The Shield s02e09 Episode Script


Storeowner heard shots, but didn't take a look.
That make him gutless or smart? Probably a little of both.
Well, the DMV says she had a '96 Ford Escort registered to her.
You'd think driving an Escort would disqualify you from being carjacked.
Where the hell are the tech guys? A knife fight over on Stanton.
- Hurry up and wait time.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna try the gum again.
You'll be back on the tar in a week.
Well, thanks for your support.
Christ almighty, my whole life is going by.
Vic! Gilroy's in the house.
Hey, what brings you to the front line? Carjacking at 2 in the afternoon.
Yeah, well, business as usual on the Farm.
Look, I wanted to talk to you in person.
The The command of this new Strike Team It's hard selling you to the chief.
Balls! Look, I know the area.
I know the players.
No one can do this better.
Chief's not looking for somebody better, but for somebody more What? What's the problem? He's worried about your run-ins with Plotkin.
- Plotkin was an asshole.
- He was your superior.
Yeah, and I've done my penance for a year and a half because of him.
I'm never gonna get another shot? Not this one, Vic.
I'm sorry.
I need to get out on the street, cleaning it up.
I mean, you gotta talk to the chief again.
- What? - You can make it happen.
Pull a favor.
Just get me the assignment.
Get me Shane on the strike team.
Another one with a spotty jacket.
Shane's a good cop.
And he works well with me.
Now you could fill the rest of the team with whoever you like.
Ben, I need this.
I've only got one marker to use with the chief.
If I use it I need results.
I need them quick or we're both out of a job.
Just give me the chance.
The unit's antigang, antidrug.
Your own team, wow.
- I just can't blow it.
- You won't.
A lot of O.
It's more money, but it's less time with you and the kids.
We'll manage.
You have to do this.
Ben picked you, didn't he? Yeah.
After looking for any reason not to.
And he couldn't find one, so show him.
That's it.
Can I help you? I'm Detective Mackey.
I'm running the strike team.
We're still interviewing for that position.
I hope not.
Assistant Chief Gilroy told me I start tomorrow.
I figured I'd settle in early, hit the ground running.
Gilroy told you that? I'm Captain David Aceveda.
You said your name was Mackey, right? Yeah.
I read your file.
We have a chance to do something real special here.
You let me know how I can help.
I don't care how you did it in the past but in this house, we're gonna work together.
Special squads, detectives, uniformed police officers we'll help each other and share information however we can.
It's the only way that this satellite precinct can work.
I'd like to thank Assistant Chief Ben Gilroy for our new jobs.
Thank you, captain.
You all know this unit is a trial squad.
An expensive one.
People say it's a waste of time and tax dollars.
I don't believe that.
Let's prove them wrong.
Yeah! Thanks, Big Ben.
Come on, Fred, I remember you.
Sofer you did your P2 over at Central, huh? - Yeah.
- Who sucked you into this hellhole? I couldn't pass up the long hours and the low pay.
Ready, Boot? - Yes, ma'am.
- Don't ever call me ma'am.
- Yes, sir.
- Just Danny, okay? All right, Danny.
You two haven't worked Farmington as much as we have so get on the street, cultivate Cls, find out who's aiding, who's mating.
- Knowledge is power.
- When do we start? Already have.
I put a list together of the neighborhood dickheads.
Gonna make house calls, let them know who's new in town.
Thanks for letting me join the band.
Well, Shane here vouched for you and, in spite of that, I figured what the hell.
- Might've been a mistake.
- Who let the moustache guy in? The ladies love the 'stache.
Listen, guys, trust isn't something that happens overnight.
And trust me, where we're going, we're gonna need it.
We have a drive-by.
One fatality.
That's you.
- We're on.
- Hell, man.
Let's do it.
What happened? Yo, man, they killed Wanda.
They took Jolene off in an ambulance.
- Polly's shot somewhere.
- Looks like you get off easy.
- Who did it? - Man, I didn't see him.
- What's your name? - Ringo.
Your parents didn't like you enough to name you after John or Paul? - I know Ringo.
- Oh, yeah? Smalltime pimp daddy.
Who'd you piss off? Man, I was just walking with my girls, minding the store, that's all.
I mean in the last couple of days.
No one.
Someone's trying to mark their territory.
Who's the lion? See what you can drum up on Ringo.
I know one of the girls that works for him.
Owes me.
I'll see if she can help.
The classroom's where you learn the rules, 70 percent of the job is instinct.
Morning, Jules.
Black tea, please.
You want anything? Orange juice and a breakfast burrito.
- I'll take care of that.
- That's okay.
On the house.
Look, I appreciate that, but I have to pay.
- Five bucks.
- There you go.
What is going on? Oh, my God.
- Vic.
- Can I come in? Sure, yeah.
You taking care of Brian now? He's with my mom most of the time.
Sometimes she's got this thing, though.
- And then you're alone with him? - He's fine.
I don't fix while I'm watching him.
One of Ringo's girls was killed today.
Another one got shot.
I heard about Wanda.
She was okay.
Any idea who might've done it? Well, you heard it from somewhere else? - Lionel Phipps or his guys.
- Who is he? From the neighborhood.
Got his hands in drugs.
Decided he wanted to get a piece of our asses.
Ringo didn't wanna pay the tax.
- Next thing you know - Well, stay away from Ringo.
He's a walking target right now.
That's my mom.
Time for me to get to work.
If Lionel is the lion, then what does that make you? His wives or his cubs? Who wants to tell us about the drive-bys this morning? - Stop feeling me up, faggot.
- You getting a hard-on, faggot? Bitch ass.
Against the wall! Against the wall! Up against the wall! Man, he's the asshole who started it.
And there's also about a dozen citizens watching us, man.
- One mistake is all it takes.
- He's a cocksucker Who just put himself on our list.
But when the time is right.
Understood? - Yeah.
I'm sorry.
- All right.
Let's wrap them up and take them home.
Get your ass up.
- Wagenbach? - Yeah.
Hi, I'm Dutch You're two hours late.
What? At Sunset, detectives start at 9.
We start here at 7.
- Yes, sir.
I didn't - You're lucky there's a desk left.
Oh, that's by the kitchen and the women's restroom.
Anything else? There was at 7.
Might as well make yourself useful.
A rape victim led us to the building she was held in.
- Gannon and Wyms are headed there.
- Tom Gannon? - Know him? - Not personally.
Everyone knows he solved Beachwood Canyon.
He's great.
He's punctual.
Managed to loose the ropes punch out the window with her hands to get out.
There have been other women here.
Vacant building, quiet street.
Not much a chance of witnesses.
Dutch Wagenbach, Farmington Division.
Over here we just call it the Farm.
Tom Gannon.
I know.
Beachwood Canyon Slasher.
- Claudette Wyms.
- Wyms.
You been on the force long? - Oh, long enough.
- I'm sorry.
I just haven't heard of you.
- Why would you? - I like to keep up on my colleagues follow the bigger cases.
- So, Butch - Dutch.
We got a Salvadoran illegal, doesn't speak English, won't give her name her parents, just her story.
- Which is? She was kidnapped.
Held here by three cholos.
They called somebody for ransom.
Threatened to rape her if they didn't pay.
Called back, family didn't have the money, so they went to town on her.
After they were done, they tied her up, left.
She managed to escape.
First one to roll on Lionel gets a free pass.
The rest don't.
So who's talking? You don't think I'm gonna get Lionel with or without you? Okay.
I'll be back in an hour see who changes his mind.
Screw you.
I don't think we're looking at typical rapists.
Sexual predators are antisocial.
They are driven by inadequacy, not money.
Our three will have rap sheets, but for violent crimes other than rape.
The sexual assault was a punishment to them, not a proclivity.
Best desk in the house.
Right here by the kitchen, the men's room.
We lucked out.
This isn't an isolated case.
A lot of illegal immigrants have been getting snatched up on the Farm.
- Our stats don't show that.
- The families don't report it.
They pay.
Several people said I should talk to someone named Jesus Latigo.
- Well, who's he? - I don't know, but I got him coming in.
- Great.
- That's good work, but I got you beat.
I dug up a witness.
Says she saw three guys driving off from the crime scene.
- So I'm running a partial plate.
- I'll fill in the boss.
So, Tom, when you broke Beachwood, what made you think the stepbrother? Something just wasn't right about that kid.
His stepsister was all cut up but he didn't seem worried about his mother's safety or his two real sisters.
You see, he loved them.
Anyone know what the partner situation is around here? Captain's still working on it.
Maybe we could work together.
I can learn a lot from you.
Well, maybe it'll end up like that.
When I heard what had happened to Anna Villa, I was sick.
- How did you know her family? - I'm her friend.
Well, we have to talk to them to see what the kidnappers said to them.
They won't come in.
My clients are illegals.
You know how it is.
I thought you were a friend of the family.
- I am.
- But are they also your clients? Are you a lawyer? No, no.
I'm just a friend.
Everyone said you're the man to see about dealing with kidnappers.
What does that mean? I have really said too much.
No, you haven't.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Goddamn it.
I didn't mean that.
I was told this is the ladies' room? Oh, I guess it is.
Gannon, you creaky old sack of shit.
What are you doing? Gilroy asked me to do him a favor and bring credibility to this old barn.
- Barn? I like that.
- Heard you're running the strike team.
They're giving me the shot.
That's good.
Plotkin's probably pissing blood just thinking about it.
Hey, have you talked to Joe Clark lately? - He's enjoying his retirement.
- I'm looking forward to it myself.
These are my guys now.
This is Curtis, Shane and Ronnie.
- Hi.
- Good as always.
What are you working on now? Some illegal got gang-banged.
Victim's more concerned with Mom and Dad's INS status than catching the pricks.
- Yeah.
- Who are you partnered up with? - That black girl and some "Dutch" guy.
- Who? - Come here.
Come take a look.
- I keep hiding his chair on him.
- You're starting already? - Every house needs a rube.
- And you're anointing this guy? Oh, yeah.
I got the scoop from Sunset.
His wife was a big boozer, so he puts her in AA thinking he's getting her help, and she gets schtupped by her sponsor.
And the kicker is, she finally tells him, not only is she leaving him she's having this other guy's kid.
- Oh, no, no.
Oh, maybe we should cut him a break then.
My guy said that Dutch-boy is just a big windbag, needs his sails trimmed.
- Doesn't anyone knock? - This one's Wyms.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I've got someone in interrogation.
- Who? - Why not come upstairs and find out? Yeah.
I'll be I'll be right there.
All business.
She'll never last around here.
- This ain't gonna work.
- What do you mean? There's not enough oxygen in there for us three.
You hang back.
- We'll tell you how it goes.
- Sure.
Latigo, this is my partner, Tom Gannon.
There's just one cage here, right? Excuse me.
Where did our prisoners go? - Captain released them.
- Why? Ask him.
- Captain, I have a question.
- Yes? Well, I was just wondering why you cut my prisoners loose without checking with me.
I saw the paperwork.
It was a mess.
There was no probable cause.
The D.
Wouldn't have taken the case, so I let them go.
Maybe you'll remember this next time you turn in such sloppy paperwork.
I wasn't looking for a conviction.
I was just sweating them.
It's a holding cell, detective, not a sauna.
It's reserved for legitimate, actual arrests.
- They were part of my investigation.
- Investigation? I haven't seen anything of merit.
Where are the leads? You sent them off packing.
Commanding the strike team is a prized position.
We had a lot of candidates just as qualified, if not more.
So get your act together or I'll find someone else.
Are we clear? Yes, sir.
How's the first day going? A few bugs, but I'm working them out.
Anything I should know about? Your guy Mackey, he's not off to a very impressive start.
- He'll get results.
- Maybe.
But I'd like to put a backup plan in place.
Fill the last open slot with a guy who could run the strike team if Mackey flunked out.
Give the man a chance, David.
It's day one.
I've read his file, called around.
A lot of people won't work with him.
It's a crucial slot.
We can do better.
I need this experiment to be successful.
So do you.
Then we need someone who can deliver.
He will.
Come up with some candidates though, just in case.
I'll pick somebody personally.
Come up with a few guys.
Run them through my office.
- You shouldn't have to be bothered.
- It's too important.
I'm making all personnel decisions around here.
Just keep an eye on things.
I'll be in touch later.
Heard about your little spat with Aceveda.
We're just getting used to each other.
No time for a learning curve, Vic.
Chief gave me everything I wanted here.
But I had to take on Aceveda.
He's not going anywhere.
- Do you have leads on this drive-by? - Hell, yeah.
We think it's a street thug named Lionel's behind it.
Make your case and put the team on the map.
We will.
Just might need a little more time.
Chief's not gonna have any patience, which means I don't either.
We clear? People I talk to say you're a ransom broker.
Detaining someone is a heinous crime but lucrative in Latin America.
Detained, my ass.
You're a goddamned kidnapper.
I'm a consultant.
The kidnappers demand a ransom.
The families hire me to broker the deal get their loved ones back safely.
You do it out of the goodness of your heart? I charge a commission.
I have a hundred-percent recovery rate.
Your buddies are doing the kidnapping.
Because I understand how to negotiate with these people.
- The Salvadorians do not.
- Negotiate with what people? Mexicans.
They see the Salvadorians as lower class.
They target them.
- And what are you? - Honduran.
So, look, where are these kidnappers now? - I never met them.
We arrange a drop.
- How do you contact them? They page me to a pay phone.
Well, next time they page you, you tell us.
Look, I'm successful because the families and kidnappers both trust me.
I lead you to these men, all the others will never work with me again.
If there were no more brokers, maybe the kidnappings would stop.
There will always be kidnappings.
And the families will hire other brokers who don't care brokers who'd take the money and keep it.
And the kidnappers will kill the victims and the broker says that's just the way it goes.
Well, I care.
I pay them money.
I get people back alive.
Look, are you gonna lead us to these guys or not? I can't.
Talk to me.
We wait, a couple of weeks.
Wait until one of Lionel's guys slip up on some felony.
Then we flip them.
We don't have a couple of weeks.
Lem and I spoke to Narcotics and Vice.
They've been trying to make a case against Lionel for months.
- They have nothing for us? - Well, that's what they said.
God! We gotta nail him, like right now.
We hit him long enough and hard enough, man, he'll get the message.
You an expert on making guys long and hard? Hey, this isn't funny.
I mean, it's the goddamned first day and the bosses are already talking about changes.
Anybody here feel like going back to their old post? Look, I hate to say this, but I think we need a shortcut.
Like what? Maybe we need to squeeze a guy in Lionel's outfit.
Make him produce some evidence for us.
It'd speed things up a bit.
Well, produce as in plant? Hey.
We all know that this guy's an asshole in the first degree.
This isn't the first body he's responsible for.
- I don't know, man - Just hear me out.
High-profile bust gets us credibility out on the street and with the bosses.
Once we get our feet on solid ground, get a couple wins under our belt we go back to doing it the right way.
Hey, we need this.
Just this once.
Hey, where we going? - Ain't no police station this way.
- Yeah, well, we a mobile unit.
Why are you in such a hurry to go to jail? Bringing me in for a couple of joints, man? I ain't doing time for three sticks of chronic.
Your record, I wouldn't be too sure.
You're gonna help us build a case against Lionel.
Are you on the pipe? - You see that? - We had our tagger do some work.
We're the new king of this jungle.
You think a snake on the wall Hey, you wanna go back for possession? Look, you guys may be the cops, but Lionel's the law around here.
You gotta bring it a lot heavier than this to change people's minds.
- I don't think he'll cooperate.
- Give it time.
- Lf he doesn't? - I'm thinking.
We'll just try another homey.
- Lionel will catch wind of it.
- Can't stake him out.
He's smart.
We bring him in for piddly shit, captain will just kick him.
We get a warrant based on suspicion of the shooting.
We drop the evidence ourselves.
Lionel will scream "setup," and that's what it'll look like.
We can't even remotely appear like we brought this shit in.
- No.
We gotta have another cop find it.
- How about planting it in his car? Crib's the best bet.
When is it empty? It isn't.
He's got girls streaming in and out of there day and night.
We don't need you to tell us when they call.
We'll get the page ourselves.
No, no.
They use a code.
Without me, the number won't make any sense.
I tried to interrogate our victim.
Still won't talk.
I told you, they don't trust police.
I do this community a service.
It's not just about the money.
I help families pro bono, families that Cut the champion-of-the-people crap.
- What happened? - Mayfield took a cart of groceries out without paying.
My husband went to stop him and got attacked.
- What'd he hit you with? - A bag of ice.
Go call the paramedics.
Mayfield is okay.
He just had a bad run.
No work.
He said he'll pay for the stuff.
And I told him we don't do that.
No money, no groceries.
Look, I don't wanna get Mayfield in no trouble.
I just want the money or groceries back.
He committed a felony.
We're gonna have to arrest him.
Well, then go do it.
He took perishables.
Step out of the apartment, please.
- You Mayfield Duffy? - Yeah.
- Step down please, sir.
- Hands out of your pockets.
- What's the beef? - Turn around.
- I told him I'd pay him.
- Before or after you struck him? Is Otto okay? I didn't mean to hit him hard.
Yeah, he's okay.
Second set of cuffs.
There are places where you can go for aid, sir.
- I got aid, then I got robbed.
- Robbed? I get food stamps twice a month.
That punk gangster in 29 keeps stealing everybody's food stamps.
It'll be days before I can get some more.
Meanwhile, my family's starving.
- What am I supposed to do? - Not commit a felony.
Use this purse.
It's got a false bottom and a remote mike inside.
- What's that? Coke? - Crack.
The sentencing's more severe.
Give me your purse.
Come on.
I want you to go inside Lionel's apartment and you tell him that you're willing to pay a street tax to stay out working and stay safe.
- I don't even know this guy.
- He knows about you.
You hide the crack in his bathroom, under the sink or something.
This is the guy who shot up Wanda? - It'll be a pleasure then.
- Thank you.
You're miked.
We can hear everything.
If at any time the mike fails, we're right in there, okay? - Okay.
- Listen.
This guy's bad.
If it seems dangerous, you just say the word "gringo" and we come riding to the rescue.
- Gringo.
- Yeah.
- Right.
Hey, I mean it.
Any sign of worry, you say the word.
- You Happy Sandez? - Yeah, that's me.
What of it? You the same Happy Sandez that's been stealing people's food stamps? Food stamps? I don't need no ghetto coupons.
Happy, we got your sheet.
You got three priors for theft and no job.
Why don't you give those people their food stamps, so they can eat? I'm missing the game.
I tell you what, Happy.
My partner and I are gonna go around the corner for exactly two minutes and when we come back either the food stamps you took are on the bottom step or I'll call some detectives and they'll turn your life upside down.
You got it? You got two minutes.
Screw Ringo.
I'm willing to pay you.
I just don't wanna get shot up.
- Smart thinking, sweet pea.
- So we cool then? No.
Not quite.
See, I like to know what I'm putting on the streets.
Come here.
Right here.
Wants to taste the kitty.
Just let me run to the bathroom.
- What for? - To pop in my diaphragm.
No need, baby girl.
I ain't hitting that raw.
Oh, yeah.
The broker has a pipeline, but he's decent.
If we talk to him right, he'll talk.
The broker is a dead end.
I got my witness coming in.
I think she's our best bet.
I got 30 years experience says if we slap him with obstruction of justice he misses one home-cooked meal, he'll talk.
- Tom's got seniority.
Follow his lead.
- Witness is here.
- Hi.
- Carry on.
Thanks for coming in.
So, hypothetically, how would you go after the broker? - Boss wants to do it Gannon's way.
- Well, he's going his way.
Doesn't mean we can't go ours.
They teach you that in the classroom? Goddamn, you're tight.
- You ain't gonna dis me again, right? - No, I swear.
Right? - I'm going in.
- Hey, hey.
She didn't say "gringo.
" - I'm going in.
- Hey.
We don't have a warrant.
And we're only gonna get one shot at this.
All right? - I don't care.
- Hey, goddamn it! Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, man.
She's a pro.
This is what she does for a living.
And we gotta make this case, right? Right? - Oh, for God's sake.
- Hey, hey, Vic, Vic.
Come here.
Look, we're almost there now, all right? All right? It's in the bathroom, under the sink.
Vic, I'm okay.
Vic, I need to score before you take me home.
- Nice digs, David.
- Nice enough.
- You don't sound too excited.
- No, I am.
It's just Gilroy stocked the pond with his own fish.
I'm still figuring out what waters are safe to swim in.
I could use a friendly face working here.
Is this like when you tried to get me to work Narcotics with you? - Oh, it'll be different.
- How? You'll say yes.
I'm happy in Robbery.
This is more money, more action, more fun.
So, what's the job? Gilroy's pick for the strike team, Vic Mackey.
There's a spot on the team.
Take it.
If Mackey doesn't work out, you'll take his place.
- Run the strike team? - Even if he does work out still a great gig.
Come on.
It's a no-lose situation for you.
Your boy's going down tonight.
And the question is, are you going down with him? Lionel's got drugs in his crib.
- Lionel don't keep drugs at his crib.
- Well, I guess he got sloppy.
Makes me wonder.
You ever get sloppy? You wouldn't.
So we busted Rondell here on possession for distribution.
- He wants to deal now.
- What can he offer us? My boss, Lionel.
- We think he did the drive-bys.
- I make deliveries to his house.
He's got product there.
Move on him right away.
- You'll swear to this in an affidavit? - Sure.
Whatever it takes.
Detective Vendrell, let's take his statement.
Call for a warrant.
- Impressive.
- Thanks.
Getting him to roll on a heavy hitter for a misdemeanor marijuana charge.
I can't take all the credit.
I don't think he fully grasps the distinction between felony and misdemeanor.
When that paperwork comes in, I'd like to go on that bust with you see you in action.
Sure thing.
- I got it.
- Your pager just went off.
- I know we don't have much time.
- Sorry.
I'm bound by tradition.
This tradition, does it always include multiple rape? No.
That was wrong of them.
What if the kidnappers decide the family still owes them? - They could go after her again.
- They probably will.
I see how you're being honorable.
You tell me how they're being honorable.
If you helped us, if you led us to them it'd be a message that both brokers and kidnappers must follow the rules.
Your community would understand that.
They could appreciate the honor in it.
Informant? Yo, who the hell told you I got drugs? - That's confidential.
Security reasons.
- I'm sure you understand.
Yo, don't play me, dog.
I got a right to face my accuser.
You can mention that at trial.
Hey, yo, man, take it easy over there.
You heard the man.
Respect the property.
Got something.
How many years of experience in this room and the goddamn rookie finds the brick on his first day? - Let me see that, man.
- Nice.
- Damn straight.
The kid's a natural.
- I taught him everything he knows.
- I bet you did.
That ain't mine, man.
And this is a stone-cold setup.
- You put it there.
- I found it under your sink, sir.
- It was a goddamn setup, man.
- Vic.
Now check this shit out.
That's a tech-nine.
That's the same kind of gun used in the drive-by.
- We plant this too? - Yo, look, I didn't shoot nobody.
Is that what ballistics is gonna tell us about that dead hooker? I didn't think so.
- I have 1 0 minutes to get there.
- We better hurry.
Shut up.
Just get in the cage.
Good work, Vic.
You know, you really pulled it together.
- Thanks.
- Chief's happy.
Wants another press conference to trumpet the quick results.
I'll do the talking, but he wants you there.
Detective, we got a call from our kidnappers.
We set up a drop.
You mind getting our backs? Captain said we could help each other out.
Hey, my day's just getting started.
- Get out of the car! - Get down! Out of the car! - There's piss all over the floor, homes.
- Shut up! Sit down! Stop! Get back here! Stop, goddamn it! - Hands behind your head! - Where do you think you're going? I said, stop! Goddamn it.
All right.
We're secure here.
- You all right? - I got him.
Keep looking.
- That That's them.
- Well, which ones? Those ones.
Hey, what happened? - Latigo had a change of heart.
- You didn't tell me that.
- It happened quickly.
- I've been sitting right here.
Those our kidnappers? Well, our broker cooperated, led us to them.
Well done.
- You didn't have to do that.
- Credit's overrated.
Tangible results.
Nice goddamn job.
Both of you.
I told you he'd deliver.
I just didn't think twice on the first day.
What'd you expect? The whole team worked well together.
Some things could've been smoother, but we'll get there.
I'm sure his public defender will have some questions.
It's just a few scratches.
From being dragged through barbed wire.
I told him to stop.
Bet you next time he listens.
Come on, fellas.
Job's hard enough without tension between the walls.
We should be celebrating.
Nathan, you gotta be kidding me.
So what am I supposed to do now? - Use the ladies' room.
- Jesus Christ.
Plumber promised me he'd get to it tomorrow.
And try not to destroy that one too.
The obvious thing would've been to go Gannon's way.
Instead, you got Latigo to do what he didn't wanna do, and feel good doing it.
Some cases you get an instinct.
I don't get it.
How come I haven't heard of you? It's a mystery.
I was thinking maybe we could serve as partners again.
You know, on a permanent basis.
Oh, wherever I'm needed.
So if I spoke to Aceveda, asked him to put us together, you wouldn't mind? No, I wouldn't mind.
Who took my chair? Hey.
Lem and Ronnie are psyched.
We're gonna go get a beer.
Start without me.
I gotta do something.
Look, I talked to both of them and they're cool about what went down.
- Good.
- We got Lionel.
Got us a little breathing room.
- It was easy, wasn't it? - Yeah.
A little too easy.
My church conducts food drives in Farmington to help feed families.
- I don't need the gospel.
I need work.
- My pastor knows a lot of people.
I'll ask him if someone's hiring.
Next time, find some help before you do something stupid.
What are you doing? I'm just letting him know where his family could get some help.
You're gonna get emotionally involved with every collar, get into social work.
You don't have to tell me about the streets.
I grew up on them.
Living in them and working in them are different things.
I know I got a lot to learn about police work.
You got your way that works for you.
But I got a way I wanna try for me.
Hey, oh, Jesus.
I didn't know we're coed.
Welcome to the experiment.
I'll be out in a sec.
All right.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
It was a good day today.
- Hey, man, so how was it out there? - Fine.
Yeah, there's nothing like your first time.
Didn't think Gilroy was ever gonna sign off on me.
Don't take it personally.
He's just busy.
- I'm glad to be here.
- And you'll like it.
- Oh, the john's still broke.
- I'm working on it.
- You ready? - Yeah.
I'm ready for anything.
Because we get everything down here.
Starting to get a rep out on the street.
Bad guys don't like seeing us.
Starting to get fun.
Hey, hey.
This is Terry.
Comes to us from Robbery.
- We love pretty boys from Robbery.
- How you doing?
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