The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e09 Episode Script

A Prayer For Two Thousand Years Later

He truly is a frightening one,
isn't he, Chief of Staff?
Granted, the god was wounded,
but he dispatched the Heavenly
Father God Nous Galia so easily!
He is worthy of being called
the Demon King's Right-Hand Man.
Does Nous Galia remain in Aharthern?
Yes, but he is nearly dead.
And that is also part of the plan!
The gods are incomprehensible.
But their powers are great.
So I, the Flaming Death King,
can simply become the Heavenly Father God!
Wasn't the spell to usurp
the power of a god incomplete?
But it is enough.
Avos Dilhevia can complete the spell.
You will use
the Hero Kanon's plot as well?
Nous Galia intends to give birth
to a god child that is a great spirit,
the Demon King of Tyranny, Avos Dilhevia!
So you plan to use
the power of the fictitious Demon King
to assume Nous Galia's power?
If it so happens.
Soon, the Hero will come
in contact with the Mother Great Spirit
and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man.
Now, just what may happen then?
Based on how he spoke,
Kanon has already begun
spreading rumors of Avos Dilhevia.
Then soon
Based on the characteristics
of half-spirit-half-demons, most likely.
- Then Leno will
- Don't avert your eyes, Misha.
We came here to ensure that it happens.
I refuse.
Shin Reglia, this is how
we save the Demon King Anos.
The humans are preparing to destroy Anos
as he reincarnates in 2,000 years.
True, they won't
stand a chance against him,
but the Demon King
wished to end the strife.
Will he be forced to kill humans again?
When he reincarnates, I want
him to see a world filled with peace.
And to do that,
I will pretend to be the Demon King.
I want you as my right-hand
Regardless of the reason,
do you believe that I would
kneel before a false Demon King?
If you're with him, everyone will believe
that Avos Dilhevia is the true Demon King.
If you care for Anos
No matter what plots are constructed,
my liege will overcome them,
without losing anything.
Do we simply leave everything
to him because he's superior?
It's because we were weak,
because we weren't
strong enough to end the hatred
that he had no choice
but to go to sleep in solitude.
I will make amends by being killed
by the humans 2,000 years in the future.
That will end the spiral of hatred.
I promised him that
when I'm next reincarnated,
we will be friends.
When I next stand before him,
I want to be worthy of being his friend.
Regardless of circumstances, I cannot
allow a false Demon King to exist.
However, your reckless plan
will never succeed.
I shall reincarnate to follow my liege,
2,000 years in the future.
But you won't stop him?
Thank you.
You've changed Kanon.
You used to always
seem like you were suffering,
but you look like you've
left that all behind now.
If that's true, then it's thanks to Anos.
Were you the reason that he changed?
Huh? What?
I came prepared to be diced.
I've never seen him
so devoid of killing intent.
Oh, really?
Maybe trying to teach him love was good.
Teach him love?
Oh, I see.
I thought the Mother
Great Spirit never fell in love.
That's it! It's love!
- Shin!
- What is the matter?
I got it! I got it Shin!
I love you Shin.
It was love all along. I love you!
I feel different whenever I'm with you.
When I heard that you didn't
know love, my chest tightened.
When you watered the lilies,
I was filled with smiles.
You always make me into a different me!
You make me into someone
who isn't the Mother Great Spirit!
You don't like that?
I do not have love.
However, you filled
the emptiness within me slightly.
My time here makes me feel
as though I were sheathed.
I thank you.
No, that's fine!
- And that time ends today.
- Huh?
I have slain the final Gwen.
Nous Galia is halfway to death.
He no longer has
the strength to assault you.
Then you're going to reincarnate? When?
The Hero Kanon will soon begin spreading
rumors of a fictitious Demon King.
I shall head to Dilhade before that.
But I've only just realized
My apologies.
My liege awaits me
2,000 years in the future.
It's not fair.
What is not fair?
The Demon King
was together with you for so long.
I only met you the other day.
I can't possibly compare to that.
Then, as thanks to you,
allow me to present
you something in place of that time
so as not to be unfair.
- What will you give me?
- Whatever you wish.
Then, Shin
Um Uh
Will you marry me?
As you wish.
Then go, Shin.
I'll wait here for you
until you return in 2,000 years.
In which tradition
shall we hold the ceremony?
Weren't you going to leave right away?
My liege commanded that all
who should marry, must hold a ceremony.
Th-Then how about the Aharthern way?
As you wish.
- Marriage!
- Marriage!
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations!
Wow, they're getting married already.
I wish Anos could
have been here to see us.
Yes. However, he may be watching
from 2,000 years in the future.
My liege is the Demon King of Tyranny.
Give thanks
that we witness this wonderful moment
when spirit and demon are united.
Mother Great Spirit Leno,
do you take Shin Reglia as your husband,
to love with all
your spirit name and heart
until your legend ends?
I do.
The Demon King's Right-Hand Man,
Shin Reglia,
do you take the Mother Great Spirit Leno
as your wife,
to defend her and her kingdom
with all the pride and will of a demon?
Even if ruin may part us.
And now, the husband of
the Mother Great Spirit Leno,
the Spirit King Shin Reglia, is born.
The kiss of consummation.
- You can pretend if you'd like.
- Do you want me to pretend?
I'd prefer if you didn't.
Then as you wish.
I love you.
It's okay.
I love you enough for both of us!
I still do not know love,
but I have chosen you, Leno.
A spirit wedding ceremony is really wild.
Demons keep it a solemn ceremony.
Did it surprise you?
It was not bad.
I do not know love,
but you showed me a dream.
I thank you.
Um I'm certain
that you don't not know it.
Your heart has a tiny
little blossom in it, and one day,
it will bloom into a flower.
I wish I could continue seeing it forever.
Has the wedding ceremony
ended in its entirety?
- Not yet!
- Honeymoon! Honeymoon!
Stop that Titi!
- Run away! Run away!
- Enjoy yourselves!
- Oh, um Well
- Yes.
Well, technically it has, but
But sleeping together can be part of it.
Then shall we go to bed?
Oh, let's talk a little.
I want to know about how you and Anos met.
It is not
a particularly entertaining story.
In the midst of the war,
I had gained a body
and duelled famed demons.
All opponents seemed to me like weaklings.
They had love within them.
It was not suited for battle.
I may have had strength
because I did not have love.
All victories felt empty.
My body thirst for something.
I had no way to know
what it thirst for at the time.
One day, I faced a demon
who was called the Demon King.
I struck 100 times with my sword,
but not once did I chance to cut him.
For once, I was interested in my opponent.
Why are you strong?
If I am not strong, I cannot save.
- Why are you so strong?
- There is no reason.
Become my subordinate.
I will provide an opponent
worthy of being cut by your blade.
That was when I first realized
that my body
the God-Killing Mad Sword
sought a master worthy of service.
Anos is really amazing.
My liege provided me with a reason
to fight and accepted me as a demon.
I became the Demon King's Right-Hand Man
in order to repay that debt of gratitude.
I see.
It's only natural for you to want to
reincarnate and follow him.
Actually, Shin,
I don't want it to end only with sleeping.
I may hurt you if you seek my love.
That's okay.
I was told that you suddenly collapsed.
Yeah. Maybe I went a little overboard.
I asked Eniyunien to see what was wrong.
How should I explain this to you?
What is it?
Well, you see Mother Leno,
you are heavy with child.
I sense the mana of a demon from you.
It is surely
your child with the Spirit King.
I thought spirits and demons
couldn't have children together.
That is what we may have thought,
but the facts are the facts.
I see
However, the rumor and
legend that are the child's source
is still small and weak.
It must be a rumor that only just began.
I can't even feel
what kind of rumor it is.
It seems that your source is
providing the strength it lacks.
That must be why you collapsed.
If the rumor and legend are not found
and spread within 10 months and 10 days,
the child may end soon after it is born.
- Oh, good.
- What do you find so?
We have ten months and ten days.
We can find a way with that much time.
I'm the Mother Great Spirit you know.
Thank you Shin.
This child is the love you gave me
Your love made this miracle happen.
You made sure that I wouldn't be lonely.
I want you to name it.
If it is a boy, then Gode.
If it is a girl, then Misa.
They're both such lovely names.
Leno, if you wish, then I
No matter what,
I won't tell you not to go.
My husband is
the Demon King's Right-Hand Man.
Your loyalty is greater than any other's.
You would never allow the rumor of
a fictitious Demon King to spread.
You have my gratitude.
The Love Fairy Flan
lends its body to the dead.
Those who are revived
retain not their memories,
but those who have true love
can remember and profess it.
Why do you give this to me?
You see, this is a spirit jinx.
Don't lose it. So we can
meet again 2,000 years in the future.
I promise you.
I'll be waiting for you with our child.
Have a good reincarnation.
I shall surely return.
Is that truly what was best?
What do you mean?
Great Spirit Leno, your legend is
"In all past, present, and future,
the mother
of all spirits and only of spirits."
This child will be half-demon.
You will contradict your rumor
and legend, and thus you will end.
I'm going to bear it, no matter what.
Protect that which you wish to protect.
In 2,000 years,
when the Spirit King learns
that you have ended, he may be sad.
And I hope Shin will cry.
I'm sure he'll realize it then
that he loved me.
Even if it's a little mean to want that,
I'm in love with him.
I want him to love me back.
You saw how dull he is.
It would take risking my
life to make it happen.
It's okay.
A miracle like this happened.
That much can come true
The God-Killing Mad Sword gave you love?
Simply beyond absurd.
- You can't!
- Don't reincarnate!
- Where were you hiding?
- Inside the page!
- Come back to Aharthern!
- You have to!
- If this is a prank
- She'll end!
Leno's going to disappear!
Nous Galia
Mother Great Spirit Leno.
You are ignorant,
so I grant you the gods' wisdom.
I said it to the God-Killing Mad Sword.
He must have thought that he cut my words.
However, the word of a god is absolute.
What are you trying to say?
Miracles are not brought about by love.
The love that
the God-Killing Mad Sword wished for
and the love that
the Mother Great Spirit Leno experienced
and even the miraculous seed
which took root in your womb
all come from the law of
the Heavenly Father God.
- No
- That is not the child of Shin Reglia.
His body was simply a medium.
No! This child is mine and Shin's
See this new page.
Avos Dilhevia is a spirit?
Your eyes can see it clearly.
The source of the child is the rumor
and legend of a fictitious Demon King.
Now, the god child who will destroy
the Demon King Anos is born!
No If it's born now, it won't survive!
No You can't
Not yet!
Her source and mana are both weak.
Left alone, she will perish.
What will you do, Great Spirit Leno?
Please, be born
A spirit that can save her!
There is
Please, Time-Space Spring Esesey
Take her with you
To a place where she can live,
2,000 years in the future.
The Demon King
will surely make it for her then.
I'm sorry. I can't even hold you.
The child is neither of the love
you speak, nor of Shin Reglia.
Yet, why do you save her?
By the word of a god,
you became the mother of
God-Killing Mad Sword,
killing me now will not change
My sincere apologies.
Thank you for protecting me
I'm sorry Shin. I told you a lie.
It wasn't love It wasn't a miracle
It wasn't your child
I'm sorry I couldn't teach you love.
She's going to 2,000 years in the future.
If she disrupts the peace of
the world, please, by your own hands
I understand.
I shall protect her.
I shall create a world where
she can live, 2,000 years in the future.
But You can't
Her rumor and legend and Avos Dilhevia.
You can't You can't let that happen.
I will not allow her to die.
Even if my liege
Even if it means disobeying my liege,
I shall spread the rumor and legend of
a fictitious demon king and protect her.
Misa is a child born of the two of us.
She is the love that you gave me.
Why won't my voice come out?
There's still so much I want to tell you.
I'm sorry, Shin.
I'm your wife, but while
you always protected me,
I couldn't protect your pride.
It was more important
to you than anything else
This did not go well.
My sincere apologies for
making your last moments sad.
I need to smile.
Shin, I don't think
it will get through to you,
but thank you.
Thank you for teaching me love.
Thank you Shin, for protecting me.
We were only married for three days,
but I was happier than anyone ever was.
Perhaps the word "fool"
was created to describe me.
I wanted to make you happy.
This is the end of the tragedy
of 2,000 years ago.
Now, we go to regain everything.
"Hatred in the Past"
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