Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e10 Episode Script


Previously on Reasonable Doubt
[LUCY WARGO] Joint custody?
Oh, my God. What am I gonna do?
We can't put our house up for her bail.
We now owe the full bail amount.
This school is McCartney Arts.
Like, at the end of every year,
they do a showcase
where students perform original songs
and I guess they invite agents.
- Yeah.
- Um, hello?
They really don't like you.
And if I'm going to co-parent,
Jax is gonna be involved too.
I am a father, and I'm not
gonna pretend I can't be.
Do you really wanna
face me in court again?
Are you threatening me?
No. I'm reminding you who I am.
I wanna be with you.
Shanelle, will you marry me?
Jamarion made me
incapable of being a good mother.
You want me to tell Natasha?
Getting my hopes up just to be let down
feels like getting convicted
over and over again.
Brandy Michaels,
she's a domestic violence advocate
that I've worked with before.
As a Black woman,
if she kills her abuser,
she is 80% more likely to be convicted.
I don't know.
Maybe this has all gone too far.
Maybe we should tell the truth.
I know who killed JT.
- I already told you I killed JT.
- It wasn't you.
It was
Yeah, I'm leaving now.
I'll pick up Jordan early from school
and then just head
straight to the hotel.
But I gotta go. He just He just left.
- So
Shit. He's here.
Sally, I gotta call you back.
[JAMARION "JT" TUCKER] Where you going?
What, suddenly you don't speak English?
I said, where the fuck
are you going, Shanelle?
I'm leaving.
Clearly. Where?
It doesn't matter.
I can't be here with you anymore.
You're a monster.
You cheat on me, you disrespect me,
and you know you ain't happy either.
So let's just end this
for both of our sakes.
Okay, so now you're
telling me how I feel?
Jamarion, please.
Do you know how many women
would love to be you?
No, but I can't wait to meet 'em.
When you gonna learn how to act? Hmm?
Or you really like this shit?
Deep down, I know you do.
I'm leaving, JT.
Oh, yeah, yeah?
That's what you always say.
I'm done.
I have proof of what you do to me.
- Oh, you plottin'?
- I'm done.
Are you settin' me up?
If you leave, you can never come back!
Everything in this house is mine.
You will have nothing!
I'll leave with nothing.
But I'm taking Natasha
and Jordan with me
because I'd rather die
than leave 'em here with you!
Fuck you talking about leaving?
Goddamn it!
- You're hurting me!
- Stop it. Stop it!
- [JT] Shanelle, stop it!
- Get the fuck off of me!
Why do you do this shit?
Why do you do this? Stop! Stop it!
- Stop it.
- I
You entitled bitch.
I should've done this a long time ago.
Dad? Dad? Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
[NATASHA] I came in and I saw
I grabbed a trophy.
- [BREATHING HEAVILY] What did I just do?
- Baby
Baby Natasha.
- Calm down, sweetie. Calm down, sweetie.
- [PANTING, CRYING] Okay. Okay.
- Just breathe, okay?
- Okay, okay.
Okay? Where's your inhaler?
- Good.
Now, Natasha, baby, listen to me.
Listen to me.
You're gonna go back to your dorm room
and you're gonna act like
you were never here.
Do you understand me?
Good. Take this.
Go upstairs. Change your clothes.
- Okay.
- [SHANELLE TUCKER] Give me that. Hurry!
You entitled bitch!
Baby, you gotta hurry.
Good. Good job.
- Hey, hey, hey, listen to me.
You remember that you were never here.
Look at me. You were never here.
Repeat after me.
- I was in my dorm room.
- I was in my dorm room.
Baby, again. Again.
I was in my dorm room.
I was in my dorm room.
Good, baby. Good.
What happens now? Will you be okay?
I'll be fine, baby.
I'll be I'll be fine.
I love you.
Okay, come on. You gotta go.
You gotta go.
- Oh, fuck.
Please Baby, call 9-1-1.
Call for help.
Baby Baby
Help me.
Shanelle, call 9-1-1.
Baby, please.
Help me.
Call Call 9-1-1.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Yeah, me too.
No. No.
I ki I killed JT.
What made you realize it was Natasha
versus anyone else?
I knew Shanelle was protecting someone,
but I, I didn't know why.
And then I remembered
something Shanelle said.
Jordan is still at school.
What am I gonna tell her?
She didn't say, "I need to
figure out how to tell them."
She said "her."
So, when I thought about it,
I knew it had to be one of the kids.
And if it had been Jordan,
it would've been cut and dry.
'Cause Natasha is an adult, more risk.
Okay, we have a new plan.
We tell Lucy and if we can convince her,
she has to throw out the case.
We tell Lucy,
that means reporting Natasha,
which I need to get
Shanelle on board with first.
Natasha coming forward
means you'll be out of here for good.
you saved me
let me save you.
We have a signed
and written confession by Natasha.
We have a photo of Natasha
at a college party earlier this year
wearing the same outfit
that Shanelle had on.
We have a timestamp of Natasha
scanning out of her dorm
before the incident and then scanning
right back in after the incident.
You just happened to find this
the day before closing arguments
and after your client
bombs on the stand?
Shanelle finally admitted
she was protecting Natasha.
As a mother, wouldn't you do the same?
We all have choices. Shanelle made hers.
Choices, right.
Must be nice.
[LUCY] This is Jamarion "JT" Tucker.
You've heard many things
about him during this trial.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
However, Jamarion Tucker
isn't on trial here.
Shanelle Tucker is.
Approximately two months
before the murder,
the defendant finds out
her husband cheated again.
So, she sends an ambiguous text
to his mistress, Toni Holley,
thanking her for allowing her to do
what she's been wanting to do.
So, the plan begins.
She starts her own affair.
She plants incriminating photos
in a safe deposit box.
She uses her cousin to create a story
of wanting to leave Mr. Tucker.
The defendant takes
her daughter to school early,
pretended to pack a "go bag"
and waits for her husband to come home,
provokes a fight,
then struck the victim
from behind, killing him.
But just to be sure,
she waited two and a half hours
before calling the authorities,
leaving him on the ground, bleeding out.
This was not a crime of self-defense.
This was a crime of selfishness.
Mrs. Tucker wanted it all
and did whatever it took
to make that happen.
Members of the jury,
the evidence leaves you no choice
but to convict Shanelle Tucker
of first-degree murder.
[COREY] "I should have done this
a long time ago."
Those were the last words
Shanelle Tucker heard
from the man who physically,
verbally, and financially abused her
for over a decade.
Mr. Tucker expressed what we now know
is an inevitable conclusion
to an abusive, violent,
controlling relationship.
It wasn't about if Mr. Tucker
was gonna kill Mrs. Tucker.
No. It was about when.
And when the day came for Mrs. Tucker
to choose between her life and his,
she was finally given a chance
to end the relationship
and choose herself.
And yet
here we are.
Because the prosecution claims
that Mrs. Tucker planned
to kill Jamarion Tucker.
That she was enraged by an affair,
that she was empowered
by a new relationship,
that she was emboldened by $30
million in an account in her name.
However, the defense
has refuted, with evidence,
all of those claims.
Mrs. Holley's affair with Mr. Tucker
was one of many.
Mrs. Tucker hid the majority
of her abuse from Mr. Hunter,
which, in fact,
protected him from being hurt.
And finally, the defense proved
that Mrs. Tucker's signature was forged.
She didn't even know about the money.
Zora Neale Hurston wrote,
"If you are silent about your pain
they'll kill you and
say you enjoyed it."
Shanelle hid her pain
from almost everyone,
so Jamarion Tucker tried to kill her,
and now the district attorney's office
is trying to tell you
that she planned it all
and that she enjoyed it?
No, don't punish another abused woman
for her silence.
Find Shanelle Tucker
not guilty on all counts.
Thank you.
Members of the jury,
remember, you and you alone
judge whether the defendant
committed a crime.
Jax, I'm so fuckin' scared.
[JAX] I know. It's gonna be okay.
[COREY] Secret smoker, huh?
Oh, wow.
You continue to surprise me.
Nah, no surprises.
I'm just a nigga from Chicago, so.
Wait, hold up.
Those menthols?
Sadly they are.
Our son started vaping,
so you would think all these things
would get me to stop smoking.
You stop when you wanna stop.
Depends on the day.
Or the night.
Alright, now, once you go black
Stop playing.
Let me ask you something.
If we don't win,
will you regret taking all this on?
My whole career is based on regret.
It's what motivated me to be a,
be a better lawyer, better person.
But regrets, they, they burden you,
they, they keep you in the past,
and until you can truly
free yourself of that weight,
you'll never be better.
You're just
Fucked up.
So, is that a yes or
No. No regrets.
Oh, I gotta go.
[COREY] Dinner with the fam?
No, my husband's baby was born.
It just hit me.
It's getting real now,
so we have to gotta tell the kids.
Let's wait 'til he's home.
Just wanted to let you know
the baby's stable.
But at just 29 weeks,
we'll need to keep him here
until he reaches full term.
- [JAX] Hmm.
- Oh, can we see him?
Only two visitors are allowed
in the NICU at one time,
and the mother's already inside.
I'll wait here.
Alright. Right this way.
Today marks the first full day
of jury deliberations.
The country will be watching to see if
Mrs. Tucker finds herself a free woman
or a convicted criminal.
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
Relax yourself, girl ♪
Please settle down ♪
- [MAMA LU] A side baby?
[LAUGHING] That is too funny.
But you and Lewis will get through this.
You've been through worse.
Thank you, Mom.
Jax, they reached a verdict.
The court clerk
will now read the verdict.
Can the defendant
and her attorneys please stand?
In the case
of The People vs. Shanelle Tucker,
for one count of first-degree murder,
we, the jury, find the defendant
- not guilty.
[AUTUMN OWENS] Thank you, Jesus. Whew.
[CLERK] For the charge
of voluntary manslaughter,
we, the jury, find the defendant
- guilty.
- Oh!
What does that What does that mean?
I'm so sorry, Shanelle. I'm sorry, baby.
- [JUDGE FRANCES ROTH] Court is adjourned.
Thank you.
Some of us are brave ♪
You cannot hold me down ♪
I was born to wear the crown ♪
You see it now ♪
I'm loud and proud ♪
Peace and love
to the ones who give praise ♪
Take a bow as the sun hits the face ♪
See me now ♪
Golden hour ♪
And to those who fear
leads them to hate ♪
What a pity to be locked in a place ♪
You see me now ♪
[CRYING] Lewis.
I'll show you how ♪
I say the darker the berry,
the sweeter the fruit ♪
Bow down when the queendom comes ♪
Bow down when the queendom comes ♪
- Came here looking for a new job?
I imagine the boys at your fancy firm
aren't too happy with you.
Oh, I don't need validation
from men to know my worth.
Finally, something we can agree on.
Did you realize that before or after
Peter put his hands on you?
How do you know about that?
Did he approach you?
I saw him approach you at the school
so I did some digging, but
Wow, you're still afraid of him.
You don't know anything about me.
Twelve years ago, you had the privilege
and means to escape Peter Thompson,
a man who almost killed you.
And yet, you portray Shanelle
as a gold-digging murderer
who had a myriad of choices.
Shanelle and I are not the same.
[JAX] Oh, you're right.
You got lucky.
Shanelle is going to prison.
She will have her freedom
taken away by you.
And judging by your reaction
when I said Peter's name,
your freedom is now in jeopardy too.
Doesn't that make you wanna kill him?
The jury made their decision.
What do you want me to do about it?
Recommend a lighter sentence
to Judge Roth.
Give Shanelle a
chance to finally be free.
It's what you would want.
It's what you still want.
I can't give that to her.
I couldn't even give that to myself.
Oh, okay. I see.
You're a misery-loves-company
kind of person.
No, I'm a government employee
who's just trying to do my job
so I can keep my job and my kid.
If I do what you're asking me to do,
I could lose both,
which is why I can't do it.
- I don't have a choice.
- Oh.
I thought we all had choices.
You're gonna do
what the fuck you wanna do,
but you cannot be both
the victor and the victim.
I know that's what
you people like to do,
but the rest of us do not have
the benefit of such privilege.
My God.
I got those green, green eyes ♪
[SPEAKER] It's not your fault.
For blue nights ♪
I know I didn't make him
have sex with her.
Or make her keep the baby.
Not that.
Come on.
You know what I'm talking about.
Oh. Us?
Now, that was my fault.
I should've done everything differently.
I made a mistake.
What part was a mistake?
The case?
The beach?
- The kitchen table?
No, all of it.
Except for the breakup part, right?
That part wasn't a mistake.
No, but it shouldn't
have gotten that far.
I did that.
And now, here we are, with a baby.
What would Lewis say?
That's reductive.
[JAX] It's true, isn't it?
This is my karma for
for hurting you.
I was hurt long before you.
Did you ever think
that maybe this isn't about you?
Maybe Lewis has his own triggers.
Or Toni.
Every single one of us
is walking around out here
trying to figure out our own shit.
That's just fuckin' life.
Yeah, some of that shit you can control,
but a lot of it you can't.
So, what you gonna do?
You gonna sit around and mope?
You gonna ask God, "Why me?"
What's that do?
If you wanna ask God for something,
ask for some grace
some empathy, some patience
and you hold on to all that shit,
use it to be better.
You start having gratitude
for the good and
you stop feeling shame for the bad.
But that's what these
last six months have been about,
me trying to stop.
You stop when you wanna stop.
Corey was right.
But you know that already.
I know.
But it's nice to be reminded.
Especially by you.
You don't need me no more, Fairfax.
But you know that too.
Jax. Hey.
Hey. Um, can I talk to you for a second?
Look, I know, with everything
going on, it's a lot, but
I just want you to know that I'm here
if you need anything, okay?
Hey, um, do you wanna meet him?
Oh, uh
Is that okay?
[SOFTLY] Oh, wow.
I know you think I'm some homewrecker
but I didn't plan for this.
I was gonna
just take care of it.
But when I thought about
this baby growing inside me, I
I felt joy.
I wanted to protect him before
before I even knew him.
And I'm gonna protect him still.
I understand.
We all out here just trying
to figure out our shit, right?
And I think I finally have.
I'm glad you called.
I know we can make this work.
Us. You, me, John.
This is what's going to happen.
You're gonna drop the custody battle,
leave California and go back to Vegas
where you belong.
Oh, I see.
You've had a little mommy makeover
so you're better than me now.
But you're still just some bitch
no one cares about.
I am a mother who will do
anything to protect my son,
which means
you staying the fuck out of our lives.
Your son?
I should've killed you in Vegas
when I had the chance,
but I swear I would do it now
if that's what it takes to see John.
Are you recording me?
Are you fuckin' recording me?
- [LUCY] No!
- [BARISTA] Oh, my God.
Fuckin' kill you, you cunt!
[OFFICER] Freeze! Put your hands up!
[PETER THOMPSON] You fuckin' did this!
You did this!
- You set me up!
- [OFFICER] Calm down.
No, you just happened to attack me
at the exact time that Officer Davis
comes in for his daily cold brew.
And, hey, he's out on parole,
so you might wanna contact his PO.
- You bitch.
- You okay?
- [PETER] You fucking bitch.
- Yeah, thanks.
I'm just happy this
didn't go another way.
Lucky for you,
you know the right people.
I do.
Thank you for coming
to Shanelle's hearing with me.
It means a lot.
No problem.
But Chris
there's something you should know.
Shanelle didn't kill JT. Natasha did.
When JT was choking Shanelle,
Natasha stepped in and saved her life
and now Shanelle
is trying to save Natasha's.
And this whole time,
she's been protecting her.
And you knew this since the beginning?
And you didn't tell me?
I'm sorry. This has been hard.
This is the hardest thing I've had to do
is keeping this from everyone.
I'm not everyone.
I know, but I promised Shanelle
that I wouldn't say
But what about what you promised me?
I'm your fuckin' husband.
See, us talking, it ain't helping.
No, it's not.
Jax suggested we do
couples therapy again.
She recommended her therapist.
Lewis did too.
They seem to be doing better.
Maybe this time it'd work for us too.
Yeah. Maybe.
We're going for a high term, right?
Your Honor, Mr. Tucker,
his family, friends,
and fans worldwide have faith the system
will give him the justice he deserves.
And that justice
is the maximum sentence of 11 years.
Thank you, Mr. Quan.
Thank you.
Mr. Cash, do you have individuals
who would like to make a statement?
Yes, Your Honor. Mrs.
Stewart would like to say something,
Your Honor, I'm speaking
as Shanelle's friend,
not her lawyer.
Mrs. Tucker has
Shanelle has always been
a selfless person
forever putting others first,
giving up herself
until there is nothing left.
It wasn't until recently
that I realized how selfless she is.
She endured incessant
physical and emotional abuse in silence
because she didn't wanna burden anyone.
Is it fair that she now
suffer consequences for being selfless?
For being afraid?
And Shanelle is not
a criminal or a murderer
or a danger to society.
Society was a danger to Shanelle.
I urge you, Your Honor,
to end Shanelle's suffering
and finally give her
the freedom she deserves.
Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.
Mr. Cash, how many custody credits
does Mrs. Tucker have?
Sixty-four days plus forty-three days
of work time, Your Honor.
Mrs. Wargo, anything to add?
The prosecution leaves sentencing
to the court's discretion.
In that case, the imposition of sentence
has been suspended.
And given her lack
of threat or danger to the community,
the defendant is placed on five years
of formal felony probation,
psychological counseling for one year,
and 52 weeks of community service
through a charity of her choosing.
Mrs. Tucker, you are ordered
to an appropriate sheriff's facility
to be released forthwith.
Oh, my God!
Court is adjourned.
How great is our God? ♪
Get up. Let's go. We're leaving.
Thank you for everything, Jax.
Of course, girl.
Corey, get over here.
No man has ever
fought for me the way you have.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
Magnify, magnify, lift it on high ♪
Spit a Spotify to qualify
a spot on his side ♪
I cannot modify or ratify,
my mama made me apple pies ♪
Devil will win
employee of the month by the dozen ♪
'Til one score and three years
from the third when he doesn't ♪
[ALL] Ahh!
[AUTUMN] Come on, no.
- Oh, I love you.
- I love you too, girl.
- [SHANELLE] I love you.
- I love you.
I love you
Somebody else who wants to see you.
[ADRIAN HUNTER] You look good.
Well, you're a crazy person.
I've, I've been called worse.
so I know you didn't say yes yet,
but you didn't say no either.
[SHANELLE] It's beautiful.
Glad you like it.
[SHANELLE] You know,
I spent so many years
trying to make sure there was
something on this finger.
As if seeing my bare skin
proved I wasn't worthy of love.
Adrian, the only person I needed
to choose right now is me.
I'm so sorry, Adrian.
You don't have to apologize.
I get it.
I will always love you, Shanelle.
And even if you don't
know who you are
I know who you are.
And I can't wait for you
to fuckin' meet her.
She's pretty great.
And you're pretty great.
No matter what the people say ♪
I can't ♪
I can't let go ♪
I can't let go, oh ♪
No, no ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
You okay?
No, but I will be.
- Yeah. That's right.
- [AUTUMN] Mm-hmm.
I'm sure you could use a proper meal,
so let's get some food.
I'm so damn hungry, girl.
Get some of this thing.
- [SALLY] I'll see you later.
- I'll see y'all in a bit.
[CLIFF] And we are live! [LAUGHS]
Yeah, man.
Lewis, the work that you
and this team have done
over the last few months
is nothing short of amazing, bro.
Thank you. Thank you, Cliff.
And, honestly,
I gotta give a special shout-out
to Lena here who has been a rock star
and I seriously couldn't have
done any of this without her.
[LENA JAMES] It's giving promotion?
Promotion? Promotion? Yeah. Promotion?
Alright, alright.
But, seriously, thank you all
for all your hard work
and let's keep the party going, okay?
Alright, let's go.
- Oh, great work, man.
- Yeah.
And Lena's not the only one
who deserves a promotion.
- Oh! Oh.
I'm sorry, it's the hospital.
Toni, hey.
Everything okay?
Mom, I killed it at rehearsal.
[LUCY] John. Hey.
Come have a seat.
Your father was arrested today.
What? Why? What'd he do?
When you were just a baby,
your father was abusive.
Finally, one night, I, uh,
I called the police,
but he left before they came.
He went and bought a gun, drank a lot,
and then headed back home
to kill me.
Mom. Oh, my God.
There's more. Um
on his way to kill me,
he was arrested for a DUI,
reckless endangerment,
and possession of an illegal firearm.
Since it was his second offense
he spent time in prison.
Until recently.
And I wanted to protect you
from the truth.
I'm really sorry, sweetie.
[JOHN WARGO] We never
have to see him ever again.
[LEWIS] [ON VOICEMAIL] Hey, I saw your
about Shanelle getting released,
so I didn't wanna tell you,
but, um, we lost the baby.
Call me when you can.
Lightning crashes ♪
A new mother cries ♪
Her placenta falls to the floor ♪
The angel opens her eyes ♪
The confusion sets in ♪
Before a doctor can ♪
He was my
I know, baby.
I'm so, so sorry.
Lightning crashes ♪
An old mother dies ♪
I held him.
I held him.
Her intentions fall to the floor ♪
But I also feel
I-I feel
I know.
I know, baby.
I know.
Is that fucked up?
Oh, now feel it ♪
Coming back again ♪
Like a rolling thunder ♪
Chasing the wind ♪
Forces pulling
from the center of the Earth again ♪
Center of the Earth ♪
I can feel it ♪
I can feel it ♪
[NATASHA] I'm so happy you're here.
More than you can ever know.
Oh, I missed you, baby.
Hello, Shanelle.
Welcome home.
Hey, why don't you
girls put on some PJs?
We'll watch a movie
and have a sleepover.
Thank you, Mavis, for taking
care of them while I was gone.
No matter what you did,
those are my grandchildren
and we are still family.
Natasha and Jordan
are your grandchildren, yes,
but you and I
we're not family.
Now, if you would like to see them,
I can arrange for them
to be brought to your house,
but until then,
stay the fuck out of mine.
Y'all ready for movies?
I didn't know, um, what to
- So, I just, I don't
- [TONI] No, no. It's, um
It's perfect.
They look just like the flowers
I just ordered
for Jaden's homegoing service.
Homegoing? Like funeral?
Yeah, the hospital social worker said
that it helps couples or whatever
with closure, at least somewhat.
And I was up all night because,
well, I don't sleep anymore,
and, and I found this photo
and I thought it'd be perfect
for the program.
What do you think?
And I talked to my pastor.
- He's available What? What?
- I-I can't. I
Do what you need to do, but I
Looking into a casket at my son,
I am sorry, I just
[SIGHS] I can't do it.
You know, Lewis,
I told you I didn't need you.
And you and Jax kept
pushing and pushing.
- Toni
- Don't!
Just go.
With this kind of attention,
clemency for Isabella
is definitely an option.
- I'm happy to help.
- [COREY] Oh, I appreciate that.
- [BRANDY] Oh. Thank you.
- Here you go.
I took the liberty
of ordering Japanese whiskey.
- Have you had it?
- I love Japanese whiskey.
- Okay.
Mm. That is really good.
Really good. You know, reminds me
a few years back when
I visited Kyoto.
Mm. I loved the Nishiki market.
- It was the cherry blossoms for me.
- [COREY] Wait a minute.
I taught English for two years in Kyoto.
Yeah, after I got my PhD.
Okay, wait, so you're
fluent in Japanese?
But I do know how to say bend over
to the front and touch your toes.
Okay. I gotta hear this.
Ah No, no. No, I gotta hear it.
- Let me hear it. Let me hear it.
- [BRANDY] No, no, no. I'm kidding.
I can't say it. I
I-I'm a fool outside of work.
Nah, it was, it was funny. It's
It's cute.
You know, all these years
and I think this is
the-the longest that we've ever talked.
We should do it again.
You mean like a date?
Yeah. Yeah, like a date.
Well, Corey,
I'm an old-fashioned Tennessee gal,
so a date is when you call me
and you set a time and you pick me up
and we eat and we drink and we laugh.
And if you are lucky
I give you a kiss
and then we do it again and again.
Well, in that case,
I will call you tomorrow
because I am trying to get
to that last part as soon as possible.
You and me both.
Uh, yeah ♪
He said, yeah, yeah ♪
You said ♪
Uh, yeah, they said ♪
Uh, yeah, whatever ♪
Yeah, now who said
I couldn't switch up schools ♪
And make
the performing arts look real cool? ♪
Still eat a hater on the court
like good food ♪
Number one draft pick when I move,
huh ♪
I get the smooth good looks
from my mama ♪
And I get the brains
and the game from my father ♪
The only daughter,
all we do is argue ♪
But if you touch my sister,
it's gonna be a problem ♪
The boy cold as ice, winter ♪
And my girl's face so nice,
no filter ♪
Everybody know my name, go figure ♪
So tell me who the
hottest in the game ♪
- Spenser ♪
If they doubted you ♪
- Like they doubted me ♪
- Go, baby!
Yeah, I knew you'll get through ♪
'Cause I know it's in you ♪
- Hey!
- There he is!
Thanks for supportin',
for supportin' me.
[LEWIS] Let's go.
- Baby. Oh, I'm so proud of you.
- Great job.
[SPENSER STEWART] Thank you, Ma.
Oh, um, Mom, Dad,
I wanna introduce Aisha, my girlfriend.
- Oh.
Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.
- Hi.
- Isn't Spense so talented?
Yes, he is. Yes, he is.
Hey, Spenser. Do you have a minute?
- Yeah.
- My name is Shanti Chase.
I'm an A&R rep for Nova Vista Records.
Yo, you killed it up there.
Thank you.
I would love to have you come in
and meet with our head of development,
with your parents, of course.
- Here's my card.
- Thank you.
- I hope to talk to y'all soon.
- Alright, for sure.
- Wow, Spense!
- Hey!
Hey, look, I gotta go tell
my friends about this!
- Wow. It's starting already.
- Wow. Already. Already.
You know what, baby? I'll be right back.
- Okay.
- Okay? I'll be back.
Ah, how about that?
It's a great show, right?
What are you gonna do when
your brother's a super famous big star?
I don't know,
I guess I'll just disappear
since you guys
really won't care about me then.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that you guys
are so obsessed with Spenser,
his school, his music,
and his vape or whatever,
it's like I don't even exist.
I'm sorry, I
I'm sorry you felt that way.
I had, I had no idea.
But, Nai, of course, I know you exist.
If you only know how much time I spend
thinking about your existence
and worrying about the
You are my baby girl, my princess,
and you are growing up so fast.
And I actually thought maybe you didn't
wanna be around me,
going from Daddy to Dad.
I mean, just because
I don't call you Daddy
does not mean you're not my dad.
I still love you, I just
- Wait, say less.
- What?
I say it right? Say less?
Is that what the kids say?
- Oh, it's okay.
- What? It's cap?
- No, it's okay.
- It's a cap?
- Is that cap?
- No, it's okay.
Come on. How do I say it?
- [LEWIS] Is it cap?
[NAIMA] No, just don't say it.
[LEWIS] Okay, but Okay, but if I were
to say it, how would I say it?
Your son was hilarious up there.
How's Shanelle?
Great, now that she's home
with her daughters.
- [LUCY] Hmm.
- Thanks to you.
Thanks to me? I don't
I know you spoke with the judge
and asked for a reduction
on Shanelle's sentence,
so thank you.
I'm sure I have no idea
what you're talking about.
I should be the one thanking you.
I finally slept through the night
for the first time
in a really long time.
Been there.
Sleep is underrated.
Uh, speaking of things
that make me happy
- Oh.
- for old time's sake?
Actually, I decided to quit.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, you are no fun.
[CHUCKLES] What's no fun is not
being here to watch them grow up.
Okay. How about some donuts?
- You're a mess.
- Oh, come on, the case is over.
No, no donuts for me.
Now, cookies?
- Yeah?
- You might be able to sway me.
Whole table over here.
- Oatmeal raisin?
- [LUCY] Mm-hmm.
- Are you for real?
- [COREY] Yes.
Isabella, you're going home.
You're free.
Better wake up because ♪
Thank you, Corey.
You're part of something way bigger ♪
Not just a speck in the universe ♪
Not just some words in a Bible verse ♪
You are the living word ♪
Ah, you're part of something
way bigger ♪
Bigger than you ♪
Bigger than we ♪
Bigger than the picture
they framed us to see ♪
- But now we see it ♪
And it ain't no secret, no ♪
Understand that truth
about that question in your soul ♪
Look up, don't look down ♪
Then watch the answers unfold ♪
Life is your birthright ♪
They hid that in the fine print ♪
Uh, take the pen and rewrite it ♪
Step out your estimate ♪
Step in your essence
and know that you're excellent ♪
Rise, the spirit is teaching ♪
Oh, I'm not just preaching ♪
I'm takin' my own advice ♪
Let mama let you know ♪
Mama's still trying ♪
I'm I'm so sorry.
Truly I'm feeling it ♪
I had to say that thing twice ♪
Trying to be a good wife ♪
Still really hard ♪
- Uncouple.
- Reconcile.
But I promised you I will fight ♪
So I fight ♪
If you're feeling frustrated ♪
You're sinkin', I'm jumpin' in ♪
Forgiveness is key ♪
Because we're fightin'
something way bigger ♪
You never lose, we are winners ♪
I'll be the roots,
you'll be the tree ♪
Pass on the fruit
that was given to me ♪
- Okay, let's see.
- [JAX] Okay.
- It's on you now.
- Alright, bet.
Where my cards at?
What I got in my hand?
- That's what I wanna know.
- Okay, yellow.
Um Whoa, whoa, whoa.
How you gonna skip me?
- Don't touch my cards.
- How you gonna skip me?
Now it's your turn, son.
Are you Mr. Stewart?
- Yeah.
- You've been served.
Legacy, oh ♪
- You're part of something way bigger ♪
Let love be the water ♪
I pour into you and you pour into me ♪
There ain't no drought here ♪
What's that about?
Toni's suing us for Jaden's death.
You just don't know yet ♪
No matter how hard it gets,
you got my blood in you ♪
And you're gonna rise ♪
Oh. Fuckin'
You're part of something way bigger ♪
You're part of something way bigger ♪
Bigger than you, bigger than me ♪
Bigger than the picture
they paint us to be, yeah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
You're part of something way bigger ♪
Understand the truth about
that question in your soul ♪
Look up, don't look down,
then watch the answers unfold ♪
Life is your birthright,
they hid that in the fine print ♪
Take the pen and rewrite it ♪
Step out your estimate ♪
Step in your essence
and know that you're excellent ♪
Rise, the spirit is teachin' ♪
No, I'm not just preachin' ♪
I'm takin' my own advice ♪
If you feel insignificant,
you better think again ♪
Better wake up because you're
part of something way bigger ♪
You're part of something way bigger ♪
I'll be the roots,
you'll be the tree ♪
Pass on the fruit
that was given to me ♪
Legacy, ah ♪
We're part of something way bigger ♪
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