Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e12 Episode Script

An Error of Exchange of Equivalents

Hand it over.
I'll hold on to this.
So you know who the surgeon is?
Tell him to come here
and explain to the patient.
Hey, Woo-jin.
I will wait until tomorrow evening.
I'll do that much, as his fellow doctor.
Do you know who the surgeon is?
-Do I have to know who it is?
-I think you should know.
Who is it?
Cha Eun-jae.
The doctor who cut off his bile duct is
Doctor Cha's older brother of all people.
What brings you here?
I heard you're unwell.
I heard the rumors and got worried,
so I ran over at once.
I heard you have CTS. Is it true?
Who said that?
I played golf with Chairman Do yesterday.
Gosh, that man is amazing.
He knows everything about you.
If he were your fan,
he'd be considered a stalker.
Maybe he likes you.
Hey. Stop talking nonsense,
and tell me why you're here.
Nothing to drink for me?
You'll find a water purifier
filled with water right outside.
You're so harsh on me.
You should treat me better.
I'm here to take your side, come on.
Will you just leave?
Have you heard of Mirae Hospital?
I heard the land prices are
fluctuating around here because of it.
-What are you talking about?
-I knew it.
I knew you'd have no idea.
Where do you think that Mirae Hospital
will be established?
Exactly. Right here,
where Doldam Hospital is.
They'll build it here.
They're going to demolish this place
and build Mirae Hospital instead.
It's a place for the top five percent.
A special restorative hospital which meets
the needs of those who have money
and are looking for a healthier life.
Once they go through a two-week program,
they'll leave looking
five, ten years younger.
That's what it'll be like.
And Park Min-gook is here
to prepare the ground for that hospital.
I'm sure he's already begun
to weed them out.
Weed out? Weed out what?
He's poking around and looking for
people at Doldam Hospital
that he can take to Mirae Hospital.
And he's removing anyone
who won't listen to him.
It's your turn to make a decision.
Will you tell the patient
and blow up the case
even though you now know who it is?
Or will you cover it up as I suggested?
You have until tomorrow evening.
People always pay for
having a hasty sense of justice.
A kid who excelled in the OR
was banned from operations
for almost a year
because of his sense of justice.
He just got to hold a scalpel again,
so don't you think it's brutal
to take away his opportunity to come back
because of that sense of justice?
-Who's taking away whose opportunity?
-Don't be like that.
You know what the industry is like.
So, stop egging him on.
His life is already tough enough.
Stop forcing him to have a conscience,
responsibility, or a sense of justice…
as a doctor.
What you're doing is bullying him.
Do you understand, Ms. Oh?
They came back in again.
Let's see. What's his condition like?
I'm so jealous you can worry over that.
Let's inject the drug three more times.
Yes, Mr. Do.
Yes, I just told him everything
you told me to say.
Something like that.
He and Park are probably
going to get into a huge fight.
Okay, great job.
Let's go play golf again next weekend.
It's not that difficult.
They're willing to pay that much
because you're that capable.
I can negotiate with them
to help you receive a 50 percent raise.
I can get paid 1.5 times as much?
This doesn't apply to me.
I'm still a resident. Please excuse me.
They will pay you more on top of that
according to your duties and position.
I've been giving it some serious thought.
It's been three years since
I moved away from my wife and daughter.
I want to return to the main hospital,
but there's no opening.
Forget it.
Don't try this here. Go somewhere else.
Nurse Um.
My focus is still on learning
instead of making money.
I mean, they're willing to
pay us that much more.
Nothing is free in this world,
and your life won't get upgraded for free.
If you take a lot,
you'll end up paying a lot.
That's what Ms. Oh said.
Nurse Um!
Please excuse me.
Is it possible
to get half of my salary
as a lump sum like a deposit?
Goodness, no. Never mind.
But is it possible?
Actually, my wife has been saying
she wants to move
for our daughter's education.
Of course. Just make your decision.
I'll figure everything out.
Doctor Jeong.
-Doctor Jeong?
Doctor Bae. Did you call me?
What are you thinking about
so passionately?
Nothing much.
I always end up with a lot on my mind
whenever I talk to my wife on the phone.
Why? What is it?
I mean, the ER is way too slow today.
-We don't have any emergency patients.
-Doctor Bae,
you didn't know?
They're turning down patients who are
headed to Doldam right now.
I'm sorry. Our ORs are full.
Please take them to another ER.
Wait, aren't the ORs all empty?
President Park is going to operate
only on patients booked in advance.
For a while…
No, I'm sure we won't have
any emergency trauma patients
from this moment on.
This is Doldam Hospital's ER.
Gosh, I'm sorry,
but we cannot take any more patients.
Please go to another hospital.
At this rate, Doldam Hospital
may remove the ER altogether.
So they're turning away patients?
Yes, Doctor Kim.
And this.
He was in my class, but I don't know him.
It looks like he's close to Doctor Yang.
Anyway, I think he's at Doldam Hospital.
He's that doctor who ran Samjin Hospital
where Doctor Seo worked.
So? Is anyone taking the bait?
For now, just Jeong In-su of EM.
Anyone else?
Everyone always shows resistance
when I first make them the offer.
I have to meet them, talk to them,
and keep adjusting the terms.
That's how I move things forward.
This little weasel.
How's Woo-jin doing?
It looks like Woo-jin will
ruin another doctor's life again.
Again? Who is it this time?
This girl named Cha Eun-jae,
who's hitting it off with him or whatever.
But apparently it's her older brother.
Aren't you busy?
I am.
Then why are you sitting around?
Just because. I have something on my mind.
Why? Is something not working out?
-You said your brother is a doctor.
He's also a GS like you,
and he became the vice president
of a famous hospital in Seoul.
He's pretty proud of himself now.
Are you two close?
I'm not sure.
I wouldn't say we're close
because we always bicker with one another,
but I also wouldn't say we're on bad terms
because we do look after each other.
You know, like any old siblings.
Anyway, why do you ask?
You know, Eun-jae…
One second.
Hey, Mom.
Yes. I have some time to spare.
Why? What is it?
What? You're going to come here?
There's no way out of this.
Aren't you going to help him?
Not yet.
Wait. If you aren't going to do anything,
why do you keep making me spy on them?
At the very least, I need to know
what's going on.
I'm asking out of curiosity.
Why do you let this go on?
I know you are more than capable
of turning the tables around.
You can even win against President Park
and everything.
You're supposed to use
your hidden weapon at the final moment.
What if you lose the right timing?
You might end up losing someone, Doctor.
The hospital is very unsettling, Nurse Um.
I can't focus on work.
Let's not follow them blindly, Nurse Joo.
It's because there is
a weird rumor about Doctor Kim too.
A weird rumor?
What's the rumor?
Tell me.
What's the weird rumor?
That Doctor Kim didn't collapse
because he got hurt,
but because of a chronic illness.
He even dropped his scalpel
because his fingers wouldn't move.
I heard that's why he decided not to take
any trauma patients.
The rumor spread between the scrubs.
What else?
It's about Doctor Nam…
That's enough, Nurse Joo.
-You don't have to listen to her.
-Tell me.
What about Doctor Nam?
I heard that he was fired.
-And that's why he can't come anymore.
-Nurse Joo, you don't have to share that.
These are all absurd rumors.
She's asking me.
You were all here.
Were you having an emergency meeting?
Yes, it was about our duties in the ER.
We were about to wrap up.
All right. I've heard your suggestions.
You may go back to your stations.
Yes. All right. Let's get back to work.
Keep up the good work. Keep it up.
But Ms. Oh and Nurse Park
are very worried.
They're concerned we might burden him.
What if it's because of us?
What if that's why he's straining himself?
Is everything all right, Ms. Oh?
Of course, everything is fine.
Please excuse me.
You know what?
You aren't my burden. You're my strength.
You, Do-il, Nurse Park,
and everyone at Doldam Hospital.
I'm just saying, in case you've forgotten.
You know that, don't you?
Yes, I do.
Okay then.
Hello, Mr. Ko. It's me, Doctor Kim.
That's why I called.
I have a favor to ask.
Ms. Oh.
Are you leaving already?
I don't think we'll have
any emergency patients
-or patients that need operations.
-Really? Do you want to leave together?
Let's grab a drink at Once in a While--
No, it's okay.
I need you to take care of
this man.
Who's this?
A recruiter.
He's trying to lure our employees out
by promising them a raise.
What? How can he do
something like that at our hospital?
So stop getting distracted,
and keep people like him out. Okay?
Don't be so harsh.
I've been busy escorting our VIP.
Ms. Oh, sometimes you look down
on the administrative work we do--
That again!
This isn't the time to divide our duties
between administrative and medical!
You already know what the situation is.
Well, it's because
you always look down on me.
I'm not looking down on you.
It's because I'm disappointed.
Disappointed? In me?
We should be helping each other out,
but you keep dividing us.
It's disappointing.
It's heartbreaking and sad.
Well, there's no need
to be disappointed or sad.
Even between families and married couples,
each person has their own story.
Of course, we all have our stories
as colleagues at work.
we're still
people on the same boat called Doldam.
Isn't that so?
don't speak to me with such eyes.
If you look at me like that,
my heart will race…
I ask of you, Mr. Jang.
You mysteriously charming woman.
Hey, are you going somewhere?
Yes, I'm leaving.
I suddenly have to meet someone,
so I'm leaving an hour early.
I won't be too far away,
so call me if we get an emergency patient.
Hey, can you give me
five minutes before you leave?
-I have something important to say to you.
I really can't be late today. Sorry.
Have you been eating
flour-based foods again?
No. Not that often.
Only on the days when I have
surgery until late at night,
when I get way too hungry,
which doesn't happen very often,
-I sometimes eat cup noodles.
-Cup noodles?
Eun-jae, you can't do that.
I told you to stay away from instant food.
You'll lose your firm skin
and end up with wrinkles overnight.
All right, I'll be careful, Ms. Jung.
Anyway, what brings you all the way here?
You didn't say anything this morning.
Did you fight with Dad?
Watch it!
Don't be so vulgar. I don't fight.
So you really came here to see me?
That too.
I got a call from Eun-ho.
From Eun-ho?
Why? Is he getting married again?
He has a favor to ask of you.
Did the sun rise in the west today?
I can't believe my perfect brother
is asking for my help.
What is it?
Does he want to recruit me or something?
I heard there's someone named
Seo Woo-jin at your hospital.
Do you do this for fun?
This time, it's Eun-jae's brother.
First, you betray your senior,
then you mess with a colleague's family?
This is none of your business.
Mind your own business and be on your way.
You shouldn't live like that, Woo-jin.
It's not like you had an unfortunate life
because of other people.
You can't ruin other people's lives
and push them into misfortune
just because you lived an awful life
thanks to those parents of yours.
Who ruined whose life?
You ruined me.
You ruined my life. You ruined my family!
I'm an idiot for trusting you.
I have no one else to blame.
That's why I'm holding out
with everything I can do.
my father, who worked so hard
to support me his entire life
to make me into a doctor,
invested the rest of his severance pay
and the tiny apartment he had…
all into my hospital.
Darn it.
He lost all that too.
All because of you.
All because you wreaked havoc
to patronize me, you jerk!
Why didn't you do a better job?
If your father's fortune was at stake,
you should've been more responsible.
You shouldn't have taken bribes
or abused the procedures!
If I didn't do that,
how could I have made enough
to pay off my debt?
-Do you know any other way?
-Of all things,
how could you have ghost surgeons?
And that was a medical equipment salesman.
How could you let him into the OR?
It was just that once, you jerk!
It was that once!
Don't be absurd.
I know you did it at least seven times.
And one of the children
almost died…
because of excessive bleeding!
-Have you forgotten?
-You wanted to make money!
You told me you wanted to
get your revenge on the world with money.
Yes, but who said
I wanted to break the law?
That's what everyone else does!
The whole world makes money like that
and enjoys their fortune.
Why do you pretend like you're a saint?
Why am I not allowed to do that? Why not?
Because it was you!
You were the only one…
I considered like a brother in pre-med.
Did you think I quit my job
as a fellow at a university hospital…
only because of money?
But still…
why couldn't you let it slide just once?
Why couldn't you let it slide
that one time?
Darn it!
Mother, did you meet Eun-jae?
Yes, I just met her
and told her everything.
What did she say?
What can she say?
You're her brother. She has to help.
It seems like Doctor Seo
is a close colleague of hers.
She said she'll talk to him.
I'm sorry.
I thought about calling her myself,
but I figured it would be better
to have you talk to her,
-so I had to ask you for a favor.
-A favor?
Don't say that. We're family.
And you know how much Eun-jae
loves her family too.
Gosh, another surgeon buried his mistake.
How shameless and immoral.
That surgery was actually done by Eun-ho.
We shouldn't cover for a doctor like him.
Can't you cover up a mistake like that
as fellow doctors?
Of all people, this is your brother.
You said your brother is a doctor.
Please have a talk with Mr. Seo.
We'll compensate him handsomely.
He's your brother.
You came back early.
Yes. Things ended pretty quickly.
What about you? Why are you still here?
Why haven't you left?
Just because.
You said you had something to tell me
just as I was leaving, right?
You said it was important…
and you needed only five minutes.
were you going to say?
What was it? Tell me.
Let's talk later, Eun-jae.
This is really absurd.
You devoted years to Doldam Hospital.
How can they kick you out
with a piece of paper?
All they gave you was this notice.
You haven't told Doctor Kim, have you?
I couldn't.
Don't bother him with this for a while.
Doctor Sim is around,
so she'll be able to manage for a while.
Don't bother me with what?
Doctor Kim.
sent it to him through Doctor Yang.
He has no respect, manners, or courtesy!
This isn't how people should
do business with other people.
Doctor Kim.
You're right.
It's not how you do business with people.
But, Doctor Kim…
If he really wants to fire you,
tell him to come and see you,
then have him tell you in person.
If he's firing a fellow doctor who devoted
30 years of his life to medicine,
he needs to show that much courtesy.
Don't you think so, Ms. Oh?
Yes, I agree with you.
It's the president's decision.
Doldam Hospital is an organization.
If the man in charge of personnel affairs
made such a decision,
we can't help it.
Let's not make excuses
and say we can't help it, Do-il.
It's not that you can't help it,
you just can't be bothered.
You're sick of dealing with guys who have
no manners, courtesy, or common sense.
You think it's disgusting, cheap, tiring,
and you've had enough of this.
That's why you want to avoid them
by saying you can't help it as an excuse.
Isn't that right?
Doctor Kim.
Do you know
how many patients were turned down
over half a day today?
Four TA patients,
two fracture patients,
one suicide patient.
And one seizure patient. A total of eight.
One of them…
passed away from excessive bleeding
during the transfer to another hospital.
And the other one
couldn't be treated on time,
so that patient is still unconscious.
These things happen the moment
we say we can't help it.
The more we turn our faces away
and turn a blind eye to this,
the more this vicious cycle
will repeat itself.
I get that you're sick and tired of this.
It's tough for me too.
And wanting to quit working here
because they're disgusting and cheap?
I get that too.
I feel that way too.
But this isn't right.
If you really want to end this fight,
be yourself and do it your way.
Not with this piece of paper.
This isn't right, Doctor Nam.
What are you doing here?
We never know when a patient will come,
so I'm getting ready.
We won't be taking
emergency trauma patients for a while.
How long has it been
since you came to work for Doldam?
Well, just over a month now. Why?
But you still have
no idea what this hospital is like.
What do you mean?
Well, tomorrow is Friday.
Do you think that Friday will come again?
Of course.
This is Doldam Hospital.
It's been a while, sir.
I met you through Woo-jin a while back.
I'm Im Hyun-jun from Samjin Hospital.
Oh, right.
There are no patients at this hospital.
It's pancreatic head cancer.
We'll have to perform a laparoscopy.
It'd be better to just open him up.
Hey, Professor Park is the master
of the laparoscopic Whipple procedure.
Did you know that?
Professor Park equals laparoscopy.
It's like a formula, so memorize it.
So what will Professor Park do?
A laparoscopy.
We'll open up the patient.
When the patient came in a month ago,
the cancer that started
in the head of the pancreas
had only spread to parts
of the duodenum and stomach.
But in just a month,
it spread to his biliary tract
and transverse colon.
So we have no choice but to open him up.
Will we do a PPPD?
Yes, of course.
Doctor Yang, I'd like you to remove
the metastasized colon.
Sure, no problem.
Then what can I do?
I'll have to hear your answer first.
So, this wasn't about me scrubbing in.
Did you ask me here to hear my answer?
Doctor Seo.
I'm giving you this opportunity
because I think you're a great surgeon.
If you wish to assist me…
you must prove your dignity
as a doctor first.
Does covering up for fellow doctors…
dignify us as doctors?
Doctor Seo.
Didn't you swear the oath
when graduating med school?
"I will do everything in my power…
to uphold the honor and dignified
tradition of the medical profession.
My fellow doctors
are my brothers and sisters."
Just stay true to that oath.
There was another line though.
"I will perform my duties
upon my conscience and dignity.
I will…
put my patients' health first
under any circumstances."
Is that your answer?
I asked you…
if that is your answer.
You said he has until this evening,
so let him think about it until then.
I'll monitor the patient
and confirm the surgery by the evening.
Does that sound good?
Doctor Seo?
That's strange. Why isn't she picking up?
Is she with a patient?
Hasn't she talked to him about it?
Why are you ignoring the call?
Isn't it your mom?
Are you two on the outs or something?
Who are you?
I'm Kang Ik-joon.
We met yesterday, remember?
What's your name?
Oh, Cha Eun-jae.
Your name is Eun-jae.
Call me Doctor Cha Eun-jae.
Or just Doctor Cha.
Will you be participating in my surgery?
I'm a cardiac surgeon.
I mend hearts and lungs.
You can fix hearts?
Then can you also fix how someone feels?
-Perhaps you can fix my feelings?
I think they've been
out of whack for years.
Go back to your room before I lose it.
Should we date?
You're totally my type.
I'm rich.
Gosh, why you little--
Oh, you got a text.
It's so peaceful here today.
Yes, tell me about it.
I'm wondering if it's okay
to be this quiet.
I heard we can't say that here in the ER.
It'll bring in emergency patients.
It's considered a jinx here.
But the situation has changed.
-Right, Nurse Um?
-Yes, you're right.
What is this?
Gosh, no way.
Is this a prank?
What are you all doing?
Didn't you get a text about the patient?
-Doctor Kim.
What's this about?
What do you think?
We're expecting an emergency patient.
What do you mean? "An emergency patient"?
Don't be so alarmed.
You kept refusing to accept patients,
-so I set up a separate hotline.
-Nurse Um.
-Yes, sir.
The paramedics will call this number.
I'd like you to be in charge
of taking the calls.
-Sure, got it.
-Yes, I'm here.
-Hey, an MI patient
had a cardiac arrest on the way,
so get ready.
We may need surgery,
so call Anesthesiology.
Got it, sir.
Doctor Kim, a patient with abdominal pain
will arrive in five minutes.
Where is Doctor Jeong?
-Doctor Jeong!
-Yes! I'm here, sir.
A patient with abdominal pain
is coming in.
Get ready. Quick.
Okay. Doctor Yoon.
Nurse Um. You should
call Doctor Seo in advance, just in case.
Got it.
-Ms. Oh.
-Yes, Doctor Kim.
Call Doctor Nam
and tell him to come right away.
Will do.
Doctor Nam, this is Oh Myeong-sim.
Doctor Kim wants you here.
The patient is here!
Here, one, two, three!
Doctor Yoon, please do CPR.
Connect the monitor and check the rate.
The monitor has been connected.
Here's our report, the EKG, and the CD.
Thank you.
Pause. Let's check the rhythm.
Charge to 200 joules.
-Back to CPR.
-I'll take over.
-Let's intubate the patient!
This way!
Let's move the patient.
-One, two, three!
-One, two, three!
What? This is…
What happened?
He and his mates were using an air gun
to get dust off their clothes.
They sprayed air into his anus
while goofing around,
and his abdomen suddenly swelled up.
He's also experiencing severe pain.
An air gun?
Well, you know.
It's a gun that instantly
shoots out high-pressure air.
I'm sure it wasn't made to be used on…
What's wrong with…
It was caused by an air gun,
fired into his anus.
Let's check his heart rhythm.
It's back.
-The patient's heart is beating again.
When he arrived at the other hospital,
the left main was almost totally blocked,
but they managed to unclog it.
However, his LAD and LCX
are almost completely clogged as well.
Right. His blood vessels are thin,
and they're heavily calcified.
What do you think?
Can you do this?
Yes, I… Sorry?
You want me to lead this surgery?
Well, do you expect me to do it?
Right, I should do it.
I'll assist you throughout the surgery.
You will assist me?
You don't want that?
It's not that. I'm honored.
Don't chuckle, or I'll grow fond of you.
You'd better go get ready.
Yes, sir. I'm on it.
-Doctor Kim.
It's abdominal swelling due to an air gun.
He has pneumoperitoneum,
so a sonogram is useless.
But I'm sure he has a bowel perforation.
We should operate on him as soon as
the OP lab test and CT scan are done.
I have to tend to the CS patient first.
Ms. Oh. Ms. Oh?
Yes, Doctor Kim.
There you are.
Tend to the bowel perforation patient
with Nurse Park.
-Sure, I'll get ready.
Nurse Park. To OR two, please.
-It's a bowel perforation patient.
-Got it.
-I'll go get ready.
-Yes, hurry.
Ms. Oh.
Where is Doctor Nam?
He'll be here. Don't worry.
The person you're trying to reach
is unavailable. Please leave a message
after the tone.
You won't let me into the OR?
What do you mean?
The patient had a cardiac arrest,
and he's not doing well.
But you'll perform a CABG?
And you'll lead the surgery?
Yes. Is there a problem with that?
Most importantly, I don't trust you.
Up until recently, you used to run out
of the OR due to your anxiety issues.
I don't do that anymore.
The patient is in poor condition.
What if he dies during the surgery
because you insisted on operating on him?
We both know what will happen next.
We'll be blamed for medical malpractice
and end up getting sued.
Why must I take such a huge risk?
Still, he's dying.
You won't let me in, knowing that?
That's right. I won't.
I don't want to be responsible.
I don't know if we can save him, okay?
Then I'll take that patient.
Doctor Nam.
I was going to take
the bowel perforation patient,
but I'll take over if you're scared
to take on the MI patient.
I heard they terminated your contract.
I don't think that's any of your business.
You're disrespecting my privacy
as if it's no big deal,
which is very rude and discourteous.
Frankly, I find it extremely obnoxious.
What can I do though?
A friend of mine keeps on pushing me,
saying it's not time to give up yet.
I'll take on the MI patient.
Don't worry. Let's go in, Doctor Cha.
Hey, Doctor Sim.
For your information,
that friend he was talking about…
is me.
Oh, and the contract termination letter…
I tore it to pieces.
I'm telling you
so you can let President Park know.
You've never performed a CABG, right?
Right, I've only assisted before.
You need to focus.
And just do your best, okay?
Yes, sir.
May I begin?
Yes, get started.
This patient has
double-vessel coronary artery disease.
We'll begin
the coronary artery bypass surgery.
We'll begin the surgery. Scalpel.
Sternal saw.
Sternal retractor.
What about the graft? What will you use?
I'll use the ITA.
-Army-Navy retractor.
-Forceps and harmonic scalpel.
Make sure you leave enough soft tissue
so you can secure the vessel later.
Got it.
Let me locate the injury first.
Kelly forceps.
Shall I pour water now?
Yes. Saline, please.
Once more, please.
Here. The rectum is perforated.
You were right, Doctor Sim.
You said Doctor Seo dazzles most brightly
when he's in the OR.
Do I?
It's probably because you're confident
in your skills,
and you just do what you believe in.
I believe the same goes for people.
When you believe something's right
and put that into action…
you dazzle.
Ms. Oh.
Just do what you believe is right.
That won't get you kicked out of the OR.
At least not here…
at Doldam Hospital.
-What do I do?
-What's wrong?
The graft is damaged.
It's okay. Calm down.
Don't get flustered.
The patient is still stable.
Take a deep breath.
Now, think about what needs to be done.
Okay. Well…
What else can you use?
-As a graft?
Well, there's the gastroepiploic artery.
That's right.
Then I'll open the diaphragm
and take a graft from the GEA.
-Forceps and harmonic scalpel.
One vessel loop.
-Right angle forceps.
How do you feel?
Don't your hands feel light
now that you're confident?
One more vessel loop, please.
This is why your own will is important
to you as an operating surgeon.
When wanting to do it
gives you assurance that you can do it,
the surgery's success rate goes up.
Instrument tie, please.
There are no leaks this time.
Don't check with me all the time.
You're leading this surgery,
so do what you think is right.
All right, keep going.
-Then I'll open the pericardium now.
-Metzenbaum scissors.
Wait! Doctor Seo.
A visitor is waiting for you
in the staff lounge.
Ms. Oh.
I warned you not to egg on Doctor Seo.
I thought I got my message across.
Yes, you did.
That's why I gave you my answer.
What you're worried about
will never happen at this hospital.
Can you folks take responsibility
for Seo Woo-jin's future?
What about you?
Do you think you can
take responsibility for his future?
What did you say?
All of us have been sued
by a patient or two.
But we've never refused patients
because of the fear of being sued.
You refused to operate due to that risk.
Do you think Doctor Seo
will find your advice helpful?
I doubt it.
You people…
Do you know how annoying you are?
My gosh.
In fact, we do.
But Doctor Kim calls it
"being show-offs."
-Hi, Ms. Oh.
-Did the surgery go well?
What about your patient?
The surgery went very well.
His skills are improving by the day.
But his style is different from yours.
What? Even his operations
are good-looking?
Where's Doctor Cha?
She's congratulating herself
for leading her first surgery.
Thank you for hanging in there.
Thank you.
Mom, what are you doing here?
Hey, Eun-jae.
The surgery must've ended just now.
I'm having a chat with Doctor Seo.
Doctor Seo, can you step out for a minute?
What are you doing?
We were talking.
Please. Leave the room.
Wait, I'm not done talking yet.
Good day, ma'am.
Wait, Doctor Seo!
Enough, Mom.
Hey, what about your brother?
He keeps calling me because he's worried.
Tell him to sort it out himself
if he's that worried.
He's old enough. Why is he hiding
behind your back like a little kid?
Eun-jae, you're out of line.
Mom, please.
I work here.
I know that.
That's why I came here
to politely ask him in person.
Mom, do you think this is polite?
Mom, this is wrong.
If Eun-ho made a mistake,
he should pay for it.
Why should you talk to Woo-jin about it?
Also, who told you that you could
talk to him without asking me first?
You've always had your way
with everything.
Was that not enough for you?
My gosh, what?
What makes you think I've had my way
with everything?
You didn't know?
I didn't want to go to med school.
-But you said I had to.
You said it was your dream.
So I studied hard without complaining
and got in.
I really didn't want to become a surgeon,
but you told me I had to.
You wanted me to get into CS at all costs,
so I did.
Because of my anxiety issues, I threw up
and ran out of the OR so many times.
I tried taking so many medications
just to hold out.
You have no idea.
I dozed off and dropped to the floor
over and over
and got kicked for that so many times!
You haven't got a clue,
because you weren't the one who carried me
out of the OR when I fainted.
Gosh, what is wrong with you?
It's not ladylike to yell at your mother.
This is why I told you
to stay away from wheat and instant foods.
Gosh, look how irritable you've become.
Mom, please!
This isn't good.
Even just one more day here will ruin you.
After sorting things out with Doctor Seo,
I'm going to find you another job.
This is not how I raised you.
How did you turn out like this?
My gosh.
Look at those eyes.
How dare you glare at me like that?
I can't believe this. My goodness.
This is why your own will is important
to you as an operating surgeon.
You need to apologize to me right now!
When wanting to do it gives you assurance
that you can do it,
the surgery's success rate goes up.
Tell Eun-ho to sort out his own mess.
Do not ask me…
or Woo-jin for any favors.
You're leading this surgery.
This is my life.
And this is where I work!
Do what you think is right.
Stop humiliating me.
And never visit me again
for something like this, Mom.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry, Woo-jin.
What do I do?
I'm too embarrassed to even look at you.
-What's your answer?
-Tell the doctor…
to come here and explain
what happened to his patient.
He should visit the patient,
admit to his mistake,
and apologize to him.
The surgeon who operated
on your gallbladder is on his way here.
He'll officially apologize when he's here,
but I thought
I should give you a heads-up.
I'd like to…
apologize once again on his behalf.
I'm sorry.
Did you tell him?
Yes. What about you?
Yes, me too.
What did Professor Park say?
I'm banned from the OR for the time being.
I see.
You don't seem worried though.
I know.
I wonder why.
Oh, well.
I'm curious about something, sir.
About what?
Why keep putting them
up against each other?
Let's be honest. With your order alone,
Doldam can be bulldozed right away.
Why do you keep fueling the fire?
I have to go.
We'll talk again another time.
Still no word from Chairman Shin?
No, sir. I contacted him three times
and said that you wish to speak with him.
I'll try contacting him again, sir.
What could the reason be?
It's been a while, Doctor Kim.
You found out today
that your car was towed?
I've been so busy and preoccupied.
It's been one thing after another
since that day.
On top of that, my mom came by yesterday.
This will cost quite a bit.
My mom cut off my credit card,
so I'm broke now.
Wait here. I'll go settle this.
I owe this much for a towed car?
You should've picked it up sooner.
You owe more because it's been a few days.
Can you believe this?
They dragged my car away
and charged me a fortune.
How much do I owe in total?
Where did he go?
Hey, where are you?
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