Curses! (2023) s02e10 Episode Script

The Throne of Sargon

Oh, no. Not again.
How long was I out for this time?
Kids, are you home?
I think I had another blackout and
What in the
What's going on?
Save your strength.
I'm the one in control now.
But don't worry, Alexander,
you'll be eliminated soon enough.
Cornelius must have survived the void
and then latched on to Dad
when he and I escaped.
That's how his spirit entered Dad's body.
So, Dad is possessed.
It was Cornelius doing
all those rotten things, not him.
We've gotta get to the museum
and stop Cornelius.
We're not losing your father again.
Hank, will you stay here
to guard the Wing in our absence?
And I'll help.
I gotta admit,
I kind of like this danger stuff.
Yep, and that's why we're friends.
I get the Cornelius possessing Dad bit,
but why would he want a bunch of
clay tablets and an old chair?
Legend says that back in ancient Babylon,
there was a powerful king
named Sargon the Elder.
He feared death
and sought ways to cheat it.
So he commanded the court alchemist
to create a way for him
to live beyond his years.
The alchemist built the throne
as a way to extract one person's spirit
and allow it to be transplanted into
the body of another.
So, Sargon abandoned his decaying body
and took over a younger, healthier one.
Cornelius plans to use the throne
to do the same thing with Dad.
What happened to this Sargon guy?
Well, without the fear of death,
Sargon grew mad with power.
He started senseless wars.
The alchemist regretted his role
in Sargon's tyranny.
He knew he could not let Sargon
switch bodies ever again.
So, the alchemist,
using his magical staff,
broke the cuneiform tablet
which powered the throne.
And sent each of the pieces
to the far corners of the earth,
ensuring no one
could use the throne again.
Until Dad I mean,
Cornelius stole all the pieces.
So, we just need to smash
the tablet again. No problem.
Big problem. The tablet is enchanted.
You can't just break it.
You need something capable
of overcoming such strong magic.
Like the alchemist's staff.
Where would we find such a thing?
Luckily for us, it's in the storage area
of the Paxton Museum.
Wake up, my lapis minion,
and grant me entry.
Alex? How did you get in here?
What are you doing? No!
What am I doing?
This doesn't concern you.
If this is all in my head
you may have control over my body,
but I still have some power over my mind.
Try as you may,
the physical world is now closed to you.
Soon your mental world
will cease to exist as well.
You will be no more.
We'll see about that.
Why are you doing this?
Because if you want something
in this life, you must seize it.
It is working!
Guards, protect me during
the transfer process.
Destroy anyone that tries to interfere.
What is that?
Too much of a coward
to fight me yourself, Cornelius?
Need guards to do your dirty work for you?
The throne provides protection
wherever it's needed
to ensure the process is not interrupted.
What do you plan to do with me?
There is only room for one of us
in this body.
Once you pass through Sargon's Gateway,
you will cease to exist.
And I take over for good.
Is that Margie's motorcycle?
Door's unlocked. That's not good.
The storage area
is down those stairs to the basement.
You've got your instructions.
Here's my ID card for access.
We'll find the alchemist's staff
or die trying.
Well, I mean, you really
didn't need to add that last bit.
Great. More Vanderhouvens.
- That's a good look for you.
- What happened?
Your dad happened.
He used that scarab your mom stole
to chew the wires and unlock the door.
I didn't steal the scarab.
That's how Cornelius did it.
He used Chompers to chew through the locks
in the places where
he stole the cuneiform tablets.
And the cameras.
Which is why no one saw him.
What is up with your family?
My dad hasn't been himself lately.
There, you're free.
Now, please, I know it's a lot to ask,
but we need your help stopping Alex.
You go ahead. I'll be right there.
Director Snitker,
we have an emergency at the museum.
Oh, no.
He's already started.
Then come on. Let's stop him.
It's not working.
Did you jiggle it?
It might work better if you jiggle it.
Of course I jiggled it,
but I've never seen a key
that looks like this.
How are we ever gonna get in there then?
Not so fast, vermin.
Now isn't the time
for bug catching, Larry.
We need to get into that storage area.
That's exactly what we're gonna do.
Brilliant thinking.
Classic naval strategy.
Use your enemy's weapons against them.
What is happening here?
We're about to battle supernatural,
cursed guards
from ancient Babylon.
Things are about to get real.
Forget him.
We've got bigger things to worry about.
I don't get it. How are you alive?
I'm far too clever for death.
You survived the void.
For over 100 years, I endured,
plotting my escape,
searching for a way out.
All I needed was a vessel.
I knew I felt something.
As soon as I got back, I felt it.
Are you okay?
But none of this makes sense.
You couldn't have known about
the Throne of Sargon.
I devised a thousand plans while
in that prison. I had the time.
The Throne of Sargon
was merely one of them.
But when I saw your wife
was bringing it to the Paxton Museum,
I seized the opportunity.
You two go on ahead.
I just need to look at something.
You're the cause of the blackouts.
I wasn't losing consciousness,
I was losing control.
I couldn't take over
for long periods of time at first,
because the Briar was suppressing me.
So I had to weaken it.
So, as it and you grew weaker,
I grew stronger,
allowing me to take control
for longer periods of time.
Once I discovered
the locations of the tablets,
I used the scarab
to activate the artifacts.
That would steer me towards
the locations I needed to be.
Jaipur, India.
Istanbul is the perfect place
to rent our boat.
Or send everyone else away,
so I had time to obtain a tablet myself.
Although sometimes it required
- shall we say, additional theatrics.
- To follow your voice.
Who are you?
What have you done with my friends?
But your tenacious family
kept getting in my way.
So I had to turn to
- desperate measures to stop them.
- facty-fact chart have to say about that?
Russ? I feel weird.
Even your pilot friend almost derailed me
when she found my hiding place
in her aircraft.
Alex? You in here? Alex?
Hiya, Margie. How you doing?
At last, I was able to gather enough
power to trap you in here long enough
and finalize this exhausting journey.
I must say, it has been quite difficult
to put all the pieces together
but fortunately, I love puzzles.
Are you finished?
Yes. And now it's your turn.
Nice. How'd you know
they could break apart like that?
I didn't, but good to know.
Leave my friends alone.
Margie, just in the nick of time.
Yeah, almost didn't make it.
Alex stole Lil Rufus.
Good thing it has a tracker on it.
Now, where is he?
I need to have some words with him.
He's right there, but he's not himself
right now. He's possessed.
That explains a few things.
Oh, no. Get ready for round two.
I told my family
I would never leave them again.
You shouldn't make promises
you can't keep.
Don't let him get away, you fools!
This is still my mind,
and I'm not giving it up that easily.
Game on, Alexander. Game on.
You are not the only one
who can manipulate this place to his will.
We may be in your mind,
but I built the Restricted Wing.
I'm in charge down here.
You will not beat me. I have something
stronger on my side than you do.
And what, pray tell, is that?
People to fight for.
And every second you fight me,
the more danger you put your family in.
You didn't know? How delightful.
Well, let me give you a glimpse.
Call them off.
They only stop when you do.
Fine. You win. Just promise
my family won't be hurt.
There it is! Come, I need a boost.
That the magic stick?
I believe so.
Let's get this upstairs
and halt the transfer.
I'm not afraid of you.
You think just because you have a spear
and you're made of sand
that you can boss us
little guys around, huh?
Well, think again.
Nice moves, pal.
Yeah, it is quite satisfying
when hard work pays off.
And I stuck the landing.
Quick, let's get this upstairs.
Oh, come on. Every time I knock one of
these things down, it just pops back up.
I know. We just need to
keep at it a little longer.
Don't you care about the people you hurt
while amassing
your collection of artifacts?
Why should I? I wanted their things,
and now they are dead.
Not in my mind they aren't,
and they are not happy.
I'll take it from here.
Time to end the curse of Cornelius
once and for all.
That's Cornelius. He's leaving Dad!
If I go, you go.
Neither of us will get this body.
Cornelius's spirit is out!
Pull me up or I will take you with me!
Oh, no! He's got Dad too.
Look who has the staff!
Fantastic. Bring it here.
Dad, is that you?
Turkish delight, am I right?
Yeah, that's Dad.
Georgia, how long have you been there?
It's true. All the legends
about this throne are true.
I suppose you'll wanna contact
the authorities.
And you'll probably want this back.
It might be best
if we deal with this internally.
I don't think anyone else
would believe me.
That must have been so cool,
twisting the house around like a pretzel.
Not gonna lie, it was pretty cool.
So, now that Cornelius is finally gone
Hopefully for good this time.
We're still gonna go on trips,
returning artifacts, right?
Of course. We've got
a family legacy to rewrite.
Will you be able to take friends?
We can
if I've got anything to say about it.
So, when do you want to
fly out to return that bracelet?
That's tomorrow's problem.
Now I just want a normal family meal.
Normal's overrated.
You guys gonna come on this one?
No. We have much to clean up downstairs.
And I'm happy to say
the Briar's growing back nicely.
All thanks to Hank.
The guy's got a real green thumb on him.
You'd all better hide.
Come on, Mom,
aren't we a little old for this?
You'll never find us this time.
Now we know all the best hiding places.
Let's go find our family together.
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