The Baxters (2024) s02e11 Episode Script

Waiting for Wings

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
-Kari, can we talk?
-I talked to Ashley.
So if it didn't mean anything
to either of you, then how
exactly did it happen?
Sweet perfect Luke Baxter
and this non-believer.
I'm not perfect.
[Lori] Good. Neither am I.
Hey, God, I don't really
know what I want to say.
But I think I'm lost.
Ashley, I'd like you
to come back and be
the manager here.
You'd be able to run things
the way you want.
Hey, Erin.
What are you doing here?
Wait, you're here
for counselling?
[theme song playing]
Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
There's no way
you do this every
other day.
Habit rules
the unreflecting herd.
I am barely keeping up.
Please don't make it harder
with your cryptic words
of wisdom.
It's about being alone
to your thoughts.
Just you and your head.
[Erin sighs] I'd rather
just be me in my bed.
My heart hasn't seen
this rate in a very long time.
That's the whole point.
Movement builds the kind
of energy that lasts
all day.
So you're saying
I can start to wean myself
off of those giant cups
of coffee every morning?
Baby steps.
Like everything else.
If I've learned anything
this past year,
it's that the path
with the shortcuts,
usually don't lead
to the places
worth going.
Sam's home this week.
And last night,
neither of us could sleep,
so we sat in
the kitchen and talked
till the sun came up.
-Ate an entire carton
of ice cream.
-[Kari chuckles softly]
And I even tried
that whole complain
without blame thing
-you suggested
It was nice.
I forgot how nice
it could be.
Good. Let's keep going.
What? I'm exhausted!
I didn't come this far
to only come this far.
Did you?
[birds chirping]
[line trilling]
[automated voice] The number
you have dialed has been
changed or disconnected.
[slow music playing]
[phone clatters]
[John] Is Luke still up
there, sleeping?
[Elizabeth] I think
he's avoiding me
after what happened.
[John] Yeah. I think I'm gonna
go up and talk to him.
-[Elizabeth] I don't know.
Yeah. Maybe.
-[John] Yeah.
Have you talked
to Ryan since
-Not really.
Honestly, I don't know.
When I found out
about Tim,
it was like the sky
opened up and dropped
a thousand bricks
on my life.
The weight of it all,
the sudden pressure,
it was debilitating.
And each brick represented
another betrayal.
Another secret,
another mountain
we'd have to climb over.
I didn't know which emotions
made sense, which ones didn't.
But, knew I needed him
to pick up those bricks.
I knew I needed him
to prove he was committed
to cleaning up his mess.
When Ryan walked out
of my kitchen,
something was different.
No splitting sky,
no bricks.
It was just different.
And I don't know why.
As you know, "Habit rules
the unreflecting herd."
So, last week of school, huh?
-That's exciting.
-Grades good?
Great, actually.
I uh, got a 99
on my final exam.
-You must take after
your mom.
-[John chuckles]
-What class?
Do they, uh, teach you
that in medical school, Dad?
Well, you might like to know
that we do use philosophy
in medicine and also faith.
In fact, I just passed along
a study to some colleagues
about the scientific benefits
of prayer
in patients dealing
with cardiac issues.
It's a very comprehensive
Korean study.
I'd love to share it
it with you, if you want?
Wow. Dad, that was about
as subtle as a freight train.
-What, Mom?
We appreciate all that
you're going through
with Reagan,
but we wanna help you.
Not some professor
that doesn't even know you.
Yeah, well, at least he has
some real answers for me.
All you keep telling me
to do is have faith.
Trust in my faith!
Put my faith in God!
That's all anyone can do
right now.
Yeah, well, it's not
enough for me, Dad!
I'm sorry,
I can't be here right now.
[door opens and shuts]
He'll be all right.
[Elizabeth sighs]
Hey, we have
to have faith too.
I knew it!
-What is it?
-My roommate is trying
to steal my stuff.
Today, my plates.
Yesterday, a bunch
of my makeup.
Thank God she's out
of here tomorrow.
I'm sure it was just
a mistake.
How do you mistakenly
pack plates that don't
belong to you?
And a mug with my name on it.
Okay, that one is weird.
Let me guess,
another awkward run-in
at the Baxter headquarters.
Yeah, they're getting worse.
-Your parents or the run-ins?
Well, you can
always crash here.
Yeah. Right.
Why not? It's the fourteenth.
I won't be able to find
another roommate till
the end of the month, anyway.
You can slum it on the couch,
till you find another place.
Free of charge. Think about it.
She always knew
how to be sneaky.
Yes, she did.
That's my Sue.
One step ahead.
All right, two cups of
peppermint tea,
for the chattiest girls
in the joint.
-[cup clatters]
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
[Ashley] Yeah.
Did Sue RSVP
to tomorrow's social?
We're hosting a kind
of family gathering of sorts,
and Sue ought to attend.
I'll ask her again.
Maybe I can give her a call.
Oh, that'll be
wonderful, Tabitha.
It'll be like two reunions.
She'll never miss that.
[Ashley] All right.
I'll leave you ladies to it.
Oh, hi!
That mask is really scary.
Oh. Mrs. Baxter,
sorry about that.
So how's the piece
coming along?
Oh! Not quite ready
for the big reveal yet!
-[Landon chuckles]
-It'll be a great center piece.
-Yes, it will.
-And speaking of which
This is great.
Perfect. Yeah, I should be
ready to have this on tomorrow.
-How's Ashley?
-She's good. She's busy
at the care home.
I'm sure she'd love
to hear from you.
Yeah. That will be nice.
So, I'll see you
at the dedication memorial?
-Thank you for all
that you've done, Landon.
It's It's an honor.
[door opens]
-[Irvel] Really feel that way.
-[Landon] Right, right.
-[Irvel] No, I mean
What are you doing here?
Oh, I was just chatting
with the girls.
You never told me
how funny these two were.
-He's been checked.
He's not a spy.
Thank you.
I had to go over
to the Memorial Bill site,
so I thought,
why wouldn't I stop by.
[both softly chuckle]
Well, it's not exactly
on your way.
It's not exactly
out of the way.
And this one has such
a marvelous face.
I'd love to paint
that face.
[chuckles] Irvel!
Well, we were all thinking it,
isn't that right, Helen?
Oh, well, why don't you
take your Landon on a tour?
He's not mine.
Okay. You did come all
this way "on your way."
-You want a tour?
-I would love one.
This is the dining room.
Why are you here?
I came here to tell you
that I forgive you.
The truth is, I probably
forgave you ten minutes
after you walked out
my front door.
It just took me a little
while to figure out why.
What do you mean?
You've always had
a place in my heart.
A different place
than Tim ever had.
He and I were so different.
We knew it from the beginning.
But we loved each other.
So we worked hard
to build our relationship.
Our lives together.
But when he broke that trust,
it was like this awful fear
I didn't know I had
was there all along.
[sighs] Does that make sense?
It's never been
that way with you.
Why not?
I know exactly
who you are.
I know your heart.
I've always known.
Things were just
so overwhelming.
I couldn't see
how important that was.
How important you are to me.
But I see it now.
If I know anything, it's that
we'll never know what
God has planned for us.
So whatever happens
with New York,
with us,
I want you to know that
you are my person.
You always have been.
That's all I got.
The ball's in your court.
[Kari sighs]
And, now we're back.
I think family day's gonna
be really special tomorrow.
-[Landon] Hmm.
-I asked the residents'
family members
to bring photos
and keepsakes from their lives,
so that they can create
their own memory box.
Something to help them
remember the happiest times.
Wow! Look at you!
Yeah. Now I just have to find
12 empty shoe boxes.
Shoe boxes, huh?
By tomorrow.
Hmm, I think I have
a better idea.
-Oh, yeah?
You swing by
the fire station after work.
Why don't you just tell me?
Because that's how
surprises actually work.
[both chuckle softly]
-the tray away
and he takes
-I don't know how
Wait! You're here?
Your knight with shining hammer
needed some back-up.
Drum roll, please.
[singsong] Ta, da, da, da.
[Landon chuckles]
[Landon] We got this piled up
in storage, so I figured
I'd put them to use.
[Ashley sighs]
Guys, these are perfect!
I painted the names.
Yeah, you wouldn't be able
to read them if I did.
Irvel and Helen!
I love them!
Everybody's gonna
love them.
Guys, wow!
-Thank you.
-Off course.
What's that?
Oh, that's just a piece
your mom and sister
asked me to put together.
For the church memorial.
-Can I see it?
At the Memorial dedication.
[chuckles] What if I wasn't
planning on going?
Then I guess you won't
get to see it.
Has he always been
this sassy?
I'm into it.
So I'll help you load
these up and if you need
some help for family day
tomorrow, I'm around.
Wait, you hate your job
at the cafe.
Why don't you just come
work for me at Sunset Hills?
I don't know.
What's it like?
Nothing you would imagine.
But totally life-changing.
Wow! Impressive sales pitch.
I'll think about it.
-Let me wash up
from all this paint.
You seem really happy, Ashley.
Yeah. I'm getting there.
I just had to work
through some of the big stuff
that was in my way.
Yeah. Just in time
for me to leave
for California.
I'll try to speed it up.
That'll be nice.
Our memory is our past
and it's our future.
It's our coherence.
It's the moments
that shape who we are.
And as pieces slowly
begin to slip away,
it can be scary.
Your loved ones
will have good days,
and they'll have bad days.
[Ashley] Days when
everything feels hard.
Days when you feel
like giving up hope.
Days when frustration
comes easy.
And patience feels impossible.
All you have to do
is watch.
[sighs] Oh, please, God,
let this work.
[Sue sighs]
[slow music playing]
[piano music playing]
[voice shaking] My
Hi, Mom.
I missed you.
I missed you, too.
[Sue] Mom.
[Ashley] And then,
there will be good days.
Days when the sun seems
to shine a little brighter.
And the smiles come
a little easier.
And when, even,
if for a fleeting second,
you see a flicker
of the person you remember.
And they see you.
So it's okay to have
a bad day.
To feel like you don't
recognize the person
in front you.
Because deep down,
you know who that person is.
You know that they're
worthy of your love.
Of your patience.
And of your faith.
Faith, that tomorrow
even if,
for the tiniest moment,
they'll remember.
-Hi, Luke.
You know, I actually thought
that coming here might make
me feel a bit differently.
Now I'm just
more angry than ever.
You guys are just gonna
brush past all of this?
Stare at some pretty lights
tomorrow night and just say,
"Hey, everybody,
don't worry about
what happened
at the church a few weeks ago,
'cause everything is fine
right here."
Just outside of God's house.
Why don't we, uh,
just step aside?
What does that mean
anyway, Dad, "God's house"?
-I thought that God
was everywhere.
-That's enough.
Guess he's not, though.
Certainly wasn't here
when 400 innocent
people got murdered,
but, hey,
maybe he was just busy.
That's enough.
Maybe you should go home.
-[keys jingling]
About that
What are you doing?
I'm walking away
from two houses.
[John] Luke.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
-Glad you came.
-I had to find out
what this last minute
adventure was all about.
Follow me.
Your text,
it sounded urgent,
are you okay?
I'm ready to talk about
what happened in Paris.
You know, you could just
move in here, permanently.
Uh, I couldn't ask you
to do that.
You're not asking.
I'm asking you.
A month ago, our lives were
changed forever.
And our hearts
are still broken
'cause we remember those
in our church family
who were called home.
[theme music playing]
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