Hit-Monkey (2021) s02e10 Episode Script

History Lessons

[birds chirping]
[woodpecker pecking]
[car engine revving]
[smooth rock music playing]
-[Iris] Whoa!
-[Eunice] Damn, Buddy, slow down!
What are you, trying to kill us?
Sorry, I didn't see that one.
Caught me by surprise.
[Bryce] [on radio]
Holy God, where are you guys?
[Iris] We're almost there, just hang on.
How's it going out there, Bryce?
Are y'all winning?
-[Boone roars]
-[Monkey shrieks]
-[Bryce] It's not goin' great.
-[Dot] Hurry!
Oh, my God.
Buddy, you gotta go faster.
Bryce, it's Stever.
Backup is inbound, ETA 40 seconds.
Hang tight and stay alive.
[Bryce] I'm sorry, who?
I-it's Stever.
You know, St-Stever the Cleaver.
Did I say that you could touch my comms?
N-no, bu-but
Then don't touch my comms, Stever.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Here we go!
[tires screeching]
Well, I hate to say it
-but this is kinda
-[Buddy] Beautiful.
-[Iris] Yeah.
-Except for all the dead people.
There, there, there. I see them!
-[Monkey hooting]
-Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
What are you doing?
-We're here to fight.
-No, no, no, you're here to rescue us.
We can't fight that.
[Boone thudding]
[Boone roaring]
-Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!
-[Eunice] Ahh, dammit.
Go, get outta here.
I'll buy you some time.
Uh, okay.
-[Eunice] Bye!
-[tires screeching]
-[cleavers swishing]
-Alright, ugly.
[Boone growling]
Ready to get butchered?
-[Boone roaring]
-[Stever yelling]
No! [crying]
[Stever screaming]
[footsteps thudding]
[high-pitched whine]
[Iris] [muffled voice] Dad? Dad?
-[Boone roaring]
-[tires screeching]
-[Eunice yelps]
-[Monkey shrieking]
[Eunice] Why won't your big ass just die?
Are you okay? Dad?
What? No, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
-Iris, we need to talk.
-[Boone roaring]
Jesus, you can't even have
a goddamn conversation!
[explosions booming]
Buddy, drive faster!
The yelling is not helping.
Hold on.
[Boone roaring]
Jesus, what happened to you guys?
I did. Boone controlled me.
I couldn't stop it. I couldn't!
[Monkey hooting]
[Eunice] Have we lost him?
[Boone roaring]
Decidedly no.
Okay, bullets and grenades
are not cuttin' it.
We need a new plan.
[gasps] Buddy's Body Burner!
Buddy's Body Burner?
Buddy's Body Burner!
-Patent pending.
Yeah, we use it to clean crime scenes.
It's incredible.
It eats through anything organic.
Bryce, I gotta tell you,
it's really nice having
your daughter on the team.
Aw, thanks, Buddy. I love you, man.
Ah, no, she's not on the team.
She's going to college
and gettin' a real job.
[Boone roaring]
Buddy, tell me how to make the formula!
Okay, well, step one,
you go to college for chemistry,
and you learn about chemistry
for years and years
Are you serious, you fuckin' nerd?
-Tell me the formula!
-I can't explain it while I'm driving.
Kid, can you drive?
I don't care, take the wheel.
Um, okay, okay.
-[gearshift creaking]
-[tires screeching]
-Learn how to drive!
-Learn how to drive!
I moved to New York
so that I didn't have to!
Didn't your mom teach you
how to drive stick?
Oh, don't even start with that.
[Boone roaring]
-[explosion booms]
-[Bryce] Nice work, Monkey.
Here, hang a left on 26th.
-No, not here, 26th!
-26th is a one-way.
It's the apocalypse!
One-ways don't matter!
Exactly, so what's the big deal?
Because look!
[Iris] Oh, God.
[Monkey whines]
[tense music playing]
[Iris] What do I do, what do I do?
[Boone roaring]
-Punch it.
-I They're people!
[Bryce] They're already dead, hon.
Don't think, just do.
[car engine revving]
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
I'm so sorry. Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
[all yelling]
[car thudding]
[Boone roaring]
[car beeping]
I don't want to alarm,
but the van is on fire.
[Monkey hooting]
I'm okay.
Oh, no, fire.
[Dot grunts]
[Boone growling]
Bad Boone!
-[rock thuds]
Oh, shit.
-Hang on, Buddy!
-[Buddy coughing]
Ooh, that thing is ugly.
How the hell are we gonna beat this guy?
[Monkey hooting]
[Dot grunts]
[Dot] Special delivery!
-[explosion booms]
Whoo, now that's what I'm talking about!
Did you guys practice that?
Oh, shit.
Look out!
[all yelling]
[Monkey shrieking]
[Buddy coughing]
Buddy, don't just lie there.
Come on, push.
Iris. You know what you have to do, kid.
I No, I am not leaving you.
No, how did you get that?
Don't leave me, God.
Well, then, what are you
Like, what are you trying to say?
[Monkey shrieking]
[Boone laughing]
-[Boone grunting]
-[Eunice] Goddamn.
[Boone roaring]
Come get your medicine, you big bitch.
Patent pending, motherfucker.
[liquid hissing]
[Boone roaring]
[Boone yelling]
[Bryce grunts]
Stop complaining and just die!
[gun firing]
[Monkey chittering]
Ah, he's right!
Aim for those weird-ass relic shards!
-[Dot grunting]
-[gun firing]
[Boone screaming]
Keep shooting. It's working!
Oh, shit.
-[Boone roaring]
-[Monkey shrieking]
Come on, you big ballsack!
-Hey, man, you need a hand?
-[Monkey hoots]
Alright, let's hope
this does something. Pull!
[Boone roaring]
[Boone screaming]
Dad? Hello?
[Bryce grunts]
[glass shatters]
-What the fuck is goin' on?
-[Monkey hoots]
Where's Boone? I don't know.
Maybe we killed him.
[Boone growls]
[Boone roars]
He's weakened.
[Boone] Fuck you!
-[Boone thuds]
-Okay, he's definitely weaker.
Maybe every shard
we take will have an effect.
-[Monkey grunting]
-[arrows whooshing]
What the hell?
Wait, where are we?
Or rather, when are we?
Oh, hell, that's not good.
-[fireball whooshing]
-[Monkey shrieks]
[Iris] Monkey?
-Where the hell did they go?
[fireball whooshing]
Okay, dude, get down, get down!
[Monkey shrieking]
[body thuds]
[fireball whooshing]
[Monkey shrieking]
Monkey, they've been dead
for hundreds of years.
Just focus on Boone!
[Boone roaring]
You see, Monkey,
what humans do to each other
when given the chance?
This is all humans are able to accomplish.
[rock thudding]
[Bryce] No, no, ignore him.
It's just more
of his bullshit doomsday crap.
[Boone screaming]
-[guns firing]
-[explosions booming]
[soldier] Oh, Lord,
I don't wanna die.
[soldier coughing]
-Oh, God.
[Monkey grunting]
We can travel to any time since their dawn
and all you will find is pain and misery.
Hold on a second.
Is he controlling this ride?
[Monkey grunting]
[Boone] Are you not convinced, Monkey?
Then how about this?
How about what humans inflict on animals?
How about what they did to you, Monkey?
You're not so different from us.
Born of pain, set apart from the rest.
-[monkeys whimpering]
-[Boone] I've seen your mind.
This is where you came from.
Even if you have no memory of it yourself.
Meet your real family, Monkey.
Your first family.
[door rattling]
[footsteps thudding]
It's okay, I'm here to help.
But I can only take the little one.
[siren blaring]
Hurry up, we don't have much time!
[monkeys grunting]
-Shh, you're safe with me.
-[Monkey hooting]
[siren blaring]
[car engine revving]
Everything's going
to be alright, you'll see.
-[siren blaring]
-Oh, no.
-[tires popping]
-No! No! No!
-[lab technician screaming]
-[glass shattering]
[car thuds]
[wind whooshing]
[Monkey whines]
[solemn music playing]
[Monkey whimpers]
[monkey sniffs, grunts]
[Boone] You see, Monkey?
This is why you were different.
Why you were never able
to fit in with your tribe.
You're cursed by man's wickedness.
You've never belonged, and you never will.
I've seen your soul, Monkey.
You won't kill me.
I know it.
[wind whooshing]
[Monkey whimpers]
But I will.
[Boone screams]
-Wait a minute. Hold on, kid.
[gun cocking, firing]
I think he's dead now.
Somebody wanna put
a mirror under his nose?
[Buddy] I think I need a hospital.
[Eunice] Man, ain't no damn hospitals.
[Buddy] Well, then let's break into a bar,
then a hospital when they open.
Monkey, I, um, I know you
and Boone had a connection
and for it to all turn
so badly, I-I'm sorry, man.
But look, humanity is more
than he showed you, okay?
It's not about death. It's about living.
And we don't live forever,
so we gotta make the most of it.
[Monkey grunts]
[Monkey grunting]
Yeah, yeah, no, you're right.
We'll talk later though, okay?
Hey, honey, um, we have something
we need to talk about.
Can we just not have this conversation
and pretend nothing bad's about to happen?
Well, I'm afraid not.
I You know, I wish I could,
but I'm not the one in charge right now.
Look, I'm going away, okay?
But I-I've figured out a plan, okay? I
I'm gonna go ghost
when I have two minutes left,
so you, um,
you won't see me anymore,
-but I'll be here.
-[Iris sniffles]
I'll always be here. I promise.
I'll be watching over you.
Even if you can't hear me or see me,
I'll, I'll still be with you.
Well, that sounds kind of creepy.
[chuckles] Okay, not all the time,
but I'll be here.
Monkey will be able to see me.
So, you know, maybe he can pass
a few messages to you.
I'm gonna save my last two minutes
for the big moments.
-You know, like weddings.
-Hey, come on.
I mean, no pressure, you know.
O-or grandkids, if
Oh, Jesus.
I know, I know.
Just whatever the big moments
happen to be.
I'll appear for a few seconds
and, you know,
we'll get to share 'em together, okay?
I'm never leaving you again.
Oh, Dad.
-[somber music playing]
-[car engine revving]
-What the fuck is that?
[tires screeching]
-This bitch.
-Iris, watch out!
-[car engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
Iris! No, no, no, no, no!
[Bryce yelling]
[Dot grunting]
[tires screeching]
-[truck thudding]
-Oh, shit!
-[cannon firing]
-[Akiko grunts]
[Eunice yells]
[Akiko yells]
[strikes thudding]
Fight me, goddamn you!
Fight me!
[Devil laughing]
[Bryce groaning]
Well, Bryce, the clock's almost run out.
Moment of truth.
Time for me to claim my payment.
What are you talking about?
Leave us alone. We won!
It's true.
You really fucked everything up.
I would've gotten literally
eight billion souls in a single day.
I would've been invincible.
[Monkey yelling]
Fight me, you animal!
[gun cocks]
[gun clatters]
Fine, then I'll just go after
the people you care about.
he loves his daughter
more than anything in this world.
And you love Bryce.
So I'm going to take her instead.
-I told you I'd want something in return.
I'm here to claim what's mine.
[Devil laughing]
Oh, shit, oh, shit.
[Devil laughing]
[gun fires]
Ah! Get outta the way!
[gun firing]
You can't shield her forever, Bryce.
He's right. I can't stay in human form
for much longer, babe.
-When my clock hits zero
-It's okay.
We almost made it, didn't we?
-[gun fires]
-[Bryce grunts]
You're cursed by man's wickedness.
-[gun firing]
-[Bryce grunts]
[Boone] You've never belonged
and you never will.
[Monkey grunting]
-[Monkey shrieks]
-[Akiko grunts]
[water splashes]
Oh, my God!
Dad, are you okay?
[bullets clinking]
Oh, Monkey.
Well, well, well,
I did not see that one coming.
Don't strain yourselves.
They're dead.
And now it's time to claim my prize.
Please don't do this, okay?
Please don't take Iris.
Oh, I'm not taking your daughter.
I only wanted her to punish you.
Besides, I couldn't even if I wanted to.
She's not dead.
But lucky for me, I have another option.
Monkey will fit nicely into my plans.
I need soldiers.
And who doesn't want someone
who can kill their own family?
Consider your debt paid.
Consider our business transaction
What, no.
Hold on, I don't understand.
I thought I was coming with you.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
You're human again.
You have your miserable life back, Bryce,
and all that you had to do
was trade your best friend.
Wait, no, no, don't do this.
Your hell is here.
[dramatic music playing]
[melancholy music playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[inaudible dialogue]
[light flickering]
Wait, what?
[car engine revving]
[low intense music playing]
[Bryce chuckling]
You're kiddin' me.
[chair scrapes]
Wow, look at you.
What the hell took you so long?
[Monkey grunts]
["Secret Colours" by Faust playing]
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