Four More Shots Please (2019) s02e10 Episode Script

The One

Love letters, love poems and
love songs.
They all urge us to find "The One".
But maybe we are "The One".
And we should learn to love
ourselves first.
I knew it.
-You asshole.
-Relax, Sushmita. We
We were just talking.
-We were discussing work.
You fucking relax!
I'm not blind.
I can fucking see you!
The music was loud in there.
We just came outside to
talk about the Titus Tech case.
That's all we were doing.
You really think I'm that stupid?
You really think that I'm going to
fall for that bullshit?
I've been watching the two of you
since the morning.
-It's so obvious.
-It's not what you think.
You're imagining things. It's not at
all like you're assuming it to be.
There's nothing like that.
There's nothing going on.
Oh, my God.
You're shameless.
This is my friend's wedding
for fuck sake!
You dare to humiliate me here?
Running around with
your fucking mistress!
Like some horny teenager.
-That's not what's happening.
-I'm sure
you two have done it all over this hotel.
That's not--
You need to get the fuck away
from me right now.
-Right now!
Sushmita. I'm sorry, I didn't know.
He said you guys are in
an open marriage.
Oh. Did he? Really?
What else did your
little boyfriend tell you?
And what exactly is an open marriage?
Go on.
That's what I thought.
And I'm talking to my husband.
So do you mind shutting
the fuck up, please?
-Hey! Please, relax!
-Get your fucking hands off me!
Calm down. You're going to create
a scene otherwise.
-You want to create a scene here?
-I'm making a scene!
-At your friend's wedding?
I'm making a scene!
-Fifteen years, Shashank!
-No, it's not--
Fifteen fucking years we've been married!
Fifteen years and you dare to
treat me this way!
God. You can't keep it
in your pants for even a second!
You want to do this?
-Do what?
-Is this what you want to do?
Discuss your life in
front of the whole world?
-Ya. Let's do it.
-You really want to do this right now?
Let's do it! Please tell me
what we're talking about right now.
Because the only person
doing anything right now is you!
And her!
Fifteen years of a marriage.
Where have you been
for the last few years?
This relationship has
been falling apart for years.
We share a home.
We share a life,
we share a bed
but you were never there
in this relationship.
You never fucking showed up!
That's your fucking problem!
-This is my fucking fault now?
-You never showed up!
Are you kidding me?
Every marriage has its problems.
So what?
That gives you free reign to
go fuck whoever the fuck you want?
Despite our problems,
I come back home to you.
-I come back to you.
-Oh, my God!
-Sush, let's just talk about this.
-Get the fuck away from me!
-Scream away.
-Oh, my God. Sush
Do that.
-I deserve better than you
-You feeling better?
you piece of shit!
-What's going on?
-Hey, hey
What's going on is that
this guy My husband
is fucking her.
I'm sure you can work this out people.
What the fuck have you done?
Just talk to her.
Stay here.
I believed you.
Don't get all sanctimonious
on me, Ms. Menon.
Don't dump your guilt at my door.
Had you known,
would you have done things differently?
-Shashank, please.
-I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
Anj, are you okay?
I can't think straight.
He would take calls from his wife.
He would stay late.
He never looked worried.
I never suspected
it's not an open marriage.
Open marriage or not,
he is married.
It's just a very big grey area.
Ya but the lawyer in me is
always going to try and justify it, Mangs.
Consensual VS non-consensual.
Am I a willing participant or not?
-No, not really.
It's not so simple, Anj.
Dee, I'm not I'm not trying to
absolve myself of anything.
I hurt another woman.
I destroyed their marriage.
I know.
No, Anj. They have destroyed
their own marriage.
Let's be honest. If not you,
it would've been someone else.
Anj, next time when we tell you
this is not you
listen to us.
Mangs, I'm so sorry.
All this drama has ruined
your wedding.
Are you crazy?
What's a marriage without drama!
For the first time in my life,
I don't know who I am.
Marriage, kids, career, investments,
house, car I've done it all.
Or should I say I had to?
I was just thrust into all of this
in my twenties.
And now should I live my thirties
like they're my twenties?
Or should I enjoy my thirties because
I've already done the hard work?
I just don't know who I am.
I told Mihir to move on.
Damn. That's harsh.
I didn't want it to be.
But I didn't have closure
till I saw him here.
It's okay.
He must be cursing the
hell out of me.
He came all the way from New York,
only to get rejected.
Second time.
Hey, bride to be.
Hello, bride of the bride.
I can't believe we're
getting married tomorrow.
You better believe it
because beginning tomorrow
I'm going to make your life hell.
I want us to do an
interview together.
Live streaming with Vanya Bhatt.
The Vanya Bhatt!
Think about all the people we
can inspire with this interview.
Okay, c'mon. Let's do it.
I like this agreeable new you.
What can I say? Marrying you
brings out the agreeable me.
What else are you agreeing to?
Oh, my God. Putting together a wedding
is so much work.
I need a vacation after this.
I agree.
In-room dining.
Good morning.
We have orange juice, fresh fruits,
corn flakes and eggs Florentine.
What is the need for this?
It's nothing.
Just room service.
But I promise you, every morning
in Singapore will be just like this.
It's okay.
Dee, are you moving to Singapore?
I know I'm cute and pretty.
But my mother
She is a catch.
And she's spent her entire life
trying to turn me into her.
27 setups and 11 blind dates later,
I'm still as single
as the day I was born.
My mother, though, has graduated
to giving me pointers on sex.
Because what you can't get with
your face, you can get with your vagina.
I'm really scared she's
going to show up on my next date
and give me point-by-point instructions
on how to give a blowjob.
"Siddhi, give that blowjob properly.
C'mon. Get to it already!"
But boy, do I love her.
Sounds pretty fucked up, right?
It is.
So, I thought why not make
a career out of talking about it.
Here I am, Siddhi Patel and
this is my application.
Thank you.
Was it good?
Still not over Sneha?
I am what I am because of Sneha.
And I often think if
Sneha wasn't this person,
who would I be?
I think this distance
is going to do me some good.
And her, too.
Let's do this.
C'mon. Just do it.
I just hope they don't think
I'm trying too hard.
Siddhi, they'll be really crazy
not to take you in.
Just do it. Come.
I should tell Papa.
He'll be damn excited!
He'll be so proud of you.
-Listen, I'm going to get ready.
The person whom you're trying to reach
is currently unavailable.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Papa, I have good news.
Call me back quickly.
Okay, bye.
Bye! Love you.
Going live in three, two, one.
Over to you, Vanya.
Hello and welcome
to The Vanya Bhatt Show.
Today we're here in this gorgeous location
with two phenomenal women
who are breaking the internet with
their lifestyle choices.
Please welcome the gorgeous
and India's sweetheart,
Samara Kapoor and Umang Singh.
Welcome to the show, ladies.
-Thank you so much for having us, Vanya.
And, most importantly,
congratulations are in order.
Thank you so much.
So, diving straight
into the conversation.
Samara, now that you've come out
and you'll be marrying your partner
Umang here very soon,
do you feel offers to play
romantic lead will dry up?
For the reason that
the Indian audience
just wouldn't believe that you can
fall in love with a hero.
That may have been the case
up until two years ago.
But now, roles for women extend
far beyond just romancing the hero.
Just because Sam has the courage
to live her truth,
I don't think she should be
punished for it.
In fact, she's not the only one.
I think what Umang is
trying to say is
everyone has the right to
live their own life.
And they'll do it in their own time.
Just like we did.
Absolutely. But coming back to Umang.
You mentioned she's not the only one.
Care to elaborate on that?
Who are these people?
Vanya, I really don't think that
that's what she meant.
You know all about it.
It's an open secret.
There are so many powerful people
in this entertainment industry
who still live in fear.
Because they feel
they'll be judged harshly.
Their popularity may diminish.
Or they may stop getting work
because of it.
Do you think these people are right?
No, I
-Vanya, if you ask me
-I feel that
-What I want to
-If not now, when?
If none of them have the
courage to speak up,
what hope do the rest have?
I'm a nobody but Samara has shown courage.
She's living her truth
in front of the whole world.
And I just think that everybody
should be more like Sam.
You should just speak up and
speak your truth.
Let's get her some water, guys.
Can we
Sure. Yes, please.
Get her some water, guys.
I don't get these people!
I was just being honest.
What's with the backlash!
They're such hypocrites.
It's all double standards!
I think that interviews
are not such a good idea.
But what's wrong with what I said?
It's not about right or wrong.
You have to be careful of your words
else they become headlines.
Or worse still
I'll see you later, babe.
I didn't know that you didn't know.
Anjana, you were married once.
How could you do this to someone else?
At this point, no matter what I say
it'll just sound wrong so
No, no.
You don't get off that easy.
I needed to feel alive again
and I guess I just gave in.
At my expense?
There weren't supposed
to be any casualties.
Look around you.
I'm sorry about that.
What would you have done
if you were in my shoes?
I don't know.
For the first time in my life
I really don't know.
Will you forgive him?
After all these years together
I don't know.
I love him.
Maybe we'll find our
way back to each other.
Maybe not. I don't
I don't know.
But what would you have done
in my place?
I don't know either.
For the first time in my life, I
don't know.
Jeh, bro you made it!
Oh, my God. Yay!
I knew you'd come.
I knew it.
Yes, Dad.
What news?
What do you mean "banning the book"?
How can they ban
What do you mean?
Protecting law and order?
What protests?
Shame on you!
Rizvi Roy!
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
Hang your head in shame Damini!
Hang your head in shame!
Down with Rizvi Roy!
Shame on Rizvi Roy!
Down with Rizvi Roy!
Shame on Rizvi Roy!
Down with Rizvi Roy!
Shame on Rizvi Roy!
Down with Damini!
Hang your head in shame Damini!
Hit them.
Get them!
Down with Rizvi Roy!
Hang your head in shame!
It's so good.
Anj, eat something.
Are you still stressed?
Chill. It's okay.
Everybody's forgotten.
-What happened?
-Dee, are you okay?
Sit down. Just sit.
-What happened?
-Dad called.
The book is being banned.
There are protests everywhere and
the bookstores are being stoned.
Okay, just calm down.
Just breathe.
Don't tell anyone, please.
I don't want Mangs'
celebration to get ruined.
Ya, ya.
It's okay.
You guys, look who it is.
It's the bro-man Jeh!
You came.
I did. I had to.
For Umang.
Of course.
I was sitting on the flight and
I didn't know why
I was on the flight.
I mean
I thought I came for Umang but
I don't know what to do.
I don't know why I came, I mean
-I mean I do
-Jeh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jeh.
-Don't, Damini.
I'm sorry.
I thought I knew what I wanted.
I thought I knew where
my life was headed.
You know, I'm so used to
living life in binaries.
But you
You overwhelm me.
You confuse me.
You exasperate me.
I don't know what's
right or wrong anymore.
You've messed my head up, Damini.
And I like it.
I love
that life is messy when
I'm with you.
What I'm trying to say is
I know I'm not this baby's father but
Damini, I want to be with you.
And I want to raise a baby with you.
So you know, let's just be.
Let's just be.
Great speech, Jeh.
You're a little late though.
Damini and I are moving to Singapore
where we're going to bring up our child.
-You're moving to Singapore with him?
I never said that.
Umang, what the hell is he doing here?
You didn't tell me he was here.
And you drop a bomb in my lap?
You couldn't give me 72 hours
before I could digest the news?
Listen, I never said yes.
Aamir, why would you say
something like this?
You didn't say no either.
Can't you be by yourself
for even a minute?
C'mon, I never said yes.
I never said yes!
Well, you should have.
This boy
who runs to his ex-girlfriend crying
every time he feels an ouchie.
Do you really want to
live with him?
Stop being so condescending, Uncle.
Did you just call me Uncle?
Well, you keep calling me boy.
-Hey you guys, please man!
Jeh. Aamir!
Oh, my God!
-Are you kidding me right now!
Guys, please!
Relax. Relax.
-What are they doing?
-What the fuck!
-Stop it, guys! Please!
-You guys!
-Dee, stop screaming.
-Guys! Please!
You guys.
Please man.
Stop behaving like children!
Let go.
Just stop it. Just stop it.
-Where is Damini?
-Oh, God!
-Where is Dee?
-Just do something about this.
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Breathe in, breathe in.
One, two, three, four.
Breathe out.
Breathe out.
One, two, three, four.
Herethis one.
It's open.
-Where is she?
Is she here?
-Dee, open the door.
Dee, open the door please.
Damini, I'm sorry.
Just please come out.
Damini, I'm sorry as well.
Come out.
It's not good for the baby.
Dee, please open the door.
Dee, we're all here for you.
-What happened?
I'm bleeding.
12 weeks.
Spotting and cramps.
And she has a history
of hypertension and anxiety.
Damini, miscarriages happen.
And it's nothing you've done.
You're a very strong and
healthy woman.
You can try again later.
Don't worry.
But, for now, just heal.
You can take her home now.
Dee, if you don't want to
come to the wedding--
I want to.
Are you sure?
Yes, Mangs.
But I think you
What about this?
It doesn't fit.
This is really nice.
Loosen it up a little.
Or you have this as well.
-I'll go get it.
No wait, I'll go.
Relax! I'm not incapacitated, guys.
-See, look at this.
Ma'am, room service.
How long were you two going to wait?
As long as you want.
No, I meant outside the room.
Too much has happened too soon.
I just need some time and
space to process everything.
All of it.
Can I just see this
for a second, please?
-You look beautiful!
-You look so cute
-So, should we put
Holy shit.
Can you do some rolls for her?
Hello. Hello.
Hi, Mitch. How are you?
Oh, my God. Baby
I've never seen you like this before.
-She looks beautiful!
-You look beautiful!
-She looks beautiful!
-So pretty!
And she's speechless, too.
For the first time.
What happened?
-Oh, my God!
-We got her sedated.
So beautiful.
Are you guys ready?
Are you ready?
-Our Mangs is now yours.
-I'm ready.
No, just kidding.
She will always be ours.
I'm just being a little dramatic.
-But take good care of her.
I will.
I promise.
You both!
-Are you ready?
-We're ready.
-We should get going.
I'm so excited.
Oh my
Wow. Look at that.
This is the happiest day of my life.
Mine, too.
I've been cast in a Hollywood film.
I just got a call from Mitch Sanders.
He's one of the
biggest producers in LA.
He produced last summer's superhero
blockbuster, The Dark Warriors.
And he wants me.
Me to be in the sequel!
-That's great news! Congratulations.
Ya. I have to get
super-fit super quickly.
I have to be in LA
by the end of the week.
But from here we go to London
to legalize the wedding, right?
And then, to Maldives
for the honeymoon?
I've booked our tickets from
London to LA.
So, we're going to have to
postpone the honeymoon but
I'm going to wrangle us
a beach house in Santa Monica.
We'll honeymoon for 18 months!
Wait. 18 months?
Between training, prep and filming,
it'll take a lot of time.
It's a superhero film.
So right after this, you want to
take off to LA for 18 months?
Not me.
You want me to head to LA with you?
For 18 months?
You've said 18 months thrice already.
Because I'm in shock, Sam.
What about my life,
my friends, my career?
My clients?
Babe, your career won't suffer.
You'll be my private trainer like before.
Production will pay for you.
I've already informed the producers.
-Wow. You've informed them?
Even they know what's going to
happen before me?
Are you kidding me?
You haven't brought this up even once
before taking up the offer.
You're basically telling me that
for the rest of my life,
I should follow you around everywhere.
Without any say in the decision?
Look. It all happened
very suddenly, okay?
He saw my films and he
sent me a couple of scenes.
And I recorded an audition.
Last week.
Then, I was on a call with him
the night before last because
he wanted to discuss the character
and he just wanted to hear my thoughts.
The time you took off from the dance floor
saying it was wedding stuff?
Babe, I didn't want to upset you.
You lied to me.
-Why aren't they here?
-I don't know.
Yes. Don't worry.
In this business,
offers fall through all the time.
What would've been the point
to tell you if I didn't get it?
You went behind my back
and did all of this.
Is this how you want
our marriage to begin, Sam?
With a lie?
Where are they?
Sam, do you even want this?
Of course, I want this.
How can you even say that?
Or even think it?
I love you more than I've ever loved
anybody else before in my life.
Why does being in love mean that
I have to put my career second?
And why does being in love mean that
I have to sacrifice my career?
Let's get married.
Hey. Let's do this.
When Umang asked me to be
the wedding officiator, I thought
who am I to be giving
marriage advice because
my own marriage lasted 13 months!
But then I realized
that's also probably why I could
give you the best advice.
So standing here today,
Umang and Samara, I can tell you
that you may have
the best plans laid out
but none of that will work
if you don't have trust.
Marriage can be beautiful if
treated with fairness and kindness.
So, do not take it for granted.
It requires work, it requires attention
and most of all, it requires love.
Which I know both of you
have plenty of.
You're soon going to be
each other's family
and that is the most
special relationship in the world.
On that note,
it's time to take your vows.
Before we met,
maybe I didn't know
what love meant.
I was broken and
you put me together with love.
You taught me there are more
important things than the self.
That each half of the partnership
has to support the other half equally.
Or the two sides don't fit.
Let alone the world,
I lost faith in myself.
And you taught me to
trust myself again.
You have my heart, my body, my soul,
my spirit, it's all yours to keep.
Umang Singh, I love you.
Be my wife.
Perhaps the most
overused word in the world.
I love this place, I love this coffee,
I love this movie, I love him.
But if you end up loving everything, then
what does love truly mean?
What I feel for you Sam,
is so much more than love.
Each day of my life
begins and ends with you.
What you said is absolutely right.
Both halves have to be there equally.
Because how can there be
respect without equality?
And how can there be
love without respect?
Sam, garlands.
Do you feel there's
equality in our relationship?
It's all about you.
I don't even exist.
The only one who's
always sacrificing is me.
But Umang, we love each other.
Is love enough in marriage?
I've witnessed marriages
in my own family
where one speaks
and the other is always spoken at.
That's exactly what I ran away from.
To a more equal world.
And I'm sorry, Sam.
I love you so much but
I don't think I can do this.
I can't be with someone
and be second to everything all my life.
But Umang, what are you trying to say?
-I'm sorry.
-What are you saying?
Mangs, please stop!
-Mangs, please stop!
Not now!
You look like shit.
And yet again, it's just us.
Me and my three favorites.
There's nowhere else I would rather be.
With no one else I'd rather be with.
I love you guys so much.
-I love you, too.
-Love you too, Mangs.
Hello? Papa! Guess what!
Oh sorry! Mummy? Guess
What's wrong?
Heart attack.
He's gone.
-He's gone, Anj!
He's gone.
Oh, my God.
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