The Unit s02e09 Episode Script

Report By Exception

In 1979, Congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answer only to the president of the united states.
Their missions, and their very existence, are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves, and their wives who possess secrets of their own.
You do not tell your mother, your best friend, your priest what your husband does.
Army regulations state you aren't in the army.
You're in the unit.
"Previously on" the unit we have an immediate need for a driver in brazil.
Blackthorn will give you the opportunity to travel, see the world.
Non-combat zone pay is $1,500 a week, starting.
Kid's almost ready for the job.
Glad to hear it.
Welcome to the family.
Come on you can do better than that.
Allende? Noriega? No embroidery.
Would be my pick, too.
Don't need a belt.
Oh, take it keep your pants on.
Get in the cash? Is a pig's porker pink? You tell me? Small bills, manila envelope, in your bag.
Credit cards, guyana driver's license, business cards.
Rohan? Why not? Mexico city, connect to guyana, and ground travel across the border.
Contact in san-tom*s? Yes.
Bev? What? Who's my liaison? Agency.
Local hire.
Agency? Come on.
I just prep 'em.
I don't pick 'em.
If they want poison pens and exploding seashells yeah.
All you need is the 2 hands that god gave you.
I'm just sayin'.
Oh, you're so beautiful when you're angry.
Well, i'm beautiful because my soul is beautiful.
And if my soul were not beautiful, this magnificent face and body would be but an unattractive husk.
Uh your ring.
I'll bring you back a souvenir.
Hasta luego.
"3 additional taliban safe houses near kandahar "were neutralized by unit operators in this operation.
Has identified new supply lines to insurgent " excuse me, colonel ryan, uh, we have your report before us very comprehensive.
I want to ask you about latin america.
Is your unit planning a mission there now? We always have various missions in the planning stages directed towards various areas including latin america.
This is a secure chamber.
Sir, the agenda for this briefing is is counterterrorism.
And afghanistan.
That's your agenda.
My question then has to do congressman gelber, i'm sure i can answer any questions mr.
Krinsman, are you here as white house counsel or white house muzzle? Are you deploying a hit team to latin america to assassinate a certain oil minister, a mr.
Luis inez reale? Congressman gelber, if this committee would like our agenda to include operations in latin america, you can submit your request to my office.
- I'll be happy to - oh, i've been trying for months to get an answer out of your boss, mr.
But the vice president apparently maintains that congressional oversight is an arcane notion.
Colonel ryan, right after 9/11 the president expanded your authority to target particular individuals.
Is that correct? Are we speaking of terrorists, sir? That was my question.
Do you believe louis inez reale is a terrorist? I have never met the man, sir.
Reale oversees the supply of 130 million barrels of crude to the u.
Each year.
As oil minister, he has been making some noise about shutting down u.
Operations in his country.
Does that make him a terrorist? With respect, sir, these questions are outside my purview.
I'm just asking if mr.
Reale is considered a threat to the united states.
Congressman gelbert, these questions are inappropriate.
Are you under orders to assassinate mr.
Reale?! With all due respect, sir hang due respect, colonel.
I'd like some answers.
Sir, my job and the job of my men is to protect and defend the interests of this country as determined by the executive branch.
It is not my job to make nor to influence policy.
If you disagree with specific mission objectives, i strongly suggest you address your concerns to someone higher in the chain of command.
Then what you're saying is you're just going to sit there all afternoon and stonewall.
Frankly, sir, yes, sir, i am, sir.
Sweetheart, i'm so sorry! I know i'm late, rohan, but there were these shoes.
Reale sent his driver.
His terms.
I see.
Ooh, what a thoughtful husband.
We should go then.
I'm with you! Oh, my mr.
And mrs.
Gibson, welcome.
I trust the ride from san-tom*s was not too unpleasant.
An easy drive.
Did he recite for you? Recite? What? Yeah, yeats, kipling whatever you like.
Trucha used to teach poetry at the university.
Before the government change.
Look at this wonderful home.
It belonged to an american corporation.
Bananas? Bananas, then oil.
Now ours.
Oh, a housewarming gift from my client.
The dutch are such a warm and generous people.
And good clients to have, i'm sure.
I have contracts in my bag.
Drilling rights, barrel quotas.
We are boring your beautiful wife.
She doesn't come all the way from the city to listen to so much business talk.
ora gibson? Mariana.
We have all weekend to talk business.
Let me show you around.
You're not from guyana like your husband.
I grew up not far from here.
Olivos?! My wife rest her soul was from olivos.
Beautiful orchards.
"Beautiful" orchards.
Rohan and i married among the avocados.
How long ago? Come.
I want to hear all about you, and your family, how you met, everything.
Kipling, hmm? "The great poet of the empire.
" Works.
So do you have do you have any other guests? Others "uno, dos, tres.
" Ah.
What? It's, uh it's bird watching equipment.
It's for bird for, uh, for birds.
Watching watching flying birds.
Watching birds.
Like ducks.
Uh, key? Can i have a key? Thank you.
Hey, manuel, put a move on.
Come on, we're missing all the action out there, "comprende" buddy? Nice.
Next time, i'll be manuel.
Bob and judy magnuson will be there, the myers, and of course the clarksons.
Ugh, i hear dana's miserable since rick started at d.
Too much entertaining.
"Boo hoo betty.
" Do i know 'em? You met them at the r.
Dinner at my father's table.
Old fat guy, real suit.
Real suit, real influence.
Let's stay in tonight and order room service.
You're very attractive.
I'm serious.
I can tell.
So great to see you back in your element.
You've got that fire back in your eyes.
Oh, look at the time! It's washington.
Let's be fashionably late.
Well, if you put it that way ha ha ha.
* don't tell my heart * * my achy breaky heart * * i just don't think he'll understand * * 'cause if you tell my heart * * my achy breaky heart * * he might blow up and kill this man * * whoo * molly! Whoo! Whoo! You were awesome! If my husband ever saw who cares? You got up there.
That's right! Making a damned fool of myself.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Girls night out.
Lady needs to have a little fun.
This lady needs another round.
I'm buying.
You bought the last 2.
And i'll get the next 2 if i want.
My man is making money.
Thank you, blackthorn, thank you, molly.
Don't be silly.
Want to see silly? Ha ha.
Another beer, i'm going to sing the star spangled bazangle.
Now i gotta be witness to this.
I better provide cover.
Isn't it getting late? I'm fine.
I gotta an hour till the babysitter's off.
I was thinking about crystal.
It's ok.
I'm her designated.
No caffeine even.
Wild thing! She's just young.
Even at her age, i never shook it like that.
Well, there's still time, girl.
Go on.
Colonel and mrs.
Tom ryan.
Tom, charlotte, it's about time.
The cabbie got lost.
Thank god charlotte knew the area.
That's our hometown girl.
Well, i'm so thrilled to be back.
You've no idea.
I know the girls all missed you.
Well, i'll um i'll just um take care of him will you? Don't let him sulk in a corner.
No worries.
He's safe in this company.
There's no congressmen hiding out? Forget gelber.
The guy's ex-marine.
Thinks special ops is his turf.
Hey, if he wants to go hand to hand with me, i shall accommodate him.
I want you to meet some of the white house folks.
Good people to know when and if.
When and if what? Look at her.
You'd think she was still in the diplomatic corps.
You two belong here.
Where's the bourbon? Ha ha ha.
This way.
"I want a divorce," an oil man says to his lawyer.
"She is my woman and she's supposed to do as i say.
" Dirt diver, this is cool breeze.
Commo check, over.
We're floating and waiting.
The oil man replies, "maybe not.
But i damn well ought to have exclusive drilling rights.
" Be ready.
Job's about to go down.
So my friend, what rights are you seeking? My clients want the offshore oil fields.
Light crude.
We are offering $240 million not including your interest.
to your account.
I can get more from the japanese.
You say it, so i must believe it.
What do you want? I want everything.
For too long my country has bent over for the american oil companies long leases, low payout, no respect.
I'm going to change that.
We have to control our own destiny.
That means controlling the oil wells.
I will nationalize all of them if that's what it takes.
Of course, we need someone to run the wells for us.
Better your dutch clients than the americans.
Here we go.
Oh! Chico! Bolivar! Sorry, sir.
They got out.
It's all right.
My twins.
Ha! They won't eat unless i feed them myself.
Quite sensitive.
I see.
We'll continue this conversation later? All right.
You didn't close the deal? They're watching.
Of course.
Camera's at 11 o'clock.
Not me, no.
Fake it.
So, i did my job today.
The story about olivos? Gutsy.
Yeah? Worked, didn't it? If you ever get him alone.
Well that's my problem.
Yeah? What about our problem? And that is? Well, if we can never be alone then we need to act more natural.
Husband and wife.
Day and night.
There you are! You ready to leave so soon? Oh, listen to you.
I saw you working the room with neil.
You saw neil working the room.
I was riding shotgun.
Oh, following orders? Exactly.
Charlotte, can i borrow your husband one more minute? Of course.
Don't overst your welcome, darling.
We want to be invited back.
Tom, we have a little situation.
I just got a call from a reporter at the "washington post.
" They want to corroborate a leak they got about our little situation down south.
How the they're running with the story tomorrow morning.
Covert mission.
Hit squads.
It's ugly.
I gotta call into the vice president.
In the meantime, we'll issue the standard denials and hope they're weak on the facts.
You gotta stop the story.
Tom, i don't have a leash on the editors of the "post.
" I've got a man in reale's compound undercover right now.
That story will get him killed.
That's why they call it a free press.
rohan or whatever your name is.
Who sleeps in your bed at home? My wife.
Everybody needs a change.
Maybe i'll go back with you.
Look, my orders are to get you safely do you think that i would like living in the states? Mariana.
Believe me.
I am sick of this country and i'm sick of the agency.
And you could help me.
I'm a soldier not a life coach.
Say you'll try.
Say you'll try.
Look What the hell? I am very sorry about the disturbance.
A man has been shot.
My guards are jumpy.
The american media is reporting a plot to assassinate an official of my country.
That, most probably, would be me.
Oh, my god.
How is your security? The national police are already patrolling the area.
The man they just shot is he an american? I don't know what he was.
But he no longer is my problem.
We should leave.
For now, you would be safer here.
I don't know.
I know.
We must not let them interfere with our plans.
Accept my hospitality and my protection.
It had better work.
And how was your day? Dirt diver, this is dog patch.
We got gale warnings issued for your area.
Dog patch, we have received the weather alert.
We are on lookout.
We may have to cancel the whole fishing trip.
Be a damn shame.
We'd sure like to reel in the big one.
Cool breeze on shore will help with that.
Sir, we have had no report of cool breeze today.
He missed his commo window? Roger that.
Advise we contact snake doctor? Negative.
Contact with snake doc is by exception only.
I say again, by exception only.
When and if he needs to cut bait.
Roger that.
We'll keep trying cool breeze.
Want to ride? Crystal! What is this? Come on, once around the block.
I can't.
Teddy's asleep.
Where did you rocks, huh? It's pretty flashy, yeah.
I like it.
Jeremy's going to flip.
That's great, crystal.
Oh! I got you something, too.
Me? Why me? I wanted to, is all.
You've been so sweet to jeremy and me, and i know you're going to love it.
Well, i know how you're into taking pictures of the kids, and well, i am, but you got that gorgeous baby now.
Don't teddy deserve the best? This is a lavish gift, crystal.
Yes, it is.
Thank you, honey.
She's just young.
Isn't that what you told me? She is.
But now she's foolish, too.
I mean, jeremy's making money at blackthorne, but it can't be that much.
Can it? You know i can't tell you that.
She must've spent a fortune on that car.
That's just impulsive.
I am just trying to look out for her.
And now you want me to take on that role.
You recruited them.
How are you, molly? I'm well.
Very well.
I just wanted to bring you this.
Safer here than at my shop.
It's a beautiful ring.
Thank you.
Would you like to come in? No.
I should be getting back to work.
Off you go, then.
Congressman, you got a minute? Colonel.
We need to talk, you and me.
Oh, not right now.
I'm in conference.
Carol, get the colonel's number and no, sir.
It needs to be now.
All right.
What's on your mind? Your actions put my men and my mission at risk.
Your actions put this country's foreign relations at risk.
I told you, that was not my lookout.
The hell it ain't, soldier and you know better than that.
No, i'll tell you what i know.
You leaked classified information to the papers, and i have 5 men in it up to their ass.
As a former soldier, i understand your concern.
I do.
But this is much bigger than your 5 men, colonel.
Then you should've taken that up with neil krinsman and his boys at the white house.
Those bed-wetters? They're mighty quick to put your boys in harm's way, but there's not a one of them ever served a day in uniform.
I still have a mission to complete.
Well, ask yourself first who really stands to gain if reale dies.
It's not geopolitics, my friend.
It's oil.
Reale is squeezing the oil companies, cutting into their windfall profits.
That's who your boys are fighting for on this one big oil.
I pray they get out safely.
Good luck to you.
What were you doing out there? Birding.
Birding? I'm an ornithologist from the university of manitoba you are american! No, i'm not an american.
Look at my passport.
I'm canadian.
Your passport's a lie! You're c.
! Please, please! Just call the embassy.
I'll shoot out your brains if i please.
Call the canadian embassy where are the others? We know there are others! Look, i don't understand.
We will find the others.
And you are going to be here on a very, very long vacation.
She has great form.
She does, that.
She is good for you.
I can tell.
Luis i would like to finish the conversation we were having last night.
In private.
You have been married Yes.
That is what keeps me thinking my marriage? Olivos.
As i remember, the only avocado orchard was owned by the ramirez family, and it was taken over by the generals How could you have married there? Mariana's family.
They had a friend.
Friends with the junta? With fascists? Certainly not.
What do you mean? He's just trying to be polite.
My father was a simple gardener.
Many years he worked the orchards for the ramirez family.
And when the general took over, he was forced to work with them, too.
So, as a gesture of kindness, they let his daughter be married there.
Forgive rohan his pride.
You know, a gardener for a father-in-law.
There is no shame in working with your hands.
Don't forget that, rohan.
No sir.
I will not.
I believe this is a fight between the white house and congress, and i don't think you want to be the crossing guard.
Isn't that where i am? Decline the position.
I'm listening.
The better move is to go to gelber's chair and bring him something.
And bring him what? Something so he can look at you and say, "that man did something for me.
" Isn't that the way the world works? You want me to go to the chair of gelber's committee.
That's right.
And bring him what? Eyes-only memos.
Operational documents.
And then he blocks gelber's probe in committee.
Well do people get hurt on the battlefield? They get hurt here, too who do you think you're dealing with? I think, though you didn't ask, that you should take till monday, and let it cool down.
Till monday? Yes.
My men are in contact now.
I understand.
But consider if you anger krinsman, you anger his betters.
Which is to say, you anger the throne.
Which is the end of you.
And then what happens to your men? Yeah? Go.
He missed his second window? What about the rest of the unit? All right.
Have dirt diver move ashore.
Is everything ok? Not by a long shot.
You like birds? Pajaros? Yeah.
Have you ever seen a blue-footed booby? Huh? Oh, it's it's in there.
It has a very distinctive, um It's there.
I'll show you in that book.
No, no, no.
It's ok.
I'm just, um blue footed booby.
It's it's a rarity.
And you're lucky to have here in your company.
I'll i'll i'll show it to you.
Yeah? Look.
You're kidding me, right? No, sir.
You want the vice president to put his name on this mission? Tom, if you're concerned about leaks the mission.
If they ever launch an investigation of my unit, i want to make sure you got my back.
I stand behind you and this mission.
I know the veep feels the same way.
Then let him say so in writing.
Someone got to you.
I need the signature.
I guess i had you pegged wrong.
I figured you for one of our can-do guys.
Do i abort the mission? Let's not pretend here.
You and i both know how it works.
We manage up.
Our job is to protect the people we work for.
And here i thought our job was to protect the country.
Oh, don't pull that crap with me.
I did 3 terms on the house sub-committee for military affairs.
Congressman reynolds, right? Midland, texas, wasn't it? Eleventh district.
That is correct.
Any oil in those parts? What's that supposed to mean? Let's just say i like to know who i work for.
Molly, everything ok here? Sandwich good? It's all fine, thanks.
How are you, baby? Besides the blistered feet and chipped nails? Couple more of jeremy's gigs, i'm going to own this place.
Kim told me about your new car.
I'm happy for you.
Yeah? Thanks.
Crystal, i don't want to get into your affairs then why are you here? Kim is little concerned as are the rest of us that perhaps you are a bit over-exuberant with your newfound money.
Is it my money? Honey, don't get upset.
How do you do this? How do you get up every morning and not think about where he is, what he's doing, if he's ok?! Or if he's even thinking about you? Could he care less that i bought 15 pairs of shoes or some stupid new car? Maybe he's out getting loaded every night, or maybe he's shacking up with some other girl.
Maybe he's laying dead on the side of a desert road.
How do you not think about those things? I don't go there.
That's it? That's the wisdom of a career army wife "don't go there"? Pull! Be ahead of your target.
I am not much for guns, i'm afraid.
Bruja, pull.
The americans better watch out, eh? I don't think you have to worry about them.
They want me, they'll get me.
Drop a 500 pound bomb on my head.
Well, not today, i hope.
And turn men into martyrs, isn't that what they do best? To be honest, i have little use for immortality.
What is important to me all right.
I just want to do right by my people.
Let's walk and we'll conclude our business.
Oh! Oh, excuse me.
My client.
Yes? Negotiations still ongoing? Yes.
As we speak.
Then stop.
Deal is off.
Confirm that? Deal is off.
Terms have changed.
Oh, is that not something? I'll fill you in later.
Go on, set sail while cool breeze is at your back.
This i will do.
I apologize, gentlemen.
I have some unfortunate news You should have shot me when you had the chance.
You are the assassin.
I'm afraid not.
You may be a poor shot today, but you have handled guns before.
The muzzle.
Beginners are never so careful.
You weren't clumsy enough.
I don't know what you're talking about, luis.
You got "cajones," my friend.
You come into my house, drink my liquor, eat my food? Would you like to pray? Would you like to pray? But what would i pray for? A new puppy? Rohan! Go ahead.
Do it.
Kill him.
Let's go.
Kill him already! Let's go.
Run! Run now! Stay off the roads.
They'll be looking for you.
Follow the rat line.
And you? I'm your decoy.
See you on board.
Oh, no all right, spread your legs.
If you think i'm gonna go down there what, you want to go back to the villa? You don't understand.
I can't.
All right.
I'm gonna do something that's gonna make it feel better for you.
I'm gonna take you down on my back.
Trust me.
All right.
Latch it on to the belt.
Get on my back.
Yeah, you're good? Yeah.
Go! Ahh! Got her in the arm.
Ah! Ok.
You're ok.
We're gonna get your arm fixed up.
This won't take I just need to sign off on jeremy's health care.
Thought i was being called into the principal's office.
Don't be silly.
If anyone's at fault, it's me.
I shouldn't have upset you at work.
Have a seat.
I'll get your paperwork.
Hello? Is this thing working? Hello? Oh, my god.
Jeremy! Crystal? Can you hear me? Hi, baby, i'm here! Can you see me? Yeah.
Hey, baby.
How are you? I miss you so much.
I miss you.
You're coming home soon i hope? We're done here next week, then i'm back.
Good, 'cause i got you a big surprise.
Get out.
Well, i can't wait.
I got you a new car! It's a kick-ass mustang.
It's cobalt blue, leather seats and, check it, a convertible! Oh, sweet! I love you, honey! Do you love me? Or do you just love my "thoughtfulness"? Thank you.
For bringing me back.
How you feeling? Better now.
Mariana, mission's over.
It doesn't have to be.
Oh, i understand.
Not here.
Not again.
I'm going back home.
To my wife.
You're home.
Hey, baby.
Come here.

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