The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e10 Episode Script

Send Hatred to the Past

Perhaps the word "fool"
was created to describe me.
I wanted to make you happy.
This is the end of the tragedy
of 2,000 years ago.
Now, we go to regain everything.
Insurgent Anos Voldigoad.
Students in white uniforms
will be executed, one by one.
If you wish to save them,
come alone to the arena.
It seems they still have
not acquired the Law Destroyer.
If they intended to win in a proper
fight, they wouldn't need hostages.
Then their objective is to buy time.
- We'll go instead.
- Very well.
This artifact will prevent them
from noticing you.
It should allow you to enter
the execution grounds.
Leave it to us.
The two of you will
save the other students.
Got it.
We'll do our best.
Leena, you come with me.
The Spirit King awaits.
Then we shall begin.
Until the misfit appears,
you will be killed, one by one.
The only trouble will be
Meleheyeth and that teacher.
- If we move now
- Wait.
They noticed us?
It's okay. They're probably
waiting for us to act.
So if we make any wrong moves?
- Nihid.
- Sir.
She is first.
Huh? What? No! Why?!
Because you are not a Highblood.
Please wait!
I am Aramis Eltimo, a third-year student.
If you intend to execute
someone, then execute me.
So you are reincarnated?
I am a hero.
I am a far greater enemy to you
than a demon of mixed blood.
Very well.
We shall do precisely as you wish.
Nihid, take him to the scaffold.
Trying to be a hero? How foolish.
- Have you discovered their location?
- Yes.
Avos Dilhevia is in the ceremony chamber.
The Spirit King is in the throne room.
But I wasn't able to locate Nous Galia.
More than sufficient.
Do you know where
the students are imprisoned?
Yes. They are
scattered in various locations.
Then take Eleonore and Zeshia to them.
Why are the Spirit King
and Avos in different locations?
They want us to
split into multiple groups.
Her legend is that of the Demon King.
She is weak against
the Sword of Spirits, Gods, and Man.
Does that mean that
the Avos in the ceremony
chamber may be Nous Galia in disguise?
But we don't have much time.
Splitting up would
give us the most certainty.
That is precisely their aim.
Detected! Arms! Fire!
The Hero Kanon?!
Why do you have Lord Shin's sword?
Lady Luche!
Curse you
You fools.
So the brainwashing is much stronger
on demons from 2,000 years ago.
Wait there patiently.
The Demera controlling you will fade soon.
Lay, I'm going to the throne room.
- You head to the ceremony chamber.
- Got it.
Leena, wait here until the time is right.
So we finally meet, Avos Dilhevia.
I'm surprised you could tell.
Whichever I went to,
you would appear before me.
- I've done the same thing before.
- In other words
I only needed to hide
until you showed yourself.
So you sent a fake to
the ceremony chamber.
I gave him three of my sources,
so he's fairly real.
No matter what you do,
I hold everything in my hands.
2,000 years ago,
this student was Igares Ijessica.
He will be put to death presently.
So you're that afraid to fight me
directly, Avos Dilhevia?
If you need time to take possession
of the Law Destroyer,
then you should say so.
You're very good at provoking people.
Nihid, execute him at once.
If we don't take them out all at once,
the hostages will be in danger.
The Magic Eyes of Creation
can do that, but it will take time.
I'll cause as much trouble
as I can to draw their attention.
That will give you a chance.
I'll leave the timing to you.
I will show you some mercy.
Do you have any last words?
Avos Dilhevia is a false Demon King.
I know the true Demon King.
He was strong and kind.
He would never
discriminate on the basis of birth.
Why have you forgotten that?!
Are those your last words?
I have completed my duty.
I leave with no regrets.
I believe that the true Demon King
will bring to us true peace!
I see.
I believe the same.
Have you forgotten that rebelling against
the Demon King is punishable by death?
Rebellion? Nihid? What nonsense is this?
My name is Debidra!
My liege has been, for 2,000 years,
only the Demon King Anos Voldigoad!
All demons of 2,000 years ago
swore loyalty to Avos Dilhevia!
Why do you betray
a man of such high esteem?
It seems that threads are
coming loose from the brainwashing.
Has your obligation to King Anos
been painted over by Avos?
Gaining one ally means nothing!
Gaios! Execute all
the white uniformed students!
Now, you will die!
- Oh, you're a slow one.
- What?!
You, a white uniform!
I wasn't able to meet you 2,000 years ago.
I am Neon Amerca. Pleased to meet you.
Resistance is futile!
Even if you are
demons from 2,000 years ago!
Do you have a magic sword?
You would save
a man who tried to kill you?
But you also saved me.
You never forgot what
the humans did to you, did you?
I left my hatred 2,000 years in the past.
You insolent rogues!
The insurgent's subordinates!
Frozen cats.
Now, let's get out of here!
So this is what your control amounted to?
Don't think you've
won with a single battle.
They are all in different buildings.
They have maybe five minutes to live.
Oh? And?
Your remaining subordinates are
Eleonore, Zeshia, and Menou.
They won't be able to save
students in five places at once.
Did you forget what
you witnessed just now?
I may have other reincarnated
subordinates as well.
Don't try bluffing me.
The reincarnated were
only able to pull together
because several coincidences aligned.
It can't happen twice.
Now, go save them.
Once you've returned, I will fight you.
With your beloved Venz D'Noa.
True, it would be difficult for them
to pull together in this situation.
But there is one good way to do it.
Isn't that true, Debidra?
False Demon King,
do you know of Anoshu Polticoal?
What nonsense is this?
A watchword.
One that only our allies know.
Anoshu Polticoal.
As a result, they were able to
pull together without hesitation.
Don't you find it strange that
so many reincarnated demons
would regain their memories
and powers at such an opportune time?
An order to all my subordinates.
Rendezvous with Eleonore.
She will be able to protect those
without resistance against Demera.
Yes, my liege!
Got it!
Anos Voldigoad!
I see. I understand now.
You changed the past.
If you understand, then you know
that you should be serious now.
If you aren't
You will die without even a fight.
Oh will I? I still have
everything in my hands.
Now, Hero Kanon,
try cutting me
with the Sword of Spirits, Gods, and Man.
Cut everything,
together with her sorrowful fate.
So we are inside
the spirit of spiriting away?
I have long awaited you, King Anos.
I have betrayed you.
The Severing Sword, Deltrose?
You do not draw that with half a heart.
Shin, why do you fight?
- So you know everything.
- Yes.
What I do not know is
the reason you face me, blade in hand.
I will destroy Avos Dilhevia,
but I will save Misa.
That should resolve this entire situation.
I thought that you would state such.
Shin, if I were there with you,
I would have ordered you to do as you did.
You have not for one moment
been anything but my Right-Hand Man.
Then, so I may leave with your mercy,
please bring about
the conclusion of that night.
I wish to challenge you
with both of our lives at stake.
Do you wish for death?
I am the Demon King's Right-Hand Man.
In all the present and past,
I cannot be slain by any but you.
For 2,000 years, I have protected
Misa from the shadows.
I raised my blade against you so that
the legend of the Demon King of Tyranny
would never fade.
And now, her spiritual body has awakened.
Now that you are here,
Misa will surely be saved.
Since then, I have gone on a journey.
I have visited many places,
and I have heard many things.
Rumors of her, her love for all spirits,
her never-fading smile, her undying grace.
If she did not love me,
a man without love
If I had never sought love
She would still be
somewhere in this world.
For 2,000 years,
I have shamed myself to atone.
For my own end, my liege,
please end my empty days by your own hand.
Shin, my loyal subordinate.
You have lived
through 2,000 years of hell.
I am proud of you.
You remember our promise.
Take my right arm.
For your end, take back your pride
as a sword and rest in peace.
I will send you to where she rests.
You present me a far greater
parting gift than any I may deserve.
My sincerest
gratitude for your infinite mercy.
Third secret art of
the Severing Sword, Severance.
The greatest sword of my whole soul,
which I have polished over my life.
Now, challenge me.
You did not cut it off, Shin.
I am no match for you.
No. You were unable to cut it
because you tried to do it
not as a sword, but as a demon.
Shin, you have seen hell for 2,000 years.
2,000 years ago, I would have
given you the salvation of death,
precisely as you wished.
In this age, I have a father.
He is quite a foolish man.
He has shamed himself
in times and ways I know not.
My father loves me.
This is an unchanging truth at all times.
And that is the most important thing.
Even if my father
were in the depths of hell,
and there were still no way
to save him from that hell,
I could not possibly say that I
would let him die with his pride.
No matter how much
he may suffer, I want him to live.
Live, Shin.
Do you intend to deny Misa her father?
She Me
Would she accept me as her father?
Who could be her father but you?
Misa always looked longingly at the half
of the magic sword which you sent her.
She believed that it was
a message from a silent father.
She is waiting for the day you return.
My liege
You have grown yet stronger,
stricter, and kinder.
"To Sever the Chains of Destiny"
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