1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e10 Episode Script

Do or Die

[Amy] Previously on
1000-lb Sisters
After all this hard work,
all the weight loss,
everything I've been through,
all the trips to the ER
[inhales deeply] I made it,
I can just breathe
knowing he's fine,
he's here, he's safe.
He's perfect.
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy coughs, clears throat]
I'm so glad Tammy's home.
[Michael speaking]
He should be waking up
for a bottle soon.
- [Michael] Uh-huh.
- I think in probably an hour.
- But I'm gonna go take this food to Tammy.
- All right.
- I will be right back.
- [Michael] Fine.
I've only seen Tammy through
the window and over the phone.
But Tammy's looking really bad.
I mean, she's not
doing good at all.
[knocking on window]
[Tammy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[mimicking and mocking Amy]
Tammy has a weigh-in coming up
and I'm kinda scared
because Tammy did
lose weight in the hospital,
but now she's home, and she
can't move around as much.
So she has gained it
all back, and some.
She's on oxygen 24/7.
She's pretty much housebound.
Next up is bed-bound.
She's going downhill real fast.
[Chris speaking]
[knocking on door]
[Chris] Knock, knock.
[Tammy] Hey.
[Chris speaking]
[Chris] It's been seven weeks
since we've seen Dr. Smith.
We had to push back
the appointment
three weeks
because we got Covid.
Now, I did lose taste
and smell and it sucked.
You could be eating a rib-eye
and it tastes like cardboard.
But I was blessed
that I didn't have
more complications than
what most people my size do.
[Chris speaking]
[both chuckle]
[Chris speaking]
The main reason
why I want to get the surgery
is because with
all my health issues,
every one of them will improve
with me being
a whole lot smaller.
And Tammy has
to get this surgery.
Now that she's bound
to the house on her oxygen,
once she gets bed-bound, it's
You know, Dr. Procter
said it was over.
Hey, guys.
How are you guys doing?
We're doing all right.
How're you?
[Dr. Smith] I'm doing good.
What's been going on?
Got quarantined.
So that slowed me down
a whole lot.
[Dr. Smith] Okay,
were you guys in the hospital?
I was.
How long were you
in the hospital, Tammy?
Nearly two weeks.
I had pneumonia also.
That's why I'm on oxygen.
Seeing Tammy requiring oxygen
after Covid
is a little concerning.
We know she already has
some pulmonary issues,
and someone of her weight
is already at high-risk
of pulmonary issues
leading up to surgery.
If she does lose the weight
we've asked her to,
more than likely, she'll be able
to come off that oxygen
even before surgery.
So, how was your food choices
during that time
when you were pretty much
laid up on the couch?
Well, I'm sure I made
a couple of bad decisions
somewhere along the way.
Not good, how come?
The last time I saw
Chris and Tammy,
I gave them both
a weight-loss goal
that I wanted them to reach
before we meet today.
To me, this is a
little bit of a test,
see, their commitment
towards surgery.
Okay. Do you have
a scale there with you?
Would you guys be able
to weigh in for us today?
- Yeah.
- [Dr. Smith] Okay.
Let's go ahead and step on the
scale and see where you are.
[Chris speaking]
[weighing scale beeps]
[automated voice]
[Chris speaking]
I'm upset about it because I
know I could have done better.
Bottom line is,
when I was quarantined,
I should have been cutting back
more on eating, and I wasn't.
[Dr. Smith speaking]
Yes, sir.
[Dr. Smith] Okay.
I think what I would like
to see from you
is I'd like to see us get
the rest of that weight off.
That rest of that 15 pounds off.
You know,
if we're down six pounds,
you've got nine pounds to go.
You're really close
to getting that green light
to go into surgery.
I mean, it's disappointing
that I didn't go ahead
and lose the 15 pounds,
but at least, you know,
it's a goal to go ahead
and make.
[Dr. Smith] Okay.
You know, graciously, Dr. Smith
gave me the same
weight loss goal.
He could have told me to lose
another 15 pounds,
but instead he told me
just to finish out
the 15 pounds I gotta lose.
So basically, a pull down
to about nine pounds.
I'm very determined to lose that
because I don't want
to let him down.
But more importantly, I don't
want to let myself down either.
[Dr. Smith speaking]
Last time I saw Tammy,
she weighed in at 644 pounds.
I gave her a weight-loss goal
of 25 pounds.
Do you think we need to sit down
and have a chat with Tammy?
I really don't want
to call it an intervention.
I'd rather call it
a wake-up call for her.
I'd rather you be
pissed off at me
the rest of your [bleep] life
and lose this weight
than you die.
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[Dr. Smith speaking]
So last time I saw Tammy,
she weighed in
at 644 pounds.
I gave her a weight-loss goal
of 25 pounds.
[automated voice] It's ready.
[Chris] That's like, "Come on,
girl, are you even really trying?"
Because if you were, I could
understand a pound or two.
Twenty pounds.
I'm like
So pretty much, I've failed us,
as, you know, as a diet buddy.
[exhales deeply]
All right.
So after you've made those
bad choices, how do you feel?
[Dr. Smith] Okay. That's honest.
Today I was finally able
to get Tammy to admit to me
that she's not able to do
what she needs to do,
and she's admitting that it's
really hard to stop eating.
It's not just the issue
of teaching Tammy what to eat
and what not to eat,
but I think we're dealing
with a much bigger problem,
such as a food addiction.
You could have blamed
you couldn't get out of bed.
You could have blamed
that you had Covid,
and you could have blamed
that you were in the hospital
and you didn't. And believe it
or not, that's a step forward
from where you've
been in the past.
So you've just made progress
even though your weight went up.
Now, are we closer to surgery?
No, we're not.
And I think you know that.
But are we closer to getting
to the root of the problem,
so we can eventually
get to surgery?
I think, in a small way, we are.
My job is to find a way
to motivate you
to get you healthier.
[Dr. Smith] Okay.
All right. So, Chris,
next time I'll see you
will be in about three weeks.
And my hope is when I see you,
you'll have lost the rest
of that 15 pounds,
and hopefully we can talk about some
specifics of getting you to your surgery.
Tammy, I think our goal right now
is, let's just work on getting back
to where you started
when I met you.
So I'm going to set up
a therapy session for you
to start working on
getting those pounds off
to get back to where we started.
Yes, sir.
You guys take care
and stay safe, okay?
[Chris] Thank you.
[exhales deeply]
With Tammy admitting
that she has a food addiction,
and with the right help
from a psychiatrist,
I believe Tammy
will succeed a whole lot more
than she's succeeding right now.
But I hope she puts up
enough effort
to do what it takes
to make it happen.
It's a It's a really a serious
do-or-die situation for her.
It is a temptation seeing, like,
you know, a snack cakes laying
around, or something like that.
It's hard.
When Jerry's eating
something I'm not supposed to,
I do find myself
craving it.
I've finally tested
for Covid three times
and it's all come back negative.
When Chris told me
that Tammy gained more weight,
it was devastating.
[in baby voice]
Let's go see Aunt Tammy.
I hope meeting the baby
will motivate Tammy.
I want her around
to see him grow up.
[Amy speaking]
See Aunt Tammy.
Jelly Bean!
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
It's kind of cool to see Tammy
clicking with Gage so early.
I think Gage has a bond with her
because he heard her voice
when he was in the womb.
So he's got that bond.
He knows who Aunt Tammy is.
[Tammy speaking]
You know, me and Gage drove
here for you. I just hope
he gives you the motivation
to lose the weight.
[Tammy] Jerry's back in town.
Having Jerry come to Kentucky
means, like,
he's actually in it for me.
[Jerry] We shall see.
[blender whirring]
[both chuckling]
[Tammy] White
I mean, I know you'd rather
have pizza or something.
- [Jerry speaking]
- [Tammy laughing]
Oh, this [bleep] nasty.
[Jerry speaking]
[both laughing]
Your weight just went up
instead of down.
I've been trying!
[Chris] I know Jerry
contributes to your diet.
[Amy] You ready, Gage-a-rooney?
We're here, bubby.
Plus, there's something I need
to talk to Michael about,
but I'm not sure how
he's going to react.
Is he gonna get the wheelchair?
Babe, can you get
the wheelchair, please?
I'm out of breath.
I can't go no further.
[Amy speaking]
[Gage cooing]
[Gage cooing]
[Amy speaking]
[Michael] Yeah.
- Do the swinging and the
- Yeah, swings.
[both] And slides.
[Michael] Yeah.
[Michael] Yeah.
You know, originally, we had
plans of moving out,
but with Tammy being
housebound, and can't do much
She's on oxygen.
I feel like we need to stay
for a little bit longer
to help her out
a little bit more.
Are you cool with that?
Yeah, but I don't feel safe
leaving Tammy
by herself right now.
Me and Michael are going
to hold off on moving,
but at the end of the day,
Gage comes before
anybody in my life.
So something needs to change,
because eventually,
when he gets moving,
he'll need more space.
She'll just have to fend
for herself honestly.
How bad does
one person have to be
in order for it to be
a wake-up call?
[Amy speaking]
[Michael] Yeah.
Before weight loss surgery,
I thought I would end up like
Tammy, as obese as she is.
But now it's like
I'm going to live.
I'm going to make it through.
But the more weight Tammy
gains, the more her mobility
and her risk of dying goes up.
[Chris speaking]
[Amy] Come in!
[Chris] What are you doing?
Feeding the baby,
so he can take a poop.
[Chris speaking]
[Amy speaking]
- Good. Yeah.
- You wanna
[Amy speaking]
Oh, you know,
I'm out of practice.
It warms my heart
to see Chris holding my son,
'cause it's like I worked
so hard to get my son,
and seeing everybody loving
on him, it's just so special.
Well, you know, it's one
of them situations that
you don't ever like
to go to the doctor.
The doctor told me
to lose 15 pounds.
[Dr. Smith] The moment of
truth is what we all want to know.
- Let's get on that scale and see what it shows.
- [Chris] All right.
[machine beeps]
There you go.
- Great job, man.
- That's what I'm talkin' about.
[Dr. Smith] Nice job.
Finally, all the hard work
that I put into this has paid off.
I mean, I knew you could do it.
I'm excited about it 'cause I know it's
going to be a life-changing situation.
So I have to quit
smoking cigarettes
in order for me to be
approved with the surgery.
But I've been smoking off
and on since I was, like, 13.
So it's going to be
really hard to quit.
You know, the hardest part
of right now is I got to worry
about when to tell Tammy
at the right time.
I hope it don't upset her,
but I am going to go ahead
and go through with it.
I agree with you.
I had to make
that big decision, too.
I was scared to death when
I told Tammy I was approved.
I'm really proud of Chris,
but this is just one more
nail in her coffin.
It's like I had the surgery,
now Chris is having the surgery.
We were supposed to do it with
Tammy both times, me and Chris.
Well, you know,
somebody once said,
"If you ain't part of the
solution, you're the problem."
I don't care if Jerry
comes around more
because at the end of the day,
it makes Tammy happy.
But then he's also enabling
her by bringing her sweets.
Well, to be perfectly honest,
it's blunt honesty.
Cold, hard facts is that she
don't have a good track record.
Mom took care
of the burial plot.
You know, we've always
prepared for the worst.
But I'm not really ready
to accept that yet.
Tammy is pretty much
on her last leg.
- You know
- It's just scary to think of it.
Tammy has not reached out
to a psychiatrist,
and she's deteriorating
quickly, the more
weight she gains.
So I think, personally,
the only thing that's
going to help Tammy
is put her in some kind of
an assisted living facility
because therapy could
be done at the facility.
Controlled meals
at the facility.
[Amy] Do you think we need to sit
down and have a chat with Tammy?
It damn sure won't hurt. I
think the easiest way to tell her
is we get as many people that
can come over to come over,
and we have a healthy dinner.
[Amy] I think Chris is right.
The only time Tammy can
actually lose a lot of weight
is when she's in a home
or in the hospital.
So it's like maybe
that's the best place for her.
Drastic times calls for
drastic measures sometimes,
and I think
it's about that time.
I know you love him, fine, but
Jerry cannot be your enabler.
He's not!
She's gained 100 pounds
in the last few months.
And if I'm not bringing
her the food
and Amy's not been bringing
her food,
then Jerry's got to be
[bleep] bringing it to her
because the bitch
ain't leaving the house.
[Amy] Come on, Little.
- [Tammy] Hey.
- Hey, bitch.
How are you doin'?
It's been a while since we all
got together and had some food,
but really, it's a good excuse
so we can talk to Tammy.
[Brittany] They look good.
[Chris] Actually, they smell
better than they look.
This dinner can go
any which way direction.
'Cause it can be great
and we just move forward
from this point,
or it could be a knock-down,
drag-out argument
and we could get kicked
the hell out of the house.
If she does, I'm taking
the damn food with me.
Just to piss her off. [laughing]
You know, everybody here is on
a diet except Michael and my wife.
And I t ain't gonna hurt them
to eat the same food we do.
So I just cooked
one set of food.
[Michael] That's fine.
- [Chris] Who did?
- Me.
[Chris] Hey,
that's what happens. [laughs]
[Chris] How does it taste?
[Amy] It's good.
- [Chris] You like it?
- I love brussels sprouts.
[Chris] I do, too.
I plan on telling Tammy that
I got approved for surgery,
but I'm afraid, you know,
she could get depressed
over the whole situation.
So I am worried
about telling Tammy.
It's, you know,
as we grow older,
we're not as healthy
as we should be.
The big thing is, the other
day, I went to Dr. Smith.
I did go ahead and get
approved for surgery.
[Amy speaking]
And, you know, I mean, Tammy,
we started this journey
to finish it together.
I got ahead of you a little bit,
but just because I got approved
doesn't mean I'm going
to leave you behind
and not push you
when you need to be pushed.
And to be perfectly honest,
I know Jerry helps
around the house a lot
but I also know
he contributes
to your diet being unhealthy.
I know there were some times
that I brought food over
and we're like, "Hey, try this."
But I haven't done that
in a really long time.
We've been doing this diet
together for months
and your weight just
went up instead of down.
I've been trying!
You're right I'm not because
I have a life of my own.
But I also know
I'm not attacking him.
I know you love him,
fine, and I respect that.
But at the same token, he
does not need to be your enabler.
He's not! That's what
I'm trying to tell y'all.
The other day I come in here
and he cooked a meatloaf the
size of this pan for you two.
Okay. It doesn't mean
I ate it that day.
Tammy, you got a food addiction.
Don't sit there and play
no [bleep] games with me.
He cannot be your enabler.
What the [bleep]
are you talkin' about?
This conversation.
If this is why y'all are doing,
I'm [bleep] leaving.
Then leave.
Y'all are [bleep]
yelling [bleep]
Ain't nobody yelling here,
but you're getting offensive.
Yeah, because y'all
are blaming him!
I don't want to talk
about it no more.
[Chris] That's your
answer to everything.
[Tammy] This was
supposed to be fun.
Not this [bleep].
Every time we try to talk to you
about anything you don't like,
you choose to shut down.
It's my way of not fighting.
Horse-[bleep]. Ain't nobody
here trying to fight.
We're trying to talk.
We care about you.
We want you to be around.
We understand you got
a food addiction, fine.
Take a run with the therapy
and go lose weight.
'Cause if you don't,
you're going to be bedridden,
and then like Dr. Procter said,
"Once you're bed-ridden,
it's game over."
[Amy] We don't want to lose you.
It doesn't [bleep] matter!
[Chris speaking]
I'll come back and clean
the mess up and I'll leave.
I'm not putting up
with your ass today.
She's gained 100 pounds
in the last few months.
And if I'm not
bringing her the food
and Amy's not bringing
her the food,
then Jerry has got to be
[bleep] bringing it to her
'cause the bitch
ain't leaving the house!
He's got to start following
the diet that she's on,
or she's gonna absolutely
kill herself from eating.
You don't give
a drug addict drugs,
so why would you give somebody
with a food addiction food?
All right. Let's go get it done.
This meal wasn't brought here,
and we're not doing this today
to fight with you, Tammy.
We do want you to understand
that we love you,
even though you
don't think we do.
It was not me here,
and it was not discussed
to sit here
and fight over Jerry.
Whether he's here or not,
I don't really give a [bleep].
I'm more worried about your
happiness and your health.
But if the therapy
doesn't work
the only alternative I see
is a controlled environment.
But I'd rather you
be pissed off with me
the rest of your [bleep] life
and lose this weight
than you die.
So really, honestly,
the ball is in your court
and that's all I gots to say
about the whole situation.
I will clean up the mess
I made by cooking.
To be perfectly honest,
if Tammy don't take
what we have to say to heart,
it's going to cost her her life.
Whether she takes it
dead serious or not,
is the $5,400 question.
Tammy, I love you. If you
need me, give me a holler.
We're gonna go.
I gotta go by and see Mom.
[Amy] Thank you for dinner.
[Chris] You're welcome.
[Amy] It was so yummy.
[Amy speaking]
Hey, guys, um
Got on the internet and
I started searching places.
I want to get healthy.
I'm tired
I'm tired of being like this.
I'm tired of always
being stuck at home.
I want to get in the vehicle.
I want my life back.
I hate this. I'm not living.
[squeals softly]
I want this. I just need help.
Jerry and I
are kind of taking a break.
[sniffles] And I really
don't wish to talk about it.
I mean [sniffles]
There's nothing
I could do about it,
there's no point in sitting
here and dwelling on it.
I just want my life back.
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