The Traitors UK (2022) s02e09 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 9

This program me contains
some strong language
Previously on The Traitors,
22 players arrived at this Scottish
castle to play the ultimate
murder mystery game, in the hope
of winning up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
With numbers dwindling,
the Traitors recruited.
If the ship starts to sink, we just
kick 'em overboard, you know?
And the Faithfuls' desperate
need for protection
became more important than ever.
The individual whose name remains
unshattered will receive a Shield.
Who are you taking aim at? Harry.
Harry. Harry.
Do you feel a bit targeted?
What about everyone else
who's won a Shield?
Thank you, guys,
I appreciate it so much.
Betrayal and deception continued
How do we feel about Harry saying
he felt targeted?
Yeah, I thought
it was a bit odd behaviour, yeah.
He said, "What do you think to
Harry's reaction?”
Paul telling Charlotte,
that planted seeds about me.
If he wants to come at me,
let the games begin.
leading the Traitors
to turn on each other.
Now you're chucking names out there
to cause chaos.
It was squashed as quick
as it came up.
The Faithfuls were victorious,
as another Traitor was banished.
I'm a Traitor.
But who will the Traitors look
to murder next?
So the murder's between
Charlie and Zack.
This is The Traitors.
# This will be the end of it all
# Watch your house of cards
start to fall #
Committing your first murder
as a Traitor, how does that feel?
Not going to lie, it feels a bit
strange to murder someone.
After you've murdered a few people,
you get used to it.
# This will be the end of it all
# Watch your house of cards
start to fall #
Last night, the Traitors
committed another murder
and killed their sixth Faithful,
with only the surviving players
making it to breakfast this morning.
# Ah, ah, ah
# Ah
# Now you're gone. #
we're the first!
Are we the first?
Oh, my God, look, it's
so much smaller, the table.
Oh, my God!
As confusing and as intense
as it is,
I'm very happy to be here
for another day
and still fighting the good fight.
How are you feeling
now that Paul's gone?
Yous were close a bit, weren't you?
Really close.
I, but that's how I kind of knew
I had to accuse him,
because I was like,
"Why am I still here?”
Um, but then that also makes me
nervous now
because he's not here as, like,
a shield to me.
Voting for Paul,
it was a real hard one for us to do
and to sideswipe him at the table,
I felt really bad,
but we went ahead with it
and we got a Traitor.
I've got a theory of who's
been recruited.
Mm-hm, right, OK.
So, you know Jasmine?
Prior to us going in,
she was all, "Jaz, Jaz, Jaz, Jaz."
And then when we're in there and it
comes to voting, she chooses Paul.
That just keeps ringing in my ears.
That's made you suspicious?
Ooh! Hello. Come in.
Yeah! Yay!
Hiya! Morning, guys.
I slept like a baby last night.
It was the first time
I had the Shield as well,
and it's kind of made me
want it even more.
To have more mornings and nights
like that
would be really, really nice.
If Harry's still here,
he's like a Traitor hunter.
It's strange cos you feel like,
oh, we got a Traitor out,
like, what a win, but now we just
have to start thinking again.
Hello! Come in!
Morning! Hey! Hey, morning.
You all right?
I'm so nervous.
Lovely, OK.
I'm happier now with Andrew because
I see him more as a team-mate.
I loved Paul, but
between me and him, it was like,
the battle of the ultimate Traitor,
sort of thing.
Now he's gone, I've got Andrew
on my side as a baby Traitor
that I can sort of coach and nurse
and bring on.
How did you sleep, Charlotte?
Not good.
I thought I was I was like,
me and Harry, one of us are dead.
I know, I'm, I am actually quite
surprised to see you
cos you are very good at this, so
I know. Mm.
But I'm glad.
I was just saying that I'm sus
suss on Jasmine at the minute.
Really? I thought
she was definitely going for Jaz.
At the table, she went for Jaz
and then voted for Paul.
I just can't understand that.
Oh, my God, hi!
Big sigh, or a big sigh?
All right, squad?
Last night,
I didn't do myself justice, did 1?
This is bad but my job's to work
with actors, right?
Paul is getting a role in my
next film, 100%.
I am embarrassed and ashamed
because Paul fully hoodwinked me.
Maybe I didn't need to kind of
put all my eggs in one basket.
I do feel like the target's
definitely on my back now.
I genuinely feel a bit bad about,
like, Jaz,
and obviously,
just fully going for him.
And he was just telling the truth.
Yeah, but then I felt bad about Paul
and then it turned out to be him.
Paul made me really sorry for him.
But he can't be g-gunning for Paul
this whole time and him
being a Traitor.
That just feels weird. Yeah,
but then there was a recruitment.
There was a recruitment.
But I also No of fence to Jaz,
but if I was a Traitor,
I wouldn't be recruiting Jaz.
Unless I was going to sacrifice
him, maybe. Yeah, exactly.
So now it's between Jaz,
Charlie and Zack.
Wild, right?
Zack would be the clever one
to get rid of. Yeah.
He's been very vocal and likes
coming up with a lot of theories.
I'll be really upset if it's Charlie
cos I'll feel so bad.
I don't see the benefit of Charlie
being murdered.
And also, Jaz cos obviously
he's a suspect. Yeah.
Hello! Come in!
Oh, my God,
has Charlie been murdered?
Is it Charlie?
That's everyone, mate, that's
everyone, yeah. Charlie's gone.
If Charlie goes, I think
people were looking at Charlotte
and this murder makes us
even more scot-free.
And none of us have been
confrontational or arguing
with Charlie, have we?
She's a spanner in the works.
All the people that's left
are fighting each other,
and we're sat back watching.
Ah, here we go.
So, "Dear Charlie, by order of the
Traitors, you have been murdered.
"Signed, The Traitors."
Oh, gutted! Gutted!
The game is over.
I mean, the thing about murder
is that you can't, you don't
get your chance to say goodbye
and that's the hardest thing.
That you're not able to
to say goodbye.
That makes me feel so bad.
So you Nobody chose,
you didn't pick yourself,
you know, you can't
Oh, man!
I feel really awful
about Charlie leaving.
Obviously, yesterday I ended up with
the Shield and now Charlie's gone.
I just feel so guilty.
Oh, God!
I have felt like I've lost my left
arm cos my bestie, Charlie, went
and I really wanted to
get to the end with her.
And that makes no sense, again.
Why have they done that?
I'm sorry, just to say, you were
the, probably the best choice.
There was no leads back to you.
I think it was a bit of silly move
from the Traitors, though.
Um, we have Harry who's
really, really good
at sort of figuring things out.
Hehe's been sure on
quite a few of the Traitors,
and for them to keep him in
just seems so odd to me.
That just makes no sense.
Like, I don't feel like she was
a threat to them,
unless it's Charlotte.
Hi, how are you doing?
That could be the best thing she
could do cos she's so close to her.
Mollie, I feel like
we're genuinely friends.
We just speak about life in general
and that's why our connection's
got so close.
She trusts me 100%,
but murdering Charlie worked
so well,
because yeah,
it stuck it on Charlotte.
It's the perfect play to
murder your best friend.
Well, that's a double bluff.
The eyes aren't turning on me,
they're always
turning on someone else, which is
exactly what I need to play my game.
I don't understand why
they would get rid of Charlie
and then keep two people
that brought down a Traitor.
Morning, everyone.
Morning, Claudia.
Good morning.
Faithful, you are on a roll.
Yeah, we are.
Two Traitors, two days in a row.
That is no compensation,
though, for Charlie,
the sixth person to be murdered.
Can everyone say bye-bye Charlie?
Bye, Charlie.
Bye, Charlie, I love you.
We're onto the next mission,
and a little question for you.
Does anybody fancy coming and having
a look at my holiday rental?
Yeah! Yes. Always.
Amazing. We're going to have
a great time. Eat a lot.
Eat - oh! We're going to be
starved. We're going to be starved?
Starved and beaten, I reckon.
Beaten? Beaten?!
Do you think we're all
turning into psychopaths
cos we just deal with death
so easily now?
If anyone else dies, I'll be like,
"Where's the X?"
"Do you want me to find it?"
Where'll we go? Billiards?
Thought the fire might be on,
might be nice and warm.
Oh, yes, it is. Look at that.
Oh, yeah, baby.
That's what we need.
Guys, what do we think about
how many Traitors there are?
Like, I'm not saying there's definitely
two. There's definitely more than one.
I'm just trying to think logically
cos I've got some evidence
that I want to share with certain
people. Evidence? Evidence?
Yeah. Hard evidence?
That means there's two right now.
Jaz, what's your thoughts, then?
Um, we'll have a chat later.
Let's have a chat later, yeah?
I don't trust any of them, at all.
But in terms of evidence,
I've got this one huge question.
It's an itch that I've not been
able to scratch yet, um,
and I just need to be quite careful
what I say and how I say it.
There's two people which
I'm worried about.
And you're not going to like it,
but I've got evidence.
I'm thinking Ross
because the way he defended
and deflected Paul, I feel as
though he's been recruited.
This is the biggie for me,
and please keep it to ourselves
for theat this stage.
Do you remember when
I voted for Paul and he said,
"Right, Jaz, we need that chat"?
So me and Paul sat over there.
He goes, "Harry has come up to me
"and told me that
if you're murdered, Jaz,
"then I'm the Traitor."
And I'm thinking to myself,
I did say that.
I told three people this.
Them three people were
Jasmine, Ross and Harry.
I told them all, "If I'm not here
tomorrow, it's Paul.”
Jasmine kept the loyalty, Ross kept
the loyalty, didn't tell anyone.
Now that we've found out
that Paul's a Traitor,
that conversation ought to have
happened at a Traitors' meeting.
Jaz has this like,
kind of train of thought
that's like
kind of clutching at straws
at the moment. But no,
he'she's pretty certain
it's Harry,
or he really thinks it's Harry,
and he's, er,
he trusts his gut the entire way
through, he always has.
Um, sometimes to his detriment.
Evie and I are always
on a wavelength.
We're just pretty synced up.
I think Harry was just close to
Paul at that time, and told him.
That's what I think too. Yep.
Cos I don't think that Harry
at that point would have thought
that Paul was a Traitor.
They sort of dismissed the notion
of me targeting Harry,
so I'm not going to push it.
I'm just going to sort of
take people's opinions on board.
But I still think that it's him.
I can't get past Jasmine.
I think it's Jasmine.
Really? She's just seemed to be
gunning for me
a little bit the last couple of days
and I don't know why.
Every time I've had something,
I've always spoke to a person I've,
with high regard before,
and she didn't speak to me.
She ambushed me at the table,
which I thought was weird,
and why did she vote for Paul?
She went after Jaz
and then voted Paul.
Which made me think
she sat at that table
and weighed her odds up
of the best way to go.
"If he's going, then I don't want
to be the person that didn't vote,”
because she'll be connected next.
Yeah, there is that, there is that.
My name is just permanently
cemented in Charlotte's mouth
and she's just, like, blurting it
out at every given opportunity.
She's obsessed with me.
Hello. Hi, girls. Hi, hi, hi.
Who is everyone thinking
in this room?
This is what we're trying to work
out. Do we think? I'll just be
honest about who I'm suspicious of.
I am suspicious of you, Charlotte.
I Oh, weird,
I said the same about you.
Oh, did you? That's so funny.
Um, I
That's so funny. So funny!
That's the most, like, civil, like,
"I think you're a Traitor."
I know, yeah,
passive aggressive comment ever.
Um, er, and I am suspicious of Jaz.
Like, the reason, it was,
like, 50-50 for me
with Jaz and Paul yesterday,
but Paul were, like,
my original suspicions,
so I just thought,
"OK, let me just go with my gut.”
I do think you would be
a very good recruitment
because you're very strong minded,
you were very close with Paul.
I feel a little bit like
I'm being targeted,
and I just think it's weird that me
and Charlie are, like, super close
and then suddenly she gets murdered.
Is that to break up
the friendship of me and Charlie
cos we were so, so close?
I think everybody knows that.
Um Also,
she did say you last night so
Yeah, kind of pins it on you a bit.
Did you want me to explain why,
or did you not?
Do you get what I mean? No, I'd
rather save it for the round table
because I want to be able to defend
myself in front of everybody. OK.
It needs to be known that
I'm a Faithful,
and if I'm not questioned at the
table, then it's one person's word,
and that doesn't look very Faithful,
it just looks like gossip.
I'm not going to sit
and defend myself for her to go away
and work out an of fence to the
defence, do you know what I mean?
You can wait until I'm ready
to listen to you, because right now,
what you're talking is a load
of nonsense.
I'm a Faithful.
Focus on finding real Traitors
because that is what this
is all about.
Andrew, do you want
to get in the front, mate?
The prize pot is sitting at £60,150
and the players have a chance
to add to it even further
in today's mission.
She said it was a holiday rental, so
I'm thinking log cabin in the woods.
Same. Nothing ever good happens
at a log cabin in the wood.
There's hell a beef
going on at the minute, though.
I know.
Charlotte and Jasmine. Yeah?
That was
so uncomfortable this morning.
I feel like she's often mentioning
that she's a Faithful, like,
all the time as well, and it's
Oh, yeah. But if you are one,
you don't really feel the need to
say it in every single sentence.
I really want to
try and get a Shield today.
I'm determined, by the time
I leave this place,
I get one Shield at least.
Oh, my God! Look at it.
That does not look good.
All we see is this dingy
little cabin in the woods
and the windows were all boarded up.
We were like,
"What the hell is inside that?"
This looks a bit rough, guys.
What's going on here? I don't like
this. If I see rats or
This is the house from last year,
so it's
Oh, my days!
I think Claudia saying this is
her holiday home, she's lying.
It was like a little wooden shack
in the middle of the woods,
already creepy vibes.
welcome to my cabin in the woods.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
"Urgh! Yuck!" No, don't worry,
I've really done it up.
It's extra sprucey in there.
Your mission is quite simple.
You've got to go in there,
find the gold
and escape, all within 30 minutes.
Let me say this to you - there's
£8,000 worth of gold to be found.
For any player that doesn't escape
within the half hour,
I'm going to deduct £1,000
from whatever you have found
collectively. Is that clear?
Yes. You've got to get out.
Let me also say this - there is
a Shield to be found in there,
which I think you'll all agree
at this stage of the game
is extremely important.
I want a Shield so bad.
It's really intense
now it's a smaller group
because everyone is
looking at each other.
Good luck.
I hope you enjoy my cabin.
Half an hour.
In you go.
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Stay focused. Stay focused.
This looks lovely.
This is actually all right.
All right?
Sound. OK, OK, OK.
See, the cabin was
just a normal
holiday home, I suppose,
and we had to search the cabin
then for a clue.
Guys, look under everything.
Maybe look under this.
Under the table, there's something
taped under the table.
Guys, guys,
underneath this table there's stuff.
Take this off now.
OK, there's a key here.
So, escape route, someone read that.
"Five people at a time
through the tunnel.”
Through the tunnel?
"Use the map to locate gold.
"Everyone must exit through
the well.
"Beware of dead ends.
"Open utility cupboard
to provide light underground.
"You must use radios to communicate
to those in the tunnels
"and direct them."
Five of us had to go into the tunnel
and the rest of us had to stay in
the actual cabin and read the map,
so we had to obviously direct them.
It's open that, open that,
use the key and open that.
This is the entrance to the tunnel,
isn't it?
I reckon, yeah. You know,
something's going to jump out now.
Ooh! Don't say that, Andrew!
Oh, Narnia, it's Narnia, innit?
Oh, my days!
Yeah, yeah, get it out, get it
Oh, be careful.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
No, no, no, no, no.
There's, like, a tunnel system,
it's like a deep, dark cave,
and I'm kind of claustrophobic.
It's like one of them
where you think about it
and it gives you itches
round your whole body.
Oy! Key! Key! Yeah, key, key.
Yeah, utility key.
Chuck it in, let's chuck it in.
OK, so we've got the utility key.
Right, "One person only press
both switches to light the"
Oh, right, OK, cool.
Step by step, we uncovered
a few different things.
Um, that tunnel looked
very dark and very damp,
so I was more than happy
to let other people put
the helmets on and go down there.
Wait, how do we get light? Ross.
Huh? Yeah, yeah, one sec, one sec.
Are we all putting a helmet?
One radio for someone
in the tunnels,
one for somebody up here, yeah?
Right, let me go down.
I'm going down, I'm going down.
I'm going down. Ross, Ross! Do it!
Is it dark again? Yeah, Ross.
Oh wait, OK, so I've got to hold
it the whole time? Yeah, yeah.
I didn't realise that you had to
continually press the switches.
Basically, if you pressed
the two light switches,
the tunnel would light up
but the cabin would go dark.
Wait! Guys, guys, guys! Oh! Oh, God!
Somebody grab this as well,
cos this is obviously something
to do with it.
Shall I just torture 'em for a bit?
Just leave 'em, yeah?
Oh, my days! Somebody's
Something's going on my head!
No! It's just water,
it's just water! Let me go ahead.
Oh! Ross, I need to know whether
the first turning's left or right.
Here we go. I can't see.
Evie, we can't see shit now.
Turn the lights on,
so we can have a look for a second.
Right, OK, so, um,
so you're turning right
and then you're going first left.
The prompt is "unscrew the gold".
OK, cool.
Now can we have the lights, please?
If we don't have lights on here,
we can't read the map,
so we're going to have to give you
a bit. Yes, but we can't see
where we're going, babe!
Just for a minute!
Unscrew the gold, so OK, got you.
We've got to do that.
Unscrew the gold. Oh, my God,
there's loads of centipedes in here!
Where are we going next?
Cos then this might fit
Where are we going next
after we unscrew the gold?
So, after you unscrew the gold,
keep going straight
What? What?!
There's water all over
What the hell is going on up there?
We're getting squirted on!
We're getting squirted on!
Suddenly, there's some
nasty, nasty stuff
started firing into the room
with us.
What is going on? Evie! Look, guys!
It is scaring the shit out of me,
basically, straight away.
Evie, are you all right?
I should have got those
leaky pipes sorted.
If we're going straight,
I can go start unscrewing now.
I don't know where they want us
to go. Just ask 'em.
They're not responding.
Guys, can you respond?
Where do we go after
we go straight, please?
Keep going down the drain tunnel.
Go free the gold.
Free the gold where?
Straight down the drain tunnel.
OK, straight down,
we go straight down.
Don't think I've got the right
tools for that one.
What do you mean?
Let me have a look. Have a look.
Right, so Oh, my days!
The first tunnel was like basically
a little plate with, like,
these massive screws.
I had to unscrew these bolts
and then pull this plate up
so I can get my hand in,
get the gold out.
Right, OK. Try and free the gold.
Oh, what the hell is this?
how do we free the gold from here?
I'm not the smallest of people
and it was quite claustrophobic,
so I had to get out of there.
I was disappointed, cos I'm a team
player and whatever I've done
in my life, I always put the team
before everybody.
Guys, is anyone going down there?
I can't, it's too claustrophobic.
I am big and I look scary
cosmy scars and, er, I growl
and I frown, but, yeah, deep down,
once you get to know me,
I'm a big teddy bear, really.
Andrew's not down here, guys.
When you've got a load of guys
in there
that are screaming,
and you've got also some women
in there giving it a good amount,
girl power is an understatement.
I loved it.
So, so you guys,
you've unscrewed the gold, yeah?
You know we can't do it without
the light. Harry, you all right?
Yeah, I can't see anything.
I've got the gold!
We've gotwe've got
We've gone straight
down the tunnel and then
Yeah, so go to the very end of
the tunnel and then it says
and then it says "free the gold".
We've got to go to the very
end of the tunnel.
Where do we go? Oh! What was that?
Yeah, go If you're at
What the fuck is that?
What is it?
There was some rotting fruit
that stank.
We were gagging,
we were coughing, spluttering.
Still trying to
shout down instructions,
still trying to read a map.
It was absolute chaos.
Guys, five people
should be in the tunnel.
Jaz, go. Jaz, go.
Me and Andrew switched.
I took his position.
Inside the tunnel, it stunk.
It was like sick and poo
mixed together.
Oh! You all right? Yeah, mate,
I've nearly got this gold
but they keep turning the
lights off. Lights, please!
Guys, who needs the lights more?
You or the tunnel?
He's got to read that map.
Kitchen spillage, turn right.
OK, we're at the kitchen spillage!
Oh, my God!
There was rotten vegetables,
freezing water
and it's just like, it's
any man's guess where the gold is.
It was just hell in there.
Oh, what is that? Urgh!
Charlotte was really,
really impressive in the tunnel.
She was just like, headfirst,
going into these craters
that just had complete unknowns,
which was just like,
"Good for you, sis."
Like, "I'm glad that that is in
your skill set. It's not for me."”
Oh, my God, that's so cold!
I need to get out of this bit.
I'm going back!
Right, fucker
All the guys have gone off
into this sewer thing.
I was just by myself,
unscrewing these bolts.
But as soon as I got my hand
in there, got that gold out
Got it, wicked.
I was like, bang, bang, two grand.
Let's get out of here, you know?
This is Shawshank Redemption.
Oh, mate, is this shit?
Oh! Oh, my days.
How are you guys getting on?
I'm fantastic, me.
I'm loving life.
Do you know what?
Just imagine mud spa.
Oh, my goodness.
Now, there was one of the tunnels
which had a shield above it
and in there was a skeleton with
loads of rotten veg and sewage.
It was disgusting.
Do we want to leave it or?
There's a Shield.
I'm getting one if there's a Shield
in there cos I'm desperate.
Lights! We can't see very well.
To be honest, there's just
so few of numbers now,
you start to think,
"I need that Shield,"
because there's less people,
I'm more inclined to be killed.
We need lights!
Have you got it, love?
No, I can't see anything at all.
Guys, you've only got ten minutes
We're going to have to leave this.
We haven't got enough time, have we?
Yeah, no, come on.
There's an escape
The escape tunnel's here.
So, come back from
the escape tunnel, OK.
Don't turn into the escape tunnel,
go straight on to "rip for gold".
We need light.
Give them the lights,
give them the lights.
Very smart! Very smart, Andrew.
Right, I can see a gold bar,
but to get in,
I've got to get past
a load of toads.
Come on, guys, I'm here
for your money and that's all.
Has anyone grabbed the Shield yet?
When we was in this little tunnel,
everyone had gone past
the skeleton for some reason,
so I've glanced in, looked over and
thought, "Urgh, that's rank,"
and then I looked again as I'm still
waiting for these lot to go through
and I seen the chain
and I was like, "No way!"
So then I climbed in, I grabbed it
and as I've come out,
Mollie's seen me. Well done, babe.
How do you get in?
I've told her not to tell anyone
because I want it to work
to my advantage.
Start getting the escape sorted
while we get this
Charlotte, Charlotte,
how much gold do we have?
We've got three once I get in here.
This is gross! What are? Ooh!
What is it? It's just there's
a toad on my bloody thigh.
I've got the gold!
Have you guys found all the pucks?
We've got three pucks.
I can hear you!
How much time do we have, Claud?
You only have a few minutes left.
You go first, you go first.
No, you go, and I'll go back Oh,
for God's sake, I'll go, it's fine.
So this is where
they need to escape from.
Come on! Good girl!
Good girl! Well done!
You're out, get out.
Do you want a cuddle?
No, thank you. Good girl. Well done!
Come on, guys!
We are running out of time.
Everyone out, otherwise
we're going to lose all money.
Come on! Ooh!
I need you all to come.
We've got three.
Come on, well done.
Guys, go, go, go.
Go back! OK, this is it. Oh!
Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God, oh, my God.
We're going in the dark. Are we
going in the dark? Babe, be brave.
Where are we going, Zack?
OK, we're going down and right,
right straight away.
We're going right.
Going right then left, then left.
Oh, mate, I do not want to do this.
Man, this is grim.
I can't see shit! Nah! Nah, nah!
What?! No. No.
If he's freaking out,
I'm going to freak out.
Shall we sacrifice a thousand?
Yeah, sacrifice a thousand.
We decided as a group
that I stay, um,
at the top of the log cabin
to keep the lights on for the rest
of the guys that were
making their way through the tunnel.
Guys, guys, guys. Where we going?
Oh, shit, go right.
Left, left, left at the end,
down the drainage tunnel.
We've got to go left.
Guys, you need to come out!
Keep on shouting.
They'll follow the sound.
I really do not like this.
I know, man.
Boys, keep coming! Keep going!
You've got it! Keep coming!
Oh, what is that? What is it?
Hurry up! Come on, come on! Come on!
Are they coming? Are they coming?
Yeah, they're coming.
Whoo! One minute left!
Boys, who's keeping the lights on?
The lights!
Evie! They need to come,
they need to be out!
No, I think we're sacrificing.
Come on, get out, get out, get out!
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Well done, Andrew! Well done.
Ten seconds left.
Evie sacrificed herself
and we lost a grand.
But can't really be angry.
I mean, I'm buzzing that
I got the Shield.
Three, two, one Are you OK?
Well done.
Well done.
You were brilliant.
I'm so sorry, it was a lot.
Let's welcome back Evie.
Fresh from the cabin, well done.
Well done. Well played, Evie.
Well played, Evie.
because you found £6,000.
Evie, because you decided to
take one for the team,
you didn't get out,
so £1,000 is deducted.
£5,000 then added to the prize pot -
well done.
Well done, guys. Yeah, well done
everyone. Well done.
Nobody has to admit to it,
but a Shield was found.
Would anybody like to step forward
and say they have the Shield?
That's absolutely fine.
I saw Harry get the Shield
in the mission but I trust him
and, to be honest,
I don't think it's a bad idea to be
keeping the Shield a secret.
Somebody - we don't know who -
is protected from murder,
but nobody is
protected from banishment.
Go and have a shower and then,
when you can, give my cabin
a five-star review.
Yeah, right!
Bye, guys.
Well done, guys, well done.
I don't think they're going to
come back, I'll be honest.
Bit tough, that was, weren't it?
That was difficult, right?
Ooh! Enjoyed that one.
You were
so annoying on that walkie-talkie.
Well, Charlotte actually was
so sick at that mission.
Some people can just handle that,
can't they? Like, some people can't.
So who do you think's got
the Shield?
Have any of you two got the Shield?
I have not got the Shield.
Charlotte had seen it.
Did she get it, did she?
But she said it was I don't know.
But she said it
was in the skeleton thing.
I didn't see who got the Shield.
So I'm not too sure who that is
You don't know? I don't know if
you know. No.
The worst part is,
a Traitor can get one
..and nick it from us.
Get me to the shower!
You will have to queue behind me
cos I'm bloody freezing.
Absolutely not. No, you're not, I'm
going in the shower before you!
It feels so quiet, this castle now,
it's really freaking me out.
It's eerie. It's very eerie.
It's really freaking me out.
Like, it gives me like,
little "urgh" vibes.
It feels really,
really small, the group.
I think it's really important to be
suspicious of everybody
at this stage.
Like, we're on the home run.
This is like an all-or-nothing
kind of stretch now.
Everyone's kind of skirting
around the whole thing of, like,
who are we voting for tonight,
do you know what I mean?
I'm not, I've been up front
from the beginning.
Char, did, did you vote for Miles?
Yeah. You did, didn't you?
I've voted every single Traitor.
Have you? Yeah.
I've got a clean sheet.
What about you?
What are you guys thinking?
I feel like no-one's actually
said anything today.
I'm just trying to put my,
my head into what I think would be
a good choice for a Traitor.
I think Harry would be
a good choice.
Harry's absolutely smart enough
to do it, though.
Like, with the Paul banishment,
he was so eloquent.
Yeah, I know! Mm, he was very, very,
very articulate.
That was almost borderline
psychic. Yeah.
Do you reckon? I don't know,
I just feel like I trust him.
Other people in the group have
concerns with Harry, but I'm waiting
for the right moment because, in
this game,
you have to be very strategic,
when you reveal certain information
and when you reveal certain cards.
Do we know who won the Shield,
by the way?
Or is no-one saying it?
I don't think anyone's saying it.
Didn't somebody say
Charlotte saw it?
Yeah, I did. Oh, really?
She saw it? Did she get it?
Probably, then. I don't know.
Andrew, do you have any ideas who
you're suspicious of?
If you're comfortable sharing.
I've got no 100% certainties,
no, I don't know.
I'm still suss about Jaz, obviously,
but I don't know.
He said something about you, Mollie,
he said Ross had been recruited.
He said something about Evie.
He just went off on everybody.
Being a Traitor is fun, actually,
cos I know, obviously, the outcomes
and know what's going on.
Personally, I would like to
get rid of Jaz
cos he's the only person
at the moment who suspects anything
about me, so, I mean, I should be
planting seeds, stirring
the pot a little bit. Trying to
influence people, I suppose.
It's going to be total guesswork
tonight, isn't it?
It's a hard one, yeah.
Overcompensating. It's like,
"Chill." That's that
Did you? I knew you wouldn't say.
Mm. At break Yeah.
If they try killing me tonight,
I walk in tomorrow,
they're going to be like,
"Oh, shit."
Harry, in a crazy turn of events,
I think
you're genuinely the only one
I could fully 100% trust.
Yeah, that's what I was going to
I mean, the whole Shield was again
a plan, thinking about seducing
tonight, and then tomorrow morning,
when everyone thinks it's
recruitment, I can just be like,
they've obviously tried murdering
me and I had a Shield, so an
Evel Knievel plan,
but it makes sense.
Feels kind of good, being naughty
and not getting told off for it.
# I don't want them to know
the secrets #
As darkness descends,
it's time for another round table.
Today, the players managed to
escape the cabin,
but who will escape banishment?
# Who will stand in the shade? #
My name's definitely going to be
brought up in the round table.
I feel like I can back myself.
Collectively, we actually just have
no idea who the Traitor is,
and therefore it's just
going to be chaos.
We've just seen two Traitors
banished, so going into that
round table, I want to take a step
back and sit out.
I've got to be careful.
It used to have to take six-plus
votes to get them out.
Now I think we're looking at three,
four votes
and someone could be out, which puts
you all on the chopping block.
# Turn it over and turn it over. #
Welcome back to the round table.
Congratulations, today you
added £5,000 to the prize pot.
Your current prize fund
stands at £65,150.
Let me tell you this - there aren't
many of these round tables left,
and it's here that you can really
change the outcome of the game.
If there are any Traitors left
at the end, they take everything.
So, do you know who's a Traitor?
Who would like to begin?
Erm, I'll go first, if possible.
I just think, based on probability,
and the fact that Paul was
the Traitor, Paul's probably
recruited someone at the very least.
I know you all think it's me
but I was having suspicions.
We didn't have any big row
when I put a name,
but he has had a row with every
Traitor that's gone against him.
So I would be looking at people
he has had disagreements with.
Like who? Erm, well, I know he's had
disagreements with yourself.
What are your thoughts on me?
I'm not saying I think you are
a Traitor, but I'm just listing the
facts Pardon?
You think he'd recruit direct, Jaz?
Potentially, yeah, I think he's
I think he could recruit
a number of people. I don't think
he would. Is there anyone else?
Personally, I think the person that
was recruited was Jasmine.
There's just a few things that
don't add up for me.
You were interested in
going at Jaz, yet
when it come to turning the slates,
you had Paul on there. Yeah.
And I couldn't help thinking,
is it because all of us
obviously voiced our opinions
about Paul, that you thought, "Ooh,
"maybe I could get my Traitor out
now and just take it for myself"?
OK, erm,
there's a few places to start.
First of all, before the
round table, I was
between Paul and )az.
Jaz was definitely on my list
but, like, I wasn't like,
I'm definitely going for him.
I think that you are being really
suspicious today.
No I think well,
look, I think you are.
I think you're doing a lot of OK.
..overcompensating of the fact
that Charlie's gone, you're really,
really honing in on the fact
that you're a Faithful through
and through, and it's like
Well, you accused me this morning,
so of course I am.
Sorry, Charlotte, when you were
speaking, did I interrupt you?
I'm going to get defensive
when someone's telling me
that I'm not a Faithful.
I've got a clean sheet of literally
voting every Traitor here.
I've never hid any information. OK.
I've never done anything other than
work my arse off in missions.
You're getting very, very defensive.
I am cos I'm passionate about this,
and I get that you might see
that as, like, an angry girl,
but I'm not angry at any one of you,
I love the bones of every one of
you, and it might seem like I'm
angry at you,
but I love the bones of you.
Why are you giving that
look like I don't?
I think you're awesome.
Yeah, that's great. And now you're,
like, rolling your eyes
like I'm not. You're making
this personal, not me.
I did just want to say
something as well.
I know it keeps getting
brought up about Charlie. Mm-hm.
It just seemed a bit strange for me
because one minute you
were like that Yeah. ..and then,
obviously, last night,
she's bringing you
up at the table. It just seems
odd to me that, like, today, when
she's gone, it's like, "Oh, she was
my best friend,"
like you guys were She IS my best
friend here - not in life,
obviously, but here. I do get it.
You weren't sat at all the times
we were sat talking.
It's hardly like I'm
making this up, is it?
And I just also think,
if you were asked to recruit someone
and you say Charlie
is your best friend Mm-hm.
would you have tried to do that last night
and she said no? No, because she's terrible.
No of fence, but she barely can sit
at a table.
Why the hell would
I recruit someone like that? OK.
Jaz, I'm really sorry to do
this to you again tonight.
I just, I'm finding a bit confusing,
erm, when I kind of go to you
and ask you what your thoughts are
about the day,
it's very much like
you don't want to say it in front of
anyone else and you want to go for
private chats. Mm-hm.
I just wondered why that was.
For me, it's very much trying to
the people that I trust
and get their advice.
I think that's what I've started to
do and it's sort of got me
to this position, so I feel
like, just continue doing that.
Like, we're at the point where we
need to work as a team.
Like, there's not many of us now
and we can't really be having just private
conversations. It kind of needs to be out in the open.
But like I said to you To protect yourself as
well. ..before, Mollie, it's about, a matter of having
private conversations with people
that you trust.
I do the same, to be honest -
with people I trust,
I talk It's hard, like,
does anybody really 100% trust
anybody? You can't.
It's the name of the game
at the end of the day. To me
I was going to I voted for
you a few times, but after seeing
your reaction last night,
I think you're probably a Faithful,
I think. Appreciate that.
Does anyone else have any, like,
suspicions of anyone else?
Anyone want to build on anything?
I just want to build on the
why you shifted from Jaz.
Cos last night, if I was teetering
on the brink of Paul or Jaz,
I would have voted Jaz.
The Paul suspicion had been, like,
a longer suspicion than the Jaz
suspicion, so I just thought, "Let
me just go with my original gut.”
Cos you didn't tell me ever
you were, like, on the same
lines as me, Evie and Harry.
Just because I didn't raise it with
you doesn't mean that
I didn't have the suspicion.
Like, you are not the be all
Yeah, but you haven't raised it
with anyone, it seems,
but you very confidently switched
after what happened yesterday.
I can only put one
name down on a slate,
so I just went with my gut feeling,
which was Paul. It doesn't mean I
wasn't suspicious of Jaz as well.
It does look convenient,
though, doesn't it?
Well, if it looks convenient,
it looks convenient.
Just cos I didn't share with
you my suspicions of Paul doesn't
make me a Traitor. It just means that I
didn't share with you my suspicions of Paul.
But you've not been hesitant
at all before.
I just don't share with you every
single thought that I have,
and I just feel like this is
a bit of a redundant conversation.
I just don't understand
what your point is.
OK. The time for talk is over.
Please write down the name of the
person you believe is a Traitor.
Are your votes all locked in?
Thank you very much.
we're going to start with you.
Please tell me who you believe is
a Traitor and why.
I have voted for Jasmine.
It's the vote swap for me,
so I believe you might be
a recruited Traitor.
Jaz, who have you voted for and why?
Erm, I voted for Charlotte today.
I felt like there was a little
bit of overcompensating.
Please don't take any disrespect.
I'm really sorry.
Harry, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I voted for yourself as well,
Just the same reason -
I feel like you're overcompensating.
Zack, whose name is on your slate
and why?
Jasmine, I voted for you.
It's a tough one, cos obviously
I love you to pieces, but I just
thought, like, your questioning
didn't really stand up to scrutiny.
I think you were lying with
some of the answers you said
and it didn't sit right with me.
Mollie, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
Erm, I'm really sorry,
I've voted for you, Jaz.
I'm just still quite
confused about some of the decisions
that's been made and the secret
chats are kind of making me
a little bit
suspicious at the moment.
I'm really sorry if I'm wrong.
You are.
So, that's two for Jasmine,
two for Charlotte and one for Jaz.
Andrew, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
Sorry, Char.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong,
but I'm going for Charlotte.
Jasmine, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I have voted
for Charlotte.
I just don't think you're being very
truthful with the things that
you're saying, so, yeah, I think
that you are a recruited Traitor.
who have you voted for and why?
Charlotte, I'm really sorry,
I've gone for you.
Erm It's cool. At this point,
there's no point in trying to save
the day,
but thank you. Sorry about that.
It's fine.
And for the final vote, Evie.
I'm really sorry,
but I am voting for you tonight.
I think you would make
a bloody great Traitor.
I do hope I'm wrong.
you've received the most votes,
so please come and join me.
you have received the most votes.
You are banished.
Before you leave the castle forever,
please tell everybody,
are you a Traitor
or are you a Faithful?
I've never felt so validated
after meeting such wonderful people.
I love all of you - you included.
But, yeah, it seems like I've been
a bit of a collateral damage
to Paul, by the looks of it.
I'm a Faithful.
# Oh, I'm just a girl
# Take a good look at me #
Bye, guys. Good luck.
Fucking hell, man.
So you banished a really brilliant
Faithful tonight.
She would have been
incredibly helpful.
Better luck next time.
Sleep well,
if you can.
I just don't get it, man.
Like, she just did
loads of Traitor-ish things.
Why would she just
compensate and overcompensate?
Charlotte was a Faithful.
I was completely wrong,
but I'd rather speak up than, like,
not say anything. But, yeah,
people are suspicious of me
because of it.
You don't have to hug me.
Yeah, I It just feels terrible
when you go for your mates.
I just, I just I just felt like
that was a conversation
that could have been had
outside of the round table.
We just voted out a Faithful,
but I'm caught between, like, a
rock and a hard place with Jasmine.
I am trying to be respectful to
people, respecting their opinions,
but then when I press them on
their questions and their answers,
I feel like they're
not being honest with me.
At no point did I say, "Oh,
I'm not going to vote for Paul,"
but I did say at that point
I wanted to vote for Jaz first.
That doesn't mean that
I didn't want to vote for Paul.
No, my issue's not that
So it doesn't mean
My issue's not that. It's that
you said you had older suspicions
but you never made those
suspicions clear with me, ever.
But, like That doesn't mean
that I'm lying. So it looks like
No, but it just looks like
But, like
you're trying to cover
a vote swap.
I do think there is
something to be said for,
if it's Paul recruiting,
recruit a scapegoat.
Like Jaz. I did, I said that.
And then binand then
try and bin 'em off again.
But then, is it?
But then would it be weird, like?
Would Paul really catch Miles,
hero, catch Jaz, hero?
Like, that in itself, you cannot
I mean, he'd done it twice.
That's what I mean, yeah.
So, like You know what, buddy?
That's what people think about you,
though. What, me?
Yeah, cos you did so well
getting Miles and Paul. Mm.
Everyone over thinks,
whereas I'm good at just
looking at things for what they are.
Do you think Jasmine's reaction
was a bit defensive, then?
Yeah, I thought that.
She's sort of doing what
all the other Traitors have done.
She weren't really saying
she's a Faithful.
I know you don't need to.
She was But, like
Very calm. She was very
Like, I know she was defensive
but she was controlled with it.
The only thing I would say is, like,
for the exact same reasons
as we would have said
Charlotte was a Traitor
for her personality traits,
Jasmine has basically
the same personality traits.
Jasmine's intelligent,
she is not afraid to speak her mind.
She's got all the characteristics
to be an amazing Traitor, and
whenever anyone points a finger
at her,
she gets very defensive
and not very open.
And that, to me, says
you've got something to hide.
See you in a bit. Ta-ra.
That's chaos, innit?
Do you want to go? Shall we
just go and mingle? Can do.
Go and mingle, is it?
Told you, it feels good, doesn't it?
Yeah. Feels good, baby.
I love being a Traitor.
It's so good.
Every time someone calls me
a Faithful,
I get a little tingle inside, like,
just happiness,
and at the same time, like,
"You really don't know
what you're going on about.
Like, "You don't understand
what's going on.
"You'reyou're nowhere near."
Why did you have your
suspicions about Ross?
You called Ross out twice? Once?
I don't know, a couple of times.
Why are you? Why?
I know that relationship with Paul
and Ross was so tight.
If it If you look at Paul,
if there was a recruitment,
who did he get on with the most?
Probably him.
Who did he trust the most?
Probably him.
And number three, who is
quite a good,
influential player amongst?
He's probably one of the most
influential players. That's what I'm
saying. He gets on with every
single person. Everyone, and who's
going to suspect him? Yeah.
Nobody has so far, have they?
Apart from you, nobody else has,
have they?
Ross is playing this cool,
calm type of a character.
He needs to be given a hard time.
II think he's a lovely guy, but
he seems to get away with a lot.
Yeah, at the moment,
he is very much on my radar,
as is Harry.
Right. Shall we go?
Yeah. Let's leave.
Let's rock.
Let's get out of this place.
So, like, it is what it is.
I'm bonging.
I'm bonging out of here.
Fuck, you had it last night, bitch.
I know, I am happy for you.
I am happy for you.
But you need to say about it
I know, I will. I will. Yeah. Yeah.
# I know that you have
# Cos there's magic in my eyes #
So, a Faithful was
banished at the round table,
and as per the rules of the game,
our two remaining Traitors
have an enormous decision to make -
to seduce or to murder.
Seduce, murder.
I mean, decisions, decisions.
# I can see for miles and miles
# Miles and miles
# I can see for miles and miles
# Miles and miles
# I can see for miles. #
Well, that was eventful.
That round table is
It's working so much in our favour.
They're just doing the work for us.
Like, they're literally
the most Traitor-ish Faithfuls
I've ever seen in my life.
So, what do you reckon?
Shall we murder
or shall we seduce tonight?
I really don't see
the need to recruit.
I don't see the benefit of it.
Because from today, my secret is
I won the Shield.
That's amazing.
That's what I mean.
So, we can just easily pin that
they've tried murdering me,
but I think it's such
a good cover-up, as in,
then they won't suspect there's
another recruitment. Yeah.
They won't suspect there's another
Traitor that they need to get out.
Now, if we were to seduce tonight
we murder tomorrow, with the
hopefully being someone like
Jasmine or Jaz.
That leaves six of us,
and three of us are Traitors,
and three of them are Faithful.
And it's three on three.
Yeah, that's good.
Which is crazy. Yeah.
Cos then the odds are finally
in our favour. Yeah.
How do you feel about that, though?
Yeah, happy with seduction.
Mollie and Evie, to me, it's like,
I don't think either of them
would say yeah.
Jasmine would be amazing. Mm.
But I think she's going to be out
tomorrow anyway.
Yeah, she is, yeah, exactly.
I think her being Faithful, as well,
will throw everyone off again.
Yeah, yeah.
Whereas if we was to get
someone like Ross in Mm.
feel like he's going to
skip through
these next couple of round tables,
then the light will be on him. Yeah.
If they turn Yeah.
they're going to turn on him
before us. Yeah.
He's not going to say no, is he?
And if he does,
we'll just take that on the chin,
but I don't think he will.
So, the seduction it is?
Ross, yeah.
So, "Dear Ross,
"we wish to recruit you
as a Traitor because you are"
Dead man walking.
Dead man walking!
You're the scapegoat. Scapegoat.
Hello. Hi. Hi. Boss.
Hiya. Boss! Thank you.
Have you decided whether
you're going to murder or seduce?
Yeah, 100%. We've agreed on seduce.
We've agreed on seduce. OK.
Who are you going to seduce?
Ross. Ross.
Another man? Yeah!
Good, it's like the olden days.
No, no, no, just
It's strategic, it's tactics.
Of course, I understand.
We're thinking game here, OK?
No, you've got to think game. Yeah.
Good luck. Thank you.
If he says yes, he will come back
and meet you in here.
Right, OK.
I'll go and let Ross know.
Perfect, thank you. Bye.
# They will not force us
# We will be victorious. #
We made the right decision. Smart,
tactical move, that, isn't it?
It's good.
I want to murder someone too, but
this is the smarter thing to do,
innit? Yeah.
Oh, for fuck's sakes.
"Dear Ross,
we wish to recruit you as a Traitor
"because you are trustworthy,
"smart and strategic."
Clearly they don't know me
very well!
Fuck's sakes!
I do not want this.
I don't want any of this.
I just want a nice, happy game,
be a Faithful till the end,
win the money.
Maybe I should just say no
because of a little thing like
murdering my mum.
Do you know what I mean?
If he says yes, we are sorted.
Yeah. Like, we are so sorted.
But I think Mum would be
looking down on me now
as horrible as that sounds,
and, er, I think she'd say,
"Go for it."
I don't want to get murdered.
Oh! Yeah, go on, then.
I'll join them. Why not, eh?
I am intrigued to know who it is,
though, who murdered Mum.
And what this does give me
is control.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
# Better watch out
# I'm about to take over
# I'm about to take over
# I'm about to take over
# I'm about to take over. #
Ross! Yeah! Oh, God!
Are you joking?!
You two crafty bastards!
Mate, since day one.
Is that a joke?
I got recruited.
When did you get recruited?
It was Paul. Me and Paul.
Didn't think it would be you two.
But, so Paul was there,
double-bluffing Miles, and then
you're there just cutting the head off Paul,
innit? Yeah, mate, I put all three of them,
yeah, I put all three of them
in the ground.
Put them all in the ground!
Right, well, don't be doing that
to us two. No, no, no, no.
Now you've said yeah,
there's eight of us left, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I've also got a secret as well.
Yeah, go on.
Let me show you.
I won the Shield today.
Yeah, good lad, good lad.
I'll stick that on.
So we can easily pin it on
that they've tried killing me.
But it's going to be so easy to get
Jasmine out tomorrow. Yeah.
So easy.
So I want to know, like, your reason
behind different murders and stuff,
cos to be honest, mate,
I thought I was going to get
murdered, 100%, a while back.
Well, who do you want to know?
# I don't forgive,
I don't forget #
What about Diane?
I still can't let on that
Diane's my mum,
but I want an answer.
Diane was just
She was getting too brave and stuff.
Sounds! She was getting too
brave, so we put her in her place.
# I'll give you bad blood
# Give you bad blood #
I could feel myself
going to boiling point.
My mum was murdered,
so I will take revenge.
If I've got an opportunity,
they're getting it.
# Better run for your life. #
Coming soon on The Traitors
the final draws near.
Oh, no! Aargh!
Now I'm trying to think,
how do we win the game?
Ah! Fuck!
You're scrabbling to save yourself.
I've lived my life and I know that
I didn't try and murder anyone!
I don't trust anybody.
This is crazy, mate.
What the hell is going on?!
This game is mad.
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