The Baxters (2024) s02e09 Episode Script

Broken Pieces

I'm sorry.
Is everything still good with
the Kari and Ryan fairy tale?
I don't know
how many fairytales involve
long distance, but
But no big surprises
or secrets?
Secrets? What secrets?
No, it's just a question.
Building some kind of memorial
will help us grieve.
A garden.
The two of you
should be able to
create something
really special here.
I think you two
will make a great team.
I'm sorry. I misled you.
I hope that we can be
friends again someday.
We don't have to wait
till someday to be friends.
Let's just be friends now.
Nobody took Sue.
I know you know where she is.
There are no spies.
Nobody took her.
There's a reason things
are done the way they are.
You need to follow protocol.
Get on board or get a new job.
And don't come into my office
without my permission again.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Wow! This is fantastic, guys.
Yeah, I'm impressed.
I do worry that it's missing
a focal point.
Yeah, you're right.
It needs a spot
where we can honor
the lives lost.
Yeah. A place
they can visit year around
to pay their respects.
-Warm their hearts.
What about, like, a fountain?
You know, maybe right here.
-Well, I like that.
-Good work.
How about an eternal flame?
Right in the middle,
front and center,
-part of the guardian.
I love that idea.
-Yeah, I like that.
Any idea who we can get
to build it?
Landon Blake.
That's a great idea.
Landon's always
been able to build
almost anything.
I know how important
this church is to him.
Your mom did mention
that things are
a little sensitive between him
and Ashley right now.
Well maybe this will help.
Oh, let's hope so.
I cannot believe I put off
watching this movie.
-It's incredible.
-It's a classic.
I told you.
[Landon sniffles]
-Are you crying?
-Um, rogue eyelash.
Felt like someone's
a little afraid
to be vulnerable.
[Cole] Mommy!
-Hold on.
-[Cole] Mommy!
He's been waking up
a lot at night,
but if I give him a minute,
he usually falls back asleep.
How's he handling everything
with the shooting?
-Still shaken up?
He's had a lot of questions.
I just don't know if I've had
any of the right answers.
I doubt that.
You know, if there's
one thing I've learned
in my time in uniform,
tomorrow's not guaranteed.
Every moment matters.
Yeah. I guess it puts
things into perspective.
what is it about your past
that you don't want me
to know about?
How did we get there again?
I'm sorry.
I just want to know.
I really don't want to waste
the last few weeks
we have together.
Or we can spend them together
being honest with each other.
Every moment
matters, remember?
Yeah. The moments between us
are gonna change
if you knew what happened
in Paris, Landon. Trust me.
No. You trust me
when I say that
I'm not gonna judge you
by your past.
I I can't.
I'm sorry. And I get it
if you have to leave.
I don't need
to leave right now.
Is this ever going to change?
I don't know.
[Kari] Well, we should
plant the flowers
as soon as they're delivered.
How many volunteers
do you think we need
that day?
Uh, it depends.
Are they gonna be older
or younger
than the ladies
who helped us
lay the bricks?
Hey, you said yourself
those ladies were adorable.
Adorable and ancient.
-[door opens]
-[Ashley] Hey, hey.
-Oh, nothing.
Sorry, I didn't see
your truck outside.
Uh, she's in the shop.
Cool, uh, these are
for Mom's nursery.
Thanks for taking them.
You know,
you could just take them
to church yourself.
Maybe stay,
help us with the memorial.
Oh, I'm already here.
But are you guys doing
the memorial together?
Your dad put us in charge.
Well, you
You guys have fun.
And good luck.
I'll be right back.
Ash, wait up.
Hey. What's up?
Are you okay?
-You seem off.
[stammers] I just
I have a lot of work stuff
on my mind.
You know how it is.
I owe you an apology.
For what?
For doubting you
about Sunset Hills,
about what you could handle.
I was wrong.
I've never been
so proud of you.
[Ashley] Guess
who has a visitor.
Is it my Sue?
And she is very excited
to see you.
-I'll be back.
Well, all right,
she's ready for you.
We used to make oatmeal cookies
every Sunday after church.
I thought
I don't know.
Maybe they'd help her
remember me.
I'm sure they will.
Uh, grab the
medical supply files
off my desk.
Can you hold on?
-This is you being quick?
-I'm sorry. I couldn't
I might as well
have asked Bert.
I'm sorry.
You can go now.
Hey. Sue.
I'm sorry,
I can't do this anymore.
That woman is not my Sue!
She took her.
I know it.
She's a spy!
Wait, Sue.
I haven't had a conversation
with my mom in five years.
Every week is the same.
I can't keep
doing this to her,
to myself.
It's too much.
I'm sorry.
[Kari] I think
this combination
is going to be
really beautiful.
Should I place the order
with the nursery?
It's good using a place
in town, too.
Yeah. I was hoping
it would help bring
some of their employees
back to the church.
Oh, brilliant.
My ideas usually are.
Um, backpacking
through Leonard Springs,
the music festival
of senior year,
the great potluck of '09.
Should I continue or
What was that for?
Just another brilliant idea.
Ooh! And I have another.
Our work is done for the day,
Jessie's still napping.
Let's play.
You're kidding, right?
Why? Is that fear
I see in your eyes?
Of losing to you? No.
I bet you a large box
of cheesy breadsticks
-that I can still
whip your butt.
-Whoa, whoa, whoa!
DeMarco's cheesy breadsticks?
There is no other kind.
But you can't do the weird
victory thing you always do.
Pew! Pew!
-Yeah, like that one.
-Pew! Pew!
[Ashley] Thank you so much
for rushing over here.
What do you think's inside?
I don't know.
Whatever it is,
Belinda clearly didn't want
anyone to find it.
Well, you called me
all the way over here.
What are we waiting for?
-Why not?
-I don't [sighs]
I can't.
I just got this job,
and Belinda already
has it off for me.
I swear she would fire me
for breathing if she could.
So, what happens
when she finds out
her top secret envelope
is missing?
I panicked, okay?
I'm gonna get fired.
-Aren't I?
She's gone.
Let's just put it back.
Well, she locks her office.
Give me five minutes
and a straight bobby pin.
My brother's
used to lock me
out of the house.
[Ashley] You sure
it's supposed to be
taking this long?
Your energy isn't helping.
I can't help it.
My anxiety needle
is swinging in complete red.
Can you talk about
something else?
The only thing I want
to talk about right now
is not relaxing.
I ran into Ryan Taylor.
-Kari's kitchen.
Ash, look at me.
I know you're doing
this whole cleansing thing
right now,
and it's beautiful, truly,
but there is no reality
in which you can tell Kari
that you kissed Ryan.
Remember you told me
you'd kill me
with my bare hands
if I ever told anyone?
I'm tired of keeping secrets.
She was with Tim,
Ryan was moving.
They hadn't been
together for years.
Yes, kissing him
was a mistake.
But now, if you tell her,
when they're on the cusp
of an actual
future together,
that's not just a mistake, Ash,
that's life-ruining.
Yeah. No, you're right.
Of course I'm right.
It's like the overarching theme
of my life.
We're in.
Are you sure
you don't want to look?
What if she's stealing
from the owner?
They would check that.
What if she's stealing
from the patients?
What is it?
I'm not sure.
Someone's coming.
Come on. Quicker.
Hi, Bert.
[cell phone chimes]
Sorry, it's my alarm.
Hot yoga.
Okay, let's just pretend
like this never happened.
Right. We're good.
[Ryan] There's no way
you haven't played this
since tenth grade.
When you're a highly
proficient gamer, like myself,
the technical skills
remain very fresh.
It's like riding a bike,
you know, with your thumbs.
[Kari chuckles]
Still got it.
Pew! Pew! Pew!
Don't be a sore loser.
Come on!
What is it?
New York?
I thought we weren't gonna
talk about New York.
Oh, it's
It's not that.
Hold that thought.
Pick the next game.
I'll be right back.
[liquid simmering]
Hank was in the Navy,
you know?
He was?
Oh, yes.
He served
on the USS Kansas.
[Helen] Sue dated a sailor.
He stopped by a while ago.
A strapping young man
named Timothy.
That wasn't Timothy,
that was the mailman.
He told you ten times.
We had a lovely chat
about Sue.
I wish some of Sue's
other friends would stop by.
Ooh! Lovely.
Does that look like Timothy?
I'll be right back.
Thank you for coming back.
Your voicemail
was rather cryptic.
I have an idea.
this is Tabitha
Sue's best friend.
You You know my Sue?
Very well.
What's her favorite color?
Burnt orange
because the leaves
remind her of the times
when you guys would
roll in it in the fall
when you visited
your mom in New England.
Sue loved those leaves.
Did she tell you
about the time
we went apple picking?
And it rained all day?
And we hid under
that apple tree for hours
telling stories.
Sue has the greatest stories.
Do you remember any of them?
A lot, actually.
Well, you can stay right here.
You can help me remember.
I would love
to help you remember
all of Sue's stories.
Hmm. Hmm!
Remember the story
about bumblebees
at the school
at the summer?
I know. I know.
What kind of person
eats greasy, cheesy
breadsticks with tea?
Kari, I got to
tell you something.
We've been spending
a lot of time together lately.
Now, I know
neither one of us are sure
if there's a real future
for us right now,
but there can't be
if I don't tell you this.
You're making me nervous, Ryan.
It's about Ashley.
Now it's
That's not fair.
It's about me.
It's not her fault, okay?
What? What's not her fault?
On Thanksgiving
I was out on a run
and I bumped into Ashley and
we kissed.
No, it meant nothing.
Less than nothing, okay?
I was really stupid
and confused.
You and Tim had
just started going
to therapy, right?
And I wanted it
to work for you.
I wanted you to be happy
even if that meant
I never would be.
And I don't know.
In some twisted,
self-sabotage way,
I just
I knew I would never really
give up on us
unless I did
something like this.
Please leave.
-No, Kari
I want you to please leave.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know you were back.
Were you in my office?
-Yeah. You told me to go
Did you go into my office
after I left this morning?
I can explain.
Start with how you got in.
I picked the lock.
Belinda, I know about
the checks you're hiding.
-You're done.
I don't want to see you
in this building again.
You're fired.
You can't fire me!
You're lucky
I didn't call the police
and have you arrested
for breaking and entering.
Oh, I'm sorry, Officer.
I don't know what happened.
I came back
and all the petty cash
was missing.
Why do you hate me so much?
I guess you just have
one of those faces.
I know what I saw!
And you have
no way to prove it.
Can I at least say goodbye
to Helen and Irvel?
What's the point?
By next week, they'll forget
you ever existed.
We all will.
[Cole] Mommy!
Go back to bed, sweetie.
[Cole] Are you okay?
Mmm-hmm. Mommy is fine.
Go back to bed.
I love you.
I love you, too.
[exhales deeply]
[doorbell rings]
Are you okay?
I know about you and Ryan.
About your kiss.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
-Kari, can we talk?
-I talked to Ashley.
So, if it didn't mean anything
to either of you,
then how exactly
did it happen?
[Ashley] Lu,
Belinda has secrets,
and knowing her secrets
is what got me fired.
Belinda has worked for me
for almost ten years.
I have evidence.
I was thinking
more like dinner
tomorrow night.
Just so I'm clear,
is this dinner
just two friends
grabbing a meal or
I'd say it depends
on how the dinner goes.
Hey, Erin.
What are you doing here?
Wait. You're here
for counseling.
[theme music playing]
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