Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e10 Episode Script

The Effects of an Adequate Amount of Anxiety

a person
and a doctor
Surgeon Park Min-gook of Geosan Hospital.
I have never been embarrassed
or disappointed in myself.
The duodenum and
And my principle
that I should save more people
than gain money and fame
has never been shaken either.
the accident that day
shook everything apart.
In shock and fear,
my weakness persevered
harder than any form of life.
My cowardly desire to live was
stronger than any principles I held on to.
The oil is leaking!
-You need to hurry!
-Come out!
So I ran away to live.
And he
remained there to save.
She's in arrest!
I'm here, Doctor Kim.
Doctor Kim!
Can you take this?
Doctor Kim, are you all right?
Let's switch hands.
How's his condition?
His breathing is weak,
and his heart rate is slow.
Doctor Kim! His vein is quite swollen.
The umbrella in his chest is
stopping the blood flow
and putting pressure on his heart.
Did you bring the emergency kit?
I did.
Then open it!
There must be something
you can put into his chest.
The right side of his chest is stuck
under the bar.
It's impossible to insert the tube.
The bus needs to be lifted up first.
Mr. Heo, is the crane here?
It's already arrived.
They should be working on this now.
Help me.
My legs are
When did the accident occur?
About 30 to 40 minutes ago.
If his legs were stuck for 30, 40 minutes,
he might have crush syndrome.
He'll go into arrest
if you lift the bus too fast.
You need to lift it up slowly
after we put him on fluid.
It's minus ten degrees.
It may be dangerous to delay the process.
If you lift it up now,
he'll go into cardiac arrest!
If we do not lift it up now,
this patient will expire!
Let's prepare more lines for later.
Ms. Oh.
Any news from the scene?
No, the rescue is taking a while.
There are three doctors out there.
Why are you worried?
Aren't you getting ready for surgery?
I'll manage my own business.
You don't have to mind me.
Doctor Yoon!
-Come here.
Yes, sir.
I brought blankets!
Give me a neck protector!
I'll put the neck protector.
The patient is in arrest.
Take her to the ER
and perform CPR first. Okay?
Yes, sir.
Let's move her!
One, two, three.
Be careful.
She's secured. We're moving the patient.
Patient coming through!
Be careful.
Take your time!
Doc Doctor.
I can't feel my legs.
Do you see bicarbonate there?
I don't see any.
Then let's put him on IV fluid.
Are you giving up on this patient?
We can't save both of them.
We need to make a choice.
And this patient is still conscious.
Mr. Heo.
How long will it take to lift up this bus?
How long will it take to lift it up?
We're all ready!
Just give us a go sign.
Let's wrap his leg with EB,
then lift up the bus.
Give me some EB.
Are you insane?
Then he'll get crush syndrome.
He may,
and he may not.
You're willing to take a risk
over something you aren't sure of?
Should we give up on someone who's alive
over something you aren't sure of?
They both may end up dead!
They're both still alive.
And I will save
both of them. Happy now?
Doctor Kim!
His blood pressure is dropping!
Please help me.
I thought he was one or the other.
That he was either insane
or an awful liar.
But he's
Mr. Heo.
Get the crane ready.
And as soon as I give the signal,
let's lift it up by just 50 cm.
Is the crane ready?
There are people inside. Is it all right?
Yes, when I give the signal,
lift it by just 50 cm.
All right!
You're in charge of his chest tube.
Can you do it?
Yes, I can do it.
If anything goes wrong with him,
the blood is on your hands.
I'm all ready, sir.
Lift up the bus!
Lift up the bus!
Okay, good.
Mr. Heo.
Give me an IV set for him.
Yes, Doctor.
We have a patient!
Doctor Yoon, look after the patients.
-Let me know if something happens!
-Yes, sir!
Can you bring him over here?
Nurse Park and Nurse Um,
assist Doctor Yoon.
Yes, Ms. Oh.
Let's move the patient. One, two, three.
One, two, three.
How long has she been in arrest?
The rescue and transfer took
about 15 minutes in total.
Keep compressing.
We'll check her pulse on the monitor.
Give one ml. of epinephrine
every three minutes.
Got it.
-Bring an intubation set too!
-Got it.
-She's on the monitor.
-Let's check her rhythm.
Ms. Oh, pull her uterus to the left.
Yes, sir.
She's well over 36 weeks, isn't she?
Her fundal height is about 36 cm.
Her baby passed the limit of viability.
Let's check if the baby is still alive.
Fix the tube at 20 cm.
The sonograph.
Cut her shirt.
The baby is alive.
But the heart rate is too slow.
We need to do a C-section.
-A C-section?
-We need to conduct a PMCD.
-Got it.
-Are we doing it here?
The baby is in fetal distress.
Even if you keep compressing,
the placenta won't get enough blood flow.
If we don't deliver the baby now,
they'll both be in danger.
Ms. Oh, what about
the infant emergency kit
and the NICU?
The infant emergency kit is ready,
and there's a bed in Jungil's NICU.
Nurse Joo will transfer the baby.
Get ready to revive the baby.
Once the baby's out,
keep doing CPR, and run to the ambulance.
-Yes, sir.
-Who's going to operate?
-I will.
-Then I'll assist.
Nurse Joo, please get the surgery kit.
Yes, Ms. Oh.
You can stay here. Or just go home.
-Let's switch hands!
-Okay, got it.
I'm all finished!
Get the patient to the hospital!
We need to move this patient!
His heart rate dropped to 60 bpm.
The weather is too cold,
so his blood vessels are constricted.
Give me a 20 gauge angio needle.
Yes, sir.
You're going into his external jugular?
His heart rate dropped even more.
He has hyperkalemia.
What will you do now?
Doctor Kim.
Got it.
-Hey, let's work on him.
-Yes, sir.
-Drop the IV at full speed!
-Yes, sir.
Okay. And this isn't warm saline,
so maintain his body temperature,
and get him to the hospital.
Yes, sir.
We have another patient here!
Over here.
He made it.
Let's move him.
One, two, three.
Don't stop chest compressions.
She has been on CPR for 19 minutes.
We'll cut vertically,
then do a transverse on her uterus.
-Gauze, please.
I'm in her abdomen. Hold this.
-One, two, three.
I see the uterus.
Richardson retractors.
I'll cut her uterus.
Remove the retractors.
-Push, please.
I can see the baby's head.
The baby is coming out.
Baby out at 19:25.
Kelly clamps.
You can keep going.
Keep compressing her chest.
The placenta is coming out.
I'll wrap up. Suture, please.
Ms. Oh?
Right, yes.
This isn't good. Intubation.
I'm so relieved.
The ambulance is outside.
It's a 20-minute drive to Jungil Hospital.
Nurse Joo.
Don't worry.
I'll get the baby there safely.
ROSC. She's back.
The mother came back.
Give me the central line.
I'll put her on norepinephrine.
We'll transfer them together.
The mother
must have heard her baby cry.
Patient coming through!
Please make room!
Great work, Ms. Oh.
Doctor Yoon.
Can you and Ms. Oh come with me?
The paramedics said
she was found near the bus accident site.
But she doesn't seem like a TA patient.
We should call the police first.
-It's what I'm thinking, isn't it?
I think she's a rape victim, Ms. Oh.
Be careful.
Can you manage alone?
Yes, don't worry.
I'll go with you.
I have a sister who's a lot younger,
and was born a month early.
My experience from that time may help.
May I go with you?
Thank you.
Please close the door.
Run his OP lab on the way
and put him in the OR fast.
And get the chest portable on the way.
His right arm was crushed
and needs to be amputated.
So take an X-ray, call Doctor Bae,
and ask him if he can
operate on him immediately. Okay?
-Yes, sir.
-Hurry up and go.
What's his condition?
His legs were stuck under a bar.
He has crush syndrome due to decompression
caused when the bus was lifted.
His heart rate has been dropping.
It looks like hyperkalemia.
We put in almost a liter of the IV,
so get his BGA first.
Yes, sir. What are his vitals?
100 over 70, 60 bpm.
Doctor Kim, are you okay?
I'm fine.
Can you tell Doctor Bae
to stop by my office for a second?
-Yes, let's go inside. It's cold.
You can't put this off any longer.
Let's talk later.
Doctor Seo knows too.
Goodness. Why did you tell him that?
I noticed it myself first.
It's nothing.
Don't go around
telling everyone.
You tell patients
not to hide their symptoms.
So why do you hide them?
I'm not a patient.
If you're ill, you can be a patient.
Listen to this guy.
Are you trying to educate me now?
I'm worried about you.
I mean,
I need to stick around here
for ten months.
If you fall ill,
it'll put me in a tight spot.
Nine months.
You paid me back for a month,
so you have nine months left.
Hey, wait.
Oh, no.
Why? Did I get hurt?
-Yes, a little.
-It's not too deep, but you're bleeding.
Let's clean it and suture the wound.
It's okay.
I can just put a plaster on it.
It'll mend itself.
You'll get infected with tetanus.
My gosh. I'll just get a shot later.
You can both get back to work.
I'll get the suture and a TD vaccine.
You need to be treated now.
Hey, you. Woo-jin.
Doctor Kim.
Hey, Ms. Oh.
Am I interrupting something?
We were talking about
the surgeries for the emergency patients.
Ms. Oh, what is it?
We have a rape victim in the ER.
I called the police,
but she's not in good condition.
She has hemoperitoneum too.
Is that so?
You need to go and check her condition
then report back to me.
She has hemoperitoneum.
It'll be bad if she goes into shock.
Hurry up.
Go on, now.
Yes, sir.
Doctor Bae.
You need to go look after
the crush syndrome patient.
You should hurry up and go.
Oh, okay. I'll get going.
-Keep up the good work.
Ms. Oh, can you head over
to the OR and help Eun-jae?
There's a patient who was impaled
with an umbrella.
I'll get changed quickly and go there too.
Yes, sir.
Doctor Kim.
Are you all right?
Of course I am.
I'm fine.
Then I'll take her to the hospital
with the Rape Crisis Center.
Her condition is too dire for a transfer.
How bad is it?
I took a sonogram of her abdomen
because there were too many bruises,
and I found some blood around her spleen.
We need a CT scan to check the bleeding.
-Her vitals?
-Her blood pressure is okay.
Get her to the hospital
with the Rape Crisis Center.
We don't have an OB-GYN department.
We have an emergency rape kit
at our hospital too.
I'll take a CT scan first,
ask her about her condition, examine her,
then hand over whatever the police need.
Gosh, the admissibility of evidence
drops by the hour.
We might lose the rapist.
Are you looking for a murderer
instead of a rapist?
Hey, Doctor Yoon.
That was kind of harsh, Doctor.
In that case, I'm sorry.
Doctor Yoon, she woke up.
Ma'am, are you all right?
You're at a hospital.
You can relax. You're safe here.
I'm going to ask you a few questions.
The police. Please get the police.
Yes, there's a police officer out there.
Don't worry.
But there's bleeding in your stomach,
so we need to take a CT scan first--
Please call the police.
Ma'am Ma'am?
Her vitals are dropping.
-What's with her?
-She went unconscious while talking.
Her vitals?
80 over 40, 110 bpm.
Darn it. Let me check her FAST.
What's going on?
She's a rape victim with hemoperitoneum.
I can't catch the origin.
It looks like a spleen injury.
Darn it. Of course I know that.
Doctor, her vitals are dropping.
70 over 40, 130 bpm.
She needs surgery now. Please get ready.
Hey. I'm her doctor.
You're going to operate on her?
What do you mean?
You used to make me perform
surgeries like this in the main hospital.
And you stayed away from surgeries
that could cause trouble later on.
Put her on some blood and run the OP lab.
Call Professor Sim and ask her
to open up an OR.
Then I'll assist.
I'm the only one around anyway.
-Please get ready.
-Yes, sir.
Doctor Seo.
You're going to operate in that state?
Okay. May I begin?
Yes, go ahead.
Okay. Scalpel.
Okay, Bovie.
Richardson retractors.
Can you pull?
Okay, Bovie and gauze.
Hold the umbrella tightly.
Let's see
His right middle lobe's been penetrated.
After we remove the foreign body,
we'll do a right middle lobectomy surgery.
Yes, sir.
Okay, Bovie.
What are you doing here?
I told you to get ready for surgery.
She had to collect something
from the patient's body.
All finished.
I collected those from Ms. Jung.
I hope you catch the culprit with that.
Yes, great job.
Yes, goodbye.
Excuse me, what's your name?
I'm Yoon A-reum.
Doctor Yoon A-reum.
I have a few more questions
about the victim.
Do you have some time?
Detective Ko.
Goodness, it must be hectic
because of the bus accident.
We already had a round.
We're finally catching our breath.
We received a report of a rape victim,
but we ran a little late with the traffic
because of the accident.
Where's the victim?
She's already in the OR.
a police officer already came by.
One of our officers came by already?
Did you get any updates?
No, not at all.
Which station was he from?
I don't know.
We wouldn't know that much.
We've tied off the blood vessels.
-Shall we remove the umbrella now?
-Nurse Choi.
What? Oh.
Great. Thank you.
Doctor Nam, how are his vitals?
They're stable.
We'll now remove the foreign body.
Okay, we're ready too.
-Yes, sir.
Pull it.
Okay, I'll pull it out.
Slow down. Keep it slow.
Be gentle.
Pull it slowly.
I'm sorry, sir.
It's okay.
Change of gloves.
Gauze, please.
Keep the gauze coming.
Hurry up.
I need to see the spleen.
Okay, I see it now.
Right angle forceps.
Shouldn't we dissect the area a bit more?
Are you the lead surgeon?
The patient's pancreatic tail is long.
I'm just giving you my opinion
on the matter.
How dare you interrupt a senior surgeon
during surgery?
Doctor Seo.
I apologize.
Right angle forceps.
Instrument tie.
-Metzenbaum scissors.
What is this?
-Did you not tie it off properly?
I think the accessory vessel is torn.
Accessory vessel, my foot.
You can't even tie a knot.
Vascular clamp.
What are you doing?
The bleeding's stopped.
It wasn't the vessel I tied.
What are you waiting for?
Keep tying them off.
Instrument tie.
What is this?
What's with the pancreatic tail?
What did you do with the clamps?
Vascular clamps can't cause this injury.
-Are you saying it's my fault?
-I said we should dissect the area more.
How dare you.
Enough, both of you.
What are you doing in front of a patient?
I'll call Doctor Kim.
There's no need. I'll finish this.
The pancreatic juice is leaking.
All the organs will melt at this rate.
I told you I'll finish this!
Doctor Kim's in another OR. Call him now.
Professor Sim.
Will you wait until she dies on the table?
Call Doctor Kim immediately
before things get worse.
Yes, ma'am.
-Doctor Kim.
The other OR is asking for you.
The pancreas was torn
during a splenectomy.
Isn't Doctor Seo in that OR?
But Doctor Yang is leading the surgery.
-Yes, sir.
You can finish up this lobectomy, right?
Yes, of course. I can do it.
Leave this to me,
and go save those poor souls
in the other OR.
My, you've come a long way.
I can't believe
you're cracking a joke in the OR.
I owe it all to Doctor Kim's prescription.
Sorry about that.
For some reason, I always get so hungry
when I'm in the OR.
Well, I guess that's better than fainting,
vomiting, or running away.
Ms. Oh.
Are you not feeling well?
You're very quiet today.
Am I?
Bovie, please.
Would you like some coffee?
My stomach has been acting up lately.
Oh, then
But I'll have some since you're offering.
What do you prefer?
Instant coffee or brewed coffee?
We also have a vending machine outside.
Take a guess.
What do you think I'd prefer?
Well, I'm not sure.
My gosh.
Please call the police.
You figured it out?
What are you saying?
A police officer responded to a rape case,
but he's actually not a police officer?
Then who is this man?
That's what we're trying to find out now.
But none of the substations in the area
sent any officers here.
The station didn't send anyone either.
What? Goodness.
I thought it was odd.
He got here so quickly.
Excuse me.
Is a patient named Jung Ga-young here?
Wow, we called just five minutes ago.
You got here so fast.
I was patrolling the area
when I received the call. Where is she?
Oh, okay.
Who's the doctor that talked to him?
Doctor Yoon.
Where is Doctor Yoon?
Nurse Park is looking for her.
She's not picking up,
and we can't find her anywhere.
Doctor Yoon.
Are you in there?
Is there anyone in there?
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after the tone.
Women are so easy to trick.
When they see this police uniform,
they totally trust you
and let their guard down.
So you're not a cop?
What? This uniform?
No, I stole this, you fool.
By the way,
will Jung Ga-young live
once she gets the surgery?
Of course she'll live.
Our best surgeons are operating on her.
I see.
That's not good.
Anyway, thanks for the gift.
Thanks to you, the evidence will be gone.
I know, right?
-Be careful.
Give it back!
-Nurse Park!
Darn it.
Hey, come over here. Come here!
Darn it.
You little
Darn it.
Are you all right?
I'll take over the surgery.
What happened to the pancreatic tail?
The patient has a spleen injury,
but her pancreatic tail is unusually long.
It got torn while tying the vessels.
And her pancreatic juice keeps leaking.
We'll have to do a distal pancreatectomy.
Sponge stick.
I'm sorry.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Wrist pain,
tingling and numbness in your hands,
and weakness of the thumb muscles.
What's wrong?
Is there a problem?
I got a cramp in my hand.
But what I saw that day was
Was I
really mistaken about his elbow?
Will you not perform the surgery?
Doctor Kim.
I'm ready.
I'm okay now.
Let's begin.
It looked more serious than we thought.
He couldn't move his hand for a while.
I don't think he can
put off the wrist surgery any longer.
So? What happened to the surgery?
I think it's going well.
The one with the penetrating wound
and the crush syndrome patient?
They all seem to be doing okay.
Why do you ask?
So he ended up saving both of them?
Pardon me?
What was I waiting for?
Was I hoping he'd be wrong?
Was I hoping one of them would die?
Thank you for all your help.
Gosh, no problem.
We didn't even do much.
Doctor Yoon and Nurse Park
did most of the work anyway.
And Mr. Gu helped us wrap things up.
I just happened to be walking by.
That's all.
-Oh, thank you.
It's the victim's rape kit.
Please use this
to make sure that man rots in jail.
He deserves a heavy sentence.
We'd love to do that,
but the judge is the one
who decides that.
Anyway, thank you all.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, move. Move over.
-You little
I must say,
it was another long night.
Wasn't it?
It's cold. Let's go back inside.
Shall we?
We should go back inside too.
I like that you're brave,
but don't be reckless.
Wouldn't you say you were
more reckless than I was?
I thought you had wings or something.
How could you fly so high?
Well, you know.
I learned taekwondo when I was little.
You know what?
I'm really glad I came to this hospital.
Someone told me that if I come here,
I'll feel so viscerally alive
every single day.
And I have to say,
you do experience such a wide range
of cases and patients here.
And there are so many good people here.
Who told you that?
Just someone who's very cranky.
It's cold.
Someone who's cranky?
Who could it be?
My gosh.
The chairman's office is on another level.
Every single part of this room
is exquisitely decorated, sir.
Gosh, me and my mouth.
My apologies, sir. I'm a little drunk.
This must be Mirae Hospital,
the project you mentioned earlier.
My gosh, this is
It's bigger than I thought.
Since I'm the chairman now,
I should do big things.
do you plan to appoint Professor Park
as the president of this hospital?
I'm still undecided
because I can't figure him out.
I told you he's like that.
This is a huge project.
I'm not sure
if he'll be able to handle it.
Don't get the wrong idea.
Just keep your position safe
at the main hospital.
Of course, that's a given.
When did I get such "ideas"?
But I must say
my feelings are a little hurt.
That's such a prominent position.
I can't believe you're considering him,
and not me.
As you know, Professor Park
is a highly sought-after surgeon.
He has great skills.
Admit it already.
Right, I do.
I do admit that, of course.
Is this fun for you?
Belittling others while showing off.
-Do you enjoy it?
-Do you work as a doctor for fun?
Do you walk around in your white coat
to show off?
I wanted to be a better person.
That's why I became a doctor,
and when I have the white coat on
I thought I deserved to show off a little.
Then just keep living like that.
Why do you keep provoking me?
That accident 11 years ago.
Ever since that accident
I had been caught in a vicious cycle
of trying to run away from that bus
every night.
But the moment we met again
I realized that the accident
wasn't what I was trying to run away from.
It was you.
What the heck are you talking about?
Don't act like you don't know.
In that bus, that day!
You stayed behind
while I ran away.
And that's why you kept mocking me.
The tension pneumothorax!
From the moment you sent me that note
until now.
Even now, I bet you're mocking me inside.
That's why you boast even more
in front of me.
"Can you save him?"
That's what you should be asking first.
And that's why you criticize me!
You don't want to risk
ruining your reputation,
so you're just trying to avoid problems.
And you belittle me!
He made it.
You keep pushing me
to make me feel ashamed and humiliated.
"You're a fake doctor."
You think I'm a coward
who ran off to save himself
despite being a doctor.
Am I wrong?
I'm finally beginning to understand
why such a haughty man like you
always seemed so insecure and defeated.
But you know what?
I don't remember you.
I only found out
that you were also on that bus
through a newspaper article later on.
But that's it.
Whether you were
hurt that day,
or whether you ran away or not
I have no recollection whatsoever.
Are you really this determined
to make me look pathetic?
If you want to do that to yourself
I won't stop you.
But you see
let me just tell you one thing.
That accident was neither your fault
nor your responsibility.
It was horrible and terrifying.
It was very dangerous because the bus
could've caught fire at any time.
You escaped that madness
to save yourself.
Who could criticize you for it?
No one can.
And no one should.
it's time you got off that bus.
Just get off.
I'll follow up on the ABGA in ten minutes.
Okay, sure.
Please check the Hemovac drain often.
How's your OR-phobia?
Is it completely gone?
Thanks to Doctor Kim,
I rule the OR now.
I showed them all.
When I was forced to transfer here,
I thought my life was over.
Same here.
I came here when I felt as if
I reached a dead end.
But now
I'm having fun here.
I want to be a doctor here
for a long time.
Here, we don't have to worry
about sucking up to others
or calculating who to side with
to advance our career.
Even when Ho-jun glares at me
and tells me to leave,
I can fight back.
Such things were unimaginable
at the main hospital.
That place was all about cliques,
and we had to know who to side with.
But here,
we have no time to think about that
because patients keep coming in nonstop.
That's why it's easier to focus on them.
That's how it should be.
But these days, it's not easy
to keep things the way they should be.
We owe it all to Doctor Kim.
To be honest, I initially thought
he was a close-minded old man.
But he's actually open-minded.
Very open-minded for an old man.
He's totally my type.
He even took my side
in front of President Park earlier today.
He took the patient's side, not yours.
Either way.
It felt so great, very gratifying.
Thanks to him, I survived,
and so did the patient.
After my first surgery here
he said this to me.
"Save them.
We must save them no matter what."
That's so inspiring.
My gosh.
What if I fall head over heels
and end up staying here forever?
I may stay here for the rest of my life
and work with Doctor Kim forever.
Shall we
really do that?
Do you want to stay here too?
Why do you ask? You don't want me to?
Well, that's totally up to you.
How I feel about it doesn't matter.
Stay here forever if you want to.
Don't mind me.
Don't you worry.
I won't cross the line.
What? I didn't say anything.
Gosh, I'm hungry.
Shall we have cup noodles?
I don't eat carbs after 6 p.m.
It's so odd.
I never get this hungry.
Doctor Kim, are you in here?
Doctor Kim.
I need sutures, antibiotics,
and some elastic bandages.
Sure, no problem.
Do we have another new patient?
Not really.
The supplies you just requested
must be for a laceration.
Who's the patient?
Oh, it's
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
I'll come with you.
You'll need assistance anyway.
I think I can manage on my own, Ms. Oh.
Where is
the patient now?
Ms. Oh.
I asked you
where the patient is.
The phone is ringing, Ms. Oh.
This is the ER.
Here's the key.
Doctor Kim. Sir!
Doctor Seo.
Be careful. One, two, three!
Doctor Kim. Sir.
Please wake up.
Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim, please. Please wake up.
Gosh, sir.
You've been hiding here?
Hey, Woo-jin.
You punk.
You haven't changed one bit.
What? Who collapsed?
Are you okay, Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim?
What if we're the reason he collapsed?
I'm no longer needed at Doldam Hospital?
How's Bu Yong-ju doing?
What? Is something wrong, Doctor Seo?
You must never repeat the same mistake.
Without Doctor Kim,
Doldam Hospital will collapse.
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