Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e11 Episode Script

Summer of Growth and New Skills

It's summer break, the time of the year
that transcends ideals and age.
A season when everyone
can gain new experiences.
Makoto Misumi has also decided
to move towards his goal
in this summer heat.
Are you serious?
I meant every word I said.
Don't give me that look.
You clearly have more mana than me,
but you're still thinking about
getting more powerful.
No, I want to strengthen the casting
Well, I want to strengthen
the output of my mana.
The efficiency is still too low.
You know,
a person's mana pool is a talent
they can't increase by themselves.
But the maximum amount of mana I have
is always increasing.
If any research institute
ever found out about this,
you'd be dissected for
experiments and tests.
For real?
Totally real.
Even I am curious about
how you got so strong.
I only practice archery
as part of my daily routine.
If you insist on learning the reason,
I have something for you.
Found it.
What is that?
Training methods related to mana.
However, I don't know
if they are any good.
Despite being a lecturer and a merchant,
you're just as hard at work
as your students.
Perhaps it has something to do
with this summer break.
My mind always becomes restless
before the summer break.
And I look forward
to accomplishing something.
I'm eager to try out new things.
Isn't it great to reminisce as you do?
I wish you a memorable summer break.
Seems like you've been busy.
You train your students
even during summer break.
Everyone is motivated.
The full-time lecturers are either
on vacation or have gone home.
People like you
are hard to come by nowadays.
Well, I'm personally quite fond
of someone like you.
Thanks for the compliment.
You mentioned you had a book
to recommend to me.
Yes. This is it.
Is this a thesis?
I thought you were interested
in the applications of mana.
I got this special book for you.
"The possibility
of physical interference on mana."
"An analysis from
the visualized perspective."
This thesis is written based on
a highly original theory.
Only experts in the field know about it.
In other words,
this is meant for the enthusiasts.
The content is indeed fascinating.
This is yet another goal
to accomplish during this summer break.
A goal for this summer break
You speak like a student.
Well, I was a student once
Young Master!
Time flies like an arrow.
assorted tasks.
Time in the Subspace
passes in the blink of an eye this summer.
Two weeks had passed
before I even realized it.
I am terribly sorry.
There are endless tasks every day,
not to mention all the reports coming in.
It's all right.
I'll get busy
when the summer break is over.
I want to spend
as much time as I can with everyone.
I can't thank you enough for that.
We are so blessed
to have you as our master.
Ms. Emma?
It's almost time to brief me
on today's schedule.
Sorry about that.
There will be a mock battle
with the Wing-kin today.
They have fought the orcs
and other races in many battles.
They remain undefeated so far.
That's pretty amazing.
The ability to fly must really
come in handy.
But with more experience fighting them
the orcs will come out on top!
Is that so?
I should stay focused, too.
So, where are the Wing-kin?
In that forest.
You will commence the battle
where neither side can see the other.
Now then, what is their strategy?
First off, I'll greet them with this.
After they dodge the first attack,
I'll follow up with another.
Did I hit all of them?
Everyone got hit!
The range was further than expected.
Second wave, roll out!
They had no countermeasure
for long-range attacks,
and their defense power
was utterly underwhelming.
All teams, get ready!
I see.
My line of sight is blocked, but
Perception Realm.
Mind the descent!
Deploying magic barrier!
Emma said they were strong,
but they are nothing more
than easy targets with wings.
Is that
Elder Kakun.
Then, that bird must be
his aide, Ms. Shona.
If my memory serves me right,
the Wing-kin can transform
into giant birds.
What about the countermeasure
for a long-range attack
Yes! That's the strategy I want to see.
Amplification and wind?
Are they trying to ram me?
They feel safe in the sky,
so the attack has become so simple.
Your attacks lack flexibility.
It's not over yet!
I surrender.
This was my first mock battle with you.
First, I'd like to talk about
your battle strategy.
Honestly, you rely too much
on your flight ability.
It won't be long
before the highland orcs and the others
can defeat you with ease.
It will be an easy fight.
It's best not to ram your opponent.
The reason is obvious.
You will be easy targets
for your opponents' focused attacks.
Getting into airborne formations
is the basic part.
You are only on the starting line
when you can utilize different tactics
to land hits on your opponents.
That's all for today. Until next time.
Y-Young Master!
Yes? What is it?
We want to take part in
land cultivation and reconnaissance.
And the ranked battle of Subspace, too.
The ranked battles
must be partaken at your own risk.
Anyone can participate in it.
However, I can't allow you
to cultivate the Subspace's land.
Your combat strength
is not cut out for this task.
I see.
In any case, please focus on
strengthening yourselves first.
Sustained release of copious amounts
of mana generates a secondary effect
in the form of a faint, colored barrier.
This suggests a correlation
between mana output and its visibility,
hinting at the possibility
of transforming it into tangible matter.
Nope, my brain is overloaded.
It'd be quite simple if it were only
about the releasing of mana.
As I release a large volume of mana,
I fire a barrage of Brids.
Let the mana flow on its own.
Erase the boundary between myself
and the mana.
This sensation
Huh? What did I
Young Master?
Young Master!
You weren't in your room this morning.
What were you doing here?
You're not a drunkard who would
fall down and sleep outside.
I am Makoto Misumi.
Yes. We know that.
Yes. You are our master.
Young Master Makoto Misumi.
Did I go on and
fire barrages of Brids all night?
Speaking of that,
the same thing had happened before.
Tomoe, Mio, thanks for everything.
No, it's nothing. Let's head back.
Your cooking today
looks amazing as well, Mio.
I've been honing my cooking skills
so you can have all kinds of cuisines
during your stay.
Young Master, can I have a tiny bit
of this persimmon tofu salad?
Ms. Tomoe, be content with
what you've been given.
This is all your fault!
You made drinking snacks
so early in the morning!
You should ease up on the drinking.
"Drink in the morning,
even if it means selling the land."
I saw that in your memory.
The flavors are a perfect match!
Those are persimmon slices in mirin.
They will taste even better
if you can actually make authentic mirin.
We are still working on miso and mirin.
You really love the Subspace's persimmons.
Yes, I love them.
So much so that I dream of
drowning in a sea of persimmons.
That's not happening.
Ms. Tomoe, please restrict yourself
before I stop making
persimmon snacks for you.
I can finally use
the exposed mana at will.
I also stopped going into a trance.
This time, I can finally
The last part of the thesis
mentions the spell to materialize mana.
The mechanism is similar
to a non-Newtonian fluid test.
It hardens when a strong force is applied
but remains fluid when touched lightly.
First, deploy the Concealment Realm
so no one would detect the mana.
The silent night road,
countless in number.
Generations throughout the ages,
the garden of substitutes.
Condense into matter.
It's all right.
Take as much mana as you want.
All right, time to see the result.
Did the mana materialize?
I can move freely in this.
Now, time to release Brids.
I've successfully made use
of my exposed mana.
This method is pretty effective.
Now, to test surface strength.
It didn't hurt at all.
With this durability,
I can battle the goddess
and the dragon slayer
without suffering any damage.
For the sake of the Subspace,
I can't fall.
If anyone has to die, let it be me.
None who admires me
should get caught up in this.
With that, half of the summer break
has already passed.
A conference of new moves
by different races?
Much like your students,
everyone in the Subspace
has been training hard every day.
I thought it'd be a great chance
to show them to you.
Well, I mean
What is that?
I dug it out at the mountainside.
I cast a special enchantment on it.
So they could unleash new moves freely?
This will show you
their strength in numbers.
I'm not interested in new moves.
Why didn't we go
with a cooking competition instead?
Don't forget to save some for everyone.
First, the highland orcs!
Agares and Emma!
Even Emma is taking part in this.
She is the best mage
among the highland orcs
even though
she mostly deals with routine tasks.
I'm going all out.
Eat this!
That's 78 points!
Just 78 points
Slightly lower than
a satisfactory test score.
No, they did great.
With that bar set, the other races
will have a hard time ahead.
Next, the Mistio Lizards!
Where are they aiming?
Probably to gloat at the Wing-kin.
They claim to have a ranged attack
against airborne targets.
That's 68 points!
Next, the Elder Dwarves!
What can he do with that small axe?
Mountain Cleaver.
You get 70 points!
Some improvements are needed.
It's not worthy of the name
"Mountain Cleaver" just yet.
Next, the Alkey! That's 65 points!
Next, the gorgons.
They are turning
the boulder into a boulder.
A fitting score.
Next, the Wing-kin.
The land unit informs the airborne unit
of the target's coordinate
and bombards it from above.
The precision is good,
but they are seriously
lacking in firepower.
Next, the Forest Ogres
What's with the outfit?
We are going to show you
a barrier imbued with our hearts
and souls, along with our confidence.
It's tough, even for the Young Master.
Aqua, let's do this.
This is so embarrassing.
-Peerlessly impregnable,
-Peerlessly impregnable,
-instant death on touch!
-instant death on touch!
-Barrier of absolute zero!
-Barrier of absolute zero!
Ultimate technique: Floral
That is
Quite a stunning feat.
"Break this, if you can."
Are you taunting us?
Don't mock us!
-My weapon!
A barrier with offensive measures.
They probably weren't bluffing
about its power.
It'd even take me some time
to break that barrier.
I'd even go as far as
calling it the perfect barrier.
Is that so?
Well? Show us what you got.
-Are you scared now? He-he-he.
-It's far from perfect.
Huh? Is there no one who can break it?
Hey there. I broke through it.
Y-Young Master?
But how?
It's an amazing barrier,
but it has a fatal flaw.
Reflect on the flaw.
I'm undoing it now.
That's 50 points!
What? You're going in, too?
It's my turn to shine.
Didn't you say you weren't interested?
I felt that way,
but since it's a rare opportunity,
I want the Young Master
to witness the other interest I took up.
Do you mean what you saw
in my memory vault?
There is elegance within such power.
Refined and strong,
which brings to mind the image
of a spider or an insect.
I used the model kit
in your memory as a reference.
It's still a prototype,
but I managed to craft it.
A superhero suit?
No response.
Now, the final performance of the day!
Let's welcome Shiki!
He seems to have acquired a new power.
Let's see if it impresses us.
Yes, I look forward to seeing it.
Come now, 13 Steps.
Step One to Four unleashed.
Wand, Sword, Cup, Coin.
Resonate to me, the Sixth.
Unsheathe and take the true form.
Isn't that a weapon
crafted by the elder dwarves?
He even boasted that the sword
would be effective against dragons.
In other words,
a sword for a dragon slayer.
Is he preparing to battle Lancer?
Not too shabby, Shiki.
It's not just effective against dragons.
The physical power is impressive, too.
Not bad, Shiki.
It's not a big deal if it doesn't hit.
Shiki has been training hard
to catch up to you and Mio.
Aren't you happy
to be someone else's role model?
All right, I'll go in and
end the event personally.
I guess you could call it a surprise.
Everyone, the Young Master
will show us his new move!
Enjoy the show.
-Young Master!
Everyone, relax and watch.
I learned a new technique
from the application of mana.
A high-output release of mana.
I've never done this
without my Concealment Realm.
This is
The materialization of mana
mana mass
Mana mass?
I like that name.
With this,
I can raise the power of my spells
and use it as unbreakable armor.
Mana mass!
Well? What do you think?
What is that?
I overdid my training over the summer.
The center of immense power.
Is that the being
that poses a threat to us?
Well, in any case, we must deal with it.
The twelfth night.
"The Arrival of the Beast."
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