Ally Mcbeal s02e11 Episode Script

In Dreams

I don't believe it.
Hello? - Ally McBeal? - Yes, this is she.
Excuse me? Bria T olson? Yes.
Oh Well, sure.
I'll be right down.
Anything wrong? Yeah, a teacher I had in high school.
She's in the hospital.
- So he's available? - He's all yours.
Just don't ruin him.
- You killed the last one.
- Just remember, he's a share toy.
It's you and me, babe.
He came with a warranty, right? You're my best friend.
I'll trust you not to let the air out of my social life.
In Dreams Hey.
It's Ally.
Ally! Oh Thank you for coming.
How beautiful you've become.
Of course, you always were.
- Robert, say hello to Ally McBeal.
- Hi.
I was the one who called you.
He's been visiting me all week.
I want the lowdown on where I'm headed, but he's mum.
Ally was a student of mine in high school.
My favorite student.
Did I ever tell you that? Well, I suspected.
- Oh, how many years has it been? - T oo many.
Whatever happened to that sweetheart of yours? Billy, I think his name was.
You know, he grew up and became, you know, a man.
- Oh, you two-? - No.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Ally and he smelled each other's buttocks at 8.
It was love at first whiff.
Two dogs in a playground.
They knew they were meant for each other.
There was a context.
You' re such a darling to come.
I think I need to take a little rest.
- Then you'll catch me up? - Sure.
The doctors don't give her much time.
- Is that why you're here? - No.
I've been dropping by.
We've become friendly.
- She seems like a special woman.
- She is.
Oh, Henry.
Oh, how good of you to come.
For me? Oh, they're perfectly beautiful.
Bria? I'll put them in water, directly.
Oh, they take my breath.
She used to have this dream of a man named Henry.
They were in love.
She still dreams about him.
- Somebody she knew? - No, he wasn't real.
He was only- Actually, I take that back.
He was real, but he only existed in her dreams.
And sometimes she'd cry when she woke up because waking up made him gone.
I'll slap your face if you get fresh with me.
I think she's talking to him.
- Did she just visit his bottom? - He brought her flowers! Ally! Don't let them keep me alive.
- Whoa - I can't move my legs.
I won't be able to walk in my garden.
I'm losing my eyesight.
Don't let them use those contraptions.
It's time.
- Okay.
- You promise me.
It's almost midnight.
I thought I was the only one still here.
I'm about to go.
- You having a happy new year so far? - Am I having a happy new year? - You don't have to answer right away.
- Will you ever relax around me? After our mistletoe kiss I thought that I could be wrong, but I think you need to be shocked.
Poughkeep- Parcells.
You know what excites me a little? Public places.
There's nobody else about to come in this late.
I'm sure we'll be safe.
What's that? My bowl beckons me.
I really should go.
- Ally.
- Oh, Billy.
Billy, Bria.
Here's Billy.
- I thought you weren't- - We're not.
We still work together.
- Hi, Bria.
- Oh, look at you.
Turned into a beautiful man.
Why didn't you two marry? Well, you know- This is Father- - McNamara.
- Billy Thomas.
- This would be "the" Billy? - Never mind.
- Did you ever find love? - What? Well, sure, I find it everywhere.
Love is all around us, right, Bria? - You know what I mean.
- No, not yet.
I'm still, I I, of course, loved Billy, but since, you know There's something special about that first behind.
- What? - Isn't he delightful? He's been making me laugh all week.
Made me feel safe.
- How about your sister? Is she - Helen? Oh, we sort of lost touch.
How would you describe her, Robert? - Dead.
- Oh.
Yes, three years ago.
- Sorry.
- Yeah.
Ally promise me you won't grow old alone.
It's not a good thing.
Could you two go talk sports for a second? - You still see Henry, don't you? - How did you know? When you fell asleep, you talked a little.
- Henry and I married.
- You did? Three children.
The dreams come more often.
Now it's almost every night.
Somehow I'm able to continue them.
- Do you still dream? - Oh, yeah.
- I mean the fantasies.
- Sometimes.
That's wonderful.
- You've never been institutionalized? - Not yet.
You're such a dear girl to come.
Dear girl.
Bria? - Nurse! - Bria? I got a code in room 3.
Flatlining 3.
Get the charge cart.
- Got an ambu-bag.
- Charge them.
I need one amp of epi! Somebody bag her.
- All right.
- Charge.
Clear! - But she's still flatlining! - It's a miracle.
It's not a miracle.
It's something else.
We call it HMO.
You were about to electrocute me.
I saw you.
I have my lawyer here.
- Ally.
- Greg.
- Is she okay? - She seems a little litigious.
Other than that How's it going? - Fine.
You? - Fine.
- She dated him.
- What a surprise.
Why were they gonna electrocute me? They thought your heart stopped.
It was mine- It was a wire - that came loose.
You're fine.
- Mind if I get a second opinion? - Oh, sure.
- False alarm.
Go back to sleep.
I think I'll do that.
So you're back in Boston? Yeah.
You look - Patient.
- Sure.
- How much time? - ALS progression varies.
She could live a week, or months.
Her body's shutting down.
- There's nothing you can do? - No.
- What about you? - I'm trying.
Don't stop.
Oh, don't stop.
- Right there.
- Bria? She's having sex with Henry.
- What happened? - Bria, hey.
- Somebody help me.
- I'm right here.
You're okay.
- Don't tell me that.
I'm dying.
- Try to get some rest.
I'm here.
So is Robert.
- Can't you tell her you're here? - You're blocking me.
I dreamt I was gone.
I'm not ready to go.
- You're here.
We're all here with you.
- Can I sleep? - I'd like to sleep some.
- Of course you can.
- Doctor, I'd like to stay asleep.
- Okay, okay.
No, I mean, stay asleep.
Not wake up again.
I'm sorry? I don't wanna be awake.
I don't wanna be crippled.
I don't wanna be sick.
I just wanna be with Henry.
- Who's Henry? - Her husband.
In her dreams.
They also have children.
Yeah, when I sleep I'm with them.
That's where I wanna be.
For now, rest.
We'll talk about that later.
Greg? You can induce comas, right? - Excuse me? - She's happier asleep.
We don't induce comas for dreaming.
Even if, even- So when did you get back? - After Christmas.
Chicago - Meet somebody? Had to leave town? - That was a joke.
- I was actually planning to call you.
Ally? Excuse me.
It's so beautiful there.
Where I sleep.
You're a lawyer, right? - A court order? - Yes.
- T o keep her in a coma? - Yes.
What? Did you just all go: It's not nuts.
Okay, it is.
So is the law.
She has the right to die.
Why can't she have the right to be in a coma? I'm going to court.
Whipper allowed unicorns.
She should be open to this.
- Ally.
- This is from Mars.
So it's from Mars.
John, will you second chair? It would help if I went in with a native.
You want to keep her unconscious.
She has a dream world where the quality of life is better.
The hospital opposes this voodoo.
Your patients receive pain medication.
Not that.
Keeping someone in a coma- She cannot walk.
She's losing the ability to read.
She's totally alone.
Asleep, she goes into a world where she's married, and she has children - How do you know that? - She told me.
The dreams reoccur- We don't willingly put people to sleep.
Because you make the assumption that it's better to be awake.
- Suppose it's not.
- Does she have a family in this world? No, Your Honor.
You're asking to substitute your judgment- Actually, no.
She can tell you herself.
Ask her.
Ling, how are you? - I'm fine.
- Great.
Have a nice day.
We need to talk about your funny friend.
Nice to see you.
I'm here to talk about Nelle.
When she's in pain, I throb.
The funny man bugs her.
- How so? - He's gay.
- Any water, flat? Bubbles give me gas.
- Gay? John? He won't respond sexually, but acts like Barry White.
- If there's no water, just tell me.
- There's no water.
He's not gay.
Then why hasn't he? - He's shy.
We haven't- - That's different.
I don't want to.
You don't? May I ask you why not? You're not over the big-haired blond.
And you think with your penis.
I'd have to keep it alert.
And I don't much like sex.
It's messy.
There is water.
It's okay for a woman not to want sex, but if a man doesn't, he's gay? Yes.
That isn't just me, that's a medical fact.
The water has bubbles.
- It's a good life you're dreaming? - Oh, it's wonderful.
I'm in love.
I'm a mother.
I'm 40.
You realize this isn't real.
In high school I didn't get invited to the prom.
I stayed home.
But I pretended I was with this beautiful young man.
And I called him Henry.
It made me happy.
So, from time to time, when I got blue, I'd fantasize about him.
I'd think about what he looked like the books he read, the clothes he'd wear.
I'd have imaginary conversations.
I gave him a complete identity.
And then, I think it was when I was in my 30s I began to dream about him in my sleep.
But there he seemed real.
Oh, it got so I couldn't wait to go to sleep at night.
But since I've been ill Well, look at me.
You think I'm crazy to wanna go into that world.
But wouldn't I be crazy not to? - Did she rule? - Competent.
- But they refuse to put her to sleep.
- T ake her to a vet.
Judging by your looks, I can see I've misspoken.
John? - What happens next? - We try to force the hospital.
- We' re before Whipper in the morning.
- Ally, are you sure you' re-? - Never mind.
- No, what? - Well, your fantasies- - You' re not in them anymore.
Well, sometimes around the holidays.
- That's not where I was going.
- Where were you going? I think your inner life is healthy.
I envy somebody so in touch with their dreams.
- But? - T o live in them? - That's not sanity.
- Not for me.
But in her circumstances, are you sure? No.
- It was nice to see him again, huh? - Who? - Greg.
- Oh, him.
He's just a friend.
- Nelle said that? - That's what Ling said.
- She was thirsty.
Have you-? - That's none of your business.
You hopped into my stall for advice.
Ling considers you gay.
You're only what other people think of you.
Sleep with her.
- Ling? - Nelle.
What? - You were saying? - Depends on what you heard.
You hate people talking behind your back.
- Yes? - I can't do that with you in the room.
Kiss her.
I'll choose another office.
You told Ling you're frustrated with my lack of sexual aggressiveness? Did you? I might have mentioned to Ling in confidence that I Yes.
You' re a believer in straight lines.
Ling to Richard to me? I think I have been honest with you.
Have I been blunt? No.
If I'm direct, you stutter, blurt out something or jump into a stall.
Then there's the smile therapy.
I've assumed you're stuck in reverse because of your frog woes.
Whatever world you live in, John, I'm not sure I get it.
Breathe in.
- Good.
And again? - How come you're single? Pretty man like you.
What's your problem? Cold stethoscope? In again.
- Okay, I'll check in again later.
- Thanks.
I'm gonna stay a while.
- Okay.
I'll- - Check back in? Yeah.
- You doing okay? - Yeah.
Wanna play some cards? Little gin? - You got any? - Rummy.
- Oh.
You know, I think- - You wanna sleep? I miss him.
Then you sleep.
- Oh, you're such a dear.
- Oh, shush.
The idea that a hospital would keep a person asleep is preposterous, and ethically immoral.
- And why is that, doctor? - We heal injuries.
We cure disease.
We don't put people under to dream.
Even if we were to there's no evidence she'd continue to experience dreams.
No evidence to prove they don't.
Deep sleep would have to be drug- induced, affecting her brain.
Can she dream in this state? What if a 20-year-old came in? She says, " I wanna sleep forever.
" - That isn't this case.
- What if? Has your hospital practiced euthanasia? - We don't condone it.
- Not my question.
Has a doctor upped the morphine drip with the knowledge that it would accelerate the patient's death? Occasionally, patients have been given high doses.
- That would cause them to die.
- I won't deny it's happened.
You helped patients to die but won't help them to sleep? - She isn't in pain.
- You met her? There's a difference between pain medication and supplying a drug simply because you find dreamland a happier world.
My question was, have you met Bria? Though you didn't answer it, we all know you haven't.
- I never asked you to go to Richard.
- I could've been wrong.
Ling You were bothered.
The strange man won't move on you.
You became lousy company.
I shouldn't be a victim.
- Nelle? - There must be somebody to sue.
I don't want to escalate sexually because I'm afraid of the relationship's extinction.
If we fondle, we make love.
We might perhaps begin a serious involvement.
We'd likely discover that we weren't right for each other.
We'd perhaps part, and I would miss you.
One more time.
By not going down the road, it remains the road ahead which excites me.
It even brings me joy.
Usually when I think about things, I figure them out.
But your little brain teaser Excited about going down a road you refuse to go down? - Have you ever been alone? - Of course.
T ruly alone, not between relationships.
It's the feeling that there might never be anybody ever again.
- When's the last time you felt that? -13.
Well, it doesn't count at 13.
Okay, here's a question for you.
What are you talking about? The idea of going to the bar after work with you to dance of holding your hand walking down the street of being with you, I cherish it.
It's like a dream.
And? I'm just afraid it would be revealed as a dream.
We don't have common interests.
I'm a person who hears bells.
My inner world is bigger than my outer one.
That's not true for you.
- Shouldn't we discover these things? - That discovery would split us.
Then I wouldn't be able to sit in my chair dreaming of the end of the day where I get to hold your hand.
Part of me figures, "If you move slow enough, you'll never get to the end.
" John, I'm gonna try this inner world thing once.
- Are you trying to hear bells? - Not exactly.
- Are you seeing anything? - I am.
- What do you see? - I see the end.
We' re done.
- I don't blame her.
- Me neither.
You have to realize, Ally agrees, despite their protest God made women as objects of male desire.
Withholding that reinforcement, you shred their esteem.
- I'd agree with that? - Nelle knows I'm attracted to her.
Why wait? Couples don't have sex after marriage- Couples have sex after marriage.
- It's not enjoyable.
- Why is that? Sex for men is a bit about conquest.
Now she's legally required.
If a man gets "lucky," he's not talking about his wife.
How does that just spew out? Use your brain as a filter.
- That would hurt if I had feelings.
- You do.
And I think that's why you're both afraid.
You surf relationships.
You wade in with your toes.
You like to drown.
You've been arguing for your client's right to live in her world.
Why can't I? Keeping things with Nelle trapped in the bud? In a manner of speaking.
Women think they have all the answers.
I'm going to assume flowers as opposed to childhood memory.
The last priest I knew got his own show on Fox.
- Maybe you could join him.
- It would be a pay cut.
You can't underestimate that.
People tell me all the time that I should take Prozac.
Prozac? My roommate says she'll smear it on my crackers.
Knowing you, you were about to make a point when you got lost.
People are taking all kinds of drug therapies these days.
If you're going to insist on happiness wouldn't dreams be a more natural method? Couldn't it also qualify under the category of mysterious ways? You're a good attorney.
Well, if we both agree that there's a better world for us maybe some of it is in her dreams.
- Easy, easy.
- I'm sorry we have a better chance with you there.
- I'll enjoy the outing.
- Back in two hours.
- Okay, I want you.
- I don't know if this is the time- In court! I want you in case there's medical questions.
- You're coming? - Well- - I need you there.
- I don't support your position.
Yes, you do.
Do you really not like sex? I just think it's overrated.
- Overrated? - Many women don't love it.
Sex is affirmation.
It makes them feel good.
- I already feel good.
- I like sex.
You're emotionally inept.
You like sex because you can mistake it for passion.
- What? - I won't repeat.
- Steam hurts my larynx.
- I'm inept? - In a good way.
- You know, Ling- - That was a hard "L.
" I'm leaving.
- Sit! - That hurt.
- I'm not emotionally inaccessible.
- I'm not a cold person.
- People call you "Sub-zero" for fun? Compared to you, the Titanic struck heat.
Let's be honest with each other.
Neither of us wants a man to go to our emotional core.
We like Fish and Cage because they'll never get there.
- That's disgusting, Ling.
- Oh, come on, John Cage? You like him because he won't up your thermostat.
- That's not true.
And you like Fish.
- Maybe a little, but- No, a lot! You're just afraid you'll get a wrinkle from smiling.
And the depressed Drugs that induce great dreams could be part of our future.
A happy life could come down to a pill and a pillow.
- Let's deal with just this case.
- I am.
Patients shouldn't be asking doctors to transport them to other mind states where things are prettier.
We have to look at the bigger picture.
You shouldn't rule on the big picture.
You should look at one single case.
She's alone.
She's dying of a disease that will rob her life of any quality and dignity.
Through a phenomenon, another world is available.
But you're asking me to force the hospital's hand.
She needs their help.
Because of pain as this disease progresses her sleep patterns will be disrupted.
She needs their help.
But a precedent will be set.
Why do we get so fixated on precedents? That's the way our system works.
Were you buffing a nail in school? It's silly to apply precedent in medicine.
Why base decisions on yesterday when today's technology is all different? All I'm hearing is fear.
Don't go there.
We've never been there before.
A couple of weeks ago, you said, "Let people have their unicorns.
" Well, why can't they have their dreams? What exactly do you do in those dreams, Ms.
T olson? Well, it's not all fun, I admit.
Mornings are kind of crazy.
I have three children, and by the time I get them all dressed and off to school- We're not wealthy make believe or not, sometimes Ms.
T olson? Sometimes I have bad dreams within the dream.
A recurring nightmare that I'm old and dying of this terminal disease and I have no family.
Sometimes I think this is the dream and the other is the real world.
But this isn't the dream, is it? No.
I've been doing a little medical research myself.
This is very dangerous.
You risk infection, complications At this time in my life, risk doesn't frighten me, Your Honor.
My sources also tell me that this induced sleep is not irreversible.
I'll grant the request and let them put her out for a week.
We'll see how it goes.
Your Honor, are you crazy? Maybe I am.
Seven days.
Go over all the medical consequences with your doctors before you do this.
Yes, Your Honor.
Other than that, I wish you sweet dreams.
We're adjourned.
- What? - They won.
- They'll put her in a coma? - For a week.
Richard, what is with Whipper? Unicorns? Comas? She still loves me.
Like a friend.
I've been a coward.
I'm willing to go for it, at the risk of being crushed.
I'm troubled by being dumped.
Ling says I'm attracted to you because you'll never find my defrost button.
I'd like to go in search of it.
I think That would be nice.
So this doesn't have to be goodbye, then? No, I'll see you in a week.
I know the church would frown on this, Robert - but will God forgive me? - Well- She will.
Give my best to your family.
Okay, she should start to doze off shortly.
Oh, one last thing.
- What's that? - T ake her to dinner.
I don't eat.
She's out.
I'll check back later, Bria.
It was nice to meet you.
Father, thank you.
- I didn't do anything.
- Yeah.
Thanks, Greg.
Sorry you lost your case, but let me know how she's doing.
Do you want to go to dinner? Are you asking me out? I'm trying to make Bria happy.
Isn't that your target? She's already happy.
You stinker! SDl Media Group
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