Monsters at Work (2021) s02e10 Episode Script


RANDY: Come on. (GRUNTS)
(CHUCKLING) Let me tell you a story.
Me and Johnny go way back at MU.
We were practically joined at the hip.
SWAMP WOMAN: Cleetus, what is that?
SWAMP MAN: What in tarnation?
RANDY: He saved me from those
swamp people, so I owed him one.
You see, Fear Co. had a problem.
Scream Power was kaput.
And Johnny needed to
protect his family legacy.
So we cooked up a brilliant scheme.
We pretended to invent
a Scream Amplifier
that would save the Scaring industry.
Meanwhile, I used my very
particular set of skills
to sneak into Monsters,
Inc. in the dead of night
and nab the MIFTers' key
to their holding pen,
steal those dummies' laugh energy
and then pass it off as our own.
I even rewired the empty canisters
so no one noticed the
missing laugh energy.
Those clowns didn't have
any idea what was going on.
And then I tipped off the clueless
media about the leaky canisters.
- Who is this?
- I'm a big fan.
Hello? Hello?
RANDY: Suddenly, Monsters, Inc.
Couldn't meet the
energy needs of this city
and caused a catastrophic blackout.
Curse you, Laugh Power!
RANDY: And along the way,
I had some fun sticking it
to that one-eyed cretin Wazowski.
MIKE: My lucky mint better be
returned in pristine condition.
RANDY: But I wanted nothing more
than to wipe that smug grin
off Sullivan's stupid blue face.
And we found some poor schmuck
close to him to help us out.
TYLOR: Wait. Wait a
second. I'm the schmuck?
You used me?
Tylor, Tylor.
I didn't use you, I chose you.
I've been watching you ever since
you broke Sullivan's Scare Record,
and then I see you telling
jokes at the homecoming game.
I knew your talent was being
wasted at Monsters, Inc.
Yeah, but because of you,
all my friends hate me now.
Friends? They are not your friends.
Did any of them stand up for you?
Well, I mean, no, but
Tylor, I'm standing up for you.
The world is changing around us,
and I need your help to take it back.
Speaking of help, you know
who didn't get any? Me.
Your phony Scream
Amplifier is activated,
and so is my tennis
elbow so thanks for that.
What? No. No, no.
You're mixing laughs and screams?
There is no Scream Amplifier.
Now, come on, kid. We
got to get back out there.
Michael Wazowski,
James Patrick Sullivan.
Uh, yeah. Who's asking?
- M.E.R.C.
- Uh
- Attention.
Monsters, Inc. is now
under the jurisdiction
of the Monstropolis Energy
Regulatory Commission.
Halt all funny business immediately.
I repeat, halt all funny
business immediately
and exit the building in
a non-humorous manner.
You're wanted for questioning
about the blackout you caused.
BOTH: We caused?
- Hey, watch the fur.
- Call my lawyer.
Googly Bear.
Wait a second, I don't have
a lawyer. Find me a lawyer!
- One that works pro bono.
- CELIA: Don't try to be soft.
Yes, we're bringing them to
M.E.R.C. Headquarters now.
Preparing to transfer
the city's power needs
- from Monsters, Inc. to Fear Co.
- Fear Co.?
Folks, I just received this bulletin.
Sadly, M.E.R.C. has confirmed
that Monsters Incorporated
caused the blackout.
Once their supply of
Laugh Power ran out,
it shorted out the entire power grid.
(SCOFFS) I knew it.
You know, it breaks my heart
that the hardworking citizens
of Monstropolis don't have power.
But Tylor, our top Scarer
and future face of Fear
has helped get our new Scream
Amplifier up and running.
Can I borrow you for
It's just about
Listen to him. So excited.
Now, trust me.
Power will be restored by 09:00 tonight.
- Okay, so Jack and Jill
- Hey, Johnny!
- Johnny. Hold up. Wait.
- of the Scream Amplifier.
Johnny, listen!
You cannot mix screams and laughs.
This whole building is gonna blow.
Like, explode?
(CHUCKLES) It's okay. Relax.
I appreciate your concern,
but I've done my own research, okay?
(STUTTERS) But, uh, are
you sure that's accurate?
- Boo!
Oh, you still got it, Boggs.
I'm just warming up to scare some kids.
I hope I get a bed wetter,
like Chet in college.
(CHUCKLES) Good old Chet
Wetter. They still call you that?
They should, Chet Wetter.
- I just go by Chet now.
Whoa! See? Did you see that?
- That is not good.
- Tylor, it's fine.
The energies are just mixing.
Everything is under control.
- But, you don't
- Okay, Chet Wetter,
- let's put the Fear Co. banner over here.
- Mmm-hmm.
- CHET: Okay.
- JOHNNY: Yeah, front and center.
OFFICER: All Monsters
Incorporated employees
exit the building now.
I repeat, all Monsters
Incorporated employees
exit the building now.
Psst. Guys.
Guys, you still here?
Guys. (GASPS)
(GRUNTS) We gotta get Fendi out.
- Oh.
- We can't leave her behind.
I don't understand.
We just worked so hard to get
all the gigawatts we needed.
So how was there a blackout?
- TYLOR: I know.
- Tuskmon.
- Oh, boy, here we go.
Why are you here?
Look, I know you're all
mad at me, and I get it.
- But Randall Boggs is back.
- What?
He's been stealing
Laugh Power for Johnny,
then making our
canisters still look full.
And they were using
me all along to do it.
(SCOFFS) Likely story from a traitor.
Look, I know I screwed up.
I want to fix this, but
I I can't do it alone.
Wait. If Randall stole
our Laugh Power
That means there were no leaks and
BOTH: It wasn't your fault.
I'm sorry.
Oh, me, too.
I'm even sorry for the incident.
I shouldn't have bought
you the wrong orange juice.
I despise pulp, but it was
never about the orange juice.
Okay, cool. Uh, happy for you.
But getting back to
more pressing matters,
Fear Co. caused the blackout.
There is no Scream Amplifier.
All they're doing is mixing
laugh and scream energy
in the receiving station.
Johnny's gonna activate it at 09:00 p.m.
And when he does
Permanent blackout.
Okay, MIFTers and extended work family,
we've got a nut that
needs wrenching. Any ideas?
- Uh
- Hmm.
If only there was a way to separate
the screams from the laughs.
Oh, sweet buttered toast.
Guess who's got an idea?
- Waternoose's old scream extractor.
CUTTER: Yeah. Lucky
we kept all the pieces.
Guess we've got to put it back together.
Listen up, every
MIFTer, grab some parts,
even former ones.
I really want to hug, but
there's no time to tell him
how much I miss and forgive him.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Life is too short.
Roger, I, uh
- I think I owe you an apology for
- Hey, I get it.
Look, if I heard me yelling
at my dad on the phone
in a very angry, unsettling
manner, I'd accuse me, too.
Probably not on live television.
But hey, forgiveness photo.
Oh, uh, okay.
- Oh, hey.
- Hmm.
Save your pathetic apology
tour for later, College Boy.
Now, if you're so smart, how do
we actually get into Fear Co.?
I know a way,
but we're gonna need disguises.
Tylor, you're not
(GRUNTS) supporting me.
Sorry. I am trying
to be a better friend.
No, not like that.
I need you to physically support me.
Stand up straight.
Whoa! Yeah, definitely an
evil lair vibe going on here.
It's all clear.
Good thing I kept some of this
Fear Co. swag from the creep show.
Fritz, where's your disguise?
Oh, I don't need one.
I do community theater on the weekend.
- My performance shall be my disguise.
I'm Frankie Rigatoni.
I'm really, really tough.
Hey, don't you look me in the eye.
Oh, oh. Well, I'm quite intimidated.
Look, there it is.
- The receiving station.
- VAL: (GASPS) Uh-oh.
So what now, College Boy?
Hey, Duncan, how would you like
to be promoted to supervisor?
Hi, I'm Skyler.
I got to go number two
and probably number six.
No can do, old man.
Got strict orders to guard this area.
Okay. (GRUNTS)
Skyler tried to hold it.
Ah, the station's
been acting up all day.
Let's see what the old gauges say.
Hmm. All seems (GRUNTS)
- Uh
- Declan?
As supervisor, I have
reconsidered your request
for lavatory access,
and I've granted it.
Oh, thanks.
I held in the number two,
but the number six,
- yeah, it, kind of, squeaked out.
(EXHALES DEEPLY) Speaking of relief,
you have been relieved
from your post as well.
These two very scary, very loyal Scarers
will hold down the fort.
Hey, have I seen you from somewhere?
What floor do you work on?
I'm on floor none-of-your-business.
I'm Frankie Rigatoni.
I don't take no nothing from nobody.
And that nobody is you.
All right, Frankie, all
right. We're cool, we're cool.
Call me nobody.
I'll have you know I am somebody.
FRITZ: Oh, yeah?
(SCOFFS) I'm gonna
go egg that guy's car.
FRITZ: Come on. It's just over here.
- CUTTER: Almost there.
- DUNCAN: Heavier than I remember.
ROGER: It's a good thing I work out.
All right, we've only got 15
minutes to put this together.
So we have to put a move on it.
Has anyone seen the doohickeys?
Doohickeys incoming.
CUTTER: Duncan!
Fastening the doohickeys
to the thingamajig.
Roger. Rolling canisters to you.
I'm tightening these gaskets.
(GRUNTING) Why doesn't this fit?
What, is this metric? (GRUNTS)
Oh, uh, I think you might
need a different one.
- Huh?
- My family does own a hardware store.
Crazy first day, huh?
So how was yours?
You know, before learning about
the whole Fear Co. is evil thing.
Not fun. My assistant
kept trying to eat me.
Well, your hands are bite-sized.
We gotta hurry.
Okay, so here's the button to
activate the Scream Amplifier, Johnny.
(CHUCKLES) I did a good job, right?
Enough for a pay raise maybe?
My non-elective surgery is coming up.
- JILL: Oh, Johnny.
- Hey.
There's the only news team I trust.
Especially you, Jill.
You always get my good side.
Uh, oh.
That's because your gorgeous face
doesn't have a bad side, Johnny.
You're embarrassing
yourself, Jill. He's married.
- Your hair glue is showing.
Yes, I'd love for this to air
as soon as the power is back on
so all of Monstropolis
can see they have Fear Co.
And Scream Power to thank.
- What was that?
- Ah, you feel that?
Now, that's the power of Fear.
We're at T minus two
minutes and counting.
Just say we have two minutes left.
We're almost done over here.
There's just one last nut
that needs some wrenching.
Oh, there goes my wisdom tooth.
Goodbye, toothy. Thank
you for your service.
Locked in.
Okay, hose connected.
FRITZ: My turn.
Extracting the screams now
so this place doesn't go kaboom.
Thank God.
- CUTTER: We did it!
- ALL: All right.
It's working!
Guys, guys, shut the mouth holes.
According to this simple,
multi-variable calculus I just did,
we got a problem.
There's not enough time
to suck out the screams
before Johnny pushes the button.
Ah, what? Why is nothing ever easy?
- Come on.
Somebody better buy us some
time by stalling Johnny Boy.
Unicorn Sparkle, Donut Head needs you
for Operation Stall Johnny.
You in?
Uh, you know I can't say
no to awesome code names.
Here, once it's all green, it's
safe for Johnny to push the button.
If there's any red, we're all dead.
- Oh.
- Sure hope they heard that last part.
MIKE: Where did we go wrong, Sulley?
One day we're riding
high as beloved leaders
of the top energy company,
and the next, we've fallen from grace.
We can't possibly go lower.
Sullivan, Wazowski.
Correction, we've gone lower.
As head of M.E.R.C.,
I had to shut you down
and transfer power
rights over to Fear Co.
Wait a second, Fear Co.?
I need you to sign all this
paperwork to make it official.
And I mean all the paperwork, Wazowski.
Got it? Huh?
Did Roz just wink at us?
Is she torturing me, or is she making
a disturbing romantic overture?
Oh, please be torture.
Please be torture.
Maybe Roz knows something we don't.
Maybe the longer we take, the better.
Ah, I got this. (CLEARS THROAT)
I better sign these with my full name.
So it'll probably take a while.
Of course. First name.
CUTTER: Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Did somebody touch something?
Yeah, I didn't touch nothing.
Hmm. Ooh.
Oh, the extractor is just unplugged.
I'll just put it back
in its cozy little home.
Oh. Oh, that's a bit weird.
Hello, little Waternoose.
- Randall!
Hold it. Nobody messes with my Rogie
and gets away with it.
Oh, yeah? Good luck with
that, chumps. (LAUGHS)
Okay, so I'll be here.
And I'd love for you to get the
banner in the shot, too, Kenny.
Uh, it's Carter, actually.
Okay. Thanks, Carl. Top notch.
- Hey, Johnny.
- Ah, Tylor.
I knew you'd be back.
Oh, and you brought your friend.
- Val, is it?
- Whoo! Yeah.
Let Fear power you. Down with laughter.
Well, it looks like we're
inspiring monsters everywhere
- to join Fear Co.
- Oh, and huge fan of what you're doing.
I'd love a tour of the whole place.
The longer, the better.
You know, Tylor here
- played a big part in all of this.
- Oh.
- I could not have done it without him.
- Oh, I
So it's only right that he be the one
to activate the Scream Amplifier.
TYLOR: Uh, oh, yeah, of course.
- Yes.
- VAL: Come on, MIFTers.
Come on!
Folks, it's time to let Fear power you.
TYLOR: Uh, okay, uh
- Well
Uh, hi. Me again.
Sorry to interrupt,
but before we got here,
Tylor was saying how he'd like
to take a moment and, um
A moment to, yeah, to thank Johnny.
Yeah, giving me, you know,
this, this amazing opportunity.
Uh, you're welcome.
You see, it all began in eighth grade.
- Fourth grade.
- Fourth grade?
Oh, yes, uh, it was in the fourth grade.
Hey, losers, over here!
If you want it, come and get it.
- Ha! Too slow.
Then we get into my high school years,
which was the peak of my
Scare Card collecting days.
So you, you can only imagine
how much it meant to see
my face on one of these.
Oh, that's fascinating.
Just get to it already.
(CHUCKLES AWKWARDLY) Thank you, Tylor.
Now, let's not leave the
citizens of Monstropolis
in the dark any longer.
- Ah! Sorry about that.
- Oh, uh
Whoops. Can't control these hands.
- We got him!
- Ow!
- RANDY: Losers.
Hey, Frankie's got you now.
RANDY: Whoa!
You MIFT-fits are pathetic.
CELIA: I don't see him!
We can't beat him if we can't see him.
- Ha! In your face.
Hey, you, get the Drooler Cooler.
How are you thinking of
refreshments at a time like this?
Oh, it's not for drinking.
It's for spraying two-bit punks.
- I got you!
- Booger Blast.
That's the stickiest flavor.
That's the idea.
Whoa, whoa. Don't,
don't worry. I'm coming.
Going somewhere, chump?
- What do you think you're doing?
- Ow!
Johnny, filming.
I, I don't know my own strength.
VAL: Why has it stopped?
Why has it stopped?
As you can see, I've
been classically trained.
- Nice beard.
- Indeed, I drew it myself.
FRITZ: (GRUNTS) Come on.
Look out! Oh!
You witless prat!
There can be only one!
- JILL: What?
- JACK: Get him, Tylor!
Oh, yeah, get him!
Kick him in the horns.
- Get his pretty boy face.
- Don't hit my Johnny.
No, no, no, not the face.
- JILL: Watch out!
Give me that.
Over here. Have at you!
Oh, look out!
You've lost, losers!
Monstropolis, this is for you.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Yay!
- We did it!
That's for all the
bed-wetters out there.
(GRUNTS) At least I
can grow a proper beard.
- DUNCAN: How dare you?
Mother says the only one
allowed to have facial hair is
Hello, citizens of Monstropolis.
I'm Johnny Worthington of Fear Co.
And I am proud to announce
your power is back on,
thanks to our company's
Scream Amplifier.
That is a lie!
There is no Scream Amplifier.
Fear Co. is running
on stolen Laugh Power.
No, no, no, no, no,
no. That can't be true.
- My Johnny would never.
- Yes! Ratings gold!
No, no, no, no, no.
Tylor is clearly confused.
He's not, and I can prove it.
This device shows there
are currently no screams
in Fear Co.'s power supply.
It's all Laugh Energy
stolen from Monsters, Inc.
- JACK: What?
- JILL: What's wrong?
Oh, you could have programmed
this to say anything.
Why are you ruining this?
I told you, you can't
escape who you are.
I'm not.
I'm embracing it.
And you should embrace who you are.
A fraud.
(CHUCKLES) A fraud?
You ungrateful little
I gave you everything.
If I am a fraud, then
what does that make you?
Huh? Huh?
You're not funny
enough to be a jokester.
You're too afraid to be a Scarer.
The only thing you're
good for is being a pawn.
He might be a pawn, but he's our pawn.
You mess with him, you
mess with all of us.
Well, well, well, told you,
Jill. Batting a thousand.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is all this?
M.E.R.C.? What are they doing here?
Well, hello, everyone.
- You're coming with us.
- Hang on a second.
You can't do this to me.
Oh, hey, here's some trash for you.
I am a hero of this community!
Your fraudulent Scream
Amplifier scheme says otherwise.
We've had someone on the inside, too.
Well, you should really
treat your assistants better.
You forgot one thing, Worthington.
- We're always watching.
- Huh?
This is preposterous!
You'll hear from my lawyers.
Ow! That pinches. You're pushing.
- You're pushing.
- Sorry, Johnny.
Looks like Laugh Power is the future.
A city full of monsters
will never get a
You can't make kids
laugh. You're a joke.
You're a joke.
He's right.
I am a joke, a joke of a friend.
Val, I'm so sorry
I wasn't supportive of you when
you got the jokester job offer,
which you, you totally
deserve, by the way.
I mean, I I should
have been there for you.
You know (STUTTERS) like
you've always been there for me.
You know, you're, you're,
you're an incredible friend.
got the donuts, you know,
and you added the fun little stickers.
And I, you know, tried
to buy some on my own,
but the glitter just
didn't sparkle the same.
Oh, I forgive you, you big doofus.
Oh, love wins.
- Right, Jill?
- Drop dead.
- Okay, fine.
- Yeah, that's nice and all,
but my Johnny's right.
Monstropolis still doesn't
believe in Laugh Power.
Okay, then let's sell them on it.
Follow me. You too, Carter.
Huh? She knows my name?
Wait. No, no, no. That's, uh
That's Ben's door. Um, yeah,
I really scared him earlier.
I, I don't think he'll
want to see me ever again.
Hey, it's okay.
We'll face it as a team.
Yeah, but you're the funny one.
- You don't need me.
- But I want you there.
Unless our pinkie promise
meant nothing to you.
Hey, Ben.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Ah, it's okay.
- It's okay.
- BEN: Go away!
Ben, Ben, Ben, it's okay, it's okay.
I don't believe we've ever met.
I'm Val, Tylor's best friend.
And he feels really
bad about what happened.
Yeah, really, really bad.
You know, I was just wondering
if you had a best friend, too.
BEN: Yeah. Nico.
Has Nico ever been, uh, upset with you?
BEN: Yeah.
There was one time I
made him really mad.
What did you do to make up?
BEN: I said sorry.
And then we high-fived
so hard, our hands stung.
Well, my hands are pretty tiny,
so they might be kind of hard to hit.
What do you say?
I'm I'm sorry, buddy.
Ben, have you ever heard the epic tale
of Unicorn Sparkle and Donut Head?
Um, I don't think so.
Well, it all started in college,
when Unicorn Sparkle gave Donut Head
his favorite candy, Hots Nots.
Hots Nots? Ew!
They became best buds.
They went to MU, where Donut Head
told a joke in front of a huge crowd.
BEN: Oh, oh, oh. What was it?
- What did the sea monster have for dinner?
- Ooh, what?
VAL: Fish and chips.
BEN: Fish and chips?
Funny, right?
Well, nobody else thought so.
- TYLOR: Okay, okay, okay.
TYLOR: So your delivery was a
little bit better than mine.
Hey, how we doing?
Good to be here, uh
Uh, crème brûlée, s'il vous plaît ?
- VAL: Oh, no, it's the streaker!
BEN: Whoa!
(LAUGHING) BEN: This is so fun!
Work buds forever.
Home run, kid.
Home run.
Today, Fear Co.'s Johnny
Worthington reported to jail
after being convicted of stealing
Laugh Power from Monsters, Inc.
His cellmate is none other
than Henry J. Waternoose III.
All right!
Johnny's accomplice, Randall Boggs,
escaped custody and remains at large.
Even though he is, relatively
speaking, rather small.
I wrote that joke.
And rest assured, he
One more second.
Rest assured, ladies and gentlemen,
Detective Duncan P.
Anderson is on the case.
And I won't Excuse me?
Sorry, one second.
I won't rest Ow!
Until justice That's
my mother's coat.
Until justice It's vintage.
Until justice is served!
He's not affiliated with us.
Monsters, Inc is now powering
the entire city with laughter.
And yes, even I've come around to it,
but I don't want to hear
one word about it from Jack.
Okay. How about four?
I told you so.
Ow! Ah, my toupee.
my real hair. (CHUCKLES)
Come and get 'em, everybody.
Out of the press, everybody. We've
got newly created jokester cards.
- Carla.
- Phlegm, congratulations.
And for you, Banana Bread.
- Richard.
- Skyler's funny now.
- Pull my finger.
- No, thank you.
Fool me once.
Actually, it was twice, Mike.
Well, we're all done over here.
Another door station
fixed by yours truly,
Frankie Rigatoni with sauce.
Fritz is still in character, huh?
Yeah, but I think I got a solve.
And cut!
Oh. Hi, everybody.
Okay, all right. How was that?
You want another take?
I can do it a whole different way.
And last, but definitely
not least, Val and Tylor,
your jokester card.
Yeah, it's going to
be worth a lot someday.
You know, some say Sulley and I
were the very first unofficial duo.
Well, except Sulley's not funny.
My approach to comedy is
less desperate than Mikey.
Desperate? You can't talk
to your boss like that!
Oh, so now you're in charge?
(SIGHS) Only when it suits me.
Ready to go, partner?
Work buds forever.
BEN: Tylor, Val! (GIGGLES)
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