Zoo (2015) s02e10 Episode Script

The Yellow Brick Road

1 MITCH: A year ago, the animals started acting strangely, but no one noticed until they began attacking, coordinating, evolving.
The animals were mutating, and it was happening faster than anyone expected.
(screaming) The government came up with a plan.
PSA NARRATOR: Thanks to the Noah Objective, in six to ten years, the world's animal population will be thriving once again.
You cannot exterminate every animal on the planet, and then repopulate it.
MITCH: But messing with Mother Nature could be catastrophic, so a group of us are trying to save the animals.
Jackson Oz and Abraham Kenyatta, animal experts.
Dariela Marzan, army ranger.
Jamie Campbell, a reporter who's been following this story, found me, Mitch Morgan, a veterinary pathologist.
Together, we're going to find a cure for the animals.
Time is running out.
Previously on Zoo FATHER PETE: They were targeting you, Dariela.
Why? Lieutenant Marzan, I found something in your blood results.
I think you love my son.
Ha! I think you're crazy.
Are we still good on our deal? Put a bullet in your head if you turn into a rage machine? Yeah, we're good.
Your father gave them to me.
I injected your mother.
My father is dead.
Your father is still alive, and he's working with General Davies.
- (grunting) - (glass shattering) - Jackson! - (gunshot) He's gone.
(horns honking) (tires squealing) Jackson couldn't have gotten far.
You sure you don't want me to drive? Just tell me which way to go next.
Okay, uh, Jamie, we just turned onto a street called, uh, Ra-Rakuun something.
I don't know, there's too many vowels in this language.
You're going the right way.
He's just a few miles ahead of you.
How did Mitch sneak a tracking chip into Jackson? He didn't.
Jackson put it in himself.
How do you know that? Look, he just turned south.
JAMIE: You hear that, Mitch? Okay, yeah.
Uh, go left.
(engine revs up) (car horns honking) (tires squealing, brakes whining) (car horn honking) This is all my fault.
You didn't shoot Jackson.
Okay? Your girlfriend did.
But if we don't find him, we can kiss the cure good-bye.
I should never have told him about his father.
His father? Robert Oz wh-what about him? He's still alive.
What? He's working with General Davies.
How do you know this? I know.
And when were you going to tell me? I'll explain later.
(tires screeching) You know I'm the leader, right? (animals growling) My God! (rumbling) (hoofbeats) (animals whining and growling) - (animals growling) - What is that? What's happening? Mitch? (thumping and thudding) (whining and growling fade) The animals are behaving just like they acted in Mozambique.
They weren't coming after us.
They were running from something.
Mitch? Yeah.
We're still here.
It's Jackson, he stopped.
(beeping) (car monitor system beeping) Jackson? Jackson! He can't have gone far.
I can find him.
He can go as far as he wants now.
He clawed out his own tracker.
We found the car, but no Jackson.
No sign.
He's gone.
I checked all the hospitals in Helsinki, no gunshot victims.
Well, I don't think medical attention's his priority right now.
I shot him in the shoulder, it tends to sting a little.
Well, you speared Kovacs through the chest He kept coming.
Look, the mutation causes an adrenaline rush.
It blocks the transmission of pain.
He's not feeling anything right now.
Jackson is not Kovacs.
Not yet.
But the brain has three levels.
One controls logic, one controls emotion.
The other is reptilian.
Right now his reptilian instincts are completely overriding the logic.
Fight or flight.
We need to find him now.
The Noah Objective is days away, and we still need a saber-tooth cat.
Aren't those extinct? Not on an island called Pangea.
But we can't do anything without Jackson.
Because he's the incubator? MITCH: Yes.
I've been working on an anti-rejection drug, just in case his body can't handle the cure.
I mean, I'm going to be introducing seven genomic fossils into his DNA.
If his body rejects it, no more cure.
I think I know where he is.
He'd want to find his father.
Get answers as to why he gave Jackson the ghost gene in the first place.
We need Davies.
He knows where Robert Oz is.
ALLISON: General Davies is in Washington.
He's prepping for the TX Gas Launch.
I just got an update, but with commercial flights suspended, Jackson won't get his hands on him unless he swims the Atlantic.
Well, the only way out of the country is by airplane, and the only planes leaving are military.
He could be going to a nearby base.
We need footage from there.
Can you get that? Sure, I'll send an order.
Then we'll get to that base.
Not so fast.
I need you here.
What is more important than Jackson? Mass genocide.
Dariela said that the horses ignored everyone that she was traveling with, but came after her.
That means they could all have the ghost gene.
A lot more people could die than we thought.
Look, maybe I was wrong.
There could be another reason.
What reason could that be? Don't know.
I'm not the scientist.
Allison, what do you want me to do? Look, Russia is thinking of pulling out of The Noah Objective, but Davies needs their airspace to launch the gas.
I don't speak Russian.
No, you speak science.
I need you to come with me to the embassy and convince the minister of defense that we're close to a cure.
Without Jackson, there is no cure, so I'm going to go get him, okay? No.
No, you're not.
Watch me.
REPORTER: Various provinces in Argentina, Mendoza, Cordoba, San Juan, and in a very small town in the northern province Can I have a word? I didn't think you were still speaking to me.
I did just shoot your best friend.
In the shoulder.
I know you could have taken a kill-shot.
Thank you for sparing him, and for saving my life.
Someone had to.
I'm going to ask you to do something, and you're not going to like it.
Cut the preamble.
Just tell me.
Stay here.
Don't come looking for Jackson with us.
You think I'm a liability - 'cause the animals were targeting me? - No.
The animals are targeting all of us.
It's not the animals I'm afraid of it's Jackson.
I don't know what he's capable of.
Fine, I'll stay.
That was easy.
I thought for sure you'd put up a fight.
I didn't come back for a fight.
Then why did you come back? Ever since I joined the army, I've considered my unit to be my family.
Now you guys are my unit.
There's nowhere else I need to be.
NEWSCASTER: Breaking news out of Finland.
An unidentified man has gone on a violent rampage at Helsinki Central Hospital.
It's unclear what motivated the attack, but numerous injuries have been reported and the man is still at large.
Authorities are considering him unarmed, yet extremely dangerous.
It can't be We'll bring you more details as we get them.
This is bad.
I can't believe he did that.
He must've had a reason.
- Reason? - (air door closes) You know what his reason would've been? What? That he is no longer capable of reasoning.
He ran because of what I told him, - not because of the mutation.
- (alarm buzzes, hatch opens) Abe, you've got to get something through that big skull of yours.
What we're gonna be looking for isn't your friend Jackson anymore.
(hatch clanks) We're hunting an animal.
PETER: Welcome back to The Conversation.
If you're just joining us, our guest tonight, General Andrew Davies.
Executive Director of the Noah Objective.
General, before the break, you were explaining to our audience how the TX-14 gas would be distributed.
Yes, it's very simple really, Peter.
Our, uh, top scientists have pinpointed very specific dispersal sites all across the planet.
And why these locations? Well, they allow for the gas to be launched into the upper atmosphere, where it can be spread for thousands of miles using both the polar and the subtropical jet streams.
And this, in turn, allows for the gas to saturate the air at equal volume.
I see.
Now, in the United States, Boston and Los Angeles have been chosen, but residents there are clearly not very happy, as evident by many protests.
I want to assure everyone that the TX-14 gas is 100% safe for humans.
And you're saying there are no side effects? None whatsoever.
This is the perfect solution to our animal problem, which you'll all be able to see in three days.
Well, now, there are rumors circulating, General, that Russia, which, of course, occupies the world's largest land mass, may pull out - of the Noah Objective.
- Those are just rumors, Peter.
I wouldn't pay them any mind.
Yes, but if this were to happen, General, would you still be able to move proceed? Peter, Russia has always been a big supporter of the Noah Objective.
And we are very grateful to them for that.
(indistinct conversations) What do you mean you can't get the minister of defense - on the phone? - He's unavailable.
I've known Leonid Ivankov for years.
He better make himself available.
Sir, let me remind you that we have a bigger problem - than Russia.
- I'm aware.
Yes? That's excellent news.
What is it? We may have found Jackson Oz.
Any luck? Nothing.
I know you saw Mitch and I.
With what's going on right now with Jackson, you want to take a time-out to discuss office romance? This mission means more to me than Mitch Morgan, so just say the word and I will back off.
He's all yours.
Hey, ladies.
We've got a problem.
The Russian minister of defense is in our kitchen.
Leonid Ivankov? Thought his name was (Russian accent): get me Mitch Morgan.
What's he doing here? He wants proof that we're working on an alternate to the Noah Objective.
But without Mitch Can't we just have him wait until Mitch gets back? No, we need Russia on our side, but that doesn't mean that I trust them.
Ivankov can't know about Jackson.
- Why? - Learning that the mutation has jumped to humans could make him side with the Noah Objective.
We have one chance.
Oh, no pressure.
- Hello, Ms.
- Minister Ivankov, what a surprise.
Morgan and I were going to - come to you.
- I had to see this for myself.
Your team.
What you do here.
Tell me, where is Dr.
Morgan? There's an animal we need for the cure.
He's out hunting it.
And you are? Jamie Campbell.
Ah, you are the girl with the leopard.
You had the cure.
But it failed.
But we're close to another one.
When Mitch gets back, he'll show you.
There is no time.
The gas will be released in three days.
With no alternative, the Noah Objective appears to be the most effective way to end this.
Davies is lying to you.
So are you, Ms.
You're not being honest about Dr.
Morgan's whereabouts.
What don't you want me to know? I have nothing to hide.
We'll see about that.
I need to speak to Ms.
Campbell in private.
I don't think so, Sputnik.
I got this.
(sirens wailing, indistinct chatter) I can't believe this.
Told you.
His primal instincts have taken over.
Mitch, you don't know that for sure.
(speaks Finnish) What? You cannot enter here.
Really? 'Cause this says we can.
- Were there any fatalities? - Thankfully, no.
He only injured those who tried to stop him.
Okay, well, what happened? Witnesses said he moved with purpose, like he was looking for something.
- Or someone.
- It took 11 minutes for the poliisi to respond.
In that time, he locked himself in a room.
By the time we arrived, he was gone.
Room? What room? A lab.
Can you show us the lab? Follow me.
What's his job? His job is to watch.
Now place your arms on the table.
- Seriously? - Your pulse doesn't lie, even if you do.
You said you were close to a cure.
How do you know that? We found a way to take specific animals that have Bear with me A Triple-Helix DNA strand and use their genomic fossils to synthesize a cure.
(speaking Russian) (speaking Russian) And how many of these Triple-Helix animals do you need to make a cure? Seven.
We have six.
But the last one is proving hard to get.
(speaking Russian) (speaking Russian) I don't know what you're saying.
But we are close to finding a cure.
If you let the Noah Objective go forward, the gas will kill millions of people.
And Davies knows it.
That's what he's hiding.
And how do you know this? We've accessed his files.
This team of yours Why won't you let me know where they really are? They're hunting for an animal we need.
And what animal is that? A man.
A member of our team.
(speaking Russian) Nothing Jackson is doing is making any sense.
I think you were right.
Maybe he's not all gone yet.
Look at this.
All these blood trays are filled.
Except for this one.
Jackson's mutating into an apex predator, not a vampire.
Besides, how could you possibly know if Jackson took that vial and it wasn't some doctor that removed it earlier? It's called a hunch.
Whose blood is it? I don't know, but they're all labeled with identification numbers and they're chronological, so all I have to do is type in the number between those two and Vera Salvon.
That name mean anything to you? It does not.
Why would Jackson want her blood? Well, there's an address.
Let's go find out.
I've got eyes on his friends, but no sign of him.
Stay on 'em.
Let them lead you to Jackson Oz and then you bring 'em to me.
It is a scary thing to realize the mutation has jumped to humans.
All the more reason to find this cure.
Does this mean you're withdrawing support for the Noah Objective? Yes.
We corroborated your story.
That's great news.
Hold the celebration.
I must convince the cabinet of ministers.
They're meeting in Washington in two days.
They need to be told that TX-14 gas will cause human casualties.
Well, can you convince them? We will stop the Noah Objective, with your help.
Wait, you you said that you corroborated my story.
- Who did you corroborate it with? - Everything you said lined up with a Noah Objective scientist we spoke with two days ago.
Triple-Helix, genomic fossils.
Scientist? - Yes.
- What scientist? His name is Dr.
Robert Oz.
I need to talk to him.
Do you know where he is? No.
We spoke on a secure line.
Was it traceable? By definition, the secure lines are not traceable.
We trace everything.
Robert Oz? You sure? That's what Ivankov said.
We're gonna try to trace the call, get a location.
How's it going on your end? Hard to say.
Jackson seems to be very interested in a Finnish woman named Vera Salvon.
Why? We have no idea.
Well, keep me posted.
And Mitch you guys be careful.
Was that Mitch? Yeah.
Where, um, almost ready.
What is this thing again? A SCIF room.
A Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.
- You bring this stuff with you when you travel? - Yes.
For security.
Calls can't be traced, computers can't be hacked.
From a surveillance standpoint, it's impenetrable.
Unless, of course, you are inside.
(door creaks open) Hello? Jackson? MITCH: Ms.
Salvon? Power's out.
Do you think that's a coincidence? Well, not if somebody doesn't want to be seen or found.
You want to take downstairs? Do you think it's wise to split up? Not at all, but if Jackson is here, I don't want to be close by when he sees you.
(floorboards creaking) - (bird singing) - Son of a! (gasps) (bird singing) (sighs) - What's going on? - Who keeps a pet in the middle of an animal apocalypse? A 70-year-old broad with no life.
(bird singing) Did you find anything? No.
Just some bloody tissue.
There's blood on his feathers, too.
Looks like old Vera got attacked by the only family she has.
God, life sucks, huh? But none of this means anything.
You were the one saying Jackson's still human, right? If he is, he's got to be doing this for a reason.
Well, take a look around you.
It's just an ordinary old lady.
Nothing special about her.
Nothing Jackson would want.
Why are we here? Hey, we'll figure it out, okay? Relax.
Easy for you to say.
You're not the reason we're in this mess.
All right, I'm getting tired of your little self-pity party.
(bird singing) This isn't your fault.
You making me leave Jamie in New Brunswick? That's your fault.
This? Not your fault.
You and I know I'm the reason why we're here.
If I hadn't had lied to Jackson all these years.
You're probably right.
(bird screeching) Look, I'm not the only one who's angry in this room.
He's not angry.
(singing) He's scared.
Thought there was anger we saw earlier.
(screeching continues) Jackson's here.
(screeching continues) (rattling, footsteps running) Jackson! (bird screeching) (bird trilling) ABRAHAM: Jackson?! (car engine starting) Jackson! (tires squealing, engine revving) Jackson.
(panting) Get your hands up.
Where is your friend going? (loud squawking) (grunting) Tell us who sent you! Tell us who sent you! (bird singing) I'd tell him if I were you.
(panting) General Davies.
(grunts) Okay.
Let's go.
He's too far ahead.
We'll never find him.
We won't but he will.
(bird singing) (beeping, trilling) (dialing) (line ringing) Pick up the phone.
ROBERT: Hello? Dr.
Robert Oz? If this is Dr.
Robert Oz, please don't hang up.
I'm a friend of your son.
Jackson is in trouble, and I think that he might be trying to find you.
He really needs your help.
(trilling) Hello? (disconnects) Did you get it? (chirping) Yes.
An address just outside of Washington, D.
(sighs) (engine revving) (bird singing, phone ringing) Okay.
Go right.
Go right.
(tires squealing, horn honking) (tires squealing, engine revving) Are we sure this is working? Birds have a much more acute sound recognition than we do.
They can hear a storm coming a hundred miles away.
Yes, but can he hear Jackson? Look.
He's scared to death.
He's trying to fly left, so we'll go right.
(engine revving, bird singing) (tires squeal) (bird calmly chirping) Damn bird's not saying much now.
Come on, bird.
Do something.
Get scared.
(frantic chirping) - Go left! Go left! - Oh.
(engine revving, tires squealing) (frantic chirping) No, no, no, no! Right, right, right! Go right.
Go right.
- (tires squealing) - No! No! No! No! - Left! Left! Left! Left! - Damn bird is all over the place! Left! Left! Left! - Tell the bird to make up its mind! - Come on, bird! Okay, go, go.
Left, left.
Left! Left! Left! (tires squealing) - He's going nuts.
We got to be close.
- (engine revving) (loud chirping) Look where we are.
(airplane engine roars) He came back.
(bird sings calmly) Hey.
What's going on? You guys, there's someone here you should meet.
This is Vera Salvon.
VERA: I'm glad you're all here.
I have a message from Jackson Oz.
Anybody else would've thought your friend was crazy, but I knew something wasn't right.
After the parakeet bit me, strange things began to happen.
- Do you mind if I take a look at your arm, Ms.
Salvon? - Yeah.
So you've been experiencing black tears? Mucus? Yes.
Jackson explained to me that it was happening to him, too.
He said that we both had this thing.
A ghost gene.
It's what gave us the animal mutation.
But he said there was a way to cure not just me But the whole world.
He wants you to replace him, be an incubator.
Is that possible? In theory.
I I don't know.
I got to run some tests.
This means he's not planning on coming back.
I'm sorry.
Thanks to you, we finally know what Jackson has been up to.
And thanks to you, we know where to find him.
(bird sings) This will tell us if you can use me to do whatever you call it? Incubate the cure.
But first I need to make sure your body can handle it without rejecting the genomic fossils I need to introduce into your DNA, okay? Shouldn't take long.
He's a charmer.
(chuckles) Mrs.
Salvon? Why did you keep your parakeet after the animals changed? He belonged to my late husband.
The bird hated everyone.
When Gunter passed, I couldn't bring myself to put it in quarantine.
I guess we should all be glad that you kept him.
And thank you for doing this.
Not everyone would be so calm.
I watched my husband die, and I've been through two bouts with cancer.
I'm not about to let a nip from a little bird get the best of me.
(chuckles) Well, you're braver than most people.
So tell me, what's a young woman like you getting messed up in all of this? The world is ending.
You should be at home.
With loved ones.
Well, I'm here trying to prevent the world from ending.
And I I don't really have any family.
In order to survive, sometimes you have to build walls.
Both literally and figuratively.
And I guess some of those walls are easier to build than they are to take down.
But I think I'd prefer to be in danger with those that I love, than safe.
And alone.
MITCH: All right, test looks good.
Soon as we find that saber-tooth, Vera here should make a perfect host.
(chuckles) Oh, there you are.
Everything is going to work out.
I like this one.
When everything is over, you and him can work on that wall.
What is she talking about? Ignore her.
(Vera chuckles) "Animal aggression increased hCG levels 94% accuracy" Those horses in England weren't ignoring everyone else.
They were targeting you.
Because you're pregnant.
So what, you want to throw me a baby shower? That's why you stayed back? I won't be a liability.
- You gonna tell everybody? - That is what I was going to ask you.
What about Abe? I need to figure some things out first.
I'm assuming you don't want kids right now? I didn't think I did.
Pregnancy is rough, even in the best conditions.
And you're gonna spend the next nine months with a target on your back? Then I guess that gives me a damn good incentive to fight for the future.
Everything happens for a reason, right? This place where they've got Robert Oz.
It's not government property.
So whatever he and Davies are up to, it is very off-book.
We'll know soon enough.
I've got great news.
Ivankov is meeting with his cabinet of ministers tomorrow to vote.
He's already convinced two, and he's working on the rest.
(scoffs) Ah Do you think he has time to convince them? He's optimistic.
Good job.
Well I just told the truth.
And I owe you the truth.
I'm in love with Mitch.
I wasn't lying before.
Except maybe to myself.
Losing him has been one of the biggest regrets of my life.
And just getting thrown together with him during all of this? Maybe it happened for a reason? Thank you.
(clears throat) (softly): Hi.
Yes, ma'am.
Jackson wanted me to give this to you in private.
Thank you.
We've both done things we cannot change things we regret.
By now, you must realize what I'm gonna do, and that I'm not coming back.
So there's something that I need to say to you.
For a long time, you've called me Rafiki, a name that means friend.
But given everything we've been through, we're not friends.
We're much more.
We're brothers and always have been.
So no matter what happens, know this, I forgive you.
(shuddering breath) (phone dialing) Sir? The Russians are holding a vote tomorrow about the Noah Objective.
Some of the ministers are considering pulling out.
Somebody's whispering in Ivankov's ear.
OFFICER: General Davies? You have a call.
Not now.
It's Jackson Oz.
Jackson? Hey, Davies.
We need to talk.
So, the prodigal son returns.
I want to speak to my father.
Run a trace.
(computer trilling) What makes you think I can do that? Jerk me around again, and I hang up.
Okay, okay.
I can help you.
Tell me the real reason you came after me in Portugal.
Your father has something I need.
And he won't give it to me unless he sees you.
I'm willing to turn myself in, but I need proof that you've got him.
I can do that.
I can do that.
Hold on Call the house.
Get Robert Oz on the line, - right now! - Sir.
(phone beeps, dials) (phone ringing) (ringing continues) Jackson! Dr.
Oz? (ringing continues) (line ringing) (ringing continues) (ringing continues) (line ringing) (ringing continues) ABRAHAM: Robert Robert Oz No answer from the safe house.
Dammit, we never should've let him out of that cell.
Davies, I know you're tracing this call.
ABRAHAM: Robert Oz? You don't think that? No, Jackson could never have done this.
(tires screeching outside) (car doors opening) Company.
You have 15 seconds to put my father on the line, or I disappear.
Take it easy.
We have your father in a safe house.
We can't reach him right now, but I can take you to him.
OFFICER: He's right outside the building! Scramble CRT.
Get snipers in position.
I'm hanging up.
No, no, no, wait! I can prove it.
- Good-bye.
- The three-pronged scar on the back of your neck.
That's from an injection your father gave you.
All right, I'm coming in.
Tell your men I'm unarmed.
I just want to see my father.
Of course.
Of course.
We got him! Sir, the field team just called from the safe house.
Robert Oz is gone.
Son of a bitch! Jackson Oz is approaching.
CRT is ready to sedate the target.
New plan.
Sir? Kill him.
The second his hand touches the door.
We may need him to find Robert Oz.
If we kill his son, Robert Oz will find us.
You take the shot.
I want Jackson Oz dead.
All right, new orders.
Follow CRT.
Take the shot.
We should run.

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