The Ark (2023) s02e09 Episode Script

Cycle of Violence

- Previously on "The Ark "
- Lieutenant Brice was the pilot
on a covert mission to intercept
the attack on the lunar base.
He intentionally threw the mission
in service of the Eastern Federation.
- You had the chance to save my father.
- I'm so sorry.
- This is my brother.
- He's with the Eastern Federation.
- She's the one who's Eastern Federation!
- Bojan.
MARSH: Her organs might be failing,
but her implants have
not been on for that long.
GARNET: It's Eastern Federation.
- What do we know so far?
- ALICIA: The EF 2,
one of two Eastern Federation
ships to get off Earth
before Ark 3, according to its database.
Well, they're packing some heavy
artillery, and it's all trained on us.
- So not a social visit then?
- Get us out of here, Brice.
The FTL is fully charged, but I'm
gonna need a while to chart a course.
There's no time for that. We
don't know their intention.
Well, in that case, everybody
cross your fingers and toes.
What the hell is that
Scotsman doing to my ship?
Even a junior cadet knows that
activating FTL without a course set
could land us in the
middle of God knows what.
Yeah, not that I owe you an
explanation, Your Majesty,
but it's not like I had much a
bloody choice seeing as we were trying
to escape death and everything.
So I typed in a set of
random coordinates, okay?
Which can only help us.
There's no way that ship
can then find us again.
Which begs the question, in
all the vastness of space,
how the hell did they
find us in the first place
and what could they possibly want?
Well, I hate to say it,
but Eva is an EF operative.
- Oh, here we go.
- I think we both know
- it's a little more complicated than that.
- Occam's razor.
The most likely explanation
is that she made contact.
Well, how would she be able to?
She's been locked in her cabin.
Well, she could have done
it before we locked her up.
Hang on, hang on. That's a
pretty serious accusation.
So how 'bout we don't
go jumping to conclusions
before we've actually
bothered speaking to her?
Oh, because she's been so
forthcoming with us this whole time?
Look, mate, I know Eva, right?
- A lot better than you.
- Oh, for God's sake, Brice.
Move your brains from your crotch
to your skull. She's one of them.
Spence, I know you're going through
a lot, so I'll let that one slide.
Otherwise you would be out
cold on the floor right now.
Stop it. Both of you.
Strickland, please bring
Eva to the ready room.
STRICKLAND: On my way.
How's she doing?
There's been no improvement.
With these vitals, she could die.
- Why haven't the nanites helped yet?
- I'm not sure.
She's always healed faster than this.
She should've stabilized by now.
Eva, you admitted you were a
member of the Eastern Federation.
Now's your chance to explain yourself.
EVA: Okay. Not much to it.
When I was trying to get off Earth,
it seemed like the EF would never
even finish building their ships,
so Harris and I changed our identities,
posed as GSA, and got onto
Ark 1 so we could escape Earth.
- Right. Not such a crime now, is it?
- Sorry, which part?
Fraud or sneaking onto
a government vessel?
Eva, the Eastern Federation showed
up with weapons pointed at us.
- They did?
- Yeah, we lost them by jumping to FTL.
- I need to know. Did you contact them?
- No.
- Then how did they find us?
- I don't know.
- I am loyal to this ship.
- Why should we believe you?
How do we know you're not
loyal to the Eastern Federation?
Lieutenant Lane, after
all I've done for this ship
and this crew, how can
you question my loyalty?
Because you already admitted that
you were loyal to those monsters.
I was at one time, but
you're wrong about them.
- They aren't monsters.
- Really?
And how many GSA people
need to die before
we can categorize them
as monsters in your eyes?
They have a good reason to hate the GSA.
I did before I got on this ship.
I still hate some of the
command structure we left behind.
What kind of leaders
send a young recruit
on a suicide mission
without even telling them?
And do you even know
what they were doing
on that lunar research colony?
Not really. It was a top secret mission.
The GSA was developing
a biological weapon
that would've wiped out most
of the world's population.
- Wait, what?
- How dare you? My father was a hero.
Felix, get her out of here. We
don't have to listen to this.
Hang on, hang on. I
want to hear her out.
We need to focus on the current problem.
Eva, if you didn't contact them,
do you have any idea how they found us
- or what they want?
- No.
Can you at least tell us what
kind of weapons they have onboard?
- Their vulnerabilities?
- I don't know anything about the EF ships.
- They launched after we did.
- Really?
- Didn't you use three of them to kill my father?
- I wasn't there.
But the fighters who were
used small converted shuttles.
Captain, they're preparing
to drop out of FTL.
Strickland, return her to her quarters.
We'll continue this conversation later.
- Well, where are we?
- About five light-years off course
in the middle of nowhere.
I'll assess a new trajectory
for Trappist and get us back on track,
but the FTL is gonna take
some time to recharge.
Sounds good.
Oh, God.
How the hell did they find us again?
Even we didn't know where we were going.
- What the hell?
Sensors just detected an
energy spike in Engineering.
Engineering, damage report?
- Engineering?
- We've just been hit
with a doozy of an EM pulse
targeting our FTL and the NEPS.
- We've got no engines.
- We're sitting ducks.
Why aren't they shooting at
us? What are they waiting for?
They're probably just
relishing the moment.
They're attempting to hail us on comms.
Ark 1, this is Captain
Zed Avega of the EF 2.
Surrender our soldier to us at once.
I'm Captain Sharon Garnet of
Ark 1. Why do you want Eva?
Eva? No, I want Bojan Vukovic.
Hand him over along with
the shuttle he stole from us.
Of course. They were tracking
their shuttle this whole time.
I would gladly surrender Bojan,
but I'm sorry to tell you this,
he died.
We rescued him from Ark 3,
but he took his own life.
- I don't believe you.
- I'm telling the truth.
We'll gladly return your
shuttle, but Bojan's not here.
- I assume by Eva you mean
Bojan's sister Eva Vukovic.
Return her on my shuttle.
If she verifies what you say about
Bojan's death, we'll be on our way.
You have a lot of weapons
hanging off your ship.
How do we know you won't
open fire on us either way?
Despite what you've been
led to believe, Captain,
we're not cold-blooded
killers like the GSA.
And unlike the GSA, I have no desire
to push the human race
closer to extinction.
Previous Eastern Federation
actions belie that, Captain.
I'm not going to explain
EF actions to a GSA officer.
So let me make myself perfectly clear.
If you do not return Eva and my shuttle,
I will have no choice
but to destroy your ship.
You have 20 minutes.
Sharon, you're not seriously considering
sending her over there, right?
She should decide. This is her life.
We need to consider the lives
of everyone on this ship.
Send her back to her people,
and we might just live
to fight another day.
It should be Eva's choice.
Hopefully she chooses to rejoin
them and save the rest of our crew.
Alicia, go check with Mr. Trust
and see if there's anything
you can do to get the
engines back up sooner.
Hey. What are you
doing out of your cell?
- Security!
- Angus?
Something wrong?
Security. You wish to report something?
They want us to return
you in their shuttle.
If we don't, they said
they'll destroy us.
Then I have to go for the sake
of this ship and everyone on it.
- Eva, it seems like you don't wanna go back.
- I don't want to leave Brice.
I don't wanna leave
my friends on the Ark.
But you said you hated us.
I said I hated the GSA leadership,
but that's not who any of you are.
- Trust.
- Garnet.
You didn't have to send genius
girl here. I had it under control.
Except you missed the fact
that the differential battery
- was misaligned with
- I missed nothing.
How can I help you, Captain?
Do you remember when you
told me if we ever wanted
to rig up a makeshift weapon,
you had an idea how to do it?
Oh. I thought you'd never ask.
All right, everyone!
You're perfectly safe.
There's nothing more to see.
Let's go back to our posts,
please, come on.
Yeah, let's go!
Are you not at all worried about
what's on the other side of the glass?
Brother, people have
been trying to kill me
every day of my life since I was born.
- To me, it's just Tuesday.
- It's Thursday.
You see that?
You see days when there are none,
and I see everything as
one long endless Tuesday.
Yeah, it's amazing how different we are.
- Is it?
- Which reminds me.
Something that's just been
running through my head.
How the hell is it that you
came to be raised as a normal?
Well, I don't know. As far back as
I can remember, I had a mom and dad.
- I don't remember any lab.
- Have you got any pictures of your parents?
- Here.
- See, now that explains a lot.
- What do you mean?
Your dad was the officer we
used to see through the window
when we was at the lab as kids.
I think he was the
officer that was in charge.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
He must've taken you from the facility.
Wait, he stole me as a baby?
Well, I don't know about "stole."
I mean, technically we might have
all been his property to begin with,
if you know what I mean.
Oh, God. They told me that my mother
couldn't have children after she had me.
But maybe she could never have
children in the first place.
He brought me home so that they
could raise me as their own.
It was all a lie.
Captain Avega, we
appreciate your patience.
AVEGA: Captain Garnet,
have you reached a decision?
Are you sending Eva Vukovic or not?
I'll let Eva speak for herself.
Captain Avega, with respect,
I'd prefer to stay here.
I thought I made myself
clear. This is non-negotiable.
It's Eva's choice, not yours or
mine. She wants to stay with us.
You're welcome to
take your shuttle back.
How do I know she's not
talking under duress?
I'm speaking freely.
They left it up to me.
Then you've dug your own grave.
They're arming their weapons.
- Now, Mr. Trust.
Their weapons just lost power.
GARNET: Great job, Mr. Trust.
You're welcome, but all
I did was buy us time.
We still have to fix our engines
before they fix their weapons.
There will be
consequences for this, GSA.
We were merely defending ourselves.
As were we. As will we!
May I suggest we send a second pulse
targeting the life support systems.
- No, you'd be killing everyone on board.
- LANE: You can bet
your friends on that ship are
trying to fix their weapons
so they can kill everybody on our ship.
If we attack them without
giving them a chance,
what does that say about us?
That we like being alive?
That we're exactly
who they think we are.
What are you thinking, Sharon?
Captain Avega, I think it would
be in both our interests to meet.
- What for?
- Peace talks.
Sounds like a trap only
a fool would fall for.
If we wanted you dead, we would've
attacked your life support systems.
You don't have the ability
to take out our life support.
How do you think we
took out your weapons?
There's nothing for us to talk about.
Fine, I really hoped
you'd be willing to talk.
Goodbye, Captain. Ready the EM cannon.
Tune it to their life
support frequencies.
Yes, ma'am! Readying the weapons now!
Ready on my command!
- I propose a swap.
- A swap?
I'll come unarmed with my second
in command to meet you and yours,
but to assure my safety you will
send two of your people to my ship.
If anything happens to
us while aboard your ship,
the same will happen
to your people here.
I assure you, nothing
bad will happen here.
Then nothing bad will happen
to your people on my ship.
Give me a moment.
- Thoughts?
- I'll go.
No, I need you as my number
two in the negotiations.
- I'm your number 2.
- EF killed your father.
Do you really think you're the
one to be negotiating peace?
- I'll go.
- With?
- Kimi.
- Kimi is a friggin' EF hunter.
How about Griff?
With Avega coming here for peace talks,
I need you to tell me everything you can
about the Eastern Federation.
I'll tell you what I know,
but I keep telling you
they aren't who you believe they are.
The EF has stopped the GSA
from doing a lot of bad.
Mr. Trust, you worked with the
GSA for years. What's your take?
Well, I wasn't working for the GSA
when the whole lunar
colony thing happened.
They came crawling to me after that.
But do you recall the state
of the Earth at the time?
Yeah, large sections of the
Earth's mantle were turning molten,
crowding survivors into
less and less space.
Yes, and as a result,
resources were slim.
Which is why, in my opinion, the
GSA was doing the right thing.
- The right thing?
- For example,
had that lunar colony
mission been successful,
it would have made my job much easier
once I started working on the program.
What do you mean? What
were they trying to do?
They were trying to develop a bio-agent
to painlessly kill six
billion people on Earth.
I'm sorry, did you
did you just say billion?
- With a B?
- Yes. Look, it's quite logical.
With fewer people remaining,
Earth's slim resources
would've lasted longer,
and I would've had time
to build more ships.
- Killing many to save more.
- Precisely.
- Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?
- You never asked.
- It just sounds too evil to be true.
- It's simple maths.
The billions they would've killed
would have died anyway
a few months later.
Their early deaths would have
saved the lives of many others.
- It's the trolley problem.
- The trolley problem?
It's an old philosophy
thought experiment.
You have the controls of a train
that's barreling toward
ten people on a track.
You can switch to a different track,
but that track has one
person on it who would die.
- What would you do?
- Well, it seems fairly obvious.
I mean, you kill the one
to save the ten, right?
But what if the ten were all 90
years old and the one was a baby?
I guess, um I guess
you would kill the ten
because the baby has its
whole life ahead of it.
Exactly what the GSA thought.
So you're saying that my dad's program
was designed to murder
billions of innocent people?
Who would have died anyway soon enough.
It would have helped us save many
more human beings in the long run.
But you left out one thing.
Who chose who survived?
- The GSA?
- Yes.
And they chose themselves,
the wealthiest and the most powerful.
- That's why the EF wanted to stop it.
- I had no idea.
I'm sorry. Just I need a minute.
If what you two are saying
is true does, that mean
Are we the bad guys?
You got a minute?
- Sure.
- How you holding up?
He was a good dad.
Or at least the man who was pretending
to be my father was a good dad.
Yeah, I'm sure he was.
At home, you know?
But he was making a biological
weapon to kill 6 billion people.
He must've somehow believed
he was doing the right thing.
Same twisted logic that Trust used.
You know, if you'd have succeeded
in stopping the Eastern Federation
from attacking the lunar colony,
he would've killed all those people.
Yeah, I mean, I
I don't really know how I feel
about all that, to be honest.
I always thought it was the biggest
mistake of my entire life, so
Spence, are we all right?
We will be.
- Kimi.
- Captain, I've heard you've arranged
peace talks with the enemy.
- That's a mistake.
- We'll see.
Right now I need to pick your brain.
Ark 15 left Earth quite
a while after Ark 1.
What can you tell me about
what happened between the GSA
and the Eastern Federation
during that time?
- Well, like
- IAN: Let me guess.
You wanna know if the
GSA were in the wrong?
- Uh, kinda.
- Well, I hate to break it to you,
but from where I was standing,
they sure as hell were.
- That's not true.
- But then so were the Eastern Federation.
They both did bad things.
Take it from a clone who
was abused by everyone.
- Ian, you're a perfect neutral party.
- Uh, thanks?
You're not affiliated with the
GSA or the Eastern Federation.
Perfect to mediate the peace talks.
Well, I guess I can play
intergalactic peacemaker today
and finish my book tomorrow.
- Captain Garnet.
- Spread your arms and legs, please.
Captain Avega, this is Felix
Strickland and Jelena Griff.
- They will be going to your ship.
- Jelena? A nice Slavic name.
- I'm Serbian.
- Of course you are.
Never understood why so many
from our part of the world
- would join the GSA instead of the EF.
- All clear.
NASA and the Euro Space Agency
merged with the
Serbo-Croatian Space Agency
to keep them in the fold.
They were one of the three
best space agencies on Earth.
The SCSA was arguably the best.
- I beg to differ.
- Let's just say,
combined they were better
than the sum of their parts.
I assure you, you will
both be safe aboard the EF 2
as long as your captain keeps her word.
I will if you will.
Captain Avega, this is
Lieutenant James Brice
- and Ian, our mediator.
- No last name?
- No. Just Ian.
- He's a clone.
- That I am.
- The Eastern Federation has historically
- disapproved of clones.
- So has the GSA,
which is why he's an
excellent neutral party.
Right this way, Captain.
Choices like that are exactly why
I can't imagine any peace between us.
Ooh. Not with that attitude.
Now tell me, have you
ever tried potato vodka?
- GSA has shown again and again
Can we all just stop talking
at the same time, please?
- Thanks.
- This is pointless.
Captain, what's your endgame here?
Just drift alone in space forever,
an island unto yourselves?
No, we're going to Trappist.
Why Trappist specifically?
We received intel that
GSA ships were headed
for Proxima and Ross.
- We wanted to avoid them.
- I hate to tell you this,
but there's already a GSA colony
being built as we speak at Trappist,
and more GSA ships headed there.
You wouldn't be avoiding anyone.
So that leaves you
only one other option.
What's that? Find another planet?
Come with us.
Why would you trust us?
I would. Only under one condition.
- Your ship fully disarms.
- Absolutely not.
So what are you gonna do then?
We're going to keep our weapons,
and when we get to Trappist,
we'll fight for what's ours.
Ristic, we're finished here.
Ooh. Whoa, whoa. Can we just
Hold on. I mean, let's take a minute.
Can we just grab some snacks, hmm?
You can't give up that easily.
I'm sorry it wasn't
the outcome you wanted,
- but you'll have to excuse us.
- Go ahead, do it.
Squeeze the life out of me.
- Everyone stay where you are!
- What are you doing, Sharon?
- Kill me.
- Have you lost your mind?
Kill me. Then my people will kill you.
Your ship will fire on mine, mine
yours, and everybody will die.
Even though none of them
had anything to do with this
and nothing to do with
what happened in the past.
And if your other ships
ever find Trappist,
the GSA will attack them on sight,
your ships will fire
back, and on and on.
This endless cycle of violence will
continue until there's no one left.
- So go ahead! Kill me.
- You've made your point.
You lay a finger on my captain,
you're gonna be in a world of hurt, pal.
I don't think I have.
In our first encounter, you said
to me you didn't want to contribute
to the extinction of the human race.
- I did.
- Well, did you mean it or not?
Because if you walk out this room,
that's exactly what you'll be doing.
So, go on. Start with me first.
Is she always this forceful?
Oh, you have no idea.
If we disarm, how do we know the GSA
won't open fire on us
when we arrive at Trappist?
You follow us there.
When we arrive, you wait
behind at a safe distance.
We'll negotiate with the others
for you to peacefully join the colony.
When it's safe, I'll summon you.
We can't disarm. Captain, it's suicide.
If you arrive at Trappist with
weapons hanging off your ship,
I guarantee they will open fire on you.
You have to dismantle them.
You aren't seriously considering this?
- She has a point.
- No, she doesn't.
Like it or not, Ristic,
Garnet's plan may be
the last and only hope for us all.
All right.
Let's talk about how
we make this happen.
RISTIC: You can't be serious.
This decision will assure
the GSA kills us all.
We owe it to humanity to try peace.
- You're a damn fool, Avega.
- That's enough, Lieutenant.
Shall we?
- Angus?
- I don't know why,
but I can't stop thinking about you.
Thank you for coming.
- How is she awake?
- Hmm?
- Angus?
- Kelly?
- What the hell are you doing?
- I don't know what just happened.
Wait, wait, wait. Kelly's
vitals are stabilizing.
- The nanites.
- Huh?
She needed all her
nanites in order to heal,
so they found their way home.
- So I'm not crazy?
- No.
Nanites are like tiny robots.
They can affect any organ in
your body, including your brain.
They led you to this moment.
You're gonna be okay, Kelly.
Wait, there are two of them?
Our man who went to your
ship was our head of security.
So Lieutenant Lane and Kimi Joma
have filling in for him while he's gone.
Once we return, I'll send
your people right over.
Then I'll brief my crew on the
conditions of the peace plan.
Garnet, I want to thank you.
You opened my eyes in
a way a lesser leader
would not have been able to.
- Thank you.
- Captain, I can't let you do this.
- Avega, look out!
- Easy, easy. He's still got a pulse.
- Thank God.
- KIMI: I got him.
- Lane, help me get him to med bay.
Stay with me.
I got you. Hey.
Hey, I got you. It's okay.
It's okay. You're
okay. Hey, you're okay.
- I'll stay with Lane.
- Easy.
Captain Garnet, the EF 2's
been calling wanting to know
why the shuttle hasn't launched.
- Sharon, what the hell?
- Oh, my God.
- I'm fine. I'm fine, Brice.
- What happened?
- EF 2, this is Captain Garnet.
- Sharon.
Garnet, I'm 2nd Lieutenant Vujik.
What is going on over there?
I wish we were meeting
under better circumstances,
but something terrible has happened.
Lieutenant Ristic attacked
Captain Avega and one of our men
with a knife he smuggled aboard.
I tried to tell Avega
we shouldn't trust you.
We had nothing to do with it.
He'd tell you himself that we didn't
I have no choice but
to execute one of them.
Both if you don't return
Lieutenant Ristic unharmed.
Captain Avega is still alive.
Our doctors are trying to
save his life as we speak.
You have one more hour
to save our leader.
Damn it!
Clean one.
That knife did a lot of damage.
I can't stop the bleeding.
Pressure is dropping.
- God damn it!
- What?
I've been trying to repair his liver,
but it's so trashed it literally
disintegrated under the sutures.
- Keep cleaning this.
- If he dies, it'll cause a war.
Well, I'm sorry, but unless you know
how to make liver out of plain cloth,
in a few hours he's a dead man.
Right, we need to
stop this blood vessel.
Clean, clean! Come on, Spencer.
- Doctors.
It's not good, Sharon.
The knife destroyed
Captain Avega's liver.
- I can't save him.
- Well, you gotta save him
because they're gonna
kill Strickland and Griff
and probably the rest
of us if you don't.
I'm not God.
There's only so much I can do.
I don't, um
I don't think Spencer is
gonna make it either, Sharon.
Both his kidneys are damaged.
His spleen is basically gone.
He's lost two liters of blood,
and we can't pump it
into him fast enough.
Well, there's gotta be
something you can do.
I have tried everything
I know. Please believe me.
Okay, well, switch patients.
Maybe there's something that you missed
that you didn't see and
the other way around.
- Dr. Kabir has tried everything I would.
- And the other way around.
- How about Kelly's nanites?
- They can repair a lot of damage,
- but they cannot manufacture whole organs.
BRICE: Sharon, an hour's passed.
How's it going down there?
- Not good, James.
- EF 2 is hailing.
- What do you mean not good?
VUJIK: Garnet, your time's up.
Look, um, Captain Garnet's
not here right now. She's
She's indisposed. Please
just stand by, right?
Sharon, what do I tell them?
I don't know.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Listen.
Listen. You you both
are both amazing doctors,
and I'm sure there's a way.
I'm sorry. Not this time.
We were made to be organ donors.
That's generous of you to offer,
- but you can't live without a liver.
- Not me.
No. No, that is not an option.
- No.
- KABIR: Sharon.
- Sharon.
Look, I hate this as much as you do,
but Spencer is not going to make it.
And one of his few organs that
is still intact is his liver.
Sanji, no. Don't make me.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Look, I'm not pretending to know
my brother as well as you lot do,
but he's in this pickle
because he was trying
to save that bloke's life to begin with.
Don't you think it's
what he would have wanted?
KABIR: It's your call, Sharon.
If I agree to this
do you promise that you
can save Avega, Dr. Marsh?
As long as his body doesn't
reject Lieutenant Lane's liver.
No, it won't. That's
what we were made for.
Universal organ donors.
I need two hours.
BRICE: Sharon, what do I tell them?
- Okay.
- Do it.
ALICIA: I don't believe this is real.
I just I just want to
wake up from this nightmare.
I know. I know, Alicia. I know. Me, too.
Your time's up. As
agreed to by your Captain,
it's time for the
execution of your people.
For the love of God,
- would you please just give a chance, okay?
- No.
- No more stalling.
- Eva, what the hell are you doing?
She insisted.
- Ana.
- Eva?
Yeah, it's me. How's little Sofija?
- If you rejoined us, you could have seen her for yourself.
- Hmm.
I belong here now, Ana.
Ark 1 gave me a home and a purpose.
The people here became my family.
They're good people
who I've come to love.
They don't want to hurt anyone.
That man you want to kill?
He saved my life more than once.
He has a daughter about Sofija's age.
- I have my orders.
- Ana, you know me.
You know you can trust me.
And I'm telling you,
if you just give time to
our doctors to save him,
your captain will tell you
the same thing I'm telling you.
For you, Eva, I will wait.
But if Captain Avega doesn't make it,
I'll have no choice
but to follow my orders.
Well done. Well done.
It looks like Captain
Avega's gonna be okay.
Thank God.
How soon until we can put
him on comms with his crew?
The anesthesia's wearing
off. Give him 15 minutes.
I'm sorry about Lieutenant Lane.
- I want to see him.
- KABIR: Sharon.
Sharon, you really don't.
It's okay.
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