The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s02e09 Episode Script

Death and the Dead

Previously on "The Walking
Dead: World Beyond"
We know
where the gas is.
we destroy the gas?
You're talking
about an escape?
Dr. Belshaw wasn't killed
in a laboratory accident.
They murdered her.
I need you to come with me.
I wish there was another way.
But our plan doesn't
work without you. Whoa!
What's going on? Sergeant
Mills' team is on its way
to deal with the leader
of the Perimeters.
Fire teams are moving
into position.
As for
our mutinous scientists,
shoot to kill. Eliminate some
to traumatize the many.
It's them.
Negate on my go.
Three, two, ho.
They're sending us
a signal,
so we're gonna
send one back.
They brought us to this.
No going back now.
Team Delta, report.
Pierce, tell me what is
going on down there, now.
Pierce: Explosions in tunnels
one through five.
I lost contact.
We walked into a trap.
Where did they
get explosives?
They're scientists,
This is Leo Bennett.
I want to speak with
Warrant Officer Stokes.
Dr. Bennett.
Those soldiers may mean
nothing to you,
but they've dedicated their
lives to fighting for a future.
A future you're putting
at great risk
for every living person
on this planet.
That was just
for show.
We're prepared
to escalate.
You should know you've crossed
a very serious line.
You destroyed
our home
and an entire surviving city
of "living persons",
and you tried
to hide that from us.
We're done
with the CRM.
We're leaving.
All of us.
You think you're in a position
to bargain with me?
I do.
We have Mason Beale.
You're lying.
He left on
an evacuation transport
with the other students.
Officer Stokes,
it's me.
Please get me
out of here.
What do you want,
Dr. Bennett?
Two transport trucks.
Biggest ones
you've got.
Full tanks of gas.
No tricks.
And where
do you plan on going?
You abandoning
your role
in someday
finding a cure, doctor?
Saving our
entire species?
You really willing
to throw that away?
You're murderers
and liars.
We can't take
that deal.
Let us go,
we'll find another way
to save everyone eventually.
Even you people.
Everyone with you
feel the same way?
Are you all so quick
to abandon
the safety and security
that we've given you?
You won't find that again
outside our walls.
There is
no progress out there.
Only death
and the dead.
Ask Hope.
She'll tell you.
She's seen it.
You have 30 minutes
to get the trucks backed up
to the service entrance
near Guard Gate One.
We don't want
to have to hurt the boy,
but like I said,
we're prepared
to escalate.
You'll get
your trucks.
And may I be the first
to congratulate you
on roping
a lot of smart people
into a breathlessly stupid
suicide mission.
Jesus, Jadis.
The hell
are we gonna do?
The entire point
of your mission
was to ensure
that Hope Bennett understood
the importance
of a future.
She does.
It sounds like
they all do.
Just not one that involves us
wiping out their home.
You blame 'em?
It's not my fault the CRM
couldn't keep a lid on that.
What's taking
the kid so long?
He's coming.
He's coming.
You were just
trying to help me.
I don't deserve this.
helping hurts like hell.
Besides, it wasn't
j-just about you.
I can get her
on the walkie.
You have something
you want to say?
I can't risk blowing her cover
or the plan.
thank you.
I'm sorry
for what she did to you.
She thought
she was helping the world.
helping hurts like hell.
Hey. Sorry.
I, uh,
I found the vodka,
but not
the antibiotics.
You're out.
Forceps are in the kit.
Use the fire to sterilize them.
You're gonna have to
hold me down
while the kid
digs out the bullet,
just like
we talked about.
Plaskett -- What if
something happens?
It won't.
It won't.
So long as you hold me
down tight.
If I move an inch, the kid
nicks my intestines, it's over.
So, yeah.
I guess there's that.
Come on.
Make sure you get a good grip
before you pull it out.
Do you understand?
You good?
Yeah. Okay.
Okay, kid, go.
Nice and easy.
I think I got it.
Nice work, kid.
Kill zone should be
at capacity.
Stick to the plan.
Find your friends.
I'll be fine.
No tricks, see?
Wouldn't want to risk
pulling something
while you've got
Beale's kid.
If it were up to me,
I'd put a bullet
in your head right now
for killing my men
in those tunnels.
I want these trucks backed up
to the service entrance.
Keys in
the ignition.
If I
see you again
I'll kill you.
The hell goes on in here,
How about
you ask your old man?
Real standup guy,
that Major General.
Leo: Iris.
Trucks are ready.
The others and I
are heading out.
We should keep radio
communications to a minimum.
Let me know when
you've made it out.
We will.
You got this.
As long as they think
it's all of us leaving,
that we've got him,
they shouldn't
try anything.
Be safe.
I'm supposed to be saying that
to the two of you.
Well, this works,
we'll be right behind you.
No goodbyes,
Take care of them?
You take care of
All eyes are gonna be on you
for this part.
That's the plan.
Hope: Ready?
You watch him.
We'll be back in 10.
Hey, Hope?
There's nowhere you can go
that's better.
You know that, right?
Who said you could talk?
What if you never
find this again?
What if this is our last chance
at a future and you blow it?
Ignore him. He doesn't know shit
about they've done.
Yeah, maybe it's time
we tell him.
Felix: Hope.
C'mon, let's go.
Should be
about a mile out now.
Means we're clear to peel off
and meet the others.
You still have Will's map
of the research place?
Yeah, why?
We're making
a stop first.
Maybe you should've
gone with 'em.
Felix and Hope,
I mean.
She'll be fine.
how 'bout you?
How're you doing?
I'm okay.
Justthinking about
what comes next.
Do you ever
think about that?
Well, a lot's happened
pretty fast.
And now it's ending
pretty fast.
For as long
as I can remember,
it was just
me and my uncle,
you know,
finding our way,
making our own luck,
trying to make a ..
Trying to make a shitty world
a little less shitty.
But could be nice
if it was the two of us
doing that.
Once this is
all over.
Oh, yeah?
Where would you
wanna go?
I've -- I've always wanted to go
to the Getty Museum
you know,
see what's left of it.
You know, granted,
it's not the Louvre.
It's not.
But it's got
a good collection.
Ocean views.
Big lawns.
We could grow
our own crops'
This is it.
We get in,
set the charges,
and we get out.
And hope the others meet us
with the gas masks.
It's pretty warm in here
for cold storage.
Think the outage
knocked it out?
it's a different grid.
They all thawed out.
Stay behind me.
Shut the freezer door!
hang tight!
Their heads
are still frozen!
You should be proud, Hope.
But this place
it's safe.
It's good
for everybody.
This is your home now.
You okay?
Let's plant the charges
and get out of here.
Fuck this place.
She moved it.
All of it.
I don't know.
But they got the power,
the empties.
They knew we were
coming. Yeah, we gotta go.
Huck: Wait, you think
they're still here?
We saw 'em leave.
we saw two trucks leave.
That's what
they wanted us to see.
The Bennetts' motives
are based on a sense of justice,
and we've already seen
how far they'll go.
If they found the vial,
they found the gas.
They wouldn't leave
without trying to destroy it,
but they won't.
They won't get
out of here alive.
Officer Stokes.
Western checkpoint
just called in a Code 6.
1,000 incoming from
south southwest.
We're minutes away
from a full breach.
It would've been spotted
long before, but .. I know.
Western patrols were redirected
to the tunnels.
Divert them
with disruption charges
and send all other available
teams to the western gates.
If we don't hold the line,
we could lose everything.
The gas has to be here
somewhere. We just need to find it.
There's no time.
They know
we're still here.
Then we use the charges to
do some damage on our way out.
No, Silas is already leading a
cluster here to do that for us.
She's right.
We stick to the exit plan.
Yeah, what do we do with
him? That part doesn't change.
We drop him off
someplace a ways out,
radio the CRM
to pick him up.
And Portland?
We're just giving up
on a whole city?
We can't save anyone
until we save ourselves.
Once we're out, we radio the
others about the change of plans.
We'll figure it out
from there.
Where is it?
What are you talking about?
Hope: Iris,
how would he know?
Your dad's the head
of this place.
And he wouldn't do
any of the things
you're accusing him of
without a reason.
He's a lot more sane
than any of you assholes.
You know this place.
You know their protocols --
I don't know shit about any gas!
What the hell do you
want me to say?! Iris, stop!
Okay. Okay, okay.
We're gonna
figure this out, okay?
We leave now.
Let's go.
what's the status?
Security checkpoints three
and four have been breached.
What about
disruption charges?
Teams are trying to clear
a path to the copters.
There's just too many.
This is crazy.
I'm suiting up,
gonna help hold the line.
You're staying here
with me.
Ready the Jeep.
There's business here
left to resolve.
Okay, medical supply room
should be right in front of us.
That means the way in's
either this way or that way.
You go that way,
I'll go this way?
Thank you
for doing this.
You could have just gone
with the others, but
So much
hasn't worked out,
but this will.
It'll work out.
What the hell
are you doing here?
I.I'm just getting a ..
Not another step.
Sounds like the big guy
came through.
More eyes the CRM has on them,
the less they'll have on us.
You guys, we gotta
get out of here,
or their problem's
gonna be ours.
Seems clear.
Which Hummer is it?
furthest back.
Used my uncle's
"ring around the rosy" routine
to lift 'em off
one of the grounds crew.
what's going on?
They pulled all the soldiers
to the gates.
Needed manpower quick,
so they brought in some cadets.
You're one of them,
aren't you?
The insurgents
we're looking for.
What? No. No, I.I.I.I'm
here to .. Yeah, you are.
Those friends
you were trying to find?
You're them.
Damn it, I got orders
to shoot on sight.
No. It's okay.
I'm here for Dennis.
He's hurt really bad.
I-I'm just
getting antibiotics.
That's it. Then I'm going
straight back to the outpost.
You're lying.
I can't let you
leave here alive.
You don't let me go,
Dennis is gonna die.
Then he'll die.
I'm sorry, man.
I got orders.
Who was that guy?
Eh, it doesn't matter.
He'll be out for a while.
I, uh,
found a way in.
Wasn't marked very well.
Signage in this place leaves,
uh, something to be desired.
I told you, it'll work out.
Come on.
Found 'em.
Come on.
Let's go.
You're dead, Plaskett.
Open the door!
We're not making it
back to the Jeep.
I think
I know a way out.
Hold fire.
Officer Carlucci has a gun
on Mason Beale.
Team Alpha,
stand fast.
We have the Bennetts
right where we want them.
Let's chat.
Just us.
Switch to 2800.
Privacy code
You want out of here,
and we want Mason Beale.
How shall we do this?
We turn him over to you unharmed
once we're out.
And that only happens when you
let us drive off in this Hummer.
You haven't shown me anything
to make me trust you.
We don't trust you.
So, there's you,
and there's us,
and a giant column
of the dead coming.
Let's see
who blinks first.
You didn't want to listen.
Now, here we are,
in a situation.
If you try
anything at all,
I swear to God,
I will kill him.
And then what?
You're out of luck.
And so will you be.
Because without Mason,
there's nothing to stop us
from gunning all of you down.
And how
would Beale feel
if his son came back
without kneecaps?
I get it.
You're angry.
You blame the CRM
for all your troubles.
But this?
This is the outcome
of your actions, not ours.
Are you pleased
with your results?
You did this.
You didn't give us a choice.
We didn't want
any of this.
You clearly
don't understand.
wasn't our ally.
Not ours,
not Portland's.
You lied.
You covered up
a genocide.
This is the only world
you've ever known.
You're far too young
to appreciate
all that has been lost.
You murdered
100,000 people!
They were
gonna die anyway!
The military made
the hard choices
so the civilians
wouldn't have to.
Two years ago,
the CRM's modeling revealed
that the Alliance
would soon become a drain
on the Civic Republic's
Omaha, the Campus Colony,
had become too reliant.
They'd never be
fully self.sustaining.
So, it was only
a matter of time
before thousands
faced a famine
of devastating proportions.
At best, those thousands
would have died slowly.
At worst, disease and conflict
would have spread through
the Civic Republic itself,
and then?
The light of the world
extinguished forever.
Death wins.
We made the choice
to spare them that
by ending it quickly
for them
so that
there could be a chance
for humanity
to survive.
What we did to your home
was mercy'
We made sure
all assets were extracted,
including 10,000 children,
and the greatest minds
were sent here
to contribute
to scientific progress
under our protection.
People like Dr. Bennett,
and of course, you, Hope.
Those who died became
an essential part of our study
to end reanimation.
Their legacy will be
stopping the dead
from walking
this world.
What gives you
the right
to choose who lives
and who dies?
You look at the world
from your limited perspectives
and you criticize
the CRM,
when it is our work
that made
your very existence possible.
You rant about injustice
and unfairness
while you compromise
and possibly destroy
the hard-earned advances
of so many
that came before you.
makes the hard choices
so you
don't have to.
take a look around
at your great plan
at work.
All you're doing
is stopping the march
scientific progress,
denying the world
the path to its rightful future.
And why?
Because you're mad
at us.
It could be cute
if it wasn't so pathetic.
And so dangerous.
One shot, kill.
Get down!
I got him!
Drop it.
Wrong choice,
You did this.
No, no. This -- This was you.
This was
You did this,
you and your god damn family.
You killed him!
All you had to do
was come with us,
and everybody
would have been okay!
It's what he deserved.
It's what she deserved.
Look at
what you've done!
My sister was right.
You're them.
You're the same.
You don't give a shit.
You never did.
You killed him and --
I should've seen it.
What they are,
and I didn't.
And he's dead,
and I should've seen it!
You do this to him,
you'd be doing something
to yourself
all over again.
Get in!
Come on!
Huck: Move!
I said move.
Guess your mother was right
about you.
My mother's got nothing
to do with this.
If you were gonna shoot me,
you would have done it by now.
Reinforcements are
on the way.
If you spare my life,
I'll give you
a 5., 10.minute head start.
You've got skills.
You might even
stand a chance.
What do you say?
Mason: Help!
Somebody help!
Please! Somebody!
Major General, I appreciate
the additional troops
to secure the facility,
but if I may,
it's critical we move up
the timeline on Portland.
Nothing can be allowed
to prevent that.
The scientists are a priority,
but ..
Yes, sir.
We are compromised.
The Bennetts
know about Portland.
They've told the others.
They've been receiving
information from a sympathizer
I have every intention
of bringing to justice.
The scientists
will be retrieved
and their research
will resume.
I will make sure of it.
I wish that I had been brought
in sooner to prevent this,
but I will fix it.
Yes. Yes, sir.
Of course.
Thank you for placing
your trust in me.
I will not let you down.
You sure this is it?
With the gas
out of play,
I had Will and Indira
head to the underground mall.
why isn't Dad answering?
He should've been here already
with everybody else.
I'll try him again.
Felix to Leo,
you copy?
Leo, come in.
Felix to Leo,
you copy?
Felix, go ahead.
You alright?
Tire blew.
Spikes in the road.
Loaded as many as we could
onto the second truck
and sent it ahead.
Where are you?
About two miles due west
of the rendezvous.
Lost some time
detouring around a cluster.
I think
we can patch the tire,
but whoever left the spikes
can't be far behind.
Alright, sit tight.
I'm on my way.
Copy that.
Look, the Hummer's too easy
to spot from the air.
I'll go on foot.
Y'all good to wait up ahead
for the others?
Yeah, we're good.
What happened?
Got a little too friendly
with a bullet.
What happened to you?
We got the meds
for Dennis,
but we need to stop
by the Outpost
before we meet up
with Indira.
where's everybody?
Where's Percy?
My dad's in trouble.
Felix went
to try and help him,
but even if they make it,
even if we make it,
the gas is probably already
on its way to Portland.
The CRM won.
They're gonna destroy
another city,
and there isn't shit
that we can do about it.
Come in. Anyone.
You read me?
Hey, um, I think
I found something.
Still got that C-4?
we have it.
What --
What did you find?
Where are you?
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