7th Heaven s02e12 Episode Script
Rush to Judgment
Wonderful service.
- Thanks.
You're so articulate.
May I ask what the topic of the Wednesday morning service will be? Mrs.
Hollister, if I tell you, there won't be any point in your coming.
- Don't have a clue, huh? - No.
I'll be there.
Whatever you come up with will be great and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Hey, glad you could be here.
I'd like to talk to you about that service when you have a minute.
Yeah, give me two and I'll be right with you.
Hi, Bill.
One more week and I'll be back to working out with the team again.
- Coach Koper is the greatest.
- The greatest what, jerk, creep, nightmare? I mean, come on, give me a hint.
Because you're dying in Koper's class, doesn't mean something's wrong.
Maybe if you set goals for yourself and worked harder, you could make better grades.
Did you think of that yourself or is that something Koper taught you? The guy's making us read James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man over the weekend and giving us two days to write on the symbolism of the colours he uses.
If you ask me, you're just afraid of a little hard work.
Read the book, write the paper, end of story.
I'll be in the car.
Don't look at me, I'm just as sick of it as you are.
Maybe once she's back on the team, she'll stop talking about Koper, Koper, Koper.
Yeah, I think she's got a little crush on Koper, Koper, Koper.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, excuse me.
What is it, honey? Can we please get out of here? You promised.
- What did I promise? - You know I told you to leave that in the car.
And by the way, how did you do that? These are the pants with the hole in the pocket.
The ones you'd said that you'd fix two weeks ago.
Are you implying that I am somehow responsible for your disobeying my specific instructions to leave the golf club in the car? No.
That would be foolish.
I'm no fool.
- Sometimes you are.
- No, I'm not.
The experts say, "You should carry your club with you wherever you go.
" Well, then, you and your club should go sit in the car.
I'll bet Tiger Woods' mom didn't make him sit in the car.
I'll think about it, okay? I'm not cutting the Wednesday service.
- No, no, no.
- You got to consider the cost.
Paying the organist, heating the chapel.
Last Wednesday, there were only three people there and there wasn't a dime in the collection plate.
Because I quit passing the plate.
Which is why we still have two or three people coming.
There's an intimacy to the Wednesday service, Lou.
It makes it unique.
Those two or three parishioners, they count on me in a way that can't be measured in dollars and cents.
- Hi.
- I was just trying to explain to your husband here that we can no longer justify the Wednesday service.
We should have Annie look at the books again, see if we can do a little creative financing.
Eric, Lou is the acting Church treasurer.
Just the same.
I'd like you to look at the books.
You don't have a problem with that, do you? Do I have a problem with your thinking you know more about Church finances than I do? Yes, I do.
I was gonna get a new window anyway.
My old one was dirty.
Lou, I'm sorry.
We'll take care of it, whatever it is.
Lou, I'm sorry, but I wanna see the books.
Just let me do my job.
I believe it's my job to see that you do your job.
- The books? - Well, fine.
You and Annie can look at the numbers all you want.
But I promise you, there is no money there for the Wednesday service.
I'd like to see that for myself.
No, I got it all under control.
You didn't put the pasta in.
You're just stirring boiling water.
There's $2500 missing.
Maybe Lou just forgot to make an entry or maybe he's a couple of days behind with the books.
It happens.
But the money's unaccounted for? I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation.
I'd really like to know what it is, because Lou's too good with money to forget to make an entry or let the books go even for a couple of days.
Don't jump to any conclusions.
I mean, we've known Lou a long time and even though you guys never agreed on how the Church should spend its money, still, he's a good and honest man.
I'm sure you're right.
I want you to be right.
But I think I'll just call our good and honest treasurer just the same.
- Hello.
- Hey, Alice, it's Eric.
- Can I speak with Lou? - He's not available right now.
Okay, when will he be available? I couldn't really say.
I'll have him call you back, Reverend.
- What? She hung up on me.
- They're obviously in cahoots.
- Oh, yeah, Bonnie and Clyde.
- I'm sure there's - A perfectly logical explanation.
Whatever it is, can we talk about it later? I don't wanna talk.
I'm just looking for a place to study.
Why can't you study in your own room? Because she is in my room living her basketball triumphs.
I mean, I'm really happy that Mary's doing so great, but the closer she gets to being back on the basketball team, the more she can't stop talking about Coach Koper.
Did you know he was raised by his grandparents? I assumed he was raised by wolves.
I'm gonna crash and burn in his class and end up in summer school.
At least you won't have to be around his pod girl, Mary.
Hey, what do you think the colours yellow and grey mean? Depression, confusion? Really? I don't know, I'm just going on instinct.
Good instincts.
Thanks, you may have saved my life.
I could bring my dinner up here too.
We could eat alfresco.
- This isn't alfresco.
- What is alfresco? I don't know, but this isn't it.
And I'm being punished.
This isn't a tea party.
It could be if you were a little more open.
I thought you weren't supposed to play golf until Mom says you can.
Yeah, I know.
Mom never said I couldn't play imaginary golf.
Don't say it.
Don't even think it.
I'm no fool.
I'm not gonna get in trouble.
I'm not even gonna play.
I'm just gonna move the club from the bed over here to the closet, tidying up a bit.
Oh, this is tempting.
This is really tempting.
Thanks, I needed that.
- Can I help get dinner on the table? - Sure.
Coach Koper says carbohydrates are great.
And I have this huge workout tomorrow.
He's gonna do some test to measure my progress, some cardio stuff and weights just to see if the knee holds up.
I haven't seen you in such a good mood for a long time.
- I'm happy for you.
- Thanks.
I just feel great about myself.
I mean, Coach Koper says I have great natural healing ability.
He says he's never seen anyone come back from this type of injury so fast.
And Diane says it took her twice as long to get back from the same surgery.
- So, you know Koper's gotta be great.
- Gotta be.
I just hope he's not pushing you too hard.
Mom, you gotta push the limits.
I mean nothing happens if you don't push the limits.
I don't think I can be pushed too hard.
I never knew my own capacity.
I'm very proud of you.
You've worked very hard and it's been tough for you.
Why do you think that you get along so great with Koper and Matt just can't seem to catch a break from him? Because Matt's great at English.
He's been able to coast through English class.
He's never had to try before.
Now that he does, he resents it.
- That doesn't sound right to me.
- Think of it another way.
Why do you think Matt hates Koper so much? I don't know.
Sounds like he's a tough teacher, but a great coach.
It's just that I've been listening to you and Matt since school started and it's like you're talking about two different people.
- Hello? Lou, it's Eric.
I left you a message earlier.
Yeah, my wife told me you called.
I just got in.
I'd like you to come by the house tonight, if you don't mind.
Tonight is not very good for me.
I have some family business I have to take care of.
Okay, I understand.
We're gonna have to talk, Lou.
I know.
Tomorrow would be better for me.
Okay, tomorrow it is.
I'll meet you at the church.
First thing in the morning around 9? I can't be at the church at 9.
I have to go to work.
I'll be in the office all day.
What time can you be there? I'll be there as soon as I can.
I'll try and take an early lunch.
Hey, Lou, you wanna just tell me what's going on now? - It'd save us both a lot of time.
- I'll explain it tomorrow.
- Dinner's ready.
- Oh.
- Just a hunch, talking to Lou? - Yeah.
And? I don't know what's up, but I don't think there is a perfectly logical explanation.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
So how was your weekend? I think that was a rhetorical question.
Something you'd like to share with the class, Mr.
Camden? Perhaps the weekend in review? No, sir.
He was just talking to me.
- You finish your reading assignment? Yes.
- I finished the entire book.
Really? You must be well on your way to writing that paper that's due tomorrow? Yeah, actually, I am.
Well, congratulations.
I'm very impressed.
I hope everyone else is just as far along.
So, Mr.
Camden, tell us about James Joyce's use of colour and imagery.
I'd really rather just write it down, sir.
And what about what I would rather do, Mr.
Camden? Oh.
Sorry, I got a late lunch.
Well, I've been trying to reach you all day.
Have a seat.
You must know what it is I wanna talk to you about.
I have a pretty good idea.
I'm hoping there's a good explanation for why $2500 of the Church's money is missing.
Is that what you're really hoping, Reverend? Because I think what you're hoping is that I don't have a good explanation at all and you'll just let me go.
Lou, you're wrong.
You and I don't always agree, but you've been a member of this Church longer than I have and I respect your opinion.
I do.
There's a lot of money missing and I need to know where it is.
It's gone.
Come on, Lou, help me out.
- I took it.
- I need more than that.
If you can just trust me for a couple of days, I'll try and get it back to you.
So this wasn't a clerical error.
You took the money.
You took $2500 from the Church.
I'll get the money back to you.
You have my word.
Lou, hey.
Hey, how was your day? How was my day? - Yeah, your day.
Usually, you say, "Hurry up and get to the car.
" What's going on? Am I dying? No, but your instincts about James Joyce's use of colour were dead-on.
Koper made me stand up in front of the class and tell what my paper was about, so I did.
Totally took him by surprise.
Made him look like a complete jerk.
So since this was the best day of school so far in my entire life, - I thought I'd ask how your day was.
- Oh, how nice.
After homeroom, some guy pushed my head into the water fountain, so my shirt was wet most of the day.
At lunch, no one saved me a spot so I had to eat with students who all knew each other, but didn't know me.
And in math, I had to do a problem on the board and I wasn't even close.
- Pretty much the usual, huh? - Yep, pretty much.
Hey, listen, do me a favour.
Run down to the gym, see if Mary can catch a ride home with someone after practise.
I don't wanna come back.
I wanna spend every moment on this.
- I'm gonna ace this one.
- I'll meet you at the car.
- Hey.
- That killed me.
No it didn't.
And look, you just broke your mile record.
- You're kidding.
- No.
You're doing great, kid.
That's great.
Excuse me.
I was Matt was wondering if you can find a ride home after practise.
- Sure, no problem.
- Great.
I'm sorry.
All right, you're doing awesome.
Come on, let's get back to it, all right? - Did you talk to Lou? - Yeah.
It was a very strange conversation.
Lou says he'll get the money back.
He took it, but for what? And does it really matter? Because, technically, it's theft.
I just can't understand it.
He's got a job, he's got a good job.
He's a financial officer for an investment firm.
Do you think maybe he lost his job? No, I thought of that, but I called his office and they gave every indication that he's still employed.
Could he have a gambling problem or a drug problem? Whatever it is, it must be serious.
Dinner's almost ready.
Eh, eh, eh.
We're going to be eating soon.
How's my girl? Anything interesting happen at school? No, I didn't get any timeouts, if that's what you mean.
And I didn't bring home any notes.
You think I was trying to find out if you got into trouble? Because you have that look on your face.
It's creeping me out.
- That has nothing to do with you.
- With me? No.
Anything I can do to help with dinner? Since I'm not allowed to go outside, and, you know, chip some balls or putt or anything, am I? No, there's nothing you can do to help with dinner, but you can help with the dishes afterwards.
So I guess you don't have an answer about you know what? Fool, fool, fool.
If by "you know what" you mean golf, I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
No golf until further notice and you have no further notice.
So Lou? I called the bank to freeze the account.
I said that a book of cheques from Church was missing and I'd probably just misplaced it, and I wanted to make sure that nobody wrote any cheques against the account or made any withdrawals.
So now he's got me lying to the bank.
I don't like this.
- What are you gonna do? - What would you do? I'd find out what's going on with Lou.
He's not a criminal.
No, he's just an acting treasurer who took the Church's money and hoped that he could put it back before anybody noticed.
So I guess your workout with Koper went pretty well, huh? It was better than that, it was great.
I'm back a thousand percent.
So? You like this guy Koper? - What do you mean by like? I was just wondering if maybe you have a little bit of a crush on Coach Koper, that's all.
- I mean, he is good-looking.
- No, he's not.
He's practically Dad's age.
What's going on? - Nothing.
- No, it was about something.
You were weird the whole ride home from school.
Well, I probably shouldn't say anything, but when I went to tell Mary to get a ride home, I saw Coach Koper hug her.
Hug? Hug how? What kind of hug? A hug-hug, I guess.
I don't know.
I just got a bad feeling about it.
- Why? - I don't know.
It's just a feeling.
I can't explain it.
- Don't say anything to Mom and Dad.
- What are you gonna do? - Promise? - Okay, I promise.
Be sure to pack an extra sandwich.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
- So whose the extra sandwich for? - Me.
Hey, I'm training.
I'm hungry, all right? You know, something weird's falling out of that piñata brain of yours.
No, there isn't.
- Ready to go? It's a little early.
Why are you in such a hurry? What, is there some crime in getting to school early? Grab your things, girls.
I'll take Simon and Ruthie.
Did you hear something? No, forget it.
Car, now.
I can't believe this.
How did this happen? It happened when you picked up the golf club to practise your grip and you hit the ball instead.
Sorry, I broke the window, but I did keep my head down.
I am absolutely amazed that either of you would pick up a golf club after what happened at church the other day and despite everything I said.
Yeah, I'm amazed too.
I mean, I heard of the addiction to the game, but until I experienced it myself, I No golf for two weeks.
Four weeks.
- Me? - Me? - Both of you.
Right? - Right.
Look, I know we did a terrible, terrible thing here, but we don't need punishment, we need help.
Lots of help.
We'll talk about this later.
I'm driving you to school.
Let's go.
He almost got me with the addiction thing.
- It's not funny.
- No, it's not.
- And he's not.
He's bad.
- They're both bad, bad children.
- They broke a window.
- I know, but I like them.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
I forgot my homework.
I'm coming.
Hey, Lou.
Come in.
It's all there minus the cost for replacing the window on my car.
- The bill is inside the envelope.
- Thanks.
I'm gonna make it easy on you and resign as treasurer.
In fact, I'm resigning from the Church.
I won't be coming back.
Lou, I'm not gonna let you do that without knowing why.
Please, come on, talk to me.
Please tell me what's going on.
I would be extremely grateful if you did not press charges, make this a criminal case.
I am very sorry.
I have returned the money.
I hope you'll let it go at that.
I have to go to work.
- Can I see you for a second? Sure.
So do you hug her too? - Excuse me? - Or is my sister the only one you hug? That sounds like an accusation, Mr.
It is, followed by a threat.
I don't care what happens to me, I care what happens to Mary.
Keep your hands off my sister.
I haven't had my hands on your sister in any way that'd be inappropriate for a coach and a basketball player.
Someone saw you.
This is a very serious charge.
I'm not gonna have this discussion in an empty classroom with a student.
Principal's office right now.
Lou? Yeah, he gave the money back, but now he's leaving the Church.
I just saw his wife, Alice, at the market.
Something strange about her? Yes, there was.
She was arm in arm with another man.
It wasn't Lou and I didn't know who he was.
If she were seeing another man, she wouldn't walk around in broad daylight with him, would she? No.
I don't know.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's just something odd about it.
I think you should pay Lou and Alice a visit.
I'll go over there tonight.
Hi, Mary.
Come on in.
What's going on? Please, have a seat.
Matt is under the impression that Mr.
Koper may have had some contact with you in some way that was inappropriate.
What? Where would he get an idea like that? Hi, Lucy.
Have a seat.
And you can relax, you're not in any trouble.
We have a little matter we need your help to straighten out.
I understand that you saw something that gave you the impression that things were not quite right between Coach Koper and your sister.
I saw them hugging.
He hugged me when I finished breaking my mile record.
- It was nothing.
- I thought it was, sorry.
Why did you think that it wasn't just a hug? I don't know.
Something just didn't seem right.
I got a bad feeling about it.
But I'm sorry.
That's just the way I felt.
I must have been wrong.
I was wrong.
I mean, obviously.
Oh, man.
I'll let you get back to your classes.
You and Matt should get hall passes from my secretary.
I don't believe you did this.
Or you.
Are you sure you were wrong, Lucy? Of course I'm wrong.
I'm always wrong.
But how was I supposed to know about the mile record thing? I'm going to have to talk to one of your parents.
At least you know the number.
I could do that for you.
I'm good with scissors.
Right, but it's my homework and I need to cut out pictures of things that start with the letter G.
You're in luck.
I have here a golf magazine.
Golf shoes, golf balls, golf everything.
Ball starts with a B.
And shoes start with a C.
No, shoes start with an S.
But these are golf balls and golf shoes, so they both start with G.
Stop helping.
You're just confusing me.
I can't help it.
I just feel so guilty that you lied about the broken window.
Hey, guilty starts with G.
Maybe you should just cut out a picture of me.
No, thanks.
Come on, you gotta let me do something.
- That's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
I owe you.
You're being punished because of me.
- No big deal.
- It is a big deal.
The balance of power has shifted and that's not good.
Just name anything I can do for you.
I'll make your bed, I'll put the heads back on your dolls, name it.
I don't want anything, really.
What else are we supposed to do? I've done everything I can do and some things I shouldn't.
Do you know what that Church means to me? I know, I'm sorry.
- Hey, Lou.
- Eric, Annie.
I'm sorry, this is not a good time.
This is the Reverend Camden and his wife, Mrs.
I'd like you to meet my son, Louis.
It's junior.
It's Louis junior.
That's right.
Why didn't you tell anyone you have a son? What would I tell them? "I have a son, but I put him in a state hospital?" You know, Louis has a routine that helps him get through every day.
But if he deviates from that even the slightest, he becomes totally disoriented and hysterical.
People don't understand that.
I understand.
Louis is autistic.
We had no idea what you and Alice were going through, I'm sorry.
I don't want your pity.
You don't have my pity.
You have my empathy and my support.
Thank you, but I don't deserve either one.
Lou, we've known each other for almost 20 years.
No, we've been to Church together for almost 20 years.
Nobody knows me or Alice or what we've been through.
We were totally unprepared for a kid like Louis.
The older he got, the more evident it became that we were totally inadequate.
We didn't know how to how keep him safe, let alone know how teach him to maximise his potential as a human being.
We put him in a state home when he was only 7 years old.
We felt horrible about it, but Louis loved it.
He did great.
This is my mom.
It's okay, honey, I know the Reverend and his wife.
I suppose you've told them everything.
- Not quite.
- I need to get back to my room.
They closed the place where Louis was living.
He misses it.
I need my room.
Maybe we can help you get another room, Louis.
Son, look at me.
Look at my face, look at me.
Would you mind waiting in the kitchen for just a few minutes? - Okay.
- Thank you.
- Okay, bye.
Bye, Louis, it was nice meeting you.
Very nice meeting you.
I'll look forward to seeing you again.
It's been a year since the state cut the funds where Louis was living.
We put him in a private facility and he did just fine.
But we went right through our savings.
And about a month ago, we had to take him out.
I had to get him into another care facility.
But they wanted a deposit to put him on a waiting list.
- A large deposit.
- Twenty-five hundred dollars? I cashed in my life insurance policy.
But it takes four to six weeks to get the cheque.
In the meantime, Louis had some bad days and I panicked.
And I was gonna put the money back as soon as the cheque came, That's no excuse for taking money from the Church.
So I withdrew the deposit.
I am so sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Louis isn't doing well here at home.
He's been increasingly frantic.
And his doctor prescribed something new to calm him down, but I can't I won't make him spend the rest of his life on medication.
I asked Lou to take the money.
We were desperate.
Don't you think I would've given you the money or raised the money if I'd known about your son? I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't know how you'd feel about it, about us.
- We know what's best for Louis.
- Sure.
But you can't say, "Our son is in a home," without somebody thinking that you've done something horrible to your child.
That's not at all how we feel, okay? I'm gonna help you find him a place to live.
I'm sure it's just a matter of making the right contacts.
Let's say a prayer and give it a shot.
Thank you.
And you let me know if there's absolutely anything I can do, okay? I will.
- Thanks for dropping by.
- I'll call you tomorrow.
Can we talk? I have to tell you something.
I won't even say it.
I'm not being a fool.
I'm being honest.
The thing is it wasn't Ruthie who broke the bedroom window.
It was me.
Ruthie just took the blame for it so I wouldn't get in any more trouble than I was already in.
You just couldn't live with the guilt, could you? No, we were living a lie and it wasn't good for either of us.
That was so sweet.
that you would do that for your brother, but I kind of knew something wasn't right.
I was just waiting for one of you to crack.
So since he cracked, do I still have to be punished? You're still being punished, only now it's for not being truthful.
- Whatever.
- I'll get your books, it's time for school.
The truth always has a way of coming out.
Yeah, whenever the guilty spills their guts.
You're wearing sweats to school? Since Coach Koper didn't feel like working out with me after school, I'm gonna work out today during study hall.
I need you to sign this note.
I said I was sorry, how many times do I have to say it? Why can't you wait until after to work out with everyone else? - I ask the same question.
- I'd just be missing study hall.
- And I didn't get to work out yesterday.
- I'd rather you not miss study hall.
Missing one workout won't kill you.
Good morning.
- Good morning, Reverend.
- I'm afraid I'm it this morning.
- Oh.
Lacey has the flu.
But she asked that we say a silent prayer for her.
- Silent? - Doesn't want to announce she's sick.
She said that'd just make her feel worse.
We ran into each other in the parking lot.
I'm glad to see all of you.
Have you heard attendance at Wednesday service has gone up about 400 percent? We were just telling Annie we spoke to your friend at Social Services.
- Oh? - She's put Louis on the list for a private home not too far from us.
And it's new and they're just waiting on the state to clear the licence.
We're both going to do volunteer work there, and in return, they give us a break on the fees.
They're doing that with all the families.
- Isn't that nice? - That sounds very nice.
- I'll get my room? I need my room.
- You'll get your room.
Okay, Dad.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Well, we'd better get started.
Hollister has a tendency to doze off if I take too long.
I don't know how to thank you.
I've always been good with money, I've never been good with emotions.
They're just not that easy for me to handle.
That's why we make a good team.
I can deal with emotions, I'm just lousy with a buck.
Of course, I can always learn to do better.
So can I.
Well, good morning again.
Thank you all for coming.
Before we get to the part where I do most of the talking, I'd like to begin with a moment of silent prayer.
- I'd like to begin with a reading from - I have to go.
It maybe nothing.
But then again, it may be something.
Excuse me.
She's heard my sermon.
- Hey.
Oh, hey.
I'm really sorry about yesterday.
Me too.
Listen, I've been thinking, I think we should just forget the whole rehab thing.
You know, you're progressing okay and I'm sure you're going to be able to get back all the way by yourself.
What? Why? Because my sister had a feeling? She has them all the time and they're never right.
She just made a mistake, that's all.
Listen, I have a career, I have a reputation to think about.
I mean, who knows what kind of feeling your sister or your brother are gonna have next.
I can't risk it.
There is no risk.
My sister's a little emotional.
She just has nothing exciting going on in her life right now.
So I guess she decided to make things more exciting, that's all.
Well, that she did.
Come on, please.
You know you're the only one who can help me like this.
And I don't wanna lose it just because my sister did something.
And I'm really sorry about everything.
It's okay.
Don't let it get to you.
Oh, you are tense.
That's not gonna help your game.
I'm fine.
So I'm thinking if I pace myself better, I can take another ten to 15 seconds off my mile time.
Tell me what you're really thinking about.
I mean, after all, you can tell me anything.
I mean, who's been there for you every step of the way, huh? Just relax.
What's the big deal? We're friends.
I'm not comfortable with this.
Oh, yeah? I'm sorry, I thought I could talk to you.
I mean really talk to you like an adult, not like some Well, kid.
- I don't like this.
I have to go.
- Hold on.
I mean, don't be such a baby.
Besides, where are you gonna go? Especially after you and your brother and your sister made such complete idiots out of yourself in the principal's office yesterday.
I mean, who's gonna believe you? They will.
You're fired, Coach Koper.
You're lucky you're still breathing.
Fired? For what? There are so many things to choose from.
Sexual harassment, misconduct.
Our lawyer will get back to you.
Or if you're really smart, our lawyer will get back to your lawyer.
You okay? - Yeah.
I don't get it, why are you here? How did you know? I didn't know.
But I had a feeling that there was something wrong with that man.
Yeah, but how do you know when you're feeling is enough? I mean, everything Koper said made sense.
His words were right.
But today didn't feel okay.
It felt horrible.
It's not easy.
But you learn to trust yourself more as you get older.
It's just so hard.
I know it's hard, Mary.
And there's so much we have to teach you that you will never find in your school books.
What's wrong? Why don't you join us in my office and I'll tell you? Don't worry.
No one's in trouble.
That's what you said last time.
I was wrong and you were right.
He is a jerk and it wasn't just a hug.
I'm sorry.
- Thanks.
You're so articulate.
May I ask what the topic of the Wednesday morning service will be? Mrs.
Hollister, if I tell you, there won't be any point in your coming.
- Don't have a clue, huh? - No.
I'll be there.
Whatever you come up with will be great and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Hey, glad you could be here.
I'd like to talk to you about that service when you have a minute.
Yeah, give me two and I'll be right with you.
Hi, Bill.
One more week and I'll be back to working out with the team again.
- Coach Koper is the greatest.
- The greatest what, jerk, creep, nightmare? I mean, come on, give me a hint.
Because you're dying in Koper's class, doesn't mean something's wrong.
Maybe if you set goals for yourself and worked harder, you could make better grades.
Did you think of that yourself or is that something Koper taught you? The guy's making us read James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man over the weekend and giving us two days to write on the symbolism of the colours he uses.
If you ask me, you're just afraid of a little hard work.
Read the book, write the paper, end of story.
I'll be in the car.
Don't look at me, I'm just as sick of it as you are.
Maybe once she's back on the team, she'll stop talking about Koper, Koper, Koper.
Yeah, I think she's got a little crush on Koper, Koper, Koper.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, excuse me.
What is it, honey? Can we please get out of here? You promised.
- What did I promise? - You know I told you to leave that in the car.
And by the way, how did you do that? These are the pants with the hole in the pocket.
The ones you'd said that you'd fix two weeks ago.
Are you implying that I am somehow responsible for your disobeying my specific instructions to leave the golf club in the car? No.
That would be foolish.
I'm no fool.
- Sometimes you are.
- No, I'm not.
The experts say, "You should carry your club with you wherever you go.
" Well, then, you and your club should go sit in the car.
I'll bet Tiger Woods' mom didn't make him sit in the car.
I'll think about it, okay? I'm not cutting the Wednesday service.
- No, no, no.
- You got to consider the cost.
Paying the organist, heating the chapel.
Last Wednesday, there were only three people there and there wasn't a dime in the collection plate.
Because I quit passing the plate.
Which is why we still have two or three people coming.
There's an intimacy to the Wednesday service, Lou.
It makes it unique.
Those two or three parishioners, they count on me in a way that can't be measured in dollars and cents.
- Hi.
- I was just trying to explain to your husband here that we can no longer justify the Wednesday service.
We should have Annie look at the books again, see if we can do a little creative financing.
Eric, Lou is the acting Church treasurer.
Just the same.
I'd like you to look at the books.
You don't have a problem with that, do you? Do I have a problem with your thinking you know more about Church finances than I do? Yes, I do.
I was gonna get a new window anyway.
My old one was dirty.
Lou, I'm sorry.
We'll take care of it, whatever it is.
Lou, I'm sorry, but I wanna see the books.
Just let me do my job.
I believe it's my job to see that you do your job.
- The books? - Well, fine.
You and Annie can look at the numbers all you want.
But I promise you, there is no money there for the Wednesday service.
I'd like to see that for myself.
No, I got it all under control.
You didn't put the pasta in.
You're just stirring boiling water.
There's $2500 missing.
Maybe Lou just forgot to make an entry or maybe he's a couple of days behind with the books.
It happens.
But the money's unaccounted for? I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation.
I'd really like to know what it is, because Lou's too good with money to forget to make an entry or let the books go even for a couple of days.
Don't jump to any conclusions.
I mean, we've known Lou a long time and even though you guys never agreed on how the Church should spend its money, still, he's a good and honest man.
I'm sure you're right.
I want you to be right.
But I think I'll just call our good and honest treasurer just the same.
- Hello.
- Hey, Alice, it's Eric.
- Can I speak with Lou? - He's not available right now.
Okay, when will he be available? I couldn't really say.
I'll have him call you back, Reverend.
- What? She hung up on me.
- They're obviously in cahoots.
- Oh, yeah, Bonnie and Clyde.
- I'm sure there's - A perfectly logical explanation.
Whatever it is, can we talk about it later? I don't wanna talk.
I'm just looking for a place to study.
Why can't you study in your own room? Because she is in my room living her basketball triumphs.
I mean, I'm really happy that Mary's doing so great, but the closer she gets to being back on the basketball team, the more she can't stop talking about Coach Koper.
Did you know he was raised by his grandparents? I assumed he was raised by wolves.
I'm gonna crash and burn in his class and end up in summer school.
At least you won't have to be around his pod girl, Mary.
Hey, what do you think the colours yellow and grey mean? Depression, confusion? Really? I don't know, I'm just going on instinct.
Good instincts.
Thanks, you may have saved my life.
I could bring my dinner up here too.
We could eat alfresco.
- This isn't alfresco.
- What is alfresco? I don't know, but this isn't it.
And I'm being punished.
This isn't a tea party.
It could be if you were a little more open.
I thought you weren't supposed to play golf until Mom says you can.
Yeah, I know.
Mom never said I couldn't play imaginary golf.
Don't say it.
Don't even think it.
I'm no fool.
I'm not gonna get in trouble.
I'm not even gonna play.
I'm just gonna move the club from the bed over here to the closet, tidying up a bit.
Oh, this is tempting.
This is really tempting.
Thanks, I needed that.
- Can I help get dinner on the table? - Sure.
Coach Koper says carbohydrates are great.
And I have this huge workout tomorrow.
He's gonna do some test to measure my progress, some cardio stuff and weights just to see if the knee holds up.
I haven't seen you in such a good mood for a long time.
- I'm happy for you.
- Thanks.
I just feel great about myself.
I mean, Coach Koper says I have great natural healing ability.
He says he's never seen anyone come back from this type of injury so fast.
And Diane says it took her twice as long to get back from the same surgery.
- So, you know Koper's gotta be great.
- Gotta be.
I just hope he's not pushing you too hard.
Mom, you gotta push the limits.
I mean nothing happens if you don't push the limits.
I don't think I can be pushed too hard.
I never knew my own capacity.
I'm very proud of you.
You've worked very hard and it's been tough for you.
Why do you think that you get along so great with Koper and Matt just can't seem to catch a break from him? Because Matt's great at English.
He's been able to coast through English class.
He's never had to try before.
Now that he does, he resents it.
- That doesn't sound right to me.
- Think of it another way.
Why do you think Matt hates Koper so much? I don't know.
Sounds like he's a tough teacher, but a great coach.
It's just that I've been listening to you and Matt since school started and it's like you're talking about two different people.
- Hello? Lou, it's Eric.
I left you a message earlier.
Yeah, my wife told me you called.
I just got in.
I'd like you to come by the house tonight, if you don't mind.
Tonight is not very good for me.
I have some family business I have to take care of.
Okay, I understand.
We're gonna have to talk, Lou.
I know.
Tomorrow would be better for me.
Okay, tomorrow it is.
I'll meet you at the church.
First thing in the morning around 9? I can't be at the church at 9.
I have to go to work.
I'll be in the office all day.
What time can you be there? I'll be there as soon as I can.
I'll try and take an early lunch.
Hey, Lou, you wanna just tell me what's going on now? - It'd save us both a lot of time.
- I'll explain it tomorrow.
- Dinner's ready.
- Oh.
- Just a hunch, talking to Lou? - Yeah.
And? I don't know what's up, but I don't think there is a perfectly logical explanation.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
So how was your weekend? I think that was a rhetorical question.
Something you'd like to share with the class, Mr.
Camden? Perhaps the weekend in review? No, sir.
He was just talking to me.
- You finish your reading assignment? Yes.
- I finished the entire book.
Really? You must be well on your way to writing that paper that's due tomorrow? Yeah, actually, I am.
Well, congratulations.
I'm very impressed.
I hope everyone else is just as far along.
So, Mr.
Camden, tell us about James Joyce's use of colour and imagery.
I'd really rather just write it down, sir.
And what about what I would rather do, Mr.
Camden? Oh.
Sorry, I got a late lunch.
Well, I've been trying to reach you all day.
Have a seat.
You must know what it is I wanna talk to you about.
I have a pretty good idea.
I'm hoping there's a good explanation for why $2500 of the Church's money is missing.
Is that what you're really hoping, Reverend? Because I think what you're hoping is that I don't have a good explanation at all and you'll just let me go.
Lou, you're wrong.
You and I don't always agree, but you've been a member of this Church longer than I have and I respect your opinion.
I do.
There's a lot of money missing and I need to know where it is.
It's gone.
Come on, Lou, help me out.
- I took it.
- I need more than that.
If you can just trust me for a couple of days, I'll try and get it back to you.
So this wasn't a clerical error.
You took the money.
You took $2500 from the Church.
I'll get the money back to you.
You have my word.
Lou, hey.
Hey, how was your day? How was my day? - Yeah, your day.
Usually, you say, "Hurry up and get to the car.
" What's going on? Am I dying? No, but your instincts about James Joyce's use of colour were dead-on.
Koper made me stand up in front of the class and tell what my paper was about, so I did.
Totally took him by surprise.
Made him look like a complete jerk.
So since this was the best day of school so far in my entire life, - I thought I'd ask how your day was.
- Oh, how nice.
After homeroom, some guy pushed my head into the water fountain, so my shirt was wet most of the day.
At lunch, no one saved me a spot so I had to eat with students who all knew each other, but didn't know me.
And in math, I had to do a problem on the board and I wasn't even close.
- Pretty much the usual, huh? - Yep, pretty much.
Hey, listen, do me a favour.
Run down to the gym, see if Mary can catch a ride home with someone after practise.
I don't wanna come back.
I wanna spend every moment on this.
- I'm gonna ace this one.
- I'll meet you at the car.
- Hey.
- That killed me.
No it didn't.
And look, you just broke your mile record.
- You're kidding.
- No.
You're doing great, kid.
That's great.
Excuse me.
I was Matt was wondering if you can find a ride home after practise.
- Sure, no problem.
- Great.
I'm sorry.
All right, you're doing awesome.
Come on, let's get back to it, all right? - Did you talk to Lou? - Yeah.
It was a very strange conversation.
Lou says he'll get the money back.
He took it, but for what? And does it really matter? Because, technically, it's theft.
I just can't understand it.
He's got a job, he's got a good job.
He's a financial officer for an investment firm.
Do you think maybe he lost his job? No, I thought of that, but I called his office and they gave every indication that he's still employed.
Could he have a gambling problem or a drug problem? Whatever it is, it must be serious.
Dinner's almost ready.
Eh, eh, eh.
We're going to be eating soon.
How's my girl? Anything interesting happen at school? No, I didn't get any timeouts, if that's what you mean.
And I didn't bring home any notes.
You think I was trying to find out if you got into trouble? Because you have that look on your face.
It's creeping me out.
- That has nothing to do with you.
- With me? No.
Anything I can do to help with dinner? Since I'm not allowed to go outside, and, you know, chip some balls or putt or anything, am I? No, there's nothing you can do to help with dinner, but you can help with the dishes afterwards.
So I guess you don't have an answer about you know what? Fool, fool, fool.
If by "you know what" you mean golf, I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
No golf until further notice and you have no further notice.
So Lou? I called the bank to freeze the account.
I said that a book of cheques from Church was missing and I'd probably just misplaced it, and I wanted to make sure that nobody wrote any cheques against the account or made any withdrawals.
So now he's got me lying to the bank.
I don't like this.
- What are you gonna do? - What would you do? I'd find out what's going on with Lou.
He's not a criminal.
No, he's just an acting treasurer who took the Church's money and hoped that he could put it back before anybody noticed.
So I guess your workout with Koper went pretty well, huh? It was better than that, it was great.
I'm back a thousand percent.
So? You like this guy Koper? - What do you mean by like? I was just wondering if maybe you have a little bit of a crush on Coach Koper, that's all.
- I mean, he is good-looking.
- No, he's not.
He's practically Dad's age.
What's going on? - Nothing.
- No, it was about something.
You were weird the whole ride home from school.
Well, I probably shouldn't say anything, but when I went to tell Mary to get a ride home, I saw Coach Koper hug her.
Hug? Hug how? What kind of hug? A hug-hug, I guess.
I don't know.
I just got a bad feeling about it.
- Why? - I don't know.
It's just a feeling.
I can't explain it.
- Don't say anything to Mom and Dad.
- What are you gonna do? - Promise? - Okay, I promise.
Be sure to pack an extra sandwich.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
- So whose the extra sandwich for? - Me.
Hey, I'm training.
I'm hungry, all right? You know, something weird's falling out of that piñata brain of yours.
No, there isn't.
- Ready to go? It's a little early.
Why are you in such a hurry? What, is there some crime in getting to school early? Grab your things, girls.
I'll take Simon and Ruthie.
Did you hear something? No, forget it.
Car, now.
I can't believe this.
How did this happen? It happened when you picked up the golf club to practise your grip and you hit the ball instead.
Sorry, I broke the window, but I did keep my head down.
I am absolutely amazed that either of you would pick up a golf club after what happened at church the other day and despite everything I said.
Yeah, I'm amazed too.
I mean, I heard of the addiction to the game, but until I experienced it myself, I No golf for two weeks.
Four weeks.
- Me? - Me? - Both of you.
Right? - Right.
Look, I know we did a terrible, terrible thing here, but we don't need punishment, we need help.
Lots of help.
We'll talk about this later.
I'm driving you to school.
Let's go.
He almost got me with the addiction thing.
- It's not funny.
- No, it's not.
- And he's not.
He's bad.
- They're both bad, bad children.
- They broke a window.
- I know, but I like them.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
I forgot my homework.
I'm coming.
Hey, Lou.
Come in.
It's all there minus the cost for replacing the window on my car.
- The bill is inside the envelope.
- Thanks.
I'm gonna make it easy on you and resign as treasurer.
In fact, I'm resigning from the Church.
I won't be coming back.
Lou, I'm not gonna let you do that without knowing why.
Please, come on, talk to me.
Please tell me what's going on.
I would be extremely grateful if you did not press charges, make this a criminal case.
I am very sorry.
I have returned the money.
I hope you'll let it go at that.
I have to go to work.
- Can I see you for a second? Sure.
So do you hug her too? - Excuse me? - Or is my sister the only one you hug? That sounds like an accusation, Mr.
It is, followed by a threat.
I don't care what happens to me, I care what happens to Mary.
Keep your hands off my sister.
I haven't had my hands on your sister in any way that'd be inappropriate for a coach and a basketball player.
Someone saw you.
This is a very serious charge.
I'm not gonna have this discussion in an empty classroom with a student.
Principal's office right now.
Lou? Yeah, he gave the money back, but now he's leaving the Church.
I just saw his wife, Alice, at the market.
Something strange about her? Yes, there was.
She was arm in arm with another man.
It wasn't Lou and I didn't know who he was.
If she were seeing another man, she wouldn't walk around in broad daylight with him, would she? No.
I don't know.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's just something odd about it.
I think you should pay Lou and Alice a visit.
I'll go over there tonight.
Hi, Mary.
Come on in.
What's going on? Please, have a seat.
Matt is under the impression that Mr.
Koper may have had some contact with you in some way that was inappropriate.
What? Where would he get an idea like that? Hi, Lucy.
Have a seat.
And you can relax, you're not in any trouble.
We have a little matter we need your help to straighten out.
I understand that you saw something that gave you the impression that things were not quite right between Coach Koper and your sister.
I saw them hugging.
He hugged me when I finished breaking my mile record.
- It was nothing.
- I thought it was, sorry.
Why did you think that it wasn't just a hug? I don't know.
Something just didn't seem right.
I got a bad feeling about it.
But I'm sorry.
That's just the way I felt.
I must have been wrong.
I was wrong.
I mean, obviously.
Oh, man.
I'll let you get back to your classes.
You and Matt should get hall passes from my secretary.
I don't believe you did this.
Or you.
Are you sure you were wrong, Lucy? Of course I'm wrong.
I'm always wrong.
But how was I supposed to know about the mile record thing? I'm going to have to talk to one of your parents.
At least you know the number.
I could do that for you.
I'm good with scissors.
Right, but it's my homework and I need to cut out pictures of things that start with the letter G.
You're in luck.
I have here a golf magazine.
Golf shoes, golf balls, golf everything.
Ball starts with a B.
And shoes start with a C.
No, shoes start with an S.
But these are golf balls and golf shoes, so they both start with G.
Stop helping.
You're just confusing me.
I can't help it.
I just feel so guilty that you lied about the broken window.
Hey, guilty starts with G.
Maybe you should just cut out a picture of me.
No, thanks.
Come on, you gotta let me do something.
- That's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
I owe you.
You're being punished because of me.
- No big deal.
- It is a big deal.
The balance of power has shifted and that's not good.
Just name anything I can do for you.
I'll make your bed, I'll put the heads back on your dolls, name it.
I don't want anything, really.
What else are we supposed to do? I've done everything I can do and some things I shouldn't.
Do you know what that Church means to me? I know, I'm sorry.
- Hey, Lou.
- Eric, Annie.
I'm sorry, this is not a good time.
This is the Reverend Camden and his wife, Mrs.
I'd like you to meet my son, Louis.
It's junior.
It's Louis junior.
That's right.
Why didn't you tell anyone you have a son? What would I tell them? "I have a son, but I put him in a state hospital?" You know, Louis has a routine that helps him get through every day.
But if he deviates from that even the slightest, he becomes totally disoriented and hysterical.
People don't understand that.
I understand.
Louis is autistic.
We had no idea what you and Alice were going through, I'm sorry.
I don't want your pity.
You don't have my pity.
You have my empathy and my support.
Thank you, but I don't deserve either one.
Lou, we've known each other for almost 20 years.
No, we've been to Church together for almost 20 years.
Nobody knows me or Alice or what we've been through.
We were totally unprepared for a kid like Louis.
The older he got, the more evident it became that we were totally inadequate.
We didn't know how to how keep him safe, let alone know how teach him to maximise his potential as a human being.
We put him in a state home when he was only 7 years old.
We felt horrible about it, but Louis loved it.
He did great.
This is my mom.
It's okay, honey, I know the Reverend and his wife.
I suppose you've told them everything.
- Not quite.
- I need to get back to my room.
They closed the place where Louis was living.
He misses it.
I need my room.
Maybe we can help you get another room, Louis.
Son, look at me.
Look at my face, look at me.
Would you mind waiting in the kitchen for just a few minutes? - Okay.
- Thank you.
- Okay, bye.
Bye, Louis, it was nice meeting you.
Very nice meeting you.
I'll look forward to seeing you again.
It's been a year since the state cut the funds where Louis was living.
We put him in a private facility and he did just fine.
But we went right through our savings.
And about a month ago, we had to take him out.
I had to get him into another care facility.
But they wanted a deposit to put him on a waiting list.
- A large deposit.
- Twenty-five hundred dollars? I cashed in my life insurance policy.
But it takes four to six weeks to get the cheque.
In the meantime, Louis had some bad days and I panicked.
And I was gonna put the money back as soon as the cheque came, That's no excuse for taking money from the Church.
So I withdrew the deposit.
I am so sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Louis isn't doing well here at home.
He's been increasingly frantic.
And his doctor prescribed something new to calm him down, but I can't I won't make him spend the rest of his life on medication.
I asked Lou to take the money.
We were desperate.
Don't you think I would've given you the money or raised the money if I'd known about your son? I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't know how you'd feel about it, about us.
- We know what's best for Louis.
- Sure.
But you can't say, "Our son is in a home," without somebody thinking that you've done something horrible to your child.
That's not at all how we feel, okay? I'm gonna help you find him a place to live.
I'm sure it's just a matter of making the right contacts.
Let's say a prayer and give it a shot.
Thank you.
And you let me know if there's absolutely anything I can do, okay? I will.
- Thanks for dropping by.
- I'll call you tomorrow.
Can we talk? I have to tell you something.
I won't even say it.
I'm not being a fool.
I'm being honest.
The thing is it wasn't Ruthie who broke the bedroom window.
It was me.
Ruthie just took the blame for it so I wouldn't get in any more trouble than I was already in.
You just couldn't live with the guilt, could you? No, we were living a lie and it wasn't good for either of us.
That was so sweet.
that you would do that for your brother, but I kind of knew something wasn't right.
I was just waiting for one of you to crack.
So since he cracked, do I still have to be punished? You're still being punished, only now it's for not being truthful.
- Whatever.
- I'll get your books, it's time for school.
The truth always has a way of coming out.
Yeah, whenever the guilty spills their guts.
You're wearing sweats to school? Since Coach Koper didn't feel like working out with me after school, I'm gonna work out today during study hall.
I need you to sign this note.
I said I was sorry, how many times do I have to say it? Why can't you wait until after to work out with everyone else? - I ask the same question.
- I'd just be missing study hall.
- And I didn't get to work out yesterday.
- I'd rather you not miss study hall.
Missing one workout won't kill you.
Good morning.
- Good morning, Reverend.
- I'm afraid I'm it this morning.
- Oh.
Lacey has the flu.
But she asked that we say a silent prayer for her.
- Silent? - Doesn't want to announce she's sick.
She said that'd just make her feel worse.
We ran into each other in the parking lot.
I'm glad to see all of you.
Have you heard attendance at Wednesday service has gone up about 400 percent? We were just telling Annie we spoke to your friend at Social Services.
- Oh? - She's put Louis on the list for a private home not too far from us.
And it's new and they're just waiting on the state to clear the licence.
We're both going to do volunteer work there, and in return, they give us a break on the fees.
They're doing that with all the families.
- Isn't that nice? - That sounds very nice.
- I'll get my room? I need my room.
- You'll get your room.
Okay, Dad.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Well, we'd better get started.
Hollister has a tendency to doze off if I take too long.
I don't know how to thank you.
I've always been good with money, I've never been good with emotions.
They're just not that easy for me to handle.
That's why we make a good team.
I can deal with emotions, I'm just lousy with a buck.
Of course, I can always learn to do better.
So can I.
Well, good morning again.
Thank you all for coming.
Before we get to the part where I do most of the talking, I'd like to begin with a moment of silent prayer.
- I'd like to begin with a reading from - I have to go.
It maybe nothing.
But then again, it may be something.
Excuse me.
She's heard my sermon.
- Hey.
Oh, hey.
I'm really sorry about yesterday.
Me too.
Listen, I've been thinking, I think we should just forget the whole rehab thing.
You know, you're progressing okay and I'm sure you're going to be able to get back all the way by yourself.
What? Why? Because my sister had a feeling? She has them all the time and they're never right.
She just made a mistake, that's all.
Listen, I have a career, I have a reputation to think about.
I mean, who knows what kind of feeling your sister or your brother are gonna have next.
I can't risk it.
There is no risk.
My sister's a little emotional.
She just has nothing exciting going on in her life right now.
So I guess she decided to make things more exciting, that's all.
Well, that she did.
Come on, please.
You know you're the only one who can help me like this.
And I don't wanna lose it just because my sister did something.
And I'm really sorry about everything.
It's okay.
Don't let it get to you.
Oh, you are tense.
That's not gonna help your game.
I'm fine.
So I'm thinking if I pace myself better, I can take another ten to 15 seconds off my mile time.
Tell me what you're really thinking about.
I mean, after all, you can tell me anything.
I mean, who's been there for you every step of the way, huh? Just relax.
What's the big deal? We're friends.
I'm not comfortable with this.
Oh, yeah? I'm sorry, I thought I could talk to you.
I mean really talk to you like an adult, not like some Well, kid.
- I don't like this.
I have to go.
- Hold on.
I mean, don't be such a baby.
Besides, where are you gonna go? Especially after you and your brother and your sister made such complete idiots out of yourself in the principal's office yesterday.
I mean, who's gonna believe you? They will.
You're fired, Coach Koper.
You're lucky you're still breathing.
Fired? For what? There are so many things to choose from.
Sexual harassment, misconduct.
Our lawyer will get back to you.
Or if you're really smart, our lawyer will get back to your lawyer.
You okay? - Yeah.
I don't get it, why are you here? How did you know? I didn't know.
But I had a feeling that there was something wrong with that man.
Yeah, but how do you know when you're feeling is enough? I mean, everything Koper said made sense.
His words were right.
But today didn't feel okay.
It felt horrible.
It's not easy.
But you learn to trust yourself more as you get older.
It's just so hard.
I know it's hard, Mary.
And there's so much we have to teach you that you will never find in your school books.
What's wrong? Why don't you join us in my office and I'll tell you? Don't worry.
No one's in trouble.
That's what you said last time.
I was wrong and you were right.
He is a jerk and it wasn't just a hug.
I'm sorry.