The Following s02e12 Episode Script


You're gonna get through this, Mike.
We both are.
How uncharacteristically optimistic of you, Ryan.
You should do that more often.
What? Smile.
Joe said to give you another chance.
I hope you don't disappoint him, but I have a feeling you will.
Hello? Darling.
Mom? I'm bringing you home.
Lily Gray has taken center stage by impersonating Carroll and his followers in order to free her imprisoned son.
You clever little viper.
We're gonna find Lily Gray and Joe Carroll.
I don't see it.
There's a serpent in our garden, one who seduces our troubled brothers and sisters with his lies.
I'm speaking to you, Joe Carroll.
I'm speaking to you.
Hello? Mark? It's Mandy.
I got your number from the classifieds.
If the, uh, good preacher wants a holy war, then, by hell, we'll give him one, and the whole world shall bear witness.
I'm sorry.
I can explain this.
Claire? How? Scott, can you clear the room, please? Ok, fellas.
Let's go.
Ryan, I'm sorry.
Please-- Get out now.
I didn't want to keep this from you-- Leave.
You ok? Ryan, please say something.
There's a headstone with your name on it.
I'm so sorry.
I don't understand.
What happened? I survived.
They took me straight from the hospital to WITSEC with-- with Joey and my mom.
You were dead.
That's all I had.
I know.
Sometimes, I dream It's ok.
I'm real.
I begged them to let me see you, and they kept talking about protocol and secrecy, and everything was happening so fast, I all I knew was that I had to protect Joey.
Did Mike know where you were? No.
Only that I was alive.
He didn't know where, so please don't blame him.
One call.
I would have joined you.
Just because we thought Joe was dead, it didn't mean it was over.
There were others out there, Ryan.
I couldn't ask that of you.
That was not your decision to make, Claire.
That was mine, no one else's.
I did it for Joey.
It had to be about him.
I'm sorry.
It's not the way this should go.
How's Joey? Uh, it's tough.
My mom's been great with him.
He's seeing a specialist, so he's adjusting.
He's better.
You look good.
The hair? You kidding me? It takes a lot of work to make it look this bad.
I'm staring right at you, and I can't believe you're here.
Not a day goes by I don't think about you.
And Joe.
This needs to end, Ryan.
Living in the shadows is no way to live.
I want to finish this.
How? By killing Joe.
And how are you gonna do that? We can do it together.
I'm the last thing he's gonna see coming, so if we can just surprise him-- Claire.
You need to go back to Joey.
You were safe there.
I'm not safe anywhere, Ryan, and neither is Joey, not until Joe is dead.
Evil comes in many disguises.
Goodness, my friends, does not skulk behind some cheap $5.
00 mask.
Goodness shows its beautiful face to the world.
To all his misguided followers, I say to you, Joe Carroll is not the savior.
He's the antichrist.
No, sir.
There is only one true JC who brings salvation, and that is Jesus Christ, God's only beloved son.
Those are powerful words, Pastor.
You just labeled Joe Carroll the antichrist.
Well, the devil takes many forms, Carrie.
Carroll is truly a disciple of all that is evil, and so I say to you, Joe Carroll, your followers, every step you take brings you closer to the fiery furnaces of Hell.
Repent, repent now.
Beg the Lord for His forgiveness.
Why have you made Joe Carroll your sole mission statement.
Because it's lucrative, Carrie.
Can't you see the man is wearing a $5,000 suit? Well, Joe Carroll is waging war against religion, against God.
The evil must be stopped.
But you're also promoting your yearly convention, which is selling out at record speed, I understand.
There wouldn't be another motive, would there, Pastor? Good girl, Carrie.
Take the man to task.
Religion is a business, and Joe Carroll is good for ticket sales.
The bloody hypocrite.
My motive, Carrie, is to defeat evil.
Wherever I may-- You really hate this man? Oh, I hate religion.
I hate the hypocrisy of it, and that man exemplifies precisely that.
Do you even believe in God, Joe? Please.
Whose God? Heh heh.
You know, there are over 2,000 gods that the sheep of this world have chosen to believe in.
So, no.
I do not believe in any god.
I made that mistake once before, and I'm not about to make it again.
It's men like Kingston Tanner that preach nothing but-- but lies.
You know, religion is responsible for far more bloodshed than I could ever be.
It's only good for one thing-- power, and death is its-- is its greatest ally.
But why choose Kingston Tanner as your target? Oh, no, no.
He chose me.
He's been taking my name in vain to increase his coffers, so I thought it best to teach the man a lesson and show the world what religion truly represents.
And we will.
Oh, has, uh-- has Tilda called in yet? Not yet.
Um, have you seen Mandy? She wasn't at breakfast.
She's probably sleeping in.
She's not in her cabin either.
Well, she's around here somewhere.
Thank you, Pastor Tanner, for joining us today.
The pleasure's all mine.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's just me.
You can put that away.
You scared me.
Who are they? They came along to protect us.
How are you, Mandy? We've missed you.
Where is your mom? Where's Luke? It's probably safer I don't give you a location, but you'll see them soon enough.
Where's Joe? I left Joe.
I told you that on the phone.
I know, but where is he? I can't tell you.
He doesn't want anyone to know.
It's just us.
Come on.
Where is he? I'm sorry, Mark.
I can't tell you.
No worries.
It's really cold.
Let's get moving.
It's a long drive.
That would be nice.
Mother is so looking forward to seeing you.
She's baking a cake.
Do you like chocolate? Who doesn't like chocolate? Huh.
This way.
Thank you, Pastor.
It was a great segment.
I hope your convention is a huge success.
We did the Lord's work today, Carrie.
Bless you.
Thank you.
- A little more, huh? - That's good.
What's she doing? Step away from the car.
Unh! It's for you.
Hello? Miss Cooke, it's Joe Carroll.
I'm gonna give you a world exclusive.
I'm gonna need you to broadcast a new message from me.
Failure to obey me will result in your death and the death of everyone you hold dear, et cetera, et cetera.
Have a good day now.
_ Carrie.
You ok? Better than my bodyguards.
One of them got it bad.
He's in intensive care.
It was Joe Carroll.
He sent me a message.
Just know I've made a copy.
Have you looked at it? No.
I've been questioned nonstop.
He said he'd kill me if I didn't broadcast it.
He's up to something.
It's happening today.
We need to get you someplace safe.
You've got full protection from this second on.
You don't go to the bathroom by yourself, do you understand? Safest thing for me to do, Ryan, is to air this video.
It could be a coded message from Joe to his followers.
I don't care.
If I refuse, he kills me and my family.
Please just wait until I've looked at it, all right? Don't do anything without talking to me.
Can I spend the night? I feel safer at your place with you.
I'm gonna find you later, and we'll talk then, ok? I want you to do everything that your security detail asks.
You got to stay safe.
Ok? Yeah, of course.
Call me.
We're here.
Hello, sweetie.
How are you? Where am I? Somewhere safe.
Let me get a look at you.
Ha ha! I've missed you.
How have you been? Fine.
She won't tell me where Joe is.
That's ok.
We have Mandy.
Who needs Joe? Let's get you inside somewhere warm.
So Carrie Cooke gave this to you, the woman who wrote the book? She was trying to be helpful.
In the name of God, churches have waged war for profit, religions have tortured and killed, false prophets have used faith to mask their own sins and deceit, masks they refuse to remove.
Well, I dare to expose them, and even if I have to rip their flesh in the process, their masks will be removed.
Hypocrites like Kingston Tanner, living in his luxury mansion, will be exposed.
If there is a God, then I am his creation, and I am the truth.
His own son said, "Do not think I came to bring peace on Earth.
I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
" His own son said, "Do not think I came to bring peace on Earth.
" Joe quoting the Bible, that's new.
His family was very religious.
He always had a lot of anger when it came to religion.
He became an atheist.
One more thing we have in common.
I believe in God.
God is hope, and there is always hope.
This coming from the woman that wants to kill her ex-husband.
I'm not a saint, Ryan.
So Joe is waging war on God and religion.
You know, Kingston Tanner's been talking about him a lot in the press.
He could be Joe's next target.
Joe's quoting "Matthew.
" "Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace but a sword," but he omitted the last part-- "I came to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother.
" Does Tanner have children? I'm gonna call Clarke and let him know what's going on.
Or we could just go ourselves.
If this could lead us to Joe, I don't want anyone getting in the way of us putting a bullet in is head.
Kingston Tanner has one son.
He goes to Northfield in Connecticut.
Let's go.
No, no.
I'm not gonna put you in that kind of jeopardy.
Ryan, I'm not a victim.
I'm here.
I'm here to help.
And what about the marshals in the hall? They're not gonna let you out of their sight.
Oh, like you don't know how to slip them.
All right.
Give me 10 minutes to distract them.
I'll text you when you're clear to come down.
Mike told me.
You ok? Yeah, I'm good.
Why'd she show up? Why now? Let's talk about it later.
I think Kingston Tanner's son may be Joe's next target.
The televangelist's son? Yeah.
Where is he? Northfield College.
I need you to go back to the apartment, get me a campus address and any other information you can dig up on this kid, ok? Will do.
Keep an eye on Claire, all right? She's gonna be mad that I left her up there.
What, me? I've never even met her.
Introduce yourself.
She'll like you.
_ Uh, Claire.
I'm Max.
I'm Ryan's niece.
Where's Ryan? He left.
He left? Yeah.
I mean, you know Ryan.
He was never gonna let you go.
He went to the college alone.
He's with Mike.
_ Frat house is just around the corner.
Let's drive around a little, work out escape routes.
Afternoon, officer.
Is there a problem? What business do you have on campus? Oh.
Well, we're, uh-- we're visiting a friend, but I think maybe I wrote down the address wrong.
Perhaps you could, uh-- you could take a look.
Please stay in the car.
I'm sorry.
We're gonna need you to come with us.
Hold it.
I want you to understand about Claire.
You don't have to explain.
I need to.
This happened right after we dug up Debra.
Her face was still in my head, and there was no way I was gonna let Joey or Claire end up that way.
I mean, you were in surgery.
I asked myself what you would want for Claire, and I knew that you would put Claire's safety above everything else, even your own feelings.
I wanted to tell you.
I got it, Mike.
We're good.
What is this? Footage from the surveillance cameras.
Mandy last night.
She left, Joe.
She's gone.
I thought, "Lovely Mandy's coming.
What should we have?" Then I thought, "Chocolate cake.
Mandy's sure to adore chocolate cake.
" Go on.
Have a lick.
Ha ha ha! Hmm? Mm-hmm.
Ha ha ha! I like this house.
Is it yours, too? I have secret homes across the world, Mandy.
Will we go see them? That depends.
On what? I had such dreams for us-- Venezuela, sand, sun, love.
I wanted that, too.
It didn't happen, though, did it? My beautiful family was destroyed, my son brutally beaten and imprisoned, and you-- you left me for Joe.
I'm sorry, Lily.
I truly am.
Everything was so confusing.
I had no choice but to go with him.
So now you've chosen me.
Please understand that this time I need to be certain you won't betray me.
I won't.
I promise.
So tell me where Joe is.
Joe is like a father to me, Lily.
I don't want to be with him, but I can't betray him.
I'm sorry.
Mandy dear, I just want to make things right with Joe.
I do not intend to bring him harm.
Miss Lily, I was born at night but not last night.
I know better.
I want to be a part of your family, and I will do anything you want me to, but we have to consider this issue closed.
Where is he, Mandy? I can't tell you.
And I can't tell you how sad I am to hear that.
Where you going, Mandy? Yeah, Mandy.
Where you going? Everything ok? Yeah.
I'm-- I'm just going a little crazy out here.
How is he? He's been doing well.
I'm glad.
He looks healthy, sober.
Is he going to meetings? He was up until this.
Yeah, he's doing ok.
He had a good year, or, you know, I did with him.
So he's moved on? He's trying.
I'm not here to hurt Ryan.
Last year, when he thought you died, he fell apart.
I hated what I did to him, but I had to do what was best for my son.
And I get that, I do.
Just know that I only want what's best for my uncle.
I understand that.
If you'll excuse me, I was making a phone call.
That's ok.
Thank you.
Hey, Max.
Where are you guys? We're en route to the campus.
What do you got on the Preston kid.
He's your typical legacy kid-- straight Cs, suspended license following his second DUI.
He had a literature class at noon but no more classes today, so where you want to find him is the Alpha Beta Omega fraternity.
Got it.
We're on it.
We're looking for Preston Tanner.
Have you seen him? Have you seen Preston? Uh, no.
His room's upstairs, first on the left.
Thank you.
How long do we wait? Tilda will text us.
We got to move fast, take him by surprise.
You got the masks? Right here.
All right.
And the glue? Once they have Preston, Tilda and I will take over.
We'll do the videotape.
You and Lucas take care of the others.
Don't worry.
It's gonna be all right.
I'm busy.
Where's Preston? Clearly not here.
Mind if we wait for him? Yeah.
You can wait for him downstairs, fatass.
No, honey, don't.
Remember, we're here for a reason.
So fatty here belongs to you? On second thought.
# they've got a child # # who's misunderstood # What are you doing, dude? Aah, aah, aah! No! No! Unh! # you know it ain't no good # # ain't gonna live for tomorrow # # you know you never should # Let's just hang out at my dorm.
Your roommate hates me.
True, but she hates everybody.
Is your roommate home? Yeah, but don't worry.
I'll kick him out.
Maybe we should just study.
This test is tomorrow.
A quickie, and then we study.
You make it sound so dirty.
Ha ha! Hey.
Where is everybody? Aah! Oh! Good job! I don't want to play.
Don't be a party pooper.
It'll be fun.
You ready? Truth or dare? Truth.
Who's your favorite brother? My favorite brother? I know this one.
You're my favorite brother.
See?! How fun was that? Ha ha ha! My turn.
Truth or dare.
Where's Joe Carroll? I already told you I can't.
Truth or dare.
Looks like Mandy chooses dare.
Lily, Lily, they're trying to hurt me! Stop! Lily, they're trying to hurt me! Help! Help! No! Get on your knees.
Please, please.
You don't have to do this.
If this is about my dad, just listen.
Tell the thousands of your dad's deluded worshippers to get on their knees and pray.
Let's see what your God does, this God who scarified his own son.
Lord, help us.
Don't kill me, please! Quiet, you stupid bitch.
No! Don't kill her.
Please, God.
Don't kill her.
Don't kill her! Don't-- Unh! Well, that didn't seem to work, did it, Preston? Clearly God's not listening.
Ohh! Hey.
Someone just pulled up out front.
It's Ryan Hardy.
We have to get get Lucas.
He's with the others.
Hello? Where the hell is everybody? Hey, Ryan.
Ohh! Where is Joe Carroll? Aah! Get down! Everybody get down! Get on the ground now! Get down! Get on the ground! Wait, Mike.
Don't shoot! Some are kids.
The masks have been glued to their faces.
Lucas! Go, go, go, go, go! All right.
Everybody, stay down! Why did she do this to me? Took her out of Arkansas.
I treated her as my own daughter.
Joe, she's been on here.
Huh? Look at the history.
What'd you find? "Baltimore Gazette.
" Classifieds.
Oh, you idiot, treacherous girl.
She's gone to Lily.
Does that woman want to usurp everything that's mine? What do we do? She's going to betray us, Joe.
Are you crazy? You dial that phone, and Lily will trace us.
She'll know where we are.
It's a burner phone.
It's Lily.
Don't tell me she hasn't the means to locate a cell tower.
She'll find us, Joe.
Yeah, yeah.
You're right.
You're absolutely right.
Damn it.
Joe, no! No.
Hello? Hello, Lily.
This is a surprise.
It's nice to hear your voice.
Our last good-bye was a little messy.
It's Joe.
Sweetie, say hello.
Are you all right, Mandy? I didn't tell them.
Honest, I didn't tell them where you are.
You're a silly little girl, Mandy.
What the hell do you think you're doing? They're gonna kill you.
You know that.
Lily, if you hurt her, I will-- Oh, heh.
Too late.
That ship sailed.
I'm truly touched by Mandy's loyalty to you, especially since you abandoned her.
Don't you listen to her, mouse.
I did not abandon you.
No? Then why did she come running to me? Tell you what.
Why don't I give you a chance to prove to dear Mandy how sorry are you are? And how exactly would I do that? Come get her in person.
We have so much catching up to do.
Otherwise, the poor child dies.
Your choice, Joe.
Does Mandy die or not? Please Joe.
I love you, mouse.
I love you, too, Joe.
Poor baby.
They glued on the masks, hoping we'd slaughter all the kids.
It's all part of Carroll's game.
Any word on Preston Tanner? It's looking like they took him.
Where the hell is Ryan? I'll get him.
Where are you? I'm following them.
They've got the preacher's son.
Tell me where you are.
I'll send air support.
I'm going after them alone.
Ryan, the boy could die.
I got to get Joe.
This is my chance.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
It's not about that.
This is about me ending Joe for good for all of us.
Take care of Claire and Max, please.
Ryan, don't-- Ryan! They're on their way back.
Should be here soon.
Lucas didn't make it, but they have the preacher's kid.
Did Carrie Cooke do the broadcast? I can send someone back to deal with her.
It's all my fault.
I obviously didn't convey sufficiently my desire for you and Mandy to get along well.
I tried, Joe.
Not hard enough.
She's dead.
Are you blaming me? She was threatened by our relationship.
She was just trying to find a place where she belonged.
She didn't belong here.
She was never gonna be one of us, Joe.
You should have left her in Arkansas.
She was mine.
This is Carrie Cooke with another shocking Joe Carroll exclusive.
Today I received a second video message delivered by Carroll's followers.
Some viewers may find the content of this footage disturbing.
In the name of God, churches have waged war for profit, religions have tortured and killed False prophets have used faith to mask their own-- Hey.
Ryan left.
To go where? Are you ok? Yeah, I'm fine.
I've had worse.
What happened? Where is Ryan? Joe's people attacked the college, took Preston Tanner.
Ryan's following them to Joe.
What?! Don't worry.
We'll track him.
I traced his phone.
He dumped it.
They found it 3 miles from campus.
I have Carrie Cooke outside asking to see Ryan.
What do I tell her? Carrie broadcast Joe's video.
Mind going to the bedroom, Claire? Ok.
Let her in.
You can come in now, Miss Cooke.
I have to talk to Ryan.
He's not here, Carrie.
I tried calling him.
I'm sorry about Joe's video.
Ryan said he'd call, I got scared, I didn't know what to do.
Where is he? He found a new trail to Joe, went off on his own.
On his own? What do you guys doing about that? You can trust me.
I just want to help Ryan.
Miss Cooke, if you want to help Ryan, help me.
Claire Matthews? Mmm.
Delicious cake.
Boys, what do you say to Mandy? Thank you, Mandy.
Awesomely yummy, Mandy.
A toast.
To Mandy.
Welcome to our family.
To Mandy.
I'm so sorry about Lucas.
Welcome to Korban, Preston.
It's time for you to pay for the sins of your father.

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