Taxi Driver (2021) s02e10 Episode Script

Jeil Chakhan Factory

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
We'll take you into surgery.
(Park Dong Sung)
Make it look like I have
what Han Su Ryeon had.
What if you get operated on
by mistake?
You'll get anesthetized.
If that happens,
you can figure it out for me.
See if it's an accident
or an incident.
It's a super-wide angle lens
with no blind spots.
The camera sensor
will be up and running.
Turn it on three minutes after
I go inside.
If the alarm goes off then,
they'll think it's a malfunction.
You'll make them turn it off?
This might smell odd.
(No signal)
Open your eyes, sir.
He's ready.
Didn't anyone check
why he came in wearing glasses?
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
I don't care. I waited long enough.
Why did that go off now?
I almost died.
Let's begin, Dr. Gong.
"Dr. Gong?"
I'll be inside.
Call me if something happens.
Where did he come from?
He's going to perform the surgery?
Yes, you've reached
the operating room.
Mr. Park Dong Sung is asking
when he'll get his surgery.
He's been complaining
about the delay.
We're operating on him now.
He's waiting outside right now.
What do you mean
the patients have been switched?
I'm not sure either.
(Park Dong Sung)
Transfer the patient inside
back to his room.
Give him an IV vitamin treatment.
Yes, doctor.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Episode 10)
How are you feeling?
Are you in any pain?
I'd better be in tip-top shape.
After all, I slept for hours.
The layout of the surgery
doesn't match the floor plan.
There's a backdoor that
never existed in the plan.
Dr. Gong.
Given the way it's set up,
no one outside the OR
would know about his existence.
They must have changed the layout
with his role in mind.
If you hadn't been in the OR,
we would have never known.
In that sense,
you deserve my praise.
You saw the whole thing.
I was asleep the whole time.
In that sense,
you deserve my praise.
You came to our hospital
as an ER patient last night.
In a traffic accident.
This hospital was closer
from my house.
Gosh. You can walk just fine.
Given the diagnosis you have,
it must be painful to walk.
Gosh. No wonder why it hurt so much.
There must have been
an error in our system.
As the director of the hospital,
I would like to apologize.
But our hospital specializes
in surgery.
We don't accept patients
from traffic accidents.
You should transfer
to another hospital.
Well, seeing how
you can walk just fine,
you can go home too.
But I'm in pain.
Let's get you discharged.
I'm in real pain.
- I know that you're faking it.
- It really hurts!
Have you been stabbed in the OR?
It hurts so much! It's no joke.
- Oh, no.
- So am I to understand that
you're demanding
settlement money from me?
No way. I'm not some con man.
I just need to get treated.
I see.
How should we treat Mr. Kim Do Ki?
Give him a lot of shots
on a regular basis.
Yes, doctor.
Oh, my.
(Kim Do Ki, Kim Jin Soo,
Joo Young Eun)
It's time for your shot.
Hey, Mr. Kim isn't in his bed.
- Leave him alone.
- What?
He's here for his insurance claim.
I see.
(Pay Parking Here)
(No-Smoking Building)
(Why Do Manufacturers Matter
for Artificial Joints?)
This company manufactures
medical supplies and equipment.
Yes, Director.
Yes. I'll head over there now.
(Medical Equipment)
Chief Gong Soo Ho of
Medical Sales Team for Meditopia.
It's confirmed that
he's not a doctor.
(Surgery schedule)
This can't be.
He's performing
all of those surgeries?
(Ji Sang Jin, Jung Ji An,
Kim Yoon Sik)
(Im Hong Gyu, Kwang Sook Young,
Lee Ho Jin, Park Sun Young)
(Kim Hyung Woo, An Sung Ho,
Heo Ji Yeon, Kim Hwa Ja)
Aren't you curious
if the person who performs the most
surgeries in this district
is indeed Director An Young Sook
(Chief Gong Soo Ho,
Medical Sales Team)
if it's Chief Gong Soo Ho.
(Gong Soo Ho)
This kind of symbiotic relationship
can be seen
between crocodiles
and plover birds. Right?
If she couldn't perform surgery,
she should have hired
another doctor who could.
Why is she making an unlicensed salesman
fill in for her?
It's about money.
Doctors get paid a lot.
If she could make a salesman
to be her ghost surgeon,
she would save up a lot of money.
Take a look at this.
(Petition for a Change of Name)
I didn't know because
Director An changed her name.
But I found something interesting.
Her name went from
An Ji Eun to An Young Sook.
She changed her name four years ago.
She changed her name?
So I looked her up
by her previous name.
She ran a private clinic
outside the metropolitan area.
(Doctor Gets License Suspended
for Hiring a Salesman for Surgery)
She paid a fine back then
for doing the exact same thing
she's doing right now.
Gosh. Who knew
she was a repeat offender?
Shouldn't her license get revoked
given what she did?
Her suspension was lifted
after six months.
- What?
- It got lifted?
She can be a doctor again?
After her suspension got lifted,
what do you think
Director An Ji Eun did?
She changed her name
from An Ji Eun to An Young Sook.
She erased her past.
So she opened up a new hospital.
She went back to her old playbook.
She's making a salesman do surgery
as if she's running a factory.
How dare she name the hospital
"The Kindest Hospital?"
The ruling from the court
made her more confident.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Was there a traffic jam?
Or did you not want to come?
Of course, I wanted to come.
I rushed over right away.
If you need anything else,
ask for Cha Eun Woo at the bar.
Have a good time then.
There are 7 surgeries scheduled
in 2 days.
You should come
to work earlier than usual.
Yes, ma'am.
I've been meaning to talk to you.
It's my mother's death anniversary
in two days.
I don't think I'll be available
for surgery that day.
Then don't come to work.
I'll look for someone else.
- That's not what I meant.
- Then what?
Should I charge you
for all of the surgical fees?
I don't have that kind of money.
Then are you asking me
to bear the financial burden?
I'm very disappointed in you.
This is a small field.
You must know better than anyone
what happens once people find out
you're not reliable.
Right. I was shortsighted.
I'll be at the hospital on time.
People like us
must prioritize surgery,
first and foremost.
Isn't that right?
Yes, ma'am.
It's all thanks to
buying our equipment
instead of other company's.
Thank you, ma'am.
I must be even more famous than now.
So must be my hospital.
I'll make you the deputy director
of administration.
With that said, this is on me today.
No. I brought my company card.
You can't keep putting it
on your company card.
What if your CEO scolds you?
It's okay, ma'am.
All right. Let's get going.
Let's go and make money.
Pardon? There was
surgery scheduled today too?
There are only two surgeries today.
Gosh. I'm so forgetful.
I must have forgotten to tell you.
Go to your office,
get your things, and wait.
I'll send you a car.
Come to work in that car.
And pay for two more bottles of liquor
on your way out.
See you later.
She's been using his company card
to pay for her drinks.
No wonder why I didn't find anything
on her credit card statement.
The person who performs
the most surgeries in the district
isn't Director An Young Sook.
That's been confirmed now.
Based on what we just heard,
if they go ahead with the schedule,
they're about to perform
surgery again while intoxicated.
Right. They cannot perform surgery.
Darn it. She could have
just called a taxi for him.
She's racking up the mileage.
Gosh, what a cheapskate.
Gosh. What a slick ride.
Fine. I'm putting up with this for you,
my baby.
Who did this to my baby?
Oh, no. This is dirty.
Darn it. What's taking so long?
You jerk. You're dead meat
when I catch you. Come on.
Chief Gong Soo Ho,
I'm here to pick you up.
Please get in.
Please make the call later.
I have a few questions for you.
Who are you?
You know a patient
named Han Su Ryeon, right?
Seeing how you recognize her name,
you did operate on her.
Spare me.
Tell me what happened
in the OR that day.
Tell me the truth.
(Operating Room Status:
Han Su Ryeon, In surgery)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
(Han Su Ryeon)
Give me the gauze pads.
What's wrong here?
Her blood pressure
is suddenly dropping.
We can't stop the bleeding.
Notify the director now!
Give me more pads.
This is the OR.
Please call the director.
More pads now!
More pads. And hurry.
What's going on?
Well, there was bleeding
all of a sudden.
I must have ruined everything.
Step aside.
Why are her veins so ugly?
Hook her up with more blood.
We ran out of blood.
Then go and get more.
Yes, doctor.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
(Han Su Ryeon)
Open it up more.
Open it up more.
Okay. What was that?
Close her up.
The surgery is over. Stitch her up.
Dr. Gong. I need to talk to you.
Have a drink.
I'm all right.
Drink it.
It was the side effect
of the anesthesia.
It was an unfortunate event
that could've happened to anyone.
Chief Gong, brush off
what happened today
and focus on the surgeries
you have tomorrow.
You get what I'm saying, right?
Yes, Director An.
Drink up.
(Operation Room)
(Authorized Personnel Only)
Su Ryeon.
My gosh. Su Ryeon
Su Ryeon's surgery was successful.
Thank you.
When she wakes up
in the recovery room,
she'll be moved to the general ward.
- Thank you so much, doctor.
- My pleasure.
Even while seeing the man
protest for over a year,
you remained silent.
Even though you knew everything.
As if speaking up
would change anything.
Do you know
what happened to my mentor
after he blew the whistle?
He was fired.
No one's willing to take him in
now that he has been black-listed.
So how could I take a stand?
I'll only end up the same way.
I'm better off doing as asked.
That's your problem.
You think doing as asked
frees you from the guilt.
Because you lack power,
because there's nothing you can do,
and because it wouldn't work anyway.
That's why you chose
to side with evil.
Because it wasn't going
to happen to you anyway.
That attitude of yours
made people like An Young Sook
spread their wings.
You're also an accomplice.
(Authorized Personnel Only)
I'm sorry, Director An.
Some punk
Some punk smashed my car.
Did you catch the punk?
Chief Gong hasn't called yet,
has he?
His phone has been turned off.
I'm going with
a new medical supply dealer,
so draw up a list.
What about Meditopia, then?
Switch companies, darn it.
Of course.
What about the rest of the payment?
Do not pay a single dime.
And cancel the rest
of the booked surgeries.
This patient should not eat.
I bet this fake patient
wouldn't even be here.
(Health Care)
I see you're still here.
Where else should a patient be?
I see.
By the way, haven't we met before?
Haven't you seen me before?
I've seen you around, you know.
Where did we meet though?
I don't quite remember.
I'm disappointed, nurse.
I'm upset and won't speak.
I remember now!
Aren't you the taxi driver?
We already confirmed
where the crimes are taking place.
Is there a need to stay?
There's a piece of the puzzle
that I can't quite place.
Director An is goal-oriented,
and she keeps
her intentions close to the vest.
She values surgeries
more than anything else,
but she let her drinking problem
give her hand tremors
and now she's spending
a lot of her time
doing volunteer work.
It doesn't make any sense.
That's why you've been
carrying around that frown.
Maybe it's what she likes to do
or maybe she's looking for fame.
Do Ki, is that you?
Do Ki.
Were you injured?
Well, I'm almost
back to full health.
What brings you by though?
I came by to visit a friend
and was on my way out.
Does Mr. Park and Mr. Choi
also know you're here?
I'll be discharged soon.
Do Ki, please. You should rest
while admitted to a hospital.
You don't want
complications later on.
I appreciate your concern.
By the way, how did it go
with that friend of yours?
My friend?
Oh, right. The one I was
on the fence about befriending.
I think you're right.
He's someone
I can't be friends with.
I need to get going
to pick up a passenger.
Get well soon, Do Ki.
I'll see you at work.
Isn't Mr. On sweet?
He was here to visit a sick friend.
Visiting a sick person.
That's it.
People come by to visit
sick family members and friends.
That's right.
Don't you find it weird?
Surgeries are conducted
as if this is a factory
(Intensive Care Unit)
(Surgery Waiting Room)
So why isn't there anyone
in the waiting room?
It is odd now that you mention it.
Normally, someone waits
until the surgery is over.
Like Ms. Han's father,
at least one person always waits.
I think I know why.
(Recipient of Basic Health Care)
Sir, let me take a look.
How does this feel?
It's a little numb.
Can you move your toes for me?
You're lucky
that I caught this early.
It could've turned into
something serious.
But I don't feel
any kind of discomfort.
Is surgery necessary?
Gosh, I'm sorry.
As if I know any better.
All right.
Let me schedule your surgery.
Before your condition worsens,
I will operate on you
and make you as good as new.
I booked four more surgeries,
so prep operating room two.
Why? Isn't it possible?
Call the work manager
and sort out the operating rooms.
What do you mean it can't be done
when I have these many surgeries?
Get a grip on yourself.
She's booking surgeries
for the elderly
who don't need to be operated.
This was how she was able
to conduct so many surgeries.
How many times must I tell you?
My gosh. Shall we move on?
- Sure.
- Good.
The elderly she approached
are recipients of basic health care.
How are you feeling these days?
- I'm good.
- Good.
She's taking advantage
of the fact that
the cost is covered
by the government.
Director An just puts in the claim
once the surgeries are over.
I know that one can
be crazy about money,
but how could she do this
to those who are healthy?
How was she never caught
after doing this to people?
Their families
would've said something.
That brings me
to the second reason
why no one was in the waiting room.
I have no family.
But you still fixed me up
for free.
She targeted senior citizens
who have no family.
even if the surgeries
don't go well
An Young Sook is the offender
but also their guardian.
It's how she gets her own way
without being questioned.
She took advantage
of the loophole in the law
and designed the perfect crime.
- Right.
- What?
Why on earth are we doing this?
It's a birthday gift.
I heard you and your dad
promised to go here together.
He told me.
I heard
that you were still paying
her medical bills.
I don't know how to thank you.
Thank you so much.
Don't mention it.
It's a loan,
and I expect the money back.
Of course.
I'll repay you in any way I can.
We'll handle
getting the payment back,
so you don't need to be concerned.
She's a strong one.
I think she gets that from you.
Darn it. Is that the best I can do?
Mr. Kim has been gushing over
his clever new employee.
Thank you, Director.
How many surgeries
have you conducted?
Do you know Chief Gong at Meditopia?
Yes, I heard about him.
I trained him, you know.
But right now, he's on his way out.
You can find surgery kits online
to practice with.
They don't cost much,
so get practicing.
After a few tries,
you'll get the hang of it.
Are you not interested?
If so, tell me right now
so that I can contact
another supplier.
Gosh, no. I'll get practicing.
Issue yourself
a company credit card
and hand it
to the hospital administrator.
Got it, Director An.
- Get going, then.
- Take care.
Why are my shots so bad today?
Good shot.
It's me.
He's on board.
- She
- He'll get you the credit card.
She just hired someone
to do her surgeries, didn't she?
That was easier than getting
a local part-time job.
Jin Eon, did you see that?
- See what?
- That swing of mine.
I have finally found my calling.
He's unconscious?
Kyung Gu, she's leaving.
Sir, can you hear me?
Let's take a look.
All right.
Old age is causing this,
so keep taking good care of him.
His vital signs are getting weaker,
and I can't get an IV in.
- So?
- Sorry?
I just said that
old age was causing this.
Are you trying to contradict me?
Can you take responsibility for it?
Of course not, Director.
Yes, Director?
When the patient dies,
call the police in the afternoon
and report that
an elder who lives alone
died of chronic disease.
Yes, Director.
Once the death certificate
is issued,
arrange a funeral with
the borough office welfare division.
Also, bring me
all of the nurse charts.
Got it.
I can't believe it.
How can she be so calm
after what she did
to a powerless old man?
A slap on the wrist, a cheap fine,
and an easily renewable
medical license.
An Young Sook discovered that
as An Ji Eun.
It's how she came
to design this scheme.
(Medical Record)
What the
Who's there?
Someone's in here.
One should check
before turning off the lights.
Who are you?
Only authorized personnel
are allowed in here.
You are to leave.
And why exactly
is this a restricted area?
What the
Stop right there.
Who are you anyway?
Don't come near me, you freak!
I wish to make
the sweet Director An Young Sook
Do you need help?
The more, the merrier.
I'll be right over.
One might think
you own this hospital.
- Stick to picking up the trash.
- What?
Gosh, here's a fake patient.
(Monthly Law)
My IV drip is done.
I'll take it out for you
in your room.
(Nurse Treatment Room)
Shouldn't this be locked?
(Restricted Visitation)
You can't come this way.
Until when?
This is an urgent matter,
so come back some other time.
Hang in there, sir.
We'll get you to another hospital.
I'm all done.
Don't you think
I look good in this gown?
I blend in, don't I?
- Quiet. This way.
- Right.
I hope Director An
loves this special day of hers.
She will
since it'll make her more famous.
- Nurse.
- Yes?
I'm all better now
and want to be discharged.
You're better? Just like that?
Yes, I suddenly feel fine.
Have a good day, then.
(Schweitzer of Shanty Towns)
- What's your name?
- I'm a fan.
Gosh, thank you. What's your name?
- It's Son Young Min.
- I see.
- Have a good day.
- Thank you.
(Schweitzer of Shanty Towns,
Author Book Signing Event)
(An Young Sook)
Can I take a photo?
- Like this?
- Yes.
(An Young Sook, be healthy)
- It's an honor.
- Gosh, thank you.
- Have a good day.
- Thank you.
- Hello.
- It's an honor.
Director An,
your book just came out.
That's right.
Gosh, it's embarrassing.
I'm in love with the title.
"Schweitzer of Shanty Towns."
Can you tell us about it?
Well, my experience
as a doctor
Just a moment, please.
Before you start,
we just have to share some news.
We received a tip
about you not long ago.
(An Young Sook, Orthopedist)
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You don't have to be
so humble about something like this.
You promised to donate
this year's profits
for the welfare and health
of all the elderly who live alone.
Who, me?
We called a member
of your staff to confirm this,
and he said he knew nothing of it
until he received
the pledge certificate.
Who else can we call
the Korean Schweitzer?
She deserves more applause.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Kim.
I can't reach
the admin office right now.
(An Young Sook)
Did you approve
a donation in my name?
Yes, I wired this year's profits
to the Blue Bird Foundation
for the Elderly.
You're saying my actual signature
was on it?
I never signed such a thing.
I'm a huge fan.
Thank you.
Thank you.
(An Young Sook)
I got it.
Thank you.
Are you insane? What is it you do?
Why did you do such a sloppy job?
Is your skull full of trash?
It was your signature,
and you're all for
treating the elderly.
And the TV station
kept calling to ask, so
Can you get the money back?
If we ask for it back,
can we get a refund?
Donations made by legal means
can't be retrieved, I heard.
And everyone's saying
you're a real Schweitzer
to help people in secret
Will you stop talking such nonsense?
When the admin manager comes in,
tell him to call me, okay?
- Okay?
- Yes.
What a rotten day.
What is it now?
(The Health Insurance Review
and Assessment Service)
It's that way.
(Send An Young Sook to prison!)
(Parking, Staff Only)
There must be a reason
they're assessing us.
(The Health Insurance Review
and Assessment Service)
May I ask what's going on?
I'm the director of this hospital.
I'm with HIRA's
joint task force team.
Someone reported
you reuse disposable syringes.
- We reuse syringes?
- Yes.
You must be mistaken.
We don't do such a thing.
They don't cost much anyway.
I found them.
Who would pull
a prank like this in a hospital?
These people
are getting the wrong idea.
Who is it? Who set this up?
Where do you keep
the psychotropic medication?
I heard you smuggle them out too.
What on earth are you talking about?
(Psychotropic medication)
Who took what was in here?
Get the log!
We checked the log online.
You made constant
and regular prescriptions.
I did?
You're saying
I took what was in here?
There's medication
that expired a year ago?
My gosh.
You're a full package, aren't you?
This is a conspiracy.
Someone faked it all.
Someone set it all up to frame me.
Check the security cameras.
It'll show who was in here.
Let's check the footage
so we can catch the person.
What? It was formatted?
Yes. Our system
is regularly formatted.
It was last formatted at midnight.
What idiot set up
that kind of system?
You did.
You wanted it to be formatted
every two weeks
so it can't be restored.
There's nothing more to see.
Darn you. Why won't you believe me?
So what if you're a civil servant?
How many times must I say
this is all fake?
Who are you? Who do you work for?
Who are you working with?
- Who did you gang up with?
- Let him go.
Let go!
Do you know Meditopia's Gong Soo Ho?
He turned himself in last night.
Can I help you?
I'm here to turn myself in.
Jeil Chakhan Hospital's
director An Young Sook
had a medical appliance company's
employee operate in her place.
Once it was revealed
she'd hired others to operate,
the judge of Han Su Ryeon's
medical malpractice suit
allowed a retrial against An.
(Court allows retrial)
Business at Jeil Chakhan Hospital
was suspended,
and it's said they're
taking measures to close down.
(Proxy surgery)
Han Su Ryeon,
a victim of the proxy surgery
is undergoing treatment
at another hospital.
(Tell the truth behind your lies
and manipulation!)
(Send An Young Sook to prison!)
(Trauma: Does It Occur
Externally or Internally)
(Jeil Chakhan Hospital)
(Administrative Disposition Notice)
(Board License)
I'll pay the fine
and change my name.
And start a new hospital.
They act like they're so great
when they'll forget about it soon.
They're such morons.
(Doctor's License)
What do they think of me as?
Darn it.
Once this surgery factory
closes down,
what would you do?
Who are you?
Would you repent for what you did,
or would you prepare
for another name change?
If it's the latter,
that makes you incurable.
My goodness.
The fake patient?
Don't worry.
Your incurable disease
is exactly something
I can operate on.
Did you do all this?
Did the likes of you do this to me?
You have a death wish, don't you?
There was a faint smell of garlic
when I drifted off.
You, fake patient.
Why are you doing this?
One time, my army base's
ssireum arena
got some new sand.
Clean, fresh sand has no impurities.
So it's fine, soft,
and feels great on bare feet.
One of the soldiers
was sewing his uniform
in the arena
and he dropped the needle.
Do you know what happened then?
No one was able to set foot
in the arena.
The large ring full of clean sand
had become a dangerous place
because of one needle.
Because of just one needle.
Because of you.
(Operation Room)
(Operating Room Status:
An Young Sook, Awaiting surgery)
(In surgery)
How does it feel to be on the table?
I'll make you vice director.
I wasn't on this table for long,
but so many thoughts
went through my mind then.
If I were one of
your actual patients,
what could I have done
as I lay here?
It was to trust you.
The profits.
You can take 60 percent.
I'll take 40.
While you had someone else operate,
while you were drinking,
the only thing I could do
on the operating table
was to trust you
with my whole being.
Han Su Ryeon did that,
and so did her father.
You take 60, I'll take 40.
You can keep it all.
You 70, me 30!
Let me live.
Please, let me live!
When did you get here?
What's that?
The fish-shaped buns.
No way. This looks so good.
I'm scared of getting the surgery.
Once I get my driver's license,
we can go to the east coast
just like old times
and go to the silver grass field.
What do you think?
Just the thought of it
makes me happy.
Su Ryeon.
Su Ryeon.
It's Dad.
Do you recognize me? I'm right here.
I dreamed I walked
through the silver grass.
With you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
You did well. Good for you.
Doctor! My daughter, she's awake.
(Rainbow Transport)
I'll send a photo. Go ahead with it.
Well, I have it set up,
but do you have to go this far?
I told you.
I'd take care of them
in their own way.
I know Kim Do Ki the best.
You just do as you're told.
And be careful.
I'll be careful.
That's not what I meant.
Be careful and make sure
it all goes well.
That dirtbag.
I'll take the taxi out of service.
Well done, everyone.
Good job.
Nice one, guys.
No mention of a team dinner today?
Do you want Korean beef?
I wondered why
you didn't mention that.
Mr. Kim, are things okay
on your end?
That's odd.
I'm getting a weird noise signal
from the taxi.
A noise signal?
Mr. Kim, do you hear me?
Go Eun?
Mr. Kim.
Do you hear me?
Where's he going?
(An Go Eun, Choi Kyung Gu)
(Jang Sung Chul)
(President, Jang Sung Chul)
Mr. Kim.
Do Ki.
(Park Jin Eon)
(An Go Eun)
(Deluxe Taxi)
(Kim Do Ki)
(Rainbow Transport)
He's someone
I can't be friends with.
I need to get going
to pick up a passenger.
(Deluxe Taxi)
(Deluxe, M5283)
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Because you lack power,
because there's nothing you can do,)
(that's why you choose
to side with evil.)
(That makes you an accomplice.)
No way. Kim Do Ki's dead?
Won't they do something?
Someone dislikes us a great deal.
I identified the unfamiliar people
who came to
Mr. Kim's funeral.
They all work here.
Black Sun? The famous Gangnam club?
Why would a club go after Mr. Kim?
Should I kill one more?
Live a long life.
Don't work too hard.
Are you saying
Mr. On tried to kill Mr. Kim?
He approached us
with an ulterior motive.
I'm glad we didn't become friends.
I think it's time to make a move.
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