The Traitors UK (2022) s02e10 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 10

This program me contains some
strong language
Previously on The Traitors,
22 players arrived at this Scottish
to play the ultimate
murder mystery game
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
As the prize pot
continued to build
ruthless strategies
came into play
Well clone, babe.
I saw Harry get the shield
in the mission, but I trust him.
The whole shield was again a plan,
thinking about recruitment
and then I can just be like,
"They've obviously tried
murdering me."
And when tempers soared
at the Round Table
just because I didn't
raise it with you
doesn't mean I didn't have
the suspicion.
But you haven't raised it
with anyone, it seems.
I just don't understand
what your point is.
..the Faithful were left out in the
I'm a Faithful.
But will a new recruit
strengthen the Traitors
You two crafty bastards!
or is this one
playing his own game?
I still can't let on
that Diane's my mum.
Diane was getting too brave,
so we put her in her place.
If I've got an opportunity,
they're getting it.
This is The Traitors.
Look at me with my baby Traitors,
eh? I know, yeah.
Tomorrow, we're sweet anyway.
So right now in the morning,
we just say,
"Oh, they've tried murdering me,"
instead of the recruit.
Everyone's got in their head
that there's either one or two
Traitors left,
so the master plan was
to take the shield
to mask the third recruitment
and then tomorrow morning, say,
"Look, they probably tried
to murder me,"
then no-one will think
there's three.
Do you know what? Like, obviously
I've been a Faithfulfor a while
Your game's just begun, innit?
My game's just begun.
But honestly, boys,
I feel like we could win this, do
you know what I mean? So, um, yeah,
let's get that cash money.
He's loving it already!
I've slipped into that quickly,
ain't I?
There's something about that cloak
which is already giving me
a little bit of power.
Traitor Ross is in full force.
Golden Boy Harry murdered my mum.
I'm livid,
so look, Harry, mate,
I'm coming for you, man.
# Hold on, I'm coming #
With last night's recruitment
of new Traitor Ross,
the Faithful all head to breakfast,
unaware that there has been
no murder
and that all eight players
are still in the game.
# Hold on, I'm coming
# Hold on. #
It's just us!
Oh, that's wild!
I was first down to breakfast
with Mollie.
Didn't get murdered.
I literally love that it's just us.
Same, this is perfect.
The fact that I'm
in the final eight
is absolutely crazy and I'm actually
proud of myself, to be honest.
However, at that Round Table
last night,
Zack voted for me for some,
like, BS reason.
He's really grinding my gears,
and it's just getting so,
so tedious.
You all right after last night,
though? Oh, my God!
Like, I think Zack thinks that he's
the smartest person in the room,
and that his opinion is just,
like, final,
and therefore when you say something
opposing it, he's just like,
"Well, you would say that,
wouldn't you?"
Oh, my God, hi!
Hey, guys.
How are you? How'd you sleep?
Going to breakfast,
I'm just excited.
I pulled the shield card.
It just seems a perfect plan.
I didn't tell people on purpose,
so then I can put
the suspicion on them.
I'm literally so smart, ain't I?
I'm actually genuinely so smart.
Like, I'm just looking at it like,
"Wow, maybe this was meant for me
Oh, and I just broke it.
Oh, no!
How's it going? You all right?
Good, you? Shall we have a chat
at some point later today?
Yeah, can do. Yeah? Let me come
and sit next to you now.
Oh, you are going to sit next to me
now, are you?
Right, 0 | .
Yeah, why not?
I do apologise about the conduct
of howl behaved in our chat.
But, um, yeah.
That's OK.
That's it, that's all I've got to
say, I don't know what else. OK.
Um, how are you, Mollie? OK?
When you look at it,
who is it going to be?
It literally could be anyone at this
HARRY: I just don't even know
where to look.
I thinkjaz is definitely moving
mad jaz is not convincing me.
I haven't thought about Ross.
I trust Ross.
Do you not? I had a little thought
about Ross yesterday.
Any time I've thought it might
be Paul, Ross has always been like,
" | t's not Paul." I don't think
it identifies him as a Traitor,
but he certainly has question marks.
Oh, it's nice to see you, babes.
It's nice to see you too.
Hi, mate, you OK?
You all right, mate?
Yeah, I'm good. You OK?
Hi, mate, you all right?
You OK?
So it's literally just Evie, Ross,
and Jaz.
If Evie's gone, I'm certain
it's Ross. Really?
Ross gone?
Yeah. No, Zack's just saying how
he's got so much suspicion of Ross.
ZACK: I don't know. Have you?
I don't know!
Everyone's looking at Ross.
I feel sorry for that guy.
This is his first clay as a Traitor,
and he doesn't know what's coming.
Hello! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
jaz is dead.
No way.
That's so crazy.
First clay,
I've got to pretend, you know,
that I don't know
jaz is coming down.
No settling-in time for me.
Right, there are so few of us,
we have to just talk
This is just crazy. Hello, mate.
I think we have to talk very
openly about who we think it is now,
cos there are so few of us
and we have nothing to go on.
Ross, I think it's you.
I think you're the Traitor.
OK. Why, mate, why?
I think it's either one of you
or jasmine.
I just feel like
it makes the most sense
based on why I'm still here,
because I've accused either of you
at different stages,
and I'm close to both of you.
I think it would look too suspicious
if I got killed.
Zack started ranting at jasmine
and Ross.
Good, I think,
for myself and maybe Harry,
if Ross' name's getting brought up.
If they can get a Traitor out,
people will think it's fantastic
and there may be one left.
Come in.
What the hell? Hello!
No way, mate!
Is that all of us?
They tried to kill you.
Tried to kill who? Right.
Who got the shield? Did someone get
the shield? Yeah, me. Oh, OK.
So they tried to kill you?
That's nice to know, innit?
What, you got the shield? Yeah.
Right. What does that mean?
They tried to kill him
and he's not?
I can't believe that they tried
to kill you the night you had it.
But I'm a dead man walking,
ain't I? That's so funny.
So that proves, then,
it cannot be me, Mollie, orjaz.
That is it. We are the four people
who knew that he had a shield,
and we would not have, um,
we would not have killed him.
Yeah, but Mollie saw me get it.
I saw Harry get it.
I knew you had a shield, yeah.
Did you know, Andrew?
The plan to recruit last night
and mask it with the shield
has worked perfectly.
No-one suspects there was
a recruitment last night.
If I had my suspicions, and you
didn't know he had a shield,
I think it's just dead set on you,
Why does that make it dead set
on me?
What are the other reasons, mate?
Because anyone that knew
he had a shield
would not try and kill him
at this stage.
We were at the top.
I know no-one got a shield from us,
so if I was a Traitor, why would I
try and go for the people
that I know where the shield was,
which was down below?
I know we didn't get a shield.
No, we didn't get it.
I didn't get in the tunnel,
so I knew nothing.
Why would I do that? I'm not an
idiot. Doesn't make any sense, mate.
Come on, give me credit,
I'm smarter than that. Yeah.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, I know we didn't do it
That's the response!
I'm kind of caught under
a crossfire here.
I mean, obviously,
he's right, now,
but his theories are backed off
something that isn't right,
so it's feeling a bit
like damage control
at the minute.
It does leave it with you, then,
Jasmine, as well.
Why does that leave it with me?
You're gunning,
and it's freaking me out.
Like, Zack,
you're basing this whole argument
solely centred around why you're
here. It's so self-absorbed,
like, I just don't get it.
It's so self-absorbed.
You're being narcissistic.
I'm not being narcissistic.
You are, though.
It's very easy to say that, but
You're basing this whole argument
I'm trying to piece it together
based on the information I have,
because I'm living my experience.
I'm not living the experience of
others, so I can't talk for them.
It's not fair to call me
because I have opinions.
It is narcissistic. It's rude.
Oh, like you haven't been rude
to me? I feel so clear
that it's one of you two.
That's bonkers, mate.
HARRY: Maybe you should, like,
Not at breakfast, though, innit?
Like Oh!
I've been arguing with Zack
for two clays straight.
It's actually crazy because I have
presented quite a tough exterior,
but, like, in general life,
I'm actually just a real big softie.
I have such a strong family unit
and when that's, like,
stripped away from you,
it's hard.
I really, really miss them,
but in this game,
if you show a sign of vulnerability,
people will just think
that maybe you're a Traitor
and things like that,
so I'm not letting on, because
it just wouldn't benefit my game.
Good morning, everyone.
Come on, guys. Hi, Auntie Claud.
Morning, and it is a good morning,
because everybody is still here.
Food for thought.
Soon, it's mission time.
You're going to need
your running shoes,
and you might want to do
a few stretches.
I'll see you there.
Oh, I can't.
But, you know,
regardless of who I think is,
we'll still work as a team.
Yeah, we understand.
Feels like the game is on.
I feel like I've had kind of smooth
Nothing's really been on my back.
It's just annoying
that when the heat's really on,
it's the first day as a Traitor.
just a bit hypocritical to talk
about how personal I get,
and how much I interrupt,
and then to call me narcissistic
and self-absorbed
in the middle of everyone.
That was a really horrible
The vibes are really uncomfortable
between jasmine and Zack.
When Zack is
so sure on something,
it's really hard
to kind of put your opinion
out there
and, yeah, tensions are really high.
Arguments have definitely
started happening in the group.
jasmine's reactions were over
the top the last couple of days.
She hasn't been like that for the
last couple of weeks, has she?
That's why I'm saying
what Zack says makes sense.
Her and Ross is a bit weird. One's
using the other one as a shield.
They tried murdering me last night
and then I got a shield.
They're just going to try
and kill me tonight.
Do you think? Yeah,
unless someone else pisses 'em off.
Genuinely, babe,
I think you are Faithful.
I know it's so hard to say
with anyone, but I think you are.
Andjaz, I think you are, mate,
and, look, you can go for me.
It is what it is, it's
the game at the end of the day.
Also, like, not saying that it is
Harry, but, like,
just because Harry got the shield,
he could be a Traitor.
Yeah, and like, he Yeah, exactly.
He could be a Traitor.
So let's say hypothetically,
if he is a Traitor,
the guy that's got the shield
there's been no murder.
What, as in if Harry is a Traitor?
There has to be a murder,
so that's why he's gone down
Or a recruitment.
I don't think
there was a recruitment,
but I do understand
that that could be a thing.
Look, the Traitors can't be trusted,
we know this now,
Harry especially.
He's the brains behind the Traitors
If he does give me an inch,
I'm going to take a mile,
so I think what I'll have to start
doing is start
planting some seeds with the
Faithfuls. I've got to start
thinking and doing
Traitor-ish things.
If we got rid of him tonight, yeah,
then we can get rid
of jasmine tomorrow
and just say it's the both of them.
The plan at the start of the clay
was obviously
to get rid of a Faithful today
and then have the two Traitors
fall before me.
Um, but at the same time,
all eyes are on Ross.
If they get rid of Ross,
then it'd be another Traitor out,
and it's another sort of
foot in the door for me and Andrew.
I'm kind of like, I don't trust him,
and I'd rather
be in the final with you.
Cos technically, we could win it
as a three, but more money, innit?
I want to get excited right now,
but I've got to keep
my head screwed on.
This is The Traitors,
and I do not trust anything.
How are you doing? Felt incredibly
riled up. Did you? Yeah.
The only way I think we're going
to find the Traitors at the moment
is if we ask the hard questions,
and we're not having
those conversations.
We're all friendly and chummy,
but we're not here for that.
There's a Traitor among us
who's going to take the money
in the prize pot.
I'm not going to let that happen.
I'm super suspicious of Ross.
I think he's playing the
puppeteer, isn't he?
He looked panicked this morning
when we figured out that it
was only me, Jasmine, and him
that didn't know about the shield.
He did, didn't he?
That is compelling evidence,
like, actually genuine facts.
If Ross gets voted out tonight,
he stands up there
and he says he's a Faithful,
then it has to be jasmine.
I just think the way
Jasmine's defended herself is,
like, super-emotional and raw.
I don't know if she's putting it on,
or it's, like, incredibly great
It's better acting than, like,
Yeah, she's doing a Paul, basically.
People are getting a bit emotional,
really, if I'm honest,
but I'm really not.
I have the skill of being detached.
Like, veterinary nursing,
you know, you have to be adaptable.
One minute, I could be dealing with
a really emotional case
that I feel really upset about,
and by the time that
I walk out into the corridor,
I'm having to then greet
a little girl with her brand-new,
eight-week-old puppy,
and you have to switch it up.
So that job really does hone in
the skill of just being able
to detach,
and I think that's how
I'm going to get to the end.
Evie, if it is you,
you're playing a sick game.
Why do you keep thinking it's me?!
It's not me. You know it's not me.
The best game plan today
is to shore up alliances,
make sure the people that are close
to me don't vote for me,
and that we make sure
we get at least one of Ross
or jasmine out tonight.
Playing a little political game,
which, as a political analyst,
should be no problem.
It's time for the players
to band together
as they prepare
for today's mission
in the hope of adding to their
current prize pot of £65,150.
How are you feeling, Zack,
after that stressful morning?
I let them have the truth,
and unfortunately,
for some people, it's a bitter pill
to swallow. Yeah.
I think it's got to be one of them
in that jeep, to be honest.
ROSS: If Zack's there
when I'm trying to run,
just going, "You're the Traitor,
you're the Traitor,"
I'll be like, "Oh, mate, just give
it a rest," like,
do you know what I mean?
"You're a Traitor!"
How are you?
Good. Good.
Welcome to the woods,
the woods of Darach McDorman.
They are utterly beautiful.
Today's mission is really simple.
All you have to do is carry
this gold through the woods
and not get caught by a trap.
If all of you are successful,
you will add £10,000 to the pot.
Amazing, right?
ALL: Yeah.
You are going to tackle this mission
in pairs
so you've got each other's back.
Please pair up.
Shall we split evenly, go like a?
Girl, boy, girl, boy.
Who wants to go with me?
I'll go back here.
Happy with that?
OK, so you're in your pairs.
The bags are in different
There's a bag of 4,000,
3,000, 2,000 and 1,000.
Right, look, look, look,
you guys take four, you take three,
you take two, we'll take one. That's
easy, yeah? ls everyone happy?
All right. Well done, Harry.
At various points on your journey,
the path will split.
You will be faced with either
a question or a puzzle.
Along your chosen route,
you'll find a scroll.
This will reveal whether you've
got the question right or wrong.
If it's correct,
you're on the right path
and you can continue your journey.
Get it wrong, and the person
that picks up the scroll
will be caught in a trap,
and is then out of the mission.
One last thing -
I have shield news.
There is one shield
in the woods today.
If you are carrying your money
at the end,
you will face
quite a difficult decision.
Gamble the money and win a shield,
or you can choose not to gamble
and keep the money.
I need that shield
for a bit of security.
I feel like I'm quite a big target.
I don't want to die
this close to the final.
OK, you ready?
Please grab the bag of money
that you're responsible for
and follow me.
You are about to enter the woods.
Now! Go!
Watch for the booby trap!
Me and Harry were a really strong
pair. I think we may be better
at the physical challenges
instead of the mind challenges.
You can go a bit faster, Ross.
A bit faster? Oh, my God, OK.
We felt quite confident going in.
We were like,
"We're two intelligent people,
"we can do this. It'll be fine."
I thought we made quite a good team,
because he's very physical
and I'm very cerebral,
I like to say.
So I paired up with Andrew.
We're both rugby players,
both athletic.
I've been playing rugby
ever since I was eight.
I currently play
at championship level.
I'm really used to high-pressure
and I'm not afraid to get stuck in,
so we thought
that we'd put our heads together
and work well together.
What is the name of the woods,
the woods of the Dorman McDarach
or the woods of Darach McDorman?
Oh, she said it. How have I just
forgot that already? Oh, clear!
There was questions and there were
booby traps.
You got asked a question,
you either went left or right
following a rope,
and if it was correct,
you'd carry on
to the next question. If it was
wrong, you'd be booby-trapped.
MOLLIE: I couldn't even
read the question.
It was like some Scottish name.
Neither of us had a clue.
I'm pretty sure it was
Darach McDorman. Do you? Yeah.
I think it's Dorman McDarach.
I think it's Darach McDorman.
Do you actually?
Down here, then?
Yeah, go, go.
Darach McDorman, yeah,
I think that's it too. Go on.
Darach McDorman, you know what?
As you're saying it in your Scottish
accent, shall we go for it? Yeah.
Go, go, go, go!
Dorman McDarach is what I thought.
Yeah, yeah, Dorman McDarach.
She never said Darach McDorman.
I'll take the hit if you want.
Because I had a shield.
Maybe think about it a little bit,
you know what I mean? OK, cool.
OK, I've got to go.
Goodbye. Oh!
Oh, my days!
Oh, my days!
There's no way
that just happened to me.
It's on my head!
I think we're wrong.
the woods of Darach McDorman.
I could not stop laughing.
I felt so sorry for him,
but it was probably
the highlight of my experience here.
Go back and go the other way.
Wish me luck.
We didn't do very well!
I was off on my own with the money.
We've only got one life in that
mission, and it was hard.
Mate, there's no way
that just happened to me.
I've literally gone 50 seconds
in a mission. It's definitely
the worst I've performed.
"Choose one person
to discover your fate."
The scroll's there.
Oh, yeah, nice. Right, ready? OK.
we chose the right path.
Let's gm!
Me and Evie chose the four grand.
We were just not scared
to kind of take up that mantle
and have a little bit
of pressure on us, you know?
"Correct. You've chosen the
right path."jaz, go, go, go, go!
"Correct, you've chosen
the right path"! Let's go!
Right, next one, next one, next one.
What is missing from the centre
of this symbol?
Is it the star?
That's the Round Table, isn't it?
This looks like a moon, though.
Those questions were hard, man,
what the symbol was
in the Round Table.
The Round Table's massive.
I can't see past my own
glass of water, you know?
Oh, I don't know, mate.
I think it's the moon.
You've got all the different moons
and then the sun in the middle.
Right, yeah?
Ancl they're orbiting.
Yeah, let's go with that, OK.
This way.
I think it's the moon.
Oh, I don't know!
Go for the sun.
You sure?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's do it.
That, that, that. The moon.
The moon.
Lovely. Right, come on.
Come on, correct route.
I thought it was moon,
Andrew thought sun. We went for sun.
What the hell?!
You OK?
JASMINE: It was wrong.
Oh! No, Evie, no!
Oh, my God!
Suddenly, I'm in the air,
swinging in a net with lots of
leaves. I'm thinking, "This is it.
"That's me clone.
Two questions in and I'm clone."
JASMINE: Oh, What the hell?!
Oh! You've just got to do it
on your own. OK.
Obviously, I felt a little bit sorry
for jasmine,
but I'm a competitor.
Obviously, I want to win,
so I give it my best shot. It'd be
nicer to maybe have two people,
but, urn, no, I powered on
like a soldier.
Ross, get the shield.
Go and get it, OK? Oh!
Bye, babe! There had better not
be spiders in here.
ROSS: That was madness.
Our teams are halfway through the
woods, and £10,000 is still at play,
but with Harry, Evie,
and jasmine all caught in traps,
three teams are down to one player
with a lot at stake.
"What phrase is represented below?"
It's got to be backstabber,
because there's no I and no N.
Well, backstabber's the person doing
the thing and the stab in the back
is the person
who gets stabbed in the back.
B, A, where's the G?
I'm going to go with
stab in the back.
I don't get it.
jAZ: Oh, wait, what am I talking
about? Wait, back
It's stab in the back, yeah, it's
stab in the back, it's that way.
Are you sure, Zack?
Yeah, yeah.
Stab in the back. Stab in the back.
Backstabber. I don't know.
That scared me.
Yeah, before I knew it,
I was wrapped up in a net
like a little caged animal.
I lost 1,000 for the prize pot,
but it was hard without a partner.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Stab in the back, you see?
"Stab" is inside the word "back".
With Mollie trapped
and their team's £1,000 gone,
£9,000 is now up for grabs
as the remaining four players
reach the final question.
Fate, foes.
41, 87? What?
Doesn't make any sense.
ZACK: Fate, foes.
Think, think, think.
Come on, think, think, think.
I think it is fate.
I'm going to go with fate,
I'm going to go with my gut.
I think we've got to guess.
Actually, I just think we guess
fate, we go this way. Wait.
18-47, is that like?
Is it a date?
I don't know, I say we just go.
Oh, don't booby-trap me.
Oh, you've got to be joking me!
Shall I go or you go?
I've got three right, so
You go, you go, go on.
Not your lucky clay, sorry.
Fucking hell!
V1'- Oh. my God'.!
The net just went,
whoosh! it just took him
up in the air.
It was like a scene out of
it was absolutely mental.
I'm clearly not as, er, intelligent
as I thought I was because, um
4187 was foes.
Four, F, one, O, eight, E,
because it's like
the starting letter of each word.
Go, mate, just keep going!
The money!
It's in here!
Can you chuck it out?
There's no hole.
There's no hole at all.
Oh, my God!
Sorry, mate.
He took the gold with him.
It was so ridiculous.
It's still bugging me now.
Our last players in the game,
Andrew carrying £3,000
andjaz with no money bag,
have successfully made it through
all of the questions
without being caught.
But they have one final decision
to make
before they can escape the woods.
"Risk gold for a shield,
exit woods and bank gold."
The gold has vanished.
I may as well just go for a shield.
I need the shield
just to get me closer to that final.
ANDREW: Exit woods and bank gold,
I think.
One for the team. Come on, team!
OK this pyramid
Who is missing in this pyramid?
Is it Diane?
Complete guess.
Going to go with Ash.
My heart was saying,
"Go with Ash"
and, yeah, I'm wrong.
It was Diane.
I was absolutely fuming
I didn't get a shield.
So gutted. So, so gutted.
Yes! Woo!
Yeah, I managed to get,
er, through all the questions
and managed to bring
the three grand home.
It's hard being a Traitor, but done
my best, given my all in the trials,
contributed as much as I can to the
pot, and that makes me feel good.
HARRY: Oh, my days!
Mollie, help me!
That was so funny!
Oh, well done anyway. Hug!
Oh, God, no!
No, no! Give me a hug. Harry, no.
Oh, wow, you're muddy!
Come on!
Got the money! You got it! Hey!
Oh, yes! Andrew has got a bag!
I love you, boys.
For real.
Well clone.
Out of a possible £10,000,
you have made £3,000 thanks
to Andrew, so well done.
Thank you! As a team, as a team.
He used his brain
and he used his big old pot of luck
and he got through
and won us some money,
so thanks, Andy.
Oh, wait, did no-one else get any
money? No. No, it was just Andrew.
What happened, Zack?
Er, I took the bag with me
into a trap,
and then got hoisted up
with the bag.
With the bag? Yeah. Oh, Zacky boy!
Yeah, it was a slight lapse
of judgement. Schoolboy error.
You went into a trap with the money?
He got trapped in the trap
with a bag of gold. So ridiculous.
And if it was any one of us,
I'm sure we wouldn't
hear the end of it.
It's an error and a half!
Hey, it's not like I feel
bad about it or anything.
All right, relax.
You've added £3,000 to the pot.
I can also tell you
that nobody got a shield.
So I'm afraid tonight,
nobody is protected from murder
and also, as usual,
nobody is protected from banishment.
I'll see you at the Round Table.
Well done, Andrew. Off you go.
Thank you.
Cheers, thank you.
Wow, wow, wow, moneybags!
Moneybags Andrew over here.
Well clone, mate.
That was for the team.
It's all for the team, guys.
Everything is team, innit,
at the end of the day?
It is all for the team,
but obviously,
the team didn't do very well today.
HARRY: How's everyone
going into the Round Table?
I'm Ross or jasmine.
I don't want it to become like
a shitshow
where we're all split over, like,
three or four people.
I want us to be united
on one of them,
but I think one of them has to go.
It's got to be one of them.
Shower time!
Bless you, Harry.
Oh, Harry, yeah,
you're getting number one shower,
bro. Oh, my God!
The mud that just came out
of his sock!
I haven't spoken to you in a bit.
What are your thoughts?
It's too much hard evidence.
On Ross?
On Ross.
I don't know.
I think it's really difficult
with the whole shield thing.
Like, I do get what you're saying.
Nobody speaks about Harry, you know
what I mean? Harry is a Faithful.
The fact that Harry didn't
get killed last night
would suggest that he's a Faithful,
I think that Harry's just proved
he's a good Faithful,
so we don't need to
keep bringing him up.
Like, there's no suspicion there.
VOICE OVER: I like to think
I'm not being complacent,
I'm not a stupid guy. I'm still
watching my back all the time
with every single person down there.
I don't take it for granted
with Harry.
He's in a really good position
at the moment.
Obviously, you sow a few seeds
of doubt in people's minds,
just waiting for the day he turns.
And as soon as he turns,
I've got plenty of things
I can say about Harry.
ROSS: We need a chat, bro.
Yeah, we do.
ROSS VOICE OVER: The heat is on me
but Andrew, I think, might have
just shot himself in the foot
saying that Harry is being elusive.
Bless him, I don't think he's
cut out for the Traitor game.
I'm definitely going to use that
to my advantage.
I'm going to report back to Harry.
Like, I need them unsettled.
My head is going to be rolling
otherwise, 100%.
Want a biscuit?
Yeah, go on, then.
Cheers, bro.
What are you thinking, mate?
Well, I don't even know, innit?
I'm just sort of looking at
the group and going with them.
But, mate, you know that
if we get one person out of here,
we've won it.
I know.
If me, you, Andrew, and jasmine
go for Zack, he's clone, mate.
Then we murder someone tonight.
Yeah, true. He's clone.
The game's clone.
VOICE OVER: Ross was talking
hell a like a Traitor
in the middle of the day.
I was like, "Mate, are you mad?
You're going to get us caught."
"Please stop speaking to me now."
I chatted to Andrew.
He thinks you're being elusive now.
Like you've not been saying what's
going on, what you're thinking.
I don't think
Harry and Andrew think
that I've got it in me to, you know,
go against whatever plans they've
got, but
.. | 'm a Traitor now,
do you know what I mean?
VOICE OVER: I'm kind of hoping
it unravels the whole game,
because I'm not going out
without a fight.
I know you're playing it cool,
I get it,
but I think you've got to have some
allegiance, you know what I mean?
I tried to have a conversation
with Harry, you know,
I want to hear what he's got to say,
and at the minute,
you're giving me nothing, mate.
I can see it in his eyes, man.
He wants more money for himself.
Anyway, rig ht,
going to go and see
what people are saying, man.
The whole "elusive" comment
sort of, like,
put me in a bad mood.
I was like, "Are you mad?"
Then I don't know
if Andrew would ever say that,
but then why would Ross
make that up?
I've had a long day as well.
I've fallen into a swamp,
I don't need that right now.
Going into the Round Table,
I'm not really too sure what to do.
It's a sticky one,
because I don't know whether
I can trust Ross or Andrew.
# One way or another
# I'm gonna find you
# I'm gonna get you, get you #
With a banishment looming, time is
running out for the Faithful.
Today's theme at the mission
was traps.
I wonder if they'll trap a Traitor
# One way or another #
At this point,
I'm on everyone's radar,
but I'm not going to go down
without a fight.
I'm also doing it for my mum.
# I'm gonna get you, get you
# One way #
I am fully anticipating
that I'm going to have to defend
myself in this Round Table.
It's going to be heavy.
I'm going to be in attack mode,
I think, because Zack's wrong.
ANDREW: Going into the Round Table,
as a Traitor,
I just switch off my emotions and
just get on with the job, really.
At the end of the day, it's a game.
I've got a job to do, and obviously,
you've just got to go with the flow.
just listen
and jump on the bandwagon.
# One way or another
# I'm gonna find you
I'm gonna get you #
Welcome back to the Round Table.
Players, you added £3,000
to the prize pot today.
The prize fund currently
stands at £68,150.
It's a lot of money.
So who's going to swipe it
at the end?
Who can you trust?
Who do you believe is a Traitor?
Let the conversation begin.
Look, I'd just like to start it.
Obviously, you're just going to
try and chime in, obviously.
Listen, just let me finish, man.
Like, I get your theory
of what you're going to say.
You think that I didn't know Harry
had a shield,
so that indicates that
I'm the Traitor because otherwise,
I would have gone for Evie
or jasmine.
It's not that you would go for one
of them, it's that all three of you
didn't know there was a shield in
play and who it belonged to
and the rest of us did.
But why is it only me and Ross
that are in contention, then?
I looked at Evie a lot today,
and I've had conversations with her
about it, and she verified that.
I talked to her and I said,
I mean, luckily, I think Evie and I
have enough credit with each other
that I think we both think that
we're Faithful, so I think that
speaks a bit more to me,
so I'm directly looking at
you two today.
I think the evidence
speaks for itself.
Today, I think the way you've
reacted to that information,
I think it looks like
you're desperate
and are scrabbling to save yourself.
You've said your theory, OK,
and I've said a theory back to you.
I think the evidence is there
Are you going to let me speak
or are you just going to keep
speaking over?
I couldn't finish what I was
saying No, no, no, you said it.
You said it. You've literally just
said that I have been so
I had more to say. Right, OK,
but you keep talking, mate,
so let me just say
a couple of theories from me,
because you've said your theory now.
Look, another theory - just like
you believe this theory about me,
why can I not believe that you,
because you're a very smart fella,
could look at Harry and go,
"OK, if I pin it on him,
"I can now shroud myself between
one, two, three, four people
"and that will take me to the
final," which actually feeds
So why aren't you suggesting
it's any of them, then?
Why is it not any of them, then?
Why is it only me?
What? Why is it only me?
I've said it's the three of you.
You're not looking at four people.
You're suggesting it could be any
one of us hiding between each other.
Why have you not looked at the rest
of them?
You're picking and choosing
What are you talking about?
but I'm treating it differently.
Zack, you're not even listening.
I'm actually trying to listen
to you. What we're saying is that
it was so easy and quick
for you to jump
and say, "Right, OK,
I'm 100% Faithful
"because these are the people
that knew who had the shield."
The situation is,
is that if I was a Traitor,
I could easily master and puppeteer
and pretend to kill Harry
because I knew that he had the
shield, and then hide behind it
and be like, "Well, it can't be
me that killed Harry
"because I knew that
he had the shield."
I think that's a brilliant play.
I think it's a brilliant move
I don't think it is.
Well, to you, Zack,
but it doesn't mean that
it's not plausible.
That's completely plausible.
I know that I'm a Faithful,
and therefore And that's why it
looks suspicious on you, mate.
your theory's completely
ludicrous to us
because I know my behaviours,
and you're spinning this narrative
and making out to everyone else
that my behaviours are in accordance
to what you think,
but, like, I've lived my life,
I've lived yesterday,
and I know that I didn't try
and murder anyone,
and Ross also thinks the same thing.
just like jasmine said,
like, I know I'm a Faithful,
and you pushing this agenda
makes you suspicious.
Bottom line,
it makes you suspicious.
I have always been forthcoming
with my thoughts.
I just find it funny that your two
names have been brought up so often,
and it's just you two
coming for me tonight.
It does feel like you're trying
to divert attention off you
and push it onto me.
It does feel convenient that none
of you are looking at each other
in this, because you're very scared
about implicating one another.
Why haven't either of you looked
at Evie? I am looking at Evie.
Well, you told me
Why haven't YOU looked at Evie?
I'm sorry,
but literally every single day,
he tells me it could be me.
I have genuine evidence
to suggest that it's you two,
and you're clasping at straws.
Ross, babe, I do think we are
clutching at straws everywhere
just now. I do feel like there's
more suspicions on you, babe, and
But Evie, what is it? What is it?
Well, you went in for Paul
really, really hard.
You batted for him really hard
and that was suspicious, babe,
it was.
Also, I've never known you
as a defensive guy,
and I seem to feel like today,
you've just been
super, super, super-defensive
Well, because this man right here
even with people that
aren't being offensive to you, OK?
I just, I feel like there's
a lot on you and I do,
I actually think
there's some guts
in that theory that Zack
was talking about with the shields.
I do think it could be you
or it could be jasmine,
to be honest
Why not you, then?
It could be you, then.
You think it could be me as well.
If Ross is a Faithful,
you're going to look at me,
and that's crazy to me,
because you trust what Zack said.
That's really crazy to me.
Actually let that sink in.
Ross, the only thing
that weirded me out
was that you,
you said to me in the kitchen
that Andrew told you today that
I was moving hell a elusive ancl that.
Elusive? When have you ever heard me
say the word "elusive"?
I literally I heard it an hour ago.
Someone's clearly lying now,
like, what's going on?
Elusive? I would never use
the word "elusive," ever.
When have you ever heard me speak,
saying the word "elusive"?
I mean, there's many words I haven't
heard you speak, Andrew,
but why would I say it?
I don't know, that's why I'm asking.
Why would I say it? I don't know.
To stir shit.
VOICE OVER: It's hard lying,
to be honest.
Barefaced, blatant lying,
especially when you know the other
person's telling the truth,
but I'm playing the game.
If Andrew has said to you,
"Harry's being elusive,"
why have you then immediately gone
and told him what Andrew said?
Because it's weird. That's why
I'm bringing it up now, innit?
Why would I not? Why would I not?
But why?
I'd say you're stirring shit.
No. I mean, to be honest,
I've already said that Andrew,
to many people, has been
acting weird, has been very quiet,
so, look, I'm just,
I'm trying to
But it's not Andrew, it's Harry.
Elusive? I wouldn't
How's he been elusive? OK
No, I'm not joking, that is mad.
Andrew, you 100% said that to me.
But how has he been acting elusive?
Why is he acting elusive?
You tell me, bro.
You said the word to me.
Well, he's not elusive, is he?
He's not being elusive, he's not
hiding anywhere, he's just
I've been with him most of the day.
I think you've put yourself
in a bit of a ditch there, mate.
I have not, mate,
you've 100% said that to me.
Why would I make that?
It's such a weird thing.
You try and twist things round
and make things look bad on me.
Mate, ah, you're hilarious, man.
Ancl, look, if I go,
if I go today, guys,
look at this, man,
cos you're a barefaced liar to me.
You told me he was moving elusive.
I would never "Moving elusive,"
what does that mean, though, mate?
Moving elusive?
Well, you said he was elusive,
"Harry's being elusive,"
that's what you said.
I don't think he is, though.
He's not, though, how is he?
But that is what dude,
you said it to me.
He's not avoided me all day. This
is crazy, mate! It is crazy, yeah.
The time for talk is over.
Please write down on your slate
the name of the person
you believe is a Traitor.
Has everyone locked in
their answers? Yeah.
Thank you.
jasmine, we're going to start
with you.
Please tell me who you believe is
a Traitor and why.
So I have voted for Zack.
You are quite the puppeteer,
and it's a bit suspicious to me,
and I, in good faith, can't agree
to a theory that also implicates me.
That's stupid.
Um, and if you are a Traitor,
then, yeah, that's crazy.
Ross, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Er, I came into this
going to vote for Zack.
To be honest, jaz,
obviously, you're on my radar,
but, Andrew, I can't get over that
you've just bare face-lied to me
According to you, yeah. And that
happened within the past hour, so
You're planting seeds
on the wrong people.
So for that reason, Andrew,
I'm voting you, mate. Yeah, cool.
Evie, who have you voted for
and why?
I've voted for you, Ross, babe,
um, just for the, er, reasons that
we mentioned earlier.
Um, I'm really sorry.
jaz, whose name is on your slate
and why?
The person I'm voting for tonight
is Ross,
for the reasons that I mentioned
earlier today.
So, current vote count,
two for Ross,
one for Zack, and one for Andrew.
Harry, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Er, I voted for yourself, Ross.
I think the whole lying situation
at the end sort of threw me off,
so it made me sway,
just because I obviously didn't have
any suspicions of yourself, Andrew,
so that's why.
Zack, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Er, I voted for you, Ross.
Um, it'll be no surprise to you
that I'm voting for you.
Um, I'm truly, truly hoping
that you're a Traitor.
The whole theatrics tonight
just struck me
as someone desperately trying
to cling to survival.
who have you voted for and why?
Yeah, I'm so sorry, Ross,
I have voted for you.
I think the kind of confusion
with the lies tonight
Yeah, I'm really sorry.
And for the final vote, Andrew.
I voted for you, Ross, tonight.
just listening to everyone
round the table,
but also your reaction, how angry
you were getting, how defensive,
desperate you were getting, and then
at the end, trying to, like,
plant seeds about me to everybody
else around the table,
chucking me under the bus
when I've done nothing traitorous
throughout the show. I've
never shit-stirred about anybody,
I haven't done anything wrong.
you have received the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
# These are the games we play #
Ross, you have been banished.
Before you leave the castle forever,
please reveal,
are you a Traitor
or are you a Faithful?
Well, guys, there is
not a lot of us now.
It's a bit mad.
Um, you know, we've all got far
in this game, and, like,
each and every one of you, I had,
like, a real, real connection with.
Um, and, look, I'll just leave you
with one little Easter egg
before I go.
I was actually the son
of someone in this game
and that person was Diane.
No fucking way!
Oh, my God!
# Games, games, games, games #
HARRY VOICE OVER: Oh, my days!
And we obviously killed Diane,
made Ross go to
his own mum's funeral!
This game is mad.
# These are the games we play. #
Ross, are you a Faithful
or are you a Traitor?
.. | am a
Wait, that's the weirdest thing
That's wild!
Ross, man.
Zack, bring it.
We've clone it.
We've clone it again!
We've clone it again! Zack! Hug.
Guys, please have a seat.
you have caught a Traitor.
Oh, my God!
You can celebrate now,
and you can talk about the fact
that his mum is Diane.
No way!
And you can revel in it,
but one of you tonight
will be murdered.
Sleep well.
One more!
We smashed it, smashed it.
I cannot believe it!
I feel ecstatic.
I feel so vindicated
for thinking it was him
and accusing him
and feeling awful about it.
I can't believe I got another one.
I can't believe it, mate!
Ancl it feels so good to know
that I'm in the right.
That's crazy.
I can't believe Ross pulled the wool
over my eyes
for so, so long. Not only does he
say, " | 'm a Traitor," he also says,
"Oh, yeah, by the way,
"Diane's my mum." Oh, my God,
I am just so embarrassed.
I'm so embarrassed.
Everyone's looking at me.
Thanks, Ross.
Oh! It's just
If you don't laugh, you'll cry.
Diane was his mum?!
I'm lost for words.
So what, he'she's Irish?
Oh, my God, this is just nuts.
Oh, my days.
How did that not come out sooner?
That is absolutely mad.
That's a moment of madness.
Who's the last one?
Oh, I can't, I can't stop.
I can't stop to celebrate. I
literally, I'm constantly thinking.
You can take five seconds, take
five seconds, yeah. Yeah, cheers.
Let's just cheers,
take five seconds.
We've been so fucking good.
HARRY: Mate, that is crazy.
We'll talk about it later,
but trust me.
ANDREW: Ross, he was obviously
pissed off.
It is getting harder.
Perhaps I feel a bit guilty. I've
got feelings at the end of the clay,
and people have got feelings too.
OK, who? I literally don't know.
I don't want any more shock,
to be honest.
You know what?
I love you for once, man.
I can't believe it. I hate you
and love you at the same time. Oh!
That Round Table was perfect
for me, honestly.
The shield's worked perfectly,
no-one knows there's a recruit.
They think that there's
one more Traitor left.
All the eyes are on jasmine now,
and sort of Andrew.
Andrew's going to be stressing
I can feel it already, but as long
as I can get him through
one more day, into the final,
then I think I'm all right.
It actually feels the worst when you
put your neck on the line
for someone
and they turn out to be a Traitor!
It feels awful.
When, obviously,
the lies were going about,
he really took offence to your lie,
and it's just made my head buzz
I don't think it was a lie.
I would never have said that.
He seemed really confident on that.
And then he was suddenly like,
"Oh, well, you're weird, mate,
you're weird."
just chucking me under the bus.
EVIE VOICE OVER: I need to look
at Andrew maybe a little bit.
You know, when he said
that Ross was lying,
it really got his back up,
and Ross switched like that.
it just made me feel
a little bit unsettled.
Obviously, Andrew's name
was on his board at the end.
Was he just pissed off because
another Traitor had sold him out?
How he kept two secrets, like,
he wasn't just lying
about being a Traitor,
he was lying about his mum
being here!
Speechless. Head spun.
We smashed it, man. The thing is, I
was, like, iffy on the pair of them.
This is why jasmine and Ross weren't
looking at each other today,
and they wouldn't,
because they're together.
100%. Mm. They're both so defensive.
So defensive.
This game,
it actually gets so much worse
the longer you go on, doesn't it?
The thing is, though,
if there's one left right now,
I have to go for jasmine,
and then if it's not her Andrew.
That's got to be it.
It's got to be Andrew.
Can I ask you two, honestly,
have I changed?
I think you're quite a lot quieter
from the first clay,
but this has been so stressful.
Yeah, I don't think that
you've, like, changed as a person,
but I just do think that maybe
you just look a bit down. Yeah.
It's getting to me, it's like, all
those arguments are getting to me.
I'm not coping very well with
the pressure of being a Traitor.
It's an emotional roller-coaster,
and I thought I'd
be able to handle it,
but it's just a lot harder
than I thought it was going to be.
We've all been through stuff
in our life,
and you've been through
some mad stuff
We all have, haven't we?
But this is so mentally different
to anything I've ever played.
Yeah, I know, I know.
VOICE OVER: I've never given up
on a game in my life,
never stopped playing
till the end of the final whistle.
But I think that's because
I've been on a huge journey.
I was given a second chance at life.
I was involved in a serious
road traffic accident 23 years ago,
and they said I was dead initially,
on the side of the road.
I was in a coma then for five weeks,
and then got told
I had severe brain damage.
The injuries I had were horrific.
I was told after my accident
that I wouldn't walk ever again.
I told the doctor I would walk
again, and I did it.
I'm not going to fail.
I can't give up on anything,
so if somebody tells me
I can't do something,
I'm very determined and competitive.
I'll strive to be the best I can
and win.
There's only a couple of days left,
hopefully, so Yeah.
You know, I'm just tired,
not sleeping very well.
It's been difficult,
so immensely difficult.
Intense. I'm just missing
the family, that's all.
# There's too much confusion
# I can't get no relief #
Shall we shoot? Goodnight, Jaz.
Right, come on, guys, cheers.
All right, guys. Goodnight.
I was certain Oh, God.
Oh, no!
If you aren't a Traitor,
I don't know where to look next.
I'm actually not. I'm swear I'm not.
I don't know where to look next.
I swear I'm not.
However, it doesn't help you.
I'd love to tell you that I am
so you can just know where to look,
but I'm not.
No. Can we? All right, sweet.
With another Traitor banished,
the Faithful retire to bed,
but for the Traitors,
the night has just begun,
as they return to the castle
to work out their next move.
# All along the watchtower
# I can't get no relief. #
Oh! What's wrong?
Andrew, what's wrong? Shafted. Why?
He chucked me under the bus then,
didn't he? Who? Ross? Yeah.
Yeah. There's no way you'd get
voted out tomorrow, no way.
When Ross was just moving mad,
I was like, it doesn't even matter
if we get rid of him tonight,
because now he's set us up
for jasmine.
If we take jasmine out tomorrow,
it all makes sense. Yeah.
She's, like, condemned herself 100%.
You just have to, like, get rid
of the baby Traitor nerves
and the paranoia,
and just think you're a Faithful.
OK, so obviously, tonight's murder.
Who's it going to be?
Who's the best person?
Who is going to cause
the most trouble?
Well, I mean, there's so few
of us now.
The only positive of, er,
he could look at me,
because he has nominated me twice.
But, urn, he has been OK with me
the last couple of days.
There's always that point that
he could go back to what he did
the other day and vote for me again.
There's still people that think
he's suspicious anyway. Yeah.
Because he moves so sus. He does
more Traitor-ish things than us.
So what do you reckon about Zack?
He's quite good at working things
out and putting things together.
He's actually quite accurate,
you know what I mean?
So, yeah, he could well come on
to one of us.
Mm. Giving him that space to breathe
now would be silly.
Yeah. Like, murdering him would just
be smart,
as in if we give him another clay, he
starts piecing everything together.
Put two and two together, yeah.
Negatives of murdering Zack
would be that tomorrow,
he will bring jasmine down
with everything he's got,
as in I think he thinks it's her.
The other negative, I suppose,
is that jasmine could say,
"Well, urn, it'd be stupid for me
to murder him",
as it'd be too obvious then.
People might think,
"Well, that would be obvious,
so that might give jasmine a bit of
an alibi.
Yeah, the only positive of
murdering Mollie
she's never going to get banished.
It would give us a chance
to cut down numbers
and leave in the people
who are suspicious of each other.
But trust me,
Mollie can be persuaded.
She believes everything I say.
So we need to obviously
make a decision.
jaz, Mollie, or Zack.
Do you want to do it?
# I feel it in the air
# It awakens my soul
# Mm-mm-mm
# It's what we've waited for. #
I'm happy, 100%.
This is the right move.
I feel good about this one.
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