My Adventures with Superman (2023) s02e10 Episode Script

My Adventures with Supergirl

[Brainiac] I gave you a chance.
I reached out my hand
to bestow the favor of Empire,
but you rejected me.
You are a world in rebellion
and you will be purged.
[Hank] Human Defense Squadron,
preparing to engage
enemy weapon.
On my mark, and fire!
Wilson sit-rep. Who's still
engaged with the enemy?
[weapon charging]
Henshaw, do you copy?
Wilson? Slade!
- Shut the Metallos down.
- What do you think I am trying to do?
It's not my fault that you
asked for an unbeatable army!
What are you doing?
[Waller] My job.
I vowed to protect Earth
and that's exactly
what I am going to do.
What about you, Luthor?
[tires screech]
- There's more of them!
- Hold on.
[all exclaim]
[tires screech]
[weapon charging]
- Dr. Irons?
- Oh, hey. Hold on a second.
Dr. Irons, we need
to get to Superman.
- We have to help him and get
- Don't worry.
The others are on it.
[weapons firing]
Thanks, babe.
I call dibs!
- [grunts]
- No fair! You got the last
[emits sonic scream] one!
thank you. But
why are you here?
[sputters] W-What's going on?
The Cavalry is here to help.
That's us. And that Steel guy.
- Oh, and the Main Man. Heh.
- Who?
[weapon firing]
Hello, Mandy.
[weapon charges]
Cavalry, take out the Metallos
and help Superman
defend Metropolis.
This is the last time I help
save the world.
Kal-El. Who are these people?
- They're our friends.
- Okay. Okay. Don't push it.
We just don't wanna see
the planet destroyed.
So what's the play, hero?
We stop Brainiac.
He's the one controlling
that thing in the sky.
Shut him down and the
threat to Earth goes away.
- Kara.
- If we can get inside,
we can pull out
Brainiac's mainframe.
But we cannot do it with all these
Kryptonite robots in the way.
[laughs] Leave them to us.
Ready, Kara?
Everyone, stay close!
We're almost there!
- No!
- Livewire. Go after her.
Your tech is Kryptonian.
The Kryptonite
will take you out, too.
[loud rumbling]
- It's over, Brainiac.
- Will you surrender?
Or do we have to make you?
[Brainiac laughing]
Did you really think
you could defeat me?
I am the last true Kryptonian.
You are here
because I let you come here.
For this
Eradicator Override.
[Brainiac] This is what
you deserve for betraying me.
Just as your people did during
the last days of Krypton.
Oh, how they moaned
that we weren't winning the war.
That their children were dying.
Do you know, Kal-El,
that your father led secret
peace talks with our enemies?
They were going to declare
a cease-fire.
And then where would that leave me?
I was built for war.
But now I was just supposed
to let them decommission me?
No. The day the cease-fire
was to be announced,
22 years ago,
I activated our greatest weapon
and wiped your people out.
killed them.
[Brainiac] Yes.
Jor-El discovered my plans
and smuggled you out
minutes before I ripped
Krypton from the heavens
and cast it into hell.
But I still won.
I found Kara.
And now you will have
to make a choice, Kal-El.
Which will you save?
Your planet?
Or your cousin?
No! Kara!
- [grunts]
- Snap out of it. [groans]
[loud boom]
[loud boom]
What are they doing up there?
Are they fighting?
No. Kara wouldn't.
It's Brainiac. It has to be.
- We have to help them.
- How?
This is bigger than just
turning off the lights or
or posting a video, you guys.
Guys? Guys?
[engine whirring]
[tires screech]
I know you're still in there, Kara.
Brainiac wants us
to destroy each other.
But I won't hurt you.
[Brainiac] That won't do.
All systems,
annihilate Superman.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
- Argh!
- [grunting]
Let's bring you home, Kara.
[Kara grunts]
[together] No.
[Kara grunts]
- Fight this, Kara.
- [growling]
I know you can.
- [grunts]
- You can do this, Kara.
You are stronger than he is.
[Brainiac] Lies.
[loud boom]
[painful screaming]
[Brainiac] You are weak.
You are useless.
You are a failure and your
only worth is in obedience.
Without me,
you are alone.
[Jimmy] No, you're not.
I'm here!
And I'm not going anywhere.
Don't let Brainiac win.
You're your own person, Kara.
You helped us save Clark.
Now let us save you.
I know what it's like
to be alone.
To search for a place to belong.
But home isn't a place.
Home is the people who love you.
So come back home to us, Kara.
[Brainiac] Enough!
Destroy them.
- [whispers] No.
- [Brainiac] Kara, you will comply.
I said
[Brainiac] No, you shall not win.
Black Zero Protocol.
What are you doing?
[Kara grunts]
[Brainiac] Did you think only the
humans could synthesize Kryptonite?
That I would not be able
to replicate it?
To use it against you
and all that you love?
[grunts] You'll
destroy yourself too.
[Brainiac] You have broken me
too deeply to recover,
traitors of the House of El.
But if the Empire must die
then its children will die with it.
[young Clark] Kara!
Take my hand.
you came after me.
Of course.
You're my family, Kara.
But I I don't think
we can escape
the sun's gravitational pull.
[gasps] Clark.
How is this possible?
[chuckles] It's it's because
we are Kryptonian, Kal-El.
The sun is our place of power.
Let's go.
[both screaming]
[Brainiac] Kara, you will comply.
Not anymore!
[Brainiac screaming]
[Brainiac] You die with me.
- This ends now, Brainiac!
- Kara!
[Brainiac] Ha!
- [Kara grunts]
- [Brainiac laughs]
[Brainiac and Kara grunt]
[distant cheering]
[all cheering]
They are cheering
for you, Kal-El.
Kara, they're cheering for both of us.
I did not know.
I have never saved a world before.
- Kara, you're awake.
- Kal-El.
Where are we?
This is the house I grew up in.
[chuckles] On Earth.
you've been asleep for a few days.
Are you okay?
[together] Kara!
Gosh, we're so glad
to finally meet you.
- We've been worried sick.
- Are you feeling okay?
Are you hungry, darling?
I have some pie in the fridge
and I can get some soup going.
- Uh
- Uh, Kara, this is my mom and dad.
- Ma, Pa, meet Kara.
- It is wonderful to meet you.
If it's all right with you, Ma,
I have a surprise
- for Kara before we have lunch.
- A surprise?
That is a very small
surprise, Kal-El.
We're gonna teach you
how to play catch.
It's a Kent family tradition.
And you're family.
All right, Kal-El,
show me your Earth catch.
And then I will master it.
- And then I will win.
- You can't win at catch.
Then you are doing it wrong.
No holding back.
[Martha] Clark! Kara!
I know you can hear me.
Everyone's almost here.
[Clark] One week ago,
Earth faced an alien invasion.
You've heard different versions
of what happened.
But we at the Daily Planet
have a duty to bring you the truth.
[Jimmy] The truth is that Superman
and his cousin saved us.
But they weren't alone.
[Lois] The people of Metropolis
came together to help them,
putting aside their differences
to protect our home.
[Clark] The invader was defeated
and justice came to those
who tried to benefit
from fear and pain.
[Lois] But even as this
brought out the best in many,
it brought out the worst in others.
And there will always be
new threats to face.
- Clark.
- Lois.
Um, I got your call.
I need to talk to you
about Vicki's job offer.
I've been doing research
for that. Um
I found apartments in Gotham that
have vacancies and roof access.
At super speed, I could
be there in five minutes,
depending on where you move.
You'd fly back and forth for me?
[chuckles] Lois Lane.
No matter where you go,
all you ever have to do
is say my name
and I'll be there.
I turned Vicki down.
I don't wanna be
the second Vicki Vale.
I want to be the first Lois Lane.
And I'm gonna make
that happen right here
at the Daily Planet
with the man I love.
- [Kara] Kal-El.
- [Lois] Soup on the roof!
[Clark] No one knows what will
come next for Metropolis
but there's one thing we at the
Daily Planet do know for certain.
[Jimmy] No matter what the future holds.
[Lois] No matter what
is thrown at us.
[Clark] We will face it together.
[woman] Help! Help!
There's a fire in Perez Plaza.
Stay here.
We'll be right back.
No way, Smallville.
It's a breaking news story.
We're going too.
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