Make it hot for Garber.
Come on, we got work to do.
[Suspenseful instrumental music.]
[Suspenseful instrumental music intensifies.]
FACE: Give me a hand.
: Watch out for that hose.
All things considered, l'd like to do this in the Bahamas next time.
You know, Hannibal, going back down there again l almost had the feeling that Therm was there with me.
He is, fool.
You got the claw in your pocket.
Now, did you get the charges set? Ready to go boom.
Do it.
Okay, yank them.
Man wants to get in quick.
[Rope creaking.]
Hannibal, may l? For the Therm? [Murdock chuckling.]
HANNlBAL: Let's get to the boat, B.
What's going on out here? Someone's been messing with our traps.
Found a bottle in that one over there.
That's cute.
[Glass shattering.]
''Lobster are red, water is blue.
''Put up your hands and look behind you.
'' GARBER: Right.
HANNlBAL: Up in the air! We're gonna balance some scales around here, Garber.
You know what piracy is, mister? Yeah.
l know what extortion and a protection racket is, too, pal.
We're just here to make a little point.
We want you to know what it feels like to get your toes stepped on.
When we were down there setting the explosives we took some pictures of the undersized, illegal lobsters you catch.
A friend of ours writes for a syndicate of 80 newspapers.
She'll love a story like this.
l figure in a couple of days the whole country will know about you.
-Well, you ain't gonna get away with this.
Every time somebody says that to me they wind up eating those words on sourdough.
DECKER: Not this time, Smith! Check the boat.
[Suspenseful instrumental music.]
Nobody's in the boat.
Nobody's in the boat, sir.
You gotta watch that guy, Decker.
Tie them up and shut them up! [Heroic instrumental music.]
[Dramatic instrumental music.]
DECKER: All right, let's go.
Move it! Head for that shed.
Well, you really know how to do things right, Colonel.
A baby-blue shed.
What do you say, Face? Yeah, West Point, all the way.
Nothing's too good for you.
And don't worry.
l've sent for military transport.
lt'll be here in an hour.
By tomorrow morning you'll be eating breakfast with 500 guys just like you.
There is nobody just like us.
You really think you're gonna put us away, don't you? Yeah, and l back up what l think.
l hope you haven't got any money bet on that, pal.
Hope you enjoy your little stay in the slammer.
DECKER: Cut it, Garber! lf you hadn't cooperated with me l'd turn you over to the police, the FBl, anybody who'd have you.
We sure get holy after we get what we want, don't we? l never do agree with Col.
Smith but your little protection scam cuts about as much ice with me as it does with him.
Now pull up your last load of traps and get out of this town before l run you in.
Garber hates Decker, Decker hates Garber.
Well, you just listen to this.
l get washed out of this thing, l ain't going alone.
l'll take a big chunk of your friends with me.
Bet on it.
CRANE: Go on, inside.
screams in pain.]
Watch it, sucker! l got a bad foot.
You shove me again and l'll wrap that gun around your face.
[Slow, suspenseful instrumental music.]
Hey, Hannibal, if you ever had a plan, we're gonna need one now.
The truck gets here within an hour.
l've got a plan, but it's for Garber and Decker.
l'm not worried about us but Garber would kill Doug and Shana in a minute.
Nobody's gonna kill us.
Well, there's nothing we can do about it now.
-Unless? You mean Murdock? Well, l guess what they say is true.
America is running out of heroes.
Murdock will pop up somewhere.
Amy! AMY: Murdock, what happened? We're in big trouble.
Big trouble.
The unit was captured by Decker.
There was an ambush on Garber's boat.
So what're we gonna do? Don't worry.
l thought about something while swimming in.
The water sort of clears the brain.
ls there anything we can do to help? l don't want you getting in trouble over us.
MURDOCK: lt's getting bigger.
AMY: What's your idea? l figure that Decker is a creature of habit.
And he would never come down after us with heavy wheels weighing him down.
So he's gonna have to reach out and grab Uncle Sam and get a transport down here.
The closest base from here is Fort Newton.
That's about 100 miles north.
That means he's gonna have to head down the highway south, straight through town.
Amy l'm gonna make you feel real wanted.
You know what l mean? Real wanted.
[Tyres screeching.]
Hold it, mister! Mind your own business, doughboy! We're breaking up and she won't give me my letterman jacket back.
Why don't you lose that cap pistol and take a lap? Yeah.
You leave my boyfriend alone.
[Gun clicks.]
l knew you couldn't take it without me, baby.
Turn around.
All ready to go, Mr.
We shove out of town anytime you want.
We ain't leaving town yet, Lennox.
l want to pay my respects to the Mayers.
You know, we've been here almost an hour.
Don't tell me what time it is! Tell me what a great plan you just thought of.
You still think Amy and Murdock are gonna get us out of here? -Bet on it.
l got no choice.
[Military truck approaching.]
Here it comes.
Get them out, Captain, and keep them under heavy guard.
lncidentally, l did a little figuring.
Our odds are about 20-to-1, give or take.
Thought you'd like to know.
-Thanks, Murdock.
-You better put it on.
This bag of chips could get pretty hairy.
Okay? Two, three, one.
FACE: Uh-oh.
-Still think we're gonna get rescued? -Why not? MURDOCK: l want to hear the guns hit the deck, gentlemen.
You're gritting your teeth, Decker.
FACE: Go on, inside! Move! You're wasting the best years of your life trying to catch people you're never gonna catch.
Let me give you some advice.
Go back to your hometown.
Open up an Army-Navy store.
You're a born clerk.
AII right.
Let's go.
Garber's Ieaving town, but he'II go after Doug and Shana first.
AMY: They're on their boat.
HANNlBAL: Then that's where it'II happen.
[Suspenseful instrumental music.]
What's this? [Dramatic instrumental music.]
Your family's caused me an awful lot of trouble.
Enough to kill us over? How's your daddy? Break it up! First we're gonna bust up the boat.
Then we're gonna take care of you.
-You've lost, Garber.
-Yeah? -Where did you hear that fairy tale at? -From me.
[Slow, suspenseful instrumental music.]
lt's called The Three LittIe Pigs Named Garber.
l thought you'd enjoy the same surprise you had for us.
One good turn deserves another.
HANNlBAL: Face, l'm out of ammo.
Cover me.
[Tense instrumental music.]
MURDOCK: Hold it right there, Popeye.
[Tense instrumental music.]
[Drum crashing.]
: Come on! [Loud grunting.]
That's for my foot, sucker! [Panting.]
[Suspenseful instrumental music.]
HANNlBAL: You've got two choices.
Either you get out of town and never come back or we'll tow you so far out to sea, the next thing you'll see is Australia.
You know what'll happen then? Your mail will start stacking up, forever.
You guys don't have any authority over me.
l know you're a bunch of criminals on the run from the Army.
You can't threaten me.
What do you call this? lt's okay, B.
l kind of hoped he'd say that.
Here, Doug, keep that on him till Decker gets here.
Of course, we'll have to duck out so as to miss him but he'll be thrilled to see you haven't left town.
He gets his jollies sticking people in boxes the size of coffee cups.
You ought to fit just fine.
HANNlBAL: We tend to frustrate him.
He'll take it out on you.
Decker finally catches somebody: Garber.
l love it when a plan comes together.
DOUG: You should have seen the look on Garber's face when the Army showed up and hauled him off.
l'd like to see the look on Decker's face.
He didn't catch what he was fishing for.
SHANA: We're real glad about that, too.
You guys have been real good to us, criminals or not.
: l'm glad your father's all right.
SHANA: Are you kidding? When l called to tell him Garber was through he started making plans to jog home.
Sounds like a man on the road to health.
Yeah, he's just sorry he didn't get a chance to meet you all.
Well, you never know.
We do travel a great deal.
l don't know about you guys but l was thinking of swimming right on up the coast someday and then surfing right on in and saying hey.
Shut up, fool.
You ain't no fish.
Oh, yeah? l can pucker up like one.
Besides, l like them fish vibes.
l tell you, they got something real peaceful going on down there.
Right, Therm, my man? Listen, Murdock, l'm sick and tired of your dead lobster and your dumb vibes.
MURDOCK: Cut it out, B.
Just because Therm has been reduced to a claw, don't mean he ain't got no vibes.
He's just keeping them on low beam so he don't end up in a bisque somewhere in some sleazy restaurant.
You don't hear no vibes.
You hear nothing but your pea brain rolling around in your head.
FACE: Come on, give the man a break.
Not this time.
Gotta teach this sucker a lesson.
Now, B.
, let's be rational.
We must behave like grown men.
MURDOCK: Like civilised adults.
The man said, ''Give the man a break,'' so give me a break! How about l give you a ride? You want to be like the fish so much, why don't you join them? [Comical instrumental music.]
He did it! l don't believe he did it! -Now, vibe on that, sucker! -Vibe on that? [Theme music.]

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