Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e11 Episode Script

Hopelessly Impossible

[she growls]
What? Uh?
What? Crystal's dog?! Lockjaw,
is that really you, boy?
You escaped
the Negative Barrier!
Then teleport me back to Crystal
nonstop on the canine express!
[male voice] Slap me in a dress
and call me Klinger!
There it is.
Four Freedoms Plaza!
Where in this land of milk, honey
and the universe's best TV shows
can a faultless fugitive
find the Fab Four?
Yow! Be back
after this commercial break!
Whew! Too close for comfort!
Oh, yeah!
Now, that's incredible!
Well, hello, hello!
Olly olly oxen free!
"Dear Johnny. Be back later.
Ben, Reed and I went out. "
"Out"? They went out?!
Just peachy!
Here's the story, yeah!
Of the thing and Johnny, ooh!
Who were beating up some
very ugly ghouls, oh, yeah!
Come on, ya mangy metal maggot!
You repulsive monstrosity!
You're still no match
for my power gloves.
Did someone say "match?"
Looks like the gloves
are off, Wizzy!
We must flee while we still can.
It's not quite time
to leave the party.
Not to worry. I got her, Sis.
Ooh, nice and brutal!
[chuckles] Reed Richards,
Mr. Fantastically Dull.
- Stop! It's a trap!
- And I'm the Trapster.
Flame on!
This oughta
light your fire, boy
Way to go!
[Medusa] Impressive powers,
Susan Richards!
But less than nothing
compared to Madame Medusa's!
[Medusa screams]
You must be destroyed!
This battle will reveal
our location to the Seeker.
This cowl! It's a sealed
moisture bag!
[gasps] You've
discovered my secret.
Must reach the water!
Uh-oh! That partridge
ain't part of this family!
Phew! Boy.
Baywatch alert! Sue Richards!
[babbles gibberish]
This is pretty uninspired.
The big, bad Doctor Doom
kidnapping me
just to lure us to your
wretched little island.
Yes, so sorry to involve you
in the timeworn
damsel-in-distress cliché.
I fear the only thing missing
is the onrushing train.
However, sometimes expediency
outweighs originality.
Now, with your permissión
Blast! This thing has
neutralized my force field!
But if I can still
project invisibility
- Hey, Stretcho! I found Susie!
- What? Where, Ben?
In the basement!
Well, a neuro-stimulator!
Sue! Darling!
We've got to get off
this island!
Doom's set that nuclear bomb
to go off any second!
Hm. If I can defuse
its detonator
You heard the lady.
Time's a-wastin'.
Now let's hustle
our little blue tushies!
- Taxi!
- Give me that container.
Or you will meet
your ultimate defeat.
At the hands of Malice,
Mistress of Hate!
Aw! Jeez! Argh!
Yeah. Ya know,
after some ruminatin',
I've decided
you ain't no lady!
[gasps] No air.
I can't breathe!
Ah, poor little Thingy!
Out of breath?
[gasping] Take a hike, toots.
That's a good little superhero.
As I promised, Reed
Richards will become your prey.
But first, we return to my worid
to set a little trap.
For the rest of my family!
This one's for you, you monster!
[Psycho Man] No!
- Yes! We got him back!
- Yes!
[Reed] The psychic explosión
freed her from Psycho Man's control.
Why pretty giris always
try help ugly rock creature?
'Cause I floss, Moss Mouth!
[Sue] Sorry, Ben.
He's too strong. Oh!
Hah! Ugly rock creature
getting weak!
Hulk never get weak!
Huh? Where rock creature go?
Thanks, Suse.
Smart girl!
[Ben] Peekaboo! Thing find you!
Hm. But what's our track record
for beating up the bullies?
Galactus! [chuckles]
At last my quest is done.
My vengeance is at hand!
Let this, then, be your end.
This time, the triumph
shall be mine.
You mouth madness.
You are but a simple being!
I am an entire worid!
Your words are true.
But in all of space, I stand alone.
I am Galactus!
Here's the wind-up.
And the pitch!
[Johnny screams]
If I reduce my molecular
cohesión to a minimum
[Ben] All right!
It's Doctor Blob!
[Johnny] Oh, no, God, no!
[Ben] Whoa! Takes a lickin'
and keeps on tickin'!
Flame on!
Huh? Hey!
What the He's shrunk!
No. He was never
any bigger than what you see.
The rest was just an illusión.
Well, maybe now
he'll stick to charades!
It's clobberin' time!
We've teleported through
every country but Attilan.
[bird coos]
[muffled voice]
Eurgh. It could be worse.
At least I came out
the way I went in!
Just who the heck are you?
A Poppupian
from the planet Poppup.
They call me Impossible Man,
because what I do
is impossible.
Whoa! Back off, Scooby!
I've got some gomer named
Super Skrull on my tail
Super Skrull?!
That green-scaled mutant Spock
has no sense of humor.
Well, okay, tell you what.
If you can get this dog to take
me to the Great Refuge
Let's make a deal,
you lucky contestant!
Okay, negotiations complete.
Okay. You got yourself
a hot bodyguard.
[he roars]
So, you got
Spider-Man's phone number?
Oh! Where am I?
There it is! Attilan!
And Crystal
Who's inside. Why?
And will they sell you to me?
Whoa! A girl.
A real looker, too.
- Hello. Are you lost?
- No! Stay away.
Hey, chill. I just wanna talk.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
What happened?
Where'd you go?
No! Go away!
- They must not find you!
- "They" who?
Hey! What are you,
some kind of pyromaniac?
Fire is not the recommended way
to get rid of me.
- But how do you
- You have hidden powers!
- You're one of us!
- Right. I'm one of you.
That's what I've been
trying to say.
How wonderful!
My name is Crystal. What is yours?
I'm the Human Torch.
But my friends call me Johnny.
- Johnny Storm.
- I would like to be your friend.
No problem there.
Say, what are you doing all alone
here in this run-down place?
[laughs] But I'm not alone.
Lockjaw's with me.
Lockjaw, huh?
Is that like measles?
[laughing] Don't be silly.
Everyone knows Lockjaw.
- Isn't he the sweetest?
- [Lockjaw growls]
Yeah. Like sugar!
[Johnny] What the?
Lockjaw thinks it's time
I returned home.
"Lockjaw thinks!"
Hey! Where'd he go?
He's always doing that!
Come on! I'd like you
to meet my family.
I get the feeling
I'm not in Kansas any more.
- Don't tell me. That's Black Bolt.
- No. That's my cousin Karnak.
This is Johnny Storm.
He too has a hidden power.
Put it there.
Hm. Your center of gravity
is about here!
Please forgive my cousin.
He likes to show off.
Oh. Here are the others!
Gorgon! Medusa.
- You interfering fool!
- Why can't you leave us in peace?
- Johnny! You know my sister Medusa?!
- Sister?! I shoulda figured.
- [Medusa] Johnny!
- [Johnny] Hey!
No matter. He cannot escape!
Flame on!
He's gone.
When Black Bolt learns of this,
his anger will be unimaginable.
Black Bolt, huh?
Well, la-di-da.
Let's see if he can handle
an orange bolt!
Oh! He floored Ben
with one punch!
That's impossible. The Thing
is the strongest human alive.
[Johnny] Maybe he's just met
the new number one.
[Sue] Any ideas, darling?
I can't keep this up indefinitely.
These Inhumans seem more
governed by fear than anger.
- Ben! Stop fighting!
- Yeah, sure thing!
Just as soon as I land
one good haymaker!
Besides, Buttercup here
ain't sayin' diddly!
No! Johnny!
- I want to stay here with you!
- Hey!
No, my sister. We are family.
We must always be
with our own kind.
- Johnny!
- [Johnny] Crystal!
No! They're about to vanish!
Flame on!
- Ow! Torch?!
- [Sue] Reed!
Johnny Storm!
I don't want to leave you!
Crystal, wait for me!
Crystal, I Oh!
Now where'd they go?
Catchin' the tail end
of Lockjaw's vanishing act
must have dumped me
away from the others.
I just hope Crystal and I
are in the same time zone!
[angry shouting]
[female voice] No!
Crystal! Flame on!
[Crystal screams]
Nova heat!
- Oh, Johnny!
- Hey, easy!
I can be too hot to handle.
You saved me.
You came back for me.
Well that's my job.
Black Bolt is grateful!
He will allow you humans
to depart now.
On the condition you vow not
to reveal what you have seen.
Allowing humans
to leave the Great Refuge!
And they call me mad!
By reversing the ionic charge,
I can create a negative barrier.
To keep you prisoners
of the Great Refuge forever!
- Say goodbyes! We're outta here!
- Not without Crystal!
- I won't go without Crystal!
- Johnny, don't leave me!
Ben, hurry! I can't hold
the force field much longer.
- I hate to do this, kid.
- Crystal!
Call me Rosebud!
- [Impossible Man] Uh-oh
- [Johnny] Oof! Bad plan.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Don't just stand there.
Get mean about it!
Mean? Me?
Listen, if it ain't fun
it ain't for Impossible Man.
But call me curious.
I'm getting a real kick
out of this.
How's about you,
Super Bowl Super Skrull?
I'd better hustle on before
Mr. Green Genes makes a return.
From the Twilight Zone!
[hums Twilight Zone theme]
Hey, what's the matter, Embers?
- Lassie go home without you?
- I guess so.
C'mon, buck up!
How about a quick ride home,
first class?
Got places to go,
people to annoy, huh?
Hey, it's my job.
It's what I do.
[Mr. Impossible] So, you really
carry a torch for that girl.
[Johnny] You've been just dying
to say that, haven't you?
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