Taxi Driver (2021) s02e12 Episode Script

The Playground of Evil

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
Get him up.
At least tell me
why I'm getting kicked out.
Are you sure
we shouldn't go and help?
Why aren't the police doing anything
when they're seeing all this?
Will you hold onto him?
- Gosh, that hurt.
- Get up.
Oh, dear. I'm dying over here.
Will someone call the police?
Come here.
Come here. Hey.
Hello. You can come in.
- Who asked for us?
- Hey.
He made the report.
Are you okay?
Are you okay? Can you stand up?
Oh, dear.
Stand up. Are you all right?
Let's see.
What are you doing?
You're under arrest
for obstructing a business.
What the heck is going on?
If you have no other issues,
we'll head back.
Take care.
I saw it go down myself
and I can't believe it.
- Let's go.
- Wait. No.
What? We're not going to follow him?
Let me check one thing.
What? Check what?
To check why that private ambulance
is stopping at the club.
What's this?
Did someone get hurt inside?
Come on.
What is this?
- Let's go.
- Let go of me.
- My blood isn't circulating.
- What is this?
- Why are you doing this?
- Come on.
Seriously. I'm here to have fun.
(Black Sun)
Put them in the truck.
I'm going. Don't push me.
I'm going to sue you guys.
You're not getting away with this.
How could you let in minors?
I told you no minors in the club.
Didn't I?
You did.
If you knew that,
how could you let those kids in?
They bought the high pass
from an agent.
The high pass?
- Which agent?
- It was Windy.
She must be desperate for money.
Let's wipe her board.
Pull the plug
on her entire schedule.
Yes, sir.
She's desperate for money.
But he's going to wipe her board?
What's this about?
Do you want a drink?
Have you gone mad?
How dare you cancel my reservations?
How dare you?
You must be out of your mind
after losing all your customers.
Do you know how much money
I lost today?
I don't.
But you put me in a tight spot
because you carelessly
let some minors in.
(Minor: Underage customers)
Shouldn't you kneel
and apologize to me first?
That's why you pulled out
all of my reservations?
You lowlife!
Didn't I make it clear to you?
Rape or assault.
People can do whatever they want here
because we can easily say
the customers got too excited.
But we can't do anything
about minors.
Get your hands off me, you lowlife.
If we get caught serving minors,
there's no way out.
I'll go down for everything.
Darn it!
You crazy wench. Gosh. Come on.
Darn it.
Do you want to die?
I'm going to kill you first,
you lowlife.
(Chief of Black Sun, Yoo Moon Hyun)
- What are you two doing?
- It's nothing.
We were talking.
Talking, my foot.
We still have customers here.
If you need to talk,
do it quietly after we close.
Yes, sir.
I was on my way out
to get back to work.
Gosh. That idiot.
Darn it.
Hey, Detective Jang. It's me.
(Detective Jang Jin Ho
of Jeongsam Police Station)
Stop making up stories
and don't destroy what isn't yours.
(Senior Officer Jo Min Geon)
You don't believe me
that I reported I saw minors,
but you believe club security
who said I destroyed property.
Without even going inside the club.
(Criminal Division,
Violent Crimes Team 1)
Is your name Kim Do Ki?
(Cell 1)
You're now under arrest
for molesting a club employee.
You should've just had a good time.
Why cause a fuss
and bother so many people?
You're well and truly screwed.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Episode 12)
Gosh. Their nicknames are making it
harder for me to identify them.
Who on earth reported Mr. Kim?
Just wait until I find you.
What's he doing here?
What are you doing here?
What is it?
Darn it.
(Jeongsam Police Station)
What? Come on.
Shouldn't you at least thank me?
I don't remember
hearing that from you either.
You actually cursed at me.
(Keep the country safe
with the people.)
If you want this, buy me a beer.
Gosh. That hits the spot.
Gosh. You know how to take a punch.
That would have been enough
to knock you out.
I don't think I want this video.
Keep watching.
The woman
who just got out of the taxi.
She made the false report
that you sexually harassed her.
Her name is Aena.
She's an agent at the club.
But she came to work
after you got arrested.
So it's obvious she was lying.
That's why you were released
right away.
By the way, how could you even
think about tipping off
the police regarding the minors
inside the club?
Gosh. Are you that fearless?
Or are you that confident?
don't usually get beaten up
that badly on the rooftop.
I never told you I was a reporter.
They called you a media jackal.
I see.
Why were you filming them
on the rooftop
when they were beating you up?
I guess I did it to extort money.
I'm a media jackal.
If that was your goal,
you would've done it
at the entrance.
There would be witnesses
all over the entrance.
You probably didn't want
anyone interrupting you.
the police.
Were you filming yourself
getting beaten up,
so you could threaten them?
was it to cut a deal?
I don't know
what you're trying to do here,
but you should stay away
from Black Sun.
This isn't a threat.
It's a word of advice for you.
You experienced it firsthand, right?
How your kindness of tipping off
the police panned out.
You see,
common sense
has no place at Black Sun.
So you should stop
before you hurt yourself.
If you keep hanging around there,
you'll be getting in my way.
Anyway, thanks for the beer.
(Tiger Beer)
Anyway, you dodged a bullet.
Whatever his intention was,
without Mr. Kim Yong Min's help,
you would have been in big trouble.
But don't you think
this is ridiculous?
I can't believe that
the police showed up at the club
because he sent in a tip.
They framed me to get me in trouble.
And they were about to push
a reporter off the rooftop.
They didn't hesitate at all.
This also proves that Black Sun
must have a lot to hide.
Why don't we get the club owner
and interrogate him?
Let me give you a pop quiz.
Guess how many people own the club.
Isn't there only one owner?
A, 2 people. B, 3 people.
C, four people.
D, 5 people. E, 6 people.
Gosh. You're really good
at questions like this.
That was correct.
She never changes.
She's so consistent.
But do you know
what's even more shocking?
All six of them aren't real owners.
They are just figureheads.
So no one knows
who the real owner is?
That's odd.
(Black Sun)
I need to get back into Black Sun.
Should I book a table?
The range of the areas I can cover
as a customer is limited.
It'll be better to use
another method to get back in.
I would have been in big trouble
without your help,
Senior Superintendent.
Gosh, I told you
not to call me that here.
(Park Hyun Jo,
the owner of Black Sun)
(Senior Superintendent
of Seoul Metropolitan Police)
Yes, sir.
Just call a chauffeur
when after drinking.
A DUI in the middle of the road?
That's just so embarrassing.
Actually, I already told Hoon Jung.
I made myself clear.
I told him we wouldn't help him
with his next DUI.
By the way, Senior Superintendent
To celebrate the release
of my new album,
I'm planning to rent
the entire resort
on an island and throw a party.
You're coming, right?
Will there be pretty celebrities?
You know,
I'm into models these days.
I know your type.
I'll invite models
who aren't so shy.
I saw an article
about your new relationship.
What? With who?
You don't even know
whom you've been fooling around?
Gosh. I don't know.
I just fool around with everyone.
Then I'll marry a foreigner. Right.
The settlement for this month
is finished.
I can just check the number
on the bottom.
(Sales revenue,
5.64 million dollars)
(Monthly Sales Revenue Chart)
Victor, after you promoted the club,
we've been hitting
new sales records every month.
This isn't just a club to me.
I should do everything I can.
Then I'll put you down
on the list for my party.
I'll set it up
and make it gorgeous too.
To success.
(Club Black Sun)
(Club Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
- Did you call a taxi?
- Yes, it will be here soon.
Rainbow Taxi has arrived.
- Gosh.
- Goodness.
You're the Head of Security.
What did you do to the guys?
Why did everyone go AWOL?
I'm sorry.
They couldn't properly handle
a media jackal the other day.
I told them to leave.
But I didn't know they would
all leave at the same time.
You still have a lot to learn.
I'm on my way there.
Pick out some guys.
Get me strong ones.
I don't want any softies.
Gosh. Darn it.
(No pain, no gain.)
Kids these days don't know
the first thing
about being professional.
I'm sorry, sir. The guys
in the last batch were decent.
That's odd.
Send me the address of the guys
that went AWOL.
I must teach them a lesson
about the consequence
of being irresponsible.
Well, since we only made
the introductions,
we didn't ask for their addresses.
I don't know where they live.
Why do you think I hired you?
I'm paying you to filter out
the bad apples.
I'm sorry.
I'll find the ones who quit
without handing in their notice
and beat them up.
Please don't be so upset.
We have a lot of good guys today.
Have your pick.
Hey. Move.
I'm not done yet.
That's your problem.
We need to use this machine.
So beat it.
I told you I wasn't done yet.
Look at this rude jerk.
Those punks.
- Wait.
- Gosh.
Come on.
Everyone here should be polite
and have some manners.
(Wait for your turn.)
wait for your turn.
(No pain, no gain.)
(Make yourself stronger.)
It's time for my protein drink.
Who is that?
He served time in the same cell
as Woo Sik.
Woo Sik told him about us.
This is good.
What was he in for?
He just got here.
So I don't know much about him.
Thugs have a naive side too.
He seems naive
to a fault.
Come in.
Did you want to see me?
Take them and train them.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
Hey. You jerk.
What? Do you know him?
He's the one who reported
the cops about the minors.
Look at this law-abiding citizen.
Who knew I would run into you here?
You managed to weasel
your way out of that.
I'm sorry about that.
I got too worked up that day.
Actually, I briefly worked
at a convenience store.
A lot of minors came to the store
to lie to us about their age
to buy liquor and cigarettes.
I got burned many times.
I used up all of my salary
for the settlement money.
So after that,
whenever I see these kids
who don't have basic ethics
and lie about their age,
I lose my temper.
I reported it to the police
right away.
I'm sorry.
You and your lame excuses.
Thinking about all the trouble
I went through because of you
Good job.
If you spot minors again,
report it again.
But not to the cops.
To me.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I'll do my best!
His basic attitude is good.
- Hello, sir.
- Hey.
Let's get acquainted later.
Come here. Go.
Here are the four areas of business
we must handle at the club.
Watching the hall,
managing the entrance,
marking VIPs, and making deliveries.
As for the newbies,
marking VIPs and making deliveries
are above your pay grade.
When you watch the hall,
don't get involved even if customers
get drunk and start fighting
or flirting with each other.
If things get serious,
then kick out only the guys,
not girls. Got it?
Easy, right?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Bouncers at the entrance.
Keeping the water clean
is solely up to you.
I'll teach you how it's done,
so keep the rules in mind.
Once we open for the day,
all women are allowed in
unless they're super ugly.
But with men, don't accept anyone
who look too old
or are dressed like college kids.
What if they booked a room
but they're not dressed well?
Let them in if they're VIP.
If not, ban them from entering.
Got it?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
If the club gets crowded,
purify the quality of our guests.
Women who are hippos and pigs
should be banned at the door.
Being with a model friend
won't balance it out.
As for men,
if they don't seem rich or stylish,
ban them from entering.
And then midnight strikes.
That's when the club
is at its peak hour.
Only male VIP guests
will be allowed to enter.
As for women, they must
at least be like fashion models.
If you're not sure about someone,
come to me.
We're responsible for everything
that goes on at Black Sun.
We are Black Sun.
We mark the beginning and end
of this club.
Have pride in your job. Got it?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
You mark the beginning and end?
Do you see yourselves as deities?
What did you just say?
Goodness. Did I say that out loud?
Guard Jang, your hearing
is too good for your own good.
I'd expect that from a dog.
Who are you glaring at, you moron?
You still haven't
come to your senses.
Oh, dear.
Maybe you need to be wiped out more.
Don't you dare.
I'll snag all bottles in every room.
I'll keep at it.
That brat.
Why are you still standing there?
Go to your positions
and get ready to open!
The newbies will clean the tables.
Hey, you. Clean up around here.
Hurry up, guys. Move!
(No. 9)
- What the
- Hey!
My gosh!
Hey, Number Nine.
Where do you think you're going?
Do you want to get beaten up?
Keep this in mind.
You're a carp with human eyes.
You know how carps are.
Whatever you see,
you'll forget instantly. Got it?
Don't meddle
and ruin the mood.
Got it, sir.
By the way,
where is the chief's office?
You punk.
Why do you want to know that?
Because the chief told me
to report back to him
if there are any issues.
Is the chief actually
the owner of this club?
From the get-go,
you're trying to score points
with the man upstairs.
- Maybe I should teach you a lesson.
- What's going on?
Greetings, ma'am.
Didn't you say you weren't a guard?
I am one at the moment.
(No. 9)
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
I haven't been able to locate
the office within the club.
Maybe there isn't one.
To do the bookkeeping,
one will need an office.
Many of the CCTV cameras
get broken out here,
so they'll need
a room for servers as well.
The office remains hidden
because they have
a lot of things to hide.
I'll keep looking.
Look at him slacking off.
That from a newbie?
It seems as though
he's coming our way.
- Have a good day.
- Sure.
What now?
What did I say about
setting up shop here?
Don't you understand Korean?
Why won't you take me seriously?
Take it elsewhere!
There's no need to be mean.
- You.
- Hey, sir.
I told them to pack up and move
since they were blocking
the guests' parking space.
But they just won't listen.
What is all this anyway?
When did you set this up?
Misters, you can't sell books here.
Take it elsewhere.
Having fun at the club
will leave people hungry.
Books feed the heart,
and nothing
is healthier than reading.
Take it elsewhere.
Sure. Elsewhere?
- We'll pack this up. Sorry.
- Right.
Give us some time.
He looks nasty, doesn't he?
- Hey.
- Yes?
By the way,
how do you know Ms. Yang?
Who exactly is Ms. Yang?
Look at you putting on a show.
Someone who doesn't know you
couldn't possibly
have remembered your number.
There's something about you
that annoys me.
Follow me.
Listen up.
You'll now be in charge
of marking the VIP guests.
But your main focus
isn't the people.
Your main job is
to protect the bottle
that corresponds with your name tag.
(No. 3)
(No. 6)
If the bottle gets robbed
or ends up broken,
you'll pay.
Go. Protect your bottle.
Got it.
Here we go.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
- Let's get drunk.
- I'm already tipsy.
Over here. Let's party.
This is insane!
Where are you?
What's taking you so long?
(Club Black Sun)
My work got pushed back,
so I had to stay longer.
I just parked my car.
I was bored, so I ordered
the most expensive bottle.
The one who arrives late
should pay, right?
Of course. Order whatever you want.
(Black Sun)
Hey, get over here.
Get over here!
Is professional courtesy
a foreign concept to you?
I haven't been able to be recognized
by Ms. Yang myself.
Who are you anyway?
Guard Jang allowed it.
Wait a second.
Is someone watching your back?
You should've rejected his offer.
Have you received a tip from her?
I haven't.
Then, I'll tend to her instead.
You go around the back
and make the delivery.
Stay sharp, okay?
Darn it.
Gosh. Hold on.
What the Why are you out here?
I was ordered to make the delivery.
I'm tired as it is.
Do you have a driver's license?
I do.
Here. Get behind the wheel.
(Club Black Sun)
Are you sure
this bottle is yours to guard?
Yes, ma'am. I'm the one.
That's weird.
Maybe I saw the wrong number.
I'm not in the mood anymore.
Is the bishop still on a pilgrimage?
That's right.
But he ordered us
to tend to you with the utmost care.
That being said,
how about we entertain you
with a game of snag the bottle?
Only there being a wager
could make it entertaining.
Then we'll wager.
The winner gets a wish.
As long as it's something I can do,
your wish will be my command.
Whose bottle is this? Number four.
Where's Number Five?
Manager On, who will you bet on?
These three will make a team,
and their opponent will be me.
No way! I'm already entertained.
Ms. Yang, who would
you like to bet on?
I believe in you, Manager On,
but then it won't be as fun.
I'll bet on the other three.
If you win, you can share this.
How's that for motivation?
You're the best!
Darn it.
My goodness. You're the best.
These should be reset.
I can't believe it.
Could you be sexier?
As promised,
you will grant me a wish.
Of course.
Here you go.
Let me pour you a victory drink.
Sirs, where exactly are we going?
Just follow the navigation system.
We're late, so speed up.
Got it.
(Grand L Hotel)
They seem to be headed to a hotel.
(Navigation Hacking)
What does he mean
by being late for a delivery?
(34R 3535)
Go Eun, license plate 34R 3535.
Run the car.
Did you say 34R 3535?
(Car Registration)
He's Kim Yong Min, the reporter.
Why are you going this way?
I think we're being tailed.
What the
Is he out of his mind?
That darn reporter is back.
Why you
- Get him.
- Get out here, you punk.
What the
Why are you
She must be taken to a hospital.
We can't waste more time!
We'll have the results
in about ten minutes.
(Taewon General Hospital)
You're probably tired, so have one.
We'll have to wait a while.
I didn't expect to see you there.
Why were you with them?
I should ask you the same thing.
Wasn't I clear though?
I told you to stay out of it.
That's what I should be saying.
This is a reagent testing
they're doing, right?
I can't be certain,
but my guess is that
she was exposed to a drug.
Should I tell you
what would've happened to her
had I not interrupted?
She would've been taken
to someplace
only to be gruesomely violated.
She could call the police,
but nothing will come out of it.
She might even be charged
with framing an innocent.
What's your relationship
to the patient inside?
Do you have the test result?
Her blood tested positive for drugs.
I knew it.
I have already called the police.
You called it in?
How can you report it
without discussing it with me?
We're obligated
to contact the police
when blood tests positive for drugs.
When did you make the call?
The moment her test
came back positive,
so they will be here any second.
Darn it.
(Ambulance Entrance)
Can you hear me?
You have been charged
with violation of drug regulations.
You may remain silent
Can you hear me?
- What?
- Get her in the car.
I was so close.
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Choi said
they're about to wake up.
Okay, I'll be right there.
My head aches.
What happened?
Where's the woman? Where is she?
Wake up. Get up!
- Where are we?
- Where'd the girl go?
- Are you all right?
- That punk.
Call it in and give an update.
My head hurts.
Who is it?
Where'd you get my address?
I was hoping for a cup of tea.
If you don't mind.
(Hallucinosis, Sexual assault)
(No. 0)
(Black Sun)
(Jeongsam Police Station
(Detective Suicide
Over Gambling Debt)
I don't have tea.
There's just beer or water.
Take your pick.
You can't actually be here for tea.
I want to know what it is you want.
What do you want to get
at the risk of getting in trouble
when you're a poor driver?
Let me ask you something first.
That night, when you drove into me
and pushed my car.
Did you do that on purpose
because I was in the truck's way?
To save me?
I'm a better driver than you.
I see.
What it is I want What do I want?
I think there was a long list.
They all failed.
I ruined it all.
And someone died, because of me.
(Black Sun's location)
Choi Seong Eun.
He's one of the few
honest officers I know.
(Detective Suicide
Over Gambling Debt)
(Suffocated Man in 30s
Was Police Officer)
(Choi Seong Eun)
That man who took his own life?
He didn't kill himself.
Someone killed him
and made it look like a suicide.
It was staged?
I don't know.
I thought I'd almost gotten to
the bottom of it.
Last year,
if only I hadn't told
Detective Choi what I knew.
(1 year ago)
We already know where to go.
- Make sure to
- Hello, sir.
sort this out for me.
Listen up. To congratulate us
on the huge bust,
the commissioner sent over a bonus.
- Yes!
- Great!
- You, the youngster.
- Yes, sir.
The commissioner wants a list
in order of contribution,
- so type one up.
- Yes, sir.
Good job, everyone.
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
Hey, was this due today?
- Can you do it?
- Sure.
What is it now?
You busted a huge
Incheon drug smuggling gang.
Good for you.
You found about 20kg?
How do you know that? You're quick.
You might get on the first page.
Thanks for the kimchi.
My wife told me to thank you too.
Did she?
My mom made me way too much
and I didn't know what to do.
I'm glad you liked it.
Stop beating around the bush.
You have a tip. What is it?
If it turns out to be huge,
I get the exclusive.
When did you not?
Let's see. Drugs.
(Black Sun Tip,
Large-scale drug distribution)
I staked out the place
for a few days after I got the tip.
I sense something.
Use your common sense.
Why would a club that makes
millions a month need to sell drugs?
That's why I'm here,
to ask you to find out.
I think it's a dud.
If it is, then it's a good thing.
Take this with you
when you check the place out.
Press this button once, like this.
What's this?
I need at least a recording
if I'm to negotiate a deadline.
I'll hold onto the story,
then print it
when you give the okay.
And buy you a drink.
Yong Min.
I won't do this for the drink.
I'll go because you say
the place could be dirty.
- For justice.
- Quit bothering me and go.
Take care.
(Criminal Division)
(Detective Choi)
- Hello?
- Yong Min.
You were right.
Why are you calling me this late?
I just don't know what to do.
What is it? What's up?
(Black Sun)
Where are you? I'll come over.
No, don't. I'll come to you.
You're the only one
I can trust right now.
Let me check one more thing.
No, wait. Hello?
Detective Choi. Seong Eun!
Him saying he wanted to check
one more thing.
It sounded so ominous.
And that bad feeling
came true.
Seong Eun.
Seong Eun.
Internal Affairs said
Detective Choi had taken out loans
from here and there.
Forensics released
their initial findings.
It looks like suicide.
(May the deceased rest in peace.)
Don't lie.
Why would Detective Choi
kill himself?
He got killed.
Wasn't he murdered
while looking for the truth?
Reporter Kim, watch what you say
in front of his family.
Are you sure you're teammates?
Did you investigate properly?
(Jeongsam Police Station)
Seong Eun was killed wrongfully.
I'll prove it.
Detective Choi
was a valued colleague.
If we find anything fishy,
I'll reopen
the investigation myself.
He left and drove off on his own.
We checked everything
before informing his family.
So we don't do what you did
and spew nonsense
when you don't have the facts.
The case was closed today.
Don't you go digging into it.
That's a joke.
If you can't do it,
I'll do it on my own.
(Case Report)
(Detective Choi Seong Eun Suicide)
When they concluded
Seung Eun's death as a suicide,
a few detectives
requested another investigation.
And strangely enough,
they got transferred elsewhere.
(Detective Choi Seong Eun Suicide)
(Supposedly took his life)
(Hanbaek Daily)
(Black Sun)
(Black Sun)
Take this with you.
Press this button once, like this.
What's this?
I need at least a recording
if I'm to negotiate a deadline.
The pen recorder I gave him.
(Detective Choi Seong Eun Suicide)
It's not here.
The Detective Choi I know,
as long as no one took it from him,
would've hidden it somewhere.
Get lost!
(Black Sun)
Since then,
I did all I possibly could
to get into Black Sun.
That's why the guys there
can't stand me.
Are you Kim Yong Min the journalist?
There's something I must tell you
about Detective Choi Seong Eun.
Where are you?
(Notice of Danger)
What is it you have?
(Security Tape)
Kim Yong Min.
You accepted a bribe
and spread false information.
- That's nonsense!
- Come with us.
- Come along.
- I was framed!
We have clear proof
that you took a bribe.
Overnight, online news
and mainstream media
turned me into a trashy journalist
who'd taken a bribe.
They got me good.
You asked me
why I filmed myself on the rooftop.
To tell the truth,
I was hoping they'd kill me.
If a video of them
beating me to death
were to appear online,
wouldn't the police
be forced to reopen the case?
That's what I thought.
I want to find the punks
who killed Seung Eun
and make them stand trial.
There's nothing more I can do.
(Tell us your stories of injustice.)
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Don't die, get revenge.
We'll do it for you.)
I know it's not
the right time to say this,
but I don't think we're in
the position to help Mr. Kim.
I agree.
We're in trouble ourselves.
They'll come after us again
if they realize Mr. Kim's alive.
We must get them first.
It's possible
the guys we're after
and what Mr. Kim wants to find
are one and the same.
Why are you so quiet, Mr. Jang?
I think
everyone's right.
Mr. Jang,
you can't say we're all right.
We lost a taxi
and Mr. Kim almost died.
It wasn't the first time, though.
Go Eun's right!
Mr. Kim almost died this time.
It was close.
All the answers we want
are hidden inside
the club called Black Sun.
(Reporter Kim Yong Min,
Detective Choi Seong Eun)
(Black Sun)
I think we should
take on this client.
Yes, I know we're in trouble,
but that person who needs help.
Don't you think
he's the reason we exist?
I say yes.
Me too.
Mr. Kim's already so busy.
You have another job
to take on in Black Sun.
(Woori Stationery)
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Deluxe Taxi Service)
(Game 88)
(Select Game)
(Select Game)
thank you for choosing
our Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
For your safety and convenience,
I'll explain a few rules.
While the deal is in place,
the cab's meter will
keep on running.
The fees will be dealt with
once the whole deal is done.
There may be some extra charges
depending on the deal,
and once you use our service,
you must not
breach our work to anyone.
Thank you for complying
with the rules.
Now, if you'd like to get revenge
on those who made you suffer,
press the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to get revenge,
press the red button on the right.
(Black Sun)
Yong Min.
I won't do this for the drink.
I'll go because you say
the place could be dirty.
Yong Min.
You were right.
You're the only one
I can trust right now.
Let me check one more thing.
(Black Sun)
You made your choice.
Shall we take the deluxe taxi
and get your revenge?
(The Small Bookstore in My Hand)
The 5283 beginning service.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(That person who needs help
is the reason we exist.)
(Korean Crime Victims
Support Association)
How could they do this
in the center of Seoul?
It looks like a playground of evil.
Who do you think you are?
Is it that hard?
It's time to pick a doll.
You should score a home run today.
I'll show you
what a real hierarchy looks like.
Close the doors. Shut it down.
Don't worry, ma'am. Trust me.
I stopped them for now,
but they'll get back up soon.
What are you?
Mr. Kim. Say something!
Mr. Kim. Get a grip!
You need to wake up. Sober up!
Mr. Kim!
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