The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e11 Episode Script

To Sever That Fate

My liege
You have grown yet stronger,
stricter, and kinder.
Hero Kanon, can you destroy me?
I must take responsibility
for creating you.
Don't try what is beyond you.
Your heart refuses to do it.
I was wrong.
Spreading the rumor
of a fictitious Demon King,
to become the Demon King and die
There was never a chance
that it would end well.
And the price of that twisted idea
was Avos Dilhevia
your pitiful existence.
You should have never been born.
Without me,
Misa wouldn't have been born either.
You love the girl don't you?
Become mine Kanon.
I am Misa, and I am Avos Dilhevia.
You're not exactly the girl that I know.
Only in minor ways.
I do love you, after all.
The love for me that you speak of
is not your own.
That love is hers.
Misa is still alive within you.
she was only a temporary form.
The girl known as Misa no longer exists.
Accept the truth.
You're the fake half, Avos Dilhevia!
- What's this?
- This is proof.
She is still fighting
alongside me within you!
I will sever your destiny
and take it back!
Lend me your strength, Misa!
Theo Torearos!
Be silenced, sword of the gods.
The word of this god is absolute.
Zoray Dipt.
Evansmana is a holy sword
blessed by the gods.
Thus, it loses its power with a word
from the Heavenly Father God.
What took you so long, Nous Galia?
All according to the god's plan.
I have destroyed all of the sources
you granted to your fake.
You are next, Hero Kanon.
You completed your duty of spreading
the rumor of a false Demon King.
You will be killed
by your lover and disappear.
That is what the gods have written.
Farewell, Lay.
You could have been
a good boy and become mine.
You wrote a boring story, Nous Galia.
It grows more interesting now, misfit.
You will be robbed of-
You hold your head too high, coward.
Place your head on
the ground when begging.
And where are you going?
Come play with me.
You can ask Lay to play with you
for the moment.
Nous Galia,
it would serve you well
to experience fear.
Fear? Me? A god?
What meaningless, worthless
and pointless words you spew.
Anos Voldigoad, gods are laws.
We are not persons.
We have neither anger nor sorrow.
Gods are indestructible,
thus they are not alive.
Thus, they have no fear.
They simply remain the laws of the world.
Perhaps you do not have a head
to understand my words either.
I said that I would
not allow that to remain so.
Fool, you spit at the sky.
Behold the true form of this god.
The majority of the spells upon Delsgade
were rewritten by Avos Dilhevia.
It is impossible to destroy a god
without the power of the Destruction God.
Even if you take back
the Destruction God's power
and destroy the law of
the Heavenly Father God,
this world will only
rush headlong into ruin.
All creation simply obeys
the laws set for it.
Don't make me repeat myself.
I said that I would not allow it.
You fool. You are called
the Demon King of Tyranny,
and you intend to gaze into my abyss
to determine how to destroy me.
What nonsense is this?
Nous Galia,
you are not worthy of fighting me.
You are not even worth
fighting my right hand.
I give the greatest thanks to my liege
for his magnanimity,
for granting me the opportunity
to avenge my late wife's death.
You may destroy him with no reserve.
- There are no consequences to mind.
- Yes, my liege.
I annunciate to the ignorant Demon King
and the God-Killing Mad Sword
that your disrespect
begets divine smiting.
The word of a god is absolute.
Have you forgotten your failure
to cut my word 2,000 years ago?
Foolish magic sword.
Be destroyed.
All sinners beheld by my magic eyes
are judged by the purgatorial flame.
When it consumes your entire body,
what awaits is the complete
destruction of your source.
That is salvation.
Then I can cut you before that happens.
The judgment is absolute.
The god sword Rodeieu
will enact this judgment.
You see, this is a spirit jinx.
Don't lose it. So we can
meet again 2,000 years in the future.
You sought love so badly?
Your love was brought about
by a miracle of the gods.
You fulfilled your purpose
with the birth of Avos Dilhevia.
Go with your penance in mind.
Your sin was not thanking
the gods for your love,
foolish Mad Sword.
He wasn't foolish.
It wasn't a miracle.
I know that now.
My husband is
the Demon King's Right-Hand Man.
His sword has never once
failed to cut your word.
We never listened
to the gods' words even once!
Love was always in Shin's heart!
I taught him that.
The love that we grew together
was never defiled by any godly miracle!
Sorry, Shin.
I kept you waiting for 2,000 years.
Let us take her back.
Misa is not the child of a god.
She is our child.
You borrowed the body of the Love Fairy
to gain a temporary life,
Mother Great Spirit?
But even with your memories and form,
a tiny love fairy has not much mana.
The sword of the gods follows their will.
Please, everyone, help us!
- Let's play!
- Let's play together!
Tiny fairies, be smote
for defiling the presence of a god!
- Hey, mister
- over here
where you hear the hands clapping!
Your insolent behavior before a god
begets you smiting by fire.
Linion! Gigadeyal!
Foolish spirits who know not the gods,
know the law of the world.
Don't worry Leno.
Grandma? But how?
The same way you did.
I borrowed a body from Flan.
I forgot to tell my beloved
granddaughter one thing.
Don't worry about us Leno.
We love you and all that you love.
Where you go is where we will go.
Arha Alfrem!
Leno, I thank you.
Perish along with the ignorant spirits,
God-Killing Mad Sword.
Linion imbued it with her power?
The Shadow Wolf Jennur?
The impudence.
So one god sword is not enough?
You cannot escape from my word.
Just as you gained love 2,000 years ago,
and as you spread a rumor for 2,000 years,
a god's word is absolute.
Be destroyed, God-Killing Mad Sword.
Third secret art of
the God-Severing Sword,
Such a meaningless act.
A god's source is indestructible.
By no means can a god
Questionless is the hell of
a source split by a blade.
That is the judgment upon gods
enacted by the God-Severing Sword.
I thought that I failed to
cut them in that moment,
but it was as Leno said.
In any number of trials,
I could not possibly
fail to cut words from one as low as you.
Your holy sword
has already lost its power.
It's no longer a weakness for me.
The way you fight has not changed
in the last 2,000 years, Hero Kanon!
This leaves you with one final source.
It's futile.
I can't possibly be cut
by a holy sword that has lost its power.
Resign to your fate.
I promised her, you know.
If she had to shoulder a difficult fate,
I would be there for her.
No matter where she was, I would save her.
Then you should think this over again.
If you destroy me, you'll
never be able to fulfill that promise.
Kanon, the pitiful hero who continued
sacrificing himself to save the world.
Will you sacrifice even the one you love?
Misa is inside me now.
And she is afraid, you know?
Then I'll be yours.
Did you think I'd ever say that?
If I doubt that she's
willing to risk her life,
then I have no right to love her!
You're only trying to buy time.
If you defeat me now,
then Anos will simply destroy you.
If that isn't the case,
then finish me right now.
Yes. That's right.
Then as you wish,
I will destroy your final source
without leaving a single trace.
Misa, this is a technique
that your father taught me.
Even if he had no intention for it,
his destiny wants you to be saved.
So come back to me.
First secret art of the Sword of Spirits,
Gods, and Man
Heavenly Splitting Blade!
I've taken her back, Avos Dilhevia.
You won't live long with half a source.
Per your rumor and legend,
the Demon King will fall.
You lose, Avos Dilhevia.
Oh, Hero Kanon, you fool.
Certainly, as you say, I won't live long.
But the same applies to Misa.
Misa, you know perfectly well
that you are me and I am you.
- As things stand, you will die as well.
- So what if I do?
I've lived dreaming of
a world where demons of mixed
blood and Highbloods can join hands
and live in peace.
The last thing I want is a false
Demon King who would ruin that dream.
That is only a dream.
You were born into this world to live
according to the rumor and legend
of the Demon King of Tyranny.
It isn't just a dream!
I have friends who swore to
achieve the same ideal.
I have a true Demon King
who never yields to the absurd.
I have a father who waited
for the day he could meet me,
and a man that I love.
You fool. He decided to sacrifice you.
In other words, he never loved you.
The love you're speaking of
is a very small one.
Having my life
saved isn't all that I want.
To me, living means for me to be me.
That's why Lay saved me.
So that I wouldn't need to
tyrannize others any longer.
He doesn't want to hurt others
above all else,
but he hurt me for my own sake.
You can't understand Lay's
pure and simple feelings.
You aren't me in any way!
An empty argument.
I've acquired it.
Come to me, Venz D'Noa.
Did you think the one who
cut first would be faster?
The law before me
destroys even that absolute.
Lie there and watch as your beloved woman
- disappears forever this time.
- Misa!
You've finally decided to
be serious, Avos Dilhevia?
But you're too late now.
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