Vinland Saga (2019) s02e10 Episode Script

Cursed Head

All right, here we go.
We did it!
We finished the last tree!
Man, I can't believe it.
I guess anything is possible.
The two of us turned a whole forest
into one field.
Yeah, it took us three years
no, more than that.
If only all of this land belonged to us.
That's the disappointing part
about being a slave.
We really worked hard.
It's almost time.
Yeah The other day, Pater told me
that next year's yield
from this reclaimed land
will be enough to buy our freedom.
We'll even have a little extra left.
I see.
Einar, what are you going to do,
once you're free?
I don't know.
Even if I go back to my homeland,
my family won't be there.
Is it about Arnheid?
Yeah, I feel bad.
If only Arnheid could be freed as well.
Then I would be able to
enjoy this moment more.
The master has no intention
of letting her go.
What about you, Thorfinn?
Are you going back to Iceland?
Well, I guess.
What's up with that?
You haven't decided on anything yet?
You haven't either.
My goodness It's strange, isn't it?
Our freedom is finally within reach,
and this is our reaction.
There is something I want to try.
Huh? What is it?
Oh, well
I don't have anything
specific in mind yet.
Tell me what you think, Einar
Do you think
it's possible to rid this world
of war and slavery?
It sounds like a dream.
Oh, you've finally cut down the last tree!
Good work, you two.
Do you think you can grade this land
in time for sowing season?
Most likely, as long as we hurry.
Is that so.
All right, then I will
give you a little discount.
As soon as you finish
sowing the seeds, you two will be free.
You deserve it, Thorfinn, Einar.
Oh, you don't seem too happy.
Huh? Oh, no!
Right, Thorfinn? We finally did it!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Oh, sorry. Don't get too excited yet.
You'll have to wait until I return
to finalize the procedure.
Oh, you're going somewhere?
Yes. By the way,
have you seen the old master?
He hasn't come by here.
I see Maybe he was
out in the field after all.
Well, you two will do.
If you see the old master, tell him
that I will be heading to Jelling
in order to visit King Harald who is ill.
But I should be back
in time for the sowing season.
So finish grading the land by then.
Yes, sir!
Have a safe trip!
Oh, I almost forgot
You two!
Once you are freed,
would you like to stay here
and work as farmhands?
Hardworking people like you two
are always welcome.
Well, try considering it.
All right!
- Okay, let it down!
- Yes, sir!
Excuse me, Your Majesty.
This ship will arrive at Jelling shortly.
Please wake up, Your Majesty.
- Here I go!
- Okay!
- This one too, please.
- Whoa!
- Ready?
- Yeah!
Your Majesty!
You were here, I see.
The horses will be ready soon.
Please wait in the cabin.
I'm fine here.
I haven't been home in a while.
I want to enjoy the breeze.
Your Majesty!
I am glad to see that you arrived home
safely from England.
Wulf, how is my brother, the king, doing?
King Harald's condition is not very good.
His illness has worsened
in the past month.
Now, it is difficult
for him to even speak.
I see. How long does he have left?
According to his physician,
the next few days
will be the most critical stage.
Good work on paying him a visit
as my representative.
Of course.
- Ouch!
- I won again!
That ball game
When we were children,
my brother was very skilled at that.
Once in a while, he would play with me.
Hit it, Harald!
All right.
Keep your eye on the ball, Canute.
Within the royal court,
there was hostility between those
supporting either of us
to become the next king.
But my brother himself
did not pay any regard to that.
- Your Highness!
- Ragnar!
I'm fine!
Oh my!
See? He's tougher than you think.
First of all, you're a bit overprotective.
- Be a little more
- Amazing!
How impressive, Your Highness!
Are you sure you're not hurt?
Yeah. Thank you, Ragnar.
It's hard to move
because I'm wearing so many layers.
And I'm hot! Can I take this off?
You mustn't!
As a warrior,
you must be prepared for anything.
Are you listening, Your Highness?
At any given moment
He was a strong and kind person.
My brother has helped me many times.
I must thank him.
Hey, kids! Play somewhere else.
I'm sorry!
You throw it too hard!
My goodness
Children are so carefree
What is the matter, Your Majesty?
It's nothing.
Sweyn's two sons
each inherited a dominion
from their father.
Denmark went to the elder brother,
England went to
the younger brother, Canute.
The two were on good terms.
When Canute was going to conquer England,
his elder brother, Harald,
lent him a fleet of warships
and actively showed his support for him.
shortly after Canute was
enthroned as the king of England,
Harald fell ill.
Harald had no heir.
Canute, my brother!
So it was true that you were in Jelling.
Address me as king, Estrid.
I didn't expect your visit.
What a nice surprise.
It has been a while,
King Harald.
Harald, Canute has come to visit.
Can you recognize him?
It's fine. Don't wake him up.
I will be here for a while.
We can talk when His Majesty
is feeling better.
King Harald, I am right here.
Please get some rest.
There is no need to worry
about the kingdom.
I was waiting for you.
I will
I will hand over Denmark to you.
Now, don't be absurd, King Harald.
Please recover soon
and maybe we can play
that ball game again.
You're really something else, Canute.
I don't know how you could
feign innocence and tell such lies.
You're visiting the very person
you poisoned yourself?
It's quite the farce.
What in the world
are you trying to accomplish
by doing something like this?
Harald was fond of you.
Was there a need to kill him?
You two could have ruled
this world together.
It is not for the peace of the kingdom.
There is ambition dwelling in your heart.
Ambition to become
the sovereign over the North Sea.
That is the curse.
The curse of the crown.
You cannot escape from it.
You will wear two crowns,
one of Denmark and one of England,
and suffer twice as much as I did.
What's wrong? You were zoned out.
Are you ill as well?
I'm fine.
I just got a bit dizzy.
Get a bedchamber ready.
King Canute is tired from his long voyage.
Yes, sir.
What is it?
I have brought refreshments
by order of Lady Estrid.
Where is it from?
Huh? What might you mean
I don't need it. I'm not thirsty.
You fear poison
because you use poison yourself.
Isn't that right, Canute?
Coming out in the middle of the day
is very mischievous of you, King Sweyn.
If you can see me during the day too,
that means the curse
is about to reach its climax.
He's talking to himself?
How long are you going to stay there?
I don't need anything. Leave.
Yes, sir!
The unification of the kingdom
is a prerequisite for building a utopia.
Having two kings
will eventually lead to disaster.
It is necessary for King Harald to die.
Well, well
You are starting to think like
a true king now, Canute.
What are you laughing about?
King Sweyn,
I used to hate you
and wish for your demise.
But look at me now
The only one I can be
completely honest with
is you.
Let's stay good friends
as fellow cursed ones.
Harald, one more time!
All right.
- Ready, Canute?
- Yes!
We'll have a council of war. Come with me.
Yes, Father.
Sorry, Canute.
We'll continue this next time.
Thank you, Harald.
Become strong, Canute.
Stronger than me and Father.
All right, Your Highness!
I will be your opponent next.
What? You can play, Ragnar?
How rude!
I was once feared as
the "Lakeside Gullinbursti."
This is it, huh?
How underwhelming.
"King and Sword."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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