The Following s02e09 Episode Script


I want to sanction you off the books.
I'll supply you with whatever resources you need.
Did Joe try to contact anyone while he was here? All I know is she was a friend in the FBI.
You made me give up the FBI.
Please, Jana.
Tell me about Korban.
Korban? Well, it's still there as far as I know.
I know out in the world you're a big deal with a killer cult and a bunch of followers, but in here, you're the follower.
I need your help.
I want to kill people.
You're the reporter that's writing the book.
Carrie Cooke.
I think there's a bigger story here, and it's all mine.
With or without you, I'm gonna find Lily Gray.
And then what? You tell me.
What are you gonna do when you find Joe? Revenge doesn't fix anything.
I know.
But you're here anyway.
Aagh! You're ok.
Hang on.
Thank you.
This is God's will.
You abused your power, Micah.
You killed your own people! Why didn't you tell me that you were doing this? I love you too much, Julia.
I don't want to lose you.
Take her away, take her away.
Micah, no, no, no.
It's time we tell the whole world that Joe Carroll is alive.
Anyone looking for an update on the murderous rampage of Lily Gray need to look no further than our very own reporter and best-selling author of "The Havenport Tragedy" Carrie Cooke.
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning, Miss Cooke.
This Carrie Cooke is all over the news.
She's making a lot of money off you.
Well, I suppose someone should.
and her family of psychopaths? Lily Gray suffers from a loss of identity.
She was an abused orphan adopted by a wealthy man, raised in a privileged world she could never belong to, so she created her own family.
And how does Joe Carroll fit into this? Their murder spree has been a tribute to Carroll's legacy, but Lily Gray is creating her own legacy.
Her psychopathy is much more complicated than Carroll's ever was.
Yes! Her! Lily Gray! She's the perfect example.
She's huge.
I want to make a splash like she has.
I made a splash, Micah.
Yes, of course you did back then, but she's in the news now.
You're dead, remember? Heh.
You got a phone I could use? Yes.
Who you gonna call? Well, if you want to make a splash, you're gonna need help in that, and I have this contact who has proven most resourceful with occasions such as these.
Mom, your phone! Hello? Jana.
Joe, are you ok? Yes, yes.
Jana, it appears that I might be needing your help again.
I didn't mention anything about Strauss or Joe Carroll.
I talked mainly about Lily Gray.
So what do you have for me? Strauss is being held at an NSA terrorist unit downtown.
They've sent specialists from DC in the process of interrogating him right now.
That's all I know.
And what about Joe Carroll? I haven't found him yet.
But you'll notify me the second you know something.
Or the second after.
That's the way this works, Ryan.
I keep my mouth shut, but you feed me the bigger story.
Let's have dinner tonight.
I can't.
You can't, or you won't? It's just dinner.
I doubt dinner is ever just dinner with you.
Now you're paranoid.
You saved my life.
Can't I buy you dinner? Does it sound that crazy? Uh, yeah, it does.
I'll call you if I got anything.
Hey, mom.
How you doing? Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah, I'm ok.
Uh, listen.
Can I call you back? Yeah.
I love you, too.
Stop! Uh, what are you doing here? I let myself in.
Well, uh, you should have said something.
I was going to, and then your phone rang, and you answered it, and it was your mother, so I-- I waited, but then you dropped your towel, and things got creepy.
Creepy? Yeah, creepy because you're on the phone with your mother, and it's-- You're naked.
It's weird.
Where's Ryan? He went to go meet Carrie Cooke, and you're the only one here acting weird.
Uh ahem.
Let's start over.
I brought coffee.
How are you? I don't know.
I'm ok, I guess.
Thank you for asking.
I may have something on the FBI leak.
Ryan forwarded me a report from Franklin with info on all female agents with possible access.
How extensive is the list? but we can eliminate Ok.
What if you cross referenced the agents' caseloads and locals with Carroll-related incidents in the past year when the security breach happened? Way ahead of you.
Narrowed it to 6 women.
- 6? - Yeah.
Keep in mind this is a rush job, it's inaccurate, unfounded, and There's a lot of room for error.
It is time for the world to realize that the beginning is near, um, the beginning of the end, for the alpha and omega are upon us.
That's not right.
I messed up again, Joe.
It's, uh, it's "the end is near," not-- not "the beginning," and alpha and omega is the beginning and the end, not the beginning of the end.
Is it? Do you want to take another look over the lines, or I'm better when I just feel it.
I'm-- I'm sure you are.
Robert, Emma! Please come in! Hello, Micah.
Hello, Micah.
I'm so pleased that you two are gonna be my first messengers.
We're honored.
You know what it is you're supposed to do.
Joe has explained everything in detail.
Any questions? We've gone over it again and again.
Oh, one last thing.
I've decided to add Lance.
He'll be very helpful.
I-I-I'm sorry.
Lance? Who's Lance? I told you you're not the first killer to seek shelter here.
You're gonna love Lance, and he's superexcited to get out of the hole.
Why's he still down the hole? He was serving penance ever since he sliced a girl's ear off A girl here? What did she do? He didn't like the way she looked.
He was making a point.
Trust me.
Lance is perfect to accompany you two to New York, and he's very devoted to me.
Oh! The weapons! Can't forget those.
Come on, Robert.
Come on.
Come with me.
I-- I think I've just about had my fill of Micah.
Uh-- Lance? I do not like surprises.
How crazy is he? Oh.
Bipolar, delusional.
I'm seeing strong signs of disassociative identity disorder, but then what do I know? I'm not a doctor.
Do you really want to do this? There's no one else to do it.
Don't worry.
I'm not the same little girl you remember from a year ago.
It'll be dangerous.
So am I.
Yes, you are.
I don't believe it.
My gut tells me she's innocent.
Her security codes were used 6 times last year to access Debra Parker's e-mail.
Are we absolutely certain about this? Nothing is certain here.
I'm a little limited, but maybe 80% sure.
She did her dissertation on Carroll at the academy.
So did you.
What do we know about her personal life? She's been separated just over a year from Jana Murphy, a retired FBI analyst.
- A woman.
- Yeah.
I didn't know.
They have two kids together.
Where is she? Stay-at-home mom in the suburbs.
She's been inactive since the first kid.
But truth is, we don't know anything about Mendez beyond the file.
If she's innocent, let's prove it.
I'm 10 minutes away.
Had to run home and shower.
All right.
I'll be right there.
Oh! Sorry.
Just-- You know what? Let me call you back.
Hi, Gina.
Hey, Ryan.
What are you doing here? I was hoping we could talk.
Well, Franklin said that you were out, so what's this about? Is it Mike? Is he ok? I pulled your security clearance.
What? Why do you have personal firewalls on your passcodes? For protection.
Tread lightly, Ryan.
Why did you access Debra Parker's e-mail account I did no such thing.
You're on a fishing expedition, and it's not gonna work because I'm not the leak.
How dare you question my loyalty.
Go to hell.
What's she doing? She's at her car, and she's mad.
What'd you say to her? I went for it.
I accused her.
She just ditched her cell.
She's still wearing my trace.
I got it.
Nicely done.
Thank you.
She's ditching her car.
She's paranoid, and she's heading towards you.
Guess I was wrong.
That's too bad.
Robert, I want you to take care of Emma for me.
Don't you think it's the other way around? Heh heh.
So what did you tell Mandy? I'm keeping her in the dark for now.
She's prone to worry.
You ready for this? Go big or go home.
Something wrong? No.
It's just your timing.
Lance, meet everyone.
This is Joe, Robert, Emma.
Can I have the backseat? Sure.
Oh, uh, don't forget Micah's message.
He, uh, he finished it.
Well, you kids have fun! So Lance is a freak.
I agree.
So, uh you and Joe are a thing? It's complicated.
Don't look disappointed.
I If it's any consolation, I don't believe in relationships.
Someone always ends up dead.
Hi, mom! Hey, sweetie.
Where's your mom? In there! Bye, mom! Gina, hey.
Hey, Lisa.
This is a nice surprise.
Hey, sweetie.
Do you know Carol? No, I don't.
It's nice to meet you.
Where's Jana? Oh.
The new blond in the house.
Oh! Do we have something scheduled that I forgot? No.
I just needed to talk to you.
There's a little thing called a telephone.
It'll only take a minute.
Should we go? Of course not.
Who needs more wine? Here you guys go.
Kids! Pizza! I really need to talk to you.
What is it? Pizza! Come and get it! Spit it out.
I have company.
I've been praying about Julia.
I see.
I was seeking guidance.
Did you get any? I love her, Joe.
What do I do? I killed my wife, so probably not the best person to ask.
Not with my own hands, mind you, but indirectly, hmm.
Did you love her? Heart and soul.
Claire is my-- She's my one true regret.
I could never harm Julia.
No, no.
Of course not.
I understand.
Here's your pizza.
Are you done dodging me? I have company, people I care about.
Might not be your fancy FBI world, but it matters to me.
Listen, Jana.
We need to have a real conversation right now.
Did you even notice I colored my hair? Jana, please.
What? After Andrea was born and you had your episode-- Why are you bringing that up? It was postpartum depression.
Women who give up their careers to have children sometimes experience that.
We called it that because of work.
You had a psychotic break, Jana.
You were hospitalized.
I had an emotional reaction to childbirth.
You killed the neighbor's dog.
It was a vicious, unstable dog! It was attacking everyone in the neighborhood! Oh, God.
Oh, Jana.
You're not ok.
I am ok.
Joe Carroll? I know.
You were obsessed with him.
You were obsessed with Carroll.
With-- with the case.
Everyone was back then.
Why are you bringing this up? You have been using my security clearance! Damn you! Ok.
You know what? I'm not doing this.
We're done.
You're done? Yes! Oh, God! You know what? You ruined my life once, but you're not gonna do it again.
Unh! Ok.
Who needs more pizza? - Hey.
- Yeah! Are you ok? Where's Gina? Oh.
She is in the garage cooling off.
We had a spat.
I had no idea she was showing up today.
I'm so sorry, you guys.
What's going on? Um, I have to run upstairs for a minute.
Can you just watch Billy for me? Great.
Don't stop drinking.
Got it! Hi.
We're looking for Gina Mendez.
She's in the garage.
Who are you? We're friends of Gina's.
Hey, Jana.
Some guys are here for Gina.
Um, be right there! Come on in.
So do you have a name? I'm Ryan.
And I'm married sadly.
Day drinking.
You said she was in the garage? Which way is that? Yeah.
This way.
Wait here.
Smells good.
Call an ambulance! Gina.
We have an emergency at 28 Ryan? Hang on.
Just-- Jana.
Hang on, Gina.
Stay with her.
Oh, Gina, Gina.
Get the kids out of here.
Oh, my God.
Take them through the back now.
Now! Who are you? Jana, I need you to stay where you are.
No, no, no.
This is my house.
Put the gun down.
Hey! You cannot be in my house! Drop the gun.
It's over! Oh, I don't think so.
Where is Joe Carroll? Do you know where he is? Yes, Ryan, I know.
Tell me.
Where's Joe? Is that all you care about-- Joe Carroll? Is it? Just look around you! The world is falling apart, and all you can say is, "Where's Joe?" It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.
No, no! How are you, Julia? How do you think? I've been locked in a cabin by my husband.
The world that I spent my life creating has shunned me.
What the hell did you tell everyone? The truth, that you defied me and our beliefs.
You defied our beliefs, everything that we stand for.
You have gone way beyond the realm of our doctrine.
So I was hoping to have a rational conversation, but if you're just gonna call me crazy again-- Joe Carroll is manipulating you.
How do you not see that? He's helping me.
To find my true self.
How do you know he's not a prophet that's been sent here to guide us? We're not killers.
You're not a killer.
I have killed.
Have I not hurt people in the name of Korban? But you channeled the spirit.
That's completely different.
We're not monsters.
You and I, we have faith.
My faith has evolved.
I am evolving.
So should you.
Ok, Micah.
I will.
I'm your wife, and it's my duty to love and support you no matter what.
I want you to believe in me.
I do.
I do believe in you.
You used to believe in me.
What happened to us, Julia? Why did you do this? Because I had to test your faith.
You did this.
You set me up! Micah listen to me.
Unh! Micah How's this for control? Thank you.
My kids.
Where are my kids? They're with a neighbor-- Lisa.
They're gonna take you to the hospital.
Director Franklin is gonna send men from DC to be with you.
You don't answer any questions until they arrive, do you understand? I'm really sorry.
I thought she was ok.
You find anything? I took everything off of her computer.
It needs to be decoded, but I already sent it to Max, and I got this.
Jana's cell phone.
I'm here for the signing.
When does it start? Not for a while yet.
You're early.
Thank you.
_ Jana was careful.
She used a blocker.
Phone has no cell history.
I can't ping a tower, nothing.
There's no way to access her phone log.
I got it.
I broke the encryption.
All right.
Look up her internet searches.
It's-- it's flooded with Carrie Cooke.
She's being targeted.
How are you? Miss Cooke, so excited to have you here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
No, no.
No worries.
Right this way.
We have it all set up for you.
Thank you.
There's a book signing today.
What time? Now.
This is Federal Agent Mike Weston.
I need the police to 336 Worth Street, the Old Towne Bookstore.
Come on, come on, come on.
Thank you so much.
I'm glad you liked it.
What's your name? Harriett.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And your name? It's for a friend.
Your friend's name? Oh.
Um Joe Carroll.
Oh, my God.
Emma Hill! She-- she's here! Aah! Unh! Unh! Aah! Aah! Hurry! Come on! Help! Please help! This way, this way! You've been chosen, Carrie.
You're going to help us! Get off me! Share this with the world, and if you don't, we will come for you and everyone you care about.
The cops are here.
Come on.
Let's go.
Where's Lance? Just go! Go! We don't have time! Police! Don't move! Everyone on the ground! That way! That way! Whoa, whoa.
Agent Weston.
They're fine.
Excuse me.
You ok? Yeah.
I think so.
How many assailants? CCTV shows 3.
But I only saw two.
They were wearing masks.
A guy an Emma Hill.
She say anything to you? No.
Ma'am, we need you to come with us.
You gonna be all right? I could stay with you.
I'll be ok but can I call you later? Sure.
I really need to leave.
I'm sorry, sir, but it will be just a moment longer.
We appreciate your patience.
Where's this guy going? Excuse me.
Can I help you? Sir, you need to come back to the front.
I'm just looking for a bathroom.
Don't move! He's got a knife! Drop them.
I will kill her.
Drop them! Do what he says.
Do not shoot him.
We need him alive.
Today in New York City at the Old Towne Bookstore, a book signing for author So you left Lance behind? He never came out.
The police were there.
We had to run.
You did the right thing.
Ah, yes.
That's-- that's too bad about Lance, but you gave Carrie Cooke our message? Yes.
This is a monumental moment.
I've got to thank you, Joe.
You are my guiding hand.
You are gonna make history, Micah.
Yes, I am.
Yes, I am.
A toast.
To immortality.
- Immortality.
- Immortality.
Let's turn to "Update America" for the latest.
Coming up next, a live exclusive from Carrie Cooke.
Here we go, here we go! Tonight, I bring you an exclusive.
You have already heard about the horrific murders at a book signing I was attending.
During the attack, I was given the following video and told to share it with the world.
Yes! Turn the TV on now.
By broadcasting this footage, in no way do I or this station condone today's events.
Hello, world.
I hope I have your attention now, for today's massacre What the hell? was only the beginning.
That-- that isn't-- I am Joe Carroll, and I am very much alive.
I have been reborn, and like the last man who was resurrected, I come bringing salvation.
Throughout history, sins have been redeemed with the sacrifice of blood, but today, death is no longer revered.
Well, I have come to restore that reverence.
In the coming days, more blood will be spilled, and nowhere will be safe, not behind the locked doors of your homes or in your streets, or-- or even where you eat.
Shh, shh, shh.
You will never feel safe again, so prepare yourselves, for this is the Age of Joe Carroll, and my name will live forever.
Did Carrie tell you about this? No.
It's time to go home now.
They're all waiting for you.
Hello? Don't be so hard on Carrie.
You know Joe threatened her.
That's why she lied to you.
You're defending her? Her? No.
I'm just saying she's been through a lot.
We all have, and one day, all of this is gonna be over, and you're gonna have a life.
You think so? Yeah.
Yeah, I do.
I'll walk you out.
Where you going? I just got something to do.
I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Yeah.
Ready? Micah has gone home, Robert.
Do you understand what that means? You know, today was a tremendous success.
What you did freed Micah.
He has received life's greatest reward.
I understand, Joe.
Now you must help me, Robert.
Spread the word.
Let everyone hear the glorious news.
I'll take care of it.
I know exactly what to do.
Stay close to him.
See that he doesn't waver.
And, Emma this might just work.
Micah and Julia are home.
They've been called before us to prepare the way.
They are truly blessed.
Praise Micah! Praise Micah! Praise Julia! Praise Julia! Fear not, for we are not alone.
All hail the Prophet Joe! Hail the Prophet Joe! He comes to lead us down the path to salvation.
Praise Joe! Praise Joe.
Praise Joe! Praise Joe.
Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! Praise Joe! I got your message.
I'd have been here sooner, but I had a little FBI detour.
You guys really know how to ask the same question over and over again.
Come on in.
Uh, sorry, guys.
He means me.
I've seen this face before.
You're mad at me.
I'm sorry I lied.
I'm not mad.
You were threatened.
Plus I know the last few days have been tough on you.
I know.
What is this? Thought we were having dinner.
freed the daytime with indifference watch the twilight starve the sun shuffle home against the darkness How many guys they got watching you? Those two, and the show's hiring me a security team tomorrow.
Ooh! Fancy.
Well good night.
Thank you, Ryan.
but you're coming right along and please please be strong Mike, good to see you, man.
This way.
but you're coming right along coming right along coming right along Hi, Mike.

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