Bump (2021) s02e10 Episode Script

Love v Freedom

Bah-bah-bah-bah ♪
Bah-bah-bah-bah ♪
Bah-bah-b ♪
Jesus Christ! Who are you?
Hey, man. I didn't mean to scare you.
- I'm Levi, Garry's son.
- What are you doing here?
- He didn't call you?
- About what?
This is awkward. Um
I need the apartment back.
- When?
- Well, now-ish.
What about Turtle?
You've got to watch
him on the architraves.
He likes to chew through lead paint,
which is an expensive habit.
Shut the window!
- Angela, hi.
- Hi.
- So pleased you came.
- Hello.
You were my daughter's
favourite teacher at Jubilee.
- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.
Did your daughter set us up?
No, no, I just found you on the app
and then we kind of worked it out.
Oh. Well, this is my
first, um, dating app date.
First date since I split with
my partner of 25 years, actually.
- My daughter was not involved.
- Hm.
All right, well, what do you wanna know?
You know, divorced five years,
townhouse in Burwood,
border collie - Louie,
um, two kids at uni studying literature.
Oh, that's refreshingly non-vocational.
I'm pleased I didn't raise bankers.
- Are you a banker?
- Lawyer.
I work for the Refugee Action Centre.
That sounds like a fake job
that you tell women on dates.
- Would you like a drink?
- Yeah. That would be lovely.
- What would you like?
- I don't know. Think I might
Should we get a get
a bottle or two glasses?
- Yeah, I like red. You like red?
- Yeah, I like I like red.
- I like shiraz.
- I like shiraz.
Oh, snap!
- Thanks, guys.
- Good.
It means the world to me.
You could stay.
I know, but, you know, you've
got to do what you've got to do.
Adulthood is the absolute worst.
I mean, why rush it, Santi?
It's time to get out there, man.
Brave new world.
So, what are you gonna do?
Uh, Vince's cousin, actually,
he's a tradie. He got me a job.
Muck-up day.
It just feels like
everything's changing so fast.
Things can't stay the
same forever, I guess.
Oh, you are still talking to me.
It's been a pleasure.
Bring it in, guys.
Hope that stupid baby's going too.
Bro, fuck off. J's not going anywhere.
She is, actually.
It is her last day.
Whoa! End of an era!
What? Wait. No.
Yeah, it only really worked
with both of us here, so
I'm talking to your dad.
Come here, bro.
- Hey, may I borrow you?
- Yes, of course.
- You ready?
- Yep.
- Reems?
- Um
It says,
"Thank you for your application
to the four-week Canberra
summer internship program.
The quality of candidates
was extraordinarily high
and we regret that your
application was not "
- OK.
- I'm so sorry, Ol.
You know, the right thing will
happen. This just wasn't it.
- It's OK.
- It's OK.
Indiana, do I have
your assessment? Great.
I'm never gonna get to where I wanna go.
Oh, of course you are.
How do you know?
'Cause you're my daughter.
Unless you're planning
on dropping out of school,
but I think one parent without
a high school qualification
is enough for my granddaughter,
thank you very much.
Don't tell Santi I said that.
Oh, my God. Coming from you?
You know, let's talk about
the time that you got
drunk at J's christening
and I had to hold your
hair back while you vomited.
Or, I don't know, when you
spent thousands of dollars
on someone's pet bird instead
of your granddaughter's future.
Or how we had to deal with your
bullshit crush on Santi's dad,
basically breaking up his family.
You are the worst mother alive.
Look, I'm sure she didn't mean it.
Like, things have been tough for Ol.
Yeah, well, you couldn't
fault her for her accuracy.
Who's this?
I went on a date.
What? With who?
Um, a lovely school dad. Divorced.
He wrote a book on refugee law.
You were the one who
told me to get on Bumble.
Well, that was before Granddad died
and you guys kind of
started hanging out again.
How do you think Dad's
gonna feel about this?
Well, your dad and I are separated.
- You know that.
- Really?
And why did you choose
this specific moment in time
to go on a date, Mum?
Because I am a free
adult human. I'm allowed.
I'm really disappointed in you, Mum.
I was following your advice!
Why would you do that?
I don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh, my God! These fucking kids!
You can't do this every morning.
I know.
- Mwah! I love you.
- I love you too.
Ita, are you sure about this?
Three days a week is a lot.
It is not enough for my sorpresa.
- Ey.
- What?
The people at the shop will
think she's a boy again.
We need to get her ears pierced.
Pierced? No. No. Definitely not.
Ita, what do you think
about Santi leaving school?
Men like to earn a
living for their family.
It's what they do.
So, am I supposed to be
some sort of kept wife?
I don't understand why
men get to have kids,
but their life barely changes.
His life change a lot.
He left school.
He doing it for you and Sorpresa.
But I never asked him to
be some big breadwinner
and leave me holding the baby.
I'm holding the baby.
- Hey! How are you?
- Good.
I made these posters.
- Oh, sorry. Sorry.
- Nice.
Um, no, I'm sure we'll find him.
I went on a date.
Yeah, I just wanted
to be upfront with you.
He's a refugee lawyer.
- Oh, that's that's great.
- Yeah.
Good for you. I hope he's great.
- Wonderful news.
- Oh, is that Turtle?
Oh, nah. It's just a leaf.
Come home.
New kid, I've got a job for you.
All right, coming.
- What is it?
- Battery's flat.
- Can you jump-start it?
- Uh, yeah.
What I need you to do is run it
like this until it clicks over.
- Fast, but.
- OK.
On the road as fast as you can.
Uno, dos, tres. Go for it.
- Did you feel it?
- Uh, sort of.
You just need to hit
it with some momentum.
OK. Was that not enough?
Yeah, yeah. Once it
clicks, you're on your way.
All right.
That was close.
I could feel that. Did you feel it?
- That was close?
- Yeah, but you need to
Yeah, I thought I felt something.
- Use the pows. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah! Faster, pretty boy!
- Yeah, good one.
- Come on.
- Hope you enjoyed that.
- You all right?
- Viral, Santi.
- Yeah, fuck off.
You should have seen what I made him do.
I feel now's the time to tell you
that I've actually been doing
a lot of self-realisation lately.
Oh, right. About
Birdie? The Birdie thing?
And us, though.
But probably Baby J.
I don't remember our
kids being this much work
when they were babies.
- Seriously?
- I know.
But it made me realise that I
wasn't much help early on.
Early on?
Well, till they were teenagers.
No, you weren't.
Yeah, I just said that.
My point is
I want you to find happiness
with this lawyer bloke or whomever.
I want you to be happy.
Oh, my God. Dom, look,
look, look, look, look.
Where? In the branch! Turtie!
- It's
- Oh, it definitely is.
Turtle! Turt
Do the thing.
We can't, can we?
You think that really was Turtle?
I choose to think so.
Well, I guess we won't
be needing this, then.
What if you stay?
I honestly don't know
if it will work, but
you're my best friend.
I miss you.
We still love each other.
And it seems like
the least worst option.
I'm just a boy standing
in front of a girl,
hearing that I'm the least worst option.
- Want to go upstairs?
- Yep.
Hi. You've reached
Angie. Leave a message.
What's going on, Ol? We're
starting in two minutes.
Yeah, she was supposed
to be here ages ago.
- What about your dad?
- He's not answering.
Santi's at work.
Can I be on the team, Weema?
Our opponents believe that clear
examination is a waste of time,
however, we on the affirmative contend
that on closer examination,
it is obvious that global failures
to intervene
- You want me to take her?
- No, no, no. It's fine.
Thank you.
Do you want to hold him?
However, we on the affirmative contend
that on closer examination,
it is obvious global failures to
intervene in humanitarian crises
have been compounded by the
lack of conceptual consensus
on the scope of the
responsibility to protect
and on the meaning of women's rights,
which has led at best
to negative outcomes
and at worst to unchecked
genocide on a global scale.
- That was amazing.
- Killed it, Oly.
Um, I'm just gonna
step out for a second.
OK, let's have the third
speaker for the negative.
- When you're ready.
- We got this.
Where were you?
Oh! Oh, sorry. How'd you go?
Mum, I just had to do
the whole debate holding J
while she tried to
eat my debating cards.
We won, no thanks to you.
Oh, well, that's a good result.
Do you know how hard it is to
be the schoolgirl with a baby?
Everyone thinks that they know you,
that they can see exactly who you are.
Hey, peanut!
And where were you? I called
you both, like, six times!
Sorry, darling, but we
were looking for Turtle
at first, and then your mum and I
We found him, actually, but then we
Let him go and we
Yeah. Garry's bird.
You know? Garry Robinson.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna go be with
someone who loves me and J
more than some rando's pet cockatiel.
Glad you could join us.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Means you're late.
Chill out, yeah. I'm here now.
- Hi, Ita.
- You smell like a pub.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- How are you, man?
- Good.
Hey, Seb.
You all right, Dad?
Is there something you want to say?
Bueno. It's our anniversary
and we're going out dancing.
I would love to have a nice
dinner like normal people.
Your anniversary, huh?
That's cute.
True love wins, huh?
Dad said there's no
way I'm leaving school
unless it's to play in
the Copa Libertadores.
That's interesting,
'cause he hasn't mentioned
a word to me about it.
Mate, come on. Let's just eat.
Not one word.
I can't win with you.
Have you got an opinion
on what I'm doing?
I'm working, I'm making
money, I'm trying, right?
I'm doing everything I can for my family
and I come home and I get
a "Glad you could join us"
from him, of all people.
You're just a hypocrite.
You've been drinking. Is
that my fault too, is it?
You really want to know? I'm a teacher.
How am I ever gonna be OK with
you dropping out of school?
But it's your life. You have
to take responsibility for it.
Ita, you know, I had a
dream about Mum last night.
She's really proud that I got a job.
Your mother's always
proud of you. Always.
Thanks, Ita.
She's happy that I left school.
She would have hated you
dropping out of school!
You were just a little kid! I knew her!
I knew her better than anyone!
Ah, fuck this.
Well, that went badly.
Hey, what's going on?
I'm not staying there. My dad's fucked.
OK, well, we were supposed to stay over.
Were you gonna tell me
that you're going out?
- I don't fucking know, Oly.
- OK. Hey!
- What?!
- Do not take this out on me, OK?
I just had to do that
whole debate holding J
because my parents
stood me up for a parrot
and you were at work
and I got some really
bad news this week.
What? What bad news did you get?
I didn't get this Canberra internship?
What internship?
- I was gonna tell you about it.
- When?
When were you gonna tell me that
you applied for an internship?
Were you planning on taking
J with you to Canberra?
OK, well, you didn't tell me
that you applied for your job.
Yeah, but, Oly, we talked about it.
Yeah, but you decided unilaterally.
What, I don't get to do that?
I'm not just going to abandon
my dreams and be some loser
- Who drops out of school.
- No! That is not what I said.
I dropped out of school for
you and J, to take care of us.
And I never asked you to do that.
That was your decision.
I just want to be able
to make my own decisions.
Oly. Oly. Oly, stop.
I'm sorry.
Come here.
I'm sorry.
You're right.
You should be able
to make those choices.
I really don't want
to fight with you, OK?
I mean, it's you that was
fighting, but good call.
Oly, you and J
it's the first time I've
been happy since I lost my mum.
I'm glad, 'cause
my parents are driving me insane.
What's new?
Oly, move out with me.
Let's get our own place.
Like, now?
- Like, before the HSC?
- Yeah.
Me, you and J. I just
want us to be together.
- Hi!
- Oh, look who's here.
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Good morning!
- How are you?
- We've got some news.
- Ooh. What's the news?
OK, so, Mum, Dad, don't freak out, OK?
We've decided and you
can't change our minds.
Santi and I are gonna get our own place.
What? You can't.
We've done the maths and we
can get a one-bedroom place
for $350, maybe $450 a week
and with my new job, it's
And I'm gonna go back to tutoring
and J can stay with Bernardita
or you guys a few days a week.
Go ahead.
I need some space anyway.
This is the Champions League
Premiership of terrible ideas.
They're just kids.
Well, they've got to make their
own mistakes, I guess, you know?
Let 'em touch the hotplate.
What, so they don't do it again?
Well, it's one way to learn.
Well, she's not taking our teapot.
No, 'cause the blue one
gets a drip when it pours.
Where do you want it, mate?
Uh, just in here.
Looking good.
- Is this your room?
- Yeah. Thank you.
Just put it like that.
Pleasure, treasure.
Where does this go?
Don't put there. Put here.
I don't know where
I'm gonna put my desk.
You can study at my place.
Are you OK?
I'll take it. Ta.
Thanks, mate.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- This is it.
- Yeah.
This is it.
I'm just coming to wish you good luck.
Ita's got J on Monday, yeah?
- Yep.
- Good.
Get in there.
Big day, eh?
- You'll be OK?
- Yeah.
Yeah, no, no, we're gonna be good, man.
You guys are great, yeah?
Well, G-G-G-G-G-G-G
Let's finish these boxes, yeah?
I brought your favourite mug.
And made you a pasta for dinner tonight.
Just a quick quick cannelloni.
I've got some toilet rolls,
some new toothbrushes for you and Santi.
You know, just anything you
might need for your first night.
Thanks, Mum.
Why didn't you tell me
that you and Dad were
getting back together?
Would it have made any difference?
I'm really sorry for saying that
you were the worst mother alive.
You're not.
You are the opposite of that.
I don't know if I can do this, Mum.
There's so much else
that I'd like to do.
You're doing it, Ol.
To be a mum is to be divided -
your energy, your time, your heart.
You trade freedom for love.
Is it worth it?
Mm, depends when you ask me.
Yeah, of course it is.
I'm gonna go.
I will. OK. Thank you, Ita.
- Bye.
- Bye, darling.
- Bye, darling.
- See you, bro.
- Text me if you need anything.
- Yeah, I will. Thank you.
- See youse all.
- See you, bro.
Thanks for all the heavy lifting.
- I'll walk you home?
- All right.
Yeah, I'm walking that way anyway.
Oh, yeah.
Auntie Weema.
- Here we are.
- Here we are.
- This is gonna be awesome.
- Yeah, just the three of us.
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