Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e09 Episode Script

The Perverted Dragon

To expose the darkness
lurking in the town,
an investigation is being conducted.
We are meeting Lime at daybreak,
but we can't reach him with telepathy.
He last made contact with us
when he was at the development
site of the school compound.
It's unnatural to start battling
without any direct order.
He would normally flee
and escape.
Indeed. Even if he was ambushed,
he's not one to be defeated so easily.
There's a chance
we've been fooled by Rona.
She would have no problem
pulling this off in a calm demeanor.
In any case, it's still too early
to draw any conclusion.
Let's check the crime scene.
Darn it!
I lost my precious katana.
By the way, are you all right?
But it bothers me that you asked.
Sorry for dragging you into this.
Stop right there!
You wouldn't want to lose your head here.
I still plan to live
my life to the fullest.
I've grown tired of getting reincarnated.
You have a sharp blade there.
It's imbued with incredible power.
I I must contact the Young Master.
Sorry, I have to cut you off
from using telepathy.
I'm the kind
who saves the best for the last.
I must land at least one hit!
Sorry, things just got complicated.
It's going to get a little rough.
They will probably
be interested in this thing.
You won't be killed right away.
All the best.
Are you all right?
Who might you be?
Keep quiet.
-We must get out of here
-Who's there?
Did the subject get away?
Stay alert.
A strange magic sword. Who are you?
I'm doomed because I tried to save you.
I didn't expect them
to abandon me so readily.
Aren't you the school librarian?
If I remember correctly, you're Eva.
You know Mr. Kuzunoha very well, right?
My name is Lime Latte,
and I am a shopkeeper
at the Kuzunoha Company.
We probably met in the past.
You're not a shopkeeper.
Aren't you a bodyguard?
They are pretty much the same thing.
Let me confirm one thing with you.
Do you want to get out?
They built a stronghold here.
The organization must be massive.
I bet they have help
from inside the academy.
I am but an insignificant librarian.
Escaping this jail won't change a thing.
Makes sense.
Besides, you suffered a miserable defeat.
Don't worry. That guy isn't here.
I did my best to pull off a trick.
What do you mean?
When I cut him,
I placed a marker on him to locate him.
Even if I believe you,
I'm still in grave danger.
If you intend to save me,
I hope you take out the enemies
congregating in the compound.
What's in it for me?
I can provide valuable information
to your employer, Mr. Kuzunoha.
In the event we manage to
destroy the entire organization,
I shall reward you handsomely.
You're probably used to
seeing magic items,
but this is specially made by our company.
There could be
some repulsive stuff along the way.
Are you ready?
I'll do just fine.
This is disgusting.
Most of them are demi-humans.
There are some humans, too.
They don't really target
any races in particular.
Abductions and human experiments,
and on such a large scale, too
Medical and chimera experiments
that aim to increase
combat and magical power.
I must contact the Young Master,
but I can't use my telepathy now.
What are you doing?
Releasing them from this misery.
These utterly disgusting devices and files
should be destroyed.
I can sense a dragon from this trace.
Maybe this isn't the demons' doing.
Rona isn't very close with any dragon.
Speaking of dragons,
it could be Mitsurugi Lancer,
wielder of the sword.
They did claim to be
working for the demons.
If that is the case,
this is a great opportunity.
They shall regret ever hurting you
and die struggling in excruciating pain.
you can be very effective with your work.
We should call in Lady Tomoe
and Lady Mio for this,
but given the urgency of this case,
I have no choice
but to take on the mantle.
To think such a wonderful opportunity
would present itself to me!
This is perfect.
Utterly perfect!
The abyss of despair
goes a lot deeper for you,
a bunch of fools!
Young Master.
Young Master,
sorry for the trouble I caused.
Never mind. I'm glad you're safe.
Did you run into a dragon?
A dragon?
No, but I ran into her.
Huh? Miss Eva?
We both made it out safely.
I'll deliver a detailed report
of the investigation later.
What are you doing here, Miss Eva?
Darn you, Lime
Why did you have to show up so soon?
I was on a roll just now!
You must pay for this!
Shiki! Calm down!
Smile! Put on a smile!
Lime's report.
The investigation on
Rotsgard Academy's development site.
Report of the present.
Who was the mysterious man
who made a fool out of Lime?
Was he related to the organization?
Young Master, Miss Eva would
like to speak with you.
I got it.
Go to Rona.
Ask for her help finding
the collaborators in the academy.
I'll do my best to instigate Rona.
We are only having this conversation
because I promised Mr. Lime
I'd provide valuable information.
As for your reward,
the payment will be made once
those who threaten my life are dealt with.
I'll start by giving you the information.
Speak away.
I do know the people
in that portrait you were holding.
It seems you've been
searching for those two.
I'd like to know where they have been to.
Just as I expected.
The man is an aristocrat holding
an important position in a country.
The woman is a prestigious priest.
An aristocrat and a priest? My parents?
The two were supposed to be married
in the now-defunct nation of Elysion,
a small satellite state of Kaleneon.
they were exiled by the country
before they even got married.
No one has heard from them since.
Why were they exiled?
I don't know the details.
Kaleneon had lost most of its records
due to the great invasion.
The great invasion.
An invasion by the demons
that took place ten years ago.
The demons secured
an overwhelming victory in the end.
How do you know about their past?
Because I was from Kaleneon.
So, you were there
during the great invasion.
But only Luria and I got away.
We were branded the cowards
who abandoned their nation
and managed to survive in shame.
We are not even allowed to
announce our family name.
People who somehow learned about our past
still loathe us to this day
and would cause us trouble.
Luria and I thought
about ending our lives.
But that wouldn't have done us any good.
The mark of a coward
wouldn't disappear after our death.
Therefore, I want to reclaim our home,
to reclaim the land of Kaleneon.
No, I'll be content with retaking
the lost territory of the Aensland family.
But with just the two of you
When that thought came to me,
I made contact with the organization.
I see. Now I understand.
The organization was founded
by a group that was anti-goddess.
They exchanged technology
and knowledge with each other.
It became a very powerful organization.
To reclaim Kaleneon,
I thought I could use them
to gather more information.
And you ran into Lime.
Both of you got caught afterward.
I understand the situation now.
I'll do my best to protect you
from any harm.
Thank you so much.
An anti-goddess group.
If they are capable of
retaking lost lands from the demons,
they could be involved in the war.
Young Master, it's him!
The mysterious man who made
a fool out of me is approaching!
Lime, get Shiki here.
Wait, let me
Tomoe and Mio? What are you doing here?
Our foe is quite formidable.
Lime should stay out of this one.
Lady Mio, don't be unreasonable.
Everyone has their duty to carry out.
You'd only get in our way if you stayed.
You have nothing to worry about
with these two by my side.
Nice to meet you. I am the guild master
of the Adventurer's Guild.
I got rough with your employee
named Lime some time ago.
So, I came to apologize.
It's good manners to say that,
but he could hold his own in a fight.
So, about the purpose of this visit
That's right. The lady over there,
could you bring us some fruits
to pair with the tea?
Mio, bring him some fruits.
Very well. I'll be right back.
If you have other tea leaves,
please use those instead.
Guild Master, what is it that you need?
Come on, Makoto.
Don't get so formal with me.
There is no need for your brushtalk.
I'm not a human.
Enlighten me.
How adorable.
Are you concerned the goddess
might have discovered?
Don't worry.
The goddess doesn't know
about your current circumstances.
After all, she's done
all kinds of silly things.
Who are you?
So that's what you sound like!
Not bad.
You sound like a young boy.
I'm quite fond of that.
Enough jokes. Answer me.
Who are you?
Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.
Allow me to
Cut the act, Luto,
Dragon of Myriad Colors.
Are you talking about him?
Yes. He is a greater dragon.
The greatest there is.
He's never lost a fight.
Myriad Colors as in countless in number.
That is Luto's nickname.
This guy is a dragon?
The greatest of the greater dragons.
Mitsurugi, Waterfall, Sand Wave,
Crimson Lapis, and Night Clad.
These five are the most well-known.
Shin, did you spend so much time
slumbering in the wilderness
that you forgot your manners?
I'd like to speak with Makoto.
No. I won't let you deceive him.
Besides, I've forsaken that old name.
I am Tomoe now.
Sorry, Makoto.
I never intended to deceive you.
My intention is much more innocent.
You sure have changed a lot.
When did you become a man?
Around 300 years ago.
I had been a woman for too long.
I got bored eventually.
He got bored of his own gender?
I had a one-night stand
with a man one day.
A sense of fulfillment
poured into my heart.
I experienced bliss like nothing before.
It was the ultimate end of friendship!
The greatest form of love!
Makoto, are you still a virgin?
It's all right.
I'm into your type as well.
Whether my body is a woman or a man,
I'm confident I can
conquer your heart in a day.
I must refuse!
What was the fuss about?
I was merely wooing Makoto.
He is still single, right?
It's perfectly fine to
present myself to him.
Tomoe, this guy here seems to be a dragon.
I'm sure killing him won't do any harm.
Of course.
There will be nothing of him left.
Luto, any last words?
I'll be sure to write them
on your tombstone.
Wait. A greater dragon
should taste pretty good.
I plan to use every bit of his body
for my cooking.
This is an unprecedented threat.
I'll help you as much as I can.
Wait Hold on
I didn't come here to pick a fight.
I have an important matter to discuss.
That's right!
I'd like to talk about
the Adventurer's Guild.
The guild?
-Young Master!
-Young Master!
Fine. I'll help you.
But I get to decide how to investigate it.
You're not allowed to condemn my methods.
As despicable as always.
Time to make use of the organization
to learn his true strength.
My original mission
has been completed anyway.
First off, I really am the guild master
of the Adventurer's Guild.
More precisely speaking,
I founded the guild
about 1,000 years ago.
Is that so?
The first master I served
was from a different world,
just like you, Makoto.
I learned new concepts from him
and proposed them to the goddess.
I was then put in charge.
I knew it. Me and those two heroes
weren't the first to have
come from another world.
At the time, I racked my brain
to put the guild together.
I had fun while putting policies in place.
The guild is now found all over the world.
It has served its purpose
in addressing community issues.
Members of the guild are given
a certificate that shows their levels.
Don't you find it rather peculiar?
The high-tech guild card
has the word "level" on it.
In the world where you were from,
it's a concept from video games.
This world is beyond any logic.
You can even say it's a skyscraper
built inside a wooden house.
But a word like Adventurer's Guild
is all it takes for
someone like you to be convinced.
You have a point.
Why did you have this system in place?
To maintain the balance of this world.
Since ages ago,
the goddess has always favored the humans.
Their populations grew,
and so did their arrogance.
This is a means to restrict them.
A limitation
Shouldn't the guild help
the humans make progress?
You don't see the bigger picture here.
With a leveling and ranking system
from the guild,
people will strive to become better.
The speed of their growth
will go up as they level up.
Numbers bring motivation.
Everyone wants to become famous
after joining the guild.
These people long to succeed.
And then
Excessive greed brings
about their destruction.
The humans will be slowly phased out.
That's the idea.
Phased out
That's how you maintained the balance?
It's one way to do it.
People who are discontent
with the goddess' actions
can be found everywhere.
It's not limited
to the shady organization.
By the way, the highest level
in our guild is level 65535.
My master has been saying
it's a romantic number,
so it's been set that way.
Romantic? The maximum value
of an unsigned 16-bit integer?
We used to see that a lot in video games.
What is it?
Do you want to form a pact with me?
I'm willing to do anything.
Had fun in bed
No! It's about your master.
How can someone from 1,000 years ago
know about video games?
I can explain everything,
but you have to listen until the end.
If everyone falls asleep,
I won't hesitate to attack.
Do we have a deal?
But Mio here is a genius
who follows her instinct!
She is already asleep!
So, the energy scale at the moment
when a time paradox occurs can
lead to disasters.
But the probability
of that happening is tiny.
Because of that,
the passage of time in this world
and your world
are based on different management systems.
So, if I plan to return
to my original world,
will I succeed?
You never understood what I said.
Young Master.
To be honest, I didn't understand a thing.
Well, to return to your world,
the odds are extremely slim,
but there is still hope.
What do you mean?
Given the mana you possess now,
teleportation should work fine.
But the randomness
of the destination is too high.
Even from a more optimistic perspective,
the chance is one in every ten million.
Shiki said the same thing.
Anyway, it's better for you
to look around for now.
All right, I've said hello.
Time to get going.
Let me walk you out.
Who knows what havoc you'd wreak
when you are left to your own devices?
Come on. You don't trust me at all.
See you around, Makoto.
Does distance make one
yearn for home even more?
So, what do you want to know?
You noticed.
What did you mean
you didn't understand a thing?
You understood it all.
The Young Master's world
People from his world won't live
to be 100 years old.
They rarely do.
Is that so? Such a short life.
It's too short.
This is the one thing we can't change.
We can only get used to it.
As of now, the Young Master
means the world to me.
The vibrant world will be so dull
after his passing.
He's one of the few people from another
world I actually like being around.
The pain of taking a life
means nothing to him,
but it pains him even more
to see his comrades get hurt.
His stance is vague and unclear.
He thinks like an ordinary person.
Yet, the path he walks
is an extraordinary one.
What do you think he'll do?
Will he try to return to his world?
No idea.
He doesn't seem like the ignorant kind
who would abandon you all.
He will change
when the chance presents itself.
A chance?
The other two heroes
have bid their world farewell
and decided to walk their own paths.
Makoto could make a third choice
should he ever get the chance.
A choice other than leaving or staying.
What other option does he have?
Traversing between two worlds.
To move freely between worlds.
In other words,
he will become a being unlike anything.
What will bring about his awakening?
I look forward to finding out.
A trigger
If this is the only way
to prevent a future where he perishes,
I shall
That pervert finally left.
Mio, did you just walk here in that?
Yes. What's wrong?
It's nighttime, but this is inappropriate.
There could be bad rumors
about the Young Master.
I'll just have to make
the witnesses forget immediately.
It would take a lot more than mere gossip
to make me take off the love he showed me.
You are as exhausting as always.
I can say the same about you, Tomoe.
If you
ever get blinded by temptations
and seek to harm the Young Master,
I won't hesitate
That will never happen.
If I ever let temptations
get the better of me,
simply give me a slap and wake me up.
Sure. It's going to be a hard slap.
The tenth night.
"Time For Reformation."
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