The Unit s02e10 Episode Script


previously on "the unit" those poor fools.
Do you think they like fighting? Whose side are you on? I'm on the american side.
Do i abort the mission? You and i both know how it works.
We manage up.
Our job is to protect the people we work for.
And here i thought our job was to protect the country.
Charlotte, can you hear me? License and registration, please.
Uh, registration's probably in the glove compartment.
Would you get it for me, please? If charlotte ryan's got a drug problem, god bless her, but that's her problem.
You received a citation last night.
Now i'm gonna need you to come with me to the station.
Why is my wife here? These are accident investigation detectives.
Homicide detectives.
That's not my van.
It's not my wife's.
This woman may die, and the police think i'm responsible.
It's not what they think.
It's what they can prove.
filthy pig! Don't do this.
Shut your mouth.
Don't make a mistake you can't take back.
Enough talk.
I'm more valuable to you alive.
You're leaving a lot of money on the table.
How is that? When was the last time you had an american serviceman you can bargain with? Ain't that a valuable chip? Restrain him.
And leave him.
If the woman is out of the hospital and doing better, then we're clear.
Not exactly.
County is still pressing for felony reckless driving charges.
What do they want from her? They want me to go to jail? The prosecutor's office in the past has been embarrassed by reports that minority criminals get stiffer sentences.
You're the perfect candidate to show he's equal opportunity.
What is this reverse affirmative action? You bet.
What do we have to bargain with for a better deal? They've already agreed to knock the sentence down to 6 months if she pleads.
if she pleads.
Good behavior, i can have her home in less than 4.
My wife is not going to jail.
Baby, calm down.
Gerhardt, two witnesses i.
'd a vehicle that ran a woman off the road.
that same vehicle, which you admitted to driving, wound up on the curb.
This is not a case to take in front of a jury.
What if she takes a lie detector? You have to understand they're mad.
They have a case that makes them look good.
They want to win, as would you or i.
Your wife she wasn't driving the car.
I understand that, but she swore that she was, so what is she guilty of? Reckless endangerment? Perhaps.
Perjury? Certainly.
A lie detector a lie detector is inadmissible in court.
The truth is, your wife's in a jam.
She took an oath.
She wanted to change her story.
The prosecution says, "all right.
You admit you lied.
Why should the jury believe you're not lying now?" She's in deep, deep trouble.
their best offer.
If you pass and you make them go to trial, i'm going to tell you two things.
They will push for the maximum.
And we will lose.
Oh! Read it, please.
My name is lawrence rutherford.
I'm a sergeant major in the united states army.
Earlier today, i was deployed to the cauccaucasussus mountains with full cooperation from the repressive georgian government to search for men they call terrorists but who are in fact freedom fighters.
The georgian soldiers with me were killed, and i was captured by the kinsig militia led by commander ivan shaloff.
Commander shaloff and his men are fiercely patriotic.
They believe in a strong united front from the kinsig people and demand the united states withdraw its forces from the pankisi gorge.
In addition, they demand the release of their comrade simon dasha from u.
If these two demands are not met within 48 hours, i will be executed.
Sergeant irvine, give me a fact sheet everything you have on the kinsig militia and commander shaloff.
Wilco, colonel.
You are aware the united states does not negotiate with terrorists? I don't have time for your public face, pal.
The united states does not negotiate with terrorists.
What about that tv journalist you got back? The terms weren't public.
Simon dasha is a very evil man and far too valuable.
Let me review the bidding here.
We do negotiate with terrorists but not if we fear we're gonna get caught, and if the boy we've got, to your mind, is more valuable than the boy they've got? Dasha is the reason we had your operation in the republic of georgia in the first place.
Simon dasha is too valuable.
More valuable than my man? Just let me hear you say it.
Simon dasha is a high-value prisoner with knowledge of the rebels' plans plans which your man unfortunately was unable to obtain.
The cia is still trying to download dasha, so we're not gonna trade him back just to extract one shooter.
You wanted it straight.
Thank you for your frankness.
Now get your boss on the phone.
Krinsman's going to the republic of georgia to meet with the government about this embarrassment.
I can get you 5 minutes before he's wheels up.
That's mighty white of you.
Man: Colonel, take a look at this.
Run that once more.
Now hold and go back a couple of frames.
What? That's good.
Right there.
There's the code.
There's the blink code.
When? The videotape arrived this afternoon.
He's on it.
What else is on it? Their demands.
Where was he taken from? The important thing is he's alive and in one piece.
Where did they take him from? I can't tell you that.
And he's well? That's right.
What do they want with him? A prisoner exchange.
The fact that they're keeping it private means they're open to deal.
Can you make it happen? I don't know how much cooperation i'm gonna get from the men in suits, but i'm gonna do everything i can can you bring him home? I'm gonna bring him home.
I'm gonna bring him home.
But you know we never had we never had this talk.
I understand.
You hang in there, mrs.
* fired up * * fired up * * twenty-seven * *twenty-seven * * fired up * * fired up * * here we go * * here we go * * on the road * * on the road * * twenty-seven * * twenty-seven * * fired up * * fired up * * twenty-seven * * twenty-seven * * fired up * * fired up * who's representing you? Josephine davis.
Where'd you find her? Does it really matter? More than you know.
She was listed in the base directory.
What's her acquittal rate? L i don't know.
We know she's a partner in the firm, and she reps men and women in uniform.
But you don't know her case history, her former clients, or if she's connected.
She's the best we can afford.
She's not the best there is.
She's the best we can afford.
You convinced my wife to see this through.
Yes, i did.
And now she's looking at prison time.
She's been advised to plead guilty, which would earn her I think it's time for you to come clean.
I have a friend in washington, and with your permission, i would like for him to represent tiffy.
I will, of course, cover the expenses.
But you won't step up and admit to the crime.
I would like for you to meet with my friend.
How do we know he's looking out for tiffany? That's for you to decide.
All i'm asking is for you to meet him before you make a decision.
Gerhardt, how you doing? Fine, colonel.
And you? Tom, you remember arthur chambers? I'm recommending him to mack and tiffy for their legal entanglement.
Snake doc is in crash code.
The pencil pushers in washington are footing around.
We're on our own, off the clock, and we're gonna get him back.
When do we pull out? Brown will meet you on runway two.
Wheels up in 15 minutes.
He's gonna run it down for you on the plane.
Yes, sir.
You're sending my husband out when we're in the middle of this? No, ma'am.
Hey, babe, have you seen my go bag? Same place it always is.
I thought you rotated off this weekend.
Something got changed.
Ain't life like that? Yeah, it is.
Take care.
Shaloff: It's obvious you're no ordinary soldier.
I went back and discovered the blink code you sent over the video.
One good soldier always recognizes another.
What did the code say? Not to come rescue me.
And i'm sure you told them something else.
Aah! Oh, no.
You're not gonna use me to bait my men here.
I have no interest in that.
Is that so? My interest is in knowing this why the georgian forces and your american government are working together.
Perhaps you tell me.
Friend, i'm no policymaker.
I'm a soldier sent here to look for terrorists.
Seen any? Uh! Shaloff: All right.
All right.
Now you're playing games.
So i'm going to skip the questions and torture you for two days.
Then i'll return.
Perhaps then you'll beg me to question you.
Might makes right.
So i have always understood.
Aah! Why send a code saying no attack? He probably thinks a rescue mission is too risky.
The position and size of the militia may be overwhelming.
He's worried about casualties.
good calculus.
Yeah, only he doesn't know you and i are rolling as a two-piece.
Which is even more reason to set up the wheel-and-deal.
But you can't do it without a sign-off from washington.
Who says that now? We're not waiting on some pencil-neck to come around and part the red sea.
I got intel to print us up a transfer doc for simon dasha just in case.
Is that gonna fly at a cia summer camp? Long enough to get our bargaining chip in hand.
By the time they realize it's forged, we'll have dasha back in his cell.
So be it.
If your man had pulled off this mission my man was sent in but if he had succeeded, i wouldn't have the fallout.
Krinsman, i concern myself with shooters, not politics, and i have a man that's in the hands of a militia that wants to barter.
Part of the quid pro quo involves the united states withdrawing from the republic of georgia.
Both sides know that that won't happen, which is why i need simon dasha released.
I've got two men on the way down there right now.
That's a bit premature.
Fat's in the fire, sir.
The cia hasn't even downloaded dasha yet.
He hasn't talked in 6 months.
He ain't gonna talk.
He's a closed book.
There's a sell-by date for terrorists? I know you felt burned by that latin-american thing, but here's my appeal.
Take it out on my career, not on my man.
Colonel, i'm trying to put this nice.
What you desire ain't gonna happen.
Then how do i change your mind? I will not authorize the release of a man that depraved.
Do you understand me? That evil.
It'll come back and bite us all.
Then don't release him permanently.
What? Give him a furlough.
Let me use him as a decoy to get my man back.
Are you out of your mind? I'm listening for your objections.
What if he gets away? I trust that my men will see to it that he doesn't.
I need something more than faith.
Krinsman, right now this situation is contained.
No one knows.
If we don't at least appear to play ball with this group and that tape goes public, it's not us, it's them that brought it public.
Things get hot for us all.
Then we play catch-up.
Your boss and the man that sits in the chair at the white house is gonna have to react to save face.
Now's the time to take the initiative.
If my way don't work, you got your excuse you're itching for to can my ass.
You've got a lot of gall, fella.
You've got my frienmy sir.
I'm perfectly content to have you as an enemy.
Let's play that later.
Today what i'm telling you is, my way will work.
Shut up, dima, and give me the bucket.
I need food.
Dima, please.
Give me some food.
Don't you call me that again.
He's begging me for food.
Let him.
That's what americans do.
Tell us what georgian and american forces are doing together? Go to hell.
Do it! You're going to kill him.
So what? Due respect to your plan, but i'm breathing easier they green-lit the trade.
Fake transfer would have worked.
I'm sure it would.
But i will gladly leave it where the good lord flung it.
Time to start thinking about how we're gonna engineer the bait and switch.
Short-handed in unfamiliar terrain, you draw them to us, draw them into a kill zone.
Gentlemen, welcome to facility 17.
Glad you're here.
Let's hear it.
There's been a change in plan.
Krinsman confirmed the deal.
And when dasha found out your special forces type was coming for him, he started talking, and he's singing like julie andrews.
How the hell did he know we were coming? I'm not at all sure that that's not above your pay grade.
Well, sergeant, aha all day long.
But he's not moving one inch until we get every piece of information that he'll disclose.
Back it up.
You guys were playing patty-cake with him for 6 months.
Now he wants to sing because he's afraid of the special forces? If you want to be insubordinate, son, do it with a more respectful manner.
Sir, that man is the only chip we have that can buy us back our team leader.
All i know is a call came in from one neil krinsman.
You want dasha released, i need to hear it from him.
You screwed us! Control yourself, colonel.
You used the threat of my men picking up dasha to get him to talk.
What's your point? The point is, you two are jamming me on a prisoner exchange that needs to go down now, now, now! One life versus a thousand.
Get your boss on the phone.
Krinsman is en route to the republic of georgia, where he will engage in high-level talks.
The capture of your man will be discussed.
The georgian government doesn't have him.
How is chatting with them gonna help? I'm giving you the information that was vouchsafed to me.
Oh, is that what you're doing? Bismallah.
What did you say? Bismallah.
The name of god.
I'm giving thanks to god for sending me this bread.
I gave it to you, not god.
Is that what you think? God put us both here with intent.
There's a reason for that.
There is no accident.
All right.
And if we decide to kill you? We all die, son.
It's god's will.
Why should i fear it? You are a muslim? There's wisdom to be found in all faiths.
You know the koran.
You want to talk religion, dima? I'd be very happy to talk religion with you.
Only one question matters do we trust charlotte? Up to this point, nothing she's said has been wrong.
All she's done is put you front and center of this whole mess.
If her friend mr.
Chambers can keep me out of jail, then i vote for it.
It would keep you out of jail if charlotte ryan told the truth.
She says not.
I'm listening.
Her man says that if they want me and it seems they do they've got me at a minimum for perjury, and then it's dealer's choice who they want to send to jail.
And she's given me to believe that if we go to trial oh, no.
Don't tell me.
It would compromise security.
That's what she said.
And what does it mean when your child gives you two excuses? Don't do anything without talking to mack.
He's out, isn't he? And i don't know when he's coming back.
I guess, uh i guess i just have to guess right.
Uh! Stop right there! I'll ask you again.
What are you doing in my homeland? What are the american and georgian governments planning? All right.
Gaa! Do you believe in every mission that your country sends you on? We soldiers aren't paid to think.
We're paid to act.
But you and i are thinking men.
Someone decides.
Someone acts.
You want to dice me up, you'll do it.
But it's not me you're afraid of.
You're afraid you're wrong! You've tortured men.
Never! Bring him down.
I need krinsman.
Colonel, my principal specifically directed me not to interrupt his meeting with georgian officials.
He also empowered me to make various decisions on his behalf while he was unavailable.
Then release the prisoner to my men.
Can't do that without his permission.
Then you're the substitute teacher, baby.
Get out of my air.
Duke? This is tom ryan.
I'm looking for neil krinsman.
I'm on his detail now.
I need him on the line most ricky-tick.
All right.
I'm gonna reel him in.
Excuse me, mr.
You have a phone call.
From whom? Colonel tom ryan.
Tell him i'm on my way to a meeting and i'll call him when i'm done.
How long is that meeting? No more than a couple hours.
The moment he gets out, i need he and me on a line together.
Roger that.
Do i need to tell you how important it is? Colonel, it's enough you asked it.
I did my homework on charlotte's superstar attorney.
It turns out, this guy's made several fortunes defending large corporations in criminal negligence trials.
What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? He is a gun for hire.
What are you laughing at? A gun for hire.
What do you think our husbands do? Here's the truth.
Excuse me, mrs.
No one cares about the truth not the jury, not the judge, and not me.
Sorry for doing it the short way, but i understand that we're we're pressed for time.
So let me ask you, what would a satisfactory outcome be for you? To be exonerated.
That's a best-case scenario.
Now, what can you live with? Not to spend a night in jail.
All right.
Perhaps i can make that happen.
Molly: How? Is it important? How could you make that happen? By playing the cards we've been dealt.
People say there's one law for the rich and one law for the poor, but that's not actually true.
What is true? There's no law for the rich.
Kim: Thank you.
Let me ask the question everyone else seems too polite to ask.
Ryan is paying your bills.
That's right.
So who are you really protecting? L no, no, no, no, no.
It's a legitimate question.
If mrs.
Gerhardt takes me on as her attorney, i have a professional obligation to represent her and her best interests.
It doesn't matter who's paying my bills.
And how can we believe you? I'm sorry, arthur.
Brown, does your husband have a sense of honor? Yes, he does.
How can i believe you? All right.
Let's get down to it.
Krinsman? Well, he must still be in his meeting.
Sergeant irvine, i need a rundown on the top officials in the kinsig militia.
Coming right up, sir.
What are you doing? My two men are sitting on their hands waiting for custody of dasha.
If you ain't gonna give them to me to trade for, then i'm gonna get my hands on someone else they will.
Target's name is paval zjhokar.
Trained with the kinsig militia, became their best long-range shooter before branching out on his own with shalov's blessing.
Handles high-profile assassinations personally.
Colonel, zjhokar tried to shoot the prime minister of georgia.
The georgia government wants him dead.
They put a bounty on his head.
Capturing him and returning him to his fellow rebels would precipitate an international crisis.
Is that what it will do? In short, yes.
Then get me krinsman, and get me simon dasha.
He's not answering his phone.
Then why the hell are you in my t.
? I'm here because my boss, who is, let's not forget, your boss, instructed me to monitor this situation to make sure that the cowboys stay on the ranch.
Just get me krinsman on the phone.
God, i need some water.
Come on, man, give me something to drink.
Unh! Sorry.
I missed you.
Let me pour you some more.
Cut me loose, and see what happens.
You're scared, huh? Ok, only i don't cut you down.
Cut you up.
Unh! Let's see how you bleed.
That's nothing.
Just like you.
Look who's scared now.
Sir, mr.
Krinsman just left the meeting.
Where's duke? Why isn't a phone up on krinsman's ear? He was sent out to get the car.
Then try krinsman on his direct line.
His phone's turned off.
Try him again! until the deadline.
Even if he agreed to the release, there is no time.
Sir, mr.
Krinsman is not picking up.
Try him again! He's probably out of range.
Sorry, sir.
No one is picking up.
Then try him on line "b.
" Do whatever you got to do.
Just get him on a damn phone! All channels, all channels, commo check.
Where the hell is he? Krinsman's headed right now to lochini heliport in tbilisi, georgia.
Did you just say that over an open channel? Did you just announce to the world the travel plans of a high-ranking american official over an open channel? Oh, my god.
I got to let him know.
That line is open to the entire georgian security detail, man of whom are suspected of working with the resistance.
Sergeant irvine! Sir! Pack your things! Get off my base! You just killed the only man? I need water.
All this could have been avoided had you told us what we need to know.
I don't even know if i'm gonna make it through the night.
You might not have to.
I haven't heard a word from your friends.
I'm losing a lot of blood.
I need a doctor to sew up my wound.
How am i supposed to work like this? You should be thankful.
I don't give first aid to all my prisoners.
Now, what can you offer me? I am not afraid to take this to trial.
I want a jury to hear how this you want to play hardball? I'll try the case myself, and i will turn this into a 9-month trial and parade a host of witnesses and scientific experts to the stand, and this trial will be a bigger deal than you can ever anticipate.
And we will spend whatever it takes to get our client exonerated.
And you will look like something the cat dragged in, and when i win, your boss won't send you out to fetch the coffee.
I just flew out here from d.
On a private jet.
Do you think i'm screwing with you, sir? Well, you pull the pin.
On the other hand, you have to ask yourself the question: In return for what? Some two-bit charge of reckless endangerment? What if we knock it down to community service and probation? For a guilty plea.
Well, i'll talk to my client, see what she has to say.
So you're all patched up.
Been better.
One more step, i shoot.
Calm down.
Nobody wants to get hurt.
Put the gun down.
I'll walk back into camp with you.
You don't learn quickly, do you? No, i guess not.
There's no way to determine their exact location, but even if there were, we wouldn't be able to contact them.
They're traveling in radio silence.
What kind of detail is he riding? Single car, two-topper.
Two-guard escort.
Even in the u.
, that's dangerous, let alone abroad.
It's a top-secret meeting.
No advance team.
Security kept low keeps the profile low.
Oh, is that how it works? I needou to do something! Right now! Oh, you need me to do something.
Mack: Drop the rifle! Put your hands on the back of your head! You know what i'm telling you to do! I will not say it again! Get on your feet! Who are you? I believe it's one of colonel tom ryan's men, sir.
That i am.
What the hell are you doing here? Cool breeze, this is dirt diver.
The bargaining chip has been bagged.
I say again, The bargaining chip has been bagged.
What's going on here? Are you all right, sir? I'm fine.
There was a mistake.
We were worried about your safety.
Put ryan on the phone.
Krinsman needs to speak with you.
Tell him i'm going into a meeting.
Can't talk right now.
Case 7161, the state versus tiffany gerhardt.
Is a representative for the defendant present? Yes, your honor.
How do you plead? Guilty, your honor.
My client wishes to accept responsibility for her actions.
Gerhardt, is that your decision? Yes, your honor.
You'll have to speak up.
Yes, your honor.
Very well.
Do you have anything to say before i impose sentencing? Mrs.
Gerhardt? Sorry, your honor.
Earlier this month, i was driving down highway 40 and changed lanes, accidentally running caroline hoff off the road.
I failed to pull over and check on her, and i am deeply sorry for what happened.
This was a one-time occurrence, and i accept full responsibility for my actions as well as whatever punishment you deem appropriate.
Gerhardt, your disregard for the safety of others resulted in a woman being seriously injured, and you're lucky that she is alive is by the merest chance.
I sentence you to 200 hours of community service, You are dismissed.
I wanted to say how relieved i am this all worked out.
Well, it worked out better for some than for others.
It's all right.
I'm just glad it's over.
Believe me, i understand the sacrifice you've made, both on behalf of the unit and on my behalf, and i assure you, it won't be forgotten.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Jonas: The only value i ever held for you was as a torture toy for your troops.
That's not true.
I tried you hard.
I tried you soft.
But you gave me nothing.
You would have been valuable in answering my questions with respect to my captured countryman.
And now, you can be valuable another way.
I'm going to kill you for the cameras and let the media whores in america make mythic figure of me.
My people will your people missed the deadline.
Get over there! Ohh! Well, isn't this a nice surprise? I'm looking for wilson james.
Yes, that's quite a shock.
Keep looking.
I'm sure that you'll do just fine.
Sure you're in the right place? It's a free country.
That's my line.
You all alone here? This is a free legal clinic.
We don't have money for things like employees.
We have what you might call a revolving-door policy around here.
No volunteers or interns? Well, we usually get a couple every semester.
This year's been a little slow.
Well, i volunteer my services.
Military wife working for a lefty like me? Why not? Alternatively why? Community service.
You in some kind of trouble? Not at all, but i do have I have obligations at home, so i'm trying to find someone who will be understanding and flexible as to how i serve that time.
All right.
But but this is serious work.
I don't know if you agree with it or not, but i will expect you to do it with good will.
And i am your boss.
So i'm open to your opinions, but once i make a decision, that's the way it gonna be.
So, having heard all that, still want the job? Do you want to know why i'm here? I couldn't care less.
Mack: Good to see you, boss.
Tell me about it.
Bob: How are you feeling? Ohh.
Jonas: Is that the real guy? Mack: What? The real zjhokar.
Real as rain.
Guy was bin laden What are you doing handing him back? It's what the other side wanted for christmas.
The state department know about this? Bob: No, but the air force does.
Left them a present.
He didn't believe in christmas, anyway.
Passenger on board.
Passenger on board.
Great work, sergeant.
All in a day's work, sir.
That's right.
That's right.
Hey, baby, it's me.
How are you? Yeah.
I should be home by tonight.
I was hoping you could whip up some of your famous gumbo.
I'll see if i can find that recipe for you.
That'd be nice.
That'd be nice.

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