The Unit s02e11 Episode Script

Silver Star

By order of the secretary of defense to george anson blane, a sergeant in the 347th regimental combat team, on the night of october 10-11, 1952, at the risk of his life and under massive enemy fire, advanced upon and destroyed an enemy tank on hill 242 po chin, korea, his actions saving the life of his platoon, and contributed greatly to the success of the subsequent counterattack.
For action in the highest tradition of the armed services, george anson blane is hereby awarded the silver star.
Congratulations, sir.
i'm very proud.
Thought it was your boss tonight.
Personal business.
How's your boyfriend? I don't understand men.
Well, you know, they're just like women.
If you're nice to them, they like you; if you shoot them, they die.
What is the color of the day, please? Woman: The color of the day is yellow.
What is our animal? Woman: It is a robin.
And what is our last mystery category? Woman: It is the city of st.
How's the weather down there? The weather down here is is ice and snow.
Woman: Confirmed.
Y'all have a good night, sideshow.
Same to you, washington.
Sideshow out.
Woman: Well, we put you and jonas back in the old room in the attic.
He'd be happy sleeping in a hollow log.
We were gonna put you in the front room, but harold's boy, you know, was due to stay there with his wife.
His wife is expecting.
Oh, so you have been reading my letters.
Have you been reading mine? The few i get.
An "ao dai," which i am about to discover, is a garment with very little fastening.
Mmm! Now at first, if you take this don't let me disturb you.
Oh, no.
Pops was just giving us a lesson in world politics.
Well don't forget, as we're talking world politics, that there are young unmarried ladies present.
I'll get it.
Oh, come on in.
You must be teesha.
I'm your aunt molly uh, jonas' wife your husband's, i believe, aunt by marriage.
I'm sorry i'm late, grandma.
We had some trouble at home.
Well, you would have been proud of your grandfather.
Teesha! Ha ha! You come with me! I've put you in the front room.
I'm gonna draw you a bath and get you something to eat.
Molly: I'll take care of it, mama.
Teesha: I'm fine.
Don't you dispute me.
George: Darryl! Well, boy, look at you! Darryl, the last time i saw you, i had to stoop and squint just to pick you up.
George: Oh, i see they got you earning your money over there, son.
Yes, sir.
They've got me earning my money.
Well, i hope they don't have you doing anything dangerous.
Jonas: No, no.
Don't do anything dangerous.
Do that, and they might give you If they think of it! Ha ha! George: All grown up now Dad, how long were you on that troop ship? Son, i was on that troop ship about 145 years.
What were you doing on that ship, uncle george? Well, billy, i seem to remember i was playing cards.
Excuse me, pop.
Now, in those days, you just darryl: You heard what i said! I ain't saying it again.
We don't.
Oh, affirmative.
We've got it.
You can cut that off now.
I've got it.
Are you scrambling? Go to their sideband, please.
Man, over p.
A: I say again, respond.
This is the united states air force.
You are entering restricted airspace.
Identify yourself immediately.
I say again are they scrambling? They are now.
Man, over p.
A: Unidentified aircraft, you are about to enter the restricted airspace of indianapolis what do got? What's your radar say? Sideshow.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, they're scrambling.
Man, over p.
A: This is the u.
Air force no, sir, we do not.
Man, over p.
A: Identify yourself and state your emergency.
Mack: Yes, sir.
We will.
Yes, sir.
Should we go to the bunker, we will, as per procedure, and inform you of that move.
Man, over p.
A: Unidentified aircraft, off your left wing, you will see two f-15s.
They will escort you to the nearest field.
Man: This is peregrine 6 moving into trail formation.
Second man: Roger that.
Can you get a visual? Moving up on port side of bogey.
Oh, lord.
Oh, lord.
Somebody help me.
I i can't it's a bizjet.
Civilian: Can anyone hear me out there? Windstream 4-5.
Pilot: Windstream pilot, identify yourself and state your emergency.
Civilian: Is there anybody? Anyone?! Air force says civilian: I'm up here.
I'm up here.
Middle-aged man in the right-hand seat.
Pilot seems slumped over.
Civilian: I don't know how to fly a plane.
Man: What did he say? I can't fly a plane, and the pilot's dead.
What's your state, peregrine 5? Maintaining trail formation.
Angel's 22, 350 knots.
Visual contact with bogey.
Sarah: Windstream 458.
Place: Bizjet tail november 3-5-niner, delta tango.
Man: Registry delta tango civilian: I can't fly it.
I, uh i don't know how to fly it.
It's on course for indianapolis.
Downtown high rises? No, but over city limits.
You gonna splash him? Well, something's gonna happen in the next 100 miles.
Civilian: I can't.
Look u.
Pilot: Windstream pilot, identify yourself.
What? What?! Partch, bill.
L i Sideshow.
Flight plan shows pilot and one out of fenceboro, new jersey, to new orleans.
They're trying to i.
The guy.
Well, yeah, if that's him.
How's the girl? We put her upstairs in the attic.
Is she ok? No.
She's all right.
Get into the bathroom.
My blouse.
It ain't the first time an army wife cleaned somebody's bloody blouse.
Go on, get into the bathroom.
Jonas: So, you and me, son.
What are we gonna do about it? You don't know where i've been.
All right, where you been? I've been in combat! What's that like? Well, if you ain't seen it, then you can't know.
Oh, it's like the grand canyon.
All right.
But what i don't understand is what gives you the license to beat up on a woman? You want to talk me through that? Yeah? Your father's going to bed now.
Drive carefully.
I may be here for a while.
Now, son i just gave you 1/10 of the licking you deserve.
What do you think you're doing hitting on your pretty little pregnant wife?! I don't like to say it.
I don't truly care.
They call it p.
Now you're ashamed to tell me those initials, but you ain't ashamed to hit your wife.
Well, i'll tell you what: We gonna start again.
I, uh i need some help up here.
I got enough booze in me to float the "santa maria" up utah beach.
Pinnacle, it's sideshow.
He's a ranger.
Partch, on the plane.
He's he's first rangers.
Well, he just quoted me verse 4 of "christopher colombo.
" Shaka zulu pickled in bleach, "santa maria" up utah beach.
It's one of the banned verses of "colombo.
" Go for sideshow.
It's ok.
He's in the first rangers.
They show no service records.
Well, sir, i'm telling you.
Yes, sir, i'll hold.
Entering indianapolis airspace.
Go to yellow.
He crosses the finish line, pinnacle's gonna splash him.
But let's do it by the book.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Go to 12-25.
If he's a ranger, they want me to try to cut through to him.
Airfield within Willow field.
Windstream, windstream, delta tango, windstream, this is jim bark at willow airfield.
Come on.
Whiskey tango fox, over.
Who's that? Did i just hear you quote "colombo"? Hasn't that song been banned? Partch: Am i talking to a ranger? Of some antiquity.
Ok, windstream, what's your name, pal? Partch, william.
Well, partch, william i'm not gonna let a fellow ranger down.
I can't fly this plane, jim.
I'll be damned if i can't fly this plane.
Well, let's ranger on.
I'll tell you what: You turn your radio to 25-25.
In my experience, there's somebody at that number to give you some help.
No, no, babe.
No, no, babe.
Don't leave me.
No, you talk me down.
Oh, my god! You talk me down.
Why me? I need somebody that i can trust, pal.
Maybe i can't exactly say that i'm completely checked out on that aircraft.
i was in combat.
And that's some sort of tough transition coming back? Something very much like that.
And this tough transition is called something like post-traumatic stress disorder? What, you don't think it exists? Oh, no, son.
I have no doubt that it exists.
What i'm telling you is you can't afford it.
Why? Because you got a young wife and a child on the way.
And what do you think they're gonna do when you're stuck in prison for a felonious assault? Or to set you free to hit that poor child again which i will not do to have you act the coward.
And i don't care what you did in iraq or what was done to you, because we ain't got no wife-beaters in this family.
And you can take that p.
And put it somewhere safe.
Because i can tell you what's wrong with you in just two words you're angry.
Your unit got called up, you wanted to marry your girlfriend; some girl how long did you know her, two weeks? You come back, you're married a girl you don't even know and a child on the way.
You're angry.
But don't you dare come late when that soldier is getting that award and talk about combat.
Drink this, son 'cause you're about to hear a story.
Man: Baker 5, red leader.
Baker 5 to red leader, come in.
You hit, sir? You hit? Medic! I need a medic! Get a medic here now! He's losing a lot of blood.
Bravo 5-2 to red leader, bravo 5-2 to red leader.
Where's my air support?! Red leader, red leader, where's my close air support?! Blane, you got a medic kit? Roger that.
They're on top of us right now! I've got you, I.
Get a bandage on him.
Hurry! He's losing blood! I got it.
I got it.
Take all of them.
Blane, take a look.
Take the spy glass.
You're gonna be ok, lieutenant.
What do you got? Company's direct assault, sir.
What do you got on the left? What's on the left? A tank.
Red leader, red leader, this is bravo 5.
Be advised: I have a report of one tank.
Man, over radio: Mark your position with smoke.
Repeat: Mark your position with smoke.
Copy that.
Watch our smoke.
Drop smoke.
Smoke away! Hell, yeah! Good job, sir! Did they? Did they?! Whoo-hoo! What are you seeing? You get a positive on that? Tank's still coming, I.
Give me your side weapon, I.
What are you doing? Give me your side weapon, I.
! Take it, blane.
Give me some cover.
Give him some cover.
Give him some cover.
Gentlemen, i want some cover fire! Let's go! I want some protective fire! He's in the hole, sir.
He got the hit! Yeah, baby, blane! Whoo! Nice shot! He got him, sir.
Good job! Whoo-hoo! Good job! Hoo! Hoo! Jonas: That's the man.
That's what your grandfather did as a private in a white man's army.
And you know what they gave him for it? Nothing Man, over radio: You can return to base, peregrine 6.
Roger that.
Peregrine 6, r.
It's a windstream 4-5 autopilot at 22-thou.
Thank you.
Give me the met conditions, winds aloft, i need his fuel.
What state's this guy? Drunk and scared.
And to what do we owe the honor? Got fixated on me and froze up.
You clear the airspace? Oh, he clipped indianapolis.
That's right.
That's when you jumped in for him? Who were you? Jimmy bark in willow airfield.
And why you? Partch: Jimmy? Jimmy?! Yeah, bill.
I hear you.
Yes? Did you did you get that information? I've got it right here, bill.
Windstream 4-5.
Can you talk me down, jimmy? Can you talk me down? Because i think i'm gonna die here.
I'm gonna do my damnedest, brother.
Jimmy, i need you you're a ranger, right, pal? Born and bred.
Bill, what's your fuel state? You look down on your right.
No, he's in the right-hand seat.
On your left.
Right in the middle.
The middle of the console.
I want you to read it to me.
It says All right.
Now, bill, i'm gonna talk you down to my airfield.
You still with me? Is there any way i can talk to you, jimmy? A secure frequency to you.
Just me.
L i can't have everybody listening.
Bill, you remember the number over the mess hall at camp rudder? I do.
Add 23 to that, repeat the first number, and go to that frequency.
Won't be anybody there but us.
Add some static to that.
It's a poor connection.
This is willow field.
Willow field to delta tango.
Jim? Jimmy?! You read me, bill? It's a weak connection.
Jimmy?! I hear you.
Jim i've killed a lot of people.
Jonas: Come.
Is that what you think we lack here? If i didn't, i wouldn't bring it.
What's the question on your mind, son? Molly: Your uncle's speaking to you, darryl.
What's the question on your mind? How's my wife? She's gonna be fine if she'll be fine when i'm done with him.
Here you go, daddy.
How's your grandfather? Oh, he's asleep by the fire.
And your grandmother? Oh, she went to bed.
Son, today is the proudest day of my life.
The army, 50 years later, awarded to my father a silver star.
I want to ask you a question.
What took them so long? Well, you know, it's a two-part answer.
I'll be downstairs.
One the army don't like to give out that tin to enlisted men.
Oh officers will decorate each other like it's halloween.
They'll give themselves a silver star for knowing the day of the week.
But enlisted men, you gotta do something as your grandfather did to make them gape with awe.
And, two what took them so long is the army of that day did not admire to decorate a black man.
And i do not want to hear your tale of woe because you do not know what that man came back to.
My father had been back for some years and president truman as you remember integrated the armed services.
Now, why did he do that? Because the combat vets, the black combat vets were leaving the jim crow army and the government just lost its n.
Jonas, narrating: So we were in transit fort riley.
Mama had gone down to mississippi, and my dad took me down so we could meet her.
Now, this was a pretty special trip.
And there i was just me and my hero.
We had a 10-minute rest stop, and i had been for the last leg of the trip calling out for a nice cold soda.
Boy: Can i get a coke, dad? You want a cola? Jonas, narrating: But my father was legitimately reluctant to let me into that all-white restaurant.
Excuse me, miss.
Oh, no, no.
Hey! All right, now, he's just a young boy.
You got no quarrel with him.
All right, son, you stay right here.
It's gonna be all right, right? Man: What are you doing talking to that woman, boy? George: I got no quarrel with you, and you got no quarrel with me.
First off, you want to talk to me, you call me sir.
And next, what the hell you doing got up in that costume? It's called a uniform.
Not in the c.
, it ain't.
Are you telling me you saw some action? That's right.
They let the niggers fight? They let me fight.
What do you think you're doing talking to that woman? I asked her to buy a soda for my son.
Where you from, boy? Mister.
Can i tell you something? You're frightened.
I've seen some action.
Maybe you have, too, and i know what fear looks like.
And you're scared to death.
And i'm gonna tell you why you're frightened, and i'm gonna tell you why.
He spoke back to them.
He spoke up to them.
What did he say? Are you worthy to hear it? Because that is a question, darryl, i ask myself at those times when i am frightened.
"Am i worthy?" As that man, whatever he felt, he showed no fear to two armed men who wanted to lynch him in front of his son.
And he knew, of course, that had they killed him, they would have killed me, too.
George: Am i afraid to die? I can't tell you.
But i can tell you this: I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life knowing that i killed a man and his young son for nothing.
For nothing.
Now, listen to me.
Come on.
Let's go.
You ok? All right.
Come on.
Man on radio: What's your status, peregrine 5? He's making a starboard turn.
Roger, going starboard.
You still there, jimmy? I hear you.
I, uh you got that autopilot on? Yeah, i do.
Listen, jimmy, listen.
Do you believe in judgment? I believe in good judgment.
In fact, that's one of the rules by which i try to rule my life.
Do you believe in the judgment of heaven? Well, i tell you what, let's let's leave that for another day.
Now, bill, we've got you in what us pilots call a race track pattern, and i want to compliment you on the way you've put that information to use.
You know, jim, you can save it.
I've been manipulating men my whole life.
You don't want to con a con artist.
Well, i ain't trying to con you, bill, i'm just trying to get you down in one piece.
Yeah, well, you ain't the only one trying to bring me down.
What do you mean? I mean mother nature's got it in for me, too.
I'm icing up.
I think this plane's about ready to fall out of the sky.
Man over radio: Interceptor, you can return to base now.
Copy that.
Peregrine 5, r.
The plane's falling! Willow?! Willow?! The ice! Delta tango, this is willow field.
Partch: I'm icing up! Pull up the bar on the left-hand side.
I know you are, and i'm gonna cure it.
Reach down on the console by your left hand, you're gonna see a little yellow bar.
Pull that bar up now.
The plane's out of control.
Get the nose down.
Get your nose down.
Keep your nose down.
A little push forward on the yoke.
We got him on autopilot.
Why'd the f-15 leave off? William partch.
You know, my calculations, he's got about a half an hour of you want me to talk this guy down? Look, the guy is drunk.
He's scared out of his mind.
I say we keep him circling a few more minutes.
Let the adrenaline burn off.
And he says he's a ranger? So he says.
Yeah, you know what i like about this situation? You tell me.
You think he's a tango? No, i think he's not, or else they would have shot him down when he clipped indianapolis.
So, who the hell is that guy up there? Sounds like a guy that wants to die.
Ranger wants to die.
Wouldn't he eat the gun? Shame, son is a gateway to grace.
Shame is the gateway to grace.
You've got two people to apologize to.
Think a minute about who they are.
You didn't have much of a party, did you? That's how it goes.
Taxi will be here in 30 minutes.
You get any sleep? Got a wink or two.
Teesha, right? That's right.
My name is jonas.
I'm your uncle.
I've got two questions for you about your husband.
All right.
And i want you to tell me the truth, because whatever the truth we're gonna take care of you.
Do you love your husband? Yes.
Now, tell me the truth as you know.
Does he love you? Yes.
He loves you? Yes.
All right.
You fix this up.
Now, look somebody told him he's got the right to be angry coming home from combat, but we had a little talk.
And i've explained several things to him, and i believe he understands.
Now, you look to me to be a treasure of a wife.
And he's gonna treat you with respect.
Should he not molly? Tell her what she's gonna do.
You will leave him.
Jonas: Should he strike you molly: You will call the police.
Right now.
Now, on that basis, will you take him back? Mack: Bill? Bill? Yeah.
Hey, jimmy.
Now, we're gonna land this plane here, ranger.
You check out on this plane? Yes, i did.
They got a guy like you checked out on a $40 million aircraft? I learned to fly it in the service, bill.
Partch: Learn to fly it in the rangers? Now, you were first rangers, is that right? That's right.
All right.
You remember the color of the commandant's wife's hair? I don't recall, jim.
Ask him the name of the cook's dog? Bill, you remember that cook's dog? Who am i talking to? Who am i talking to? You're trying to kill me.
You guys are trying to kill me.
Why would anyone want to kill you? I don't know.
Why would they want to kill the pilot? They killed the pilot? Who, bill? How'd the pilot die? Bill, how did the pilot die? That's a good question.
It sure as hell wasn't natural causes.
Fellow doesn't sound like a ranger.
'Cause he ain't a ranger.
Why, because he couldn't remember the color of the commandant's wife's hair? Sarah: Centracom/z.
It's registered to a company called centracom/z.
That's fine.
But centracom/z doesn't exist.
It's an accommodation address for a holding company registered in lichtenstein.
Air force escorts left our guy alone.
Why? Partch: Willow field? Jimmy? Whatever your name is? This is willow field.
Jimmy, i i'd like to talk to you.
Looking forward to it.
Jimmy, will you help me bring the plane down? If you help me bring the plane down, i'll come in and talk.
Why'd the air force escort leave him alone? That's what i'm here for, bill.
We're gonna help you bring the plane down.
No fear.
If you help me bring the plane down, i'll you tell 'em.
I'll come in.
Tell who, bill? Sideshow.
From pinnacle.
We've been ordered "hands-off.
" They're dealing with the plane.
Ain't nobody talking to that plane.
Partch: Jimmy, will you will you help me? Will will will you help me, jimmy? Clear the room out.
I said clear out the toc.
Let's go.
I said clear out the toc.
Look, are you sure this guy's not a tango? He ain't a tango.
The air force would have splashed him if they thought he had terrorist intent.
Who is he? Some guy trained with the rangers but he ain't a ranger.
You know who that is.
Somebody in black ops.
And? And he crossed the line.
I think they're finished with him.
Look, we've been ordered to leave him be.
That transmission was garbled.
I've got the toc tonight.
All right.
Windstream delta tango, this is willow field, this is captain tommy white.
I have 300 hours in type.
I can't fly this plane, fellow.
Oh, yes, you can, and i'm going to talk you down.
now, i want you to disengage the autopilot.
I know you know how to do that as you've done it before.
Raise willow field.
I'm sure there's no one there, but there'll be a radio code to get the lights on.
I don't want him mucking with that from the cockpit.
Do you want me to go through the faa? No, uh get me the code online.
Us, willow field, "wlf.
" Whiskey lima fox.
Let's make a right turn here, bill.
You watch that compass.
Partch: Captain? Um, i'm running low on fuel.
Brown: That's all right, you're not gonna need it.
I'm gonna have you on the ground in about Right turn, here's how we're gonna do it.
You're gonna turn the wheel slowly to the right, and give it the least least little amount of right rudder.
That's the pedal right by your right foot.
Easy now, watch that's good.
That's right, you're a natural at this.
Ok, you're coming around ease it off ease it off where you want to end up.
Watch that compass, That's correct.
Let it ring.
Now i want you to clear your mind.
This plane can fly itself, all you gotta do is talk sweetly to it.
Give me your compass heading.
Partch: 1-4-2 degrees.
Good, i want you to set your descent at 1,500 feet a minute.
You'll find that wheel just beyond the steering yoke.
Your compass: True it up.
When you come back to 1-4 degrees, you hit that gps button twice.
What do you see? Partch: Uh i see a display.
Uh, whiskey lima fox.
That's the airport, willow field, about 10 miles ahead.
Partch: That's the airport.
How about that? Now, you see a little number up above the airport? A little number there? I do.
Brown: Read it to me.
Tell me your altitude, please? All right, let's go back to that g.
Now, down to your left side of the nav console, there's a little square marked "a.
" Do you see that screen? I do.
You know, many people pay multiple thousands of dollars for this same instruction i'm giving you right now, young pilot, free for gratis.
Why don't you, uh, go ahead and hit that little a.
What do you see? A dial pad.
Ha ha! How about that.
All right, i want you to input 8-8-3.
Brown: Did the airstrip light up? Do you see the airstrip? You see it? Yes, i see it.
I, uh not now, look there's a couple other things we have to do right now.
Whoever you are i'll buy you a drink at the bar.
Tell me your altitude.
Listen, i, uh i can't do this without you.
You don't have to, ok? Just tell me your altitude.
Uh, 3,200 feet.
Ok, keep a little forward pressure on the yoke to keep your nose down.
That's good, mr.
Make that phone stop.
My real name look.
Tell me later.
We're now going to gently retard the throttles.
So put your left hand on them and tell me your airspeed.
Pull back on the throttles, mr.
I want to tell you my real name.
I know you do, but listen to me.
When you touch down, there are gonna be some crosswinds.
So when you do, i don't want you to talk.
I just want you to listen, ok? Pull back on the throttles pull them towards you.
Listen, if i don't make it through pull the throttles.
I need someone to know.
Whatever your name is, i want you to my real name is he's got to fight those crosswinds delta tango, delta tango Somebody's jamming the transmission.
I can cut right through that.
Delta tango.
Delta tango.
Delta tango.
Seems that we can't.
Who's got that technology? Willow field to windstream, delta tango.
Willow field to windstream, delta tango.
He's losing control.
Why? Willow field.
Willow field.
Come on! Willow field! I need some help here! Delta tango, you have got to fly that plane.
Delta tango.
What is the color of the day? What is the animal? What is the third response? What is your question? Negative.
Nothing to report.
Serena, dress warm.
It's cold out there today.
So all-fired urgent that we lose you all night to the toc? Our friend mr.
Gerhardt wanted help studying for his sergeant major exam.
Sounds like an eventful evening.
Woman on tv: Wreckage of a small business jet some 25 miles north of farnsworth, the crash apparently the result of windshear.
The plane's pilot was killed in the crash.
There were no passengers.
This is alice miller what? I said, dull evening, huh? Yeah.
Yeah, quite forgettable.
Son, that is a wonderful young woman you had the luck to marry yourself to.
When times get hard, as they will, you can call me, this number.
Day or night.
Whatever you feel, son in combat, in life, you have a responsibility to uphold.
You hear me, son? Whatever you feel.
To this uniform, to this proud family, to your race.
And don't you ever let me hear about you forgetting it.
Where's my wife? That's a good start.
She's right outside.
I said you had two apologies to make.
What are they? I have to apologize to my wife.
And? And, son? I have to apologize to god.
I'll leave you alone for a moment.
That wasn't much of a visit.
Sir, it was not, and i beg your pardon.
What they got you doing down there? You still shuffling papers at fort griffith? That's right, pops.
I'll get the bags.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, pop? Pop? Yes? Granddad yeah? In the alley yeah? When those two men took him yeah? He killed them, didn't he? You bet your life he did.
What the hell you doing talking to that woman, boy? Aargh! Come on, son.
Get in the car.
Let's go, boy.
Pull that door.
Come on.

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