Will Trent (2023) s02e10 Episode Script

Do You See the Vision?

[WILL] Previously on "Will Trent"
I want this time to be different.
I like having you in my life.
It just feels right.
Officer down! Get me an ambulance!
God. Is this my life now?
Or you went back to work too
soon, and you'll be just fine
- after some PT.
- All right.
Started with a suspected
murder I caught last week.
Sex offender found dead in the woods
with a little toy stuck in his mouth.
We got a probable spree killer
who's been operating
for at least a few weeks.
And no leads.
Yeah. We got some work to do.
This place is so pretty.
I didn't even know this was here.
Oh. You came prepared.
You are so beautiful.
- [WILL] Be careful.
- [ANGIE] Yep.
- [WILL] Please be careful with your back.
- [ANGIE] Okay. I am.
- All right. Um.
- Okay.
All right. You don't need to
help. I got it from here.
- If it hits the wall and makes a mark
- Gonna roll it.
- Did it hit the wall and leave a mark?
- No. That's what I'm doing.
Oh. Okay.
All right. Let me help with
this part at least, okay?
- One
- One, two, and three.
You, um, see the vision?
[ANGIE] I do. I see it.
A dining table.
I was, you know, thinking it might
add some scope to our lives.
Scope. You know, a bigger,
more robust life.
Is that why so many chairs?
Maybe we'll I don't know
have a dinner party.
Do we know that many people?
Maybe there might be some, um
I don't know
smaller people later that
would need chairs to sit.
Okay. I'll get to sanding.
Okay. Well, don't hurt yourself.
I won't.
Have you ever had sex on a table?
Oh. Uh. It's That would be very
unsafe. It's a pedestal table.
- They're very prone to tipping.
- Terrible idea.
- I don't know what I was thinking.
- Yeah. There's a bed.
Don't scream. It's just me.
The door was literally open.
Betty was on the porch.
I saved your dog.
- Hi.
- Will, we found another body.
Looks like the same killer.
- The serialist?
- Yeah.
Maybe this will lead to a break
in this unbreakable case.
Ormewood's gonna meet us at the scene.
[WILL] Okay.
And you you keep an eye on her,
okay? Don't let her do too much.
- Don't do too much.
- Okay.
Hiker found the body under some
brush in the woods over there.
ID in his wallet says he's Blake Turner.
He's been missing about four months.
This level of decomp,
he's probably been dead
for around that long.
- Same signature?
- [MICHAEL] Yep.
Little toy right between what's
left of his cheek and gum.
They didn't give you much
to work with, huh, Pete?
I'll do my best.
Watermelon armadillo.
This place is a pigsty.
Not cleaning till we get
a break in the case.
I don't care what you have to do.
I need this solved before the press
turns this guy into a local hero.
Where are we?
Blake Turner was not a
registered sex offender,
but apparently he was your
standard issue nasty-ass creep.
Do I have that right, Ormewood,
or am I missing some nuance?
No. Roommate said
he liked teenage girls.
Okay. So that tracks.
He's now the first known victim,
which screws up everything we
thought we knew about the timeline.
[FAITH] Vincent Claxton was next.
Registered sex offender
living in Decatur.
Same cause of death. Same
little toy signature in his mouth.
Then Jason Peters.
All these guys wore glasses, by the way.
- Same deal?
- Yep.
Pedo. Asphyxiation. Toy.
Same for Blake Turner.
There were fractures to his
fifth and sixth ribs this time.
Let me see that.
[CHUCKLES] Why does it smell
like depression in here?
I don't know, Pete. Maybe 'cause
of all the take-out containers.
You're never gonna make
detective this way, Pete.
- Why are you guys being mean?
- 'Cause we're working nonstop,
and this case won't break.
I got it. I got it. Listen to this.
What if it's a really big guy
- who stands behind 'em
- What-What are you doing?
and just squeezes?
Can you still breathe, Pete?
Yes, but not well.
Prolonged exposure would
deprive my muscles of oxygen
causing them to shut down.
- See?
- The Bear Hug Diddler Killer?
- That's stupid.
I think y'all need to put
your thinking caps back on.
Pete, you need to do a
secondary tox screen.
- We have to be missing something.
- All right.
So, what do you think?
Golden honey, Moroccan amber.
That walnutty one?
- Eat.
- Um. Okay.
Um. I-I don't know.
Whatever you like.
Betty and I like the lighter.
Hey. This is your dining table fantasy.
[WILL] Sorry. Look,
I-I didn't sleep last night.
Yeah. You know,
let's go with the lighter.
Why didn't you sleep?
- The case?
- [WILL] We're getting nowhere.
We know the cause of death
but not how they were killed.
[ANGIE] You'll get it.
I know you're only five pounds,
but you really feel like six.
- Yeah.
No offense, girl.
That right there. That's it.
Here it is.
It's in here.
There. There it is. Uh, The Nightmare.
- What?
- It's It's a painting. This is it.
- Breakthrough?
- Maybe so.
I gotta go. All right.
[SPEAKS SPANISH] We have a breakthrough.
Caroline, put the thing up on the thing.
- [CAROLINE] All right. We're moving.
- Good morning.
Hey, we found degraded red
paper in Blake Turner's pocket.
It matches this ticket we
found in Jason Peters's car.
We don't know where it's
from, but they both had it,
- so maybe it's something?
- We can circle back to that.
Caroline, what's the holdup?
- Take it easy.
- Okay. Here we go.
I don't get it.
What does that goblin sitting on
that lady have to do with anything?
- What's up with that horse?
- The horse doesn't matter.
This. This is how she does it.
- She?
- Yes, she.
I mean, i-it could be a small
man, but I don't think so.
Ha. Perfect timing, Pete.
Now he's gonna tell us
how he found something
on his second tox screen,
aren't you, Pete?
Cyclobenzaprine. It's a muscle relaxant.
That was my Toaster Strudel.
Ormewood, lay on the table.
You wanna solve this or not?
Be a team player. Come on.
- Caroline, sit on his chest.
- Sure thing.
Uh, Caroline, you do not
have to consent to that.
Oh, I'm happy to help.
[WILL] Okay.
So our killer, she drugs them,
so they can't fight back.
Then she sits on their chest and
watches them slowly suffocate.
Okay, but who's the horse?
What? No, the the
horse is irrelevant.
She watches them die.
She watches them take their
last breath. This is personal.
Okay. Male serial killers,
they don't care about death.
They're in it for the torture. Uh.
Death is just a by-product.
Women serial killers,
they wanna be present
at the moment of death.
- Revenge fantasy.
- Exactly.
Killer's been hurt. Probably
when she was young.
- Okay. Guys, I can't breathe.
- Caroline, you can get down now.
We need to figure out how
she's choosing her victims.
Ormewood, find out
where that ticket's from.
All right, we have a lead and a theory.
Let's clean this place up.
Be honest. When you
reflect on our relationship
I am doing something private right now.
Which do you think you appreciate more?
Is it my brains or my body?
Do you have something for me?
Because I-I don't wanna be seen
as just some sex object for you, Faith.
I am a shrewd investigator as well.
- What is that?
- Mmm. Mm-mmm, mm-mmm.
Found another suspicious
sex offender death.
That is impossible. I've looked
at every sex offender death
- in Georgia in the last year.
- Not Georgia.
Six months ago, a long-haul trucker
was killed just over the
border in Alabama.
Maybe we trade my spectacular
lead for a quote?
You know, I really hope that
that body of yours bends in half
because I am driving.
Let's go. Come on.
I love it when she gets
like that. Come on.
Uh, excuse you.
Hey, can I get everyone's
attention, please?
Hey, Coyote Ugly, you can't
do this on your own desk?
Does anybody recognize this ticket?
It was found on a victim.
Has a little shooting
star on the back of it.
You know I eat at this desk.
Could have been from a school
event, church function.
Possibly a drink ticket. Bingo.
My home away from home.
My sanctuary, really.
Anyone? Red ticket. Shooting star.
The Moon and Stars Roller Rink.
- Oof. Rough.
- Are you sure?
I am sure.
Those red tickets haunt my dreams.
The Moon and Stars
Roller Rink in Conyers
is the nastiest place in Georgia.
It's true. All three of my
kids got pink eye there.
Have fun getting foot-and-mouth disease.
You heard the lady.
Thank you.
Are you ready, boy? ♪
Catch me ♪
I'm falling ♪
Catch me, I'm falling ♪
Catch me now, I'm falling ♪
I don't know them, but we get
a lot of guys like that in here.
What do you mean by "guys like that"?
Like, what are they doing
here if they don't have kids?
They're not skating.
They're just drinking and watching.
Aw, come on. I take my kids skating.
Well, don't bring them here.
You know who's here? Pervs.
This place is perv central.
Joe, cake.
Are there any pervs here now?
Swing a cat, dude.
Look over there. There's one.
That guy, he finds a way to
brush my ass twice a shift.
Maybe you guys could
do something about it.
No? Not important enough?
Great. Have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday to you ♪
[WILL] He's wearing glasses.
- That's her type.
- Yep.
Looks like he's hitting the head.
Let's go talk to him.
We should just wait till he gets out.
What? No.
Small space. Intimidation.
It's just so disgusting.
- Um. Hi.
- Good afternoon.
Special Agent Will Trent, GBI.
Detective Ormewood, APD.
Can we ask what your name is?
Connor Bierce. Can I help you?
What brings you to the Moon
and Stars Roller Rink today?
I'm here with my kids.
They're at the birthday party.
Ooh. I have kids.
I wouldn't bring them here.
We hear this place is
littered with perverts
looking for opportunities
to commit statutory rape.
I don't know what you're talking about.
That's not what we heard.
But today's your lucky day, Connor,
because we're not here to arrest you.
We're here because there's a
killer targeting guys like you.
And unfortunately, we need your help.
So, let's say that you are a guy
who is interested in
meeting young girls.
[CONNOR] Which I am not.
- And I'd like to leave.
- Yeah, in a second.
Now, if you were that guy,
would she approach you?
- Is there some kind of symbol?
- [WILL] Ormewood.
You ever go to that website, Connor?
No. I don't know what
you guys are talking
- We're asking for your own good.
- On the souls of my children,
I have never been unfaithful to my wife,
let alone looked at a teenage girl.
Excuse me.
Hey, lay off the ass brush
or I'm coming back here.
What a dick.
So the truck driver was
shot with his own gun?
[OFFICER] Yep, but it was
rubbed clean of prints.
Body also had scratches
on the arms and neck.
Guy tried to take advantage
of the wrong girl.
[OFFICER] That's what we think.
How about you take a
walk around the block?
You can pick up this
file when you get back.
You got it. Thanks for the eggs.
Girl, you stuck your whole
foot in this thing. Mm-mmm.
I'ma come back.
Baby boo, find anything interesting?
Truck driver's name was Roy Campbell.
Local PD said he had a prescription
for cyclobenzaprine.
That is the muscle relaxant
we found in the system
of our other victims.
Did they find the pills in the truck?
Nope, but maybe that's how
our killer got a hold of it.
This death is different. More violent.
Maybe we're looking at our first victim.
I mean, look at this
strawberry necklace.
You think it belonged to the killer?
Maybe she was a redhead.
Color turned out great, Ang.
Yeah. Right?
Whoa. Whoa. No. No fan.
Why? It'll dry faster.
What, are you crazy, woman? Dust.
- Yep. 'Kay.
I do the whole project,
he comes in at the end, he's got notes.
- No fan. Of course.
- Trent.
[ANGIE] Dust.
Are you serious?
The ass brusher.
"On my children's souls," huh?
- Did he have a toy?
- Yep.
You dumbass.
Now I gotta break the news
to your wife and kids.
So I've been looking at phone
and computer records
for our new dead guy.
He did have a Meetapeach account,
but he deleted all of his chat messages.
You know what he forgot though?
You wanna guess?
He forgot about the cloud backup.
Was he chatting with anyone recently?
[SIGHS] He was talking
to a lot of young women
offering a Daddy Special.
Older men, much younger
women. Dirty, dirty.
Okay. Look, it's Cooper.
- Hello, Cooper.
- Hey. Sorry I'm late.
The school nurse sent her
home with a stomachache.
- Again? Poor baby.
- [MICHAEL] Yeah.
Why don't you go sit in my office?
I got some ginger lozenges
in the desk drawer.
Might help your tummy.
And take some laps around Trent's desk.
It might help you poop.
So these are the accounts
he was chatting with.
Uh, hold up, hold up. Scroll back down.
That one. Strawberry Girl. The necklace.
They were planning to meet.
Did any of our other victims
exchange messages with her?
If they did, they were smart
enough or gross enough
to encrypt their transmissions.
Check on her end.
If Strawberry Girl's finding
these men on this site,
whoever she's talking to
might be her next victim.
I just need a warrant to
monitor her account.
I'll go to the courthouse
myself. Give me an hour.
"An anonymous source confirms"?
Did you think I wouldn't
find out about this article?
- Do I look stupid to you?
- All right, Coop. I get it.
I haven't been paying you any attention.
- I wouldn't say stupid.
- [COOPER] It hurts.
I know, baby. You want some ginger ale?
Don't get smart with me.
You're out here jeopardizing
this investigation
by speaking to the press.
Yeah, you're hot. Where does it hurt?
I swear, I do not know what that
man's loins have talked you into.
Did you just say "his loins"?
I traded a quote
for a piece of information that
has led to a major breakthrough.
So why don't you worry
about your own loins?
- Right here? On the right?
- When you have my job,
you don't have to explain
your loins to anyone.
D-Did that child say she has
a pain on her right side?
That's her appendix.
She needs the hospital.
Uh. Oh-Oh, my God.
- Okay, baby. Come here. I got you.
- Ow.
- I need help!
- Daddy, I'm scared.
I know, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay.
Somebody help me!
My daughter. I think it's her appendix.
- Show me where it hurts, honey.
- She has a fever.
- She's in a lot of pain.
- [CRYING] Ow!
Straight back, possible
ruptured appendix. Bay two.
"The wind on my face felt like you.
When I'd fall, your
breath took the hurt.
Where is it now?"
This killer's profile page
is breaking my heart.
Zoom in on that photo.
[FAITH] No tattoos, freckles.
Nothing distinguishing.
Something happened to this kid.
Something bad.
I don't think she planned to
kill that trucker in Alabama.
I think she was running
from a bad situation
and ran into something worse.
New message.
She just made a date with
someone called DaddyTime72.
- I got a location pin drop.
- Let's go.
Wooded area. No traffic.
Looks like Strawberry
Girl's perfect date site.
A river is a good place to clean
yourself up after a murder.
Lead the way.
GBI! Freeze!
See the vision?
I do. I see it. I'll get to sanding.
Have you ever had sex on a table?
We found another body.
Ormewood's gonna meet us at the scene.
And you
you keep an eye on her, okay?
Don't let her do too much.
- Don't do too much.
- Okay.
Have you ever seen me use power tools?
- And it's finger popping ♪
Twenty-four hour ♪
Shopping in rapture ♪
This is the best part.
Fab Five Freddy told
me everybody's fly ♪
DJ spinnin' I said, "My, my" ♪
Flash is fast ♪
Flash is cool ♪
Francois c'est pas ♪
Flash ain't a dude ♪
Why is this door open?
For ventilation. Why
Why'd you just walk in?
Because the door was open.
- Will's not here.
- I'm not here for him.
Y-You're not color blind, are you?
No, I [CHUCKLES] I was
not expecting company.
No, it's not that. GBI agents
can't be color blind,
whereas APD can't be that picky.
Okay. What are we talking about?
Director Reynolds has her eye on you.
She thinks you're smart,
experienced, tough.
Just the sort of person
we should be recruiting.
- To join the GBI?
- Keep up.
- She asked me what I thought.
- What did you say?
I told her you were a recovering addict
with a habit of falling off the wagon.
That you had a history of volatility
and problematic personal entanglements.
Dead on. Well, you didn't have to
come all this way to tell me that.
But I also told her that you
were thorough, sensitive,
and one of the most naturally
perspicacious detectives I know.
I don't know what "perspicacious" means.
Acutely perceptive and
sound in judgment.
There's more money.
More interesting cases.
More opportunities.
- Have you ever considered it?
- [CHUCKLES] No, actually.
It's always been Will's thing.
He'll just have to learn
to share, now, won't he?
Application window closes in a month.
Think about it.
You guys got a dining table?
Oh. Yeah. Uh.
Will's idea.
Building a life. I like it.
Lock this door behind me.
[FRANKLIN] Wait, so GBI.
She said that Reynolds
asked for you specifically?
- I guess so.
Wow. I got the sponsor sniffles.
- I'm so proud of you.
- And?
- Well, I'm a little concerned.
- Okay. There it is.
Are you sure that working
even more closely
with your on-again, off-again,
on-again lover-brother
is really a good idea?
Something's different this time.
- It's shifted and settled.
- With you and Will?
Yeah, with me and everything.
I can't explain it.
But, like, even with the
injuries and the pain,
I'm just feeling grounded
and centered and hopeful.
- Is this dumb?
- No, this is progress.
You tell Will?
- No. [LAUGHS]
- Soon.
I have a meeting to get to.
A meeting meeting?
Yeah, kinda.
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
I used to go to this, um,
dentist when I was little.
After every checkup,
you got to pick a prize out
of the treasure chest.
There were these weird little toys.
They had faces on 'em.
I would always pick those.
I had 'em lined up on my bookshelf.
Liked to think they were
watching me while I slept.
Protecting me.
Every time I lay down,
it's like he's still on top of me.
The weight pressing on my chest.
I can't breathe.
I kept my eyes open when it happened.
And I just stared at those toys
and their little faces.
Just thinking
how stupid
how stupid to think some little
piece of plastic could protect me.
My own mother wouldn't protect me.
She still won't.
I had to hitchhike back
to Atlanta by myself
just to get away from her and
her latest creep of a boyfriend.
I tried. I tried to pretend it
never happened like you said.
Keep replaying it.
Him coming in my room
and then stabbing him.
I killed Lenny. You were not here.
Detective Polaski.
Hi. Hey.
You, uh, here to talk to Amanda
about the opportunity?
I was, but I-I'm gonna
catch her some other time.
You haven't heard from her?
She's not answering her phone.
Maybe she's at the diner?
Something wrong?
I don't know. She seem okay to you?
I mean, to be honest,
we barely see each other.
She's on days. I'm on nights.
Does Crystal wear glasses?
I don't I don't know.
Shoot. Angie, she-she can't
stay with me if she's using
No, I know. I know.
[WHISPERS] Think, Polaski.
Think, think, think.
Angie, you're really freaking me out.
- Is Crystal in trouble?
- I don't know.
I hope not. I hope I'm wrong.
Crystal. Hey, stop.
- She invited me here. This is her idea.
- Get out of here!
How did you find me?
What's happening? Crystal.
Oh, God, am I losing my mind?
They deserved it.
- No.
- You understand.
You know they deserved it!
- You know!
- Sweetie, come here.
Why? So you can arrest me?
- No. No!
- You gotta come with me now.
- I got you.
- No, no.
Crystal. Crystal, come here.
Crystal, stop, please.
Crystal, just wait. Just
Just wait right there. Wait.
Stop. Stop. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
- I'm coming. I'm coming. Stay right there.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Crystal, no.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
Please, no. No, no, no, no.
No, no.
I'm sorry.
GBI! Freeze!
So, you know Crystal because
she's the daughter of the woman
that Leonard Broussard was
living with when he was killed?
Yes. When I killed him in self-defense.
You kept in touch with her?
I thought I could help her.
She was really traumatized
and I felt responsible.
Because you killed Lenny?
Because Lenny raped her.
Why would you feel responsible for that?
'Cause he raped me when I was 15.
You tracked her phone.
Did you know what she was doing?
- How can you ask that?
- I'm just trying to understand
where your head was at.
Why didn't you call me?
I didn't think anything
that crazy was going on.
I didn't think that she actually
that she killed those guys.
Yeah, but on some level,
you had to, right?
On some level, you thought
she was capable of it.
You're a detective.
Otherwise, why follow her?
No, because I was worried
about her and
Okay. Okay. I think
we're done for today.
- Are we?
- I said we're done.
I need a minute.
Is there anything that
you wanna tell me, Ang?
I wanna go home.
Angie, what did you do?
Angie went to Crystal's
house for a wellness check.
When she arrived,
she learned that Crystal
and her mother Diane went to a movie.
Lenny invited her in
and went to the kitchen
for a glass of water.
She said Lenny attacked
her with a rolling pin.
Angie grabbed a knife in self-defense.
She ran into the dining room.
Lenny pursued. They fought.
She stabbed him in the carotid.
Why did Angie go into the kitchen
for a glass of water with Lenny?
She wasn't here as a friend.
Angie's arms were unharmed.
Which means Lenny hit her in the face
several times with a rolling pin,
and she never tried to block his swings.
That does not sound like my girl.
I don't believe Lenny gave
Angie those injuries.
I'm not sure Angie killed Lenny.
Which means, Crystal
The trucker in Alabama
wasn't her first victim after all.
- Lenny was.
[FAITH] Will, your door's locked.
Crystal's mother is here to ID the body.
I will talk to her.
I can stay.
I'll handle it.
We've been through a lot together.
Can you let me help you with this?
Are you sure she's gonna be okay?
Yeah, buddy. She's gonna wake up soon.
Think we overdid it at the gift shop?
[CHUCKLES] No. No, I want her
to be happy when she wakes up.
Mmm. Dad, look, I think she's awake.
- Daddy?
- Hey, little one.
I'm right here.
- Max is here too.
- We got you this dog.
Yeah, and here you go.
- Mom?
- Hey.
- Mom!
- Oh, my gosh. Look at you.
[MICHAEL] Good. Nancy
did get a hold of you.
Yeah, I got here as fast as I could.
I'm so glad you're okay.
Mmm. I missed you both so much.
I didn't realize she was so disturbed.
I had no idea Crystal was capable
- of something like this
- But you did, didn't you?
What do you mean?
I've known Angie Polaski my entire life
since we were children.
I know how Lenny died.
You do?
Crystal killed Lenny.
She stabbed him, didn't she?
And Angie took the blame.
It was Angie's idea.
She told us not to tell anyone,
to pretend it never happened.
She was the police telling
me what to do and I did it.
And now my daughter's dead.
I'm talking to a lawyer.
I'm gonna sue the Atlanta
Police Department.
Everybody's gonna know what she did!
Angie Polaski is not the one
who invited a sexual
predator into your home
and exposed your daughter to him.
That was you!
You were supposed to protect her!
You're the reason why
we're all in this position!
I apologize. [SIGHS]
Lenny Broussard is the reason.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Hi, can I come over?
[LUKE] Yeah. Yeah, of course.
- Uh, just give me a second to tidy up
- I'm already here.
Are you serious?
Hey, boo. What you doing here? What
Are you okay?
- No.
- I'm coming down. Hold on.
I think something bad might
be happening and I d
I don't know how to help.
You, uh, wanna talk about it?
No, I don't wanna talk about work.
I just wanna have some steak
- Mm-hmm.
- and rye,
and you.
I can provide all of those.
- How are you feeling?
- Better.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
H-How's Coop been otherwise?
- How's Max?
- They're good, but they miss you.
You know, we all
I miss you.
So, I've been working really hard
and I finally feel like I'm
finding myself again.
Well, that's great. That was
That was the goal, right?
Does this mean that you're
ready to come back?
I mean, if you need a little more time,
you know, the kids and I, we have a
we have a pretty solid routine going.
No, Michael, for me, moving forward
I'm moving to Durham
to be near my parents.
And I plan to file for a divorce
and for custody of the kids.
Gina, I'm really glad that
you're feeling better.
But there is no way in hell
you're taking my kids.
I've been loving you ♪
Too long ♪
To stop now ♪
You were tired ♪
Man, Wilbur, just when you're
coming to terms with your past
and looking to the future?
My love is growing stronger ♪
You used to always
jiggle your feet like that.
- When did that stop?
- I don't know.
It's not why you summoned
me here though.
Why? Why are we here, Ang?
I know you were trying to protect her.
I was. It's what we've been
doing our whole lives.
Why didn't you tell me?
I could have helped you.
Maybe even helped her.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
I can't stop now ♪
You let a killer go free.
Now five people are dead.
Well, when you say it that way,
it seems like you should arrest me.
I've been loving you ♪
Oh, too long ♪
I don't know if I can do that.
To stop now ♪
Angela Polaski.
Let's get married.
- What?
- To hell with everything.
All right? Right now, don't think.
Just say yes.
Is this the, uh
- Is this the right hand?
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
I wanna spend the rest
of my life with you, Ang.
Come with me. City hall. Let's jump.
What are you doing? [CHUCKLES]
What's the matter? You scared?
Okay, let's go.
- Let's do it.
- She said yes!
Let's go. Come on. Let's go.
That's right, Trent!
Promises or its aches ♪
[ANGIE] Oh, my
Betty, what did we do?
- I can't believe we did it.
Promises or its aches ♪
What's this world without you in it? ♪
What's this world without you in it? ♪
You make me feel
just like I'm a little kid ♪
You make me feel
just like I'm a little kid ♪
- Home. [LAUGHS]
- Dad!
Dad, Dad, Dad!
I got the ball from Jeremy's
today. And I scored!
[YOUNGER CHILD] The teacher
brought a hamster in the classroom,
- and said
- There you go.
Hey, everyone, this is Cyril.
He's gonna be living with us.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Look who we have here. Yeah.
Can't forget Betty.
Hi, Cyril.
[YOUNGER CHILD] Cyril, do you
wanna make valentines with us?
So, when you're on the island,
you see someone eating,
Why would I say that?
So people know you were
raised by someone, son.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
His name is Pedro.
- Do you like him?
- Oh, my goodness.
- Look how cute he is, Dad.
- What a surprise!
- He's a cutie.
- Oh, my God.
- He looks just like you.
- Hello, Pedro.
- Whose idea was this?
- All me.
It was mine.
It smells amazing.
Harriet, put on some music.
Thank you, my love.
I'm gonna put a record on.
I'll be right back.
But what's this world
without you in it? ♪
You make me feel just
like we're some little kids ♪
May I have this dance?
You make me feel so ♪
- [WILL] Hmm. Mmm-mmm.
Black and alive ♪
[WILL] Angela Polaski.
I have to place you under arrest.
- Will.
- For tampering with evidence,
making false statements
and violation of oath of office
in the case surrounding the
death of Leonard Broussard.
[CRYING] I thought you might choose me.
Hey, kid. We're gonna make this
as painless as possible, okay?
Come on.
Cap, what's happening?
No, no. W-What's happening?
Trent, what did you just do?
- Man, what did you just do?
What did you just do?
- [AMANDA] Will.
Wilbur Trent, you answer me!
He's gone.
- [STAMMERS] What do you mean?
He packed a duffel, took Betty and left.
- What? Did he say where?
- He wouldn't say.
[AMANDA] Did he say anything?
He said I could move into
the main house if I want.
And he left that.
He said there's enough cash
to cover utilities for a while.
- For a long while, it seems.
- I know.
Damn it.
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