Franklin and Bash (2011) s02e10 Episode Script

6:50 to SLC

[ classical music playing .]
Oh, I haven't been in this place in quite a while.
That's right.
Jared tells me you're a vegan now.
I'll have the rib-eye.
Just knock off the horns and wipe its ass.
No, thank you.
So what's your cholesterol now, leonard? 230, 240? I'm not the one with high blood pressure, stanton.
Well, it only ticks in When I'm in the presence of tiresome people.
Listen, I appreciate your offer to buy my firm, But I'm afraid my answer is the same as it was three months ago.
Well, unfortunately, that decision isn't entirely yours, And I only want the new york office.
The l.
Office is redundant for me.
I've been assured I'll run the table Getting all the new york partners to vote for a merger.
And if I can pick off just two west-coast partners, You'll be asking me when you can go On your next meditation circle-jerk to tushita.
What about the paralegals, the assistants? What, are you gonna just throw them out on the street? [ laughing .]
my goodness.
No wonder you're hemorrhaging money.
Even if you get the new york partners to align with you, I'm confident that my partners will stay loyal to me.
IncludingYour son.
Well, now you're sounding as naive as a vegan.
[ chuckles .]
Are you gonna wake up jared? He's up.
I heard them.
Jared deleted "deadliest catch" from the dvr.
Now I have to watch them online with commercials.
It ruins the whole experience for me.
What are you talking about? There was plenty of space left.
Not for a season pass of "say yes to the dress," guys.
It's emily's favorite show.
Oh, a season pass? Jared seems pretty bullish on her chances of sticking around.
Maybe the next thing to be deleted From this house will be one of us.
Do you need me to move my car, peter? No.
No, I'm driving in with jared.
Kept me up all night.
I did? Nice underoos.
Can we go? You got to get dressed.
I got a meeting with tommy dale.
Keep your shorts on.
Isn't he running for governor? Yeah.
He's an old high-school buddy of peter's.
Probably just hitting you up for cash.
Or a cabinet appointment.
I'm a lawyer.
He's looking for an attorney general.
Uh, peter? Hmm? I think you need to look at this.
It's from the california bar association.
Probably good news.
Urgent letters are always good news.
Um, it's a letter of delinquency.
"your status is hereby suspended.
" I can't practice law.
[ rock music plays .]
d ooh, what a mixture d d such a vivid picture d d ooh, what a mixture d d if I must say so myself d It's just a clerical error, peter.
Big deal.
You know, pindar says it'll be fixed in a matter of days.
So I can't practice law for a week.
I usually carry you, anyways.
All right, platonic in threeTwo [ elevator bell dings .]
Okay, well, here we are, just friends.
That's right.
You be careful.
I don't want the new york office to find out we're undercover.
You two did meet while she was investigating us.
You can see how that would look bad.
I just keep the black ops in private 'cause it's hotter.
Aww, I am into her, peter! I'm way upriver.
I'm colonel kurtz, shave-my-head, Machete-a-bison-in-half upriver.
I'm happy for you.
Why is tommy dale calling you? I have no idea.
He just said he needed to talk to me alone.
The only reason he's in the race is 'cause the front-runner Had his internet history posted on the huffpo.
Anime porn.
So what? No kidding.
Sure you don't want me to go with you to help out? You know, what with me being licensed and all And you not having a That's funny.
It is funny 'cause you know what it makes you -- an intern.
And I need someone to sexually harass And get me coffee on the double.
All right, if I let you come, Will you shut up with the disbarment jokes? [ sighs .]
not a chance.
Fine! Fine.
Get the door for me.
I hate you.
You are funny.
See that? I'm harassing you already.
Get the door.
! And like you, I want my family to grow up In a beautiful, prosperous, and safe california.
So vote for me, tommy dale, for governor of california.
Man: And, cut.
Thank you.
That's it.
Dale: Got it? Yeah.
Nailed it, kid.
Lancaster 3:00.
Don't forget the delta smelt brief.
I won't.
Love you.
See you at home.
Love you.
Hi, there.
Tommy dale.
Nice to meet you.
Okay, thank you, guys.
You'll have to excuse me.
Thank you.
Look who's running for governor.
My too-slow, hands-of-stone wide receiver.
Well, look who became a lawyer.
My quarterback who couldn't read a defense, let alone latin.
How goes it? No offense -- I, uh, need to talk to my lawyer alone.
You -- [ laughs .]
you didn't Yeah, there's a little issue with that.
I c-- I can't practice law.
[ laughing .]
he can't practice law.
Well, you could have led with that, pete.
It's temporary.
I -- it's a payment dues -- Yeah.
It's a long story.
But if you need a driver, this is the guy.
You remember jared.
You probably remember his sister better.
This guy's great, isn't he? [ laughs .]
You can trust him, I swear.
I'm like a ladybug but tough.
Ladybug? Really? Yeah.
The beetle is a symbol of trust, And you can use that on your stickers or whatever you want.
Let's get out of here.
Lead the way.
Peter: You want to drop out of the race? You were surging in the polls.
Jared: Serious? You know, I come this close to knowing someone Who can point me to the right liquor store To buy a lottery ticket, and he bails.
Hey, believe me, this is harder for me.
My whole life I wanted to do this.
I gotcha.
I'll still be your friend even though You're a lowly assemblyman from chatsworth.
[ laughs .]
that's big of you.
I won't.
Why? It's personal.
We're gonna go ahead and ask if it's your health So we can get to the real question, tommy.
It's not my health.
Who is she? It doesn't matter, peter.
I'm not running.
No, I'm not doing this to my family.
Besides, the party only put me out there As roadkill against hendricks, and then he dropped out.
What is anime porn, anyway? I don't know why you're looking at us.
I don't know, man.
I don't know.
Why don't you just resign? Why do you need a lawyer? My campaign manager, eli palmer, won't let me just drop out.
He said he'd sue me for breach.
You sign a contract? No, but There might have been a handshake.
Well, let us talk to eli first.
We'll go from there.
Appreciate it.
[ beeping .]
morning, everyone.
Man: Morning.
Woman: Morning.
Pause it.
Pause it.
Last Saturday night, I went out on the town With my good friend salman rushdie.
Salman and I went to the cherry pop in west hollywood, Where I danced on a 7-foot-high lucite cube.
A special moment for anyone.
It was, roger.
Salman proffered that life is like a war zone.
A war zone rife with shame, gossip, and secrets.
But I must say, I -- I disagreed with my friend.
I mean, I suppose it's the difference between Being a cynical pessimist with a fatwa against you And being me -- a dashing ex-pat with his own law firm.
Food for thought.
Shall we begin? [ clears throat .]
What the hell's going on here? Did, uh, roger do something? Possibly.
Is that staring thing a new management technique? Your father and the other partners at his firm Are trying to buy us out.
What? He can't buy the firm out from under you.
Your name's on the wall.
Unfortunately, jared, this is a democracy.
If he gets To vote in favor of the takeover at Friday's partners' meeting, Then all the equity partners Will be working for leonard franklin.
What about all the people here? They gonna go to new york? Unfortunately, they're gonna have to find work elsewhere.
Sadly, the firm will probably be dissolved.
That can't happen.
What we have to do is isolate Two or three partners still in play, And we can get them to vote against the takeover.
Let us handle that.
Have you got my back? You're damn right.
You know it.
I appreciate that, gentlemen.
[ cellphone vibrates .]
[ clears throat .]
I'd better take this.
I'll be right back.
Infeld: Yes? Yes, this is he.
Stanton never should have hired you two.
You're bait for a scumbag like leonard franklin.
That is my crappy dad you're trashing.
And it's not like stanton hiring his inbred nephew Was brilliant leadership.
Is it true you lost your bar card? Is it true that your mom's on my speed dial? All right.
Leave my intern alone.
Which are the other partners that are still in play? Roger and daniels' son, brock.
He's an entitled little narcissist.
Takes one to know one, though, right, karpy? Oh, that was really helpful, bart simpson.
Let's see if we can smoke out Roger and brock and change their minds.
How you gonna do that? It's -- it's need-to-know.
Top secret.
It's above your pay grade.
Brimming with confidence.
That's great.
It's all over the place.
Wish we could tell you, though.
We really do.
You got any ideas? Nothing.
You? No.
I could have taken any number of jobs with other candidates, But I chose tommy, the underdog, because I believed in him.
I put a lot of work into getting him race-ready, From fashion makeovers to intensive policy prep.
Now, would you walk away from a business After you invested in it and turned it around? No.
I -- I -- I completely get where you're coming from, But you can't force tommy to run.
He could tank a couple of speeches And his poll numbers would sink.
And that would be breach of contract And I'd still sue his ass for 500 grand.
He's not a rich kid.
He doesn't have 500 grand.
An assemblyman makes $95,000 a year.
I don't want the money.
I want him to run.
He could be governor and beyond.
Listen, we vetted tommy to the bone marrow.
If this is some kind of bimbo eruption, It happened on the campaign.
I'm telling ya, he can survive this.
Tommy doesn't want that.
So then it was another woman.
Just give him his life back.
That's all -- That's all he wants.
And I want my life back, too.
Just the way it is.
So tell tommy we can hash it out in court, But he better be in stockton tomorrow morning For that pancake breakfast, Or the press are gonna ask questions.
Thanks, guys.
I knew eli wouldn't budge.
So let's take him to court.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Where there's court, there's bound to be media.
Not if we file a motion to have the proceedings sealed up.
All parties enter through a secure entrance.
Let's do it.
Which means that we're gonna need to know everything About why you're dropping out So that we can anticipate what they're gonna throw at us.
We need to know about the other woman.
Who is she, tommy? It's okay.
Tell them.
The other woman Is my campaign manager's wife.
Eli's wife? That's right.
[ keyboard clacking, telephone rings .]
Leonard franklin's office.
Man: [ gruff voice .]
hey, bunny.
Hello, mr.
Any calls? Yes.
The bank, dr.
Markle, Bob says you need a fourth for Friday, And your son called -- six times.
That annoying little prick.
The one time I don't use a condom.
[ scoffs .]
Good thing I did with you, though.
Huh, buns? Leonard.
[ laughs .]
Tell you what, get me roger dempsey on the phone.
And, uh, oh, send jared a jet ski for his birthday.
Two of them.
A kawasaki, ultra 300lx.
[ sighs .]
One moment, please.
[ cellphone buzzes .]
[ clears throat .]
Leonard franklin for roger dempsey.
Uh, yes.
Uh, this is me.
One moment, please.
Are we gonna make some money together or what? You know, uh, leonard, I -- I told you I would need the weekend.
It's the weekend somewhere, and I need an answer.
Well, I am leaning your way.
Uh, but I got to go.
[ normal voice .]
no problem.
Let me walk your traitor ass to the door.
[ sighs .]
Stanton sobered you up, paid off your student loans.
Is this how you pay him back? Hey, I gave him And I made a lot of rain.
Oh, sure.
Well, then, you've earned the right to screw us all over.
"us"? There is no "us" here.
If you didn't spend so much time Treating your partners as the enemy And maybe once invited us over For one of your legendary parties Maybe I would feel a sense of loyalty to you.
I don't know how we missed it.
Yeah, 'cause you'd fit right in.
At least I didn't keep a file on you.
File? File? What do you think triggered The h.
Investigation on you guys? Karp? Oh.
No, no, no, no.
Dude, later.
Got to get to court.
[ keys jingle, lock clicks .]
Jared: The contract, if there ever was one, your honor, Was for eli's services In the race for state assemblyman, not governor, Which makes this unenforceable and voidable by either party.
When tommy dale ran for governor, That was tommy's way of picking up eli's option.
He therefore owes him for the duration of the campaign.
Quantum meruit, your honor.
Eli is owed for work already completed, Not for future work on an unenforceable contract, Which, by the way, the petitioner maintains Was a handshake agreement.
Which is an oral contract and legally binding.
Your honor, we'd like to call peter bash to the stand.
Uh, your honor, opposing counsel can't be called as a witness.
That's correct, and I find it hard to believe Mr.
Carlton wouldn't know that.
I do, too.
I do, your honor, but, uh, mr.
Bash isn't a lawyer.
Are you, mr.
Bash? How the hell did they find out? What? I have one of the best op research teams.
Kind of a curse right now.
Your honor, mr.
Carlton is referring to a clerical error That has temporarily compromised My ability to practice law in this state.
He's been disbarred, your honor.
Oh, that is not true, your honor.
He is on administrative suspension.
That pre-dates when mr.
Bash first started consulting With tommy dale on this matter.
There's no attorney-client privilege On anything they've discussed.
I agree.
Bash may be called as a witness.
They're gonna ask about the marriage.
Yes, they are, and as your attorney, I recommend you answer their questions To the best of your recollection.
I'm not gonna pay you for that advice.
You're gonna pay me for this.
You're terrible.
Is it true that you've known tommy dale since high school? You played football together, is that right? Yes.
In fact, that relationship is why tommy hired you.
Because he can trust you with a secret.
That, and I'm a lawyer.
Ah, correction.
Were a lawyer.
[ chuckles .]
this guy.
Bash, are you aware Of why tommy dale wants to drop out of this race? Please answer the question.
And if I don't? You know exactly what I'll do to you, mr.
I've never been held in contempt as a witness before.
Have at it.
I prefer you don't, your honor.
I'd rather he answers the question first.
I'll ask again.
Bash, are you aware Of why tommy dale wants to drop out of this race? Yes.
For personal reasons.
Well, what personal reasons? Objection, your honor.
Even if the contract is legitimate, the details Of mr.
Dale's personal life should be kept private.
I'm sorry, your honor.
He can't have it both ways.
He files suit under seal But then refuses to discuss the details relevant to the case? Mr.
Dale's stated reasons for breaking the contract Have to do with personal issues.
I agree.
There was an infidelity in the marriage.
And who cheated in the marriage? Tommy's wife.
Say that again? Tommy's wife, janice, had an affair With another woman.
And who would that be? Eli palmer's wife.
[ sighs .]
Hey, you asked, dude.
It's a victory.
We'll take it.
It doesn't feel like one.
Let's review.
The judge ruled the contract void, And he put a gag on everyone involved with the case.
Which means if eli talks about anything That happened in that court today, He could be charged with a felony and do jail time.
It's a victory, but it came at a price.
So much for keeping your family secret.
We're not judging here.
Tommy: Guess I should go get my "I'd rather spend time with my family" speech ready.
[ elevator bell dings .]
thank you, guys.
You bet.
[ indistinct conversations .]
Hey! Karp! You kept a file on us? So? So, besides stabbing us in the back and being a total douche, You also were gonna put this whole firm in jeopardy? To be clear, I was only stabbing you in the back Because I ran out of room in the front, And actually, it's your behavior that puts this firm in jeopardy, Not someone taking notes.
Actually, it was my idea to keep the file.
But I threw it out a month ago.
Wait, why? I was impressed with the way they defended the sailors, And I had a change of heart.
She's telling the truth.
Look, um, step in here a minute.
Unfortunately, digital files that are dragged into the trash Go through a security filter.
The server flags keywords Like "leveraged judge" or "teledildonics.
" Teledildonics? Remote-controlled sex toy.
It's -- [ inhales sharply .]
valentine's day gift.
We deserve to go down.
I am so sorry.
You have every right to be mad.
I ditched those files So something like this wouldn't happen.
Except it did.
All right, so, let's -- let's just put it aside for now.
Where are we on the vote? Roger talked to my dad.
We don't feel he's a lock.
So it might all come down to brock daniels.
Daniels' son would really do this to his dad's old partner? I'm afraid so.
And we may have lost damien.
I sensed betrayal in his eyes at the urinal this morning.
Did you do the staring thing while he was trying to -- That would impact flow.
I'm gonna go talk to damien.
Look, um, people are beginning to be a little suspicious, So just go about your business Like it's just an ordinary day at the office.
[ sighs .]
We should probably do something.
What we usually do.
Some lawyer stuff.
[ clears throat .]
[ indistinct conversations .]
[ telephone ringing .]
Eli still wants me to run.
He says if the affair goes public, It could help me with the women and the sympathy vote.
Wait a minute -- he doesn't care That your wife and his wife Eli is a master of compartmentalizing.
He also gave me this as a reason I could still win.
What is it? An October surprise.
A scandal -- real or implied.
That would hurt your opponent more than your wife and eli's -- Hey.
Yeah, we don't need to see it.
Unless it's graphic pictures.
It doesn't matter.
I told him I still wasn't gonna run.
What did eli say about you not running? He said, "well then, I hope news of our wives' dalliance Doesn't get leaked to the media" if I drop out.
That's pretty close to extortion.
Eli calls it country hardball.
So, should we take it to the d.
's office? Maybe.
But a judge is gonna need more to warrant a wire tap.
I'd rather not run than let eli get his way.
You have to run.
Don't worry about lauren and me.
But lauren is not -- I told her.
You what? I'm sorry, I wanted her to hear the truth from me.
She was upset, but she wasn't nearly as upset As when she found out that you were dropping out.
Honey, the media will ask her questions.
They're gonna take pictures of her at her school.
They're gonna -- she doesn't care.
We can handle this.
Why should the voters get punished for what I did? How often do they get the chance To elect someone like tommy dale? Okay.
But I don't want to run with eli as my campaign manager, So how do we get rid of him without exposing our secret? Nothing seems to scare this guy off.
You said your opposition research team Is the best in the business.
They still answer to you? They sure do.
All right.
Well, give us something to work with on eli.
We'll do the rest.
Can lawyers do that? No.
But then, I'm not a lawyer.
[ chuckles .]
huh? You liked that.
He loves it.
I still love it when he says that.
He loves it.
Hey, did your dad call back? No.
Um, I need your help.
Well, I can't tell you about the file.
Forget the file.
Um [ sighs .]
I need to know which way brock daniels is gonna vote At the Friday partners' meeting.
All right.
Look, jared.
[ sighs .]
If we are gonna continue this relationship, We've got to have a conversation about church and state.
Emily, a lot of people's jobs are at stake.
Not mine and peter's -- other -- other people here.
I convinced my bosses I could do the compensation-management review As efficiently from l.
As I could from new york So we could spend more time together.
And I'm glad you did, but -- But I work in new york.
If they find out that I'm being more loyal to you Than I am to them, I could get fired.
I'm not asking you to lobby brock.
What are you asking? I'm asking you for a heads up on which way he falls.
We'll handle the rest.
[ sighs .]
I'm sorry.
Hey, I'm sorry I asked.
Brock's on vacation.
But I know where.
Peter: Come on.
What is taking so long? Patience.
[ computer chimes .]
Emily: That's him.
That's him.
We are a go! Seriously? They say that for real at nasa.
Oh, my god! Hey, em! Hey, no worries.
I just delivered a horse.
I don't know what that means.
I'm outside of tucson -- for the last 21 hours, I've been helping this mare deliver her colt.
Do you even know what you're doing? I read a book about it.
I -- I got my arm.
I jammed it all the way in there, All the way up to my shoulder, way up inside here, right? I still could not reach the little guy's legs.
Oh, god.
[ retches .]
What? [ coughs .]
oh, I am so sorry.
You're really living your adventure.
Yeah, I know.
I know -- I didn't know if I was gonna have The strength to hold her down, but it's -- adrenaline -- It's like it's a hormone, you know? It's also -- it's -- it's like A shot of b12 strength to the core muscles.
Okay, he's hot.
He's dr.
Emily: Well, I don't want to keep you, but by the way, Do you know what's going on With the proposed merger with leonard franklin? It's all the talk around here.
Are you voting? Oh, no, no.
I'm gonna, uh, abstain.
I've got this life/work conflict thing on Friday.
I'm going trout fishing out in yosemite.
Do you want to meet me in yosemite? Hey, dude.
What are you doing? What? What? I don't like long goodbyes.
She's busy.
It's fine.
He's not voting.
All right, so your dad's bluffing.
He doesn't have daniels.
Got to hope he doesn't make contact with him.
All we know now is that leaves karp and roger in play.
[ cellphone vibrates .]
pindy, are you okay? I'm sorry.
That snuck up on me.
Good job, guys.
Thank you.
Dude, we got to split.
Tommy has something for us.
All right.
I'll see you in a bit.
[ sighs .]
[ sighs .]
What are you guys doing here? Unwinding.
Just like you.
Can I get a patrĂ³n, neat, And, uh, one for my buddy over there.
First of all, you and tommy have the best wives ever.
I told maggie we would talk about our marital issues After the election.
And you can't approach me without my counsel.
What are you gonna do? Have me disbarred? [ chuckles .]
I have good news And good news.
Tommy wants to run.
As far as what happened, it was just dustup on the trail.
We'll be fine.
Yep, and he doesn't want you running his campaign.
[ glasses clink .]
Yeah, well, he doesn't have a choice.
Neither do you.
For your reading pleasure.
Tommy's written a speech That he's gonna post to the campaign website, Promoting his solution For overcrowded prisons in california -- Early release of any felon Who has served at least two years in jail.
Inspired idea -- if he doesn't mind losing by 20 points.
I mean, he does thank you for giving him that idea.
I never gave him the idea.
Uh, an e-mail from you to tommy, dated February 16, 2012.
"solution to overcrowding -- release all felons Who have served two years of their sentence.
" That was a joke.
The curse of e-mails -- you lose the irony.
Resign or tommy pushes the button On his new prison-policy initiative.
And neither one of you will ever practice politics again.
This is extortion.
Country hardball.
I'll get the next one.
[ indistinct conversation .]
[ chuckles .]
I can't believe you did it.
You got eli to step aside.
I should have you guys run my campaign.
Oh, man.
No way.
No, we prefer the quiet integrity of practicing law.
[ chuckles .]
I get it.
But just for the sake of argument, Over a couple of beers, how would you guys handle my race? Would you go all franklin and bash on 'em? [ laughs .]
Okay, we'll, uh -- we'll go along.
We'd start with the October surprise we'd drop on dunlap.
Exactly the kind of game I don't want to play, jared.
But for kicks, what would you do? Hey, uh, tommy? We -- we got to get back to you on that idea.
I'm afraid it's over.
Well, how? We got roger and -- and brock.
We got roger? Yeah.
He just needed a little love.
He rsvp'd to margarita Monday, which means he's staying.
Yeah, and brock daniels isn't even gonna vote.
He's up to his arms in Horse vagina.
Well, I've been facebook-stalking brock, And he just updated his page Saying that he's flying to l.
Tonight And looking forward to fly-fishing On the provo river this weekend.
And why is that significant? Because my folks have a place in park city.
My dad got to brock.
I also found out that some of the defectors Are flying out of burbank to utah for the vote tomorrow -- Flight 650 to salt lake city.
What about karp? Because of your suspended bar card, you can't vote, And even if damien stays the course, we still fall short.
Damn it, pindy.
You're gonna blame him for a clerical error? It makes me feel good, okay? No one to blame here.
This is just the way the game is played.
I mean, if you can't stand being checked into the boards, Get off the ice.
Look at you, making a hockey analogy.
Well, you forget I was backup goalie On the '72 swiss hockey team.
For tax reasons, I became a swiss citizen temporarily.
Right, right.
That -- that slipped our mind.
We forgot that.
There is one other option to save this firm.
Hanna, I'm sorry.
I'm gonna need to talk to the boys.
I haven't been entirely forthcoming on why I hired you.
Look, this isn't easy for me.
[ sighs .]
before my old partner, Henry daniels, died, He tried to sell the firm out from under me, And he almost succeeded.
And I decided then and there That I'd never let that happen again, so I -- I bought some insurance, if you will.
Like policy? No.
Um, insurance that no one in their right mind Would ever want to buy this firm.
Oh, like a -- like a poison pill.
It's kind of brilliant.
I hired the most notorious lawyers in the country.
That sounds less brilliant now.
Wait, we're the poison pill? Hmm.
That's why we were made equity partners -- To contaminate the well.
I know you're upset.
But, look, you have to admit that the last year has been fun.
[ chuckling .]
I mean, you clawed your way out of debt, Your employees have healthcare, And you stuck it to the establishment.
You lied to us.
Oh, well, a sin of omission.
There's a lot of hardworking people here Who deserve to keep their jobs.
Well, you're looking at two people Who may not want to keep theirs.
Look, I pledge my respect For what is the genius of franklin and bash, But now you have to listen to my idea.
Hey, dad.
You're gonna want to return thcall.
Hanna: Hey.
I thought for sure you'd be on that flight to utah.
Uh, no.
I don't like fishing.
It's too passive.
So, can I assume you're here Because you're voting for the home team? Okay, just so we're clear, I'm not out to get peter and jared.
I've -- I've got my corner office.
I'm eyeing a judgeship.
I'm just not a huge fan of their casual approach to the law.
Although we're still one vote down.
It's not one vote anymore.
[ sighs .]
emily, have you seen peter or jared? They left an hour ago.
Said they had a plane to catch.
And you were worried about me.
[ sighs .]
Woman: May I take your bag? Talk about a dream team.
Brock, these are my top two litigators, Randy brooks and christine rosen.
They're bringing down a.
Next month.
Welcome aboard, brock.
That's big-game hunting.
Very impressive.
Well, we've heard great things about you.
I went up against your dad several times.
Great lawyer.
Excuse me.
Unconscionable, what stanton did to you boys.
At least you letting everybody go In the l.
Office is good business.
What stanton did -- that's self-preservation.
It seems your elders Need to start according you more respect.
I hope not.
We dine on people underestimating us.
How did stanton take the news? Screw him.
Steward, when you get a chance, could you get us a couple beers And a kosher meal for my buddy here? A blanket.
I'm not a flight attendant.
I'm brock daniels.
That's right.
How you doing? We've never met.
Peter bash.
Jared franklin.
Jared franklin.
Oh, yeah.
No, no.
II've heard of you guys.
Brock daniels.
Brock daniels.
Good name.
Brock daniels.
[ neighs .]
[ whinnies .]
Jared: So, I was about 14 years old.
I had a couple grabs that day, but nothing like this.
This was "you need a bigger boat" kind of big.
And I can catch fish, right, pop? Catch and release.
Jumped to the punch line.
See, I can catch fish.
I just can't hold them.
[ ding .]
Man on p.
: Ladies and gentlemen, Fasten your seat belts.
Flight attendants, take your seats.
We really have to sell him On the idea of a fleet of corporate jets for the firm.
This is cattle transport.
Well, I don't know about a whole fleet.
Come on, with the new regs, Accelerated depreciation of investments, It's a tax shelter with wings.
Probably save on transport costs by third quarter.
Little do they know, my dad will kill anything with a shadow.
[ ding .]
all right.
I got to sit down.
Worth looking into.
Sir, please raise your seat.
You know, actually, I'm curious.
Why is that? Because the pilot asked you to.
Pilot? But what's so dangerous about flying while napping? Sir, if you won't cooperate, I'm gonna have to get the co-pilot.
Ooh, he's gonna tell on us, peter.
We'll be in co-trouble.
Co-pilot, right? Jared, grow up.
He's just doing his job.
Sorry, pop.
Man: Buckle your seatbelt.
Whoa! Whoa! Just grazed my penis.
He just touched me inappropriately.
He did.
I didn't touch his penis.
I witnessed it.
You did.
I didn't graze his You okay? I know a good attorney.
I'm not okay.
Dad! Jared, do I have to come back there? Dad, he touched little jared! Buckle your seatbelt.
I would like to talk to the air marshal.
You know, and I have to pee.
Hold it.
I really can't, sir.
He can't hold it.
I -- It's very bad for the -- it's okay.
I'm gonna need some privacy.
[ sighs .]
here we go.
Should I be worried? Jared: I got $50! $50 for a first-class seat! Anybody got $50 back there? What do you say, peter? We got $50? Woman: Pick me! Peter: We're up to $50.
We got $50 right up front! $50 back there.
Do I hear $55? We got $60 for what? We're gonna throw in A free beverage and some warm, hot towels! A warm towel! We have $60, the guy in the back.
Jared: $60 in the back.
You know, we're gonna throw in that jet ski Courtesy of one leonard franklin of franklin and franklin, The law firm so nice they named it twice.
Don't worry.
I have no problem firing my son.
Actually, you will.
They're equity partners.
They can't be fired.
Yeah? Jared: Folks, I'm being signaled.
Well, we have a special guest star Straight from "the love boat," Minus tennille, it's the captain! Off we go! [ screaming .]
[ indistinct shouting .]
Aah! Air marshal! Can I help you? Yeah, um I have a package for congressman dunlap.
, please? Carmen: Only if you show me yours first.
Have a good day.
d some of them pretty d d some of them not d I think the voters and democratic spectators Know this part of the campaign season well.
This is where my opponent drags my name through the mud With some damaging nugget that they've just discovered A few weeks before election day.
Well, let me get ahead of this.
You ready? They're gonna say that I hired an illegal nanny And that I had a dog whose name was offensive to cambodians.
And they're also gonna say That I failed to donate one penny to charity Three years ago.
All of these things are true.
Tommy? [ sighs, clears throat .]
Well, I told you you couldn't trust my opponent.
[ chuckles .]
And now, it's my turn to get ahead of all of you.
[ clears throat .]
My wife and I had a brief downbeat in our marriage.
She sought comfort in the arms of someone outside of our union.
Another woman.
And then she decided, thankfully Okay, but can you hold, please? I'll break into the meeting.
That this brief affair Thanks.
Karp: Yeah, I just got off the phone.
It's confirmed.
The vote's this afternoon, 4:00 our time.
Well It seems that a passenger jet Has just been forced to land in denver So they could remove two infeld/daniels equity partners.
So we won't be sold.
[ hanna chuckles .]
I guess someone's gonna have to talk to accounting And get franklin and bash some bail money.
And a lawyer.
Yes, indeed.
[ taio cruz's "dynamite" playing .]
Okay, who wants to get drunk like a giant, huh? Oh, yeah.
Man: A lot of potential.
You need a tiny bottle.
I can tell.
It's official! Franklin and franklin Have withdrawn their bid to buy infeld/daniels.
[ cheering .]
karp: All right.
A sentence that I thought that I would never utter -- To jared and peter, for throwing themselves upon the grenade.
Hear, hear.
Please don't go soft on us.
Oh, please -- nowhere in my toast Did I say that I liked you, because I don't.
Oh! You want to join me in the hot tub? There's women in there.
Um, not if I was on fire.
Thank you.
Thewere women in there.
You should reconsider.
[ groans .]
Stewardess! Might I top off your aircraft? Please, sir.
There you go.
Now, listen, no flying for 20 minutes, okay? Right on.
Would you excuse me? So, we are gonna keep working together.
Uh, actually, New york got word of my teleconference with brock.
He ratted me out, they traced the server To where the conference call was held To -- yep -- your house.
That's no problem.
We -- we can get your job back easy.
We're equity partners.
We got power.
No, I mean, I'd like to keep seeing you, Which means that we shouldn't work together, Unless you have a problem with that.
We do.
Okay, time for bed, pindy.
Somebody's had one too many pink squirrels.
Sorry about that.
We're all very happy here, yoko.
It's not like she's moving in.
[ chuckles .]
Although that's a great idea.
Wait, really? Sure.
Live in the moment, kids, right? [ laughs .]
oh! d I throw my hands up in the air sometimes d d saying, hey, oh, got to let go d I don't recall you being invited.
You know, elton stopped inviting me To his oscar party years ago, But that never stopped me from crashing it.
I just thought I'd, um, pop by, say thank you.
What you did saved a lot of people their jobs.
And put us on the no-fly list.
Oh, well, you'll love seeing this country by train.
Just level with us from now on.
That's all.
What, after all the stunts you've pulled, I need yoforgiveness? I'm sorry.
I'm gonna need some more time.
[ chuckles .]
And listen, don't be afraid to forgive your father.
It's a conversation for another time.
This is a party! Fair enough.
Hi, everyone.
Daddy's home.
d put your hands in the air d Could we have a better boss? The only better boss would be us.

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