Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e10 Episode Script

Behold, a Distant Star

[siren wails]
Hey, Skrull-bot! Don't forget
your lovely partin' gifts!
Hold off on those reinforcements.
The Fantastic Four are here.
So, the little firefly
wants to play at war.
Order the K50 robot to annihilate
that flaming nuisance.
[Reed] The Skrull robot's
third eye is not firing.
Obviously a targeting device. Ben!
Hey! Say no more.
One super-size Skrull shiner comin' up!
[Johnny] Attaboy, Benjy.
The black eye from Ol' Blue Eyes.
Flame on!
Quite a wallop you're packing, Suzy Q.
Thanks. I learned from the best.
Ben! Play, er, spheroid?
Aw! You mean play ball,
you nutty professor!
Our sneak attack has failed.
- Abort and return to the Skrull galaxy.
- Yes, sir.
Oh. But my day will come,
Fantastic Four.
Even now the circle of fate
continues to tighten around you.
Nice work, old friend.
Any red-blooded thing
would have done the same. Huh?
It's Sis. She's not moving.
Our top story.
Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four
sustained serious head injuries
routing the Skrulls.
Doctors list her
in a critical condition.
Other news
Come on, Sis. You've got to
pull through. You just gotta.
We need you.
Hey, keep your little rubber chin up,
She's gonna make it.
Susie's a fighter.
[man] Mr. Richards
- Doctor! Will she Is she
- It's not good.
Mrs. Richards has a piece of shrapnel
embedded in her brain.
- Suse
- But surely you can operate.
No. It requires surgery
beyond my capability
or that of anyone else on our staff.
There's only one surgeon I know of
who has performed such an operation
Who? Where is he? Let's get him!
He's not likely to show up now.
Don't be too sure of that, doctor.
[Reed] Doctor Storm!
- Dad?
- Hello, Son.
Wait a minute. How in the
Dad! But I don't get it.
Sis said you were dead.
There's no time to lose.
We'll prep your daughter for surgery.
This way.
I must be thinkin'
of some other superheroes.
I always thought
the kid and Susie was orphans.
That's what she wanted everyone
to think. Even Johnny.
How long's it gonna take?
They've been in there hours.
Hang in there.
[Ben] It's over.
Susan, darling!
She looks so pale.
She's going to be fine.
I expect a full recovery.
Susie-girl's gonna be okay!
Thank heavens.
I've got my Susan back. I have never
been so happy to meet someone
Doctor Franklin Storm?
Ah, Detective. I've been expecting you.
You have the right to remain silent
Be serious!
- [Johnny] What's going on?
- [Reed] What's this about?
We've had a warrant out
for his arrest for years.
We had a feeling
this might flush him out.
On what charge? What's he done?
Franklin Storm is wanted
- for murder!
- [all] What?!
[Ben] I tell ya, Susie.
We've been bluer than Smurf berries
all week without ya.
'Cept for me there ain't
a single pretty face round here!
You all look terrific, too.
It's so good to be home.
Darling, I know I get a little
too obsessed with my work.
But I thought I might lose you.
There's so much
I still don't know about you.
So much you've been keeping
locked up inside.
- It's okay.
- [Johnny] Yeah. Yeah!
Like our father being alive
and wanted for murder.
You never bothered to tell me!
- Johnny
- It's all right.
Johnny, I'm sorry.
But you were so young.
I was trying to protect you.
Maybe it's time you let
your baby brother grow up.
[sighs] You're right.
Reed, hand me the photo album.
In the drawer next to you.
[Susan] Remember this?
[Ben] Look! There's Torchy
when he was just a little matchstick.
This was taken before they left
for the Medical Society dinner.
It was honoring Dad's work.
That was the night Mother died.
It wasn't his fault,
but Dad was never the same.
He was lost without Mother.
He started gambling.
And losing. He borrowed money
from the wrong people.
They came to collect. He couldn't pay.
They threatened
to hurt his children. Us!
There was a fight.
The gun went off.
It was an accident. Dad didn't think
anyone would believe him.
He started running
and he never stopped.
He called once to tell me he was okay.
He felt it would be easier
if you thought he was dead.
I I didn't know.
[fierce bubbling]
- No! It's impossible!
- Prepare for a journey.
A journey from which there is no return.
While I prepare for my missión
the beginning of the end
for the Fantastic Four!
- I hope he's all right.
- Yeah. Dad!
[Susan] Good to see you!
Reed spoke to our attorney,
Matt Murdoch.
- He's taking on your case!
- That won't be necessary.
What do you mean?
- Are you all right?
- More than all right.
During my years in hiding
I've developed a formula
that alters the cells of my DNA.
- To make myself invincible!
- Siddown, Storm!
You know the rules!
Your insipid rules
have just been changed!
Hold it, Storm!
There is no Doctor Storm.
Make way for the Invincible Man!
There! The new power ray is installed.
A completely clean energy source
for the Fantasticar.
I got the idea from that Skrull robot.
The ray draws energy
from beyond the solar system and
[Ben] Hey, Stretch!
The emergency signal!
Behold the might of the Invincible Man!
Dad, stop! What are you doing?
[Invincible Man] So, you're all here.
It's time for a long-overdue
father-son talk.
- Dad, this is insane!
- You dare speak that way to me?
Doctor Storm, please, listen to reason!
Sue, what do I do?
I can't attack my own father.
Susie, stop your old man
before we have to hurt him.
Everyone, stand back!
Why, thank you, daughter, dear.
Your assistance has been invaluable!
Did you see? The Invisible Woman
helped that madman get away.
[man] What did you expect? He's family.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you
hurt my father.
[Invincible Man] What's the matter?
My dear, loving children.
Need a lift?
Now, let's make it nice and toasty cozy.
- This firetrap is shrinkin'!
- [Reed] Johnny!
Try and absorb the flame!
[strains] It's no good!
He regenerates the fire
as fast as I can absorb it!
[Susan] Fire, force fields
It's like he has all our powers.
He does. Of course!
That's it!
[Susan] Dad!
[Johnny] Dad!
- What have you done to Father?
- That is not your father.
What are you talking about?
Return the real Doctor Storm at once,
or this imposter will be destroyed.
Ben, grab him!
No, don't believe him! He's lying!
Am I?
- [pulsing]
- [onlookers gasp]
- [all, gasping] Super Skrull!
- Of course, Earthlings!
Did you think the Skrull empire
would let me stay forever
in that little volcanic prison
you arranged?
Remember, Super Skrull's power
is beamed in from his galaxy.
So I simply jammed the frequency
with my power ray.
It was a Skrull plan to divide
and discredit the Fantastic Four.
Pretty smooth sleuthing, Sherlock!
Once again the Fantastic Four
has beaten you, Morrat.
Now will you give up your obsessión
with the Earth?
No, my loving princess.
If we expect your father
to consent to our marriage,
I need to prove myself worthy.
I'm not beaten.
Why doesn't something happen?
Maybe they never even
[Ben] Woah! Hey.
Must be trash pick-up day.
No! Stay away! Don't come any closer!
- [all] No!
- [Ben] Doc!
[Reed] They booby-trapped him!
No! He isn't He isn't
- Oh!
- I'll call an ambulance.
It will be too late, Ben.
Oh, Dad!
That explosión was meant for us
and he knew it.
He willingly gave his life to save ours.
Your father is a very brave man.
Don't Don't cry, Susan.
Or you, Johnny.
Don't feel sorry for me.
I let life defeat me years ago.
Didn't have the courage to face it.
I've found that courage now.
And more important, I've found you.
Morrat, how could you
do something so cruel?
Warlord Morrat.
Our science officer has some data
you may find interesting.
Yes. Oh, yes!
It isn't fair. We found our father again
just to lose him.
Those stinkin' Skrulls
are gonna pay for this.
Even if I have to burn down
their whole blasted galaxy!
I understand how you feel.
But there's a difference
between justice and vengeance.
I don't care! I'm gonna find
the Skrull who did this
- You bet, kid!
- [Reed] Johnny!
Even if we've gotta fight us
a whole planet of green guys
with bad complexions!
[all] What?!
Wha Hey, man..
I didn't mean right this minute.
A force-field barrier!
[Sue] My force field just dissolved!
Flame on!
My flame!
Time for a Skrull roundup!
- I can't stretch!
- This toothpick put on weight!
Now, contain them
with the immobilizer ray!
- [crunch]
- Ow!
Wah! Did you hear that?
Nothing but a puny whap!
Face facts, Ben.
Something in the Skrull atmosphere
has neutralized our powers.
I don't understand.
If the Skrulls could just beam us here,
why didn't they do it long ago?
Because the beam needs
either Super Skrull
or another strong signal source
to guide it in.
And unfortunately my power ray
gave them just that signal.
Then that's it! We're Skrull kibble!
Not necessarily. I have an idea.
[Anelle] You must tell my father
the wondrous news of your triumph.
- Then he will consent.
- Of course, my beloved.
I have no secrets
from our noble emperor.
- Now go. I have much to do.
- All right.
execute the prisoners at once.
- But
- At once!
When people learn that they died
at the hands of Morrat
I will be the Skrull Galaxy's
greatest hero!
Then it will be my sad duty
to succeed our beloved emperor.
[Morrat] After his untimely demise.
- [Morrat] At my command, fire.
- Wait! Don't shoot!
I have something to trade
in return for our lives.
Hm. Speak. And speak fast!
You know how my scientific skill
has defeated you in the past.
- But now I offer the universe!
- [all] What?!
[laughs] I do not trust you, Earthling.
[Reed] What have you to lose
by hearing me out?
What? The Fantastic Four? Here?
Captured? Why was I not told?
But Morrat promised
to inform you immediately, Father.
Morrat! That untrustworthy martinet!
He has told me nothing.
By my scepter, this smacks
of the highest treason. Come!
This ray enables a leader like yourself
to achieve his rightful place
as ruler of the Skrull Galaxy.
- I'll show you.
- Take care, or your wife dies.
How can you do this? You know
he'll use it to attack Earth.
Shut up, Johnny.
Don't tell me what to do.
You're sellin' out our planet
and we're supposed to "shut up"?
- Why, ya yellow-bellied
- Shut up, both of you!
I'm the one who makes the decisions!
Reed, no!
- That goes for you, too, Susan!
- Well, aren't we ruthless!
How very Skrull.
I believe I know how to use this now.
Like this!
- Why don't you fall?
- The ray is a power source, Morrat.
Not a weapon. And it's what we
needed to restore our powers!
Flame on!
How was my acting there, Ben, buddy?
De Niro ain't gonna lose any sleep.
Destroy them!
Call for reinforcements!
[Ben] Looks like we're gonna
have to whup us a whole planet!
[Johnny] Just one planet?
Be done by lunch!
Morrat, I command you to stop.
Your Highness. An unexpected honor!
Allow me to present Your Majesty
with these alien prisoners
as a paltry token of my esteem.
Liar! Traitor! Don't toy with me!
I know your intentions.
- Father, Morrat's your warlord!
- Silence!
He is Warlord no longer!
Strip him of his insignia!
Put him in chains.
I brand Morrat a traitor to the realm.
Very well. Have it your way.
If traitor I am branded,
then traitor I shall be!
- Death to the Emperor!
- [Anelle] No!
[Dorrek] Cease fire!
Morrat, no!
She lives!
- It's a miracle.
- [Reed] Not quite.
You have Susan to thank.
Anelle was saved by her force field.
What? My daughter's life
saved by an Earthling?
An enemy!
The sight of you is repugnant to me,
but I am in your debt.
We ask only for the Skrull
who killed Franklin Storm.
As you wish.
There is the one you seek.
The traitor, Morrat!
Now depart before I change my mind.
Our transporter will return you
to your planet.
I guess we got what we wanted, huh, Sis?
Funny. I thought it would feel better.
But revenge only keeps the hurt alive.
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