The Baxters (2024) s02e10 Episode Script

Say a Little Prayer

[Ryan] On Thanksgiving,
when I bumped into Ashley,
we kissed.
It's nothing to be
nervous about, Erin.
People move.
Maybe not the Baxters,
but people all over.
I don't think you realize
how much you're asking me
to give up.
A while ago,
before everything happened,
I talked to Pastor Mark
about starting a ministry
for women here in the church
who are also struggling
in their marriages.
I think that's wonderful.
Hey, Lori. Did you find
someone to work with yet
on the assignment?
I thought we were
on different sides.
So did I.
[Ashley] Belinda, I know
about the checks you're hiding.
-You're done.
I don't wanna see you
in this building again.
You're fired.
I know about you and Ryan,
about your kiss.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Say something.
I'm sorry, okay?
It happened when you were
still married to Tim.
Married to Tim?
Forgive me.
Please stir things up
with my ex-boyfriend
while my marriage
is falling apart.
I'm not trying to justify it.
I'm just saying
it was bad timing
to tell you about it then.
Bad timing for who?
Kari, I'm sorry.
It was one kiss.
It was nothing more.
Oh, I can't listen
to you right now.
It was a mistake.
It was a huge mistake.
Just so you know,
I'm the one who was
defending you
to Mom and Dad
when you don't come to church.
I'm the one
who fights with Luke
when he talks about you
behind your back.
I'm one the one who was
changing Cole's diapers
I get it. I'm a screw up.
I can't do anything right,
including my job,
which I got fired from
earlier today.
No. No, no, no.
You do not get
to turn this around.
I'm not turning
anything around.
Everyone is bound
to make mistakes, Ash.
My biggest problem
isn't your kiss,
my biggest problem is that
I had to hear about it
from him.
You're my sister.
That's never gonna change.
I'll probably forgive you
sooner than you deserve.
I'm just disappointed.
Mark would love this.
Everything all right?
Not really.
What's up?
I know you don't like
to take sides when
the Baxter girls fight,
but Ashley and I
are having issues.
Well, you two have been known
to butt heads in the past.
Well, we wouldn't
if she could just get
her act together.
always be humble,
gentle and patient.
Hey, Ryan.
Or maybe just one
of those virtues at a time.
I'll be right here
if you need me.
-Kari, can we talk?
-I'm a little busy.
I just want you to know
that what happened that night
was a mistake.
It meant nothing to me.
I talked to Ashley.
She said the same thing.
So, if it didn't mean
anything to either of you,
then how exactly
did it happen?
I don't know.
But you have to believe
that I'm sorry.
I am.
Look, I know
you weren't trying
to hurt me,
but you weren't exactly
thinking of me
in that moment either.
So, what can I do
to make it better?
I need some
space today, Ryan.
-And tomorrow?
-I don't know.
[Rosenmann] Thank you.
Still surprised
that we worked together?
But opposition is always
the best breeding ground
for growth.
Would you say
that we've grown?
I'd say you have,
thanks to me.
"God Vs. The Inner Self
by Lori Callahan
and Luke Baxter."
I look forward to reading
this great experiment.
It's been,
uh, eye opening.
Oh, good,
you're still here.
After today, I feel like
I could sleep for a week.
Aw. Well, I have
good news for you.
Someone responded
to your post.
They want to come in
and talk with you
about their marriage.
Oh. Wow!
Is everything okay?
Yes. It's more than okay.
I, I actually really needed
that news today.
-Is it a couple?
Um, a young woman.
She said that she preferred
to remain anonymous.
Well, does Friday morning
work for you?
I'll be here.
Thank you, Pastor Mariana.
You're welcome.
-We should celebrate
our assignment.
You want to grab
a smoothie or something?
I was thinking
more like dinner
tomorrow night.
Yeah. You eat it, right?
Well, yeah, but only
every other night.
-I'm kidding.
-Oh. [chuckles]
So, tomorrow night.
Just so I'm clear, is
Is this dinner just two friends
grabbing a meal or
I don't know.
I'd say it depends
on how the dinner goes.
Text you in the morning.
You look like you need
much more than coffee.
Sorry about all this, Ash.
When it rains,
it pours, huh?
This feels like a monsoon.
I'm here to help you dig out.
Or I guess swim out.
First things first.
Based on what
you've explained so far,
you deserve this job back.
Well, unless you're suggesting
we break into the house
and Belinda's office,
I don't know
how to get proof.
The proof should be
your word, Ash.
You've done nothing
but an incredible job
over there
and been nothing but honest.
I think you go to Lu
and tell her everything.
Ask her to check the office
for the good of the people
she's entrusted to care for.
Look at you
being all serious.
I don't like people
treating my girl poorly.
Yeah, well, it may be payback
for what I did to my sister.
Item number two.
-Why do I keep doing this?
-Doing what?
Disappointing people,
making mistakes,
hurting people.
Just ends up hurting me.
Look, Ashley, I don't know
everything that happened
in Paris,
but I know whatever it was,
it's still with you.
I think you need
to let it out.
I'm afraid that will make
everything worse.
I know.
But I also know
the people in your world,
me included.
We love you, Ashley.
We're here for you
whenever you're ready.
Now, let's go
find an outfit that says
give me my job back,
Technically, it's Lu.
Come on.
Hi, Lu.
I'd like to talk to you
about why I got fired.
I was told that you quit
without notice, Ashley.
Of course Belinda said that.
Lu, Belinda has secrets,
and knowing her secrets
is what got me fired.
Belinda has worked for me
for almost ten years.
I'm sorry,
but you can't trust her.
If you're making
some kind of accusation,
I'm gonna ask for specifics.
I have evidence.
I'm sorry we have to do this,
but it's the only way.
What exactly
are we looking for?
-Can you open this one?
Here it is.
They're in here.
No, no, no.
The checks were in here.
What checks
are you talking about?
Checks from the residents.
Belinda is stealing
from their bank accounts.
Ashley, without any evidence,
it's your word
against Belinda's.
And she's been working
with the elderly
her entire adult life.
Am I allowed to be in here?
You're fine, Irvel.
We were just leaving.
You know Ashley, right?
Hi, Irvel.
Have you been keeping up
with charades?
I've never met this woman.
Gone with the Wind?
Irvel, you remember.
Their condition worsens when
their routine is disturbed,
that's always why I'm so upset
when people leave.
Look, maybe there's
another explanation.
Belinda's coming in early,
but if you stay
I shouldn't be here.
But if somebody is stealing,
I need to find out.
I must have been wrong.
-I might not have seen
what I thought I saw.
-Just forget it.
Hey, God, it's me.
It's been a while.
Probably too long.
So long
I don't really remember
how to do this.
I remember
when we were little,
Mom used to say,
"You don't have
to come to God
with anything specific.
You can just say hello.
I'm here.
He wants to hear from you."
Is that true?
It's hard to believe
you'd wanna hear from me.
Anyway, I, um
I don't really know
what I wanna say
or what I need to say.
But I think I'm lost.
I think I've been lost
for a long time actually.
[breathes deeply]
So, I guess the best
I can do right now
is just say,
"Hello. I'm here."
No, I'm just saying
the servers
shouldn't have to sing
"Happy Birthday" twice,
especially if both tables
are sitting right next
to each other.
Just add in the other name,
sing it to both tables.
I think they just want their
customers to feel special.
I did not feel special
listening to
the same song twice.
So, we made it
to the end of the night.
-What's the verdict?
Friends or
Mmm. I can't answer that
unless you finish
your question.
Oh, man. You're tough.
I've heard that
once or twice.
I don't think you'd know
what to do with me.
-Oh, yeah?
What's that supposed to mean?
Sweet, perfect Luke Baxter
and this non-believer.
I'm not perfect.
Good. Neither am I.
Hey, by the way,
do you know
the fastest way to get
to the highway from here?
Um, yeah.
If you go down the hill,
make a right,
and then you'll see
I had a lot of fun tonight.
Me, too.
Can we do this again?
Hey, Erin.
What are you doing here?
Wait. You're here
for counseling?
I responded anonymously
because I didn't think
I'd actually come,
and now that I'm here,
I don't know if I'm ready
to talk about it.
But you did come.
Better with your sister
than someone random.
Come on. Come sit.
So, where should I start?
Whatever comes to mind.
I'm not moving
to Texas with Sam.
I can't believe
I just said that out loud.
-Go on.
-I just can't do it.
Leave family, leave home.
This is where I belong.
I know that in my heart.
Have you told Sam this yet?
Sam's a little preoccupied
with his dream job
around the corner,
and it doesn't help
that's he's working in Texas
during the week now.
Is that what's bothering you?
You feel like he doesn't have
time for you anymore?
It's part of it.
But even when
we are together,
I don't feel like
myself with him.
All I feel is distance.
When did that start?
Around the time he started
looking for a new job.
He just became like this
crazy, career-obsessed person.
And every time
I tried to bring it up,
we would argue about
how I'm too attached
to our family
and how I need to be
more independent.
It sounds like
Sam is going through
his own transition.
He might be having trouble
processing it himself.
Yeah. I hate it.
Feels good to say it
out loud, doesn't it?
Really good.
You know, I don't even think
I really came here for advice.
I think I just needed
to hear myself
to know how certain I am.
When Tim and I
were having our problems,
I felt like
I couldn't tell anyone
what we were really
going through.
There were days
when all I felt was anger.
And others,
I wanted to give up.
But you didn't.
You got through it.
Maybe I'm not
as strong as you.
Erin, my faith
is what gives me strength,
and your faith
will give you yours.
But what does that
really mean?
It means trusting that God
will show you the path
if you're patient
with Sam and yourself.
[cell phone vibrating]
[Lu] Good morning, Ashley.
Are you busy?
No. Is everything okay?
It's about the missing checks.
Ashley, you are right.
Belinda's been stealing
from the residents.
The bank showed us trails
from their accounts
to Belinda's accounts.
So, what happens next?
Well, Sunset Hills
is in the clear
since we brought this
to the authorities,
but two families
are pressing charges
against Belinda.
It doesn't
look good for her.
No, I mean,
what happens to Sunset Hills
and Helen and Irvel?
Well, that's why I'm calling.
Ashley, I'd like you
to come back
and be the manager here.
The bump in pay
wouldn't be much,
but you'd be able
to run things
the way you want.
Ashley, are you there?
Yes. Yes, I would love to.
All right.
Well, we can start looking
for new candidates
for your
old position tomorrow.
That sounds amazing.
Thank you so much.
No, Ashley, I am the one
who's thanking you.
See you tomorrow.
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
Yes, I'd be happy
to provide a reference.
Who is the candidate?
Oh, Reagan.
And you're based
in California?
Well, I can tell you
she is an excellent employee.
And if you speak with her,
tell her she's missed.
Your showroom is
really nice.
Sorry I've never been here.
I learned to stop
being offended by that
a long time ago.
I wanted to say I'm sorry.
What I did was wrong,
and keeping it from you
was worse,
and the fact
that you're my sister
just makes it truly cruel.
And I wanted to ask
for your forgiveness
even though I know
I don't deserve it.
Ashley, everyone
deserves forgiveness.
Yeah, I don't know
if I believe that.
Yeah, I think
that's part of your problem.
Please do not try
to explain me to myself.
I know that there are issues
I need to resolve
and I'm trying
to work on them.
Starting now.
What are you doing?
I'm going to give you a hug.
So, then I'm forgiven?
You were forgiven
the moment you walked in
that door.
That's not what
this hug is for.
I really think I needed that.
I know.
It's always here.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
Sam's home this week,
and last night,
we sat in the kitchen
and talked
till the sun came up.
I forgot how nice
it could be.
[Landon] You seem
really happy, Ashley.
I'm getting there.
Just in time for me
to leave for California.
I'll try to speed it up.
-[Ryan] Hey.
-Hey. Come here.
You have always had
a place in my heart.
The ball's in your court.
All you keep telling me to do
is to put my faith in God.
That's all anyone can do
right now, Luke.
Yeah, well, it's not
enough for me, Dad.
[stutters] I can't
be here right now.
[theme music playing]
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