Taxi Driver (2021) s02e11 Episode Script

The Late Kim Do Gi

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes of a criminal nature
could make you feel uncomfortable.)
(Room 8)
(Rest in peace)
(The late Kim Do Ki,
Chief mourner: An Go Eun)
(Rainbow Transport)
(The late Kim Do Ki)
This can't be.
How could Mr. Kim be dead?
How could you die?
How could this be?
I'll clean this up.
This Detective Jang
who isn't on the police force
requested material to be sent
to someone who doesn't work
at the prosecutors' office,
and now a taxi driver has it.
The trail ends there,
so there's no way of knowing
We'll know once we bait them
to come up to the surface.
I told you.
I'd take care of them
in their own way.
I know Kim Do Ki the best.
Do Ki.
Mr. Kim?
- Let go of me!
- Wait.
- No, it's too dangerous.
- But he's still alive!
I said it was too dangerous!
Go Eun, no!
- Let go of me.
- Mr. Kim
Reveal yourself.
I'm dying to see
who the mastermind is.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Episode 11)
I did as you said.
So it's over now, right?
Mr. Hyun Jo,
you sound pissed off.
Was planting a bomb in his taxi
beneath you?
You're the one playing in the mud,
but it's my hands
that are getting dirty.
You burned a hut to the ground
to catch a fly.
Did you have to go this far?
(Park Hyun Jo)
There's no need to sound like
you weren't involved.
Anyway, you did well.
But while you're at it,
I'd like you
to confirm every guest
that comes to pay their respects.
Also, check their financial records.
Are you kidding me?
Look here, Manager On
If someone is behind
this ragtag crew,
he or she will make a move
now that the lieutenant is dead.
Besides, a funeral home
is easily accessible.
Send men that aren't on the force
to keep it inconspicuous.
(The Police of the People,
a Just South Korea)
(Chunhae Funeral Hall)
(Non-fluorescent natural pulp paper cups)
Good evening, Boss.
Here you go.
Load them in the car.
(Chunhae Funeral Hall)
Have a good night.
(Inauguration Ceremony
of 36th Senior Superintendent Park)
Do background checks
on all the people on this list
and have all that
dusted for fingerprints.
May I ask
which case these pertain to?
Why don't you read
what it says here?
It says "classified," sir.
So why ask, you moron?
- Do you think you're above me?
- I apologize.
Stop apologizing
and run the background checks.
Got it, sir.
Manager On, you darn brat.
What time is it?
- It's 9 p.m.
- He should be here by now, then.
I'm sure he'll be here.
Is he still not here?
Didn't he say he'd be here by 9 p.m.?
(The day of the incident)
Mr. Kim, are things okay
on your end?
That's odd.
I'm getting a weird noise signal
from the taxi.
A noise signal?
Do you hear me?
Go Eun?
Do you hear me?
Where's he going?
(Blue Bird Foundation)
Mr. Kim.
Do Ki.
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim?
- Mr. Kim!
- Go Eun, no!
Let go of me. He's still inside.
No, it's too dangerous. Don't go.
- Let go of me!
- No!
- No!
- You can't.
- I said it was too dangerous.
- Let go.
- Mr. Kim!
- Mr. Kim!
Are you all right?
Mr. Kim?
Mr. Kim?
Are you all right?
Apart from some scratches, yes.
You seem pretty banged up.
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim, are you all right?
There could be
a secondary explosion,
so let's move out.
This way. Hurry.
- Let's head to the van.
- Sure.
What happened? Talk to me!
I got it.
I'm relieved to hear
that no one was hurt.
Are those chemical symbols?
In short, it's TNT.
An industrial and military explosive)
To hide where it came from,
the outer cover was peeled off
before being attached.
This is the chemical formula
for TNT
which is simpler than you think.
It's made from
nitric and sulfuric acid.
- This isn't a science field trip.
- Okay.
This monster just blew up our taxi.
It isn't the time
to brush up on your knowledge.
The fact that it was planted
on our taxi
indicates that
someone knows about us.
They more than just know us.
Clearly, they hate our guts.
resentment toward us?
Someone clearly hates our guts,
and we should know who that is.
We should see their face.
I died, remember?
There should be a funeral.
A funeral?
Focus on whoever makes a move
following my death.
Mr. Kim
This can't be.
(Rainbow Transport)
My gosh.
He isn't actually dead,
so how are you crying your eyes out?
Doesn't that photo of him
make you sad?
You have a point.
It's time we made our move.
I'm ready.
The more I get to know her,
the more she scares me.
I should stay on her good side.
Good gosh.
Let's see if there are guests
we do not recognize.
I apologize.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
What do you think you're doing?
Come on.
- Me?
- Gosh, no.
Why did you go to the library
when I told you to have fun?
Why the library?
Why would you take that with you?
Who needs textbooks
while out having fun?
Mr. Park, at your 12 o'clock
are two people who aren't eating.
I'll clean this up.
I can't get a clear image
of the license plate
from the CCTV footage.
I'll be right over.
(16S 9734)
(16S 9734)
Hold on.
It's like we're role-playing.
Mr. Kim, how is it to be in my seat?
I finally know
how you must've felt
while on our missions.
And what would I have felt?
I can't help but be deeply worried.
I'm glad you finally realized it.
(Chunhae Funeral Hall)
Have a good night.
(Rainbow Funeral Service)
(Rainbow Funeral Service)
(Rainbow Funeral Service)
(Rainbow Funeral Service)
(Memorial House)
(May the deceased rest in peace.)
(The late Kim Do Ki)
Got it.
You can wrap it up.
His ashes were taken
to a charnel house.
Background checks were run
on every person at the funeral hall,
but nothing stood out.
Are you satisfied now?
Something about this
doesn't feel right.
Maybe I should kill off another one.
Do you have the time for that
when the bishop will soon be here?
The bishop is coming back?
What? You didn't know about that?
Did the bishop only tell me?
Then you probably don't
know about this, either.
The bishop gave me a message.
You are to stop playing silly games
and focus on your real job.
If you're cracking a joke,
you picked the worst time to do so.
Are you sure
that's what the bishop said?
"Tell him
to stop playing silly games"
"and to focus on his real job."
Those were the bishop's words.
Everyone has arrived.
Show them in.
Right. The bishop called
the executives for a meeting today.
I was supposed to tell you.
But it slipped my mind.
(Blue Bird Foundation)
(Letter of Resignation)
Hey, Mr. On.
What are you doing here this late?
You're not here to talk to me?
I did what I came here for.
Do you remember the time
I caused an accident?
You didn't scold me
but comforted me instead.
It was nice.
You were the first person
who was genuinely nice to me
in my entire life.
I hope you live a long life.
Don't work too much.
Your small act of kindness
saved your life.
It was just a guy. But this place
feels so empty without him.
I get it. How can anyone work now?
These games are fun to play,
but it always ends on a bitter note.
That's the drawback of this.
I thought we would be able
to become friends, Do Ki.
What a shame.
A dead man has come back to life!
A ghost is driving the taxi!
That's so not funny.
Hey, think about a ghost
turning on the blinker
and stepping on the brakes.
This will hit you right before bed.
You won't be getting any sleep now.
Did you get the results?
I got the identities
of the strangers
at your funeral.
(Guard Sun)
What? They are all working
for the same company.
And all of them work here.
Black Sun.
Black Sun.
The famous club in Gangnam.
Why would people from the club
want Mr. Kim dead?
Mr. Kim, I didn't peg you
as the type.
Have you ever skipped out
on a bill at the club?
Come on.
Or we might have provoked them
in some way.
People who work in the gray area
really hate it
when other people encroach into
their space or cross the boundary.
I just pointed out
something insightful, right?
Let me add to that.
Remember what you said, Kim?
You told us to pay attention to
the ones who made a move
after your death.
(Letter of Resignation)
A letter of resignation?
(On Ha Jun)
Mr. On quit?
The person who made the first move
was close to us.
Maybe, he quit because
he was devastated that
Mr. Kim died out of the blue.
But he was suspicious
in many ways
to give him
the benefit of the doubt.
(Lost and Found)
What are you doing in here?
It was odd that he accidentally
found our secret entrance.
(Employee Board)
(Kim Do Ki)
(An Go Eun)
Look at the resume he submitted
when he started working here.
I went to his previous workplace
and his previous house,
listed on his resume.
But no one knew
a guy named On Ha Jun.
The number you have dialed
is no longer in service.
His number
is no longer in service too.
Wait. Are you saying that
Mr. On tried to kill Mr. Kim?
You can never really know
someone completely.
He approached us
with an ulterior motive
from the get-go.
I'm glad I didn't befriend him.
That jerk. We were so nice to him.
Gosh, I can't let this slide.
He's going to pay for this
when we catch him.
You don't even know where he is.
All the information
he gave us was fake.
All of our leads must be there.
All right.
Wait. Mr. Kim.
Gosh. Don't tell me you plan
to go in there dressed like that.
What? Is this a bad outfit?
Be honest.
You've never been to a club, right?
Well, clubs aren't my thing.
I bet you were a bookworm.
Gosh. It's so obvious.
How could you think
about going in there
We'll go
since we rarely studied at school.
Right. Besides,
he's supposed to be dead.
Let us handle it.
We just have to get in there
for some recon, right?
Are you serious about going there?
What's that?
I've never seen that before.
That startled me.
How long has it been here? That's
Did you put this doll here?
I thought it would be nice
to have a buddy
when you were alone in the van.
It's soft and feels nice.
Okay. Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Show me the cash, baby.
I don't think this is going to work.
Gosh. I turned 20 a long time ago.
- Okay.
- Let's show it to him.
(Resident Registration Card,
Date of birth)
I doubt that you know any agents
from our club.
There's no way for you to get
in this way.
The doors are right there.
If you go around the corner,
you'll see a karaoke bar.
Have fun there.
- Hey. Listen.
- Okay.
It's my turn.
Hey. What's up, man?
What's up, my bro?
You can drink a beer. I get it.
Stop being a nuisance
and go hit the karaoke bar
when I'm still being civil to you.
- We should go.
- Gosh.
You know, I love fishcakes.
- Me too. They're cheap too.
- Soju is our kind of liquor.
- Soju all the way. No clubs for us.
- And ramyeon.
- Thank you.
- Thanks, man.
- Yes!
- Gosh. I'm good.
I knew this would happen
when you two were overly confident.
The skills
I must have spent
too much time studying.
Don't you think it's better
for the deceased Mr. Kim to go?
He already left.
When? Where?
I didn't see him at the entrance.
He said he'd take
a different entrance.
He said he could get in thanks to
the distraction you two created.
Gosh, he's thanking us for that?
How nice of him.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Come on. Stay still.
Don't move, you jerk.
Over there.
Darn it.
I'm so sick of handling
these trash journalists.
Hey. How did you get in this time?
Gosh. We tried to stop people
like you from coming in.
How are you so good
at finding these ratholes?
Hey, you're not a human. Right?
You must be a rat.
This rat will sneak in again
if we let him go
without making him pay
for what he did.
Why don't you have a drink
before you die? Okay?
Look at this rat.
He gets to drink free liquor.
Stop it!
Call 911.
A man got drunk from stolen liquor
and fell off the rooftop.
You jerk. What a scumbag.
- You jerk.
- Look at this jerk.
Die, you jerk.
Just die already.
Who are you?
Are you all right?
Who are you?
Can you get up?
Darn it.
Darn it.
This can't be.
Hey. What's your problem?
Why did you interrupt them?
You ruined everything! Darn it.
I almost had them.
Come on!
You just saved him.
What's his problem?
He should be thanking you.
Was he trying to cash in
insurance claims?
Gosh. What a jerk.
I'd better find
a different entrance.
Do you want me to tell you
where you can find that?
Gosh. Why is this taking so long?
- We should get a drink today.
- You bet.
- Hey.
- Darn it. Hey!
Hey, what happened to your face?
Who did this to you?
(Kim Yong Min)
Remember the guy from the rooftop?
His name is Kim Yong Min.
He used to work for Hanbaek Daily.
He even won
the Journalist of the Year Award.
He was
a pretty influential journalist.
But he was caught taking bribes,
so he got fired from the company.
He became the face
of trash journalists.
If we can help it,
we shouldn't get mixed up with him.
He didn't look like the type.
It looks good on you.
Do you think this will work?
Gosh. You wear the suit so well.
Everyone's eyes
will be on you in the club.
You think so?
Yes. He's over there.
(Windy, Agent at Black Sun)
- Him?
- Yes, over there.
Mr. Kim Do Ki?
I'll show you to your table.
Please come in.
Do you know how much it is
to book the cheapest table?
How much?
It cost 3,000 dollars.
But they can cancel your reservation
if someone is willing to pay more.
It's like an auction. You know?
This is weird.
Getting in here again
won't be easy then.
I told you everyone
would be looking at you.
Sweetie, this is your first time.
Wear a tracksuit next time.
But make it a designer tracksuit.
That works better here.
No one wears suits to clubs
these days.
Dancing on the stage in suits
is uncomfortable.
People might get the wrong idea too.
The wrong idea?
You're not wearing your name tag.
What's your number?
(Madam Yang,
CEO of YN Entertainment)
He's a guest here.
Sorry. I thought you were a guard
because of the suit.
Have fun.
Go Eun, be honest with me.
You've never gone clubbing, right?
Gosh. I mean
Well, I was busy studying.
I don't think
she was the diligent type, either.
I can hear you two.
This way, sweetie.
So this table costs
3,000 dollars to book?
Paying 300 dollars for this
is even too much.
That was the cheapest table.
Do you see
the table across from you?
That's 5,000 dollars.
And the table in front of the stage
is 7,000 dollars.
Look up, Mr. Kim.
The table that
overlooks the entire stage
costs 10,000 dollars to book.
Isn't this ridiculous?
I even hesitated to pay 100 dollars
for a bench at a valley.
All right.
Gosh. Let's go and get some food.
- Sure.
- Who is she with?
Two guards just walked in.
They were at the funeral, right?
Hold on.
Yes. They were.
Don't you think
they might recognize your face?
It's not easy to remember
someone's face from a funeral photo.
If anyone,
they'll probably recognize you
because you were the chief mourner.
Yes, I was.
Here's your beer.
Thank you.
How is it going? Are you having fun?
It's already boring, right?
What's she doing?
It's easy to get a scan of everyone
with just one item.
A scan?
your annual salary must be
under 40,000 dollars at max.
You used your one month's pay
to book this table.
You even bought a new suit,
but you don't have a partner.
You're beginning to regret
spending that money.
Am I right?
I'm impressed. I shouldn't lie.
They're all huddling together,
so they all seem like equals, right?
But no.
This place has a strict hierarchy.
We have everyone
from nobles to slaves.
The rich are nobles.
The poor are lowly slaves.
Why would you
divide people into classes?
What about her?
How special does she think she is?
See that table over there?
They pretend to be nobles,
but they're actually slaves.
They're splitting the bill.
All that hard work's for nothing.
Their cover will be blown.
There's no hiding or lying here.
Are the people up there royals?
No. They're nobles, not royals.
The royals don't hang out
with those beneath them.
Only a royal can order that.
What is this?
Mr. Kim. Brace yourself.
That set is worth 18,000 dollars.
Isn't that insane?
It's the Emperor Set.
It sets you back 180,000 dollars.
One, two, three, four, five, six
It really is six digits.
I rented my place
for 160,000 dollars.
What is this?
Here you go.
Have a good night.
(Guard Jang,
Black Sun's Head of Security)
They're calling like crazy,
hoping to find someone
to help them
climb the social ladder.
Once peak time comes around,
you are, unfortunately,
subject to being replaced.
So have fun while you can.
- Everything's fine.
- Watch carefully.
- They want us.
- Okay.
All the people we need
are going that way.
Which room are you in?
Well I was hoping to look around.
My apologies.
This section is for VIPs only,
and ordinary guests can't enter.
- I see.
- Thank you.
Hey, Kyung Eun.
There's a place inside
that I can't get into.
We're wasting time on the outside,
doing nothing.
What should we do?
Like you said, I should get closer.
How will we get closer?
Will you befriend a VIP?
Victor, you got here early.
- Where are they?
- Over there.
That's a good idea.
I trust you.
Trust me?
What are you doing?
Mr. Kim, that's not a good idea.
Mr. Kim, don't
My friend!
Who's he?
This is madness.
It's great to see you!
(Victor, Singer,
Leader of idol group GET)
What, he's a celebrity?
How will he befriend a celeb?
Do you know him, Victor?
How long has it been?
I never imagined I'd see you here.
Do you not recognize me?
It's me, Kim Do Ki.
My gosh.
"How long has it been?"
Listen. I don't know you.
That hurts.
Pig skin.
I cooked you so much skin.
(YMS Trainee 2nd Quarter Recital)
I was so pleased for you
when you came in first
at the trainee quarterly recital.
Even though I came last
in 11th place.
Mr. Kim, I sent you a photo.
It's so embarrassing.
I wasn't going to show you
this photo
because it's that humiliating.
Whenever things don't work out,
this cheers me up, even now.
You were my role model.
You still are.
I remember.
It's been ages, Kim Do Ki.
Sorry for not recognizing you.
- I'm so sorry.
- I almost had a heart attack.
But as you know,
so many trainees came and went.
One of those
that came and went was me.
My gosh.
Yes, Kim Do Ki.
I remember coming first.
That's crazy.
Yes. You always came first,
I always came last.
This is great. Let's drink.
- Great. Give me a glass.
- This is great.
- Thanks.
- Get it ready.
Raise your glasses.
- Here,
- Gosh.
To Victor!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
I love it!
That was incredible.
You must be feeling it today.
Is it not ready yet?
- It's almost ready.
- Bring it to me quickly.
Let's pick out some dolls!
It's ready. Get up, everyone.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
Let's have a look.
Pick what you want.
- The third to the left.
- Yes.
And then
How did a minor get in?
Share the tip, you punk.
There's no tip.
It's all about money.
I swiped my mom's card to the max
and got a free pass.
You did pretty well
for a high schooler.
Let's go.
- Are you paying?
- Of course.
There's no end
to the shocks and horrors.
(To Police: There are minors
in the club Black Sun.)
Hey, tell them to get over here.
Yes, sir.
Hey, leave room seven vacant!
Heads on the floor.
Didn't I tell you
to watch the crowd
before the important event?
- Sorry, sir.
- Sorry, sir.
Will you not do your job?
Pull yourselves together!
Hey, you punk.
I told you to keep
that trash reporter out.
Instead, you got beaten up?
I'll get the rat
and put him in his place.
Okay. Get up.
Put him in his place?
You'll put him in his place?
What's up, Boss?
Let's do that.
Send me the punk's number.
All right.
Leave that trash reporter alone
if you see him outside.
He's known to create alibis.
I told you to beat him here
for a reason.
I'll remember that.
The punk who laid you flat.
Do you remember his face?
No. It happened
in the blink of an eye.
In the blink of an eye?
It happened that quickly?
Sorry, I need to pee.
Is there someone inside?
What are you doing in here?
I came into an empty room,
and now it's crowded.
Why are you here?
Victor's in room three.
I really needed to pee.
There's a toilet in there too.
Someone was inside,
and they just wouldn't come out.
I couldn't wait.
Still, you shouldn't
go into another room.
You're right.
I'm sorry. My bad.
Follow me.
I'm sleepy.
Go Eun, aren't you tired?
I am.
I'm not tired.
Why aren't they going inside?
- Who?
- The police.
Mr. Kim reported
there were minors in the club.
They got here long ago,
but they won't move.
Why not? Why aren't they going in?
- Hello?
- Was it you?
The tipster.
Get him.
It wasn't me.
How did you get in?
What a loony.
Get him up.
Wait. At least tell me
why I'm getting kicked out.
This is why.
Darn you.
We'll protect Mr. Kim.
- You can't!
- Why can't we?
He told us to stay away.
Can we really do that?
Why aren't the police doing anything
when they're seeing all this?
- Hey.
- Will you hold onto him?
Darn you.
Gosh, that hurt.
Get up.
Oh, dear. I'm dying over here.
Will someone call the police?
Can you do this? You can't.
Oh, gosh.
Call the police.
Hello. You can come in.
Over here.
Who asked for us?
He made the report.
Are you okay? Can you stand up?
Oh, dear.
Stand up. Are you all right?
Let's see.
What are you doing?
You're under arrest
for obstructing a business.
What the heck is going on?
If you have no other issues,
we'll head back.
Take care.
I saw it go down myself,
and I can't believe it.
I was going to come to you.
Don't say that.
I asked a busy man for a favor.
Of course, I should come to you.
- Come inside.
- Shall I?
- Yes.
- Let's go.
I experimented with explosives
based on the photos you sent.
Ideally, I'd blow up a car
of the same model,
but I worked with similar materials
in that condition.
The type of explosive, amount,
and form all affect
how something goes off.
You can use the debris to identify
the source of the explosive.
Is it like a human fingerprint?
Yes, but there are
only a few of these prints.
Not many offices in Korea
can use such explosives.
Ministry of National Defense, NIS,
and the Ministry of Interior and Safety.
These holes are almost identical.
It's the most common pattern
I witnessed while I was studying to be
a Certified Fire
and Explosion Investigator in the US.
It's C4.
It's used for special targets.
Who would use an explosive
that makes this kind of mark?
The Ministry
of Interior and Safety's
counter-terrorism unit.
Interior and Safety's
counter-terrorism unit?
The police?
That's what the results say.
The Kang Pil Seung case.
It was really weird.
They wrapped it up as a suicide.
You could say
the investigation was corrupt.
- Mr. Jang?
- Yes?
Thanks a lot.
For helping with something huge
without asking questions.
The reason doesn't matter.
Compared to what
the Blue Bird Foundation
did for my family,
this is nothing.
I'm even more grateful
that you said that.
(Scene of explosion)
The explosives came from
the police?
(Criminal Division)
I made the report,
so why did you arrest me?
I explained earlier.
For obstructing a business
and property damage.
What property?
What property did I damage?
What about the report
of the minors in the club?
We didn't receive any reports.
You must have.
Stop making up stories
and don't destroy what isn't yours.
You look perfectly normal.
You don't believe
the report I made about minors,
but you believe the club's security
who said I destroyed property.
Without even going inside the club.
Mister, just answer my questions.
We got the statement. Okay.
Is your name Kim Do Ki?
(Cell 1)
You're now under arrest
for molesting a club employee.
You should've just had a good time.
Why cause a fuss
and bother so many people?
You're now truly screwed.
(Taxi Driver 2)
Don't go anywhere near
Black Sun again.
How strange.
I need to go back into Black Sun.
Who's he?
Train him up.
Didn't you say you weren't a guard?
I am now.
You're going to mark a VIP.
You must protect the bottle
that has your number.
If your bottle breaks, so do you.
We're late for the delivery,
so speed up.
What does he mean
he's late for the delivery?
If you'd left the girl alone,
she would've had a horrible time.
She tested positive for narcotics.
Why would a club
that makes millions in a month
need to sell drugs?
Choi Seong Eun.
Wasn't he murdered
while looking for the truth?
There's nothing more I can do.
That person who needs help.
Don't you think
he's the reason we exist?
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