The Circle (2020) s02e12 Episode Script

The Last Blocking

["Alive and Kicking" plays]
Good morning.
They've come a long way
and survived multiple blockings,
but our players are still standing.
Actually, they're mostly lying down
'cause it's very early,
but with the final blocking today
and that 100K in sight,
they're fighting for their Circle lives.
-Good morning.
One step closer to the bag.
Oo, oo, oo, oo, oo, oo ♪
I gotta win, you know.
That's why I came here. I have to win.
Who is gonna come and turn the tide? ♪
-What's it gonna take ♪
-To make a dream survive? ♪
-Who's got the touch ♪
-To calm the storm inside? ♪
Don't say goodbye, don't say goodbye ♪
In the final seconds
Who's gonna save you? ♪
I just can't believe
I'm the only girl left.
Mm Kinda.
Doing it for the ladies.
I think we got this.
We gotta just stay true to John,
and let everyone else do
the dirty work for us.
-[Jack] Yeah.
-Circle, we are
about to have ourselves a day.
Form the trifecta,
give Courtney and River the boot,
and get our spot in the finale, baby.
I'm one step closer
to getting to the final.
I hope that confetti rains on me,
and I can take that money.
I can see the finish line.
I can It's right there. It's right there.
I just gotta walk to it.
-["Alive and Kicking" fades]
-Mm-hm. Yeah. Yeah.
We could do this. Mm-hm.
[sad pop music plays]
[Michelle] The game is on.
Let's check on Mitch
who has come flying out the gate
and straight into a relaxing bubble bath.
[Mitchell] Circle, please open group chat
with Courtney and River.
It's game time, baby. This is the finale.
-"Mitchell has invited you to a chat."
[sad music continues]
[Lee] I know what you want.
I know what you want.
-They just have such an alliance.
So I know that they're always gonna have
each other's backs and not mine.
They don't like me, and I'm aware.
So we're gonna play on that,
and tug at their heartstrings,
and hopefully get them
to flip their perception of me,
and then we'll sneak attack them
as the trifecta, me, Trevor, and Chloe,
and out you go.
-Circle, take me to Mitchell's group chat.
And Courtney.
It's final blocking day,
and you decide to get us. Okay.
Let's see what you've got to say.
Message: "Hey, guys, what's happening?"
"I know you guys are great friends
so wanted to get this group chat started."
"I think it's awesome
you guys have such a bond in here."
"I feel I don't have anyone in here
who truly is there for me."
It's true. It's true.
You don't have anybody, I don't think.
We're the last two people
that'll be here for you,
so you came knocking
on the wrong door, sis.
Message: "Yesterday's game proved to me
that people think
I am some kind of performer."
"It's so tough to build
real connections quickly in here."
"I don't know what people are seeing
that they don't like."
"Can you help me understand?
#ShootMeStraight. #OpenBook."
It is hard. Dang it, Mitchell. Stop it!
Courtney, say something.
Circle, message:
"Hey, Mitchell. Don't worry."
"I was on the outskirts of this game
when it began."
"It is definitely hard to make connections
in here, but keep your head up."
Thanks, Courtney.
I'm gonna be nice,
but [scoffs] my mind is made up.
I would like to go to the final,
and I would like for you to not. Pfft.
And that's just it.
Circle, message: "You know, Mitchell,
just do your best and have fun."
"Don't let The Circle get in your head."
[Mitchell] "You're a good guy."
"I can't wait to get to know you more.
Do you really think that?
Like, if no, tell me!
I'm giving you the stage
to tell me like it is.
#OpenBook. Shoot me straight.
And I feel like they're proving it out
exactly why I feel
the way I feel about them.
They're just spewing me
the words I wanna hear.
We gotta give them one more test.
[Courtney] "Thank you, guys.
I appreciate that."
"I feel like people have me pinned wrong.
It happens so many times in life."
[light music plays]
[Lee] "I just constantly feel like
I'm battling this this stereotype."
"The moment people find out
there's some depth to me,
they're shocked."
[groans] If he had done this earlier,
"Hey, this is who I am,"
it would have been a lot better,
but he definitely hit my heart.
[clicks tongue]
I hope we tugged
at their heartstrings enough
and they think I'm lonely in here,
I got no real friends.
Can we start afresh?
Can we be honest with each other?
And that's right where I want them,
-not thinking at all
-[tone, rings]
that me, Trevor, and Chloe
are about to form the trifecta
and give one of them the boot.
[upbeat pop music plays]
Over at psychic John's, one half of him
is getting a tutorial in strategy.
What's the point of this game?
To get all the way over?
To destroy the other person's king.
-You wanna protect your king?
-[Jack] Yeah.
[Michelle] Protect the king,
but bow to the queen of The Circle,
who's currently being checkmated
by a can opener.
[can opener clacks]
[Michelle] An organized Trevor
is going '90s detective
with his strategy wall.
[Deleesa] My rivals are the Messy Queens.
It's not Courtney and River. I love them.
But their alliance, AKA the Messy Queens,
is what I consider my rivals.
[Michelle] Soaked, cleansed,
but as usual, not fully dressed,
Mitch is checking in
with his Bronx homie for a debrief.
Circle, start a private chat with Trevor.
-[Deleesa] Oh!
Mitchell has invited me for a chat.
Let's go, Mitchell.
"What is happening, my brother?"
"Phase one and two of the mission
are complete."
Yes! Oh, that means he spoke to Chloe.
"My man, talk about boss moves."
"It is time to finally let Chloe
know the truth about her,
in quotes, 'bestie.'"
"I think we should add her into this chat
and go from there."
Boom! Step three is about to commence!
[imitates explosion] "#FullSpeedAhead.
#UniteTheTrifecta." Big facts.
[Chloe gasps] Ah!
"Trevor has invited you to a group chat."
Oh, my God. Okay.
Circle, take me to group chat.
-[rings, chimes]
What's going on?
[Deleesa] Message: "Hey, babe.
Glad you can join us."
"We have some things to tell you
that you are not going to want to hear."
-[intriguing music plays]
Trevor, just coming out swinging, huh?
What's going on?
I'm worried.
Message: "You need to know that"
"myself and Mitchell
both just want to protect you."
"Trevor. I just need you to trust us."
Chloe's probably going crazy right now.
Like, what the hell is going on?
When drama starts, the hair goes up.
Message: "I pride myself on honesty,
and one of my core values is integrity."
"That's why, although what I'm about
to tell you may hurt,
I'd want someone to tell me
if the shoe was on the other foot."
"I just want to tell"
What is it? Are you a woman?
Have you got two heads?
We're about to turn Chloe's
entire world upside down.
-Circle, message:
"Boys, I trust both of you,
but I feel sick right now."
"Just tell me what's going on."
-Send message.
"The first day I joined The Circle,
me and Khat had a chat with the Joker,
who said some really negative things
about you."
"The Joker called you two-faced"
"and said that you can't be trusted."
Message: "The Joker got to nominate
an influencer before they left."
[Chloe] "Who else would trust River enough
to be an influencer,
therefore, securing their spot here?"
"The Circle Joker is"
-[music swells]
To find this out, I know her heart
just broke into a million pieces.
[music continues]
[quietly] The Circle Joker is Courtney.
"Babe, I know this is a lot for you."
[Chloe] "When Khat came to see me,
she explained to me
why she called River and Courtney
the two-headed snake."
"They have been looking out
for only each other
and will do
whatever they have to do to win,
even if that means backstabbing you."
[music continues]
That does make sense
because River and Courtney
came straight to me
when Khat was asking them questions
about me, but
[music ends]
they were looking out for me.
I thought River and Courtney
were looking out for me,
being friends,
telling me about what Khat said.
"Chloe. I feel so lucky to have you boys."
"There's no one I trust more
in here than you, Trevor."
Oh, my heart!
"And, Mitchell, after last night,
I know you wouldn't lie to me."
"I feel like I've been so naive."
"Us three till the end." Yes!
Trifecta is in full effect!
Wow, man!
This is working beautifully,
but it's so true.
It's just so true.
It's all cold,
hard facts we're hitting Chloe with.
There is no room for interpretation.
Message: "It's time to break up
the #MessyQueens."
My man Trevor is always on.
[Chloe] It's hard
because I trust them both.
Trevor and Mitchell,
and River and Courtney
both have my trust.
They always have,
so now I don't know what to do.
[Michelle] Afternoon in The Circle,
and while some players
are smelling victory,
psychic John did not foresee what happens
when you leave unsealed chicken
in the fridge for five days.
[relaxed music plays]
-It might be.
-[Lisa] Yeah.
[retches] I can't. I'm gonna throw up.
[Michelle] Don't be long,
'cause the finale's around the corner,
and it's time for all players
to make their final pitch.
"With the $100,000 within reach,
it is all about visualizing that victory."
[Michelle] The Circle wants each player
to reveal what they would spend
that sweet cash on
if they're crowned champion.
Okay. I mean, can I really imagine
$100,000 in my bank account?
I'm going to.
[Michelle] Whether they tell the truth
or lay it on thick,
this could be their last chance
to sway their Circle peers.
This sounds like a very interesting way
for us to find out
why each player deserves the money.
This is gonna send a powerful message.
[Michelle] First up is psychic John,
played by Jack and Lisa.
[Lisa] We're gonna go
with an endearing vibe.
-[Jack] Message:
"If I win the money,
I will spend it on bringing Terry,
my kids, and my granddaughter
on a trip to the North Pole."
"Just kidding. I'd love to bring them all
on a tropical vacation."
-Think that's cute.
-I like it.
[Lee] Aw
That would be sweet.
That's so nice.
That's like a huge expense
to take his family on a vacation,
and that's probably something
he would love to do.
He's embodying that Santa spirit,
and he would be spending the money
on his husband,
his kids, and his granddaughter.
Didn't know he had a granddaughter.
They must be going to Miami
and buying bottle service
'cause 100K could last me a while
if I'm just traveling with it.
John likes to go big.
I like John even more now.
A family holiday is just amazing.
But do I really want John to win
and take the money off me
just to take his family on holiday?
I don't think that'll help John.
[Michelle] Let's see how River plans
to spend that loot.
It's all lies. I want to get a pool.
So it's a total lie.
-Okay, message:
"If I win the money, I will spend it
on paying off my mountain
of student loans,
and if there is any left over,
I'd like to buy a car
so I don't have to take the bus
or ask friends for rides
to work and school."
River, I feel that.
Oh He should just take
some of the money for a car.
-Yeah, true.
-Just buy the car outright.
I do seriously think that's genuine.
It tugs a little bit
at people's heartstrings.
Not huge, but it seems realistic.
I just wanna hug River sometimes.
I swear, like, he's just like
I just wanna hug him.
[Michelle] Okay. Let's see
what The Circle Queen Chloe envisions.
I'm seeing this
as the perfect opportunity to be honest.
-Circle, message:
"If I win the money,
I will spend it
on paying off all family debts,
buying my brother his first car,
putting a deposit down on a house,
and financially supporting
my dad's addiction recovery charity."
Wow. Come on, girl.
I didn't know
that her dad had an addiction recovery.
[solemn music plays]
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I mean, she has big dreams there.
My dad going to rehab
completely changed our lives.
Oh, my God. I'm getting emotional. [weeps]
[music continues]
Helping him towards the charity
to help other families,
um, it'd mean the world to me.
Yeah. [sighs]
[Michelle] Now it's Trevor's turn.
I spent so much time away from my baby
to be able to come back
and just give her what we need.
So it's just like Oo
It's very emotional for me.
Message: "If I win the money,
I will spend it on a down payment
for an actual house
for me and my daughter."
"It's time to get out
of our small apartment
and have a place to truly call home."
"She deserves everything I never had.
-[music continues]
I feel like this is a page ripped out
of Trevor's heart here,
and I respect him for it.
We know that everything Trevor has done
in this game has been for his daughter.
So I'm not surprised by this at all.
Like, this came from the heart.
I want to win so bad, obviously.
It's like everybody has a great reason
to want to win so bad.
I think people will look at this
and they will think,
"Tell me something we don't already know."
Oh, my God, my head's constantly twisting.
Is he a catfish? Is he not? I hope not!
Next to plead his case, Mitchell.
I write something down
on this piece of paper
as to where the money's going,
I'm a man of my word, it's going there.
"If I win the money,
I will spend it on our charity
that friends and I started."
"We hold toy drives
for kids stuck in hospitals."
"My family is my world."
"I would invest in real estate
to create generational wealth for them
so I can retire my parents."
Mitchell, if you win the money,
I really hope you do that
'cause that's fantastic.
Oh, my heart.
I honestly love that answer.
He's a great guy. He really is.
I think people are gonna read
what he'd spend the money on as BS.
It may be completely true.
I don't believe that.
Something is telling me
that Mitchell is playing a tactical game.
We shot straight from the heart
with what I do if I win.
I have not changed my view
on Mitchell at all,
and I'd like him to be blocked.
I don't know what to think anymore.
[music swells, fades]
And last to take the stand, Courtney.
I'm laying it out on the table.
I'm being honest. I'm being vulnerable.
Circle, message: "If I win the money,
I will spend it on my stepdad."
"After being abandoned
by my biological father,
he taught me what it meant to be a man."
"He has stage-three kidney disease,
and winning means celebrating his life,
which he dedicated
to teaching me life's greatest lessons."
-Send message.
-[hopeful music plays]
-Oh, Courtney. Like that's rough.
It's so sad to see
that he has stage-three kidney disease.
That is just genuine honesty.
It's the reason why I wanted
to enter The Circle.
[weeps] That breaks my heart, man.
That's an incredible, uh
incredible story you put there.
I want the money.
If I can't get it, I want you to get it.
Now I feel like shit because, clearly,
I've been going after Courtney
for the last two days
because he backstabbed Chloe,
and look what he's going through.
I knew deep down in my heart
that Courtney was genuine.
People will say anything to win,
but I don't feel like
Courtney's making this up.
[upbeat pop music plays]
[Michelle] As evening closes in,
our players do their best
to keep up with The Circle's rhythm.
[plays funky rhythm]
Yeah, that was good.
That was actually all right.
[Michelle] But we all know
that just when you think
you got the tempo down
[all] "Alert!"
Okay, here we go.
Somehow I've been here all this time,
and I'm not used to it.
What's going on? What's happening?
Tell me now.
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Agh! Of course!
After the past couple of days,
my brain's scrambled.
This is gonna determine
who is going to be the influencers,
who is going to decide, essentially,
who is in the finale.
And whose journey ends right here, man.
So close.
Oh, I'd I would be livid
if we got the boot tonight. Livid.
I'm feeling very nervous
'cause it could be me.
This is This is tight.
I wanna break up the Messy Queens.
They are a really strong alliance.
They have Chloe's heart.
I need to make sure
that these players don't try to block me
right before I get to that dinner.
It's like either Courtney or me.
What am I gonna do? Courtney or Trevor?
I still don't like the fact
that Courtney backs that bully.
It's gonna be so hard to choose.
Let's get it on.
[all] Circle, take me to my ratings.
[intriguing music plays]
Let's go, baby. Game time.
[quietly] Oh, my God.
[normal] I might need an extra minute.
For my last position, Mitchell.
Earlier, he tried
to desperately build
a last-minute relationship
with myself and River.
Was not buying it for a second.
In the conversation that I had earlier
with Mitchell and Trevor,
I really doubted Courtney.
I thought he's playing
a massive tactical game,
but I don't think
that he would backstab me.
[music continues]
And now, I don't know where I stand.
I mean [sighs]
Who gets my last place?
We're gonna go with Courtney.
definitely can't trust you at all.
I don't want you near
that influencer position.
[quietly] Oh, my God.
At the bottom, I want to put Trevor.
I love you, Trevor,
but River, emotional, is out the door.
This is all Lee, and it is thinking,
"How do I get the 100K and win this game?"
Trevor is going to be looking out
for Mitchell and Chloe.
There's not a lot of situations
where Trevor being an influencer
-Benefits us.
-[Jack] really benefits us.
We might just be a casualty in his eye,
or collateral damage, so
[Lisa] Please lock that in.
I'm gonna go on gut feeling
'cause I'm sick of stressing over drama.
There's so many things that try
and spin your head in this game,
and I'm gonna start voting for people
the way I want to start voting for people
in my heart.
[menacing music plays]
Please lock in my fourth place as River.
I really don't trust River
'cause I know
River is looking out for River,
and he's looking out for Courtney,
that's it.
[menacing music continues]
Please could I put Mitchell
in third place?
We connected
on such a deep level yesterday,
and then today,
my head was absolutely spun completely.
But we have got a great bond.
Fingers crossed it works out.
We feel good about them.
They'd protect us.
So, Circle, let's put Courtney
as second in our ratings.
For second place,
I'm gonna go with Mitchell here.
We formed the trifecta.
I know that he will protect Trevor.
[music continues]
In first position, Trevor.
This is who I mapped out the plan with,
and the mastermind
to take home the gold in The Circle.
In first place, I'm gonna go with Chloe.
Chloe has been my number-one ally.
She trusts me. I trust her.
-[Lee] First place, I'd like to put John.
John gets power, he's gonna save River.
And John is more likely
to become an influencer
than my bestie Courtney.
That's why I'm getting him a number one.
Circle, we'll put in River as first
in our rating.
This is someone we feel
will look out for us
Yes. Absolutely.
[Jack] and has a chance of being
an influencer.
First position, John.
He is a supportive player,
and that's the energy that we need
to be an influencer right now.
There's been doubts.
Is he real? Is he not real?
But I absolutely love him,
and he has been there for me.
So I'm sticking to my gut with this one.
I really hope he is who he says he is,
and that he gets into the final.
I will be putting River in first place.
I feel so confident.
We got a 50/50 shot
of one of the three of the trifecta
getting the influencer position.
[music continues]
[sighs] Lock that in.
-Circle, submit my ratings.
-Circle, submit our ratings.
[music fades]
[solemn music plays]
There it is, the penultimate ratings,
and they were tense!
Don't know about you guys,
but my booty cheeks are clenched!
[music continues]
Oo Goodness! Goodness. Goodness.
[Michelle] The players are showing there's
no standard way of dealing with stress.
Oh, my God. I would literally
just shove that in my mouth.
Maybe a little Tai chi.
I don't know any but
[Michelle] I'd get through
those reps quick, John,
because The Circle is
in a very alert-y mood today!
[all] "Alert!"
-[upbeat music plays]
-I'm so nervous.
-"Alert!" Oh, my God. Me too.
I have got to sit down for this.
Here we go. Here we go.
"Players, for making it this far
in the game"
[Deleesa gasps]
I'm gonna cry.
"You will each receive a message"
"from home!" Oh, my God!
No! No! No! No!
I'm gonna get emotional!
Oh, no! [grumbles]
Oh, my God, wait! I gotta get my baby.
It has been such a journey,
and to have a little piece of home
would really give me
the boost and the push that I need.
Oh, my God. Am I gonna get to see my baby?
I'm gonna cry right now. Oh, God.
Who do you think did yours?
My dad or my mom?
I have no idea who would've done
Maybe my parents?
Bless you, Circle. [kisses] Bless you.
[quietly] Okay.
"River, here is your message from home."
Shew! Thank you, Circle.
I needed a message from home.
-Thank you. Thank you. Yay.
There's my baby. [kisses]
I missed you. I love that man so much.
Mom's way in the foreground.
Hi, son. Love you so much.
Miss you terribly,
and I'm so proud of you.
Hey, Lee. Keep doing good and win.
-[Lee's mom] Right.
-[laughs] That's smart.
The main thing, win. Come home a winner.
You're a winner, come home a big winner.
[Lee's mom] There you go.
You're so smart,
you're so talented, and really bright.
I could not do what you're doing.
So you just hang in there,
and we're looking forward to seeing you.
You're my son. You're my heart.
-You're my heart too.
-[Lee's mom] That's what you are.
He's probably crying right now.
He knows me better than anybody
on this entire planet.
Oh, my gosh. He knows me so well.
Best of luck, and do your best,
and be the big winner.
I love you, honey.
I miss you guys. I'll be home soon.
[soft guitar music plays]
"Mitchell, here is your message
from home."
Wow, I actually
haven't seen anyone in so long.
They got Ed, my mom, my mom-mom.
Yo, Mitch, what's going on, man?
What's happenin', Ed?
I guess if you're watching this,
you're doing pretty good.
Love you, Ed.
Hey, Mitch. I miss you so much.
Everybody in Conshohocken
wants you to bring home this win.
Me and Ed couldn't do it,
but maybe you'll bring home
the win for Conshohocken.
Oh, my gosh, man.
I miss our talks every day.
You're just like my angel on Earth.
I cannot wait for you
to come back to Conshohocken.
Mitchell, I love you so much, honey,
and I miss you.
With those big blue eyes you have,
you're beautiful and so handsome.
So take care of yourself,
and I love you, and good luck.
[Mitchell] Mom-Mom, I love you too.
Just be yourself.
Be your true, authentic self.
-I love you to death.
-We miss you, and we love you so much.
Git 'er done!
Oh, my gosh.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Those are like,
the most important people
in my life, man.
It so It just brings you right back home.
That has been the best alert yet.
[music continues]
"John" We got two.
"here are your messages from home."
-I don't think I'm gonna cry.
-[Lisa] Why would people cry?
-Hey, Jack. Congratulations.
-That's my mom.
-Your mom!
[Jack's mom] I'm so excited for you.
I miss having you in the house.
No matter what happens, Jack,
you are a winner in our eyes,
and we are all so proud of you.
I can't wait to see you
and give you a big hug,
and probably embarrass
the heck out of you.
So it'll be good to have you home.
Love you.
-[Lisa] Aw
-Very cool.
They all know how much
an opportunity like this means to me.
So it's nice that she's showing some love.
[Lisa] No idea who's gonna be on mine.
I just don't think my dad would do it.
-Oh, my God, it's my whole
-It's the whole squad.
-Your dad on the left? Very nice.
My dad is so, like, shy.
Hey, Aunt Li.
Hi, Lisa! How are you?
-Your niece is so cute.
-[Lisa's dad] We miss you!
We're so excited.
We cannot wait to see you
and hear all about it.
And we know you're doing fantastic,
and we miss you so much.
I just wanna let you know
how proud of you I am.
And from all of the things
that you worked hard for
and you always achieve,
to get to the end to your goals.
Always your dreams,
you make them come true.
I can't wait for you to get back.
Just do what you've been doing
'cause it's obviously working.
Have any words of wisdom, Riley?
Uh, win it.
[Lisa's niece]
Win it. So, good luck. I love you so much.
[Lisa] I love Those were great.
-Dad killed it.
-[Lisa] Killed it!
My dad Seriously, I'm so shocked.
He's literally super shy.
And now we gotta not go home.
Now we gotta stay in.
[quiet piano music plays]
God, here y'all go!
I'm ready to see this.
[sighs] Court.
My mom! [groans]
[Courtney's mom]
These two weeks have been hard.
We talk every day.
Sometimes two, three hours a day.
So, you know that I'm missing you,
but this morning,
as I took my drive as I always do
Yes, ma'am.
and on the radio, Court, was guess who?
What was playing?
Who do we always sing to when you're home?
Nicki, Taylor?
Nicki Minaj. "Super Bass."
[Courtney's mom]
And so I want to say I love you.
Again, I'm trying to hold
these tears back.
It was a moment.
I love you. You've made it this far.
I miss you.
Whether you win or lose,
it was an experience.
So from me, and Daddy,
and your brother Mali,
we love you, and we miss you.
[music continues]
I'm just
I'm just glad
that I've done everything that I've done
to get to this point
because I know that they will be proud.
"Chloe, here is your message from home."
-[music continues]
Oh, my God!
My dad, my brother, and my mom.
Hi, Chlo. We miss ya.
Don't miss your mess one bit,
or the dramas, but we miss you.
We do. We miss you millions.
We're really super proud of you, babe.
We can't wait to see you.
I can't wait to give you a big hug.
I'm really missing you,
but keep being yourself.
You're just super funny, loving, caring.
You've always worn your heart
on your sleeve,
and we just love you,
and we can't wait to see you.
And now I'm gonna cry. [laughs]
Oh, I love 'em so much!
You're gonna win it because you're
just such an amazing person,
and just go and smash it, babe.
Bring the money home!
Jesus. I'm actually shaking.
I needed that lift and that final reminder
of why I'm here, why I'm gonna smash it,
why I'm gonna win The Circle
because I'm gonna bring the money home,
and I'm gonna bring it home for them.
[inhales, exhales]
Oh! Okay. You can do this.
-[gasps] Oh!
[music continues]
Oh, my God!
I'm gonna cry already.
Hey, baby, how are you?
[gasps, cries]
Hi, Mommy.
Uh, we miss you so much,
but we are so incredibly proud of you.
You already know.
I've told you a million times
that you are like my hero,
the person I look up to the most.
You're the most determined
and competitive person I know.
So, honestly, if I was a contestant,
I wouldn't wanna go up against you.
So I know you're killing it.
Keep killing it, and like I told you
before you left, babe,
don't sit there and worry
about the end result.
It doesn't matter what happens,
just enjoy it,
because when you're having fun,
your personality shines,
and it's really hard not to love you.
Like I said, keep doing it.
We're gonna be here.
Boobie's fine. She's great. Getting big.
She's biting my nose left and right
'cause she got two top teeth now.
You'll be surprised when you get back.
Can't wait.
-Oh, my God!
But she's getting so big,
and she misses you.
I'm sure she needs mommy love.
She got a little Mama's Bestie shirt on.
Can you look? Can you see?
See Mama's Bestie shirt?
She's so much bigger.
Light it up, babe. Go get 'em.
You're gonna kill it.
Love you, bye.
Oh, look at my baby.
[laughs, sobs]
[inhales] Oh [cries]
Oh, my
Ah Oh
Literally my whole world.
My entire world.
Best alert in the entire game.
[Michelle] And after those
emotional messages from home,
I think The Circle might just give
the players the rest of the night off.
[all] "Alert!"
"The results are in." Oh, no.
Who are the influencers?
I'm ready for this one.
"Today the ratings results"
-"will not be revealed"?
[mysterious music plays]
Excuse me?
I just don't like you!
"The player that was rated the highest
will become a secret Superinfluencer"?
Oh! Don't tell me!
I think this could be really good for us,
'cause if you're secret,
take out someone who can beat you.
The Superinfluencer can block,
and there's no repercussions
'cause we won't know who it is.
[Mitchell] "This player will decide
who to block tonight."
So it's in one person's hands?
[Chloe] "The top-rated player will be told
that they are
the secret Superinfluencer now."
Oh, I hope it's me.
You just have to sit here
and put your entire freaking life
in somebody else's hands.
I think this is
the worst-case scenario for me right now.
Bet you this'll be the only bloody time
I don't get put top.
I'm waiting, Circle.
Lay it on me.
[music swells]
Oh, my God!
[music fades]
Oh, my God. I did not see
"You are the secret Superinfluencer."
-[triumphant music plays]
-Oh, my God! You
Now I love you for doing that
'cause I've got all the power.
-[Mitchell] What's that mean?
We ain't it?
[exhales] Fuck's sake.
[music fades]
That was disappointing.
My game is in the hands
of one of these people.
It just doesn't feel good.
I made it past the blocking!
And I get to decide who goes home,
and nobody knows!
"Who would you like to block?"
I can't do this with my heart.
This is $100,000 that I'm talking about.
I have to do this with my head.
I have to think
what's gonna get me the win?
If River was making this decision,
it would be an emotional decision.
But Lee is making this decision
because Lee came here to win $100,000
and to win this game.
And the problem I have is
Chloe and Trevor are connected.
They would, in the ratings for the 100K,
make each other number one.
If I take one of them out,
they might give that to River.
Mitchell is not in any team.
He's a free agent,
and if he got saved tonight,
he might show some love
to who he thinks saved him.
The pros of blocking John are
he hasn't been in the game very long,
and I think people like him.
So he has done no damage to himself,
so he might get very high ratings
for the money.
The cons are John would
actually rate River number one.
The pros of blocking Courtney,
I'm afraid people would put him above me.
The cons of blocking Courtney is I think
he would put me at the top of his ratings.
it's hard for me to be this ruthless,
and I can't be emotional.
My heart is screaming at me right now,
but I have to stay in my head.
I know what I have to do.
I know the person
I've got to block tonight.
[intense string music plays]
"You must block this player
face-to-face now."
You are an evil, evil, evil Circle!
This is gonna be tough and awful,
but I've got to do it.
[music swells]
"Players, a decision has been made."
My anxiety is through the roof.
Come on. Good, positive vibes.
Please, yo.
I feel like I'm having a heart attack.
If me and Trevor's
whole trifecta play backfired,
I should get my suitcase.
"The secret Superinfluencer is
on their way to block one of you now"?
They're blocking them in person. [gasps]
Now I'm even more nervous
'cause now it's interaction.
[intense music continues]
If I keep my eyes closed, it's not real.
-Let's go lock the door.
-Let's just go barricade it.
Someone could walk through that door
and say you're blocked.
Whoever it is,
it's between me and Mitchell.
[music swells]
[music fades]
-Don't tell me!
Are you real?
-No, I'm River.
-[Lee] Yes.
[tone, chimes]
-[Mitchell] Wait a second!
-[Lee] That's me.
-[Mitchell] You River?
-No, my name's Lee.
-[Lee] You're very real.
-You wanna sit down?
-Sit down, brother.
-Shoot, Lee, it's not good to see you.
-I know it isn't.
[Mitchell] Hate to say it,
but I don't like meeting you like this.
I hate meeting you like this too.
How come me?
I did struggle
'cause it was like heart and head.
I'm here for $100,000.
What gets me that $100,000?
So how come you decided me?
Head? Game plan?
It was game plan and heart,
because from my head is
I didn't know how you'd vote in the 100K.
Would you give me a rating of one,
or would I be at the bottom?
I'm gonna shoot you straight.
You made the right call! [laughs]
-I put you and Courtney dead last!
-Dead last.
[Mitchell] That's why it's surprising
I'm like, "Wait."
I started playing strategy
literally yesterday. I was like,
"It's the finale. We're close."
Know what I mean? I gotta start.
-You may have waited too long.
-I think so. Yeah.
I thought I was safe.
Who knew we were gonna have
a secret Superinfluencer?
Who knew that?
You caught me by surprise, bro!
I genuinely had all the confidence
in the world I was safe right now.
So why the catfish?
So I'm a writer.
I've had pen names.
So I've been a catfish for years
when there wasn't any catfish.
And I thought, "Wouldn't it interesting
if I created this character
and see if I could
make them real and breathing?"
I'm a huge fan of this show.
Watched it the first season.
You know my mom and brother?
Ed is my brother.
-You kidding me?
-[Mitchell] He left me a message.
Oh, my God! Now I'm fangirling again!
-I love your mom!
-Yeah, my mom.
Now I feel guilty even more!
And I see the resemblance in your face!
It's the beard too.
If I grew my beard out
-Oh, my God!
-[Mitchell] Yeah.
At the end of the day, it sucks.
I'm not gonna lie.
I hate that I'm blocked so close.
So annoyed.
I just wanted to see you at the finale,
that's all.
Back me up.
Who else were you close with in here?
Chloe, Courtney and I
were in the first at-risk group,
so we've been bonded for a long time.
-Wow. Yeah.
-[Lee] A long time.
It's like an unbreakable trio right now.
And John's a sweetheart.
So it's interesting to me.
I thought John was fake
because his character seems so.
He seems like the nicest guy.
-Can I tell you my catfish radar sucks?
I wish you the best of luck, Lee.
I appreciate
we finally had a conversation,
-man to man.
Lee, I'll let you get to it.
-[Lee] I'm sorry.
-Let's hug it out, brother.
-It had to be done, Lee.
-Stay in touch. Stay in touch with me.
-[Mitchell] Hundred percent.
-I feel bad.
-Alright. See you later. Good night.
-Good night, Lee.
Well, ferk.
That's a curveball for you, huh?
[light music plays]
"Alert!" Another alert.
Oh, what's happened?
Sick. I'm so sick right now.
I can't take no more surprises tonight.
I can't do it.
Oh, my God!
[both cheer]
Yes! Come on, baby! Let's fucking go!
See it, believe it, achieve it!
Finalist in The Circle. Wow!
"Tomorrow you will all meet face to face!"
I'm excited to meet them.
I just don't know
if they're gonna be excited to meet me.
Each and every one of your faces!
[Jack] "The winner of The Circle
will be crowned."
-Hopefully it's John! Winners!
-Put an "s" on that. Winners.
Oh, my God! There's so much to do.
I want the crown.
This queen needs a crown.
Shave me armpits, wax me 'tache.
See if I've got any clean knickers.
Let me lay my outfit out like
it's first day of school tomorrow.
I hope the other players have no idea
that I'm a catfish,
and I hope they'll forgive me
for being one.
Somebody's gonna be mad at me.
It's probably gonna be Chloe.
This is the moment I see if Trevor's real.
This is the moment I get to see
if Trev-Trevs is real.
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
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