Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e10 Episode Script

Watch As I Improve the World

I intended to carefully
consider what the informant said
and investigate one step at a time.
But that demon lady
She used threats,
deception, and seduction.
It seemed she didn't care about
keeping the investigation a secret.
You're still
very critical of Rona's actions.
I wish you two could be hotpot buddies.
I will never have a hotpot
with someone as loathsome as her!
She can't be trusted!
She's not that bad
when it comes to delivering results.
It only took her a few days
to track down those who were involved.
I get it now. Incompetence is
more likeable than depravity.
I need some bananas to
quench this displeasure.
And the way she dresses
Shameless exhibitionist!
Things took an unexpected turn.
People can't trust each other anymore.
No, it's more like
we can't trust the humans.
In any case,
I'll discuss
our course of action with Rona.
I hate the hot-headed kind.
She doesn't understand
the wonder of hotpot!
She doesn't know sexiness is not
measured by how much she exposes!
Nor does she appreciate
the prestige of bananas!
-Dropping out?
I've accomplished my goal.
It's time to leave this town.
You'll have to deal with
the organization from here on.
So Karen Fors is
Sorry you're losing a student.
The school will likely receive word
of her passing this summer break.
Using death as an excuse
seems a bit too much.
It'll be shocking news to the students.
Can you just say
you quit because of family matters?
So be it.
But in the records of Foosk Royal Academy,
she is dead.
Thanks for the help.
Your spies
value ethics and morality.
Those are good qualities.
But in the world of covert operations,
less reasonable methods
are sometimes necessary.
Thanks for the advice.
You don't discriminate
against demi-humans and demons.
Honestly, you are the most
outstanding human I've ever met.
So much so that I'd love to
bring you to the Demon King.
I'm happy you think so.
A last piece of personal advice.
You should cast away
the demi-humans with brown skin
and your servant, Shiki.
What do you mean?
Perhaps you haven't heard.
Those two were violent demi-humans
known as the Forest Ogres.
I'm aware of that.
Given their combat strength,
some have suggested recruiting them
for the Demon King's forces.
However, they refuse to serve other races.
Those two will betray you eventually.
She has a point.
If I don't give them bananas
Without bananas,
there's no motivation to work!
No bananas, no life.
As for Shiki,
he is possessed.
Not by a human or a demon,
but a lich.
He's not possessed.
That's just what he is.
The demons called them the Larvas.
They were once our allies
and enemies at one point.
One thing I know for sure
is that they can't be trusted.
-Shiki and Rona could be a match.
-One and two
-They both said the same thing.
-One and two
Kuzunoha, you should be wary of them.
If you need a favor from the demons,
use this to communicate
with me telepathically.
I'll help out however I can.
Is this
This incantation
could be connected to the cursed item
that hindered the goddess' protection.
I knew it.
Young Master, the demon general named Rona
could very likely be
an excellent strategist.
Perhaps she wants you to have a favorable
impression of the demon generals.
I know that.
As the person in charge
of the company and the subspace,
I'll maintain judgment and vigilance.
Hold on.
Lime is a human, right?
How could he talk to me?
Well About that
Tomoe, did you
No. He was very earnest when he asked
So I gave him some of my blood.
You made him your servant?
It's too soon for him
to give up being a human!
You are right.
What's done is done.
Anyway, I want to be stricter from now on.
That sounds very reassuring.
Therefore, I want to deal
with the organization as soon as possible.
I, on the other hand, want to
go for a bigger target.
I thought so.
But this matter doesn't just
concern the academy or the shop.
It concerns Ms. Eva and Ms. Luria as well.
Young Master, how kind of you.
You can count on us
to take care of the rest.
No, that is my job.
Ms. Tomoe?
He will change
when the chance presents itself.
We will do as the Young Master says.
My subordinates have been reckless.
Sorry about that.
I underestimated you.
I have nothing to write home about,
but I do have a lot of
outstanding subordinates.
I bet you know about the organization.
I have comrades all over the world.
If you lay a finger on me,
you will regret it!
From what we can tell,
your usefulness has run its course.
They have no intention of rescuing you.
The Assassin Guild
hasn't made a move either.
You even know about
my connection with the guild?
You told me yourself, Mr. Blight.
Was it hypnosis?
I had to use certain methods.
Tell me something.
Why didn't you
just do your job as a teacher?
As a human, you have no reason
to go against the goddess.
There is only one goddess in this world.
She can help and abandon anyone
whenever she pleases.
She has been the cause
of many disputes and conflicts.
The goddess is too willful.
She doesn't love all humans equally,
much less the demi-humans in this world.
It's only a matter of time until
our organization comes into existence.
I just might get along with these people.
This accursed goddess is not fit
to rule the world.
The humans can live just fine without her.
Don't you agree with me, Kuzunoha?
All the people who died
because of others' actions
had to swallow down
their own hatred and resentment for her
simply because she was the goddess.
That is not right!
Don't you think so, Kuzunoha?
So, how do you explain
the human experiment?
Why drag the demi-humans into this?
Isn't it obvious?
Why should the humans be sacrificed?
It's only natural to sacrifice
the demi-humans instead.
I've heard enough, Mr. Blight.
Any plans for this summer break?
I'll probably go home.
Should we go to the beach?
A trip to the lake sounds nice, too.
I have summer classes
With so many returning home,
it could be a problem.
Father was crying.
He asked why we didn't
go home immediately.
The Rembrant sisters.
I heard they've become
a lot more friendly lately.
That might not be true.
You know what they did to the girls
who wooed Mr. Kuzunoha?
Are you truly ready
to marry Mr. Kuzunoha?
You must never cheat on him.
I'd hate to see him in the company
of some boring women.
You can relate to that, can't you?
I also heard that Mr. Blight resigned
because of those two.
That's not possible.
Are you all right?
You've been in a bad shape recently.
It's nothing. I am fine.
Darn it! I need more.
I need more.
Have you heard about Karen?
Yes. Very unfortunate.
It's a family matter,
so it can't be helped.
Now that we have one less student,
I think you two will be added to the next
lesson for the amusement activity.
-Amusement activity?
-Amusement activity?
To be honest,
it's more like interrogation.
Blue Lizard is very strong.
His brute strength is unmatched.
He even dodges like
he can predict the future.
His maneuvers are unpredictable
even with his tails.
Jin, Daena, and I
must work together to look for an opening.
I suspect he can use
both water and wind magic as well.
There was no sign of him
using healing or boosting magic.
Maybe he didn't feel the need to use it.
Water and wind
Then perhaps I can join
as your extra firepower.
There are three in the vanguard.
I'll be the archer.
We might as well move
Daena and Mithra to the middle
so they can assist the mage.
Sounds like a plan.
We must utilize both
physical and magic attacks
to come up with a tactic
that will land a hit on him.
Let's give him all we have!
-All right!
And now, the last lesson
before the summer break.
Let me introduce you.
This is Blue Lizard from before.
And Blue Lizard No.2.
There's another one?
Of course. You will learn nothing
if you are fighting seven on one.
Will you fight seven to two
or fight separately. That's up to you.
I'd like to know more for reference.
Are they equally strong?
Blue Lizard specializes in techniques.
Blue Lizard No.2 specializes
in power attacks.
Our meticulous strategy
It was all a waste of time.
Summer grass in dread.
My green students are living
their short-lived daydreams.
It's summer.
Summer is here.
It's summer break,
but there are still
many enthused students.
To widen the gap of strength.
To catch up to others.
Such are their hopes.
The sisters didn't go home.
Mr. Rembrant went as far as to
ask for the impossible in his letter.
He wants me to send them home.
Sif has always been well-mannered,
but she got so tired from the lesson that
she lay down with her arms spread.
It's almost time for them
to enter the next stage.
Master Kuzunoha?
Sir, do you have a moment?
What is this meeting about?
Can you train us over this summer?
Of course,
we'll pay you for the lessons.
Do all of you agree with this?
Especially you two, Sif and Yuno.
Your family told you to go home.
We'll be fine being away for half a year.
Wait, if you stay
Shiki, my schedule is already full.
It should be all right
to have a lesson once a week.
Shiki, that's not the answer I want!
The youngsters' eyes are full of hope!
Very well. We'll do it once a week.
-That's great!
But for Sif and Yuno,
you're going home for
the latter half of summer break.
That's the condition.
But we want to stay here with everyone!
You had just recovered
from a great illness.
Go home. Don't make your parents worry.
All right.
He was so concerned for my safety.
It's only right to return the favor.
A reward?
Thanks to you,
I'm out of danger for the time being.
After reclaiming Kaleneon,
I'll give you part of
the Aensland family's land in return.
That won't be necessary.
I don't need such a valuable gift.
But that's the only thing I can offer.
How about you recommend some books?
Recommend a book you like.
I have no choice but to rely
on him and his company.
The book has to be one
that catches his attention.
We did it
Well done, everybody.
You finally did it
after getting wiped out four times.
For the rest of the lesson,
you may test your strength against
Blue Lizard Version 2,0.
What do you mean by Version 2,0?
Time to check on the others.
A support spell or a buff?
Not on my watch!
-Cast a barrier!
-Got it.
The surrounding mana is being jammed.
Is this
Fire of calamity,
converge into an inferno.
Heed my command and unleash yourself.
Sif, let's finish this jerk!
A sudden burst of strength.
Huh? Hold on!
Darn you!
Inferno Vortex!
Please don't hit my face
It's my mistake.
It could have led to
an unthinkable disaster.
You have my apologies.
There's no need to apologize.
Please tell us
why he suddenly gets so powerful.
I'd like to know, too.
Was he toying with us before that?
The Blue Lizards' original power
is above lesser dragons.
They only used ten percent
of their strength
to match yours in combat.
Just ten percent?
That was ten percent?
But why did he go berserk at the end?
I didn't do a proper introduction.
Blue Lizard No.2 is
I mean, Ms. Blue Lizard No.2
is a girl.
I think she got a bit too upset
when you called her a jerk.
Please address her as Ms. No.2
or Ms. Blue Lizard No.2.
If you happen to call her names again
Mr. Kuzunoha!
Let us have a rematch
with Ms. Blue Lizard No.2.
Very well. One last battle.
-Thanks for the food!
-Thanks for the food!
Well then, stay safe on the way home.
-Good night.
All right.
-I am so full.
did you teach them something
behind my back?
You noticed.
I suggested that they battle monsters
to raise their levels.
I see.
Even they are members
of the Adventurer's Guild.
By leveling up,
they can receive the grace
of that pervy guild master.
The speed of their growth
will go up as they level up.
They are probably not the kind
to be blinded by fame and gain.
This is good.
I recommended
a few suitable training grounds to them.
Well done, Shiki.
You've been of great help.
But just to be sure
Are there any bananas left in the shop?
This is incredible.
In less than a day
My level increased by eight.
All thanks to Mr. Kuzunoha's lessons.
Don't forget about Mr. Shiki's help.
Without him,
we'd be dead for sure.
Mr. Shiki.
I really like him.
He's the perfect man in my eyes!
Smells delicious.
I think it's almost ready.
Put some meat in it.
-Is he married?
-And the vegetables, too.
-But I wouldn't mind
-Has anyone tasted this?
-being his second or third wife.
We're almost at the lake.
Let's gather some herbs
and give them
to Mr. Shiki and Mr. Kuzunoha as a gift.
Great idea.
Let's hurry up!
What's wrong?
This is
A drake!
Abelia, any info about this thing?
It's a drake of the lowest category.
It prefers operating alone.
Ice is its weakness.
It takes a team of ten fighters
above level 90 to take it down.
But our levels are
I'll support from the rear.
Izumo, use wind magic
to raise our moving speed.
I can't move.
A roar that stuns its enemies.
The effect is so powerful!
Oh no! We're going to get burnt!
Orb, Zei-roo-noh, Ju-narm.
W-Who was it?
You look so small.
I'm not small!
How did she know what I was thinking?
Skinny. You're hopeless with this build.
Big boobs won't be adored forever.
All the best.
Stay strong and live on,
accessory of the wife.
Taking on this path
will make you a masochist.
It's not too late to turn back now, kiddo.
I gave you the wrong amount of change.
The journey lasts until you go home.
Also, a banana is not a snack.
but the best part of this camping trip
only starts after this.
Let's try this again, gecko.
She's gone.
This is going to be
an unforgettable summer.
The teacher's meddling
is sweeter than bananas.
The students won't know.
The eleventh night.
"Summer of Growth and New Skills."
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