Where's Wally (2020) s02e10 Episode Script

Toddle-Lu, Mexico City

# Oh-A-Oh
# Oh-A-Oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-A-Oh-A
# Search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves to the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-A-Oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh-oh-oh
# Where you do you? Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
Z-z-z-z-z-z-z! Wheet!
Z-z-z-z-z-z! Wheet!
Isn't he just the cutest?!
I'll say.
Isn't he just the cutest?!
I'll say.
And his nest is so colourful.
Indeed it is, Wenda.
But that's the problem.
Problem, Wizard Whitebeard?
Yes! It appears Mr Wumples chose
to get his bedding
Yes! It appears Mr Wumples chose
to get his bedding
from every single can
in Wanderers HQ!
Whoa. He took off all the labels?
Whoa. He took off all the labels?
Oh, Mr Wumples.
Zzzzzz! Wheet, wheet, wheet, wheet!
Cans of soup, cans of juice, cans of
housepaint, cans of shaving cream.
Cans of soup, cans of juice, cans of
housepaint, cans of shaving cream.
Well, you get the idea.
Who knows which one is which?!
Well, you definitely don't wanna
eat a bowl of shaving cream.
Definitely not! Ugh! So bitter.
Definitely not! Ugh! So bitter.
If only there was a way to know
what's food and what's not,
without opening every can.
Well, now there is, Wenda.
Woof!Introducing the
Woof!Introducing the
Wonders! Will you look at that!
A "Can-I-Eat-This-anator?"
How does it work, Wally?
A "Can-I-Eat-This-anator?"
How does it work, Wally?
You just wave it over a desired
object, like so, and if it's food
ROBOT: "Bing! Apples. Eat. Boing!"
ROBOT: "Bing! Apples. Eat. Boing!"
And if it's not
"Bing! Wizard's beard.
"Do not eat."
Ha ha!"Boing!"
"Bing! Vegetable soup."
"Bing! Vegetable soup."
"Eat. Boing!"
Ha ha ha. Wow.
Smart invention, Wally.
"Woof the dog. Do not eat."
"Boing!"Woof, woof!
Aw, don't feel bad, Woof.
You're still very sweet.
"Bing! WanderPost.
"Do not eat. Boing!"
Wonders! The mystery cans will
have to wait, Wanderers!
We have a WanderPost!
(GASPS) And it's for the two of you.
It's a birthday party invitation!
Not just ANY birthday invitation,
Wenda. It's a
Not just ANY birthday invitation,
Wenda. It's a
"Quinceanera! Quinceanera!
"Wally, Wenda, do you like parties?
"Then come to the biggest and best
party ever!
"Then come to the biggest and best
party ever!
"Quinceanera! Pinatas! Music! Cake!
"It's going to be
the best party of the year!
"It's going to be
the best party of the year!
Wonders! That looks like fun.
I wish I was invited.
Wonders! That looks like fun.
I wish I was invited.
I've been practicing
my pinata swing.
Ohh. Eugh.
Hmm, hmm.
Hmm, hmm.
Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Is something the matter, Wally?
I don't know, Wenda.
I'm just wondering who invited us.
I don't know, Wenda.
I'm just wondering who invited us.
There's no name on this invitation.
Or a location.
Quinceaneras are a celebration
of a girl's fifteenth
birthday in Latin cultures.
of a girl's fifteenth
birthday in Latin cultures.
But they could be celebrated
anywhere in the world.
It's good we have something
that can help find where
this invitation was sent from!
To the WanderGlo-o-o-o-obe!
To the WanderGlo-o-o-o-obe!
# By striped staff
and white of beard
# I summon magic, wild and weird
# Oh, spin,
oh, magical globe to show
# Where these a-Wanderers will
go-o-o, for the Quinceanera party #
# Where these a-Wanderers will
go-o-o, for the Quinceanera party #
BOTH: Mexico!
And the capital of Mexico,
Mexico City.
And the capital of Mexico,
Mexico City.
Well, then. It looks like we're
heading to Mexico City
to find out whose Quinceanera we'll
be celebrating.
BOTH: Wander!
BOTH: Ha ha ha ha.
Ha! Well, Wenda.
Welcome, or
bienvenida, to Mexico City.
There's so much to see.
There's so much to see.
Hopefully we
can find our mysterious Quinceanera.
But where shall we start, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
Look who I found shopping
for pinatas.
Yellow and black pinatas,
to be exact.
Odlulu!Oh, yes, happy birthday to
me, Wanderers!
I see you got my invitation.
I was starting to worry that
you wouldn't make it.
I was starting to worry that
you wouldn't make it.
Of course, that was your invitation.
Don't look so surprised. If there's
one thing I know how to do,
it's throw an AMAZING party.
Come on, follow me.
it's throw an AMAZING party.
Come on, follow me.
What do you think she's up to,
Well, whatever it is,
we'd better go find out.
How we doing, Fritz?
Great, Odlulu!
Ah! Odlulu!
It's OK, Fritz. They're our guests.
It's OK, Fritz. They're our guests.
I invited them.
Mmm! Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!
Fritz, you can have one when you're
done hanging decorations. OK?
Fritz, you can have one when you're
done hanging decorations. OK?
Aww! OK!
So, what do you think, Wanderers?
Is this the best Quinceanera ever?
Is this the best Quinceanera ever?
Or is it the best Quinceanera EVER?
I have to admit, Odlulu,
it does look pretty great.
But aren't Quinceaneras
supposed to happen
when you turn quince,
I mean 15 years old?
when you turn quince,
I mean 15 years old?
Yeah.So don't you have
a few more years to wait?
Not anymore!
Thanks to this little beauty.
A few years will only
take a few seconds.
It's the Grow Up Key.
Exactly! And with it,
It's the Grow Up Key.
Exactly! And with it,
I can transform myself to whatever
age I want! Young or old.
Once I make myself 15 years old,
the Quinceanera can begin!
Once I make myself 15 years old,
the Quinceanera can begin!
Um, Odlulu, we're happy
to have a Quinceanera with you,
but it only seems fair that you wait
until you're actually 15.
but it only seems fair that you wait
until you're actually 15.
Oh, relax, Wanderers.
I'll change myself back
to my normal age
when the party's over.
Nothing's going to go wrong.
Fritz, what are you-
Uh-oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
ALL: Whoa, whoa!
ALL: Whoa, whoa!
The Grow Up Key!
Oh, Fritz! Look out!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Huh? What's happening?
Huh? What's happening?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ohh-h! Woah!
Wally. She's not growing UP.
Wally. She's not growing UP.
No, Wenda.
She's turning into a toddler!
Um, hey there, Odlulu.
Um, hey there, Odlulu.
Are you OK?
There, there. It's OK. Shh.
There, there. It's OK. Shh.
We just have to change you
back to your normal age, OK?
With the With the Grown Up key?
That's right. With the Grow Up Key.
Fritz, do you have the key?
That's right. With the Grow Up Key.
Fritz, do you have the key?
The tortilla cart!
Where'd it go?Oh, she went that way.
She has to make some deliveries,
Where'd it go?Oh, she went that way.
She has to make some deliveries,
and then she'll be
back in time for the fiesta.
we have to get that key right now!
Fritz, can you babysit for us?
Fritz, can you babysit for us?
I'm not a baby!
I'm two and a half!
Two and a half! Two and a half!
Two and a half! Two and a half!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la!
Two and a half!
..I guess?
Thanks, we'll be back really soon.
Huhh-h-h. Odlulu, I, uh
Huhh-h-h. Odlulu, I, uh
Huh?! Odlulu?! Ah!
Ah, ah, ah! Ah!
(ECHOING): Odlulu?
(ECHOING): Odlulu?
Ah! Ah!
Ahh! Ah!
Odlulu! WAIT!
Odlulu! WAIT!
Ha ha ha ha!
Well, we haven't lost them. Yet.
Whoa! This is a big food market.
Whoa! This is a big food market.
It is Mexico City. One of the food
capitals of the world, Wenda.
That's for sure.
But how do we plan to find
the Grow Up Key in all these carts?
(GASPS) The Grow Up Key!
(GASPS) The Grow Up Key!
Wenda, I found it! Over there!
Hold on to your stripes, Wally.
I'm on it.
Mmm. Delicious!
I'll be back for more later.
Mmm. Delicious!
I'll be back for more later.
She's stopping at that corn stand.
(GASPS) It fell into that pile.
(GASPS) It fell into that pile.
And it's on the move again.
Follow that sweetcorn!
Don't worry, Wally. I'm
Don't worry, Wally. I'm
Oh. Too late. It's a taco.
Well, I was getting hungry
for lunch, anyway.
Well, I was getting hungry
for lunch, anyway.
Who wants a taco?
I like the way you think, Wally.
Dos tacos, por favor.
Dos tacos, por favor.
BOTH: No key?
Look, Wally!
Come on, Wenda.
We need to tell him what's happened!
We need to tell him what's happened!
I can't imagine magic key
tacos taste very good.
Wait, sir!
Don't bite into that taco!
Ha ha ha ha! What was that?!
Ha ha ha ha! What was that?!
BOTH: Wait! No!
Uh-oh. That's not good.
Ha ha ha ha!
Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah!
Pwetty! Can I have?
Pwetty pwease?
Pwetty, pwetty
Pwetty, pwetty
Ugh-h-h! Fine!
Ha ha ha ha!Would your chihuahua
like one, too, little girl?
He's not a chihuahua-hua,
he's a fewwet!
he's a fewwet!
My fewwet.
Ha ha ha ha! Woo!
Ha ha ha ha!
Splash time, yay!
Splash time, yay!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ah! Odlulu! Aah!
Splash! Ha ha ha ha! Splash time!
Splash! Ha ha ha ha! Splash time!
Ha ha ha ha! Splash! Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha! Splash! Ha ha ha ha!
Splash time!
Odlulu! Look!
Yay! Ha ha ha ha!
Yay! Ha ha ha ha!
Funny Fwitz!
Rah!Do peekaboo!
Huh? Peekaboo?
Peekaboo! Pwe-e-e-e-e-e-e-ease?
Uhh-h-h, peekaboo?
Ha ha ha ha!
Uhh-h-h, peekaboo?
Ha ha ha ha!
Huh? Peekaboo!
More peekaboo, Fwitzy!
More peekaboo!
More peekaboo, Fwitzy!
More peekaboo!
Ugh! Peekaboo!
Ha ha ha ha!Peekaboo!
Ha ha ha ha!Peekaboo!
Ha ha ha ha!Peekaboo!
Ha ha ha ha!Peekaboo!
Ha ha ha ha!
Whoa. That skeleton moves fast.
But at least
we finally caught up with it.
But how do we get the key back?
But how do we get the key back?
It's stuck in the skeleton's hand.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
It's me, Wenda!
And welcome to Dia de los Muertos,
And welcome to Dia de los Muertos,
the Mexican
celebration of the Day of the Dead.
And we're gonna use these to help
get on that parade float
and get the Grow Up Key back.
and get the Grow Up Key back.
Now, if we could just get up there.
Hold onto your stripes, Wally.
I'm on it.
Hold onto your stripes, Wally.
I'm on it.
Heyah! Heyah!
Heeyah! Heyah!
Ha ha! Heyah!
Ha ha! Heyah!
Wow! How about a big hand for Wenda?
Uh, make that two, Wally.
Uh, make that two, Wally.
The key's in the other one.
Whoa! Aah!
Oh, no! The key!
Grab it, Wally!
(GASPS)Heyah! Wally!
He's heading toward that factory.
(GASPS)Heyah! Wally!
He's heading toward that factory.
And we can still catch him
if we hurry.
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Again! Again!
Ha ha ha ha!
Oh, there you are!
It's almost time for the big match!
It's almost time for the big match!
UhWe can't keep Senor
Sensational waiting!
Senor who?
Ladies and gentlemen,
Senor who?
Ladies and gentlemen,
for today's main event,
I present the challenger-r-r-r-r
Uh what is your name?
Fwitz the fewwet! My bestest fwiend!
Uh what is your name?
Fwitz the fewwet! My bestest fwiend!
Peekaboo! Ha ha ha ha! Hi, Fwitzy!
Ah. Si, si. Um
Ah. Si, si. Um
Fwitzy-y-y-y the Fur-r-r-r-r-ious!
And his opponent, Senor Sensational!
Huh? Aah!
Huh? Ohh.
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Wow! Look at this place, Wally.
Wow! Look at this place, Wally.
All these colours.
It's a pinata factory.
Look, Wenda.
The man with the backpack.
Look, Wenda.
The man with the backpack.
Oh! The Grow Up Key!
Oh, no! It's on the conveyor belt!
If it ends up inside a pinata,
we'll never find it!
If it ends up inside a pinata,
we'll never find it!
I'll try and catch it when it
comes off the end of the belt.
And don't forget to catch me, too!
Now, to get that key.
Watch out for the sweets, Wenda!
Some of these Mexican treats
are really sticky.
Rah! Ahh!
are really sticky.
Rah! Ahh!
Ugh. You weren't kidding, Wally.
These Mexican sweets are sticky.
Wenda! The key!
Ugh, ah!
We've lost it. Those pinatas could
be headed anywhere.
Well, maybe not anywhere.
Look at them.
Well, maybe not anywhere.
Look at them.
They're all the same two colours!
They're all yellow and black.
That means they belong to
ODLULU! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
ODLULU! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
Yay, Fwitzy! Do peekaboo!
Peekabooo! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Peekabooo! Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Argh! Argh!
Argh! Argh!
Argh! Ah!
Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
Fwitz! Fwitz!
Are they saying "Fritz?"
Fwitz! Fwitz!
BOTH: Close enough!
Wanderers! Look at Fwitzy!
Um, Wally? Why is Fritz wrestling?
That's not just any wrestling.
That's not just any wrestling.
It's lucha libre, Mexican wrestling.
A Mexican tradition.
Wow. Looks like Fritz is doing
a pretty good job.
Wanderers! HELP!
Wanderers! HELP!
Aah!Or not. We need to help him
get out of there.
And get everyone back to Odlulu's
party, Wally.
And get everyone back to Odlulu's
party, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wenda! Over here.
Wally! This is no time for tacos.
It's not for me.
It's for Fwitz the Fur-ious.Hmm.
It's not for me.
It's for Fwitz the Fur-ious.Hmm.
Ah, ahh-h!
Ha ha ha ha! (CRACKS KNUCKLES)
Ha ha ha ha!
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Ha ha ha ha!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
Ladies and gentlemen,
the winner - and new champion -
Ladies and gentlemen,
the winner - and new champion -
Fwitz the Fur-r-r-r-r-ious!
Huh? Me?!
Yay, Fwitzy! Do peekaboo!
The key?
Yay, Fwitzy! Do peekaboo!
The key?
It's inside one of these pinatas.
It's inside one of these pinatas.
And we don't know which one!
Ha ha ha ha! Pwetty pinata time.
Uh, not yet, Odlulu.
Ha ha ha ha!Aah!
Uh, not yet, Odlulu.
Ha ha ha ha!Aah!
We have to be careful.
If someone smashes the pinata
with the Grow Up Key inside,
it could break
and Odlulu would be
stuck as a toddler forever.
Uh let's find the key.
Uh let's find the key.
OK, Fwitz. I mean, Fritz.
You keep Odlulu away from those
pinatas, and we'll find the key.
You keep Odlulu away from those
pinatas, and we'll find the key.
Ha ha ha ha!
And I think I might know
how to find that key, after all.
It's the Can-I-Eat-This-anator!
Only this time,
It's the Can-I-Eat-This-anator!
Only this time,
we're looking for anything we
(ROBOTIC VOICE): ..cannot eat.
Peekaboo!Ha ha ha ha!
Look! It's Fwitz the Fur-ious.
Uh, can we take a picture of you,
Senor Fwitz?
Uh, can we take a picture of you,
Senor Fwitz?
Oh, it would be an honour.
Uh, OK.
Pwetty pinatas!
Wally! Look!
Wally! Look!
Pwetty pinata!
Quick, Wenda!I'm on it.
"Bing! Sweets. Eat. Bing!"
"Bing! Sweets. Eat. Bing!"
We're good, Wally. No key.
Good going, Wenda!
Butwhere's Odlulu?
Pwetty pinata time!
Quick, Wenda!
Throw me the Can-I-Eat-This-anator!
Ha ha ha ha!
"Bing! Sweets. Eat. Boing!"
That was a close one.
"Bing! Sweets. Eat. Boing!"
That was a close one.
Oh, no, Wally!
She's on the move again!
Ha ha ha ha!
Wenda! Catch!
Ha ha ha ha!
Wenda! Catch!
"Bing! Sweets. Eat. Boing!"
OK, Odlulu.
We need to give
Wally the bat so we can-Uh Wally?
We need to give
Wally the bat so we can-Uh Wally?
Ha ha ha ha!
(GASPS) It's the last pinata!
The Grow Up Key has to be in there.
Well, then.
Hold onto your stripes, Wally.
I'mstuck. Ugh!
Me too!
I'mstuck. Ugh!
Me too!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Then there's only one thing to do.
Release trainers!
Pwetty pinata.
Pwetty pinata.
Hold on, there, Tod-lulu!
This one is a very special pinata,
of Fwitzy the Fur-ious.
This one is a very special pinata,
of Fwitzy the Fur-ious.
Maybe you wanna give your best
friend a big hug instead.
Yah! Yes! Ya-a-a-aah!
Eugh.Ooh, she should be
your tag-team partner,
Senor Fwitzy! Ha ha ha ha!
Senor Fwitzy! Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ooh pwetty! I want it!
I'm sure you do, Odlulu.
I'm sure you do, Odlulu.
And you're gonna get it, alright?
Gracias, Wenda.
Ha ha ha ha!
What just happened?
Was I a toddler?
Yeah sorry about that, Fwitzy.
Yeah sorry about that, Fwitzy.
Uh, I mean, Fritzy. Ha ha ha ha!
Oh, well.
Eh, it's OK. We had fun.
I did, too. I mean, I haven't played
peekaboo in years.BOTH: Aww.
I did, too. I mean, I haven't played
peekaboo in years.BOTH: Aww.
I have to say, you put together a
pretty great looking party, Odlulu.
Well, no sense in letting it
all go to waste.
Well, no sense in letting it
all go to waste.
How about
instead of a birthday party,
we celebrate Mexico's newest
lucha libre sensation?
Ladies and gentlemen,
Fwitz the Fur-ious!
Ladies and gentlemen,
Fwitz the Fur-ious!
Ah! Ha ha ha ha! Oh!
Ha ha ha ha!
ALL: Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
ALL: Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
ALL: Fwitz! Fwitz! Fwitz!
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