The Circle (2020) s02e11 Episode Script

The Master Plan

[mysterious music quietly plays]
Influencer power couple Trevor and Chloe
have made their decision on who to block.
Now it's up to Trevor, played by Deleesa,
to drop the bomb
to the rest of The Circle.
"The player we have decided to block is"
-"Dot, dot, dot!"
Oh, my God!
[music continues]
We better still be waking up here
tomorrow morning.
That's all I'm saying!
I'm freaking shaking.
I can't watch this.
[music swells]
Fuck, I knew it!
Oh, my God!
-See ya!
-We win! Bye, Khat!
This definitely sucks.
I'm so sorry, girl.
[music swells]
-[music ends]
-Just like that, she's gone!
Oh, that was so hard.
Holy shit.
It definitely sucks seeing this screen.
What goes around comes around
in The Circle.
Khat was playing with fire.
Khat is my ride-or-die from the start!
We just lost her!
Well, now what?
Well, it's going to be interesting
to see what happens from this point on.
Phew! Thank you, Trevor. Thank you, Chloe.
I tried my best.
I played a good game as much as I could,
and the outcome is this.
So I'm cool with it.
I'm cool with it.
[sad music plays]
[Michelle] So Khat,
our pro-volleyball catfish-investigator,
is the latest player to be blocked.
But I don't know who it's hit harder,
her or Trevor.
Oh, my God!
[blows raspberries] Oh, my God.
Just come here and give mommy a hug,
'cause, literally
this was so hard.
Look, you see Khat? You see her? Our BBQ.
[music continues]
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face to face."
Maybe I go see Courtney
because he was the one person
that I did not connect with instantly.
Maybe I'd see Trevor
because he's definitely one of the people
that I thought was genuinely nice to me,
and knew and believed in who I was.
And maybe I would see Chloe
just to see if it's really her,
and kinda ask her, you know,
what was the reason to be blocked tonight?
[music continues]
-[music ends]
[rhythmic music plays]
[door closes]
[music ends]
[intriguing music plays]
"Khat is on her way
to meet one of you now."
[music intensifies]
What if she comes here to confront me? Oh
Khat, do not come here.
[music continues]
Just don't come here.
Just don't come here.
[music ends]
-[Khat] That's not Trev
-[Deleesa] This is the real me.
-[Khat] You his baby mama?
-I'm his wife.
[Khat] No, but for real.
I was like, "Bitch, come on!"
-I'm so good!
-She is so cute.
-That's my baby.
-She's so cute.
That's my husband. [laughs]
Okay, so where are you guys from?
-New York City.
-[Khat] Okay.
So, literally, everything is real.
I just switched the fact that
I put he's a mama's boy.
I'm a daddy's girl.
He was raised by his mom.
I was raised by my dad.
Personally, I think I got
everybody thinking I'm a dude.
-[Khat] For sure.
-[Deleesa] For sure.
Apparently, you have something
with Chloe, right?
From the beginning though, dead-ass, like,
I wasn't trying to come and flirt,
but it's fun.
-I love flirting.
-It happens.
Chloe started flirting, and it was like,
"I have to do it."
-Can't make a girl feel bad.
-[Khat] For sure.
-[Deleesa] Exactly.
-[Khat] 100%.
-Do you know who this is?
-She was in Too Hot to Handle.
-Soon as she came, I was like, "What?"
-You think it's her?
Yeah. She's very young, and, um
-My eyelashes. I'm about to take them off.
-You good.
-They're driving me crazy!
-[Khat] Period.
[Deleesa laughs] Um
I mean, for lack of a better word,
she's kind of naive.
-[Khat] Yeah.
-[Deleesa] I dunno how to say it.
-I love her so much, but
-[Khat] Same.
Like, she's very
She's trusting, very trusting,
very easily, to, like, everybody.
It took me a long time to realize
that Courtney and River were besties.
Yeah, I think Courtney or River
is a catfish.
-[Khat] River's a catfish.
-[Deleesa] You think River too?
River doesn't fit his profile
with the way he talks.
-Pictures don't go together.
-[Deleesa] Really?
I love Mitchell. Mitchell's so nice.
He's real.
[Khat] Yeah, for sure.
For sure I was like, Mitchell, and Trevor,
and Courtney are definitely real.
And John, he's new,
but, like, I'm from Texas,
and in the South, we say "y'all."
You from Morgantown. You say "y'all"?
Y'all's on the East Coast.
Y'all don't say "y'all"!
Goodnight, John!
Goodnight, John. Sleep tight.
I'll see you tomorrow.
-[Jack] Don't let the bedbugs bite, John.
-[laughs] You either.
She hasn't come to see me.
Well, I am relieved!
So you know about the whole Joker, right?
Yeah. Do you know who it is?
-It's definitely Courtney. 100%.
-You think so?
[Khat] It's Courtney,
because the message they sent,
sis, it was all like,
straight sass and everything.
What did he say? Was he saying, like
He called Chloe a backstabber.
-He said you couldn't trust her.
-That's crazy!
I really wanted to block River.
-[Khat] Yeah. Yeah.
-[Deleesa] Or Courtney.
But it sucks 'cause I'm so cool with them,
and they said multiple times,
"I got your back."
But they're always gonna vote
for each other and then vote for Chloe.
It's definitely Chloe's alliances
and my alliances.
Courtney and River got Chloe's side,
but Khat and Mitchell got my side.
But then it was like,
I'd break up my alliance with Chloe.
And I couldn't do that.
My advice to you is you have
a better chance manipulating Chloe.
I would tell Mitchell,
"Press your ass to Chloe, 100%."
It would be really good
if I can get Mitchell to be an influencer
and get one of them out.
This was worth the visit. I was like,
-"Am I gonna see Trevor?"
-I'm so happy you came.
-Well, thank you for welcoming me
-[Deleesa] Thank you.
[Khat] It was so nice to meet you.
-You're amazing.
-[Khat] See you at the finale.
We gonna kiki it up with these hoes.
-[Deleesa] Pray for me!
-I got you.
-Thank you. Oh, my God!
-[Khat] See you. Bye. [laughs]
[Deleesa] Aw
I love her.
[solemn music plays]
[sighs] Mitchell, I need you
to get higher in the ratings, man.
It's time for you to shine
and do my dirty work.
[music fades]
["Mad World" by Tears For Fears plays]
[Michelle] With Khat headed back
to the Lone Star State,
the rest of the players
are waking up and realizing,
unlike half of them in here,
things are starting to get real.
And I find it kinda funny ♪
I find it kinda sad ♪
When people run in circles ♪
It's a very, very ♪
Mad world ♪
[Deleesa] Courtney and River are playing
a dirty game,
and will throw anybody under the bus
except for each other.
I think the smartest thing
for Trevor to do
is break up Courtney and River's alliance.
[Michelle] Not before The Circle breaks up
breakfast-time, Trev Trev.
[gasps] "Newsfeed has been updated!"
Circle, take me to the Newsfeed.
All righty, I'm ready to see the truth!
No shade, girl.
I hope she didn't give too much away,
because I really don't want Courtney
and River to know that I'm onto them.
If she throws some shade,
that's good for us,
'cause she's not throwing it our way.
[Khat] Hi, you guys. It's me.
I'm 100% me.
[screams] Oh, my God!
Yes, Khat!
She's genuine!
I'm a professional athlete,
and I think the competitive nature
of myself, um, completely took over.
But I know exactly where I messed up,
and I tried my best
to kinda recover my steps,
but once the messy queens get the tea,
it's all hell from there.
It's too late, sis.
Don't blame me and River.
[groans] You're scaring me.
Be careful who you trust
because there are snakes in this game,
and some of them have
more than just one head.
More than one head? Oh, my God!
We weren't snakes.
We were simply being loyal to our alliance
you did not know about.
One thing's for sure is,
don't believe everything that you hear.
People gonna to tell you things
to keep you on their side.
-Good luck. Have fun.
May the best player win,
and I'll catch you on the flipside.
She said messy queens, so we know
that River and Courtney screwed her over.
That's probably my guess, yeah.
[rings, chimes]
Circle, message: "Guys, I'm so glad
that all of you are still here."
[Mitchell] "Last night was
a hard decision for me and Trevor."
[Lee] "I hope you guys understand
why we did what we did."
"I love you all. Heart emoji."
Interesting, but I wanna hear from John,
played by Jack and invisible Lisa.
It's weird that people say
it's such a difficult decision
'cause it sounds like, the people
you're deciding between are still here.
That's true.
Message: "Wasn't she beautiful and real?"
She was real, bro. We all know.
"I'm dying to know who Khat visited.
#SpillTheTea. I've got my teacup ready."
River, shady, shady.
"Darn, so bummed to see Khat go,
especially since she was always"
"so honest, genuine,
and exactly who she said she was."
All right, calm down.
Don't make me feel worse
than I already do. Thank you.
-Circle, message:
"Thanks, Chloe and Trevor,
for keeping me."
"Three red hearts. #CircleFam." Send.
-You're welcome, baby boy.
Message: "I'm actually dying to see
who has two heads in here."
"Laughing face emoji. #WhoDidKhatGoSee?"
Do you not realize that she literally said
two messy queens,
and then said it was a snake
with two heads right after? [laughs]
I think it's a smart move
for Trevor to be honest
about the fact that Khat came to see him.
It's really annoying
when people lie or they hide it,
and I want people to trust Trevor.
Message: "I'm not going to front."
"I thought she was
going to come and beat me up."
[Lee] "But the moment she walked in,
she showed me nothing but love."
"She completely understood our decision.
We had jokes on jokes."
She went to go see Trevor?
Circle, message: "Oh, my God, Trevor."
"I had my snacks laid out for Miss Khat,
but I'm glad that you guys were able
to have some understanding
and some laughs."
-"#FriendsAfterThisForSure." Send message.
I wanna be Khat's friend after this.
I just couldn't be Khat's friend in this
because she was gonna cost me $100,000.
If I'mma lose $100,000,
it's gonna be on my own accord
and not someone else's.
[Michelle] #SecureTheBag.
Circle, message:
"Laughing face emoji."
"Did she explain any conspiracy theories
on a snake with two heads?"
"I'm baffled. #BlondeMoment."
-Send message.
[intriguing music plays]
Chloe, why are you so straightforward?
Can't ask questions like this
in front of everybody.
They're in here. [laughs]
Oh, my girl Chloe.
I believe Khat was talking
and calling out River and Courtney.
Mitch coming through with big facts.
I feel like Khat went to see Trevor
to see if he was real.
He wasn't real 'cause he had two heads.
Fucking hell! I'm talking to someone,
I'm flirting with someone,
and thinking of a future
with someone who might have two heads.
[Michelle] Still wouldn't be the weirdest
hookup I've seen on reality TV.
"As a #MessyQueen,
I'm confused, too,
about the double-headed snake."
"Laughy-face." Send.
-River! Shush! [laughs]
River just self-identified himself
as a "messy queen."
Message: "I felt so bad
after the blocking."
Trevor's typing. I'm not ready.
The shower can't help you now, girl.
-[sings mournfully]
[Chloe] "I felt bad after the blocking,
and I think she felt that as well."
"I wish she'd told me
who she thought was the snake,
but she probably didn't want
to mess up my head."
Everybody knows that Khat definitely
told me who she thought was a snake.
[music continues]
But if you think I'm about
to tell you guys,
like, [clicks tongue] think again.
I really think Khat just filled Trevor in
on exactly where I'm at.
And I gotta talk to Trevor and be like,
"Brah. Come on, man."
"Come on. Let's rock and roll."
[music fades]
[dance music plays]
[Michelle] After another morning dominated
by two-headed snakes,
the players are passing the time
in their own ways.
John's finally ready
to try the whole psychic thing.
Mitch is finally ready to verbalize
his feelings about Khat's departure.
[continues groaning]
And River is, like any good Circle player,
keeping on his toes.
[whispers] Three
[music continues]
[Michelle] Chloe is ready for a reading
from psychic John,
embodied by Jack and Lisa.
-Circle, message:
"Hi, John! How are you?"
"I might have mentioned
that I go to a psychic all the time,
and having some serious withdrawals."
-Could be a perfect opportunity.
I would be a rubbish psychic,
so I give John his dues.
[Michelle] Don't worry.
If he's a typical psychic,
he'll take dues in the form
of any credit card.
Circle, message: "So nice
to finally speak with you, Chloe."
"Love to hear you're in touch
with your spiritual side."
"I have my tarot cards out."
No, not tarot cards. They're oracle cards.
"I have my oracle cards out right now."
"Would be happy to give you a reading.
Smiley face emoji." Send.
[Michelle] So lucky The Circle gave him
a set of oracle cards
in his profile starter pack.
-[Jack] She'll love that.
-[Lisa] She's getting a free reading!
-By real amateur psychics.
I'm gonna have a reading with John ♪
Oo, oo ♪
Circle, message:
"I'd love to give you a three-card reading
where each represents
the approach you take
in different stages of life. Smiley face."
-"Does that sound good?" Oh, my God.
I feel like I'm talking to Santa,
and someone with special powers.
[Michelle] So, um, Santa?
-All right.
-[mysterious music plays]
-First card, the past.
Is he gonna say anything about Trevor?
Is he gonna say anything
about who I need to watch out for?
Message: "Your past card
is the full moon in Capricorn."
"You've been dealing
with a difficult phase"
[Chloe] "that will soon come to a close."
I mean, I believe that he's a psychic,
because he knows all the psychic words,
like "Capricorn."
He's definitely not lying, is he?
No, he's either a psychic or someone
who's read at least one issue of Cosmo.
[Chloe] "John. Your present card
is the Third Quarter Moon."
"This suggests that, to reach your goal,
some adjustments may be required."
Like, what?
Maybe I need
to switch the game up a little
in order to To keep that top place.
Circle, message:
"Your future card is the South Node."
"This predicts new opportunities
will soon present themselves,
and each will deserve
thorough contemplation." Send.
-Circle, message:
"How do I know when someone
genuinely is who they say they are,
and if they have two heads or not?"
"Laughing face emoji." Send message.
[light music plays]
What do we say to this one?
John'll come back with something
I can actually look at and think,
"Oh, my God.
This is a reading specifically for me."
Message: "Oftentimes,
in a game like this,
you may have to go with your gut."
"As for the two heads"
[Chloe] "it's important to consider
if their actions are consistent
with who they appear to be."
[music continues]
Now, that makes sense.
That makes sense.
Circle, message: "I find that actions
always speak louder than words." Send.
-"Actions always speak louder than words."
They do!
But then, what actions am I looking for?
I can't see any of anyone's actions.
[inquisitive music playing]
-What could that mean?
-[music fades]
I feel like this is another brain teaser.
[pop music plays]
[Michelle] Here's another brain teaser.
If a single Khat leaves a Circle at night
traveling at 20 miles per hour,
how long does it take two messy queens
to start a private chat about it?
-The answer? ASAP.
Oh, Circle, can you take me
to the private chat with River?
-[Lee] Circle, message:
"Wanted to check in with my bestie."
"How are you feeling
after Khat's goodbye message?"
[Courtney] Circle, message:
"River! Crying-laughing face."
"I couldn't care less
about what Khat said."
"Her ass is gone." [laughs]
"She probably realized we told Chloe
about our group chat,
and that is why
she was in danger of leaving."
Yeah, that's true.
Okay. I like his attitude.
Circle, message:
"I wanted to ask you though."
"What do you think of the players left?
I really love John."
-"#PsychicSanta." Send message.
I'm absolutely totally in-sync with him.
-Circle, message:
"Totally agree. Rainbow heart. Red heart."
"I feel the same way about John,
but my heart will always be centered
on the Cardashians."
"Mitchell, what do you think about him?"
[Courtney] Ha-ha! I asked him about John,
but I wanted to know
how he felt about Mitchell,
and River delivered.
-Circle, message: "Period!"
"Cardashians are my number-one priority
and a safe space for the three of us."
[Lee] "With Mitchell, I can't tell you
anything besides his profile."
"We haven't spoken, so no relationship."
Okay. He's not talking to us at all.
-Circle, message:
We need to keep an eye on Mitchell."
And give me the little side eyes,
and send.
Yes, River!
I'm so
That's literally how I've been feeling.
Like, literally.
Like, mm, "We gotta keep an eye
on that girl right on over there."
"She gotta pack her bags."
-Circle, message:
"River, I love that you're always
thinking what I'm thinking,
and that is why we are friends.
Rainbow heart."
"Always a pleasure to have a chitchat
with the man
with a heart as big as his hair."
"#Legend. We'll talk soon."
I think Mitchell's dangerous.
He hasn't talked to me or Courtney,
and he's clearly talking to somebody.
That, to me, says you're targeting us.
So now I feel like, hopefully,
the next time we rate,
[intriguing music plays]
Mitchell will be at the bottom.
Looks like we have
the next member up on the hit list.
Let's get him out.
Mm. That was better than my lunch.
[Michelle] We can see
your microwave lunch for one.
That's a low bar.
[pop music plays]
Now before she left,
volleyballer Khat served up
a sensational spike with a side of shade,
and Trevor wants to make sure
his alliance with Mitch
isn't a casualty.
Message: "What's up, man?
How you feeling today?"
-"Question mark." Send.
Message: "My brother, I am super grateful
for another day of life,
and absolutely grateful
for another day in The Circle."
Oh [giggles]
He's so nice! "Another day of life"?
Message: "You deserve it,
and I told you I got you. 100 emoji."
"But, yo, listen here"
"when Khat came to see me yesterday,
she dropped bombs." Hoo!
"Khat told me
that she thinks the Joker is Courtney,
and that he was throwing Chloe
under the bus."
"It's sad because in Chloe's eyes,
she considers Courtney her bestie."
Boom, man! That is exactly how I feel.
Courtney and River,
their alliance is too strong,
and they have been moving in shady ways.
I don't like it,
and I just wanna give Mitchell
a couple heads-up
on how he can further his game,
AKA help my game.
Message: "Courtney being Joker
makes sense Dot, dot, dot."
"Who else would trust River
being an influencer?"
"I think that's what Khat meant
by the #TwoFacedSnakes."
"I always had a gut feeling
that I couldn't trust Courtney and River,
'cause in my head"
"they really are only looking out
for each other."
Exactly! Oh, I'm so happy
you're a smart man, Mitchell.
[imitates explosion]
Dropping bombs, baby.
We're dropping bombs.
"Courtney and River
will 100% only look out for each other"
"and they are playing a dirty game."
"I feel you. It sucks Chloe is buying it."
"We gotta bring Chloe up to speed.
I don't want to see her get played."
Message: "Absolutely."
"The thing is, we can't let Courtney
and River know we are onto them."
"We have to be smart
about our next moves, bro."
"I also don't think
Chloe is ready to find out
that her besties
are plotting against her." Oh!
All right.
I kinda trust Trevor's insight on that.
Like, we gotta play our cards right.
The plan here is to make sure
Mitchell gets Chloe to trust him.
[clicks tongue]
Once Chloe trusts Mitchell,
we can form a beautiful trifecta.
We need to break up
this Courtney and River alliance,
and the trifecta is here to do that.
"Right. This is chess, not checkers."
"Write this plan down, bro." Yo! [laughs]
How do we play this now, though?
"Step one"
Trevor, I like the play-by-play!
"Step one."
"Act cool with Courtney and River
so they don't know we're onto them."
We're gonna infiltrate Courtney and River,
and play it cool.
Love that, Trevor.
"Step two."
"Get Chloe to trust Mitchell
by sharing something
very vulnerable or personal with her."
-Ah, I like where your head's at, Trevor!
"Step three. Form the #Trifecta."
"Form the Trifecta.
Trevor, Mitchell and Chloe."
-"Trevor. Step four."
"Break up the Courtney and River alliance
by getting one of them blocked. #Endgame!"
This is the perfect freaking plan.
Mitchell, we can do this.
We can freaking do this!
"Time to get this plan in action.
-"#GameOver." Send.
[gasps] Mic drop. [imitates mic's crash]
Chloe, get ready, baby.
I am coming for you!
[upbeat piano music plays]
[Michelle] As the afternoon passes,
the players are getting serious.
Well, most of them, anyway.
[Deleesa] That's a workout.
Like, legs up. Oh, my God.
Usually Trevor does this for me.
[Michelle] Man up, Deleesa, you got this!
But not before The Circle drops this.
[Deleesa] Oo! "The Circle Awards!"
Glitz and glitter? Come on!
Can't get any better than that.
"Time to get glammed up.
Your outfits are at the door!"
Oh, my God.
Oh, my gosh!
-[Jack] Oh, my God.
-[Lisa] Oh, my God!
I got a red carpet.
I am literally a celebrity.
These are heavy!
Feel right at home.
[Mitchell] Woo!
Glitzy, glitzy!
I got a full tux.
[Lisa] Me too!
These shoes are ginormous!
-Some suspenders.
-[awards show music plays]
I feel like I work at Chippendales.
I am here.
Looking fit, feeling fly. We are ready.
I wonder what the girls got to wear, man.
Oh, I love it! I love it! I love it!
I mean, I could imagine being married
to Brad Pitt with this on.
Who needs Brad when you could be flirting
with the mom from the Bronx
pretending to be a dude,
or this specimen?
[Mitchell] We got Mitchell gettin' ready
to come down the catwalk.
Over-out. Go ahead, Mitch.
[music swells]
Party's starting!
Red carpet, baby! ♪
[music continues]
How do guys do this? It's tight in here!
-[bulbs flash, shutters click]
-[bulb flashes]
-[shutter clicks]
[imitates shutter click]
Is that even what a camera sounds like?
[music fades]
Kiss the baby's head.
Thank you.
Oh, man.
[Michelle] Because no award ceremony
would be complete without it,
let's take a moment
to honor our fallen players,
The Blocked Heroes.
You just stand and just be, like,
[sad music plays]
-Oh, he's so sweet.
[Courtney] Oh-ho!
My LA sis, Savannah!
Savannah, you got nice eyebrows.
[sad music continues]
I'm sorry I called you a catfish!
[Lisa] Aw, Emily!
Whoever played her did a great job
until that mannequin challenge happened.
[Lee groans] Lance!
I was blinded. Fangirled, totally.
It was so fun playing him.
[Mitchell] Khat. Khat. Khat.
Why'd they do you like that, Khat?
Snaps for Khat.
They may all be gone,
but never forgotten.
[inhales sharply]
[Michele] Okay, enough crying over losers.
Back to the most important thing in life,
winning stuff!
[Courtney] "Now you are red-carpet ready."
"It is time to cast your votes."
Oh. What are we voting for?
Players will be shown a number of awards.
"Sexiest Player Award."
It'd be funny if John took this one, man.
[Michelle] They then vote anonymously
for who they want to win.
For this category,
I want to vote for Chloe.
She is just sexy.
And then The Circle reveals the winner.
"And the winner is"
[drum roll plays]
-[triumphant music plays]
-It's me. I won the award.
[inhales] Good job, honey.
You deserve it, sis.
[Michelle] The winners of each category
get their hands
-on a world-famous Circle Award.
Look at this!
That is a little red hot chili pepper
I'd like to take a bite of.
-Circle, message:
"I'm actually screaming!"
"You lot are such a bunch of babes."
"I'm over the moon,
and I'm gonna dedicate this award
to all the Essex girls out there."
-"Trevor, ain't you lucky?"
This is gonna go on my mantelpiece.
[quietly] I haven't got a mantelpiece,
but I could get one.
[Michelle] Shoot for the stars, girl.
Next is the Comedy Award,
presented by Hollywood-psychic and star
Twins reboot, John.
-[whimsical music plays]
-"Nominations for Comedy Award."
Everybody in here besides Trevor
should win this,
'cause they're all a bunch of clowns.
Who's had me rolling?
-Who's got jokes? Who's funny?
-Maybe Courtney.
Yeah, Courtney is pretty funny.
I'm gonna vote for Trevor.
I think I'm gonna vote
for my man Courtney.
-[whimsical music ends]
"And the winner is"
-[drum roll]
-[tone, rings]
-[triumphant music plays]
Oh, oh!
Oh, my God! Thanks, you guys.
The funny part about Courtney
is that he is shady.
That's the funny part.
-Circle, message:
"You guys are literally the sweetest.
Crying-laughing face."
"Thanks again.
#ItsClowneryLove. Red heart."
-Send message.
I think there's some hidden depth to that,
with Courtney being, literally, the Joker.
[imitates rimshot]
[music fades]
-Get it?
-[Michelle] Yeah.
We got it before you did, sweet pea.
-Time for the next award. John?
Next up, we have
the Best Performance Award.
Dun, dun, dun ♪
I don't know how everybody else
interpreted and took this question,
but Courtney.
It's simple to me.
I would like to vote for Chloe.
Courtney takes the award.
If everybody's following
my train of thought,
Courtney should be the winner here.
Mitchell for this award!
He friend-zoned me.
[whimsical music plays]
Okay, we would like to vote for Mitchell.
I wanna go for Mitchell.
I've had catfish vibes about you,
and I think you're performing incredibly.
-[music fades]
"And the winner is"
[drum rolls]
Da, da, da ♪
[tone, rings]
I I can't tell
if I should be happy about this
or annoyed with this.
-[mysterious music plays]
Woo! That's a good one.
Well, that's awkward!
[Mitchell] Best Performance.
Are you guys saying I'm a hard worker?
Thank you.
Are you saying I'm a performer?
Ferk out of here!
[gasps] Oh, my God.
You know what? At least we won something.
-This could be good.
-Could be the momentum we need
-It could.
I don't think anybody's giving me this
-because I'm the hardest worker. Message
[Chloe] "This is hilarious."
"I don't know how to feel
about this award."
"If this because you all see me
as a hard worker
and giving it my absolute all"
"then I accept this award proudly
and with open arms."
"But if this award means that I am fake
and putting on a performance,
at least I won something."
"Clearly not winning friends."
[whimsical music continues]
"Clearly not winning friends."
That's good.
I give you props, brother.
Oh! Oh, I feel bad!
-I feel good.
I don't think people are that nice here.
Swiftly moving on!
[Michelle] Time for the last award,
and this one is a peach.
[fanfare music plays]
-Okay, here we go!
Oh, ho-ho! [inhales]
Oh, no. I'm gonna get this award.
"Lifetime Achievement Award
-for Kissing [whispers] Ass."
-[music slows, ends]
-[whimsical music plays]
-The Kiss Ass Award.
I am a bit of an arse-kisser.
Not even a question in my mind
who's gonna win this.
Courtney again.
If I'm right,
and Courtney really is Joker,
and he called Chloe two-faced
and a backstabber,
and yet he's acting like buddy-buddy
and her best friend,
he's just completely spewing
what she wants to hear.
Courtney and River.
I wish I could give the award
to both of them, honestly.
Absolutely love the compliments
from River.
However, I can't imagine him saying
that many compliments
to someone in real life.
-I think that's gotta be Chloe.
-I think Chloe too. I do.
It would be so interesting to see
if it wasn't Courtney, who people think.
I'm voting Mitchell.
-My vote goes to Mitchell.
-[music ends]
I wonder where everybody's
gonna go with this one.
"And the winners are"
So there's two winners.
Oh, ho! There's multiple winners! [laughs]
[drum roll]
This isn't a good award to win.
[tone, rings]
-Are you
Are you serious? Me?
I didn't want to share
this award with you, Mitchell. [laughs]
H H What are these people thinking?
Damn, man! Mitchell cannot catch a break.
-I'm not surprised.
-Me either.
Oh, my God, he must be feeling like
absolute shit right now.
[Mitchell] This makes zero sense!
Zero sense.
Love it. Love it. Love it. I'll take it.
This is appalling.
[inhales, kisses] Mwah! [laughs]
[tone, chimes]
"Three laughey-face emojis.
What? Me?
It's just an honor being nominated!"
"Gets down on knees,
applies ChapStick, and puckers up."
[Courtney] "I'm happy to share this award
with my man,
as two of the greatest ass-kissers
in history."
"Crying-laughing face."
Oh, my gosh, River.
[sighs] I don't know how to approach it.
"Yo, I'm dead. Laughing face emoji."
"The Circle turned into a comedy show."
"I respectfully decline this award
as there are others
more deserving than me present."
"I'm literally so confused,
considering in every one
of my conversations,
I've been so honest and direct."
"At least I sleep like a baby every night
knowing I have integrity."
That is a great response.
Mitchell's kind of an idiot.
Yeah, Mitchell should not be
playing it this way.
[Courtney] Mitchell is bothered!
[imitates baby crying, laughs]
to all of tonight's winners." Okay.
It's embarrassing is what it is.
I am very happy to have won
the Kiss Ass Award.
I will treasure it.
All in all, I had fun.
[Mitchell] They just basically
gave me the "f-you" to me,
and I am gonna use that.
Man, I'm gonna beat them
at their own game now.
[Michelle] I think y'all just hit Mitch's
"not today, honey" button.
[upbeat pop music plays]
"Now for the best part
of any awards night, the after-party!"
["Dancing on the Ceiling" plays]
Oh, shit! That scared me.
Oo, what a feeling ♪
When we're dancing on the ceiling ♪
Oh, what a feeling ♪
I'm the sexiest person
in The Circle, by the way!
Everybody, let's dance! ♪
Whoa ♪
Oh, what a feeling ♪
The hips are getting loose!
What a perfect evening!
When we're dancing on the ceiling ♪
[Deleesa laughs]
Oh, what a feeling ♪
When we're dancing on the ceiling ♪
Oh, what a feeling ♪
That's amazing. Thank you!
Dancing on the ceiling ♪
No, I can't I do not have moves like you.
[pop music plays]
Let's let these maniacs take five
and two-step over to River.
He won the Kiss Ass Award,
and oddly enough,
the tables are about to turn.
-Enter Trevor with phase one of his plan.
Message: "I wanted to check in with you."
"I had to make sure that you're
not stressed about that award."
-"#YouDidntDeserveIt." Send.
You know, maybe he's the one
who voted for me, but it's okay.
I appreciate him saying that.
Message: "I thought it was funny.
I'm so proud of how far we've come."
See, I like River.
But let me tell you,
I still gotta break up your alliance.
Message: "Word.
This has been such a crazy journey,
and you've been a fun,
light-hearted spirit from the start."
Send. I'm basically kissing your ass!
[laughs, kisses]
He's making sure I'm still on his side.
Maybe we've both been cautious,
I don't know,
but it's been a crazy journey. I agree.
It makes me feel bad
having a chat like this
because I know
that River really trusts Trevor.
You know, but it's a game,
and River and Courtney
have been playing with fire.
Trevor, Trevor, Trevor.
I just fall in and out of love with you.
But my center of my universe
is still the Cardashians.
Step one worked out [kisses] perfectly.
[dance music plays]
[Michelle] With Operation Suck Up
to the Cardashians in effect,
it's time for Mitch to make his move
on a relaxed post-party Chloe.
Circle, invite Chloe to a private chat.
"Mitchell has invited you
to a private chat." Wow.
This is technically phase one of our plan,
to get Chloe to trust me.
"Hey, Chloe,
you completely deserved your award."
"Not sure how I feel about mine though.
Laughing face emoji."
"I want to pick up where we left off
and get to know each other."
Aw, well, that's sweet!
I dunno what to say
about him and his award,
because I basically voted for him.
Circle, message: "To be honest, babe,
I would take it as a compliment."
"When people are intimidated by someone,
they feel the need to bring them down."
"I'd love that.
What would you like to know?"
-Send message.
Message: "Thank you."
"Means the world to me.
I feel like people prejudge me
when they first meet me
or see a few pictures online,
that I'm some sort of
egotistical, cocky player."
"What are some of the initial judgments
people make about you that are wrong?"
-Wow! I'm really impressed.
I'm really glad that Mitchell felt
that he could open up to me.
We're gonna gain Chloe's trust,
and she is gonna be
part of the trifecta with me and Trevor.
And that is how
we take this home here, baby.
Message: "When I first saw
that cheeky photo of you,
I did think you were going to be cocky."
"But I know firsthand
not to judge a book by its cover."
-"When people see my social media,
they always assume that I think
I'm better than everyone else,
which couldn't be further from the truth."
"When I was younger,
I cared what people thought of me
because I was bullied,
but now I've learned to love myself."
-[quiet music plays]
-"Heart emoji. Flex."
I love that!
It really knocked my confidence
when it came to dating.
Let's fire off another one
and get into the nitty-gritty quick.
Message: "It's sad
that we can both relate to this."
"I couldn't be farther from the truth
of the stereotypes people have on me."
"It's funny how people think
I'm such a player and womanizer
based off how I look."
"Fun fact about me"
-"I'm actually still a virgin."
[squealing] What?
[quiet music continues]
Mitchell's still a virgin?
That's a big message right there.
That's a big message.
He comes across as someone that knows
to chuck a girl about the bedroom.
You just look at him and you just know.
Now the friend-zoning makes sense.
Circle, message: "I respect you so much
for confiding in me."
"My God.
I see you in such a different light now."
"I hope you don't mind me asking."
"Have you stayed a virgin
because you haven't found the one?"
-Send message.
This is something that is tough to do,
especially as a guy in this day and age,
is talk about these things.
Message: "I genuinely
just haven't found the one
that knocked me off my feet
and fell madly in love with."
"Also my relationship with God
is something I value very highly."
"I just don't want to give
something so special to just anyone."
Oh, my God!
I'm grateful Trevor gave me that push,
and we game-planned this out,
because it led
to one of the most beautiful
and most genuine conversations
I've had with anybody in The Circle.
I feel like me and Chloe
are genuinely gonna be such great friends
once this is all over, in real life.
It's actually crazy because I feel like
Trevor's like my Circle boyfriend,
and Mitchell is like my Circle brother.
So I'm really lucky
-to have these boys in my life.
[Michelle] A girl from Essex,
a catfish from the Bronx,
a virgin from Pennsylvania, and a unicorn.
Yup, just your regular old Circle family.
Let's go to John's apartment,
where we've hit
the "weird dude at the end of a party
bragging about weird stuff" phase.
[Jack] I could do this for an hour
if I wanted to.
Yeah, you might be able to.
I know I'd fall over.
[intense music plays]
[Michelle] While the players wind down
after the only award ceremony
not recognized
by the Hollywood Foreign Press,
The Circle has one final announcement.
What is it now?
[both] "Players, the final blocking
will happen tomorrow."
-This is big.
Oh, one more to go and we're done.
We just need to make it tomorrow!
"If you survive,
you will become a finalist."
Please keep John!
You were built for this, baby.
You betcha!
-"The players that make it through
to the final
will be in with a chance of winning"
"one hundred thousand!"
Smackeroosters, baby!
Feels good to see
that number on that screen
after everything we done been through!
The ruthlessness, the lying as a catfish,
all of it is to get $100,000.
[upbeat music playing]
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