The Traitors UK (2022) s02e11 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 11

This program me contains some
strong language
Previously - 22 players arrived
at this Scottish castle
to play the ultimate
murder mystery game
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
With Ross recruited by the Traitors,
everyone turned up at breakfast
What the hell?!
and accusations flew.
They tried to kill you. Ross,
you didn't know he had a Shield.
I think you're the Traitor.
I think it's either you or jasmine.
Tensions reached boiling point
at the Round Table
Why haven't you looked at Evie?
All three of you didn't know that
there was a Shield in play.
Your theory's completely ludicrous
to us. I don't think it is.
Well, to you, Zack!
Zack, you're not even listening!
resulting in one Traitor
facing the spotlight
When have you ever heard me
say the word "elusive"?
You've 100% said that to me.
You try and twist things round
and make things look bad on me.
If I go today, 9W5,
look at this man
cos you have barefaced lied to me.
and another banished
from the castle.
Ross. Ross.
I am aTraitor.
That's the biggest shock.
I was actually the son of someone
in this game,
and that person was Diane.
No way!
But who will be the Traitors'
next victim?
We need to obviously
make a decision.
It's jaz, Mollie or Zack.
This is The Traitors.
If we murder anyone else,
it makes no sense. Yeah.
Like, if we left this person in the
final, it'd just be a stupid move.
it just seems like
the perfect plan, really.
It is, yeah, definitely, 100%.
I feel good about this one.
# The tide is high
# It's sink or swim
# My only rival is within #
Last night,
the Traitors struck again.
Which of the Faithful
will live to see another day
and will be within
touching distance of the final?
We're first again.
Diane and Ross?
I was expecting lots,
but I wasn't expecting that.
Putting the rose in Diane's coffin,
like, his own mum, he's like
He did so well. Like, I would have
never, never guessed that.
Like, he has really,
really had me there.
I mean, he really did a number on
you, didn't he? Yeah, he really did.
How are you feeling after that?
I'm feeling OK. The spotlight's
definitely going to be on me.
Yeah. I think I am going today.
Do you still think it's Zack,
based off of what you were saying
last night?
I don't know, no!
Come in! Come in!
I'm so close to the final now.
I literally have no idea
how I've got here.
And, like, I've met
so many amazing people being here,
I just feel so lucky.
Whatever reason I am still here,
I'll take it.
I'm buzzing.
I've been thinking about it
all night.
Ross's reaction to Andrew
was the strangest thing. Yeah.
He, like, lost it, didn't he?
Andrew looked rattled as well.
Last night's Round Table
was a bit strange.
Ross said that Andrew was lying
and that we need to look at him,
and then he changed his vote
to Andrew
when he was completely set on Zack.
Who do you think went last night?
Zack and Harry have been really good
recently at getting Traitors. Yeah.
For me, it seems like
they'll be targets.
Bit of a risk, both of them. Yeah.
That would be such a big loss
to the team. Yeah.
Hello! Hello!
Morning! Oh! Morning!
EVIE: Ah, babe. Hi.
Good morning! Hi, good morning.
I'm so happy to see you.
We were just saying, we thought you might in trouble
cos of the night before. Yeah, I know. That's
That's what I thought. I thought I was a
goner cos they obviously tried murdering me.
I was just so happy
to be at breakfast.
I really thought I was
going to get murdered last night.
The person I'm looking at today
is Andrew.
Is it? Yeah.
He has been quiet.
I think he's been really, really
nervous before the Tables,
when his name's not really
been mentioned. Yeah.
What are you thinking, Harry? Ancl if you think it's
me, it's fine, you can say it. Yeah, I can't lie.
I do think it's between you and Andrew,
unfortunately. You've sort of got the same Yeah.
Honestly, it is completely fair.
Like, I actually have no defence
to it.
Like, he really pulled the wool
over my eyes.
I do see it. Definitely as
Faithfuls, we can definitely win.
But I'm not saying this to you and
I'm going to go with you now 100%,
cos we've still got the whole clay
to go.
It depends who leaves as well,
because Yeah, true.
Who's been murdered, because
True. ..especially knowing
that no-one had the Shield,
like, surely it had to be someone.
Yeah, who's left?
We've literally got three left -
Andrew, jaz and Zack.
I mean, if Andrew's not here, I am
going to be completely thrown off.
Honestly, I hope it's not Zack
because that would just, like,
make me look awful,
but obviously, though, it's just a great
move from the Traitors if it is. Yeah. Yeah.
BOTH: Come in!
Hello! Oh, It's Zack.
Is that all of us? Zack.
That's tough.
Zack makes just more sense
to murder.
If we give him another clay,
he can always turn on us.
Yeah. It could link back to jasmine,
cos them two had a bit of a
A couple of clays of arguing.
So it's a double bluff.
He deserves to be in the final,
but that's why we can't keep him in.
Ooh, there it is!
"Dear Zack, by order of the
Traitors, you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
Ah, I thought my days were numbered
after yesterday.
It's a bit of a gut punch, but
I knew I'd be on the chopping block.
I think I put a massive target
on my back by basically,
singlehandedly finding a Traitor.
It's just well-played to them.
I really, really, really hope
my fellow Faithfuls
can find them, though.
It's been a wonderful experience,
butit has to come to an end,
I guess.
MOLLIE: Oh, so sad for Zack!
A big Faithful.
With Zack, he was just
an incredible person,
so the fact that he's been murdered,
it is a bit of a shame.
I feel like that's so unfair
cos he was so good. Yeah, I know.
I had a suspicion that
it would be Zack
because after that
Round Table yesterday
and I was the only person
with Zack's name on the slate,
like, they could pin it on me.
That is
such an easy alibi for a Traitor.
OK, shall we speak about
what we're thinking, though?
Cos I think, obviously, my name's
definitely in contention here.
Ancl mine as well. Mmm. Yeah.
EVIE: How are you feeling
after what Ross did?
It's not a word I would ever use. If I was to
use that word, I'd say dodgy. Yeah, elusive.
Exclusive Was it elusive?
I'll be perfectly honest - that was
a bit stressful at the moment.
I know I'm going to have a battle
tonight at the Round Table,
based on what Ross said
when he left last night.
100%, there's eyes on me
this morning now, yeah.
Andrew, I have to say it -
like, his reaction to you,
it was just the weirdest thing.
I know he could be throwing you
under the bus,
but obviously we have to look
at it. Yeah, of course, yeah.
Because he was gunning for Zack,
and as soon as that come up,
he said a couple of us were lying,
but with you, it was like
a completely different reaction.
He just flipped. And then
when he said Andrew on his board,
I thought, "Whoa! That is"
Yeah. "That's odd."
Good morning! PLAYERS: Good morning.
Congratulations - I mean it.
You have made it to
the penultimate breakfast.
Oh, my God! It's so mad.
There's so few of you.
Not everyone made it, of course.
Goodbye to Zack. PLAYERS: Bye, Zack!
He is now ancient history.
And on that subject, I'll see you
outside for the mission soon.
You all right? Yeah. Good?
Mollie's not going to.
That's what I mean.
Yeah, but
Yeah. All right.
Harry's a great guy. I feel like
I'm a clad to Harry, to be honest.
My son is the same age as Harry,
so, erm, I'd like to think
he'd support me.
Nobody really doubts him, nobody
He's just cruised through.
Yeah, at the moment,
he's in a very strong position.
Very strong position.
What do you guys think
of jasmine, man?
For me, I've got more info and
evidence on her than anyone else.
Yeah, that's what I mean.
Andthat's alll can go off.
For me, it was the way she reacted
with Zack the night before.
Ancl the thing is also,
she was kind of rude
at the Round Table with Evie.
Last night and the night before.
She was really rude to you.
And I've not seen that
I've not seen that behaviour
from her. If you look at Zack,
it's like, "Why would you
not want him on your team?"
I would He's on my team.
I'm not going to get rid of him
and take one of my allies out.
I don't really get the whole
But what's the benefit to me?
Why would I say that to Ross? What
would be the benefit of me saying that?
I think he was trying to protect
jasmine as he went out.
Do you reckon? That's what I think
he was trying to do.
Yeah, like I said, I'm not an idiot,
I would have kept Zack in,
cos Zack was 100% gunning for
jasmine. Mate, that's how I feel right now.
Ancl jasmine would have gone.
She would have 100% gone then,
rather than now putting
a bit of pressure on me.
For me, the weight of the Traitor
cloak is heavy on me at the moment.
It's a bit harder
than I thought it was going to be.
Ancl the purpose I'm doing it for is
to have a better life for my family,
and family means the world to me,
really, so every time I struggle,
or every time I'm thinking about
making a tough decision,
I would think of my partner,
her children and my son,
and that's what's going
to keep me going.
Oh, my God! I'm going to go in now.
I think I win.
No-one's going to hit that.
You actually are just good
at everything. That's touching.
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling OK.
It is what it is. If it's any
solace, I think a lot of people
are going to bring up stuff
about Andrew as well. Really?
Yeah, I don't think
it's just going to be you.
Can I speak to you about something
that I do feel guilty about?
Yeah. What's up? Erm
Ancl I know it might seem like
I'm just trying to
I haven't been right
in any part of this game, but
Well, I wouldn't say that. Well,
yeah, but I just think that
In hindsight, I think that
Zack's theory has legs
Mm-hm. ..which in my head
only leaves me or you. Yeah.
Do you get what I mean?
Cos I'm thinking the same. Yeah.
Zack's theory does have legs.
If a Traitor tried to murder Harry,
it only leaves
the people that didn't know
that Harry had the Shield.
Now, Ross is a Traitor, I'm a
Faithful - who else does that leave?
it just makes the most sense to me
that Evie is a Traitor
on the basis that she didn't know
that Harry had the Shield.
I think we're two sides of the same
coin - that's the problem. Yeah.
Do you think? Yeah.
But I just feel so guilty,
thinking that you're a Traitor
because I actually just love you.
I was kind of expecting that anyway.
Like, I was kind of expecting you to
say that Oh, OK. ..if I'm honest,
cos it would be silly for me
to think that of you
and you not to think that of me
when we're both in the same theory
that Zack came up with, so
I just didn't want to blindside you. I
think everyone's name's going to come up.
There's not many people that
I could say that
if I was still in that final with,
I'd be 100% happy.
The only person I would be is you.
Yeah. And, like, 100%.
It's not me and I don't think
it's you either. Mmm, exactly.
Mollie, I don't think she'll ever
turn on me. 100%, I trust her.
These last couple of clays,
we've got, like, really close
and we've really got on well.
It's getting to that stage now
where it's so close to the end
that every single step
I make's pulling the
heartstrings more,
cos I have more of a connection
and bond with these people.
Think I'm going
more towards Andrew today.
Really? I just feel like we've
We can do this.
I think we can, yeah. As long as we're
here tomorrow, we know where to go.
Andrew, I respect him so much,
but at the same time,
he's got so much heat on him.
I need to disconnect my emotions
and feelings.
Like I have to do in the Army,
I've got a job to do -
and I'm not going down.
Ah, this is so tough now!
Like, so tough.
My disabilities probably have made
me stronger and, like,
more resilient, but this game
is so mentally confusing.
Like, I'm just scared of who I'll be
standing next to in the final.
Today is the first time I've
properly thought about the money
and how much I do really want it.
Ancl the thought of a Traitor
like, snatching it away from us,
it's It's unthinkable, really.
We're this close. Like, whoever it
is now is just a fucker, in't they?
Ancl I could be an idiot
for saying it,
but | think I'd be happy
standing at the final with Harry,
confident that he's a Faithful.
With time running out to add
to the final prize pot,
the players must now head to
their penultimate mission.
Have fun.
Oy! Let's go!
Ancl we're off.
Ancient history? I don't know
what the hell that could be.
Ancient history? I'm like,
"Mate, I know mad facts."
If you stretch out a human's DNA
and put it in a line,
it would go to the sun and back
30 times.
I bet you didn't know that.
I hope it's not actual history
cos I'm awful at that.
So we've only got
two challenges left?
I'm hoping today's going to
be a big one.
Yeah, that'd be good.
I really want to be here tomorrow.
JASMINE: What the hell?!
This looks freaky, man.
What the hell is going on?
That is horrible.
That's not creepy at all.
I really don't like this.
What the hell?
This is horrible!
It's like my worst nightmare.
Players, welcome.
It has got a little bit weird.
Yeah. You are standing before
an ancient place of worship.
This is the Traitors' Monument.
As you can see,
it draws quite a crowd.
These people are freaking me out.
It was like a cult. It was like
some sort of a possession
that's about to take place -
and we were the victims.
In today's mission, you all have
to answer a series of puzzles
to unlock this monument
and discover its secrets.
You will have 30 minutes.
If you do it correctly, you will
add £7,000 to the prize fund.
Seven grand!
Now for something important.
In today's mission,
there is no Shield.
And that's because, tonight,
there will be no murder.
Absolutely unbelievable.
If I do make it through
the Round Table tonight
and I get through to the final,
it's going to be
one of the best night's sleep
that I'm going to have
since I've been here.
That's sick!
0h, my gosh!
The whole master plan
was to get rid of another Faithful,
but there's no murder tonight,
so it's sort of cocked my plans up.
My advice? Look around,
take everything in, use your smarts.
30 minutes,
£7,000 for the prize fund
Good luck.
Your time starts
Should we start? OK.
Yeah. I think we need to
The alphabet.
Errn Right, there's
loads of shapes here,
so this is going to be a word,
innit? Yeah, yeah.
Quite quickly, we found out
that we had to translate,
like, hieroglyphics on the side
of the tomb,
using a key that was written
on the stone.
Right, starting from the top, yeah?
It's, like, left, straight up and
right With a dot in the middle?
and a clot in the middle.
That's I.
I. So, someone keep that in mind - I. Ancl
then there's just a square. Then it's a square.
It was really confusing, though.
Is it down and left? What's the
next one? Backward I? Yeah, yeah.
People were trying to, like,
mimic out the symbols,
so it had lots of people
doing this or this.
Ancl then they were realising
they were doing it the wrong way.
V like that? Yeah, that's V.
Players, you've had five minutes.
R-E. R-E.
Is it remove? R-E-M-O-V-E.
Remove. Yeah, remove. OK.
When you've done a few letters, you
can sort of tend to guess the word,
so, yeah, we just knew that
it was "remove".
Ancl then a V.
S, S. Normal V is S.
Ancl then an arrow pointing right.
Star. Remove star.
P-O-L Pole.
Remove star, insert Insert poles!
Remove star Is that these?
Is it these?
We just sort of put
two and two together,
started to remove the stars
from the pyramid.
Insert these poles. Oh!
OK, which ones?
Let's just stick 'em in.
Do they fit?
Yeah, it fits.
Oh, thank God for that!
And then once we did that,
we boxed off the first puzzle.
Thank you very much.
It's time to continue.
Oh! Thank you so much.
The next part was, like I say,
a riddle we had to work out.
Dragon. Find a dragon,
find a dragon on them.
You're finding a dragon. jasmine
absolutely smashed that riddle.
I would have been there for hours
trying to figure that out.
Find the dragon. Dragon, dragon!
Is that. Is that one?
Wait, wait
Players, 15 minutes have gone.
You've only got half the time left.
Dragon, dragon, dragon. You have a
dragon on you. Look at the symbols!
Guys, they've got symbols
on their backs as well. Yeah.
Is that not a dragon?
Am I just making that up?
Yeah, a dragon. This is a dragon.
OK, what else does it say?
So we've got to turn something.
I think there's
There's an eye on here, there's an eye on
here, so we need to turn it to face the dragon.
OK. Push, push, push. Good!
Oh, wait, where's the eye?
It's here, it's here, it's here.
Keep going.
Tell us, Jasmine, when we're there.
Yeah, keep going, keep going, keep going.
Stop. Yeah?
That was awesome. That was quick.
You smashed that!
Another puzzle completed.
You ready for the next one?
OK. jaz, read it
Read it, read it!
Oh, it's a biggie.
Oh, it's a big one.
"To unlock the secrets
of the monument,
"it's time for you
to remember the dead.
"You must chant the names
of murdered players
"in the order they departed.
"With each name recalled,
"you must turn the eye 90 degrees
clockwise, then bang the drum.
"Once correctly completed,
its secrets will be revealed."
OK. OK, drum.
So, to the beat of the drum,
we had to chant each person's name
in orderin which
they got murdered.
OK, so who got murdered first?
CHANTING: Aubrey, Aubrey!
Whoa, whoa! That's 90 degrees.
OK, next.
Was Kyra next? Yeah
Kyra. Kyra!
That's 90 degrees, yeah. OK.
You've only got five minutes left.
Then was it not the dungeons,
so it would have been Meg, was it?
Yeah. Yeah, it was Meg
and then Tracey.
I have no idea how everyone
the names of the people
that were murdered.
Obviously, I remember their names,
but I just don't remember the order.
Meg and then Tracey, yeah? OK.
Whoa, whoa!
OK, and then Diane.
Diane! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What about Charlie?
That was after. That was the last
No, Charlie's recent.
Ready? Diane!
I thought we killed a lot more
people than that, to be fair.
I thought I'd murdered pretty much
And then now Zack, innit?
Zack. Zack.
Yeah. Zack!
What? What?! That's sick.
just when you think
we've completed the mission,
there is a surprise.
It's like, "This is crazy!" This is
the mad thing about this game.
What the hell is going on?
This is stressing me out.
What is going on?
Players, you have added £7,000
to the prize fund.
Not only that, you have unlocked the
secrets of the Traitors' Monument.
Please go and take a place
at a point of the star.
Impaled somewhere in that stone
is the Sacred Sword.
Whoever manages to successfully
pull out the Sacred Sword
will become its holder
and be faced with a huge decision.
Claudia said,
"Whoever gets that sword,
"they're going to have to make
a big, big decision."
It was genuinely so scary.
jasmine, please approach the stone
and choose a sword.
I was apprehensive because
I knew it came with a big decision,
and I At that point in the day,
I don't think that the group would
have wanted a big decision from me
because they have suspicions of me.
I am sorry, jasmine. You have not
selected the Sacred Sword.
Please return to your post.
Andrew, it is now your turn.
Andrew, I'm sorry.
Mollie, please approach the stone.
Honestly, I was hoping
I didn't pull out the sword.
I didn't need any more
complicated decisions to make.
jaz, it is now your turn.
Do I want the sword or do I not?
You know what? I'd rather have it
because, you know,
at least I'll have some form
of power.
jaz, I'm sorry, please return.
This is actually scary.
I really, really wanted
to win the sword.
Evie, that is not the sword.
It was brutal.
Like, it was really gutting.
Harry, please choose a sword.
That mission had me stressing, man.
Claudia had said something about
a big decision, you know.
I'm so close, I just don't want
anything to ruin it now.
No way!
Of course, Wonder Boy pulled out
a full sword.
It's just mad, innit?
Harry, congratulations.
As the owner of the Sacred Sword,
you now have a decision to make.
As a team, you all made £7,000
in today's mission.
You now have the chance
to take that money for yourself
no questions asked,
and carry on in the game.
Seven grand, like, I was
I'm just thinking of
my beautiful family,
all of 'em, like, stressing out
about work and, like,
having the dosh to go away
on holiday and stuff,
and it's, like, to win seven grand
for the people I love around me,
like, it would be amazing.
But, also, the bigger picture
is like,
my head's still in the game.
That's a lot of money,
but if you do it,
it will come at the expense
of the prize pot.
That is a tough decision.
£7,000 is a lot of money.
So the question is,
£7,000 for the prize pot
or £7,000 into your bank account?
He had a big dilemma.
You could do a lot with £7,000.
I mean, this is a hard decision
cos, obviously,
seven grand goes a long way
for anyone
and it'd do great things for me.
But at the same time, I've been
a team player since the start,
so I feel like, as a team, we could
definitely win it as Faithfuls.
Ancl obviously, it's more money
to split betweenwhether there be
three or four of us at the end.
When I had to say my piece,
I was just like,
"I need everyone to fully believe me
and trust me
"because if they do
and I make it all the way,
"that money's all going to be mine."
Thanks for the offer, though.
I appreciate it.
So it's a definite no?
A definite no, yeah.
An honourable choice.
Harry, thank you so much.
Go back to your end of the star.
I think what Harry did
was totally expected.
He does everything
with the team in mind.
There was no way that he was
going to take £7,000
and pocket it for himself.
I'm I know him
and I knew he wouldn't do that.
Because of Harry's decision,
you have added £7,000
to the prize pot.
Woo! Well clone, guys!
Well clone, Harry! Thank you.
Fair play to him
for turning that money down.
He's a team player
and he wants to help the group.
Seven grand or 100 grand -
what would I rather take?
Ancl I know my family would say
the same thing,
so I hope I've clone the right thing.
As I said, there is
no murder tonight,
but there is a banishment.
I'll see you at the Round Table.
Off you go. Back to the castle.
Harry, you can keep that sword.
Excellent for Cheddar.
SIGHS: Seven grand.
Fair play. That must have
been rough.
I'm sat here now, thinking of
all the stuff
I could have clone with seven grand.
I was impressed that he
put the money back into the pot,
in all fairness to him. And there's
still a chance that at the end,
he might not win anything.
Harry's little speech
when he got the Sacred Sword
Yeah! Fair play on him.
..what did you think of it?
Harry's not the type to do it,
is he? Yeah.
I don't trust Harry at all.
He goes completely under the radar.
Nobody really questions him.
I don't know if I'm going to get
the opportunity to put that on him,
and if I go against somebody
like Harry, where everyone
doesn't have any suspicions,
it's just going to go against me.
Since the start,
like, I've been Faithful
and I feel like everyone knows that
now. It's like, I don't feel like
In a sense, as long as we get
the Traitor out Yeah.
It's even made me
want to do it even more,
cos I want you to have
that money, like
Home, sweet home.
Shoes off. Shoes off.
Was anyone, like, convinced, though,
someone was coming back from the
dead, like, in the middle of that?
We were all thinking Aubrey, right?
If Aubrey was sat inside that big
thing, I would not I know, right?
I would not know what to do.
I think jasmine's agoner,
cos I'm worried about tomorrow,
innit? Mmm?
I'm worried about tomorrow.
Now I'm trying to think,
"How do we win the game together?"
Even if I drop before you,
you'll go through.
Who's going to look at you?
if jasmine was to go,
then there is still two of us.
I don't trust him 100% -
you can't trust him after
seeing what he's done to everybody.
I'm very close to the final.
It's a huge pot of money to win.
I think I need to think about
myself. That's my game plan now.
I won't stop playing till
the final whistle.
Right, either way, I love you, man.
Yeah, I love you. Obviously I mean that.
You're a top bloke.
You're a top guy.
That's so good!
There's something about cold pizza
that makes me so happy.
I'm not looking forward to this
Round Table, though. I'm so nervous.
just can't be bothered to get grilled. It's
like, you know when you're telling the truth
and it's just like Yeah. You've
got to just Go for it. Yeah.
But, like, the thing is, is that,
like, it does look suss,
so it's like I will just have
to swallow it.
Hmm. Thanks, Ross!
I'll never take anything
lying down, look,
but I think it's a shoo-in
that I'm competitive.
Like, I play sports competitively,
so anything that is given to me,
I will give back.
I'd love to win that money.
If I left at this point, so close to
the final, it would be very gutting.
So, say if you was to go,
who would you say?
I think, logically, the only people
that should be in the running
are me and Evie
Yeah. ..and I know it's not me.
I think Evie needs to be
brought up tonight. She does.
If you voted for me, like,
I promise you I would stand up there
and I would say that I'm a Faithful.
So, like, you would have to look
somewhere else.
Do you know what I mean?
So, jas has recently turned round
and said now that Ross is a Traitor,
she thinks I'm the other Traitor
instead of her,
and I'm saying to her, "Well, we're
just two sides of the same coin,
"cos I think you are."
Cos it's the same rule.
I think the only reason I'm here
is so that jasmine can pin
that theory on me now,
and then she can turn round and say, "Well,
Zack's theory was right, you're the other person,
"so I'm going to vote you." Tonight? She's going to
vote me tonight. I'm not going to vote you tonight.
Look at the way they were acting
last night, them two
What two? Both Ross and jasmine,
as soon as Ross
These two, they were like They
were on sync. Like that. In sync.
Obviously, I want to stay
and I want people to trust me
and I want to end the game
with Faithfuls, but I absolutely
will be putting my big girl fighting
pants on for the Round Table.
I'm telling you two,
I'll be totally honest -
and if it gets back, I don't care -
you two are 100% Faithful,
and Mollie.
She's sticking up for jasmine
right now, though.
Mollie's being used
by both of them.
Harry, jasmine, all manipulate her.
She's young and she's just
She'll just go whatever direction.
I think if I should go,
you all should look at, erm,
a certain person.
And Harry could be a perfect choice,
couldn't he? Yeah.
Nobody's mentioned him once. He
knows everything that goes on and
Do you know what I mean? I'm not
saying It's another theory.
I obviously mentioned Harry.
Obviously, I don't want to back stab,
but it's wearing,
not being able to trust anyone.
It's just difficult, especially
when there's only so few of us.
I didn't think it was going to be
as challenging as it is.
Has anyone ever said
before? No. No. No, never?
What are you thinking?
What are you thinking? I don't know.
I was very close in revealing
what I wanted to say about Harry,
but I'm happy that
I kept my cards close to my chest
if it meant keeping me in the game
for longer.
I'm not an easy target,
especially sort of
Sort of the tiger that's inside me.
# Bones of metal, metal #
The sun is setting,
and it's now time for a Round Table.
Tonight's is crucial.
Will it change the course
of the game?
We're about to find out.
# Do not try me, Devil, Devil
# Cannot buy me, Devil, Devil #
Everyone is suspicious of me.
However, all people's theories
about me ultimately are wrong,
cos I'm a Faithful.
I honestly think
I can get through to the final,
but in the back of my mind, it's
still like, "This is The Traitors."
You never know
what's going to happen next.
I'm not feeling very safe
this Round Table.
I know that jasmine is a rottweiler
when she's got a theory
and I know that I'm going to get
a lot of heat on me from her.
Before this Round Table,
I'm going to be a bit nervous cos
there's very few of us,
so, obviously,
I'm going to be challenged,
especially on what Ross mentioned,
said last time when he left.
It's just getting harder and harder.
I don't want to see
any of them leave,
but there's no way that,
at this point,
I can take any risks
of taking a Traitor to the final.
Players, welcome to the Round Table.
You are so close to
the finishing line
and you are about to enter
the very final stages of the game.
12 Faithful have been either
murdered or banished
and you have rather brilliantly
caught four Traitors.
There are now six of you
here at the penultimate Round Table,
and for one of you,
it'll be your final night.
So, who do you trust?
Who is not exactly what they seem?
Your prize fund currently
stands at £75,150.
So, who is willing to fight
for their place in the final?
Who would like to begin?
Erm, can I begin? So, obviously,
yesterday's Round Table
was revealing
fora lot of reasons.
Everyone knows that I wasn't on
board with Zack's theory yesterday
about why I was a Traitor and that's
not true because I'm a Faithful.
Then, when Ross revealed
he's a Traitor,
that's when hindsight came into play
and I saw that the theory had legs.
With that,
it doesn't make sense to me
that anyone that knew
that Harry had the Shield
would even try to murder Harry.
I think you knew that Harry
had a Shield, did you? Yeah.
You knew that Harry had the Shield,
you knew that Harry had
the Shield Yeah, yeah.
which just leaves me and Evie,
if I'm honest Yeah.
which leaves me to be suspicious
of you,
becauseobviously I know
I'm a Faithful Yeah.
and you're the only other person
involved in that theory.
I think it's quite difficult cos
I think you've picked up this theory
now to maybe cover your own back
for not believing it yesterday.
I think you've picked up the theory,
you've now said I've defended Ross,
I went in on Zack.
I don't actually
understand why you were so intent
on fighting with Zack,
because you're a really smart person
and that was so pointless. Like,
it was really, really pointless
to be fighting that much with Zack
for such a long period of time
over nothing.
He was just, like,
spouting off theories,
like, about me. I get it. Like, I
I defended Zack cos I believed that
he was a Faithful,
but I definitely did not defend
his approach.
What I didn't understand was why you
chose to spend so much time on that
instead of maybe looking at Ross,
cos why didn't you ever
look at Ross?
Erm, well, everyone has had
situations at this Round Table
where they have defended a Traitor.
Like, Zack has defended Ash,
like, Andrew's defended Paul.
Like, I don't necessarily think
being wrong makes you a Traitor.
I just think
it just makes you wrong.
I think thedifference is between
Zack looking at just you and Ross
was that he did look at me.
I think people think that
Zack didn't grill me,
but he sat me down
and he did grill me also,
but my voting history stands
for itself.
I voted for Ash the clay before
she actually got banished.
I did the same with Paul. I voted
for Paul in the Miles banishment.
Same with Ross - I approached Ross
way before
we even went into this Round Table
last night, and I said,
"I wouldn't do that if I was
a Traitor, coming here."
What I would say to that is that
it's easy to have an outstanding
voting history if you're a Traitor
and you know who the Traitors are.
Have I ever been suss?
Like, have I ever tried to
persuade anybody's vote?
Have I ever tried to be influential?
I think the only thing
we can obviously think of is
the Ash vote Yeah. ..and it's
whether you I just thought that.
That's the only thing I think that,
with yourself, is suss.
Ancl it's just the way Ash said,
"You're looking in the wrong
direction," and put your name,
but I mean, that's the thing.
You cantake it either way.
It's just hard. That was much later,
cos I had confronted her
at that Round Table.
Ancl I think maybe that's what happened
to you last night with Ross, I don't know.
Yeah, I can Thanks for
bringing that up, cos I was
I was going to start the Round Table
tonight myself and say,
"I've never gone round and
spouted names to anybody about"
I've never started witch hunts
with anybody, I've never
I don't think it was so much,
for me, what was said.
I think it was Ross's reaction
to you. Yeah, I get it, yeah. Yeah.
It was so different,
and he just flipped
and he was pointing fingers at you.
And if you've been set up,
I'm so sorry,
but obviously it is something
that you have to look at
Yeah, I agree with that ..because it's happened
before at the table and it has been two Traitors.
I see it as well.
Like Mollie's saying,
it is a complicated situation
cos he stood up there
and said he was a Traitor,
so we don't know what parts of it
was authentic, and
It was his reaction, though,
that really
I'll be honest, like,
even from my perspective,
I started believing him. If he
hadn't have mentioned my name now,
you wouldn't have been talking
about me,
or maybe you would've been
talking about me tonight, but not
He's just created what he's wanted to have
created now, he's deflected to somebody else.
And has he done that to protect you?
Because he knew that
if he was revealed as a Traitor,
we were going to look at you next?
I was very close to Ross.
Why on God's earth would
I hang around with Ross so much,
in such a blatantly obvious way,
if we were both Traitors?
If you look at the trend of how the
Traitors that we've got out behave,
they're larger than life
outside the Round Table
and they're quiet
at the Round Table.
They don't really say names,
and then they just go with
who everyone is voting for.
And then if we look at
your behaviour, you spoke
You speak at the Round Table,
but kind of when spoken to.
You speak a lot more
outside the Round Table,
so I don't Definitely don't.
Well, I don't know.
I wouldn't necessarily call you,
like, a big voice
at the Round Table, Evie.
I think the mould does fit you.
Or would it make more sense to break
the mould and do what you do?
It's so difficult.
It's basically like you guys
are just like,
" | f it's not one of us,
it's the other one."
You know what I mean?
What I will say to you is if
I stand up there and say that I
And I will have to say that
I'm a Faithful-
and I promise you, I will say that
because it's true -
but you need a plan B.
You need to look somewhere else,
and in my opinion,
you should look at Evie.
Anything that I say, you're going to
say the same thing back.
Like, this is it. Well, yeah.
We're just opposites right now.
But the thing is that
you've been acting really shifty.
I've not been acting shifty.
You've been defending Traitors.
I've not been defending Traitors.
Faithfuls have been standing up for me. Faithfuls
haven't been standing up for you. I'm not
How am I acting shifty?
Oh, no, you have, babe.
I've justified
You're the one defending Traitors.
Well, not by choice.
I didn't know he was a Traitor.
I'm clone. If you want to vote me,
you can vote me.
It's a wasted vote.
That's all I've got to say.
Players, it is now time to vote.
Please write down the name of
the person you believe is a Traitor.
Are your votes locked in?
ALL: Yeah. Thank you.
Mollie, we'll start with you.
Please tell me who you believe
is a Traitor and why.
Erm, Andrew, I'm so sorry. Don't be
sorry! I've voted for you tonight.
I am sorry, cos I literally
think the world of you
It's fine, don't worry. ..but I was
just up all night last night,
thinking about
Ross's reaction, so
Andrew, who have you voted for
and why?
It's really tough at this stage.
I came here with a name in my head,
and it's jasmine.
I did listen to the point
about Evie, and it
It was a very good, valid point.
I don't think the other three
are Traitors andyeah.
So, unfortunately,
I've voted for you. I'm sorry.
That's all right.
jasmine, who have you voted for
and why?
I have voted for Evie.
It is nothing personal.
I just think, given the evidence,
it just makes the most sense
that it's you.
Evie, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I voted for you, jasmine.
# I walk this lonely road #
Again, nothing personal,
but I just think there's
evidence for you.
# The only one
that I have ever known #
jaz, who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
Er, the person I'm voting for
tonight is jasmine,
and that's for the points
that I raised earlier.
And for the final vote, Harry.
I voted for yourself, jasmine.
I just couldn't shake the suspicion
we have of you right now
and the whole defending Ross.
I really hope I'm wrong
and right at the same time.
It's good enough, babe.
jasmine, you have received
the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
# My shadow's the only one
who walks beside me #
jasmine, you have been banished.
Before you leave us forever,
please reveal-
are you a Faithful
or are you a Traitor?
It's been a journey, oh, my God!
Erm, yeah, it's been emotional.
Love you all and good luck.
I am
a Faithful.
# My shadow #
# The only one that
walks beside me #
I thought she was going to
say she was a Traitor.
I thought she was going to say she was a Traitor,
too. When she was smiling so much, I was like
We're fucked.
So, you have banished a Faithful.
No-one is being murdered tonight,
but you have a lot to think about
before bed.
It is not bedtime yet, though,
because I have a surprise for you.
Not a bad one.
I'm not inherently evil.
I am throwing you a dinner party.
I want you to have a great time.
Get changed and enjoy it.
See you later.
It's such a crucial time
in the game, like,
to get stuff wrong.
Ancl then you get it wrong and it,
like, implicates you in something
that you weren't even involved in.
There's obviously one or two of yous
that are playing a really good game now,
cos we've just been fighting each
other for this whole Round Table.
It could be either four of them.
I'm thinking about
how I don't trust anybody
and now I've got to sit at a dinner
party with people that are just,
like, so suspicious of me,
like I just
Oh! That was rough.
This is so horrible.
It is exhausting.
I'm really nervous for tomorrow.
The only person that I fully trust
right now is Harry, to be honest.
Probably looks like I've
not felt guilty at all
but, 100%, I have.
It's getting hard now.
Like, watching them two go at it,
when I know that they're both
Faithful and 100% -
everything they're saying -
defending themselves, is true.
It's hard.
I am human, by the way,
like, I cl I am
I do have feelings
and I feel guilty of getting
rid of these people.
Oh, guys! Oh, amazing.
This is so cute. No way!
Why do I still feel like
something bad's going to happen?
It was a mad change of events
after the Round Table,
going into a dinner party,
but the dinner party was
very much needed, I think.
Ah! Andrew, I can look
into your eyes, mate.
We can play footsie under the table.
I'm not sure if I trust Claudia - I think
she's going to come out of the room any minute,
and hit us with a bombshell. You've
got a challenge now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on, then, guys, do a toast,
guys. Somebody do a speech.
You do it, Andy.
Yeah, speech! Speech!
Guys, it's us five, it's amazing.
We're at the end.
The journey's been absolutely incredible
and, er, I've loved every second of it.
It's been an emotional
roller-coaster, physical roller-coaster,
right up until an hour or two ago, it's just I've
literally switched off, I've forgotten about that.
I just wanted us to celebrate and just be
proud of what we've achieved. So, cheers, guys.
ALL: Cheers.
You're amazing, guys. Cheers.
Thanks, guys. Well done,
we're proud of yourselves.
We decided, look, let's put
all the game to one side
and let's just enjoy it. You know,
let's just get to know each other
a little bit better
than we have already.
What was everyone's first impressions
of each other, like, compared to now?
Me and Evie, like, we hadn't
spoke to each other first clay,
and we, like, sat opposite the table and we both
literally just went, "I don't know that girl."
Like Fucking Traitor. Oh, really?
Yeah, but, like, just after that,
we were like, yakking away and then we were
like, "Hee!" I can't believe we actually
We were in the car, like, "Hee,
that's really funny, I really like you."
Everyone's so invested, as well -
like, listening
to everyone's stories
I still think I haven't talked to
everybody, to be honest.
I didn't talk to everybody. I've
only recently started talking to you
I know, mate. ..last week. Really, I
just It's like you said, it's so busy.
The last couple of clays,
me and Andrew.
You're at the final tomorrow,
you're like, "Hello!"
These are strangers
that wouldn't necessarily sort of
be together, you know,
in a group like that,
and the fact that
an experience like this has brought
us together in the way that it has
is You know, it's It's an
experience that you just can't get.
How did you come about it, Evie?
You know, I'm not that good at putting
myself out of my comfort zone sometimes -
like, I'm a bit of an observer,
a bit reserved, but I thought,
"No, I'm just going to try and do it,"
which is mad, which is crazy. Love that.
Yeah. 75 bags, though, by the way.
What you doing with it?
I'd just get a bigger place,
I think.
I think, we're in, like, a one-bed
flat, two clogs and a missus,
so I think, yeah, it'd be
nice to get a bit of garden.
Bit more space. Yeah.
I've kind of spent most of my life -
since I was 11 - quite unwell.
Um, kind of wanted to advocate
for people
with a limb difference
and a stoma.
If I look at myself three years ago,
I couldn't even leave the house
at points, so to now be here,
like, running around with
you guys is kind of crazy.
Playing with strangers, like. Yeah.
really struggled to get
my head around the fact that
I was going to have a stoma.
I wasn't prepared for it.
At 18 years old,
you kind of want to just be out
enjoying yourself with your friends,
not having this
life-changing surgery.
Since my surgery,
I've got my life back.
I realised, you know, I could wear
what I wanted, I could go out,
I could enjoy myself.
It completely changed my life.
I've had so much of my life
kind of taken away
and controlled by my illness.
I want to live and, like,
I don't want to, like,
regret not going travelling.
What an amazing woman Mollie is,
what she's gone through
and stuff like that.
It's just so good to see her be
the confident woman that she is,
you know? She's just doing what she
wants, not listening to anyone.
She is just, like,
strong enough on her own.
Never thought I'd make it
this far, like It's crazy.
It is, it's such a crazy thing.
Everyone's clone so well.
How about you?
just wanted to show what
a British Sikh lad is about.
Has it helped,
do you think it's helped you?
Yeah, mate, 100%, cos I
think everyone that I've met
has seen a side of me where
they've seen me be vulnerable,
they've seen me be, um, just myself,
and they've accepted it.
So, I've, um I've found
that quitequite nice, mate,
yeah, if I'm honest.
Um, yeah, like, I think
I've told a few people, like,
what I've been through
and we're essentially
sort of restarting our family
from scratch.
So my wife, you know, when I met
her, she sort of come into my life
during a time when it was
My family was like a sinking ship,
and it's very much like we're just
in this position
where we're like this now,
so that money would be so useful to
just use it to rebuild the family,
like, I just want to treat them
and just do something with them
cos they're
just, like, everything to me.
MOLLIE: How about you, Andy?
Well, basically, yeah Obviously,
as most of you know,
obviously, my accident I had 20-odd
years - 24 years ago -
and, er, I don't know
I've walked with a chip on my
shoulder for so long
and, you know, resentful and angry
about my accident and everything.
I looked at myself in the mirror for many years
and hated what I saw until quite recently -
I hated my scars, I hated
Basically, I hated everything,
really, and, er
Yeah, so to step out of my comfort zone and start
something like this is like a challenge to me really.
Maybe you have scars, maybe you
have a trauma in life
but keep on dreaming,
keep on chasing your dreams
and good things will
happen to you eventually.
just keep on believing in yourself.
In my life, I've never
really been, um
I've been my worst critic,
I'd always been hard on myself
I've, er I've never celebrated
anything I've done well,
or ever I've always thought
I'm always hard on myself,
I thought I always
could do things better.
I've never really appreciated
anything I've done in my life,
to be honest, and, urn, just to be in the final
of five is a real, a great achievement.
Yeah, I'm proud of myself.
My son wants to go
travelling to Australia,
so I could help pay for him to go
to Australia to go travelling.
Pay off some debts -
usual boring stuff-
and then I'd like to move
into, like, my career -
I'd like to change career and go
into helping people, maybe, like,
with their mental health or
with their physical health as well.
So that's my dream now -
is to set up my own business.
That's really, really cool.
HARRY: I love everyone. They've
been all genuine connections.
Um, so, like, now
everyone's, like, super close
and, yeah, it's tough. I feel
guilty. Yeah, it's a weird one.
But my happiness comes from the
people, seeing my family happy -
like, my brothers and my sisters
and, like, mine is like a madhouse.
There's, like, 11 or 12 of us.
Oh, my God!
So, like, when we go out for a family meal, it's
not just us going out, do you know what I mean?
You'll hear us going out. But it'd, like,
be the best thing to be able to go home
and, like, that Saturday be like,
"Let's all go out,"
but at the end, no-one's
got to worry about paying it.
Like, just being able to
go up and pay the bill.
That, firstly, would be amazing,
and then, yeah,
just, like, it just sets me up
for my next chapter in life.
Obviously, like, I'm not saying I'm
looking at getting out the Army,
but, like, I am sort of tired of,
like, travelling all the time.
Like, being away Monday to Friday,
sometimes it is just long.
So, like, getting a place would be just amazing,
cos then I've always got somewhere to call home.
It's just made me realise, like,
what amazing people I've
been on this journey with
and they all deserve the money
and it makes it even harder.
I'm so proud of you guys.
Definitely, you know, smashed it.
Congrats, everyone,
you've smashed it.
Everyone's going to be so proud
of each and every one of us.
I love you all.
Here's to the final,
let's smash that mission tomorrow,
and finish the game. ALL: Cheers.
Cheers, guys. Ooh,
I'm so proud of you. Mwah!
Oh. Hello? Come in!
Yeah, I knew it.
Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Evening. Good evening. Evening.
Don't be alarmed.
You five
are our finalists.
Yes! Yes!
Now onto the serious bit.
Tomorrow, you are going to face
your biggest mission yet
and the final Round Table.
The banishments will continue
until you are confident
there are no Traitors left.
Remember, if there's a Traitor
or Traitors left at the end,
they take it all.
That's a bit of a downer,
so, shall we cheers?
To you five, congratulations.
Cheers. To us five. Cheers! Our
finalists, well done. Cheers. Cheers.
I'm going to go.
So long, mate. See you later.
So long, guys. Congrats.
Well, we made good bonds
between the five of us.
# Blame it on my own sick mind #
I'm in game mode now.
I've switched my mentality
from happy-go-lucky, fun Andrew
to the winning Andrew.
My driving factor is my family.
If people say, "Will you feel bad
about taking money off people?"
I wouldn't, at the end of the day.
See you in the morning.
See you in the morning.
MOLLIE: I'm nervous.
This is a hard, hard game -
a really hard game.
I literally would just, like,
never forgive myself
if we stood there and let
a Traitor take all the money.
Sleep well, you finalists.
I am feeling so, so nervous,
knowing that my head's going to
be in the chopping block,
but I just need to
find my fighting spirit
and then they're going to have
a big job on their hands.
We'll chat tomorrow, man. Yeah, man.
Sleep well. Big, big congrats, bro.
Oh, my God! We're
We're nearly there.
We're nearly there.
But the game is not finished,
so I'm going to make sure
I do everything I possibly can
to catch the Traitor
or the Traitors.
It's hard.
For some reason, right at the end,
right now, I'm starting to feel bad.
But I can't let it all
come crashing down.
I know what needs to be clone.
I don't want to do it,
but I know it needs to happen.
My eyes are on that prize.
When tomorrow comes
and we're in that final,
I'm going to try my absolute hardest
to be there at the end
and take it all.
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