7th Heaven s02e11 Episode Script
Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way
Hey, Mom.
Watch this.
- No.
Watch this, Mom.
- Simon.
Ta-da! No.
You gotta admit, I was closer this time.
Don't worry, once my magic kit comes with the instructions, I'll be able to pull an entire tablecloth off of any table.
Or not.
I'm flexible.
I got it.
Gosh, I hope that's your father.
I thought he'd be home by now.
It's not like him to stay out this late without calling.
It's for you.
I'll take that in the kitchen.
Lucy certainly has had a lot of phone calls tonight.
What? I don't know anything, I swear.
Hey, how's your after-school rehab with the coach coming along? Oh, it's great.
Coach Koper's awesome.
He says if I stay focused on my goals, I could be back on the team in no time.
You know, he was going to be a coach for the WNBA, but he wanted to teach.
And you bought that? Hey, Mom? You know, it's possible that Dad's being held by aliens who have him confused with God because he was in the church.
They think he has special powers, so they wanna bring him back on their spaceship so they can study him.
Yeah, or he could be picking up ice cream.
- Hey, guys.
I'm sorry I'm so late.
- Hi.
- Whoa, what's going on? - Okay, are you ready? Thank you.
Get this.
The local TV station is gonna be coming around to various churches in the community to televise the services.
And whichever church draws the biggest audience is gonna be considered for a regular weekly telecast.
Televised every Sunday.
And guess what? Our church is first on the list.
I'm gonna be on TV.
Sunday! Me.
That's great, Dad.
Yeah, cool.
Dad, I thought you were with aliens.
Daddy, did you buy any ice cream? No.
But Oh, what'd I miss, what'd I miss? Evidently nothing.
Eric? Eric, could you get that? - Hello.
- Don't, it's Mrs.
Hi, Mrs.
Hinkle, how are you? She wants me to pick up her prescription.
- But I gotta write my sermon.
- Oh, your denture cream? Uh-huh.
Well, I'm sure Eric would have called you back, but he's so busy trying to get ready for Sunday's big broadcast.
That's right, yeah, we're all pretty excited.
Well, why don't I take care of it for you? It's no problem.
No, Mrs.
Yeah, I'll see you in a bit, okay? Bye-bye.
You sure you don't mind? - No.
- No? I didn't mind taking the choir robes to the dry cleaner's this morning.
- Oh.
- And, uh I didn't mind calling the choirmaster for you, requesting the changes you wanted in the Sunday service.
And I didn't mind driving the church secretary to the airport.
I did have a little trouble with that cage with her two dogs, getting it, you know, in and out of the minivan.
I'm really sorry about that.
I do appreciate it.
It's just that I really need to stay focused on writing this sermon.
- How's that going? - Good.
- Nothing, huh? - No.
I mean, it's getting there.
I'm formulating some ideas.
- It's Friday.
- It sure is.
That's why I really need to get back to work.
I don't want you to think that I mind helping you out, but didn't you used to get your best sermon ideas when you were out doing your usual routine? That would be okay if this were just one of my usual Sunday sermons, but it's gonna be on television.
I need something more.
I need something special.
Whatever you want.
You know, I know how important this could be for the church.
Oh, one more thing.
The gardener's sick.
Do you think you could put your green thumb to work on the shrubs around the front of the church? It's gonna be the opening shot.
I really want a good first impression.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Great, you're the best.
Oh, and while you're there, do you think you could look at the plants inside the church? - Come to think of it, maybe - Order some extra flowers for Sunday.
- Yeah.
- Sure, I can do it all.
But, you know, I've got a roast that I've prepared that's sitting in the refrigerator.
It needs to go in the oven this afternoon at 3:00.
Could you handle that? - Of course, no Gladly, yeah.
Turn the oven to 350.
- Right.
Three? - Fifty.
And I'll write it all down.
I'll be home before it's done.
- It's not a problem.
Consider it done.
- Okay.
Remember, folks, this is your midterm grade.
If you don't like what you see, consider this a wake-up call.
You still have time to pull it up before the end of the term.
You'll need to get these back to me by Monday with your parent's signature.
Hey, Luce.
Welcome to the bottom of the heap.
Man, I didn't even study and I got a D.
It's about time you hit a slump, Camden.
You were throwing off the curve for the rest of us.
Anything I could do to help.
- I'll give you a call later.
- Yeah, me too, me too.
I can't use the phone anymore.
Don't sweat it.
Just sign it yourself.
They never check.
I'll sign it if you want.
What's your parents' last name? Camden.
Same as mine.
Wow, how unusual.
Hey, give it to me, I'll do it.
Oh, that's okay.
Thanks anyways.
You sure? Okay, then.
- I guess we'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- See you later.
- Later.
What's up with the slackers? - Slackers? - Yeah, Todd used to be in my class.
Why do you hang out with those guys? I think they're nice.
They just don't do that well in school, that's all.
Besides, Todd's okay.
He goes to our church.
I never said he wasn't nice.
He just did better in school before he hooked up with a bunch of losers.
If you're having trouble, why didn't you ask for help? I don't know.
I didn't know I was having trouble.
Or this much trouble.
Any idea who you're gonna get to sign that for you? - Is that an offer? - No.
So I got one bad grade.
What's the big deal? Better hope Mom and Dad agree with you.
Hey, coach.
- Hey, Mary, how's the knee? - Great.
I've been concentrating on squats and lunges.
- And I did a hundred last night.
- That's what I like.
- How's it feel? - A lot stronger.
- I'm ready for anything else.
- Okay, great.
I'll see you in about, say, 20 minutes? - I'll be there.
- Okay.
Hey, Camden.
You coming to practise today? Yeah, we can use all the help we can get.
We're getting killed under the boards.
- Yeah, I know, but I'm still in rehab.
- How's it going? Great.
Coach Koper thinks I could be back at practise in a week.
You better, because we're sunk without you.
Thanks, you guys.
It's great to be missed.
Hey, I heard we got a new girl trying out today.
- A transfer.
Diane something.
- Really? Is she a player? I've never heard of her.
Can't be that special.
I'll stop by and check out before I hit the weight room.
- Okay, cool.
- I'll catch you guys at the gym? - Yeah.
- See you.
Matt, pick me up at 5.
Be out front, I don't wanna have to come and get you.
- You don't wanna run into Koper.
- Give the lady a prize.
Oh, yes.
Oh, sorry, girl.
No, I'm just about to get back to work.
I mean it this time.
Happy, wait.
Don't go.
Stay, stay.
Okay, all right.
- We're home, Mom.
- Mom? Your lucky day, Houdini.
My magic set.
Hello? Hang on a sec.
It's for you.
I wouldn't get caught on the phone all night.
The sooner you study, the sooner Mom and Dad forget about that D.
Look, don't go parental on me.
I can handle it.
You know, not many people could make that look work, Mom, but you Had a little fight with the garden hose down at the church.
The hose won.
Hi, honey, how's it go? - I'll get it.
- No, I'll get it.
I'll put it in.
I'll put it in now.
It's not too late.
350, right? Three-fi I'll put it Now, before I show you anything, you'll have to swear to me, as my loyal assistant, that you'll take my secrets of illusion and prestidigitation to the grave.
I'm okay with everything except the assistant part.
Why? All the world's best magicians have assistants.
I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but you're not one of the world's best magicians.
You can't even do a trick yet.
The assistant gets to wear a costume.
Like your bathing suit with that feather boa around your neck.
- Not bad, huh? - What do you get to wear? What all the great magicians wear, of course.
Black pants, black shirt and a black cape.
Oh, right, and I'm in a bathing suit? I wanna wear the cape.
Only the magician gets to wear the cape.
Besides, I thought you liked wearing your bathing suit.
I do, it's very comfortable.
But I don't wanna stand around in it looking dumb waiting for you to saw me in half.
Well, you can't be the magician.
Well, if I can't be the magician, I don't wanna be anything.
I bet you'd be my assistant, huh, girl? Cheryl, have you seen Coach Koper? I was supposed to meet him at the weight room and he didn't show.
He's over there.
Okay, here we go, Diane.
There it is.
Yeah! There you go.
Very good.
There's all right.
Thank you very much.
It looks like we found ourselves a shooting guard.
Thank you, Diane.
Mary, I'm sorry.
I forgot all about you.
Why don't you go work on some of the exercises I gave you on your own? But remember, take it slow.
I just gotta get Diane settled in.
You wanna meet her? No, thanks.
Maybe later.
All right.
See you.
Do it again.
See? The Great Simoni has taken an everyday ordinary pencil and turned it from rubber back into wood.
Yep, it's wood, all right.
Anybody can do that.
Oh, yeah? - Hey, what's that thing in your ear? - What? It looks like you've got some cents in that head after all.
I believe that's my penny.
Pull me out a quarter.
Or, like, a dollar.
No, I could, but I don't feel like it.
Tell me how you did it.
Only his assistant can know The Great Simoni's secrets.
That's not going to happen, so I guess I'll just go ask The Great Daddy.
- He'll tell me.
- Ha.
Good luck.
Okay, girl, I promise, I'm just gonna pull a penny out of your ear, just like Ruthie.
Hey, Ruthie.
- That was pretty good.
- Thank you.
I just wanted to ask you something.
Is it really important? Because I'm trying to write.
I thought you were trying to dance.
Oh, that, no I'm just trying to work through a little writer's block.
- Where's the block? - It's in my head.
My head has money in it, but I can't get it out.
Look, Ruthie, how about we talk about this later? Because I really have to get ready for this big sermon on Sunday.
I'm gonna be on TV, you know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know.
I'm starving.
I could eat a horse.
Oh, well, maybe these will help.
And I will have dinner ready real soon, okay? Do you know that Dad can dance? And he has a block in his head.
Oh, yes, dear.
A lot of men have them, but his will go away soon.
Do you know how to pull money out of someone's ear? No, I don't, but maybe Simon does.
- What? - Nothing.
I see Coach Koper's working wonders.
You jerk.
- Hey, I was just kidding around.
- Well, I'm not in the mood.
Why? Oh, no reason.
My game sucks, I've lost my touch, and I'm two steps too slow, but that's nothing.
I got you on the team once.
I can get you back again.
I don't need your help.
Looks like you do to me.
Hey, what's wrong? Let me go.
I'll let you go if you tell me.
But I wanna be a magician, not a magician's assistant.
Grab a few plates and set the table.
Oh, and Matt, grab some of that food and take it to the dining room, please.
I'll set the table.
- Thanks.
What was that all about? - None of your business.
- Will you two hold it down? Get off the phone! I gotta go.
I never do this to you when you're on the phone.
Our friends aren't at the bottom of the curve.
Lucy's friends are none of your business either.
Fine, did she tell you she got a D on her American History midterm? You're failing history? - You're quitting the basketball team? - What? Don't go telling Mom and Dad.
I'll tell them when I'm ready.
- Ditto.
- What is it you two aren't telling me? I'm quitting basketball.
I don't think so.
Oh, so you have a say in this? That's enough.
Lucy? - She got a D on her history midterm.
- She's supposed to have you sign it.
And she's okay with it, because her new bottom-feeder friends did worse.
Mary's quitting the team because she's jealous that Coach Koper is helping the new girl instead of her.
What new girl? Ruthie.
Go down and finish setting the table.
But I can't hear from down there.
You guys want The Great Simoni to pull a penny out of your ear? No! Okay, okay, I'm flexible.
Simon, go wash your hands.
Dinner's ready.
We'll be down in a minute.
Somebody in trouble? Go.
We have to talk.
Hello? Ruthie, is that you? Yep, it's me.
Is this Grandpa? I mean, the Colonel.
Well, it sure is.
Well, how come you're on the horn? Where is everybody? Daddy's in his office dancing the block out of his head.
He's gonna be on TV Sunday.
And Mommy's upstairs yelling at Matt, Mary and Lucy.
Why? What's wrong? Matt and Mary are fighting because Mary's quitting basketball.
And Lucy got a D in American History.
Well, what about the blond boy? Simon.
- He thinks he's The Great Simoni.
- The what? Simon wants to be a magician.
I hate magicians.
Well, how about you, little sweetheart? What's your status? I'm starving.
We haven't eaten dinner yet.
And I'm pretty sure the roast is burning.
Why? There's smoke coming out of the oven.
Now, you hang up the phone at once and go get your mother.
Right now, that's an order.
Yes, sir.
Ruth? Pack my bags, I'm shipping out.
Could someone get that? Son.
Now, your mother and I are both fine, and I know it's not time for my annual visit, but I'm here on a mission.
Dad, this is not a good time for a mission.
- This really is not a good - Heard you're gonna be on television.
Yes, that's right.
Tomorrow's services are gonna be televised, which is part of the reason this is not a good time for a mission.
Who told on me? Private Ruthie.
I figured with you locked up in your office and Annie covering your back, there'd be no one taking point.
And you know what happens when there's no one on point.
The entire platoon goes to hell in a handbasket.
Now, you get back in your office and write something.
I'll take it from here.
Dad, wait.
I love you.
And I respect you.
And I appreciate that you would just jump on a plane and come out here to help us out.
But as much as I love and respect you, I get really nervous whenever you are in church, and tomorrow is a really important day.
Well, I agree.
You just need a little extra pressure.
Get the adrenaline flowing.
I don't think so, Dad.
Not this time.
Son, there are fish in the ocean at a depth that would kill any other living creature, including man.
Now, you take that same fish, put him in a fishbowl.
It dies.
Lack of pressure.
You're that fish and I'm a little pressure.
- Actually, you're a lot of pressure.
- You're welcome.
Now, left face.
That is not a magician's outfit.
That That's a Halloween costume.
Happy thinks it is.
She's going to be my assistant.
For the last time, you're not gonna be the magician.
Says you.
- Hi, Ruthie.
- What are you doing here? Well, never mind that.
Hey, what's with the black getup? Reconnaissance? I'm gonna be a magician.
But I need an assistant and Ruthie won't do it.
I don't wanna be the assistant.
I wanna be a magician too.
She wants to be whatever I wanna be.
I mean, it's not her dream to become a magician.
- But it is yours? - Yes, sir.
Well, how about you? Is it your dream too? No.
I just need to do it, that's all.
Need? Gee, I don't think so.
Ruthie, help your brother realise his dream.
Now, I don't particularly like the idea of my grandson becoming a magician.
As a matter of fact, I hate it.
But I'm pretty sure he won't give up until he gives it a fair shake.
But I don't want to.
All right, all right.
Hey, you wanna see me pull a penny out of Ruthie's ear? Sure.
I never saw a lousier magician in my life.
I saw that penny the whole time.
Now, I want you to take Ruthie upstairs and the two of you rehearse that trick in front of the mirror until it's so slick, it's absolutely believable.
How many pennies does Simon have to pull out of my ear? Well, about as many as it takes to send the two of you to Annapolis.
And you see all the toys there in the living room? Well, I want you to make them disappear before my very eyes.
Where's Mom when you need her? Out doing Dad's job.
Forget about this new girl.
Let Koper work with her.
I'll work with you.
I'm ten times better than Koper, because I know you better.
I know where your weaknesses are.
- Colonel, what are you doing here? Hey, Mary.
Well, I guess I'm working, huh? So I hear you're quitting the basketball team? - How did you know about that? - I'm a Marine.
There's nothing I don't know.
I hope you didn't come just because you heard I was quitting.
Yeah, because if you did, it wasn't necessary.
I can handle this.
Well, now, look who found his way to a barber.
Hey, Matt.
No, you're doing a fine job with this.
You should quit, Mary.
Really? - Yeah, yeah.
- I wouldn't give it a second thought.
- Huh? Did I hear something about a new girl? Yeah, she just transferred and everybody thinks she's so great.
She hasn't earned the place on the team yet.
Anyway, who would wanna be on a team that dropped you, the star player who's been working her behind off to get back to the top? No, no.
My granddaughter shouldn't be second to anyone who hasn't earned it.
Well, I wasn't dropped.
I'm quitting.
Darn right you are.
You'll find a new sport.
In the meantime, I think your family needs you.
If you'd pick up those towels and get to work.
Laundry basket's over on the table.
Oh, that laundry's clean, just needs to be ironed.
What was that all about? It's important to know when to be helpful and how to be helpful.
When you don't know either one, it's important to be harmless.
What? - Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
- I am leading.
I'm trying to help my sister and this is not what I had in mind.
Once Mary feels free to hate this new girl, she'll get over it.
And she'll forget about quitting.
Now, how are you with an iron? - An iron? I know how to iron.
You wanna help? Get an iron and get to work.
That's the kind of help this family could use right now.
I don't believe this.
I'm not doing any ironing.
About face.
What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming.
Well, I really only tell people things on a need-to-know basis.
What's this I hear about your failing American History? I'm not failing history.
I just got a D on my midterm.
That's not why you came, is it? Right, I don't need to know.
Why don't you grab a sponge and hit the counters? I've got some ironing to do, and from the looks of it, we'll have time to cover the Revolutionary War up to Grenada.
That should just about do it.
Now all we have to do is wait for your mother to get home.
I had no idea you could do all this domestic stuff, Colonel.
Dad can't.
That's because he never had the pleasure of serving his country in the Marine Corps.
Now, young lady, would you care to join me in the living room for some hors d'oeuvre? I'd love to.
Mom is gonna freak when she comes home and sees what we did.
All right, now where were we? Vietnam War.
Something about the United States moving the war into Cambodia? Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, that was a very unpopular move with the public at that time.
But I think President Nixon was a hero to do that.
See, the Vietcong were storing supplies just across the border in Cambodia.
In fact, so close to the border that our boys could see them.
But they couldn't cross that line.
Really? This is great.
I'd never learn this in school.
Lucy, you're a smart girl.
What's the D all about? I don't know.
I just slipped one day and I got a bad grade.
And the next thing I knew, I was kind of popular with the laid-back crowd.
It was easier than worrying about competing with the smart kids.
And I don't know.
Some guy seem to like me who never paid any attention to me at all before.
Yes, I see.
Lucy, I think you have to question what kind of man would like a woman who isn't, you know, all that bright? You know, one of the reasons my marriage has lasted so long and been so good is because your grandmother is one of the smartest people I know.
Smart is challenging.
Smart is Well, let's just say I could never be attracted to a woman who wasn't.
Just wouldn't last, Lucy.
You know, Colonel, it's been really nice talking to you all day.
I used to think you didn't like me.
Well, as I recall, this is the first time we've talked where I've gotten to say anything.
Here we go.
You know, the Colonel was wrong about quitting.
It's reverse psychology.
Well, whatever, but I'm quitting and I feel great about it.
How can you feel great about it? Because it's just nice to play for fun again without any big goal in mind.
I'm so happy to see you.
Annie, Annie, Annie, likewise.
Aren't you gonna ask me why I'm here? I don't know how you found out, but I know why you're here.
- You're here to help.
- Well.
You ironed the sheets? Oh, well, the rest of the clothes are in the appropriate closets and drawers.
I just left those out so I could make up the couch for myself tonight.
No way.
Matt can sleep on the couch.
Oh, I can live with that.
You cooked dinner too.
Lucy and I did over a little American history.
This is so wonderful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
That goes for me too.
I finished my sermon.
I knew you would.
I've been dreading tomorrow and now I I can't wait.
- And I owe it all to you.
- Oh.
And to you, Dad.
Marines don't kiss, son.
I gotta get an exterior.
Yeah, just run a cable He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole wide world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got you and me, sister In his hands He's got you and me, brother In his hands He's got you and me, sister In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole wide world In his hands Smile.
He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands I don't believe this.
That's her.
The big basketball star.
I can't believe she had the nerve to come to our church.
- Good morning.
Good morning.
I wanna welcome the parishioners of Glenoak Community Church, as well as those of you who are joining us at home.
It's a pleasure to have you as our guests this Sunday.
We also have another very special visitor with us today.
A man who's flown all the way from New York to be with us.
My father, Colonel John Camden.
In fact, it was my father who inspired today's sermon.
Dad was a colonel in the Marine Corps, a decorated hero who fought in World War II and Korea, and he is indeed one of the few good men.
It's taken me a lifetime to learn that when my father speaks, it's a good idea to listen.
Because I've found over and over again, that when I've rebelled against his wise counsel, I just get myself in trouble.
- I'm one of the few lucky men.
- Watch this, look.
- Now you see it.
I have a father who cared more about doing right than teaching the right thing.
- Now you don't.
And about getting my approval, Now you see it.
or even my affection.
Now you don't.
My father is fond of saying, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
" Oh, my Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my - What's wrong? - It's stuck up her nose.
She sucked the mint up her nose.
Stay calm.
- She got a mint up her nose.
You guys, stay here.
Come on.
Ruthie, Ruthie, go.
Come on.
What'd she? I don't know.
Slowest-moving bunch I ever saw.
Okay, Mom got her to blow it out of her nose.
We're going to the emergency room just to make sure she's okay.
That's her, the new girl.
- Mary Camden, right? Yeah.
I'm Diane Butler.
My mom and I were looking for a church to go to and Coach Koper suggested this one.
- He did? - He said your dad's the minister here.
Yeah, he's the guy who just ran out of here.
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
It's not like this every Sunday.
Really? That's too bad.
This is the most interesting service I've ever been to.
- I hope that little girl's okay.
That's my sister Ruthie.
I'm sure she's fine, for a kid with a mint up her nose.
I was looking for you after tryouts.
I heard you were working your way back from an injury.
Yeah, I got hit by a car and tore all the tendons in my right knee.
I did the same thing.
Two years ago, I went skiing for the first time and I fell.
- You're kidding.
It's bad, but don't worry, you'll be back.
I saw you play last year.
I was looking forward to playing ball with you when I transferred.
Good people bring out the best in you, you know? Yeah.
Well, I'm hoping to be back at practise in a week or two.
Yeah, that's what Coach Koper said.
He's great, isn't he? He's the best.
Hey, Lucy.
Great service.
Check it out, it's only 11:15.
That's the earliest we've ever gotten out of church.
Yeah, this has never happened before.
- Oh, I hope your sister's okay.
- Thanks.
Actually, I'm more worried about Simon.
I think he's the one who gave the idea to snort the mint.
- Hey, so I'll call you later? - I can't.
I'm in big trouble over that midterm.
I'm not allowed to talk on the phone until I pull my grades up.
I always knew you were a smart kid.
It was nice hanging out while it lasted.
Hey, you know, maybe I could come over some time.
I don't know, Todd.
Well, no, you could help me.
I mean, I wouldn't mind surprising the folks with a C.
I don't know if I could help you, but maybe Matt could help us both.
I don't know.
Getting help from Matt might make me feel kind of dumb.
Actually, we'd be helping him by letting him help us.
His ego suffered a huge blow this weekend.
Oh, well, in that case, maybe I could.
Sorry about that.
The mint thing.
And I'm also sorry I didn't listen to your advice about helping people.
I guess my parents were pretty overwhelmed this weekend.
It's okay.
I can't fix everyone in one visit.
I hate magicians.
Me too.
Should we go to the hospital? I've got a better plan.
What do you think Ruthie would rather have than anything when she gets home? Ice cream.
Holy Cannoli.
There you have it.
Matt, the mission is ice cream.
So what happens the rest of the day? I was hoping Matt would wanna shoot hoops with me when we get home.
Oh, so you're not quitting the team? Don't gloat, sir.
It was burning and burning and I couldn't breathe.
Then Mom told me to blow.
So I did and it finally came out.
But it still burned a little.
Honey, I just don't understand why you put it up there in the first place.
I was tired of being the assistant.
I wanna do my own magic trick like Simon.
Honey, you can't always do what Simon does.
Sometimes it's somebody else's turn to be in the spotlight.
Sometimes it's nice to make another person feel that they're important and special.
You can't always be the centre of attention.
I know it's hard for you to hear this, but you can't always have what you want.
I don't want to do magic, I need to do it.
And you will have your own magic, you'll see.
Right now, Mommy needs to take a little break, so I'm gonna wait for you right outside the door, okay? I think you have something in your ear.
How did you do that? I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell a soul.
Paging Dr.
Chris Olsen to the conference room.
Paging Dr.
Chris Olsen to the family conference room.
Ruthie's fine.
They'll be out in a minute.
Oh, thank you.
Hey, that's great.
You know, I bet if she wasn't fine, I'd be in real trouble, huh? Not that I'm not in real trouble now.
I didn't know she was gonna do it.
I swear.
It's not like there's a warning label on the sleight-of-hand manual.
Relax, Simon, I know you didn't mean for this to happen.
I'm really sorry I ruined your church services, Dad.
It's okay.
I'm just glad Ruthie wasn't seriously hurt.
So I'm forgiven? Yeah, son, you're off the hook.
How come? I don't know.
I heard Ruthie scream and it scared me so badly I lost my mind and my will to discipline you.
Look, in case it may have appeared otherwise My family is more important to me than my work.
This week, I kind of forgot that you all have your own work.
Just growing up is hard work.
And I need to be there for you every day.
Thanks, Dad.
You know, I feel the same way about Ruthie, so I'm gonna help her become a magician.
Or you could just help me give it up.
- I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
- That's okay.
I've decided to give up magic.
Dad made you, huh? I owe you an apology.
I'm sorry for throwing everything off on you this week.
You know, I should know by now that there's a limit to how much I can do.
Next time, I'll make sure I get the kids to help out.
I'm just sorry that your moment of glory was short-circuited.
I'm not sure being on TV would make me a better minister.
Yeah, we all learned a little something this week.
I sure did.
- What's that? - What? Hey.
That's what you learned from all this? No.
I learned sometimes if you really need help bad enough, life just gives it to you.
Hey, Mom.
Watch this.
- No.
Watch this, Mom.
- Simon.
Ta-da! No.
You gotta admit, I was closer this time.
Don't worry, once my magic kit comes with the instructions, I'll be able to pull an entire tablecloth off of any table.
Or not.
I'm flexible.
I got it.
Gosh, I hope that's your father.
I thought he'd be home by now.
It's not like him to stay out this late without calling.
It's for you.
I'll take that in the kitchen.
Lucy certainly has had a lot of phone calls tonight.
What? I don't know anything, I swear.
Hey, how's your after-school rehab with the coach coming along? Oh, it's great.
Coach Koper's awesome.
He says if I stay focused on my goals, I could be back on the team in no time.
You know, he was going to be a coach for the WNBA, but he wanted to teach.
And you bought that? Hey, Mom? You know, it's possible that Dad's being held by aliens who have him confused with God because he was in the church.
They think he has special powers, so they wanna bring him back on their spaceship so they can study him.
Yeah, or he could be picking up ice cream.
- Hey, guys.
I'm sorry I'm so late.
- Hi.
- Whoa, what's going on? - Okay, are you ready? Thank you.
Get this.
The local TV station is gonna be coming around to various churches in the community to televise the services.
And whichever church draws the biggest audience is gonna be considered for a regular weekly telecast.
Televised every Sunday.
And guess what? Our church is first on the list.
I'm gonna be on TV.
Sunday! Me.
That's great, Dad.
Yeah, cool.
Dad, I thought you were with aliens.
Daddy, did you buy any ice cream? No.
But Oh, what'd I miss, what'd I miss? Evidently nothing.
Eric? Eric, could you get that? - Hello.
- Don't, it's Mrs.
Hi, Mrs.
Hinkle, how are you? She wants me to pick up her prescription.
- But I gotta write my sermon.
- Oh, your denture cream? Uh-huh.
Well, I'm sure Eric would have called you back, but he's so busy trying to get ready for Sunday's big broadcast.
That's right, yeah, we're all pretty excited.
Well, why don't I take care of it for you? It's no problem.
No, Mrs.
Yeah, I'll see you in a bit, okay? Bye-bye.
You sure you don't mind? - No.
- No? I didn't mind taking the choir robes to the dry cleaner's this morning.
- Oh.
- And, uh I didn't mind calling the choirmaster for you, requesting the changes you wanted in the Sunday service.
And I didn't mind driving the church secretary to the airport.
I did have a little trouble with that cage with her two dogs, getting it, you know, in and out of the minivan.
I'm really sorry about that.
I do appreciate it.
It's just that I really need to stay focused on writing this sermon.
- How's that going? - Good.
- Nothing, huh? - No.
I mean, it's getting there.
I'm formulating some ideas.
- It's Friday.
- It sure is.
That's why I really need to get back to work.
I don't want you to think that I mind helping you out, but didn't you used to get your best sermon ideas when you were out doing your usual routine? That would be okay if this were just one of my usual Sunday sermons, but it's gonna be on television.
I need something more.
I need something special.
Whatever you want.
You know, I know how important this could be for the church.
Oh, one more thing.
The gardener's sick.
Do you think you could put your green thumb to work on the shrubs around the front of the church? It's gonna be the opening shot.
I really want a good first impression.
- I'll see what I can do.
- Great, you're the best.
Oh, and while you're there, do you think you could look at the plants inside the church? - Come to think of it, maybe - Order some extra flowers for Sunday.
- Yeah.
- Sure, I can do it all.
But, you know, I've got a roast that I've prepared that's sitting in the refrigerator.
It needs to go in the oven this afternoon at 3:00.
Could you handle that? - Of course, no Gladly, yeah.
Turn the oven to 350.
- Right.
Three? - Fifty.
And I'll write it all down.
I'll be home before it's done.
- It's not a problem.
Consider it done.
- Okay.
Remember, folks, this is your midterm grade.
If you don't like what you see, consider this a wake-up call.
You still have time to pull it up before the end of the term.
You'll need to get these back to me by Monday with your parent's signature.
Hey, Luce.
Welcome to the bottom of the heap.
Man, I didn't even study and I got a D.
It's about time you hit a slump, Camden.
You were throwing off the curve for the rest of us.
Anything I could do to help.
- I'll give you a call later.
- Yeah, me too, me too.
I can't use the phone anymore.
Don't sweat it.
Just sign it yourself.
They never check.
I'll sign it if you want.
What's your parents' last name? Camden.
Same as mine.
Wow, how unusual.
Hey, give it to me, I'll do it.
Oh, that's okay.
Thanks anyways.
You sure? Okay, then.
- I guess we'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- See you later.
- Later.
What's up with the slackers? - Slackers? - Yeah, Todd used to be in my class.
Why do you hang out with those guys? I think they're nice.
They just don't do that well in school, that's all.
Besides, Todd's okay.
He goes to our church.
I never said he wasn't nice.
He just did better in school before he hooked up with a bunch of losers.
If you're having trouble, why didn't you ask for help? I don't know.
I didn't know I was having trouble.
Or this much trouble.
Any idea who you're gonna get to sign that for you? - Is that an offer? - No.
So I got one bad grade.
What's the big deal? Better hope Mom and Dad agree with you.
Hey, coach.
- Hey, Mary, how's the knee? - Great.
I've been concentrating on squats and lunges.
- And I did a hundred last night.
- That's what I like.
- How's it feel? - A lot stronger.
- I'm ready for anything else.
- Okay, great.
I'll see you in about, say, 20 minutes? - I'll be there.
- Okay.
Hey, Camden.
You coming to practise today? Yeah, we can use all the help we can get.
We're getting killed under the boards.
- Yeah, I know, but I'm still in rehab.
- How's it going? Great.
Coach Koper thinks I could be back at practise in a week.
You better, because we're sunk without you.
Thanks, you guys.
It's great to be missed.
Hey, I heard we got a new girl trying out today.
- A transfer.
Diane something.
- Really? Is she a player? I've never heard of her.
Can't be that special.
I'll stop by and check out before I hit the weight room.
- Okay, cool.
- I'll catch you guys at the gym? - Yeah.
- See you.
Matt, pick me up at 5.
Be out front, I don't wanna have to come and get you.
- You don't wanna run into Koper.
- Give the lady a prize.
Oh, yes.
Oh, sorry, girl.
No, I'm just about to get back to work.
I mean it this time.
Happy, wait.
Don't go.
Stay, stay.
Okay, all right.
- We're home, Mom.
- Mom? Your lucky day, Houdini.
My magic set.
Hello? Hang on a sec.
It's for you.
I wouldn't get caught on the phone all night.
The sooner you study, the sooner Mom and Dad forget about that D.
Look, don't go parental on me.
I can handle it.
You know, not many people could make that look work, Mom, but you Had a little fight with the garden hose down at the church.
The hose won.
Hi, honey, how's it go? - I'll get it.
- No, I'll get it.
I'll put it in.
I'll put it in now.
It's not too late.
350, right? Three-fi I'll put it Now, before I show you anything, you'll have to swear to me, as my loyal assistant, that you'll take my secrets of illusion and prestidigitation to the grave.
I'm okay with everything except the assistant part.
Why? All the world's best magicians have assistants.
I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but you're not one of the world's best magicians.
You can't even do a trick yet.
The assistant gets to wear a costume.
Like your bathing suit with that feather boa around your neck.
- Not bad, huh? - What do you get to wear? What all the great magicians wear, of course.
Black pants, black shirt and a black cape.
Oh, right, and I'm in a bathing suit? I wanna wear the cape.
Only the magician gets to wear the cape.
Besides, I thought you liked wearing your bathing suit.
I do, it's very comfortable.
But I don't wanna stand around in it looking dumb waiting for you to saw me in half.
Well, you can't be the magician.
Well, if I can't be the magician, I don't wanna be anything.
I bet you'd be my assistant, huh, girl? Cheryl, have you seen Coach Koper? I was supposed to meet him at the weight room and he didn't show.
He's over there.
Okay, here we go, Diane.
There it is.
Yeah! There you go.
Very good.
There's all right.
Thank you very much.
It looks like we found ourselves a shooting guard.
Thank you, Diane.
Mary, I'm sorry.
I forgot all about you.
Why don't you go work on some of the exercises I gave you on your own? But remember, take it slow.
I just gotta get Diane settled in.
You wanna meet her? No, thanks.
Maybe later.
All right.
See you.
Do it again.
See? The Great Simoni has taken an everyday ordinary pencil and turned it from rubber back into wood.
Yep, it's wood, all right.
Anybody can do that.
Oh, yeah? - Hey, what's that thing in your ear? - What? It looks like you've got some cents in that head after all.
I believe that's my penny.
Pull me out a quarter.
Or, like, a dollar.
No, I could, but I don't feel like it.
Tell me how you did it.
Only his assistant can know The Great Simoni's secrets.
That's not going to happen, so I guess I'll just go ask The Great Daddy.
- He'll tell me.
- Ha.
Good luck.
Okay, girl, I promise, I'm just gonna pull a penny out of your ear, just like Ruthie.
Hey, Ruthie.
- That was pretty good.
- Thank you.
I just wanted to ask you something.
Is it really important? Because I'm trying to write.
I thought you were trying to dance.
Oh, that, no I'm just trying to work through a little writer's block.
- Where's the block? - It's in my head.
My head has money in it, but I can't get it out.
Look, Ruthie, how about we talk about this later? Because I really have to get ready for this big sermon on Sunday.
I'm gonna be on TV, you know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know.
I'm starving.
I could eat a horse.
Oh, well, maybe these will help.
And I will have dinner ready real soon, okay? Do you know that Dad can dance? And he has a block in his head.
Oh, yes, dear.
A lot of men have them, but his will go away soon.
Do you know how to pull money out of someone's ear? No, I don't, but maybe Simon does.
- What? - Nothing.
I see Coach Koper's working wonders.
You jerk.
- Hey, I was just kidding around.
- Well, I'm not in the mood.
Why? Oh, no reason.
My game sucks, I've lost my touch, and I'm two steps too slow, but that's nothing.
I got you on the team once.
I can get you back again.
I don't need your help.
Looks like you do to me.
Hey, what's wrong? Let me go.
I'll let you go if you tell me.
But I wanna be a magician, not a magician's assistant.
Grab a few plates and set the table.
Oh, and Matt, grab some of that food and take it to the dining room, please.
I'll set the table.
- Thanks.
What was that all about? - None of your business.
- Will you two hold it down? Get off the phone! I gotta go.
I never do this to you when you're on the phone.
Our friends aren't at the bottom of the curve.
Lucy's friends are none of your business either.
Fine, did she tell you she got a D on her American History midterm? You're failing history? - You're quitting the basketball team? - What? Don't go telling Mom and Dad.
I'll tell them when I'm ready.
- Ditto.
- What is it you two aren't telling me? I'm quitting basketball.
I don't think so.
Oh, so you have a say in this? That's enough.
Lucy? - She got a D on her history midterm.
- She's supposed to have you sign it.
And she's okay with it, because her new bottom-feeder friends did worse.
Mary's quitting the team because she's jealous that Coach Koper is helping the new girl instead of her.
What new girl? Ruthie.
Go down and finish setting the table.
But I can't hear from down there.
You guys want The Great Simoni to pull a penny out of your ear? No! Okay, okay, I'm flexible.
Simon, go wash your hands.
Dinner's ready.
We'll be down in a minute.
Somebody in trouble? Go.
We have to talk.
Hello? Ruthie, is that you? Yep, it's me.
Is this Grandpa? I mean, the Colonel.
Well, it sure is.
Well, how come you're on the horn? Where is everybody? Daddy's in his office dancing the block out of his head.
He's gonna be on TV Sunday.
And Mommy's upstairs yelling at Matt, Mary and Lucy.
Why? What's wrong? Matt and Mary are fighting because Mary's quitting basketball.
And Lucy got a D in American History.
Well, what about the blond boy? Simon.
- He thinks he's The Great Simoni.
- The what? Simon wants to be a magician.
I hate magicians.
Well, how about you, little sweetheart? What's your status? I'm starving.
We haven't eaten dinner yet.
And I'm pretty sure the roast is burning.
Why? There's smoke coming out of the oven.
Now, you hang up the phone at once and go get your mother.
Right now, that's an order.
Yes, sir.
Ruth? Pack my bags, I'm shipping out.
Could someone get that? Son.
Now, your mother and I are both fine, and I know it's not time for my annual visit, but I'm here on a mission.
Dad, this is not a good time for a mission.
- This really is not a good - Heard you're gonna be on television.
Yes, that's right.
Tomorrow's services are gonna be televised, which is part of the reason this is not a good time for a mission.
Who told on me? Private Ruthie.
I figured with you locked up in your office and Annie covering your back, there'd be no one taking point.
And you know what happens when there's no one on point.
The entire platoon goes to hell in a handbasket.
Now, you get back in your office and write something.
I'll take it from here.
Dad, wait.
I love you.
And I respect you.
And I appreciate that you would just jump on a plane and come out here to help us out.
But as much as I love and respect you, I get really nervous whenever you are in church, and tomorrow is a really important day.
Well, I agree.
You just need a little extra pressure.
Get the adrenaline flowing.
I don't think so, Dad.
Not this time.
Son, there are fish in the ocean at a depth that would kill any other living creature, including man.
Now, you take that same fish, put him in a fishbowl.
It dies.
Lack of pressure.
You're that fish and I'm a little pressure.
- Actually, you're a lot of pressure.
- You're welcome.
Now, left face.
That is not a magician's outfit.
That That's a Halloween costume.
Happy thinks it is.
She's going to be my assistant.
For the last time, you're not gonna be the magician.
Says you.
- Hi, Ruthie.
- What are you doing here? Well, never mind that.
Hey, what's with the black getup? Reconnaissance? I'm gonna be a magician.
But I need an assistant and Ruthie won't do it.
I don't wanna be the assistant.
I wanna be a magician too.
She wants to be whatever I wanna be.
I mean, it's not her dream to become a magician.
- But it is yours? - Yes, sir.
Well, how about you? Is it your dream too? No.
I just need to do it, that's all.
Need? Gee, I don't think so.
Ruthie, help your brother realise his dream.
Now, I don't particularly like the idea of my grandson becoming a magician.
As a matter of fact, I hate it.
But I'm pretty sure he won't give up until he gives it a fair shake.
But I don't want to.
All right, all right.
Hey, you wanna see me pull a penny out of Ruthie's ear? Sure.
I never saw a lousier magician in my life.
I saw that penny the whole time.
Now, I want you to take Ruthie upstairs and the two of you rehearse that trick in front of the mirror until it's so slick, it's absolutely believable.
How many pennies does Simon have to pull out of my ear? Well, about as many as it takes to send the two of you to Annapolis.
And you see all the toys there in the living room? Well, I want you to make them disappear before my very eyes.
Where's Mom when you need her? Out doing Dad's job.
Forget about this new girl.
Let Koper work with her.
I'll work with you.
I'm ten times better than Koper, because I know you better.
I know where your weaknesses are.
- Colonel, what are you doing here? Hey, Mary.
Well, I guess I'm working, huh? So I hear you're quitting the basketball team? - How did you know about that? - I'm a Marine.
There's nothing I don't know.
I hope you didn't come just because you heard I was quitting.
Yeah, because if you did, it wasn't necessary.
I can handle this.
Well, now, look who found his way to a barber.
Hey, Matt.
No, you're doing a fine job with this.
You should quit, Mary.
Really? - Yeah, yeah.
- I wouldn't give it a second thought.
- Huh? Did I hear something about a new girl? Yeah, she just transferred and everybody thinks she's so great.
She hasn't earned the place on the team yet.
Anyway, who would wanna be on a team that dropped you, the star player who's been working her behind off to get back to the top? No, no.
My granddaughter shouldn't be second to anyone who hasn't earned it.
Well, I wasn't dropped.
I'm quitting.
Darn right you are.
You'll find a new sport.
In the meantime, I think your family needs you.
If you'd pick up those towels and get to work.
Laundry basket's over on the table.
Oh, that laundry's clean, just needs to be ironed.
What was that all about? It's important to know when to be helpful and how to be helpful.
When you don't know either one, it's important to be harmless.
What? - Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
- I am leading.
I'm trying to help my sister and this is not what I had in mind.
Once Mary feels free to hate this new girl, she'll get over it.
And she'll forget about quitting.
Now, how are you with an iron? - An iron? I know how to iron.
You wanna help? Get an iron and get to work.
That's the kind of help this family could use right now.
I don't believe this.
I'm not doing any ironing.
About face.
What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming.
Well, I really only tell people things on a need-to-know basis.
What's this I hear about your failing American History? I'm not failing history.
I just got a D on my midterm.
That's not why you came, is it? Right, I don't need to know.
Why don't you grab a sponge and hit the counters? I've got some ironing to do, and from the looks of it, we'll have time to cover the Revolutionary War up to Grenada.
That should just about do it.
Now all we have to do is wait for your mother to get home.
I had no idea you could do all this domestic stuff, Colonel.
Dad can't.
That's because he never had the pleasure of serving his country in the Marine Corps.
Now, young lady, would you care to join me in the living room for some hors d'oeuvre? I'd love to.
Mom is gonna freak when she comes home and sees what we did.
All right, now where were we? Vietnam War.
Something about the United States moving the war into Cambodia? Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, that was a very unpopular move with the public at that time.
But I think President Nixon was a hero to do that.
See, the Vietcong were storing supplies just across the border in Cambodia.
In fact, so close to the border that our boys could see them.
But they couldn't cross that line.
Really? This is great.
I'd never learn this in school.
Lucy, you're a smart girl.
What's the D all about? I don't know.
I just slipped one day and I got a bad grade.
And the next thing I knew, I was kind of popular with the laid-back crowd.
It was easier than worrying about competing with the smart kids.
And I don't know.
Some guy seem to like me who never paid any attention to me at all before.
Yes, I see.
Lucy, I think you have to question what kind of man would like a woman who isn't, you know, all that bright? You know, one of the reasons my marriage has lasted so long and been so good is because your grandmother is one of the smartest people I know.
Smart is challenging.
Smart is Well, let's just say I could never be attracted to a woman who wasn't.
Just wouldn't last, Lucy.
You know, Colonel, it's been really nice talking to you all day.
I used to think you didn't like me.
Well, as I recall, this is the first time we've talked where I've gotten to say anything.
Here we go.
You know, the Colonel was wrong about quitting.
It's reverse psychology.
Well, whatever, but I'm quitting and I feel great about it.
How can you feel great about it? Because it's just nice to play for fun again without any big goal in mind.
I'm so happy to see you.
Annie, Annie, Annie, likewise.
Aren't you gonna ask me why I'm here? I don't know how you found out, but I know why you're here.
- You're here to help.
- Well.
You ironed the sheets? Oh, well, the rest of the clothes are in the appropriate closets and drawers.
I just left those out so I could make up the couch for myself tonight.
No way.
Matt can sleep on the couch.
Oh, I can live with that.
You cooked dinner too.
Lucy and I did over a little American history.
This is so wonderful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
That goes for me too.
I finished my sermon.
I knew you would.
I've been dreading tomorrow and now I I can't wait.
- And I owe it all to you.
- Oh.
And to you, Dad.
Marines don't kiss, son.
I gotta get an exterior.
Yeah, just run a cable He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole wide world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got you and me, sister In his hands He's got you and me, brother In his hands He's got you and me, sister In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the little bitty baby In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got everybody here In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole wide world In his hands Smile.
He's got the whole world In his hands He's got the whole world In his hands I don't believe this.
That's her.
The big basketball star.
I can't believe she had the nerve to come to our church.
- Good morning.
Good morning.
I wanna welcome the parishioners of Glenoak Community Church, as well as those of you who are joining us at home.
It's a pleasure to have you as our guests this Sunday.
We also have another very special visitor with us today.
A man who's flown all the way from New York to be with us.
My father, Colonel John Camden.
In fact, it was my father who inspired today's sermon.
Dad was a colonel in the Marine Corps, a decorated hero who fought in World War II and Korea, and he is indeed one of the few good men.
It's taken me a lifetime to learn that when my father speaks, it's a good idea to listen.
Because I've found over and over again, that when I've rebelled against his wise counsel, I just get myself in trouble.
- I'm one of the few lucky men.
- Watch this, look.
- Now you see it.
I have a father who cared more about doing right than teaching the right thing.
- Now you don't.
And about getting my approval, Now you see it.
or even my affection.
Now you don't.
My father is fond of saying, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
" Oh, my Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my - What's wrong? - It's stuck up her nose.
She sucked the mint up her nose.
Stay calm.
- She got a mint up her nose.
You guys, stay here.
Come on.
Ruthie, Ruthie, go.
Come on.
What'd she? I don't know.
Slowest-moving bunch I ever saw.
Okay, Mom got her to blow it out of her nose.
We're going to the emergency room just to make sure she's okay.
That's her, the new girl.
- Mary Camden, right? Yeah.
I'm Diane Butler.
My mom and I were looking for a church to go to and Coach Koper suggested this one.
- He did? - He said your dad's the minister here.
Yeah, he's the guy who just ran out of here.
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
It's not like this every Sunday.
Really? That's too bad.
This is the most interesting service I've ever been to.
- I hope that little girl's okay.
That's my sister Ruthie.
I'm sure she's fine, for a kid with a mint up her nose.
I was looking for you after tryouts.
I heard you were working your way back from an injury.
Yeah, I got hit by a car and tore all the tendons in my right knee.
I did the same thing.
Two years ago, I went skiing for the first time and I fell.
- You're kidding.
It's bad, but don't worry, you'll be back.
I saw you play last year.
I was looking forward to playing ball with you when I transferred.
Good people bring out the best in you, you know? Yeah.
Well, I'm hoping to be back at practise in a week or two.
Yeah, that's what Coach Koper said.
He's great, isn't he? He's the best.
Hey, Lucy.
Great service.
Check it out, it's only 11:15.
That's the earliest we've ever gotten out of church.
Yeah, this has never happened before.
- Oh, I hope your sister's okay.
- Thanks.
Actually, I'm more worried about Simon.
I think he's the one who gave the idea to snort the mint.
- Hey, so I'll call you later? - I can't.
I'm in big trouble over that midterm.
I'm not allowed to talk on the phone until I pull my grades up.
I always knew you were a smart kid.
It was nice hanging out while it lasted.
Hey, you know, maybe I could come over some time.
I don't know, Todd.
Well, no, you could help me.
I mean, I wouldn't mind surprising the folks with a C.
I don't know if I could help you, but maybe Matt could help us both.
I don't know.
Getting help from Matt might make me feel kind of dumb.
Actually, we'd be helping him by letting him help us.
His ego suffered a huge blow this weekend.
Oh, well, in that case, maybe I could.
Sorry about that.
The mint thing.
And I'm also sorry I didn't listen to your advice about helping people.
I guess my parents were pretty overwhelmed this weekend.
It's okay.
I can't fix everyone in one visit.
I hate magicians.
Me too.
Should we go to the hospital? I've got a better plan.
What do you think Ruthie would rather have than anything when she gets home? Ice cream.
Holy Cannoli.
There you have it.
Matt, the mission is ice cream.
So what happens the rest of the day? I was hoping Matt would wanna shoot hoops with me when we get home.
Oh, so you're not quitting the team? Don't gloat, sir.
It was burning and burning and I couldn't breathe.
Then Mom told me to blow.
So I did and it finally came out.
But it still burned a little.
Honey, I just don't understand why you put it up there in the first place.
I was tired of being the assistant.
I wanna do my own magic trick like Simon.
Honey, you can't always do what Simon does.
Sometimes it's somebody else's turn to be in the spotlight.
Sometimes it's nice to make another person feel that they're important and special.
You can't always be the centre of attention.
I know it's hard for you to hear this, but you can't always have what you want.
I don't want to do magic, I need to do it.
And you will have your own magic, you'll see.
Right now, Mommy needs to take a little break, so I'm gonna wait for you right outside the door, okay? I think you have something in your ear.
How did you do that? I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell a soul.
Paging Dr.
Chris Olsen to the conference room.
Paging Dr.
Chris Olsen to the family conference room.
Ruthie's fine.
They'll be out in a minute.
Oh, thank you.
Hey, that's great.
You know, I bet if she wasn't fine, I'd be in real trouble, huh? Not that I'm not in real trouble now.
I didn't know she was gonna do it.
I swear.
It's not like there's a warning label on the sleight-of-hand manual.
Relax, Simon, I know you didn't mean for this to happen.
I'm really sorry I ruined your church services, Dad.
It's okay.
I'm just glad Ruthie wasn't seriously hurt.
So I'm forgiven? Yeah, son, you're off the hook.
How come? I don't know.
I heard Ruthie scream and it scared me so badly I lost my mind and my will to discipline you.
Look, in case it may have appeared otherwise My family is more important to me than my work.
This week, I kind of forgot that you all have your own work.
Just growing up is hard work.
And I need to be there for you every day.
Thanks, Dad.
You know, I feel the same way about Ruthie, so I'm gonna help her become a magician.
Or you could just help me give it up.
- I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
- That's okay.
I've decided to give up magic.
Dad made you, huh? I owe you an apology.
I'm sorry for throwing everything off on you this week.
You know, I should know by now that there's a limit to how much I can do.
Next time, I'll make sure I get the kids to help out.
I'm just sorry that your moment of glory was short-circuited.
I'm not sure being on TV would make me a better minister.
Yeah, we all learned a little something this week.
I sure did.
- What's that? - What? Hey.
That's what you learned from all this? No.
I learned sometimes if you really need help bad enough, life just gives it to you.