Gokusen (2002) s02e10 Episode Script

Be proud to graduate!! Yankumi and Class 3-D, tearful goodbye

As you all know,
the graduation ceremony this year
will serve as a transition to the
new Kurogin Gakuin reborn in April.
There will be many guests present.
The number of guests present will be
double that of the past years,
including local celebrities
who agree with our school's
new education concept.
This is the fruit of the hard work
that Mr Kurokawa has done.
Not only me, I have to thank
our teachers for helping me too.
How kind of you
You are right.
Miss Yamaguchi!
- By the way, Miss Yamaguchi.
- Yes?
It's only four days
until the ceremony,
but do not let your guard down
and keep a close eye on your
students until the very last minute.
I don't have to keep an eye on them,
they will be all right.
They are very eager
to graduate from school.
We're telling you not to let
your guard down!
- Is that so?
- Yes!
Okay, today
We'll rehearse for
the graduation ceremony.
- What
- Don't say that!
It isn't necessary.
What are you talking about?
It's a glorious stage to let
people see that you have grown up.
You should rehearse for it
and show them your coolest side!
Class 3D, please enter the hall.
Don't walk so lazily!
Hey! Don't glare at the guests!
It is not sports day, don't wave
your arms so much!
You're saying too many things
at once and we're confused!
Is it so difficult to walk normally?
Next, sing the school song
in unison.
One, two, three, go.
What's the matter?
- Do you know the school song?
- I don't.
Is there a school song?
Yes, there is.
Wait, I don't know it either
Presentation of
graduation certificates.
Class 3D's representative,
Hayato Yabuki.
- Your graduation certificates
- Thanks.
- Don't just say thanks!
- What?
You have to take them with
both hands and bow.
Now that I have the certificates,
that means the ceremony
Who wants their certificate?
Are they going to be all right
at the graduation ceremony?
(Final Episode)
Is that so? It must have been tough.
I don't know if they'll even sit
through the whole ceremony.
Recently, even in
Coming of Age Ceremonies,
some people just do
whatever they please.
By the way, Missy,
have you decided what you'll wear
to the graduation ceremony?
Oops. I forgot about that.
Oh, no What should I wear?
In that case, please wear this.
It is a congratulations gift
from me.
- Thank you, Minoru!
- You're welcome.
on your graduation!
I don't think it's appropriate
It won't suit you, right?
- Hey!
- Sorry, Missy!
You idiot! What were you thinking?
It's a graduation ceremony.
Out of my way!
Missy, I have a gift for you too.
Thank you, Tetsu.
Congratulations on your graduation.
This is impossible, no matter what.
I know.
- Hey!
- Sorry, Missy!
You guys are incorrigible!
- Sugawara, bring that here.
- Yes, Young Boss!
Missy is the fourth generation
Oedo Family heir,
so of course
I'm not wearing a kimono!
You're not?
Maybe just feel its texture?
Long time no see.
You still hang out together.
We haven't done anything that
requires police attention.
Do you know where Kudo is?
Join us. We will welcome
the two of you.
I thought he'd been arrested
for theft?
He broke out of prison last night.
- Broke out of prison?
- He ran away?
He was above you at school, right?
Do you know anything?
No, we don't.
You're not thinking about committing
anything before you graduate, right?
We told you, we know nothing.
Thanks for your time, then.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Mr Kujo! Good morning!
Good morning.
Graduation ceremonies
are approaching.
Yeah. It makes me
feel happy yet lonely.
It's a complicated feeling.
Yes, it is.
By the way,
do you have some time today?
I would really like to talk to you
about something.
Mr Kujo asked you out?
Yes, he said that he wanted to
talk to me about something.
Talk to you about something?
Oh, he might actually
confess his love for you!
Confess his love? Oh, no!
What should I do?
Miss Yamaguchi, did you know that
Mr Kujo is being transferred
to Hokkaido?
Hokkaido? That's lovely!
I have never been there
Wait, "transferred"?
He's going to be a teacher at
the branch school of
Momogaoka Girls' School in Hokkaido.
Mr Kujo won't be around next year?
Oh, no!
- Don't get so down so soon.
- But
He is going to be transferred,
that's exactly why he wants
to confess his love.
Yeah? Yes, you're right!
What should I do if he asks me
to move to Hokkaido with him?
Good luck! This might be
your last chance.
This is the program for
the ceremony. Pass them to the back.
The graduation ceremony
will start at 9:00am,
so don't be late.
Okay, pass them to the back.
Are you okay?
Don't drop it again.
Ms Yamaguchi.
Since the first time we met,
I have been
No, not Yankumi.
Please call me Kumiko.
Don't daydream while
you're giving us handouts.
So I am going to be home
a little late tonight,
please tell Grandpa.
Missy and Kujo
Big Bro!
Yankumi, you finally get to
go on a date?
Yeah, thanks.
Introduce me to him sometime.
I like him too much
to let you meet him.
- Oh, Kuma, see you later.
- Okay.
Good luck.
- See you.
- Bye.
Are you okay?
Missy and Kujo
Missy and Kujo
Missy and Kujo
Sorry for making you come here.
No, I've come here very willingly!
I think today is the last chance
to talk to you about it.
Finally, he is doing it
Well Actually, I would like
to talk to you about
I'm being transferred to
a school in Hokkaido.
Oh, Miss Shiratori told me.
- She did?
- Yes.
Do please come and visit
during your summer vacation.
Of course I will.
Well, I mean What would you like
to talk about?
Don't tell me that
you just wanted to tell me that
you're transferring to Hokkaido.
Sorry for making you come out
for just that.
It's okay. It's fine
Good luck!
This might be your last chance!
My last chance, huh?
I guess I have to confess my love
to him then.
Fight to win!
Mr Kujo.
Actually, I would like to
tell you something too.
I mean
Since we first met
Mr Kujo.
Mr Kujo
Mr Kujo, I
- I'm so sorry!
- It's okay.
Takeda? Why is he calling
at such a critical time?
Hello? What's the matter?
What? A fight?
Hey, have a seat
"Hey"? I thought you guys
had a fight with someone?
- Had a fight? No, we didn't.
- No
Takeda! You said something about
a fight and stuff over the phone!
What? I told you we stopped
some drunken men fighting.
Then the drunken men said they would
give us money to thank us.
We said we didn't want it,
but they insisted.
So we called you to
seek your advice.
But you just hung up straight away.
So you guys didn't have a fight?
Yankumi, you have to let others
finish what they're trying to say.
Let's have our drinks.
I was going to confess my love
to Mr Kujo and now
Confess your love
No, I said nothing.
Now, sing the school song in unison.
I said I didn't know it.
Memorize it before
the graduation ceremony!
Wow, graduation ceremony?
We heard that you escaped.
I got thrown into prison
because of you guys.
I am going to thank you properly.
Don't think you're going to graduate
without mishap.
Kudo ran away from the police?
We have gone all out
to look for them,
but we still haven't found them.
By the way, Miss Yamaguchi,
have your students been
acting strange lately?
No, not at all.
I think Kudo might make contact
with your students.
He thinks that he was arrested
because of you and your students,
and he bears you a grudge.
He's just blaming others
for his own issues!
But you cannot talk
any sense into him.
You mean he might seek revenge?
Not impossible.
This is awful!
Will he show up at
the graduation ceremony?
I suspect that a group of
students are his accomplices.
I still find them suspicious.
Please don't be ridiculous.
So please pay careful attention.
We will give it our all to look
for him and detain him
as soon as possible.
- See you.
- Thank you.
I guess scum will always
remain scum.
That student, Kudo, was a blemish
on our school.
Just like Class 3D now.
It's a pity that no matter how
enthusiastically we teach them,
people like them will never change.
It is a waste of effort
to deal with students like them.
- But that's
- That's exactly why
our school will be reborn
in April.
Yes. We'll abandon
the hopeless students
and manage and teach selected
excellent students thoroughly.
This is the best thing to do.
There isn't a student
that we can abandon!
Miss Yamaguchi, you are free
to have your dreams,
but you follow my policies.
As long as you are a teacher
in this school.
I hope Kudo won't cause trouble
with the students in Class 3D.
It'd be more convenient to me
if he does cause trouble, perhaps
Good morning.
What's happened?
Omori and the others were beaten up.
Who did this?
It's Kudo, who got expelled from
Kurogin last year.
What? It's him? This is bad!
But I thought he'd been arrested
by the police?
I think he escaped.
Yabuki, you knew about it?
Actually, we met him last night.
You mean Kudo?
That reminds me,
he said something weird.
He told us to send his regards
to Yabuki.
Just as we thought.
Kudo's target is us.
He said
"Don't think you're going to
graduate without mishap."
What the heck?
This is ridiculous
Guys, listen.
Even if you see Kudo,
just ignore him.
You guys too. Be careful.
The graduation ceremony
is in two days.
You'll graduate very soon. Okay?
Missy, are you going out?
Yeah, just for a bit.
Missy, you have a visitor.
- A visitor?
- Yes, Missy.
Mr Sawatari!
You were about to go out,
weren't you?
You were going to go
look for Kudo, weren't you?
I am not blind.
I know my students are his target,
so I can't do nothing about it!
What you do infuriates Mr Kurokawa.
Mr Kurokawa knows that you are
the granddaughter of the boss here.
I made a mistake
and called you to our school,
but Mr Kurokawa knows
who you really are
No, it's because he knew,
that's why he let you be
Class 3D's teacher.
Because he thought that
you could lead the guys.
However, you don't just lead them,
you then disobey him
on every single thing.
Mr Kurokawa thinks of you as
a terrible eyesore.
You said Missy was an eyesore?
- Tetsu!
- Sorry.
You mean he wants to fire me?
If any trouble happens,
I think he'll fire you!
You said he'd fire Missy?
- Minoru!
- Sorry.
- All of you!
- Missy
Don't be here. Go somewhere else.
Yes, Missy
Mr Kurokawa is going to use the
most trivial reason and twist it
to fire you.
Are you telling me to follow
Mr Kurokawa's policy?
- Exactly!
- It's impossible.
If I am afraid of getting fired,
I can't protect my students.
Oh, come on!
Why don't you protect
your own self a bit?
Is that Kudo guy really going
to get revenge on Hayato?
This is bad!
What happened to your face?
Kudo and his group beat us up.
But more importantly, they took
Akiyama and Sakuraba with them!
- Where are they?
- The deserted house at Kama.
They told Hayato and the rest of you
to go there if you want them back.
They're holding them hostage?
That jerk How dare he play
this dirty trick!
- Hey, wait!
- I know!
We promised Yankumi, right?
- Yeah.
- What promise?
We won't fight until we graduate.
That's what we promised Yankumi.
So that all of us
can graduate together.
But we can't abandon our friends.
Ryu, let's go there.
Just don't fight with them.
Yeah. I don't know if they'll listen
but let's talk to Kudo.
All right, then.
- I'm going with you.
- Me too
- No, don't come with us.
- Of course we have to!
We can't drag you guys
into our trouble any deeper.
Don't worry.
We are going to talk to him
and settle this.
It's them!
What's the matter, Kuma?
Akiyama! Sakuraba!
Welcome, my dear juniors.
Give them back to us.
Sure. After I thank you guys.
What's the matter? Come and fight.
We are not going to fight with you.
Oh? How amusing!
We promised Yankumi.
We promised not to fight
meaninglessly again.
Oh, the teacher? I see.
You are good boys who listen to
what your teacher says?
- Please, let them go.
- Shut up!
Please, stop it.
I got expelled by Kurogin!
Why should you all be so carefree
and graduate?
Hey, tell me.
You guys are losers like me!
Do you care that much about
your promise to your teacher?
Teachers never do what they say.
That's not true!
Don't believe what teachers say!
We trust Yankumi.
Yankumi never betrays us.
What? It's the beautiful love
between teacher and students?
Don't make me laugh.
Laugh if you want to.
You don't understand anyway.
Just keep your promise
with your teacher.
We are doing what we please.
We told you not to come!
We can't just do nothing!
We can't abandon you guys!
Bring it on! Go!
- Hey! Don't!
- Stop!
No! Don't do this!
Hey! I told you to stop!
Kudo, please. Tell them to stop.
This shouldn't have happened
Kudo, please! Tell them to stop!
You get on my nerves!
What teacher?
What graduation?
Stop beating them up!
You guys
How dare you beat up my precious
students so badly!
What "precious students"?
Stop your fancy talk!
To you teachers, these guys and I
are just unsightly burdens!
Don't compare yourself to them!
Be a man and turn yourself in.
Shut up.
You did something that
made the fuzz arrest you,
then you escaped from prison.
Are you going to spend your life
running away from the police?
Don't you lecture me!
Are you not going to turn yourself
in, no matter what?
Of course.
I haven't thanked you yet!
In that case
You made me do this.
For my lovely students,
I won't go easy on you.
Stop talking nonsense!
Darn it!
You hate teachers, you hate the
school and you hate the world.
Is this going to make you happy?
You jerk!
Stop going against God's way!
Everybody should
hold their heads up high
and face God properly
while they live!
I said, shut up!
Hey, you guys! Don't run away!
Come back!
Darn! Darn!
Mr Sawatari called me.
What you did was very reckless.
I am sorry.
It's okay.
Sorry for bringing you trouble.
Don't run away again.
In life,
you can start over again and again
if you want to.
No matter how tough it is,
do not run away from it.
If you had met a teacher
and classmates like them,
perhaps you wouldn't have
gone astray.
Adios, Miss Yamaguchi.
We broke our promise.
But they were just trying to
rescue me and Sakuraba.
It's not their fault.
Yes, I know.
All of you
are students that I am proud of.
"Escaped Boy Arrested After Big
Fight with High School Students"
This is really bad.
But Kudo was arrested,
shouldn't Class 3D get some credit?
Yeah, getting in a melee was wrong,
but I think it can be tolerated.
But I guess Mr Kurokawa
doesn't think so.
He hates it most if Kurogin's name
appears in a news article like this.
I should have punished them sooner.
Guys, don't make that face.
It doesn't look cool.
Mr Kurokawa
What you have done is outrageous.
Mr Kurokawa, I am very sorry.
But please don't swallow
what you read in the newspaper
They did get into a melee.
They answered that thug's summons,
they should have known
what would happen.
I told you, it's because
I understand how you feel,
but if you think it's okay
to get into brawl for a friend,
it might imply that
you approve of violence.
It was not violence.
Clashing like that is not something
that high school students should do,
it also damaged our school's
reputation significantly.
all of them are expelled.
Wait a second! They're supposed to
graduate tomorrow!
And many students will start work.
Please don't expel them
from school! Please!
I am sorry.
Mr Sawatari!
This time
It's unavoidable.
Wait a second.
I will take the responsibility.
I couldn't teach the students well
enough and it's all my fault.
I see.
In other words,
you will take the responsibility
and resign?
All right then.
What are you saying?
It isn't your fault at all!
Be quiet!
My students really are
going to graduate, aren't they?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Hey, wait a second!
This is not right!
Shut up!
Miss Yamaguchi, you will resign
today. Is that okay?
All of you should be grateful
to Miss Yamaguchi
and attend tomorrow's graduation
ceremony like high school students.
Don't do whatever you please.
This is fine.
What is fine?
It's not fine at all!
We can't accept this!
What the heck
Yankumi, you shouldn't quit!
It's all our fault.
You promised me, didn't you?
That you would make my dream
come true.
My dream is to get all of you
to graduate together.
(Resignation letter)
You're really resigning?
You shouldn't have done so much
to cover for the students.
The term of my contract finishes
by the end of March anyway.
But the graduation ceremony
is tomorrow!
Can't something be done?
He should at least let you
stay one more day
This is a bit too harsh.
Thank you, everyone.
But I have accepted it.
Miss Yamaguchi
It has been only a short while,
but thank you for looking after me.
Thank you
Mr Sawatari.
Thank you for looking after me.
Seriously, you really
leave me speechless.
I am sorry.
I heard that you've resigned
from Kurogin Gakuin.
This is so like you.
You want to protect your students,
rather than yourself.
I want to become a teacher like you.
Take care.
Take care.
Do you have a minute?
Yeah, Grandpa.
I think that the solution you had
was correct.
You protected your students,
didn't you?
You should be more
confident in yourself.
Kumiko, I am proud of you.
Thank you.
Darn it!
Why was Yankumi fired?
Can't we do anything?
What can we do?
And you're okay with that?
Stop it!
(Kurogin Gakuin High School
Graduation Ceremony)
It makes me sad.
I guess Miss Yamaguchi wants
to see Class 3D graduate too
Teachers, please do your best today.
As we have told you,
there will be many guests
at the ceremony today.
Make sure that
What are you doing?
What's the matter?
Are you coming to say thank you?
We want to ask a favor.
A favor?
Please take back your decision
of firing Yankumi.
It was all our fault.
We will quit school.
That's what you want, right?
Don't be absurd!
Anyway, the ceremony is starting
soon. You should go to the gym now.
If you don't take back the decision,
we won't attend
the graduation ceremony.
How dare you!
Come on, so many guests are here!
I know how you feel,
but calm down a little.
Miss Yamaguchi won't be happy
if you do this.
Please! Don't fire Yankumi!
She's just a useless teacher
She is not a useless teacher at all!
She is
She's the first teacher who
treated us properly.
You won't go to the graduation
ceremony, no matter what?
If you don't take back
your decision of firing Yankumi,
we are not attending
the graduation ceremony.
We'll be waiting in the classroom
for your answer.
Hey, guys
Mr Kurokawa, it's almost time
I cannot yield to their threat.
And now, we have to start
the graduation ceremony.
Mr Sawatari?
The students of Class 3D
said that they were boycotting
the graduation ceremony.
Boycotting the graduation ceremony?
Yeah. They said they would
quit school,
and requested Mr Kurokawa to take
back his decision of firing you.
I know I shouldn't be
the one to say this,
but I don't think this is
what you want, is it?
How dare they do something
so ridiculous!
Now we'll begin the presentation of
graduation certificates
to the graduates of Year 2004.
First, our chairman,
Mr Ginji Kurokawa,
will give a speech.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am sure you have noticed
that today, the chairs
for Class 3D
are empty over there.
Class 3D was originally a group
of problematic students.
Two days ago,
they got into a brawl and it was
written about in the newspaper,
and now they do this on the day
of the graduation ceremony.
It is very unfortunate,
but I am hit again by the reality
that hopeless students
remain hopeless forever.
From April,
all students like them will be
removed from our school,
and excellent,
hard-working students
can enjoy their high school lives
here without any worries.
This is the environment
we will do our best to create.
What the heck are you doing?
Go to the gym right now
It's pointless!
We don't want a graduation ceremony
without you.
Don't be absurd
We are serious!
If you were not here,
I wouldn't have come to school.
Me, too. I would have been
expelled from school long ago.
I might have joined
a criminal group by now.
I think I would still be
a weak coward too.
Because of you, I started to enjoy
coming to school.
Me too
We've stayed here this long
because you were here.
So when we graduate,
we want you to see it, Yankumi.
This is the reason why
we have been working so hard!
If we have to use your job
in exchange for our graduation,
we are not happy at all!
If they want to expel us,
bring it on!
Bring it on
We caused the problem.
Isn't it reasonable for us
to take the responsibility?
Don't say it like
you know what is going on!
Have you been coming to high school
with the money you earn?
You have been doing it
with the money your parents
worked very hard to earn!
Are you going to waste it?
Do you know
what your parents think
when they support your
high school life every day?
Presentation of
graduation certificates.
Class 3A.
Class representative,
Ryusuke Fujimoto.
Graduating from high school
means a lot more than you think.
That is why there is
a ceremony for it.
You might find the
graduation ceremony boring,
you might think it's stupid, but
A graduation ceremony
is also a ceremony to thank
your parents for raising you.
Your mothers and fathers have raised
you to become grown-ups,
it's a ceremony to proudly
show them that too.
You should understand, right?
If it costs you your job, we
You still don't get it?
If you can graduate,
to me, it is worth getting fired.
I have students who I would
sacrifice my job for,
nothing can make me
happier than this!
So I want you guys
to proudly graduate
in a dignified manner.
Then let's go.
Hold our heads high!
Let's get our graduation
certificates together.
Class 3C.
Class representative,
Shigeki Suzuki.
That concludes
the presentation of
Wait a second!
What are you doing here?
You have resigned from our school.
Excuse me. Please let these students
attend the ceremony!
Oh, gosh! What is she thinking?
This is none of your business!
I think we should listen
to her request here
to avoid further disorder.
Go and take your seats now.
Thank you!
Guys, hold your heads up high!
Hurry up.
- Class 3D, 27 students.
- Present
Class representative, Hayato Yabuki.
Congratulations on your graduation.
This concludes the presentation
of graduation certificates.
I would like to ask the teacher
who resigned to give us a speech.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Is this on the schedule?
No, it isn't.
What did you say?
Miss Yamaguchi!
Ladies and gentlemen,
my lack of experience
caused unnecessary chaos
at this graduation ceremony,
and I sincerely apologize.
I am very sorry.
I have to leave Kurogin Gakuin.
But now I am able to see how much
my students have grown up,
so I have no regrets at all.
As Mr Kurokawa said,
they were hopeless students
at first.
They didn't think of their teachers
as teachers.
They were glib talkers,
but neither their thoughts
nor actions were not good enough.
When anything happened,
they would fight straight away,
but if it is to protect someone,
they are strong enough mentally
to confront anyone.
They know their parents love them,
and now they can communicate
with them properly.
The students are still
very immature.
But being immature shouldn't be
a bad thing.
It is okay to take a bit
of a detour,
it is okay to grow
into an adult a bit later,
I hope they'll understand
the pain of others
and become really strong mentally.
Just be an honest person.
This is what I think.
Don't think of the graduation
certificates in your hands
as just a scrap of paper.
Your graduation certificate
is packed with the weight of what
you've learned in your 3 years here.
Perhaps you did not do well
but you guys should have learned
that to protect what you care about,
you have to bite the bullet.
Do not give up.
Don't run away from anything.
Believe in yourself
Believe in your friends.
Always hold your head high
while you live.
What you've learned in
these past three years,
don't forget it in your life.
And one more thing.
In the future,
tough and trying things will happen.
When it is too much for you to bear,
just remember that
You have your friends.
And you have me.
I am always on your side.
It was a short period of time,
but I am proud that I have been
their class teacher.
Thank you very much.
Thank you
for these three years!
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you
Who'd have thought that Class 3D
would make us cry?
Everyone is praising the guys of 3D.
It's because they are
worthy of praise!
Okay, guys. Let's go!
Look at how happy they are.
They said they would quit school,
They were actually lovely,
after all.
I think I'll be a bit lonely
now they've graduated.
Miss Yamaguchi!
Mr Baba, good luck!
They all look so happy.
Of course,
they are all Missy's students.
Congratulations, Missy!
I'm happy for them.
- Okay, we'll say goodbye here.
- Okay.
- Goodbye, Yankumi.
- Take care.
Yankumi, you are too cool.
- We enjoyed our time with you.
- See you, Yankumi!
See you.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, guys!
- Thank you!
- Thanks for everything.
We'll do our best in our jobs.
Let's go for lunch sometime soon.
- We'll play catch next time.
- Don't catch a cold.
Don't fight too often.
Look who's talking.
- Bye
- Bye, guys!
Don't forget us.
Goodbye, Yankumi.
Thank you so much.
- I really enjoyed these 3 months!
- Thank you, Yankumi.
Yankumi, good luck with
your next job.
- Good luck with your jobs too.
- Thanks
I enjoyed it very much. Thank you.
I'll be a pro fighter.
Yankumi, find yourself
a fine man soon!
Shut up!
- Thank you!
- Bye
Bye, guys!
thanks for looking after us.
Thank you.
Let's keep in touch.
I am really glad to have met you.
Yankumi, you are the teacher
that we are proud of.
You will be, forever.
See you
See you guys!
Take care!
Fight to win!
(One month later)
(Yanbaru Gakuin High School)
Oh, no.
I am totally lost.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
I think there is a Yanbaru Gakuin
High School somewhere here
Oh I am going to Yanbaru Gakuin
High School too,
why don't you go with me?
Mr Sawatari?
Miss Yamaguchi!
Don't tell me you were fired.
No, I wasn't!
I resigned by myself.
My education principles
were different from Mr Kurokawa's.
when you go there, don't let them
know about your family.
Yes, I know!
And another piece of advice.
I know you'll be the class teacher
of another hopeless class,
- so you should brace yourself.
- What?
It will be class D. Class D!
And why are you always
the vice principal?
- Climb up the career ladder faster.
- What?
Are you going to wear a sweat suit
in this school too?
Of course I am.
You teach mathematics, right?
Wearing sweat suits isn't right.
What isn't right about
a sweat suit?
Why don't you dress more
like a lady?
I am like a lady!
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