Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e12 Episode Script

The Sentry Sinister

[Reed] Ah, but, dear, be reasonable.
What if some intergalactic adversary
attacks while we're
Even the Fantastic Four need a vacation.
You are not putting it off again
by absent-mindedly losing our luggage.
Can't someone else
save the worid this month?
You mean,
just let the Avengers or Thor
get irradiated and pulverized
instead of us?
Ever hear the phrase
"overly responsible", Reed Richards?
[laughs] Guess the missus is serious
about a vacation this year, Stretcho.
Dead serious. Did you think Ben
and Johnny might need a break too?
All right, I'll call the airlines, dear.
By the way, where are we going?
Ah, wow, I'm so shocked you agreed
that my mind's a blank. Any ideas, Ben?
Yeah, what say I just let
the fickle finger of fate decide, huh?
Ah, yes, I'll hold. [laughs]
Just make sure I get three seats across
and plenty of honey-roasted peanuts.
Hey, grab ya sarong, Suse.
We're heading for a sunny South Pacific
piece of paradise called
Tivu Island.
There, Foley. The spire described
in the ancient Incan tablets.
According to the legends,
this stone hand will reveal
the ancient alien civilization
that once inhabited Tivu Island.
I don't believe it, Doctor Neville.
And here I was, thinking you be daft.
[Neville laughs] Greater minds
than yours have called me mad,
but here is proof of my sanity.
These mechanisms were old
when the human race was beginning.
I don't get it, Doctor. What's the
meaning of all this? What was that?
[both] No!
[robot] No outsiders are allowed here.
- So my supreme masters command.
- [both cry out]
[Ben] Sheesh. I was hoping for a plush
wide-body with complimentary slippers.
[Reed] Sorry, Ben.
Who'd have thought all the flights
to the South Pacific would be booked?
Gee, I don't know, Professor.
Maybe someone who waited
till the last minute. Whoa!
Sure you won't come, Johnny? A change
of scenery might be what you need to
Forget about Crystal?
Ha, not a chance.
I never wanna forget her, Sis. This
Torch is gonna carry that flame forever.
[laughs] Thanks, anyway.
I'll just hang out here.
You guys have a great time, and don't
worry. I'll keep an eye on the universe.
See you later.
I only knew him such a short time,
but it was so magical.
Fate's been kinder to you, Medusa.
You and Black Bolt were reunited.
Yes, but for how long?
Every day my beloved
flies through the city
seeking a possible weak spot
in the impenetrable Negative Barrier.
Every day our air supply diminishes,
and it gets harder to breathe.
When the oxygen's depleted,
all Inhumans will die.
No! I must finally shatter the barrier
and free everyone yet!
[grunts of exertion]
[sighs of resignation]
[Crystal] No more, Karnak, no more!
You'll break your hand.
Don't torture yourself, Karnak.
We've tried all we could.
The accursed Barrier can repel anything,
even my kick.
Cousins! See how clever Maximus is.
I have made a metal kite.
[manic laughter]
See how it flies without wings,
without a motor.
Maximus is like a poor lost child.
I feel so sorry for him, Medusa.
- But his madness has doomed us all.
- [growling]
Would you like me to make a kite
for you, Gorgon, or some other clever
It's dissolving the Barrier
you should be working on.
The Barrier, and the Barrier only!
Save your breath, Gorgon.
He cannot, or will not, understand.
Gorgon is displeased. But come, see
what I have done to our cousin Triton.
- [Karnak] You maniac!
- [Gorgon] If you've harmed him, I'll
[Crystal] Maximus, no!
You madman! He'll die without water!
No, Karnak. See?
I have freed Triton from the confines
of his watery prison.
- [Karnak] What?
- [gasps] I can breathe!
[all gasp]
[Maximus] Don't you see?
The circulators I have created
will pump life-giving saline chemicals
through his water-breathing body!
Yes, yes! Now I can live
like all of you, breathing the air!
What precious little is left of it.
Black Bolt!
Look at what I have done for Triton,
dear brother.
Black Bolt! I am no longer slave
to the watery depths!
[laughs] It was easy for me to do,
Now show your regal gratitude by
restoring me to the throne again, hmm?
Sorry, I didn't quite hear you.
[manic giggling]
Quiet, Maximus.
You know Black Bolt's merest whisper
would destroy this palace.
Oh, yes, I know that.
And I know other things,
like your useless attempts
to break the Barrier.
All have failed, and all your poor
little subjects will soon die,
because only I know
how to break free.
[heavy breathing] No!
Why should all the Inhumans perish
because of your madness?
- You will give up your secret.
- My loving brother, save me!
- Save your rightful king.
- [sighs] Forgive me, my King.
In my blind rage I did forget
that Maximus is truly mad.
[gasps] They all want to harm me.
All of them! But you'll always protect
poor Maximus,
won't you, my brother?
We'll never leave Attilan again,
but I'm not afraid,
because we're all together.
Black Bolt summons all Inhumans
to the Great Square.
While there is still air to breathe.
These who now dare intrude
will be destroyed by the Vibro Screen.
[Ben] So, kiddies, what do you think
of the little hunk of heaven
Ol' Blue Eyes picked out
just for you, heh?
- Ben, it's beautiful.
- [beeping]
Hm, I don't like the looks
of this strange energy flux.
You really know how to rain on a picnic,
[gasps] What the?
We've hit a vibration field.
The plane's shaking to pieces!
And here I am
without trip-cancellation insurance.
Susan, use your invisible
force field as a buffer!
- Reed, I'm on vacation!
- But I
It's a joke, dear.
[Ben] It's working like a charm, Susie,
except now I won't be able
to set this baby down on her tail.
Reed! I don't suppose
that's one of the tourist attractions.
[Reed] Sue, remove your force field
or you'll hit it!
- Ben, you're going to
- Relax, Stretcho.
I ain't gonna nail
that 15-foot-high speed bump.
[Reed] Throw me in front of the plane!
- Have you flipped your big brain?
- Just do it!
[Reed groans]
[Ben] Emergency exit, Suse!
[robot] I am intergalactic Kree
Sentry 4-5-9.
I cannot be deterred from my purpose.
I am Sentry.
[both cry out]
For millennia, my unchanging orders
have been to protect this base
from invaders like you.
I'm not trying to harm you.
I'm trying to protect my friends!
This alien worid has spawned strange
new beings since my last awakening.
Give it a rest, Stretcho.
It's robot clobberin' time!
I am no mere robot.
And I ain't no mere Thing!
Often imitated, never duplicated,
and always cheaper by the pound!
[electrical crackling]
Oh, my aunt Petunia!
Yow! Oof! Ouch!
[splutters, coughs]
[Sue] Ben, are you all right?
I was till I stumbled into the Indiana
Jones ride at Tivu Disneyland!
Hmph. Looks like these two holidayers
want their shekels back.
Fascinating. They've been imprisoned
in a shimmering mass of colloidal atoms.
Sorry, Stretcho, I can only take
so many big words.
Run! A big broth of a robot
is guarding this cursed place!
Easy, pal. I knocked that Sentry clown
into the next century.
All part of the Fantastic Four's
new robot-bashin' service.
[gasps, murmurs]
Why has Black Bolt
gathered us together, Medusa?
Do you think he finally found a way
to destroy the Barrier?
[electrical crackling]
He points to the shelters
deep beneath the city.
We must go there at once.
[Crystal] But why, Medusa?
What does Black Bolt plan to do?
We shall all know very soon, my sister.
Now, to the shelters!
The moment of truth has finally come.
[electrical crackling, sound of flying]
Please don't do it. I'm afraid!
I know you think me insane because
I created this Barrier that traps us,
but I'm not mad! [sobs]
My plan was sanity itself:
when you failed to free your people,
they would have returned
my rightful crown to me.
But I never thought you would speak.
- Don't do it! Please! Please!
- [electrical crackling]
[Maximus] You set them free.
Now they'll love you forever.
I'll never be king again!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no! [sobs]
[thudding footsteps]
[breathes deeply]
Breathe deep the air, my cousins.
King Black Bolt has given
the Inhumans back their lives,
and their freedom.
But at such a cost:
beautiful Attilan gone.
We have sacrificed a city
to gain a worid.
Oh, Triton. Then maybe some day
I might see my Johnny again.
But there is so much
to be done here first.
[electrical crackling]
[Medusa] Black Bolt. Really?
Good ol' Sis sure picked
a primo time for a vacation.
I've never seen this burg so dead.
I knew it was too boring to last.
Looks like some yahoo's breaking
and entering at our place.
A little action should do me some good.
Come on out where I can see you,
or you'd better be fireproof.
J- Johnny?
Crystal? Wow, I must
be seeing things! You
It seems like a dream to me too,
Johnny, but it's very real.
Crystal, I have missed you so m
- But how?
- Black Bolt freed us.
[sighs] But our home was destroyed.
I must return soon for the rebuilding.
But Black Bolt allowed me
to see you first.
Oh, Crystal, there's so much
I want to say to you,
so many things I want you to know
I already do, my Johnny Storm.
- [barking]
- Yuck! What's he doing here?
[laughs] How do you think
I got here, silly?
Just promise me you won't zap her
back home for a while, okay?
Phew, we gotta do something
about that breath.
the intergalactic Kree
the Seeker told me about
obviously left a robot Sentry to guard
this space port until their return.
So my arrival obviously
activated his energy sensors
[yawns] Some vacation, huh, Suse?
Now that Stretcho's found
another egghead to yammer with,
peace and quiet's
taken the first raft out of here.
[sighs] Yes, and unfortunately,
we weren't on it.
With the vibration device deactivated,
you and your guide are now free to go.
[laughs] And not a minute too soon
for Mr. Foley.
Oh, I hope to return some day
with a more scientific team.
Ah, perhaps, Dr. Richards,
you would like
- Why, I'd
- Sorry, Doc, he's otherwise engaged.
Pick us up next week
and I'll get you an appointment.
He's all yours, Suse. Forgive me
if I don't oil your backs.
Ha. You ain't lost your touch,
Benjy boy.
- Oof!
- [heavy footsteps]
[Sentry] I bear you no malice.
Just think of the technological marvels
that ancient space port might hold.
[sighs] I guess a bikini
doesn't stand a chance with you.
- [Reed] Huh?
- [splash]
When is Ben gonna learn
to skip boulders more quietly?
Oh, no! Oh, no, Ben!
Though you have shattered
my instrumentation,
I have increased my strength
until I alone am master.
Even force fields shatter
before my power.
[Sue] He's too strong!
[Sentry] I bear you no malice.
I do only as I was programmed to do.
[Reed] Call Johnny from the Pogo Plane.
Tell him I need the ionic destabilizer.
If he uses the one-man missile,
he might just get here in time.
- But, Reed, what about you?
- Vacation's over!
[Sentry growls]
Johnny, come in. We're on Tivu Island,
in terrible danger!
Johnny, please, are you there? Johnny!
[giggles] So is this what you humans
call an international dinner, Johnny?
Oh, yeah, to the max!
Polish kielbasa on a French roll with
Russian dressing and German sauerkraut,
and smothered in ketchup
from the good ol' US of A.
- [growls]
- [whimpers] Aaah
No, don't tell me.
You want a Polish dog too? [laughs]
- [barks]
- Hey, what gives?
- [Ben splutters]
- I couldn't raise Johnny.
Reed, look out!
I am a Sentry. I only obey orders.
It does not matter
whether I can see my victims.
My force will create a tidal wave
which will wash the island
clean of all intruders.
- My force field
- We'll never withstand the impact!
[groans] What a time to come to!
What the?
- [Johnny] Flame on!
- I'll try and hold the wave back.
I've got a little moat to dig.
- [Sue] Johnny, hurry!
- [Crystal] My wind power is fading.
Let me guess. You're the overachiever
who cooked up that tidal wave.
- [Sentry] You are an intruder.
- Ooph!
No! I'll save you, Johnny.
Whoa, thanks for the help, Crys.
You sure recycled that tin can.
- [Johnny] No!
- [Crystal] Johnny!
- [Crystal groans]
- [Johnny] I can't
Love conquers all, junior,
with a little help from your friends.
[Reed] Careful. Your powers
are causing seismic tremors
that could rupture the volcanic plate
beneath Tivu.
It's easier to start than stop!
[Ben] Oh, Jeez.
Too late, lady, it's lava time!
There's no way off the island
before it blows!
Yes, there is. Lockjaw!
[Ben] Oof! Hey, watch it,
you meat hound!
For the first time in all history,
a Sentry has failed.
Though I have not heard
from my Kree masters for untold ages,
I remain at my post,
as a Sentry must,
until the end.
This is Sentry 4-5-9
making his final report.
I've made up the spare room, Crystal.
How long before you?
Just long enough to be with Johnny
while he shows me the wonders of his
- Your worid.
- [Johnny] Come on, Crys.
We've got a little lost time
to make up for.
Oh, Black Bolt asked me
to give you this message:
"You were right.
Inhumans and humans need not,
cannot, live apart forever. "
It was meant that all races should
co-exist peacefully on this planet. "
Johnny and I are proof of that.
- [Sue] Aw, darling, isn't it romantic?
- Uh-huh..
Ah, you know, I was wondering how Black
Bolt will lead the Inhumans into
Sometimes a lady
just has to take charge. [laughs]
[Ben] Yeah, this is so charming,
'cept I gotta walk this mutant mutt.
Hang on, drool-bag.
Next stop, Central Park.
Something tells me that's going to be
no ordinary walk in the park.
Whoa! Stop! Hold it! Heel! Sit!
Reed! How do you stop this crazy thing?
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